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非谓语动词综合练习一 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-


1.Could y ou te ll m e the w ay y ou'v e thoug ht of ___

A. to do it

B. doing it

C. do it

D. has to do it

2.I'l l do w hateve r I ca n ___ m y Eng lis h.

im pr ove C .im proveing im pr oving

3.The Ja pa ne se took the is la nd from the Britis h ,only ___ the A m erica ns tw o y ears late r.

A .to lose it to B. lost by C. to lose by be los t by

4.She s poke too quitely____.

m e to he ar her m e to hear her m e tobe hea r d m e to be hea rd

is ca rele ss ___ the sam e m istakes in y our c om position.

y ou to m ake y ou m aking y ou to m ake y ou m aking

'v e de cide d to do w ha t I like___. A./ do

pare nts e nc ourage d m e to be a doc tor ,but I didn't ____. A. w ant to C./

8. ---Do y ou w ork in the la b every af ternoon ---N o,but s om etim es,I w is h I___.

tim e to tim e to do C .have tim e to D .have tim e

hate d ___ f un ___the blacksm ith .

A. be ing m ade;of be m ade; of by m ake ;of by D .m aking ; to

's a g reat honour ___ prese nt at this m eeting.

us to be us to us to be our be ing

'm hungry .G et m e s om ething ____.

eat eating

s om e pe ople ,popula r m us ic is ___, beca use it is not to their tas te.

A. pleasa nt to hea r to be hear d to hea r to be hear d

'd rathe r stay here tha n _____ w ith y ou.

A. w ent g o

tha n ___on a crow de d bus ,he a lw ay s prefers ____ a bicy cle.

A .r ide ; ride ;ride ;to ride ride ;riding

'd rathe r he __ tom orrow af te r noon.

A .w ill c om e

boy w ould ra ther __ the sm all one tha n the big one .

B. to take

alw ay s know s ___ in touc h w ith m e .

ge t B. getting getting to get

ca n't im agine ___ fis hing by herself.

A. g oing to go g oing

y ou g ot use d ___ here

living live living

of them objec te d ____ in s uc h a hurry.


w ill he lp a lot.

c om ing c om e c om ing c om ing

did the tea cher___ the a rtic le

w r itte n w r ite w ritte n w rite

y ou f eel like __ a w alk w ith m e after s upper


w rote m e a letter ,___ m e his trouble and he as ked m e f or a dvice.

te ll

looke d at his book w ith a ___ ex pres sion; per ha ps he m et w ith a_____ problem.

; puzzled ; puzzling ; puz zle d ; puzzling

little girl w as __ at the ___dog.

; f rig hte ne d ; f rig hte ning ; fr ig hte ne d ; f rightening

pr oblem ___ tom orr ow is very serious .

A. being disc us sed be disc usse d D .w ill be disc usse d

y ou a ny thing ___the re

---N o,I'l l g o the re y ou jus t the sam e.

be take n take taken be take n

,D octor Sm ith sm ile d w ith g reat sa tisf action.

opera tion being over opera tion having done the opera tion e nd the ope ration

tw ice,he w as cure d at la st.

bee n opera te d on on D. Being

opera te d



1.①G et Jack __(w as h) his ow n clothes!

②I w onder if he c ould ge t this ride o__(w ork).

2.①Yes ter day he ha d one of his legs __(break).

②--I'd like to have my radio __(re pa ir) this afternoon. --W ho a re y ou going to have __(re pa ir) it --Li Ping's fathe r.

3.①I ca n't he lp __(think) that w e'r e m ade a big m istake.

②I can't he lp but __(think) that w e'r e m ade a big m istake.

③I'm sorry,but I ca n't help __(do) the job,f or I'm too busy.

4.①I'm c onside ring __ (go) a broa d nex t w eek.

②I'm cons ider ing how __(g o) a broa d next w eek.

③I'm c ons ider it a grea t honour __(invite) to the party.

5.①J ohn neve r does a ny w ashing,a nd his m other ofte n asks in him if he has s om e c lothes __(w ash).

②J ohn's m other has s om ething __(w ash)eve ry day.

doe s n't e njoy __(la ug h) a t a ny body else w hile he him self does n't e njoy __(laoug h) a t ,e ithe r.

7.①Whe n y ou s peak Eng lish,y ou m ust try to m ake y ourse lf__(under sta nd).This ,y ou m ust m ake othe rs __(unders ta nd)y ou.

②The f unny-looking m an ofte n m ake others __(la ug h) while he him self ca n hardly be m ade __(laug h).

8.①Som ething m us t be done to prevent river f rom __(pollute).

②We m ust preve nt them from __(pollute) the r iver.

9.①Tell m e a bout the hos ptia l __(build) nex t y ear.

②The hos pita l __(build) in 1980 is m uc h sm alle r tha n the one __(build)now.

10.①A f ter a w hile,w e got dow n to __(do) our hom ew ork.

②A f ter a w hile,w e g ot __(k now) that w e w er e w rong.

y ou like __(g o) to Be ijing for the w eekend --I f eel like __(go) to Dalia n ins tea d.

bedr oom nee ds __(c lea n),but y ou don't nee d __(c lea n)it now.

13.①I use d to __(go) to the cinem a once a w e ek,but now I se ldon g o 'v e g ot use d to __(w atc h) T V a t hom e instea d.

②C oal is of te n use d to __(pr oduc e)e lectic ity.

14.①They never allow __(sm oke)in the of fic e.

②THey allow nobody __(sm oke) in the off ice. ③N obody is a llow e d __(sm oke) in the office.

is s till a __(develop) c ountry w hile the U nite d Sta tes is a __(deve lop) one.

16.①Y ou c an't g o on __(drink) s o m uc h--y ou'r e not doing y ourself any g ood.

②The old m an rea d a poem,then w ent on __(te ll) a s tory.

17.①He ha d on c hoice but __(take) a taxi to the sta tion.

②He ha d nothing to do but __(take) a tax i to the sta tion.

18.①Let's stop __(have) a rese.

②You'd better s top __(sm ok d) as s oon as pos sible. ③He r pa re nts tried to s top he r __(see) the y oung m an ,w ho s he f alle n in love w ith.

19.①He trie d __(re ad),but he w as too tire d to .

②He tried __(rea d),but tha t c ould not m ake him forget his tr ouble.

