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Bottle Found at Sea Used for Scientific Purpose

Combing the beach for shells, sea glass, or colorful rocks is a leisure activity enjoyed by many. Some even use metal detectors to find buried treasure or other objects. Only the lucky few have ___31___ a message in a bottle that was dropped off by the tide. The tradition of putting a letter to an unknown recipient into a bottle and throwing it into the ocean has an interesting past. An early ___32___ use for the practice was revealed when the oldest recorded message in a bottle was found by Tonya on a beach near Wedge Island, Australia.

Tonya was on a family outing when she noticed the antique glass bottle in the sand and thought it would make a nice___33___. While she was cleaning the sandy gin bottle, a rolled up paper tied with a ___34___ fell out. The damp page was a message written in German and dated June 12, 1886. According to official documents from the German sailing vessels, Paula, a crew member tossed the bottle overboard a(n) ___35___ 950 km off the coast of Western Australia. Further research authenticated(验证)the letter, which had been sent afloat 132 years ago and is the oldest message in a bottle ever ___36___.

Historians confirm that thousands of similar bottles were cast overboard by German ships between 1864 and 1933. And___37___ inside were official documents written by the captain of the ship, ___38__ routes, coordinates, and other information. These early messages in a bottle were an attempt by the German Naval Observatory to map ocean___39___ around the world.

On the back of the notes were __40__ to write the time and place the bottles were found and return them to the German Naval Observatory in Hamburg or the nearest German authorities. Using this information for reference was an early system of studying patterns in nature and the vast ocean in particular.





Combing the beach for shells, sea glass, or colorful rocks is a leisure activity enjoyed by many. Some even use metal detectors▼ to find buried treasure or other objects. __1__ The tradition of putting a letter to an unknown recipient▼ into

a bottle and throwing it into the ocean has an interesting past. __2__

Illman was on a family outing▼ when she noticed the antique glass bottle in the sand and thought it would make a nice decoration. __3__ The damp page was a message written in German and dated June 12, 1886. According to official documents from the German sailing vessel, Paula, a crew

member tossed the bottle overboard▼an estimated 950 km off the coast of Western Australia. __4__

Historians confirm that thousands of similar bottles were cast overboard by German ships between 1864 and 1933. Contained inside were official documents written by the captain of the ship, detailing routes, coordinates▼, and other information. __5__

On the back of the notes were instructions to write the time and place the bottles were found and return them to the German Naval Observatory in Hamburg or the nearest German authorities. Using this information for reference was an early system of studying patterns in nature and the vast ocean currents in particular.

(A) While she was cleaning the sandy gin bottle, a rolled up paper tied with a string fell out.

(B) Only the lucky few have encountered a message in a bottle that was dropped off by the tide.

(C) These early messages in a bottle were an attempt by the German Naval Observatory to map ocean currents around the world.

(D) Nonetheless, the last bottle and note to be found was on January 7, 1934, in Denmark.

(E) Further research authenticated the letter, which had been sent afloat 132 years ago and is the oldest message in a bottle ever recovered.

(F) An early scientific use for the practice was revealed when the oldest recorded message in a bottle was found by Tonya Illman on a beach near Wedge Island, Australia.

1. 第一題空格應選(B)


a. 空格前一句提及"Some even use metal detectors..."(有些人甚至用金屬探測器……),而(B) 項句子提及"Only the lucky few have encountered..."(只有少數幸運的人會意外拾獲……),前一句的Some(有些人)與(B) 項句子的Only the lucky few(只有少數幸運的人)互相呼應,故形成關聯。


a. encounter vt. 意外發現,偶然邂逅;遭遇

Anna encountered her favorite singer at the mall.


b. drop off... / drop... off把……送到某處;讓……下車

Larry dropped off his dirty clothes at the dry cleaner’s on his way to work.


2. 第二題空格應選(F)


a. 空格前一句提及"The tradition of putting a letter to an unknown recipient into a bottle and throwing it into the ocean..."(這個把一封寄給未知收件人的信放入瓶中並將其扔進海裡的傳統……),而(F) 項句子提及"An early scientific use for the practice was revealed..."(……便揭開了此做法早期的科學用途),前一句的The tradition of putting a letter to an unknown recipient into a bottle and throwing it into the ocean(這個把一封寄給未知收件人的信放入瓶中並將其扔進海裡的傳統)即是(F) 項句子提及的the practice(此做法),故形成關聯。

b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。


practice n. 做法

衍: common practice普遍的做法

It is common practice for guests to bring a gift when visiting friends in Taiwan.


3. 第三題空格應選(A)


a. 空格前一句提及"Illman was on a family outing when she noticed the antique glass bottle in the sand..."(伊爾曼在家庭出遊時注意到沙堆裡的古老玻璃瓶……),而(A) 項句子提及"While she was cleaning the sandy gin bottle..."(她在清理這個布滿沙子的杜松子酒瓶時……),前一句的the antique glass bottle in the sand (沙堆裡的古老玻璃瓶)即是(A) 項句子的the sandy gin bottle(這個布滿沙子的杜松子酒瓶),故形成關聯。

a. attempt n. 嘗試;企圖

衍: in an attempt to V試圖(做)……

Terry worked day and night in an attempt to finish the project on time.


b. observatory n. 天文臺;觀測站

c. current n. 水流;流動

1. comb vt. & vi. 徹底搜尋;梳理& n. 梳子

衍: comb one’s hair(某人)梳頭髮

comb through...(在大量物件中)仔細搜尋……

My grandfather combed the house looking for his glasses.


It is said that combing one’s hair at midnight will bring bad luck.


Albert combed through the s helves looking for the novel with J.K. Rowling’s autograph in it.

艾伯特仔細在書架上尋找那本有J.K. 羅琳親筆簽名的小說。

*autograph n. 親筆簽名

2. antique a. 古董的,古時製造的

A foreign collector bid US$5,000 for an antique vase at the auction.


*bid vt.(在拍賣中)出價(三態同形)

auction n. 拍賣

3. damp a. 潮濕的;有濕氣的

The lawn was damp with dew.


4. document n. 文件;紀錄& vt.(以記述、拍攝電影或照片的方式)記錄

Linda was hopping mad about the mistake that Jeff had made in the document.


*hopping mad氣到跳腳,氣瘋了

The doctor wanted the nurse to document everything the patient ate.


5. vessel n. 船(艦);血管

6. toss vt. 扔,擲,拋& vi. 輾轉反側

衍: toss and turn輾轉反側,翻來覆去

The naughty boy tossed a rock and broke my neighbor’s window.


