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All (1)_______ things must fight to stay alive. They have to feed on something and at the same time avoid being (2)_______. Therefore they have to solve this big problem of staying alive in their own way. The danger of being eaten in the sea is great. Those plants and animals that do survive usually (3)_______ very fast and in great numbers.

(4)_______ sea animals have defensive devices which help them to survive. The jelly fish have (5)_______ tentacles (触角) which are used for attack and defense. Another method of (6)_______ which sea plants and animals use is disguise. They usually have the same (7)_______ as their surroundings.

In order to stay alive, animals need to have good senses. Fishes have sharp eyes. Almost all animals are sensitive to (8)_______. Fishes judge movements in the water by (9)_______ of their lines. Fishes and other sea animals can hear well and many of them can (10)_______ different types of warning sound.

1. A. living B. alive C. lively D. live

2. A. taken B. gotten C. haven D. eaten

3. A. produce B. reproduce C. run D. swim

4. A. Any B. Every C. Certain D. Each

5. A. beautiful B. short C. poisonous D. long

6. A. swimming B. survival C. flight D. growth

7. A. color B. body C. width D. length

8. A. run away B. flee C. touch D. move

9. A. way B. means C. method D. approach

10. A. make B. do C. build D. produce


【新词链接】avoid doing sth. 避免做某事

by means of 用……的方法

make sound / noise 弄出声音


1. A 根据四个单词的区别,“生物”应为living things。

2. D 固定搭配:avoid doing sth.意为“避免做某事”。

3. B 根据上下文意思,此处指动植物“再生”。

4. C 由谓语动词形式可知,certain指“某些”。

5. C 根据下文得知此处指“有毒的”触角。

6. B 指海底动植物生存的另一种方法。

7. A 这些动物有与周围环境相同的颜色,即保护色。

8. C 所有动物对触摸很敏感。

9. B 固定搭配,by means of 意为“用……的方法“。

10. A 固定搭配,make sound / noise意为“弄出声音”。


Getting plenty of exercise is very important. I enjoy swimming very much. Last summer I went to the (1)_______ every day. I plan to go there this summer too, but I may not be able to. I have a new(2)_______, sometimes I have to work until (3)_______ at night. Although I n ow work more hours than I used to, yet I do receive a larger salary. I didn’t receive much pay on my (4)_______ job. I like my new job, but had I know that it would take up so much of my free time, I would not have taken. I prefer (5)_______ to making more money.

I have heard that riding a bike is good exercise. Maybe I will be able to (6)_______ eno ugh money to buy a bike. My neighbor, Ms Wilson, has a bicycle that I could (7)_______, but I would rather own my own bike. If I used hers, I would worry about destroying it. Since I m ake more money now, I think that I can afford to buy my own. Getting a bike is really a good idea, because while I’m riding to and from, I will be getting (8)_______ at the same time. It is easier to get to the seaside on a bike, too. I might be able to go swimming every day after all. This new job is great! I’m very (9)_______. This will be a summer full of (10)__ _____.

1. A. playground B. shore C. seaside D. sea

2. A. office B. job C. love D. interest

3. A. far B. deep C. late D. lately

4. A. favorite B. new C. past D. old

5. A. swimming B. riding C. playing D. working

6. A. save B. keep C. take D. cost

7. A. ride B. renew C. lend D. borrow

8. A. enjoyment B. rest C. exercise D. money

9. A. moved B. excited C. interested D. disappointed

10. A. exercise B. pleasure C. interest D. imagination


【新词链接】 take up 占据(时间、空间)