20.①Sorry,but I didn't m ean __(hurt) y ou.

②His s ile nce m eant __(allow)us to w atc h the f ootball m atc h.

21.①I do regre t __(te ll) that y ou faile d in pa ssing the exam.

②I regre t __(te ll) y ou tha t y ou f aile d in pass ing the exam.

22.①Sorry,I f org ot __(tur n) of f the lig ht befor e leav ing.

②I'v e a lrea dy f orgot __(take) to Beijing w he n y oung.



y ou ple ase te ll m e next

to do to do do I do I s hould do

girl w asn't to lift that bookca se.

s tr ong s tr ong e noug h s trong

a tim e his g ra ndm other found acce pt his new idea.

ha rd har d to is ha r d to

s he ha s neve r bee n the re bef ore,I'l l have som e one he r the w ay.


drive s low ly. T he r oa ds are w et.

rather ra ther be tte r be tte r

ca n m ake the br ave s oldie r his c ountry.

aga inst tur n aga inst turn to to

the old day s it w as diff icult f or the poor a job.

f ind look f or

lea rning a f ore ign la nguage, try our bes t the s pir it of it.

hold of m aster

w as f oolis h his car unlocke d.

him to leave him to leave him le ave to leave

the new spa per w hen y ou have f inis he d it.

back back put back put back

s poke s o loudly as to in f ront of his s oldiers.

he ard lis te ne d to

a nd radio to k now w hat is g oing on a ll over the w orld.

A. m ade it poss ible of us

B. m ade us possible

C. have m ade it possible f or us

D. m ade it be poss ible f or us

have e njoy ed m y visit here. I'l l be ve ry sorry .

leaving leave leav ing have lef t

don't see how I c ould poss ible m anage the w ork w ithout .

finish; he lping finis h;be ing he lped ;helping;be ing he lpe d

all think it m ost f oolis h this m istake.

y ou m aking y ou to m ake to m ake y ou to m ake

of air pollution be ing g reatly re duce d,this c ity is s till .

g ood place w hic h to be live d in g ood plac e to live

g ood place to live in g ood pla ce to live f or

17.—Y ou w ere los t on y our w ay to the lake, w eren't y ou

—Yes, w e w ere and ha d to stop the w ay.

a sk be aske d

felt it a g reat s ham e s o severe ly in the prese nce of her boy


c ritic ize have c ritic ize

d b

e cr iticiz ed have bee n cr iticiz ed

a dver tisem ents are try ing pe ople to buy things they don't rea lly

nee d.

pers ua ding pe rs ua de

y ou w ere m uc h y ounge r, I w ould a rra nge as the ge neral m anage r,

for a ll y our c olleag ues s peak hig hly of y our w ork.

y ou to w ork y ou to w ork y ou w ork w ork

our w ay back hom e, w e lunc h bec ause w e f elt hungry.

to have to have having to have

did nothing but my lessons las t Sunday.

over g o over over on

'd pref er hom e rather tha n a w alk.

s tay; to take ; to take stay; take ; take

w as s o f ollish his c ar unlocke d.

leave leave to leave him to leave

flat nee ds. D o y ou w ant m e it f or you

c lea n; to do ; doing ; to do be c lea ne d; doing

the sc ie ntist sa id g reatly encourage d us the ex pe rim ent aga in,

but his se cre tary's w ords dis courage d us the expe rim ent any m ore.

try; to do try; f rom doing try ing; fr om doing ; to do

27.w ate r bef ore breakf ast seem ed to them a r ule neve r . ge t; breaks ge t; to break ; break s ; to break

patie nt w as w ar ne d oily f ood af ter opera tion.

ea t not not to ea t ea ting

29."D o y ou have a ny clothes today, Sir" aske d the m aid politely.

be w ashe d w ash be w ashing

. G ree n has neve r sm oked a ny m ore since his w if e him.

; to give it up ; to give up it ; to give it up ; to give it up


are s till a lot of dif f iculties w e have to overc om e.

the m achine s leave the factory, there is a se rie s of tests that m ust be passe d.

the e nd of the spe ec h he ex pres sed the des ire tha t he s hould c om e and w ork in C hina s om eday.

sig ne d a n ag reem ent that they s hould ex pa nd the tra de be tw een the tw o c ountrie s.

c om m ander gave orde rs tha t w e shoul

d c ross th

e river.


w as excite d w he n s he heard the new s.

'm glad I have se en y our m othe r.

m other w as pleased w he n she saw he r s on doing s o w ell at sc hool.

4. He w as ve ry ha ppy w hen he saw us s o ha ppy.

5.They w ill be disa ppointed w he n they hear it.

Ⅰ.单项选择 (45%)

one e njoy s a t.

la ugh la ug he d be la ug he d

m ust do som ething to preve nt y our house.

be br oke n in being broke n in break in break ing in

ins is te d on a nother c hance to try.

g iven be g ive n

4.—Whe re is m y pass por t I rem em ber it here.

—Y ou shouldn't have lef t it here. Rem em ber it w ith y ou a ll the tim e.

put;to take;tak ing;to take put;tak ing

room ne eds , s o he m ust have it .

; pa inte d; pa inting; pa inting; pa inte d

finis hing his hom ew ork he w ent on a le tte r to his pare nts.

w rite

y oung trees w e pla nted last w eek r equire w ith g reat ca re.

af te r look afte r be looke d af te r g ood ca re of

Eng lis h does n't m ean the la ng uage.

lear n;to lea rn ;lea rning a bout;lear n a bout;lear ning

re tur ne d hom e only to find the door ope n a nd som ething.

be m issing be m issed

decide d to dev ote herse lf the pr oblem of old age.

s tudy s tudy ing

the new spa pe r w he n y ou have f inis he d it.

back back put back put ba ck

s he is look ing f orw ard to from m e, please rem em ber this le tter on y our w ay to sc hool. ;post;to post heard;pos ting he aring;to posting

said tha t s he ha d a lot of tr ouble y our ha ndw riting.

read see seeing

stories a nd artic les w hat I e njoy m ost.

a pprec iate us to the ba ll.

to inv ite invite inviting inv ite d

y ou m ind quie t f or a m om ent I'm try ing a form.