George tossed and turned for hours, worrying about the upcoming exam. 喬治在床上翻來覆去好幾個小時,擔心著即將到來的考試。

7. detail vt. 詳述;詳細列出& n. 細節

衍: in detail詳細地

= at length

I need the report detailing your travel expenses by this Friday.


Please tell me what happened in detail.


8. route n. 航線;路線

What’s the shortest route to the library from here?


9. authorities n. 當局(恆用複數)

衍: the authorities concerned有關當局

10. reference n. 參考;提到,言及

衍: make reference to...提到∕言及……

= refer to...

= mention vt.

The speaker made reference to some events from the past year.


John didn’t like anyone referring to his family background.


▼ a metal detector金屬探測器

衍: a lie detector測謊器

detector n. 探測器

▼ recipient n. 接收者,接受者

▼ outing n. 外出∕出遊∕遠足(短途,不超過一天)

衍: go on an outing to + 地方去某地遠足

▼ overboard adv. 越過船舷(多指掉入水中);在船外

▼ coordinate n. 座標& vt. 協調

1. an estimated + 數字估計有……

estimated a. 估計的,估算的

衍: estimate vt. & n. 估計

An estimated 1,000 people will come to this concert.


Carl estimated he would need to save NT$80,000 for his Mexican vacation.


Please give me a rough estimate of how much time you’ll need to complete the project.


2. off the coast of...在……外海

coast n. 海岸,沿海地區

Two boats sank off the coast of the island during the storm.


3. in particular尤其,特別地

注意in particular 相當於副詞particularly,使用時可置於句首修飾全句,亦可用來強調名詞,唯in particular 要置於名詞之後(如本文用法),而particularly 則置於名詞之前。

The food in that restaurant is very good; in particular, the roast beef is really something.


Kevin likes all kinds of movies, comedies in particular.

= Kevin likes all kinds of movies, particularly comedies.






伊爾曼在家庭出遊時注意到沙堆裡的古老玻璃瓶,認為它會是個很棒的裝飾品。她在清理這個布滿沙子的杜松子酒瓶時,一張捲起來並用細繩綁著的紙條掉了出來。這頁潮溼紙張上的訊息以德文寫成,並押上1886 年六月十二日的日期。根據德國航海船艦寶拉號的官方文件,一名船員在距離西澳海岸約九百五十公里處將該瓶子拋進大海。進一步的研究證明了這封信的真實性,它被丟入大海漂流一百三十二年,且是曾被重新拾獲的最古老瓶中信。

歷史學家證實,數以千計類似的瓶子在1864 年至1933 年間被德國船舶丟出船外。其中包含船長所寫的官方文件,其詳細記錄了航線、座標以及其他訊息。這些早期的瓶中信是德國海軍氣象天文臺嘗試將世界各地洋流繪製成地圖所做的努力。


答案:1. B2. F3. A4. E5.C

A star athlete stopped by my office and she was eaten up by self-criticism after committing a few errors during a weekend match. “I’m at peak ___41___ and I practise hard. How is this happening?” This student, like many I teach, believes she should be able to ___42___ the outcomes of her life by virtue of her hard work.

I study and write about resilience (复原力), and I’m noticing a(n)___43___ increase in

students like this athlete. When they win, they feel powerful and smart. When they fall short of what they imagine they should ___44___, however, they are crushed by self-blame.

We talk often about young adults struggling with failure because their parents have protected them from ___45___. But there is something else at play among the most advantaged in particular: a ___46___ promise that they can achieve anything if they are willing to work for it.

Psychologists have sourced this phenomenon to a misapplication of “mind-set” research, which has found that praising children for ___47___ will increase academic performance. Developed by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck, mind-set education has spread across classrooms worldwide. But a 2018 analysis found that while praising hard work over ability may benefit economically disadvantaged students, it does not ___48___ help everyone.

One possible explanation comes from Nina Kumar, who argued in a research paper last year that for teens in wealthy, pressure-cooker communities, “It is not a ___49___ of motivation and perseverance that is the big problem. ___50___, it is unhealthy perfectionism and difficulty with backing off when they should, when the fierce drive for achievements is over the top.” This can ___51___ physical and emotional stress. In a 2007 study, psychologists Gregory Miller determined that adolescent girls who refused to give up the ___52___ goals showed elevated levels of CRP, a protein that serves as a marker of systemic inflammation (炎症) linked to diabetes, heart disease and other medical conditions.

The cruel reality is that you can do everything in your power and still fail. This knowledge comes early to underrepresented minorities whose experience of discrimination (歧视) and inequality teaches them to ___53___ what is, for now, largely beyond their control to change. Yet for others, the belief that success is always within their grasp is a setup. Instead of allowing our kids to beat themselves up when things don’t go their way,we should all question a culture that has taught them that how they perform for others is more important than what ___54___ inspires them and that where they go to college matters more than the kind of person they are. We should be wise to remind our kids that life has a way of disappointing us when we least ___55___ it. It’s often the people who learn to say “stuff happens” who get up the fastest.

41. A. coolness B. fitness C. goodness D. readiness

42. A. control B. change C. adjust D. celebrate

43. A. amusing B. inspiring C. troubling D. touching

44. A. apply B. approve C. appreciate D. accomplish

45. A. disbelief B. disagreement C. discovery D. discomfort

46. A. bright B. false C. general D. flexible

47. A. virtue B. ability C. effort D. status

48. A. originally B. obviously C. necessarily D. regularly

49. A. choice B. command C. display D. lack

50. A. instead B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. However

51. A. result from B. apply for C. associate with D. lead to

52. A. Immoral B. impersonal C. impossible D. impolite

53. A. challenge B. accept C. assess D.inquire

54. A. plainly B. probably C. immediately D.actually

55. A. exhibit B. expect C. establish D.recognize





A star athlete at the college where I work recently stopped by my office. After committing a few unforced errors during a weekend match, she was — several days later — riven by self-criticism and distracted on the field.

“I can’t stop beating myself up,” she told me. “I’m at peak fitness, and I practice hard. How is this happening?”

This student, like many I teach, believes she should be able to control the outcomes of her life by virtue of her hard work. It’s a mentality verging on invincibility: a sense th at all-nighters in the library, a jam-packed calendar and hours on the field should get her exactly where she needs to go in life. Nothing can stop me but myself.