prefer… to…喜欢……胜过……;宁愿……而不愿……

would rather do sth. 宁愿去做某事

afford to do sth. 有能力去做某事


1. C 根据文章倒数第4句话可知。

2. B 由下文的 I like my new job 可知。

3. C 根据上下文,应该是我工作到深夜。

4. D 和new 相对比。

5. A 根据上下文可知,作者喜欢游泳。

6. A 作者要“节约”钱去买自行车。

7. D 根据句意可知我可以向邻居Ms Wilson “借”自行车。

8. C 在骑自行车中得到“锻炼”。

9. B 由上文可知。

10. A 由文章首句:getting plenty of exercise is very important可以知道。


Friendship is unconditional and uncritical, based only on mutual respect and the ability to enjoy each other’s company. These authority figures never saw the way one of us could do something outrageous, and the rest of us would joke about it for days. We could have fun doing absolutely nothing at all—because the (1)_______ we provided each other with was enough. Rather than discussing operas, Lewinsky, or the weather, we enjoyed just (2)_______ each other without any one of us trying to outsmart the others. Still, I realize that these adults had a(3)_______ to be concerned about the direction my friends were(4)_______; I also was concerned for them, but I wasn’t about to (5)_______ them.

Many times I would advise my friends that some activity may be (6)_______ or to think things through before doing something, but I would never claim to hold the moral high ground and to condescend to them. When Marvin would begin rolling joints, when Alisa would tell me she skipped school because of a hangover, or when Merriam would tell me that her new boyfriend was in a street gang, I expressed my discomfort with their (7)_______. However, I never (8)_______ them with the threat of taking my friendshipaway. Contrary to the commercials on television, you can have (9)______ who use drugs. In fact, probably everyone does without (10)______ it.

1. A. gift B. present C. company D. friendship

2. A. hanging around B. learning from

C. communicating with

D. joining in

3. A. prejudice B. point C. suggestion D. situation

4. A. giving B. coming C. heading D. facing

5. A. ignore B. upset C. blame D. leave

6. A. crazy B. dangerous C. boring D. important

7. A. action B. lessons C. words D. thoughts

8. A. force B. threaten C. persuade D. cheat

9. A. friends B. girlfriends C. classmates D. brothers

10. A. hearing B. recognizing C. realizing D. knowing


【新词链接】base on 在……的基础上

provided sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物

be concerned about 关心

hang around 闲荡


1. C 由首句可知,只要我们在一起(company) 就已经足够了

2. A 由上下文可知,大家只是享受那份闲来荡去(hang around)的惬意。

3. B 由其后作定语的不定式短语可知。

4. C 因direction 后是定语从句,所以要填表示“朝着某个方向行进”的heading。

5. D 从下文可看出,不管朋友有什么样的表现,我都不会和他们绝交(leave them)。

6. B 由前文的“提醒(advise)”和后文“三思而后行”可知,有些活动是“危险”的。

7. A 指上文列举的“吸大麻”、“逃学”、“交街上小混混做男友”等之类的不良“行为”。

8. B 由语境可知,是用绝交来“威胁”他们。

9. A 指任何人都有可能有不良行为的“朋友”。

10. C 由前句可知本句意为每个人都有这类朋友,只是没“意识到”而已.


专四真题参考答案:完型填空部分“Congratulations, Mr. Jones, it’s a girl.” Fatherhood is going to have a different meaning and bring forth a different response from every man who hears these words. Some feel proud when they receive the news, while others worry, wondering whether they will be good father. Although there are some men who like children and may have had considerable experience with them, others do not particularly care for children and spend little time with them. Many fathers and mothers have been planning and looking forward to children for some time. For other couples, pregnancy was an accident that both husband and wife have accepted willingly or unwillingly. Whatever the reaction to the birth of a child, it is obvious that the shift from the role of husband to that of father is a difficult task. Yet, unfortunately, few attempts have been made to educate fathers in this resocialization process. Although numerous books have been written about American mothers, only recently has literature focused on the role of a father. It is argued by some writers that the transition to the father’s role, although difficult, is not nearly as great as the transition the wife must make to the mother’s role. The mother’s role seems to require a co mplete transformation in daily routine and highly innovative adaptation, however, the father’s role is less demanding and immediate.