;f illing out kee p;to fill out ;to f ill out keep;f illing out

w as af raid for be ing late.

see ing being see n be see n have seen

'd like to s ugges t the m eeting till nex t w eek.

put of f of f off be put off

don't see how I c ould poss ibly m anage the w ork w ithout . ;helping finish;being helpe d ;he lping ;be ing helpe d

w or th is w orthy of w ell.

;being done;doing be done;to be done be done;be ing done

a dvise d them to take a rest, but they ins iste d the w ork.

finis h finis hing f inishing

delay ed y our le tte r be cause I ha d be en aw ay f or a w eek.

pos t

thief drove as f as t a s he c ould to esca pe by the police.

be ca ught c aug ht ca ught

sear che d f or m y w allet and it w asn't there. A t firs t, I thoug ht I it

at hom e. T he n I rem em bere d it out to pay f or the tax i.

have lef t;to take leave;tak ing leave; to take have lef t;tak ing

25.the new s of his father's death, he bur st into tear s.

hear ing hea ring hea ring hea r ed

26.his m othe r, the ba by could not help .

see;to la ug h; to la ugh;la ughing see;la ug hing

's no use s o m uch m oney on c lothes.

s pe nt

se nte nce nee ds

im pr ovem ent

he s ucc ee de d a job, his c hildre n w ouldn't be s uf f ering f r om hunger


find look for f inding looking f or

still rem em ber to m y hom e tow n w he n I w as y oung.

take n take


y ou im agine y ourself in a lone ly is land (stay)

ca n't unde rs ta nd y our at that poor c hild.(la ug h)

didn't m ind overtim e.(w ork)

m ake a liv ing, he tr ie d , , and va rious othe r things, but he ha d f aile d in a ll .(w rite; paint) are look ing f orw ard to Mary's . (c om e)

w as pra ise d f or the lif e of the c hild.(save)

oug ht to be pra ise d ins tea d of . (criticize).

the re a ny possibility of our the c ham pions hip(w in)

cam e to the party w ithout . (inv ite)



2.今天去没有用, 他不会在家.




6.他走进来了, 没有被看见.


1.the house on fire, he dia le d 119. [ ]

see see n se en

fell dow n a nd broke three of m y teeth. I w onder how m any tim es I have to

com e here a nd ge t m y false teeth. [ ]


'r e to liste n to her voice. It's to hea r her sing.

A.please d; ple asing; pleas ure; ple asa nt; a pleas ure

B.; please d; a pleas ure; ple asa nt; pleas ure

4. a post off ice, I stopped s om e s tam ps. [ ]

, buy ing , to buy passe d, buy, to buy

5.w ith the size of the w hole earth, the highest m ounta in does not seem

hig h at a ll.

com pare c om pare d

are s om e new com puter pr ogram s f or hom e buildings. [ ]

des ig n

7. a little m oney, Jimmy w as able to buy his m other a love ly new lam p.

save save d

teac he r cam e into the c lass room by his s tude nts.[ ]

be f ollow ing follow ed.

the m oney, he c ouldn't buy any ticke t.[ ]

lose los t

w as s o m uc h nois e in the r oom that the s peak er c ouldn't m ake him self

hear d

res ult of the test w as rathe r . [ ]

disappointe d

'v e neve r he ar d the w or d in s poke n Eng lis h.[ ]

13.how to do the hom ew ork, I w ent to ask m y teache r f or help. [ ]

to k now k now ing not know n

, I tha nke d he r again a nd again.[ ]

m oving be m ove d

w inter on, it's tim e to buy w arm clothes. [ ]

16.the off ice, the f ore ig n visitors w ere s how n r ound the teac hing building.

s how n s how n bee n s how n

w ent f r om door to door, w aste pa per s a nd m agazines. [ ]

gathe red

stude nt c orrec te d his paper carefally, the prof ess or's s uggestions. [ ]

f ollow ed

price w ill save y ou one dollar f or eac h doze n. [ ]

in the city do not k now the plea sure of c ountry life.[ ]


fore ig ner trie d his bes t, but he still c ouldn't m ake his point . [ ]

unders ta nd

scientists w ere w aiting to see the problem. [ ]


libra ry's study room is f ull of s tude nts for the exam. [ ]

pre pa re d pre par ing pre pare busily pre paring

gr ound is w ith leaves. [ ]

, f alling , falling, falle n , f alle n

e asily w ere s oon

f or

g otte n.[ ]

lear n

w alle t ve ral day s ago w as f ound in the dus tbin outs idethe building.

, hidden, hiding, hidde n , hiding

pers on a f oreig n la ng uage m ust be a ble to use the f oreig n la ng uage a ll a bout his ow n.

lear n, to f orge t, to f orget lea rn, f orge tting, f orge tting

28.diff erent k inds of pianos, the w orke rs far ther im proved their qua lity.

pr oduce produce d produc ed

stude nts in the university are a ll taking c ourses a deg ree.

to to to to

thing s im possible in the past ar e ve ry com m on today.[ ]

c onside re d

31.m any tim es, he still c ouldn't unders ta nd. [ ]

bee n told told hav ing bee n told

old sick lady e ntere d the hos pital, he r tw o sons. [ ]

s upport by suppor te d

is one of the la rgest c ountries in the w orld, m illion s quare (平方)kilom etres

c over

34."We m ust kee p a sec ret of the things he re", the ge nera l said,at the m an in c harge of the im f orm ation off ice

A.disc usse d, s tar ed se rious ly disc us se d, se riously staring

B. be disc us se d, se rious ly stare d, s tare d

vis iting Minis ter ex pres se d his satisfaction w ith the ta lks,that he ha d e njoy ed his s tay here.

a dde d a dd

36."Can y ou rea d" Mary sa id to the notice. [ ]

pointing point a ngrily pointe d a ngrily pointing

37.the c om position, J ohn hande d it to the te ac her a nd w ent out of the


w ritte n w ritte n

y ou w he n y ou saw tha t w ild a nim al [ ]

w ith num ber s, the books ca n be ea sily f ound. [ ]

m ark

c hil

d sa t in th

e de ntis t's c ha ir.[ ]

trem ble d

this m om ent the bell ra ng the e nd of c lass.[ ]

a nnounce

w alked dow n the hills, s oftly to him self.[ ]

s ing

had to s hout to m ake m y self a bove the noise. [ ]

hea r

gra duating stude nts a re busy m ater ial for their re ports. [ ]

c ollec t

cars in B eijing are as good as those in Sha nghai.