I study and write about resilience in young adults, and I’m noticing a troubling spike in students like this athlete. Their faith in their own sweat equity confers a kind of contingent confidence: when they win, they feel powerful and smart. Success confirms their mindset. The problem comes when these students fail. When they fall short of what th ey imagine they should accomplish, they are crushed by self-blame. If my accomplishments are mine to control, they reason, my failures must be entirely my fault, too. Failing must mean I am incapable, and maybe will be forever. This makes it incredibly difficult for students to move on.

We talk often about young adults struggling with failure because their parents have protected them from discomfort. But there is something else at play here among the most privileged kids in particular: a message transmitted to them by doting parents who have falsely promised them that they can achieve anything if they are willing to work for it.

Psychologists studying students in high-achieving schools have sourced this phenomenon to a misapplication of “mindset” research, which has found that praising children for their effort will increase academic performance. Developed by Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck and popularized in her 2006 bestselling book, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, mindset education has infiltrated the classrooms around the world. But a2018 meta-analysis found that while so-called growth-mindset interventions, in which educators respond to their students’ challenges by praising effort (“You worked hard!”) over ability (“You’re really smart!”), may benefit high-risk or economically disadvantaged students, they do not necessarily help everyone.

One possible explanation comes from psychologists Suniya Luthar and Nina Kumar, who argued in a research paper last year that teens growing up in wealthy, pressure-cooker communities are actually hurt by the message that effort equals success. For them, Luthar and Kumar wrote, “it is not a lack of motivation and perseverance that is the big problem. Instead, it is unhealthy perfectionism, and difficulty with backing off when they should, when the high-octane drive for achievements is over the top.”

The humbling, brutal, messy reality of life is that you can do everything in your power —and still fail.

When parents demand excellence in their kids while still promising them that effort is king, they tell them, wrongly, that they should be able to rise above any obstacle. But research has found that young people who push themselves onward in the face of unattainable goals experience physical and emotional stress. In a 2007 study by psychologists Gregory Miller and Carsten Wrosch, the authors determined that adolescent girls who refused to give up impossible goals showed elevated levels of CRP, a protein that serves as a marker of systemic inflammation linked to diabetes, heart disease and other medical conditions. A 2012 study by Luthar and Samuel Barkin showed a correlation between the “perfectionist strivings” of affluent youth and their vulne rability to drug and alcohol abuse, anxiety and depression.

The humbling, brutal, messy reality of life is that you can do everything in your power —and still fail. This is knowledge that comes early to underrepresented minorities on campus, including first-generation students and students of color. Their experience of discrimination and inequality teaches them early on to brace for what is, for now, largely beyond their control to change.

Yet for many others, the quixotic belief that success is always within their grasp is a setup. University of Chicago Professor Lauren Erlant calls this “cruel optimism,” or when the pursuit of a goal actually harms you because it is largely unachievable. The college admissions game promises young adults a meritocracy that will reward their hard work with entrance to the ivory tower –yet admissions scandals and ultra-thin acceptance margins make such a promise impossible to keep.

Adults help students pursue success in healthier ways in part by redefining failure as a feature, not a bug, of learning. At Smith College, where I teach, the Narratives Project asks students to explore how setbacks and missteps made them stronger or more effective. “It can be instructive to observe your own response when things don’t go your way,” said

director Dr. Jessica Bacal. “It might reinforce your passion for the work you’re doing or send you in a whole new direction –and there’s nothing wrong with that.”

Luthar and Kumar urge parents and teachers to spend time helping students find purpose, or goals they both genuinely love to pursue and that make an impact on the world. Researchers have found that adolescents with purpose report greater life satisfaction, have a strong sense of identity and are more psychologically mature.

Instead of allowing our kids to beat themselves up w hen things don’t go their way, we might all pause to question a culture that has taught them that being anything less than overwhelmed is lazy, that how they perform for others is more important than what actually inspires them and that where they go to college matters more than the kind of person they are.

The point is not to give our kids a pass on working hard and doing their best. But fantasizing that they can control everything is not really resilience. We are harming our children by implying that they can bend life to their will, and as students walk across commencement stages this year, we would be wise to remind them that life has a way of sucker-punching us when we least expect it. It’s often the people who learn to say “stuff happens” who get up th e fastest.

Correction, June 18

The original version of this story misstated the last name of the University of Chicago professor who coined the term “cruel optimism.” It is Berlant, not Erlant. The original version of this story also misstated which study found a correlation between the perfectionist tendencies of affluent youth and negative outcomes. It was a 2014 study from Suniya Luthar and Emily Lyman, which found a correlation between these tendencies and vulnerability to substance abuse and feelings of inferiority. It was not a 2012 study by Luthar and Samuel Barker that found a correlation between “the ‘perfectionist strivings’ of affluent youth and their vulnerability to drug and alcohol abuse, anxiety and depression.”



David Miles, an Australian inventor has been accused of cheating desperate farmers by charging up to $50,000 Australian dollars for delivering rain on demand without so much as explaining the technology behind his business.

On the official Miles Research website,Miles explains that in the 1990’s he realized that it was possible to influence weather patterns by creating a bridge between ‘the present’ and a ‘near-future event’ in the physical space-time continuum. He found that by applying small amounts of energy intelligently, even a large, messy weather system approaching from the future could be eased.

While somewhat fascinating, Miles’ explanation does little to explain how he is able to bring rainfall to the lands of farmers. He makes references to famous but debatable concepts like “the butterfly effect”. “We were advised against patenting because ifs basically exposing how it works. There are a lot of big companies that invest in hunting out patents,” Miles said “I understand the doubts,the only other way is to fully prove up our science and physics. If we did that, we'll lose it, it will be taken up as a national security interest and it’ll then be weaponized.”

Miles' claims raised suspicions for obvious reasons, including a since-deleted section of his company website, which claimed that his technology used “electromagnetic scalar waves”,which scientists say don’t even exist.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has warned people against doing business with him, but the Australian inventor claims the ACCC is only trying to defame him and his company, as in reality they are success based - if it doesn’t rain, they don’t get paid.

“Consumers signed the agreement that if by the end of June they receive 100mm, they pay $50,000, if they only receive 50mm, they would only pay $25,000. Anything under half,we don’t want to be paid,” Miles said of a handful of Wimmera farmers who agreed to take him up on his offer to deliver rain.

Believe it or not, one of the farmers who paid David Miles for his so-called rain-making capabilities told ABC Radio that he was quite happy with the results.

56.David Miles claims to be capable of ________.

A.influencing the weather system

B.predicting the future events

C.reducing the atmospheric temperature

D.easing the gravitational energy

57.ACCC issued warning against doing business with Miles because________.