During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I41 the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn’t want to42 a few dollars? More than that, I’d always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I weren’t43 enough about free credits, news about our 44 was appealing enough to me. He was an international grand master, which 45 I would be learning from one of the game’s46 I could hardly wait to 47 him. Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this 48 was no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it 49 that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to 50 the class among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to 51 what we would learn in class to our future professions and 52 .to our lives. I managed to get an A in that 53 and leaned life lessons that have served me well beyond the 54 . Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I' m still putting to use what he 55 me:“the absolute most important 56 that you learn when you play chess is how to make good 57 . On every single move you have to 58 a situation, process what your opponent (对手) is doing and 59 the best move from among all your options.” These words still ring true today in my60 as a journalist. 41. A put forward B jumped at C tried out D turned down 42. A waste B earn C save D pay 43. A excited B worried C moved D tired 44. A title B competitor C textbook D instructor 45. A urged B demanded C held D meant 46. A fastest B easiest C best D rarest 47. A interview B meet C challenge D beat 48. A chance B qualification C honor D job 49. A real B perfect C clear D possible 50. A attend B pass C skip D observe 51. A add B expose C apply D compare 52. A eventually B naturally C directly D normally 53. A game B presentation C course D experiment 54. A criterion B classroom C department D situation 55. A taught B wrote C questioned D promised 56. A fact B step C manner D skill 57. A grades B decisions C impressions D comments 58. A analyze B describe C rebuild D control 59. A announce B signal C block D evaluate 60. A role B desire C concern D behavior


初三英语完型填空试题大全 以下是为大家整理的关于初三英语完型填空试题大全的文章,供大家学习参考! 【2012天津】三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。People all over the world celebrate the new year. However, not all countries celebrate in the same way, and in some countries, the new year doesn’t begin on the 46 date very year. In many countries, the new year begins on 1st January, but people start celebrating on 31st December, New Year’s Eve. In New York many people go to celebrate in Times Square. 47 they’re waiting for the New Year, they listen to music, sing traditional songs and have fun. Just before 12 o’clock, everyone 48 down from 10: 10, 9, 8…As soon as it’s 12 o’clock, everyone shouts very 49 , “Happy New Year!” New Year’s Day is often a family day. Some families get together for a special meal. When the weather is fine, many families go out for a 50 . On New Year’s Day, many people make resolutions for the new year. They 51 a list of things, such as “I will help out more with housework. I will work 52 at school than others.” or “I won’t spend so much time playing video games.” When they have made 53 list, they read it to their family or friends and promise to 54 their resolutions. So it doesn’t matter how they celebrate, 55 people in countries all over the world, it’s a time to say goodbye to the old year, and to welcome the new. 46. A. familiar B. same C. important D. normal 47. A. If B. Even though C. While D. Before 48. A. comes B. turn C. looks D. counts 49. A. loudly B. quietly C. sadly D. safely 50. A. walk B. secret C. job D. treatment 51. A. put on B. write down C. take away D. look after 52. A. quickly B. hard C. harder D. hardly 53. A. its B. his C. her D. their 54. A. follow B. make C. do D. give 55. A. by B. for C. with D. from 【答案】46. B解析:根据句意“新年不是在每年的同一天开始”。 47. C解析:while引导时间状语从句。 48. D解析:根据句意“大家倒数数”。 49. A解析:根据句意“大家都大声喊”。


2021考研英语完型填空练习题及解析 There is growing interest in East Japan Railway Co. ltd,one of the six companies,created out of the privatized nationa__l__ railway system. In an industry lacking exciting growth1,its plan to use real-estate assets in and around train stations__2__is drawing interest. In a plan called“Station Renaissance”that it__3__in November,JR East said that it would__4__using its commercial spaces for shops and restaurants,extending them to__5__more suitable for the information age. It wants train stations as pick-up__6__for such goods as books,flowers and groceries__7__over the Internet. In a country where city__8__depend heavily on trains__9__commuting,about 16 million people a day go to its train stations anyway,the company __10__. So,picking up commodities at train stations__11__consumers extra travel and missed home deliveries. JR East already has been using its station__12__stores for this purpose,but it plans to create__13__spaces for the delivery of Internet goods.