, pr oduce , produce d, pr oducing , produc ing

I cam e in, I saw Dr. Li a pa tie nt. [ ]

exam ine

47. a sa tisfactory opera tion, the patie nt re cove re d fr om illne ss ve ry quickly.

bee n give n g ive n

give n

48a satisf actory opera tion, the doc tor be lieved the pa tie nt w ould rec over fr om his illnes s ve ry soon.

bee n give n g iven g ive n

w rote a letter to m e that his trip to Ja pa n ha d bee n put of f

beca use of the ba d w eathe r.

im f orm ed

rea ds new spa pe rs every day to kee p him self a bout w ha t's g oing on in the w or ld. inform ed Ⅱ.用适当的非谓语动词形式填空(25%)

ca ught the s tude nt (c heat) in exam s.

I got the re, I f ound him(repa ir) f arm tools.

I got the re, I f ound the f arm tools. (re pa ir)

the n he hea rd s om eone(ca ll) f or he lp.

w orke d s o ha r d that he got his pay. (rais e)

m issing boy s w ere las t see n (play) near the rive r.

7.(c om pa re) w ith the old one, the new building looks m ore bea utif ul.

w orke rs ha d the m achines (run) a ll nig ht long to finish the w ork on tim e.

in the s outh have their house s (m ake of ) bam boo.

10.(los e) in thoug ht, he alm os t ra n into the ca r in f r ont of him.


round w he n y ou cross the s tree t.

2. W he n s he hear d the new s, s he burst into la ughte r.

3. A s s he w as s till rathe r w eak, s he could not stay up f or too long.

alw ay s shake ha nds w he n they are intr oduced to eac h other.

c ol

d ra in w as f alling. It w as m ixed w ith s now.

w e were w alking in the s tree t, w e m et s om e f r ie nds of ours.

old m an w alke d slow ly. He w as s upporte d by his little gra nds on.

gr ound w hic h is c overe d w ith w hite s now looks very bea utiful.

is a ta ll tree w hic h cove rs the e ntra nce to the cave.

w orke r w rote to the police a nd disc lose d w ho stole the m oney.


1. —— W hat's w rong w ith her Look at her ______ ey es.

—— Yes, s he m ust have bee n ______.

A. sur pr ise d; s ur prised

B. s urprise d; s ur prising

C. s ur pr is ing; s ur pr ise d

D. sur pr ising; surpris ing

2. ______ his poor handw r iting, he practises w riting C hine se c ha rac ters w ith a

Chinese w riting brus h eve ry day.

A. Im pr oving

B. Im prove d

C. To im pr ove

D. Im prove

3. —— Ple ase don't f orget ______ the door w hen y ou leave.

—— N o, I w on't f orge t ______ it.

A. to lock; to lock

B. to lock; lock ing

C. loc king; to lock

D. locking; locking

4. ______ the w hole m or ning, m y daug hter felt very tire d.

A. Rea ding

B. Having bee n rea d

C. To be rea ding

D. Having bee n rea ding

5. To ce le bra te the New Year, the s tude nts sta y ed in the cla ssr oom after

school, _____ the perf orm ances a nd ______ the room.

A. practis ing; pre paring

B. prac tise d; pre pared

C. to prac tise; pre pa re

D. prac tising; pre pa red

6. He is sa id ______ severa l books since 1996.

A. that he's w ritte n

B. to have w ritte n

C. to be w riting

D. to w rite

7. —— Sor ry, I didn't m ean ______ y ou. —— B ut w hat y ou sa id ______ m e.

A. to hurt; to hurt

B. hur ting; hurting

C. to hurt; did hurt

D. hurting; to hurt

8. —— Shall I close the w indow f or y ou

—— N o. I am use d to ______ w ith the w indow ______.

A. slee ping; open

B. slee p; ope ning

C. slee ping; ope ne d

D. s lee p; ope n

9. Tim e ______, w e'l l g o s hopping in that big de par tm ent s tore.

A. pe rm its

B. to pe rm it

C. pe rm itte d

D. pe rm itting

10. Who w ould y ou like to have ______ y ou

A. to he lp

B. he lping

C. he lp

D. helpe d

11. We’ve c om e to he lp. W hic h r oom do y ou w ant ______

A. c lea ning

B. c lea ne d

C. to clea n

D. to be clea ned

13. —— W ould y ou be ______ he lp m e

—— I'd ve ry m uch like to.

A. k ind e noug h

B. s o kind to k ind a s to D. as kind as to

14. —— Be ca reful, B ill! Y ou are being follow ed.

—— Whe re is the m an ______ m e

A. to f ollow

B. be ing f ollow e d by ollow ing D. f ollow ing to

15. A ny thing w or th ______ is w orthy of ______.

A. doing, doing

B. doing, be ing done

C. be ing done, to be done

D. to be done, being done Ⅱ.单句改错:

1. I of te n s aw Tim seating bes ide Ma ry.

2. The m an dress ing in blue is a direc tor.

3. Be ing a f ine day, w e w ent out for a pic nic.

4. This m edic ine, w he n tak ing by m outh, is not effective.

5. Finished his w ork, he w ent out for a w alk.

6. He g ot up e ar lie r tha n us ua l in order to m iss the train.

7. T he old ca stle be ing built 800 y ears ag o rem ains on the top of the m ounta in.

8. T o s ay som ething is easy w hile doing it is difficult.

9. I a ppr ecia te y our he lp m e a lot.

10. Felt hungry, Tom w ent hom e for s upper.



6. B

11. D


1. s eating → se ate d / s itting

2. dres sing → dresse d

3. Being→Ye ste rday

4. tak ing → take n

5. Finis he d → Having f inis he d

6. to → not to / m iss → ca tc h

7. be ing built → built

8. doing → to do

9. he lp → he lping

10. Fe lt → Fee ling

Key s:

1--5 A .B .A. A . C. . B. A. B. A. .C. C. C. D. C.