A.he charged too much for the services provided

B.there was no solid science to hack up his technology

C.his practice was a threat to national security interest

D.he didn’t officially patent his technology with ACCC

58.According to Miles,how much will be paid if the farmers receive 15mm of rain?


B. $25,000.

C. $12,500.

D. $0.

59.What can be inferred from the passage?

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e717578866.html,es needed safer facilities for his business.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e717578866.html,es brought about good crops as expected.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e717578866.html,es wasn’t discouraged by the critics.

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e717578866.html,es was arrested by the local police.

56-59 ABDC



https://https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e717578866.html,/news/inventor-accused-of-conning-farmers-by-promising-to-brin g-the-rain-but-not-explaining-how.html


Inventor Accused of Conning Farmers by Promising to Bring the Rain, But Not Explaining How

By Spooky on October 24th, 2019 Category:

David Miles, an Australian inventor who has been peddling weather modification technology for almost 20 years, has been accused of preying on desperate farmers by charging up to $50,000 Australian dollars for delivering rain on demand without so much as explaining the technology behind his business.

On the official Miles Research website, controversial inventor David Miles explains that in the 1990’s he realised that “it was possible to incrementally influence weather patterns using a variant of the Einstein –Rosen Bridge hypothesised in the 1930’s, to effectively create a bridge between ‘the present’ in the physical space-time continuum, and a near-future event, forecast to exist from one to ten days ahead in time”. He found that by applying small amounts of energy intelligently, even a large, chaotic weather system approaching from the future could be mitigated.

You’ll notice that, while somewhat intriguing, Miles’ explanation does little to explain how he is able to bring rainfall to the lands of farmers paying him tens of thousands of

dollars for rain contracts. He makes references to famous but controversial concepts like “the butterfly effect”, but nowhere does he actually reveal how the rain making actually happens. He claims that the mystery is intentional, as revealing too much could help others steal his ideas or even weaponize it.

“We were advised against patenting because it’s basically exposing how it works. There are a lot of big companies that invest in trawling through patents,” Miles told https://www.wendangku.net/doc/e717578866.html,.au. “I understand the scepticism, the only other way is to fully prove up our science and physics and peer review. If we did that we’ll lose it, it will be taken up as a national security interest and it’ll then be weaponised.”

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has accused Miles Research (formerly Aquiess) of preyin g on people’s desperation, and warned people against doing business with him, but the Australian inventor claims the ACCC is only trying to defame him and his company, as in reality they are success based –if it doesn’t rain, they don’t get paid.

“They signed the agreement that if by the end of June they’d received 100mm, they pay $50,000, if they only receive 50mm, they would only pay $25,000. Anything under half we don’t want to be paid,” Miles said of a handful of Wimmera farmers who agreed to take him up on his offer to deliver rain.

Believe it or not, one of the farmers who paid David Miles for his alleged rain-making capabilities told ABC Radio that he was quite happy with the results.

“I got involved because it sounded good, the fact you can control weather, because as a farmer rainfall is everything,” the farmer said. “I think the evidence is out there, you look at the forecast what’s meant to come and all of a sudden it increases dramatically. You know that he’s behind it and I reckon I haven’t seen such good crops in this district ever, everywhere.”

Still, there’s no way to prove that Miles is the one bringing the rain, and he has no interest in explaining his claims in detail, for now. He talked of creating a facility where he could safely show off his technology without fear of having it stolen, but didn’t offer a timeline of when it might be ready.

“We’ve got disparate components, we’ve been tutored in how to hide in plain sight … but we need a Defence-grade facility where we can bring it together, for the moment we’re having to operate fairly low-key,” Miles said.

Miles’ claims raised suspicions for obvious reasons, including a since-deleted section of his company website, which claimed that his technology used “electromagnetic scalar waves”, which scientists say don’t even exist.

“Electromagnetic scalar waves don’t exist,” University of Melbourne associate professor of physics Martin Sevior said. “There’s no such thing. He’s taken a few words and put them together and made them sound somewhat scie ntific but it’s meaningless.”

But Miles doesn’t seemed deterred by his critics. He continues to claim that he can deliver rain to farmers brave enough to invest in a rain contact.

“We’re going out and putting our name on the line that we will deliver rain.We’re prepared to let the client region define the metrics —if you’re confident of getting 50mm, perhaps start at 60mm. Our pricing is coming in under the cost of shipping water,” the inventor added.

“When engaged to deliver rain in recent times we’ve be en able to (deliver) most of what was (promised), sometimes not enough, it’s not perfect. We have been able to achieve about 80 per cent. We lose our reputation if we fail —we haven’t failed.”



How and why, roughly 2 million years ago, early human ancestors evolved large brains and began fashioning relatively advanced stone tools, is one of the great mysteries of evolution. Some researchers argue these changes were brought about by the invention of cooking. They point out that our bite weakened around the same time as our larger brains evolved, and that it takes less energy to absorb nutrients from cooked food. As a result, once they had mastered the art, early chefs could invest less in their digestive systems and thus invest the resulting energy savings in building larger brains capable of complex thought. There is, however, a problem with the cooking theory. Most archaeologists (考古学家)believe the evidence of controlled fire stretches back no more than 790,000 years.

Roger Summons of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a solution. Together with his team, he analyzed 1.7 million-year-old sand-stones that formed in an ancient river at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. The region is famous for the large number of human fossils (化石) that have been discovered there, alongside an impressive assembly of stone tools. The sand-stones themselves have previously yielded some of the world’s earliest complex hand axes — large tear-drop-shaped stone tools that are associated with Homo erectus (直立人) . Creating an axe by repeatedly knocking thin pieces off a raw stone in order to create two sharp cutting edges requires a significant amount of planning. Their appearance is therefore thought to mark an important moment in intellectual evolution. Trapped inside the Olduvai sand-stones, the researchers found distinctive but unusual biological molecules(分子)that are often interpreted as biomarkers for heat-tolerant bacteria. Some of these live in water between 85°C and 95°C. The molecules’ presence suggests that an ancient river within the Gorge was once fed by one or more hot springs.

Dr. Summons and his colleagues say the hot springs would have provided a convenient “pre-fire” means of cooking food. In New Zealand,the Maori have traditionally cooked food in hot springs, either by lowering it into the boiling water or by digging a hole in the hot earth. Similar methods exist in Japan and Iceland, so it is plausible, if difficult to prove, that early humans might have used hot springs to cook meat and roots. Richard Wrangham, who devised the cooking theory, is fascinated by the idea. Nonetheless, fire would have offered a distinct advantage to humans, once they had mastered the art of controlling it since, unlike a hot spring, it is a transportable resource.