While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this 41 process and found something that has changed my 42 at college for the better: I discovered ASL-American Sign Language(美式手语). I never felt an urge to 43 any sign language before. My entire family is hearing, and so are all my friends. The 44 languages were enough in all my interactions(交往).Little did I know that I would discover my 45 for ASL. The 46 began during my first week at college. I watched as the ASL Club 47 their translation of a song. Both the hand movements and the very 48 of communicating without speaking 49 me. What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the 50 .This newness just left me 51 more. After that, feeling the need to 52 further, I decided to drop in on one of ASL club`s meetings. I only learned how to 53 the alphabet that day. Yet instead of being discouraged by my 54 progress, I was excited. I then made it a point to 55 those meetings and learn all I could. The following term, I 56 an ASL class. The professor was deaf and any talking was 57 . I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant. 58 , if there had been any talking, it would have 59 us to learn less. Now, I appreciate the silence and the 60 way of communication it opens. 41. A. searching B. planning C. natural D. formal 42. A. progress B. experience C. major D. opinion 43. A. choose B. read C. learn D. create 44. A. official B. foreign C. body D. spoken 45. A. love B. concern C. goal D. request 46. A. meeting B. trip C. story D. task 47. A. recorded B. performed C. recited D. discussed 48. A. idea B. amount C. dream D. reason 49. A. disturbed B. supported C. embarrassed D. attracted 50. A. end B. past C. course D. distance 51. A. showing B. acting C. saying D. wanting 52. A. exercise B. explore C. express D. explain 53. A. print B. write C. sign D. count 54. A. slow B. steady C. normal D. obvious 55. A. chair B. sponsor C. attend D. organize 56. A. missed B. passed C. gave up D. registered for 57. A. prohibited B. welcomed C. ignored D. repeated 58.A. Lastly B. Thus C. Instead D. However 59.A.required B. caused C. allowed D. expected 60.A.easy B. popular C. quick D. new


完形填空练习 【考点分析】主要考查语法知识、单词拼写能力和逻辑推理能力等,对基础相对薄弱的学生,尤其是英语语法基础相对薄弱的学生有一定的难度。 【复习策略】掌握句子的基本结构 首先,我们必须熟练掌握简单句的基本句型结构: (1)主语+谓语(+宾语+宾补) (2)主语+系动词+表语 其次,我们要充分了解充当各个句子成分的典型词类: (1)充当主语或宾语的典型词类是名词或代词。此外,还有动名词、不定式短语等。 (2)充当谓语的一定是动词。 (3)充当补语或表语的典型词类是形容词。 (4)在名词前作定语的典型词类是形容词或形容词性物主代词。 (5)作状语的典型词类是副词。 再次,我们还要掌握句子的扩展结构:两个或几个简单句之间若不用句号或分号,就必须要用连词,否则,句子的结构就不完整。连词主要有以下四类: (1)用and,but,or,while(而,却),when(就在这个时候)等构成并列句。用if,unless,before,after,until,although,though,as,since,because,so,so that 等构成含状语从句的复合句(这里要注意区分一下复杂句和复合句,复合句是包含在复杂句这个概念里面的,在下文的基础写作部分有提到)。 (3)用who,which,that,when,where,why等构成含定语从句的复合句。(这里要提醒考生的是往往不给任何提示的空就是填连词或关系词的,但也须结合句子