A. D. . D. A.

B. D. .

C. <<返回首页

参考答案: 1.①to w ash ②w orking 2.①br oke n ② repa ire d;re pa ir 3.①think ing②think③(to)do 4.①going②to to ③to be invite d

5.①to be w ashe d ②to w as h ;being laug he d

7.②understood;under sta nd ②la ugh;to la ugh 8.①being pollute d

②polluting 9.①to be built ②built;be ing built 10.①doing ②to

k now g o;g oing 12.①c lea ning (或to be c lea ne d) ②to c lea n

13.①g o;w atc hing②pr oduce 14.①s m oking②to sm oke③to sm oke

;develope d 16.①drink ing ②to te ll 17.①to take

②take 18.①to have ②sm oking③seeing 19. ①to rea d ②rea ding

20.①to hur t ②a llow ing 21.①m aking( 或to have m ade) ②to te ll

22.①to tur n ②being take n



Ⅱ. are s till a lot of difficulties f or us to overc om e.

the m achine s leave the f actory, there is a se ries of te sts to be

passe d/to pass.

the e nd of his s peec h he ex pres se d the de sire to c om e a nd w ork in C hina som eday.

sig ne d a n ag reem ent to ex pa nd the tra de betw een the tw o c ountries.

c om m ander gave us orde rs to cr oss the r iv er.

Ⅲ. w as excite d to hear the new s.

'm gla d to have se en y our m othe r.

m other w as please d to see her s on doing s o w ell at sc hool.

w as very ha ppy to see us s o ha ppy.

w ill be disa ppointe d to hear it.

Ⅳ. r oom is la rge enoug h to hold one hundre d pe ople.

r oom is too sm all (not large e nough) to hold one hundre d pe ople.

tex t is easy e noug h f or a c hild to unde rsta nd.

tex t is too diff icult (not easy enoug h) for a c hild to unde rsta nd.

is too s hor t (not ta ll e noug h )to be a g ood basketball play er.




; pa inting save d

criticige d invite d

Ⅲ. f avourite s por t is sw im m ing.

's no use g oing the re today. He w on't be in;(ca n't be in).

y ou f inis he d w riting y our c om pos ition

m e f or being;(c om ing);late.

e nte re d the r oom w ithout m aking a ny nois e.

e nte re d the r oom w ithout be ing s ee n. Ⅰ、

Ⅱ、1. c hea ting


Ⅲ、 r ound w he n cross ing the street.

the new s, s he burs t into laug hter.

still rathe r w eak, s he c ould not stay up f or too long.

a lw ay s shake ha nds w hen introduce d to eac h other.

c ol

d rain w as falling, m ix

e d w ith s now.

w alk ing in the s tre et, w e m et s om e frie nds of ours.

old m an w alke d s low ly, s upported by his little gra nds on.

g r ound c overe d w ith w hite s now looks very bea utiful.

is a ta ll tree c overing the e ntra nce to the c ave.

w orker w rote to the police disc losing w ho stole the m oney.



(英语)英语非谓语动词专题训练答案 一、非谓语动词 1.My mother doesn't allow me _______outside too late on school nights. A. to stay B. stay C. staying 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:在上学的日子里,我妈妈不允许我在外面待得太晚。Allow sb to do sth允许某人做某事,是固定用法,故答案选A。 【点评】考查动词不定式,掌握固定搭配。 2.When you leave, please turn off the lights energy. A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:当你离开时请关灯以节约能源。动词不定式表示目的,结合句意,故选B。 3.—Have you ever heard that China is building a nationwide 5G network? —Right. 5G will allow us ________ English movies faster than ever. A. download B. downloads C. to download D. downloading 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意——你听说了中国正在建造全国5G网络吗?——对,5G将会让我们比原来更快的速度下载英文电影。allow sb to do sth,允许某人做某事,固定短语,应使用动词不定式,故答案是C。 【点评】考查动词不定式,注意识记固定搭配allow sb. to do sth结构。 4.Our English teacher wants us ______ English stories out of class. A. read B. reading C. to read 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词。want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事。故选C。 5.—In my opinion, animals shouldn't be kept for fun. — I think so. Forests are the best places for animals ______________. A. live B. living C. to live D. to live in 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——在我看来,动物不应该被用来取乐。——我想是的。森林是动物生存的最佳场所。places,地方,可数名词复数,与live之间是动宾关系,要用不定式


非谓语动词专项训练 一、① I want one magazine ______ . ( read ) ②My teacher wanted me ______ this question . ( answer ) ③The woman wanted her husband ______ at once . ( examine ) ④My bicycle wants _______ . ( repair ) 二、①What made you ______ so ? ( think ) ②The girl was made _____ a man she didn't love at all . ( marry ) ③The show made me _______ in the study of science . ( interest ) ④He raised the picture to make everyone _______ clearly . ( see ) ⑤He raised his voice to make himself _______ . ( hear ) ⑥My father himself made some candles _______ light . ( give ) ⑦The boss had the workers _______ day and night . ( work ) 三、①You'd better get your own room _______ . ( clean ) ②Yesterday he got his wallet _______ . ( steal ) ③You should get your friends _______ you . ( help ) ④The lecture got us _______ . ( think ) ⑤Don't get ________ in the rain . ( catch ) 四、①Did you see somebody _______ into the room ? ( steal ) ②I saw him _______ in the room at that time . ( read ) ③She was glad to see her child ________ good care of . ( take ) ④I saw her _______ at the windows , thinking . ( seat ) ⑤She was seen ________ here . ( come ) 五、①I like _______ very much . ( swim ) ②I don't like _______ TV at this time . ( watch ) ③He never likes _______ at the meeting . ( praise ) ④I feel like _______ to the cinema . ( go ) ⑤Would you like ______ with me ? ( go ) 六、①The man ______ at the meeting now is from the south . ( speak ) ②I don't know the professor ______ at the meeting tomorrow . ( speak ) ③He is the professor _______ to dinner . ( invite ) 七、①It was so cold and he had the fire _______ all night long . ( burn ) ②I have a lot of exercises ________ today . ( do ) ③"Do you have nay clothes _______ today ? "asked Mother . ( wash ) ④You'd better have that bad tooth _______ out . ( pull ) ⑤I want to have him _______ a car for me . ( find ) 八、①He doesn't do anything but _______ all day . ( play ) ②We have no choice but _______ . ( obey ) ③I'm thinking of how _______ my English . ( improve ) ④He made an apology for _____ late . ( be ) 九、①He told us about his trip in an _______ voice . ( excite ) ②He told us his story in a _______ voice . ( tremble ) ③At the sight of a snake , the little girl was very _______ . ( frighten ) ④The boy was _______ , so I didn't believe him again . ( disappoint ) 十、①He is looking forward to ______ college . ( enter ) ②He is looking forward to _____ nothing . ( see ) (类似于turn to do)