63.All of the following statements can support the cooking theory EXCEPT__________.

A.cooking enabled early humans to invest less in digestive system

B.cooking enabled early humans to devote more energy to building big brains

C.our brain became larger around the same time our digestive system weakened

D.the controlled fire wasn’t mastered until about 790,000 years ago

64.The presence of biological molecules was important because_________.

A.they suggested a possible means of cooking without fire

B.they cast light on how early Homo erectus lived

C.they provided a convenient way of studying stone tools

D.they made studies of pre-historic cultures possible

65.The underlined word “plausible” probably means _________.

A. noticeable

B. applicable

C. reasonable

D. affordable

66.What may be the conclusion of the study by Dr. Summons and his colleague?

A.Early humans were capable of making complex stone tools.

B.Hot springs help explain how human brains got so big.

C.Homo erectus were adaptable to tough and complex territories.

D. Human brains are highly advanced as shown by their size.




Did cooking in hot springs make humans brainy?

Geothermal springs could help explain how early humans evolved such big brains

How and why, roughly 2m years ago, early human ancestors evolved large brains and began fashioning relatively advanced stone tools, is one of the great mysteries of evolution. Some researchers argue these changes were brought about by the invention of cooking. They point out that our bite weakened around the same time as our larger brains evolved, and that it takes less energy to extract nutrients from cooked food. As a result, once they had mastered the art, early chefs could pare back their digestive systems and invest the resulting energy savings in building larger brains capable of complex thought. There is, however, a problem with the cooking hypothesis. Most archaeologists believe the evidence of controlled fire stretches back no more than 790,000 years.

Roger Summons of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology has a solution. Together with his team of geomicrobiologists, he analysed 1.7m-year-old sandstones that formed in an ancient river at Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania. The region is famous for the large number of human fossils that have been discovered there, alongside an impressive assembly of stone tools. The sandstones themselves have previously yielded some of the world’s

earliest sophisticated Acheulean hand axes: large tear-drop-shaped stone tools that are associated with Homo erectus. Creating an Acheulean axe by repeatedly knocking flakes off of a raw stone in order to create two sharp cutting edges requires a significant amount of planning. Their appearance is therefore thought to mark an important moment in cognitive evolution.

Trapped inside the Olduvai sand-stones, the researchers found distinctive but unusual biological molecules(分子)that are often interpreted as biomarkers for heat-tolerant bacteria. Some of these live in water between 85°C and 95°C. The molecules’ presence suggests that an ancient river within the Gorge was once fed by one or more hot springs. Dr. Summons and his colleagues say the hot springs would have provided a convenient “pre-fire” means of cooking food. In New Zealand,the Maori have traditionally cooked food in hot springs, either by lowering it into the boiling water or by digging a hole in the hot earth. Similar methods exist in Japan and Iceland, so it is plausible, if difficult to prove, that early humans might have used hot springs to cook meat and roots. Richard Wrangham, who devised the cooking theory, is fascinated by the idea. Nonetheless, fire would have offered a distinct advantage to humans, once they had mastered the art of controlling it since, unlike a hot spring, it is a transportable resource.

63--66 DACB


Slower Walkers Have Slower Minds, Scientists Reveal

Of all human activities, few are so readily credited with enhancing the power of the mind as going for a good walk. However, those who assume that strolling along at a gentle pace is the symbol of superior intellect should think again, scientists have said. ______67_______ Doctors have long used walking speed to gain a quick and reliable understanding of older peopled mental capability, as it is increasingly recognized that pace is associated with not only

muscular strength but also the central nervous system. ______68______ The relationship was so obvious, however, that the US scientists now say walking tests could be used to provide an early indication of dementia(痴呆).

Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, the study revealed an average difference of 16 IQ points between the slowest and the fastest walkers at the age of 45, This reflected both the participants’ natural walking speed and the pace they achieved when asked lo walk as fast as they could._____69______ Actually, slower walkers were shown to have “speeded aging'' on a 19-measure scale devised by researchers, and their lungs, teeth and immune systems tended to be in worse shape than the people who walked faster.

The 904 New Zealand men and women who were tested at 45 were tracked from the age of three, each undergoing multiple tests over the years. The long-term data collection enabled researchers to establish that kids with lower IQ scores, lower linguistic ability and weaker emotional control tended to have slower walking speeds by middle age. _____70______ The research team said genetic factors may explain the link between walking speed, brain capacity and physical health or that better brain health might promote physical activity, leading to better walking speed. Some of the differences in health and intellect may be the result of lifestyle choices individuals have made.

67-70 CEAD




Of all human activities, few are so readily credited with enhancing the power of the mind as going for a good walk.

在人类的所有活动中,很少有什么活动能像散步一样被认定为可以增强思维能力。However, those who assume that strolling along at a gentle pace is the hallmark of superior intellect should think again, scientists have said.


hallmark [?h??lmɑ?k]:n.特点;品质证明

In fact, based on a new series of experiments, they now believe the slower a person’s tendency to walk, the less able their brain.


Researchers performed gait-speed analysis on hundreds of middle-aged people, comparing the results with a range of physical and psychological measures.


gait [ɡe?t]:n.步法,步态

Doctors have long used walking speed to gain a quick and reliable insight into older people’s cognitive capability, as it is increasingly recognized that gait is associated with not only musculoskeletal mechanisms but also the central nervous system.


上海杨浦区2017届高三一模英语试卷 2016.12.23 II. Grammar and Vocabulary Section A In two days , it will be Christmas, children all over world (21) ________(look) forward to this day for weeks. People celebrate Christmas with food, decorations, music and more. But for many people , gift-giving is the most exciting part of the holiday. I have fond memories of Christmas shopping with my family as a child. I enjoyed the challenge of keeping my parents’ gifts a secret. It was hard to buy gifts right.(22)______their noses without them seeing. Everyone placed(23)__________(wrap) gifts under the Christmas tree until Christmas morning, (24)________we opened them. Picking a great gift require (25)________(know) the person you’re giving it to. You n eed to know the person’s tastes and find something the person doesn’t already have. This can be quite a big challenge . Often it’s wise to provide a receipt (26)______ _________the person needs to exchange the gift. The best gifts are personal . Many Ame ricans don’t feel money constitutes a good gift(27)_______it doesn’t require any thought. They prefer something chosen just for the person. If the gift is a high-quality homemade gift, that’s even better. Gift-giving reflects the reason(28)______ people celebrate Christmas. Christians in particular remember the birth of Jesus. When he was born, wise men traveled many miles to visit him, (29)________(bring) expensive gifts. But the greatest gift wasn’t from the wise man, but from God-----the baby Jesus. God gave this gift because everyone needed it. We needed God to forgive our bad actions so that we (30)______ live forever with him. So on Christmas we give presents to imitate God’s action of giving the perfect gift. Section B Directions: Fill each blank with a proper word chosen from the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one word more than you need. Donald Trump ___31___ his place as the United States 45th president after crossing the 270 electoral vote threshold(门槛) on November 9. The 70-year-old Republican will take over from Barack Obama, a two-term president to occupy with White House. The rise of Trump , a celebrity businessman with no previous experience in the