结构来分析。) (4)用that,if/whether(是否),wh-等构成含名词性从句的复合句。 【解题方法】用句子结构分析法巧解语法填空.分析句子的结构对解答语法填空题很有帮助。在解答语法填空题时,分析句子结构可以迅速确定所要填的词语的词类或大致方向,若再结合语境就可以很快得出具体的词语或词形,结合语境方面要特别注意短文的时态和上下文中的一些提示。 【经典例题】阅读下面短文,根据上下文填入适当的词语,或使用括号中的词语的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡上标号的相应位置。 The Internet has become part of young people’s life. ____1____ report shows that 38% of students often use the Internet . Most of them get _____2____ (use) information on the Internet ____3____ use the Internet to help in their studies. But many students don’t use it _____4____ a good way. Some play games too much, some visit websites ____5____ shouldn’t look at. So bad things may happen ____6___ students spen d too much time on the Internet. _____7____ is important for students to use the Internet properly. Now we have a textbook, _____8____ uses many examples to teach students some good ways to use the Internet. It gives useful advice. Some students also make ____9____ on the Internet. But if you want


初中英语完型填空说题 邵武八中严芳 一.真题再现 三、完形填空(共1小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 36.Jadav Payeng is a forestry worker from Jorhat,India.Over the past 38 years,he has planted trees on a sandbar (沙洲)of the Brahmaputra River and has(36)it into a forest. One day in 1979,16﹣year﹣old Payeng was walking(37)the bank of the Brahmaputra River.He saw many snakes on the sandbars.These snakes died in a few days'time(38 )the heat and the absence of trees.Payeng felt very(39 )when he saw this.He decided to plant some trees.Single﹣handedly,he started planting bamboo trees,as only bamboo trees could survive (存活)in the sandbars. To water the trees was a difficult(40)for one man.With his hard work and great effort,day by day the(41)bamboo trees grew into a forest.His tree planting has changed the soil (土壤).Now the sandbar is a thick forest and(42)to thousands of plants and animals.A large group of around 100elephants visit the forest every year and(43)there for a few months. Payeng is now in(44)fifties.He has planted close to 1,400acres (英亩)of forests and is(45)as the Forest Man of India.In 2015,he was honored with Padma Shri,one of the top awards in India.


全国高考英语完型填空真题汇编含答案 Document serial number【LGGKGB-LGG98YT-LGGT8CB-LGUT-

2018新课标Ⅰ卷 During my second year at the city college, I was told that the education department was offering a “free” course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits. I 41 the idea of taking the class because, after all, who doesn’t want to 42 a few dollars More than that, I’d always wanted to learn chess. And, even if I weren’t 43 enough about free credits, news about our 44 was appealing enough to me. He was an international grand master, which 45 I would be learning from one of the game’s 46 I could hardly wait to 47 him. Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this 48 was no game for him; he meant business. In his introduction, he made it 49 that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to 50 the class among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to 51 what we would learn in class to our future professions and 52 .to our lives. I managed to get an A in that 53 and leaned life lessons that have served me well beyond the 54 . Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I' m still putting to use what he 55 me:“the absolute most important 56 that you learn when you play chess is how to make good 57 . On every single move you have to 58 a situation, process what your opponent (对手) is doing and 59 the best move from among all your options.” These words still ring true today in my 60 as a journalist. 41. A put forward B jumped at C tried out D turned down 42. A waste B earn C save D pay 43. A excited B worried C moved D tired 44. A title B competitor C textbook D instructor 45. A urged B demanded C held D meant 46. A fastest B easiest C best D rarest 47. A interview B meet C challenge D beat 48. A chance B qualification C honor D job