最新英语非谓语动词专题训练答案 一、非谓语动词 1.Our teacher often tells us in the river. It's dangerous. A. not swim B. not to swim C. to swim D. swimming 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:游泳是危险的。题目中的 tell(告诉)是谓语,句子在连接第二个动词时,需要用 to 来连接,将其非谓语化,既不定式:to +动词原形。可以排除 A 和 D。所以可以推断出老师是告诉我们不要去游泳。因此选择不定式的否定形式,故答案为B。【点评】考查动词不定式,熟记固定搭配。 2.Our English teacher wants us ______ English stories out of class. A. read B. reading C. to read 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词。want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事。故选C。 3.—In my opinion, animals shouldn't be kept for fun. — I think so. Forests are the best places for animals ______________. A. live B. living C. to live D. to live in 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:——在我看来,动物不应该被用来取乐。——我想是的。森林是动物生存的最佳场所。places,地方,可数名词复数,与live之间是动宾关系,要用不定式作定语。live,居住,不及物动词,要在live加介词in,故选D。 【点评】考查不定式作定语。要根据动词种类添加适当的介词或副词。 4.Bruce practices basketball every day so that he can be a better player. A. play B. to play C. playing 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:Bruce每天练习打篮球以便他能成为一位更好的运动员。practice + doing sth练习做某事。故选C。 5.—Is this dictionary Ming's?—Yes. Please remember it to him when you finish the words. A. to return; to look up B. to return; looking up


非谓语:(不能单独做谓语,但同时仍保留动词某些特征的动词形式。非谓语动词除了不能独立作谓语外,可以承担句子的任何成分。) 一、不定式与动名词做主语 1.动名词做主语往往表示普通的、一般习惯的行为,不定式做主语常表示某次具体的行为。 例句: Reading English is really a great fun.<这里不强调看一次,看两次……表示的是一般性的行为> To read english this morning will take most of my time.<这里用不定式表示一次具体的行为> 2.形式主语it 的运用: 1).不定式做主语,谓语用单数。往往用it做形式主语,把不定式放在谓语后面。 例句:To finish the job took us two hours. It took us two hours to finish the job. (注:在不定式做主语的被动语态句子中,必须用形式主语it.) 例句:it was decided to go for a picnic tomorrow. 2).It is+adj.of/for sb.to do sth.当不定式的逻辑主语和前面的形容词构成系表结构时,用of,否则用for. 例句: It’s very nice of you to help us.<此时,不定时的逻辑主语是you,adj.是nice,二者构成系表结构,即可以说you are nice.此时应该用of> It’s impossible for us to defeat the boss.<此时就不能说we are impossible.因此应该用for > 3).用动名词做主语的句型:It is/was no good(use, useless, fun)+doing sth. It’s worth while doing 例句: It’s no use cry over spilt milk.覆水难收 (it 用法远不止这几个后面会有补充) 3.成分对称:主语和表语都是非谓语动词时,应保持形式上一致。 例句: To see is to believe. Seeing is believing.眼见为实 4.There be no +ving 例句: There is no parking around here. No smoking,please. 练习题 It is hard_________ his mind.(to change ) It is fun__________ with a foreign man.(talking) There is no ________what will happen.(telling) I like_________ this novel this morning.(to read) 二:做表语 1.不定式做表语表具体个别的动作或有将来的含义。 例句:My wish is to become a famous writer. 2、现在分词做表语表示主语的性质与特征,表主动(interesting, amusing, disappointing, puzzling, exciting等);进行时表示正在进行的动作。 例句: i am teaching the child to swim when you passed by.

复习专题非谓语 动词知识点(大全)

复习专题非谓语动词知识点(大全) 一、非谓语动词 1.Fred hopes ______ his spoken English, so he practices it every day. A. improve B. improves C. improving D. to improve 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:弗雷德希望提高他的英语口语,所以他每天都练习。hope to do, 固定搭配,希望做,故此处是不定式,故选D。 【点评】考查不定式,注意hope to do的用法。 2.When you are tired, in the countryside is a wonderful experience. A. relaxing B. relaxed C. relax D. relaxes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词。句意:当你累的时候,在农村放松是一个奇妙的体 验。所填动词在句中作主语,该用动名词形式,所以选A。 3.I think AI (人工智能) in many fields will to help us solve many problems in the future. A. used, be used B. is used, be used C. used, use D. is used, use 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我认为被用在许多领域的人工智能在将来将帮助我们解决许多问 题。AI是名词,___ in many fields做名词AI的定语,AI是动作use的承受着,并且句子是 简单句,已经有谓语will,所以用动词过去分词作定语,即used,be used to do sth.被用来 做某事,will是情态动词,所以be还是用原形be,故选A。 【点评】考查动词过去分词及固定搭配,注意平时识记,理解句意。 4.—So beautiful flowers! I can't decide _____ for my mom.—For Mother's Day, it can't be better to take some carnations(康乃馨). A. when to choose B. which to choose C. how to choose 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:——如此漂亮的花。我无法诀定为我妈妈选哪一些。——为母亲 节,没有比康乃馨更好的了。when to choose何时选,指时间,which to choose选什么, 指事物,how to choose怎样选,指方式。本题表示“不知道为妈妈选什么花”,指事物,故 选B。


非谓语动词专项练习及答案详解 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.With the homework _______, the students can go to have a picnic. A.being done B.done C.doing D.to do 【答案】B 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:做完作业后,学生们就可以去野餐了。此处是with的复合结构,homework和动词do是被动关系,用过去分词表被动,指作业被做,过去分词在句中作宾补。故选B。 【名师点睛】 with复合结构 “w ith复合结构”也是独立主格结构的一种,同样十分重要。在句中表示“原因,结果,伴随,方式”等情况。 (1)with + 宾语 + 形容词 The children were listening to the teacher with their eyes wide open. (表伴随) (2)with + 宾语 + 介词短语 The old man used to take a walk with a stick in his hand. (表方式) (3)with + 宾语 + 副词 The proud girl walked away with her head up. (表方式) (4)with + 宾语 + 现在分词 Mary felt very shy with so many eyes looking at her. (表原因) (5)with + 宾语 + 过去分词 If you sit looking away from a person, or with your back turned, you are saying you are not interested in that person. (表方式) 本题就是考查此结构,homework和动词do是被动关系,用过去分词表被动,指作业被做,过去分词在句中作宾补。 (6)with + 宾语 + 不定式 With too much work to do the next day, he felt anxious and didn’t sleep well. (表原因) 一般说来,with 复合结构放在句末多表示伴随状况;若放在句首,则多表示“原因”或“条件”,例如: With her mother away from home, the little girl felt lonely. 由于她妈妈不在家,这个女孩感到很孤单。 With the guide leading the way, I had no difficulty finding their village. 因为向导带路,我没怎么费事就找到了他们的村子。 2.Simon made a big bamboo box the little sick bird till it would fly. A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep

复习专题 非谓语 动词难点汇总

复习专题非谓语动词难点汇总 一、非谓语动词 1.—What should I do, doctor? —_____ healthy, you should do more exercise. A. Keep B. Keeping C. To keep D. To be kept 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——我应该做什么,医生?——为了保持健康,你应该多锻炼。keep healthy,保持健康,固定搭配,排除D。多锻炼的目的是保持健康,所以用to do不定式表目的,故选C。 【点评】考查to do不定式表目的,注意平时识记其用法,理解句意。 2.To my surprise, Daniel's parents allowed him ___________ Shanghai Disneyland with me. A. to visit B. visiting C. visit D. visits 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:让我吃惊的的,戴尔的父母允许他和我去上海迪士尼乐园。allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事,固定短语,故选A。 【点评】此题考查动词不定式。注意固定短语allow sb. to do sth。 3.When you are tired, in the countryside is a wonderful experience. A. relaxing B. relaxed C. relax D. relaxes 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】考查非谓语动词。句意:当你累的时候,在农村放松是一个奇妙的体验。所填动词在句中作主语,该用动名词形式,所以选A。 4.We should do what we can our English. A. improve B. improved C. to improve D. improving 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:我们应该做我们能做的事提高我们的英语。句子主语是we, 谓语是should do,宾语是what we can,后边的部分作目的状语,用不定式形式,故选C。 5.It was raining. My father asked me _______ a raincoat. A. take B. takes C. took D. to take 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:正下雨。我父亲要我带上雨衣。根据关键词 asked me,再结合选项,可判断出此处考查的是 ask sb. to do sth.的用法,故答案选 D。 【点评】考查固定搭配ask sb. to do sth.。


(英语)英语非谓语动词专题训练答案及解析 一、非谓语动词 1.We set up this group disabled people like Ben Smith. A. help B. to help C. helping 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我们成立这个小组是为了帮助像Ben Smith这样的残疾人。建立 小组是帮助人的目的,此处不定式to help表目的,作目的状语,故选B。 【点评】考查动词不定式做目的状语。 2.My brother is a humorous young man. He often tells jokes to make us . A. laughing B. laugh C. to laugh 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我哥哥是应该幽默的年轻人,他经常讲笑话让我们笑。make sb do sth ,使某人做某事,省略to的动词不定式,应该是动词原形,故选B。 【点评】考查省略to的动词不定式。make sb do sth ,使某人做某事。 3.—Have you ever heard that China is building a nationwide 5G network? —Right. 5G will allow us ________ English movies faster than ever. A. download B. downloads C. to download D. downloading 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意——你听说了中国正在建造全国5G网络吗?——对,5G将会让我 们比原来更快的速度下载英文电影。allow sb to do sth,允许某人做某事,固定短语,应使 用动词不定式,故答案是C。 【点评】考查动词不定式,注意识记固定搭配allow sb. to do sth结构。 4.To live a low-carbon life, we must remember ________ the lights when we leave the room. A. to turn off B. turning off C. not to turn off 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:要过低碳生活,我们必须记住离开房间时要关掉灯。remember (not)to do sth.忘记要做的事;remember doing sth.忘记已经做过的事。根据句末when we leave the room.可知关灯的动作还没有做,此处表示肯定含义,要用不定式的肯定式, 故选A。 【点评】考查动词remember的固定搭配。根据所表示的含义选择正确的搭配。 5.We are looking forward to _______ Hollywood in America。() A. visit B. visited C. visiting 【答案】 C


Teaching Plan for Test Techniques For Nonfinite Verbs Class 27 Senior 3 Nong Zhiying I. Lesson type (课型): Grammar lesson, a review lesson. II. Teaching aims(教学目标): Enable students to understand and use the nonfinite verbs correctly in grammar filling and errors correction. III. Teaching focus(教学重点): 1. Enable students to judge the predicate verbs in a sentence. 2.Get students to master the steps of doing nonfinite verbs exercise. IV. Difficult points (教学难点): 1.How to make students understand and use nonfinite verbs correctly. 2.Develop students creativity to create their own ways to remember grammar rules. VI. Teaching aids(教具): A computer, a blackboard VII. Teaching methods (教学方法) : 1.Task-based teaching approach 2.Discussion 3.Exploration IX. Teaching procedures(教学过程):

复习专题非谓语 动词专项练习题及答案

复习专题非谓语动词专项练习题及答案 一、非谓语动词 1.The teachers often tell us ________ in the river. It's dangerous. A. not swim B. don't swim C. not swimming D. not to swim 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】句意:老师经常告诉我们不要在河里游泳。太危险了。tell sb not to do sth告诉某人不要做某事。动词不定式的否定结构,not to do sth.故选D。 【点评】此题考查动词不定式。注意动词不定式的否定结构not to do sth。 2.I like the TV program The Reader best. I think we should spend as much time as we can in our spare time. A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:我最喜欢电视节目《朗读者》。我认为在业余时间,我们应该尽 可能多的花费时间读书。读书是花费时间的目的,在句中做状语,应使用动词不定式,spend time doing sth,表示花钱或时间做了某事,强调做了,根据should,可知事情还没 做,因此不能选C,故答案是B。 【点评】考查非谓语动词——动词不定式,注意做目的状语一般应使用动词不定式,同时 注意不要受到spend…doing固定搭配的影响。 3.My parents didn't allow me ______ to the party. A. go B. to go C. goes D. went 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】:本题考点为非谓语动词(固定用法)。allow sb. to do sth.,即“允许某 人做某事”。故答案为B。 4.I think AI (人工智能) in many fields will to help us solve many problems in the future. A. used, be used B. is used, be used C. used, use D. is used, use 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:我认为被用在许多领域的人工智能在将来将帮助我们解决许多问 题。AI是名词,___ in many fields做名词AI的定语,AI是动作use的承受着,并且句子是 简单句,已经有谓语will,所以用动词过去分词作定语,即used,be used to do sth.被用来 做某事,will是情态动词,所以be还是用原形be,故选A。 【点评】考查动词过去分词及固定搭配,注意平时识记,理解句意。 5.The boss asked Tim to go and out if there was anyone else absent. A. find B. finding C. to find D. found