练中求变,能力至上 ——2010 年市一模试卷分析及高三英语复习策略 泰顺中学刘海宇 一.2010 年市一模试卷分析 1.2010 年市一模试卷评析 2010 年市一模试卷的难度适中,符合考试说明的要求,也体现了高中新课程理念和素质教育的内涵,整卷突出语篇,强调语境,注重交际,重视运用。大部分学生能够在规定的时间内答完全部试题,基础好的 学生还有一定的时间进行检查,确保了学生的英语水平得以真实的反映。因此,一模试卷对我市的高中英 语教学起到很好的导向作用。 2. 成绩分析 以泰顺中学高三段参加考试的584 人做样本进行数据统计,段平均分为88.9, 最高分为133.5,最低分为23,试卷难度值为0.59,符合高考作为选拔性考试, 需要适当的难度,整卷的难度系数控制在0.60 ±0.05 之间的标准。从下图的分数分布看,120分以上的高分偏少,只有22人,而70分以下有97人,因此,当务之急, 一模之后要面向全体, 培优补差,才能提高总体实力。 130 以上120 129.5 110 119.5 100 109.5 90-99.580-89.570-79.560-69.560 以下

本次的听力试题,语速适中,语音清晰,设问有梯度。从上表可以看出,第1、3、5、8、10、19 题失 分较多,其中1 到5小题只有念一次,许多学生在听力开始时,思想过度紧张,导致大脑一片空白,再加上追 求完美的心理,不舍得放弃,以至于一旦第一题没有听清楚后,还一直在琢磨究竟哪个是正确答案,结果就 如多米诺骨牌一样产生连锁反应,失分连连。第七段对话语速较快,很多学生没听清楚,因此第8、10 小题 基本就去蒙了,其中第8 题有47% 的学生选了 A.Atamusicparty 选项,只是因为在对话中听到了music 这个词. ②单项填空―― 基础知识是重点,强调语言实用性 a. 单选重双基,语境中活现 本卷单项选择部分考查要点突出,覆盖面广,没有刻意追求语言形式与结构的繁杂,而是强调考生在 各方面的实际运用能力;强调在注重实用性的基础上,将语法、词汇、习惯用语等语言项目的测试融入真 实的情景之中,体现了语言的交际功能。如第 3 题,把现在进行时的被动语态的考查放在机场的登机广播 中 b. 动词是重点 动词始终是单项填空的主旋律、重头戏。本卷题型中考查动词的有7题,与08、09 年高考一样占35%的分值。主要考查非谓语动词、情态动词、动词时态、语态、动词词义及词组的区别等。该题从以下几个方面考查学生的英语水平: 1. 基础语法知识 2. 对词义的正确理解 3. 相近词的辨析 4. 固定词组的搭配 5. 交际用语的灵活运用 各考查项目的分布情况如下: 第1题冠词;第2题名词辨析;第3题动词时态;第4题介词短语辨析;第5题副词辨析;第6题therebe 句型;第7题动词短语辨析;第8题疑问代词;第9题非谓语动词;第10题形容词辨析;第11 题情态动词;第12题定语从句;第13题动词短语辨析;第14题连词辨析;第15题代词;第16题情景交际;第17题非谓语动词;第18题

杨浦区2015学年度第一学期高三“3+1”质量调研 英语学科试卷2016. 1 本试卷分为第I卷(第1-13页)和第II卷(第14页)两部分。全卷共14页。满分150分。考试时间120分钟。 考生注意: 1.答第I卷前,考生务必将条形码粘贴在答题纸的指定区域内。 2. 第I卷(1-16小题,41---77小题)由机器阅卷,答案必须全部涂写在答题卡 上。考生应将代表正确答案的小方格用铅笔涂黑。注意试题题号和答题卡编号一一对应,不能错位。答案需要更改时,必须将原选项用橡皮擦去,重新选择。答案写在试卷上一律不给分。第I卷中的第17-40小题,78-81小题和第II卷的试题,其答案用钢笔或水笔写在答题纸的规定区域内,如用铅笔答题,或写在试卷上则无效。 第I卷(共103分) I. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. A. Tour guide and traveler. B. Teacher and student. C. Boss and secretary. D. Bank clerk and customer. 2. A. The woman should tell her feeling to her sister. B. The woman should respect her boyfriend’s privacy. C. The woman should not interfere in her sister’s love affairs. D. The woman should have a talk with her sister’s boyfriend. 3. A. A cartoon. B. A movie about a talk show. C. A comedy. D. A violent movie. 4. A. Their professional development. B. Project investment. C. Current circumstances. D. Appreciation for opinions. 5. A. 100 cents. B. 85 cents. C. 45 cents. D. 70 cents. 6. A. The train seldom arrives on time. B. The schedule has been misprinted. C. The speakers arrived at the station late. D. The company has trouble printing a schedule. 7. A. The man desires to work in a power plant.