完型填空题: Have you ever seen the advertisement: Learn a foreign language in six weeks, [ give your money back? Of course, it 2 happens quite like that. The only language 3 to learn is the mother language. And think 4 practice is needed for that. Before the Second World War people usually learned a foreign language 5 the literature(文学)of the country. Now most people want to 6 a foreign language. Every year millions of people start learning 7 . How do they do it? Some people try at home 8 books and tapes, others go to evening classes or watch TV programs. 9 they use the language only 2 or 3 times a week, learning it will 10 a long time, like language learning at school. A few people try to learn a language fast by studying for 6 or 11 hours a day. Ifs much easier to learn the language in the country where it 12 . But most people are 13 to do this, and many people don't have to do so. Machines and good books will be very 14 , but they can not do the students1 work. 15 the language is learned quickly or slowly, it is hard work.. 1. A. so B. or C. and D. but 2. A. can z t B. impossible C. never D. often 3. A. easily B. difficult C. able D. easy 4. A. how much B. how long C. how fast D. how many 5. A. studied B. to study C. studying D. study 6. A. talk B. tell C.speak D. say 7. A. them B. this C. that D. it 8. A. without B. with C. in D. by 9. A. If B. When C. Since D. Until 10. A. spend B. use C. take D. cost 11. A. some B. more C. other D. less 12. A. speaks B. is speaking C. spoke D. is spoken 13. A. able B. possible C. unable D. not possible 14. A. careful B. forgetful C. wonderful D. helpful 15. A. either B. whether C. what D. how 2 One will feel happy when others flatter(奉承)him in his face. It is said that the best way of flattering someone is to give him a "top hat" 1 - A student was going to leave the capital to become 2 official(官员)in a city far away. Before he started, he came to say 3 to his teacher. “It is 4 job to be a good official/5his teacher said. “ you must be strict 5 yourself and never be careless.M “Don't worry about me, sir.” The student answered. u l have already 6 one hundred top hats, which will 7 those people quite happy.” “But we are really gentlemen! 8 could a real gentleman do such a thing” his teacher was a bit 9_?"Never forget 10 I taught you in class!” “11 are always right, sir I also hate such things. But, sir, 12 no one really gentleman like you can be seen in the world now." said the student. It seemed that he had to do so. After hearing this , the teacher was 13 ."What you said is true!" u l have 14 one top hat already. Now I have ninety-nine 15 the student said to his friend


2009-2018十年全国卷分类汇编之完型填空【2018·全国I】 During my second year at the city college,I was told that the education department was offering a "free"course, called Thinking Chess, for three credits.I___41___the idea of taking the class because ,after all ,who doesn't want to___42___a few dollars?More than that, I'd always wanted to learn chess. And,even if I weren’t___43___enough about free credits,news about our___44___was appealing enough to me. He was an international grand master, which___45___I would be learning from one of the game's___46___.I could hardly wait to___47___him. Maurice Ashley was kind and smart, a former graduate returning to teach, and this___48___was no game for him: he meant business. In his introduction, he made it___49 ___that our credits would be hard-earned. In order to___50___the class ,among other criteria, we had to write a paper on how we plan to___51___what we would learn in class to our future professions and,___52___,to our lives. I managed to get an A in that___53___and learned life lessons that have served me well beyond the___54___. Ten years after my chess class with Ashley, I'm still putting to use what he _55_ me:“The absolute most important _56 _ that you learn when you play chess is how to make good _57_.On every single move you have to _58_ a situation ,process what your opponent(对手)is doing and _59_ the best move from among all your options.”These words still ring true today in my _ 60_ as a journalist . 41. A. put forward B. jumped at C. tried out D. turned down 42. A. waste B. earn C. save D. pay 43. A. excited B. worried C. moved D. tired 44. A. title B. competitor C. textbook D. instructor 45. A. urged B. demanded C. held D. meant 46. A. fastest B. easiest C. best D. rarest 47. A. interview B. meet C. challenge D. beat 48. A. chance B. qualification C. honor D. job 49. A. real B. perfect C. clear D. possible 50. A. attend B. pass C. skip D. observe 51. A. add B. expose C. apply D. compare 52. A. eventually B. naturally C. directly D. normally 53. A. game B. presentation C. course D. experiment 54. A. criterion B. classroom C. department D. situation 55. A. taught B. wrote C. questioned D. promised 56. A. fact B. step C. manner D. skill 57. A. grades B. decisions C. impressions D. comments 58. A. analyze B. describe C. rebuild D. control 59. A. announceB. signal C. block D. evaluate 60. A. role B. desire C. concern D. behavior

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