。 非谓语 (一) 1.Tell Mary that there's someone ______for her at the door. A. waiting B. waited C. waits D. to wait is a big dog _______to a fence outside the house. A. tying B. tied C. to tie D .ties came up to us and said, "You are welcome." A. smiling B. smiled C. smile D. to smile 4. ______the early train, you'll have to get up early and rush in a taxi. A. Catching B. Caught C. To catch D. Catch 5.There, in the corner, sat three girls,_______. A. sew B. were sewing C. to sew D. sewing it will do us harm remains_______. A. seen B. seeing C. being seen D. to be seen would you rather have _______with you, him or me? A. to be gone B. gone C. going D. go 8.The power station keeps the villages _____ with electricity. A. supplied B. to supply C. supplying D. having supplied path in the park looked beautiful, _____ with _______ leaves. A. covered; falling B. covered; fallen


-非谓语部分 1.____ some students, the teacher entered the hall. A. Following B. Followed C. Being followed D. Having followed 2.____, and he had to go back home. A. Day having broken B. Night had fallen C. The day had broken D. Night fallen 3.Hearing his father was seriously ill, ____. A. he burst into tears B. his eyes were filled with tears C. his face lost its color D. tears came to his eyes 4.He did all this to make her ____, so she was very angry with him. A. laughed B. a good man C. laughing D. laughed at 5.Entering the house, I found Jane ____ at the desk and ____ something. A. seat; write B. sitting; writing C. seating; writing D. seated; to write 6.____ so many people in the hall, I had to push my way to the front. A. Being B. There were C. There being D. As being 7.--- What would you like for breakfast? --- I don’t feel like ____. A. to eat something B. eating anything C. to eat anything D.eating nothing 8.He got out of the car, ____ to the nearest house and telephoned his friend for help. A. walked B. walking C. to walk D. walk 9.____ all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different colours. A. Growing B. Grown C. To grow D. Having grown 10.It was on his way home ____ he ____ his wallet. The next morning he found it ____. A. that; lost; missing B. where; missing; lost C. which; missed; lost D. then; lost; missed 11.____ some of the questions ____, the man said good-bye to us without making himself ____. A. Left; unanswering; understood; B. Leaving; unanswered; understood C.Left;unanswering; understanding D.Leaving;unanswered; understanding 12.I remember ____ to their party, but I ____ the invitation in the office. A. to be invited; have forgotten B. to invite; forget C. being invited; have left D. inviting; am leaving 13.--- Why did you go to the wrong class, Mr. Lice? --- Well, I forgot ____ I was supposed to go to. A. which the room B. which room C. what was the room D. what room was it 14.He can on the bed with his ____.A. closed eyes and his mouth open B. eyes closed and his open mouth C. closed eyes and open his mouth D. eyes closed and his mouth open 15.Finally I got my ____. A. salary raised B. risen salary C. salary rise D. salary to rise 16.____ many times, she still can’t remember it. A. Had told B. Having been told C. Having told D. Being told 17.____, his friends met him at the station. A. Arriving in Chicago B. Arrived in Chicago C. On arriving in Chicago D. When he arrived in Chicago 18.May thought it a great pity ____ to the party. A. not to be invited B. to be not invited C. not to have invited D. to have not invited 19.Lots of ____ news came every day during the ____ Asian Games. A. inspiring; 11 th B. inspired; 11st C. inspiring; 11 st D. inspired; 11 th 20.Every Monday morning we will stand on the playground and watch the national flag ____ higher and higher. A. being raised B. raising C. rising D. being risen 21.____ to be most difficult, Drill A is taken away from the lesson. A. Being considered B. Considering C. To consider D. Considered 22.The palace Museum is ____ again and again. A. worth being visited B. worthy visiting C. worthy of being visited D. worth to visit 23.Just keep quiet when you ____. A. are speaking B. are speaking to C. are spoken D. are spoken to 24.The old man kept his eyes ____ on the picture for quite some time. A. fixing B. fixed C. having fixed D. being fixed 25.The law prevents these birds ____. A. from killing B. from being killed C. not to be killed D. not killing 26.I can hardly imagine Peter ____ across the Atlantic Ocean in five days. A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed 27.Her room was found ____ into yesterday afternoon, but nothing was found ____.A. to break; steal B. to be broken; stolen C. being broken; robbed D. broken; stolen 28.Was it in the shop ____ he had his wallet ____? A. where; steal B. that; stolen C. that; steal D. where; stole 29.My watch needs ____, but I have no time to go to town to have it ____. A. to repair; repaired B. to be repaired; repairing C. repairing; repaired D. being repaired; repaired 30.They had to give in since he stuck ____ a meeting the next day.


-高中英语语法强化训练(非谓语动词续) ( )1.European football is played in 80 countries ,______it the most popular sport in the world A. making B, makes C. made D to make ( )2The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see ______the next year . A. carry out B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out ( )3.The purpose of new technologies in to make life easier, _______it more difficult. not make B. not to make C. not making D. don’t make ( B )5.I’ve worked with children before ,so I know what ______in my new job. A. expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects ( )6.A computer does only what thinking people _______. A. have it to B. nave it done C. have done it D. having it done ( )7.What worried the child most was ____to visit his mother in the hospital . A. his not allowing B. his not being allowed C. his being not allowed D. having not been allowed ( ) 8.Cleaning woman in big cities usually get ______by the hour. A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay ( )9.They are not very good, but we like_______. anyway to play basketball with them to play basketball with them anyway to play with them basketball anyway with them to play basketball anyway ( )10 He sent me an e-mail ,_______to get further information. hoped B hoping C. to hope D. hope ( )11._____is 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States. A. Being rounded B it was founded C. Founded D. Founding ( )12,The ____boy was last seen ______near the East Lake.

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