一、整体情况分析 本次考试英语文理科平均分为85.8,共有15个人超过120分,其中4个人达到130分,最高分为李佳瑶133.8分。 整套试卷贴近高考要求,原创性很强,内容贴近生活、贴近时代,综合性强,区分度及灵活度较高,而且知识覆盖面广,对学生的能力要求高。命题以课本为依托,重视语言知识的积累,同时突出语篇阅读,考查了第一轮复习所涉及的语言知识点,让学生感到平时的教学与考试密切相关,从而促使他们重视平时的学习和考前的复习。试卷总体上较好地体现了英语教学应遵循的重视积累,夯实基础,注重语篇,培养能力的原则,对高三英语教师的教与学生的学均起到了较好的导向作用。 二、学生答题情况分析 1.阅读理解:此次4篇阅读难度适宜,其中B阅读难度较大,学生失分率较高,3题,6题、11题、13题得分率较低。原因是学生不善于利用有效的信息进行排除和合理的推断,没有掌握如何从整体上、宏观上把握文章的脉络,明确段意,理解文章中心和作者的写作意图的技巧。其它原因:1)部分学生基础薄弱,阅读速度不够,造成阅读时间不足,文章来不及细读。2)学生词汇量不够,造成理解难度增大,解题正确率低。3)分析信息,处理信息能力差,无法合理分析关键信息,提取有效信息,耗费了很多时间,结果事倍功半。4)知识面陕窄。在现在的二轮复习阅读训练中应更加注重学生能力和时间的训练。对尖子生阅读训练内容要精挑细选,适当加大难度;对其他学生阅读训练内容降低难度,贵在让学生坚持训练。 2、完型填空:具有一定的教育和启发意义。本文难度不大,大意应该很好把握,基本上没生词,题目设计考虑了语篇,逻辑性强,但通过阅卷发现学生得分悬殊较大。英语较好的只错3.4个,英语基础不好的同学只对了3.4个,其实完型是考查学生在阅读理解的基础上对语篇、词汇、语法的综合运用情况。从失分率高的小题可以看出,一方面,个别学生未真正把握整个语篇含义就做题导致失分;另一方面,大部分学生在名词和动词的词义辨析和固定搭配方面掌握仍不牢固,与单选似乎有着同样的问题,今后既要强化完形答题技巧训练又要多方面搜集两大实词的辨析与用法。

杨浦区2011学年度髙三学科测试 II. Grammar and vocabulary (25%) Section A Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. 25. The cause of the crash of the Antarctic research helicopter is still ________ investigation. A. on B. among C. below D. under 26. Almost half of all adults have basic maths skills that are no better than of _____ children aged nine to 11, government-commissioned research has shown. A. one B. those C. some D. that 27.Many citizens are angry with the new food standards _____ by the government. A. having been updated B. being updated C. updating D. updated 28.It remains a mystery _____ the world is going to end on Dec. 21st, 2012,which seems to be the end of the Mayan calendar. A. if B. that C. whether D. when 29.To his surprise, the man found shark fins _____ from the banquet menu in this famous restaurant. A. having been removed B. removed C. to be removed D. being removed 30. What do you think _____ makes the English version of the musical Notre Dame de Paris different from the previous ones? A. is it that B. that it is C. that is it D. it is that 31. The elderly patients still prefer the traditional way, _____ online booking system is supposed to be convenient and fast. A. while B. though C. unless D. as 32. The regulation is welcomed by the public _____ advertisements are banned in the middle of television dramas. A. that B. whether C. in which D. when 33. The joy of life is a deep spring. Only when digging deep _____ clear and sweet water.

1.范围在…和…之间between…and from…to range in age from 5 to 10 2.six other students= six others another six students 3.what you do matters. What matters is not…but…. 重要的不是…而是…What matters is not the result but the process. What matters is not

whether he has succeeded but how hard he is during the process. 4.at the end of 过去 by the end of 完成 5.现在完成时since 一般 过去时 It has been ten years since Iarrived in SH. 6.Internet has been the most important progress since personal computer was invented. 7.have no choice but to do

8.do nothing but do 9.can’t help but do 10.including sth sth. included 11.prove to be true 12.sign your name /signature 13.refer to 牵涉,谈到=mention 14.旅游胜地 a place of interest 15.tourist attraction 16.追溯到date back to 17.meet sb. at the station

高中英语试卷分析 高中英语试卷分析(一) 一、试题结构分析 与历次月考相比,题型结构有些变化。没有了听力题,其它试题基本不变。客观试题占75%,其中,单项选择占15分,完形填空占30分,阅读理解占30分。主观试题即写作占25%(25分)整卷突出语篇能力、强调英语语言的运用。学案中的原题只出现在单选题型里占66.7%,占整个试卷的10%,合10分。总体来讲,试卷难度较小。单选题只考察了几个单词的用法;完形填空和阅读理解文章难度也很低。写作基本上还是简单的单句翻译。各种题型得分比例为:单选题69%,完形填空35%,阅读30%,写作28.5%。平均仅36分。及格率仅为2.5%.从写作来看,能写出几个正确初二难度的的英语句子的学生很少。学生的词汇量很少,多数学生达不到正常的初二年级水平。 试卷体现了语言交际性原则,加大了应用能力考查的力度,考查不只停留在对于语言知识的识记与简单再现上,而且考查考学生语言知识的运用能力,即词汇及重要句型所用的语境是否恰当、得体,是否达到准确表达思想的目的。

二、本班现状 由于学生基础相差太大,成绩很不理想。这里不提过多的的历史原因。本班所谓的优秀生学生(各科考试总成绩排在前十名的学生中,只有一人勉强算英语学科的优秀生,一名算得上中等生,其余的基本上在差生行列,各科发展存在严重的不均衡问题。另外一些英语成绩相对不错的学生的各科总成绩却排在 全班中下游。这种片刻现象反映了学生能力和学习兴趣的不均衡。在日常教学中经常出现这样令人尴尬的局面,在很多学生一再要求和追问下,不知不觉地就讲到了小学三四年级的内容,很多学生正听得饶有兴趣,常常突然有学生喊起来:“老师你在干什么?”他嫌讲的内容太没必要了。当然学生在考试中出现的问题,在一定程度上反映了>英语教学中出现的问题。如,我们的学案虽属新课标规定内容,且难度正常,但学生难以接受。降低难度当然没问题,但短期内学好七八年都没学好的内容是不现实的。而且这毕竟是高中教学,而且将来的考试不会降低标准。可能我们过于注重教学形式,忽视教学效果,词汇教学费力不小但收效甚微,记忆力和理解力是制约学生英语水平的提高的严重障碍。另外学生知识面狭窄也是一些简单教学内容显得得复杂。

杨浦区2013学年度第一学期高三年级学业质量调研 英语答案2014. 1 I. Listening Comprehension Section A Short conversations Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. M: How much are the red roses? W: $30 a dozen, but I can give you a 10% discount. They’re on sale today. Q: How much should the man pay for a dozen red roses? (C) 2. W: Sir, please take me to Beijing Hotel quickly, or I’ll be late for an appointment. M: I’ll try, but you know the traffic in Beijing. It will take at least forty minutes in rush hours. Q: What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? (D) 3. W: Tom, you look awful today. What’s wrong with you? M: I haven’t taken any exam for years after graduation, so I feel a little nervous for the coming exams. Q: What do we know about Tom? (A) 4.M: Miss, can you give me change for a dollar so that I can make a phone call at the call box? W: Sorry, sir. I’m not allowed to give change without a purchase. But you’ll find a change machine in front of the jewelry store. Q: Where does the woman suggest the man get change? (D) 5. M: I’m going to drop my Information Science class. It begins too early in the morning. W: Is that really a good reason to drop the class, Tony? Q: What does the woman mean? (B) 6. W: Sir, may I help you? M: Yes, did the cleaning staff find a wallet in the room that I just checked out of? Q: Where does the conversation most probably take place? (C) 7. W: Your coat is all wet. Is it raining heavily outside? M: Yes. I should have listened to the weatherman. But the sunny and windy weather in the morning deceived me. Q: What did the weatherman say about the weather in the afternoon? (D) 8. M: How are you getting on with your experiment? W: In spite of my continuous failure, I have already made some progress. Q: What can we learn about the woman’s experiment? (C) 9. W: Is the person in the black shirt your boss, Tom? M: No, my boss is on business now. But if I didn’t know my boss was the only

一模高三英语试卷分析 叶静 一、整体情况 宿迁市2013届第一次模拟考试己经结束,试卷难度与高考很贴近,尤其体现在:单项选择的难度,阅读理解的人文性,时代性,多样性,以及书面表达的时代性等诸多方面。 本次考试我们学校各班平均分数都很低班。整套试卷综合性强,内容贴近生活、紧跟时代。从考试结果来看全卷的难度、区分度都把握得还可以。 二、分项分析 (一)除了听力之外,其它各项得分都较低,尤其是单选和阅读理解。全区任务型阅读得分为2. 3,写作得分为11分。 二、各大题中主要失分题及原因分析 第一部分:听力 这次听力情景丰富,内容真实,语言地道,语速适中,从出题角度来看,这次听力除了考查学生能否获取详细的事实性信息外,还有理解会话者的观点、态度及意图,推测关系、地点,概括主旨等需深层理解的题目。 第二部分:单项选择题 本次单项填空主要考查了高三复习中常规的一些单词、短语、语法项目,覆盖面较广, 并体现了尽量在不同的语境中运用英语的能力考查,学生错误率较高的为21, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35 这几题。 第三部分:完形填空 这篇完形填空是一篇励志型夹叙夹议文章,文章的主题很好,学生在通读整体理解文章的大意上有点的难度.而在解题时却对一些词比较生疏,再加上其他的新单词的影响和几个难句,导致学生得分不高。 第四部分:阅读理解 四篇阅读理解难度适中继续保持知识性、趣味性、时代性强,信息量大,题材与体裁广泛的特点,涉及人物故事类,科普类,文化教育类,人文地理类等体裁。错误较高的是56, 61, 62, 64 ,66 和67 题。 学生对词义的猜测,文章主题的理解概括,及推断题很差, 第五部分:任务型阅读 任务型阅读,本次任务型阅读要求每空填一个单词,与高考要求相符。这篇任务型阅读无论是从选材还是题目的设计上来讲都是非常成功的,能综合考查学生阅读中的寻找信息及对信息进行总结、推理、及进行相应的变化等方面的相关能力。题目中有根据关键词在文

高三英语试卷分析 高三英语试卷分析(一) 一、整体情况分析 本次考试听力为20分,笔试为130分。本次考试的命题坚持了“贴近高考,注重语言的情景性、运用性”的试题设计原则,注重考查学生的语言基础知识积累和在语境中运用语言的能力。试卷在选材上注重题材、体裁的多样性,文章内容贴近生活、贴近实际,具有积极的情感态度导向,完全体现了天津卷英语学科高考的命题特点。命题从总体上讲有较好的区分度,能反映出学生的语言运用能力,对下一阶段高三的英语备考工作也有着正确的导向作用。 三、具体题型分析 1、听力部分整体得分较低,原因是听力能力差,次要信息较多,学生易受干扰。总体而言,题目较易、较浅显,听力得分率相对较高。从主要的失分题型中,说明我们在以后的教学中不仅要进一步加强听力训练和方法指导,培养学生的预测和捕捉关键信息,以及综合理解语言信息的能力,还得夯实学生基础,提高学生的语言基本功,从而提高语言理解能力。 2、单项选择:学生对语法方面能力欠缺,其主要原因为高三学生对语法知识有些遗忘,而有些学生干脆就一直未掌握;学生尽管每天都在背词汇,但效果较差,更不能对词汇进行深层掌握。为此,在余下的两个月时间内,我们尽量加强重点词汇的检查力度,并及时归纳总结各种词汇辨析,力求少失分。 3、完型填空:完型是考查学生在阅读理解的基础上对语篇、词汇、语法的综合运用情况。从失分率高的题目可以看出,一方面,个别学生未真正把握整个语篇含义就做题导致失分;另一方面,大部分学生在名词和动词的词义辨析和固定搭配方面掌握仍不牢固,与单选似乎有着同样的问题,今后既要强化完形答题技巧训练又要多方面搜集两大实词的辨析与用法。 4、阅读理解:此次4篇阅读难度适中,学生在查找个别细节、目的归纳、猜测词义、推理判断题上的能力仍然较弱,原因是学生不善于利用有效的信息进行排除和合理的推断,没有掌握如何从整体上、宏观上把握文章的脉络,明确段意,理解文章中心和作者的写作意图的技巧。其它原因:1)部分学生基础薄弱,阅读速度不够,造成阅读时间不足,文章来不及细读。2)学生词汇量不够,造成理解难度增大,解题正确率低。3)分析信息,处理信息能力差,无法合理分析关键信息,提取有效信息,耗费了很多时间,结果事倍功半。4)知识面陕窄。今后应更加注重学生读的能力的训练。 第五部分:任务型阅读 这篇任务型阅读无论是从选材还是题目的设计上来讲都是较为成功的,能够综合考查学生阅读中寻找信息及对信息进行总结、推理以及进行相应的变化等方面的相关能力。难度一般,题目中只有个别根据关键词在文中相关位置直接找出答案的细节题,大部分都需要学生对句子理解后加以适当转换的题型。 第六部分:书面表达 本次书面表达内容话题与学生实际密切相关,关于心理状态和对考试的认识。但从阅卷的情况来看,书面表达中还存在以下几点问题: 1 .要点不齐全。有点要点容易被学生遗漏或表达不清,反映第一轮复习还不够扎实。 2.基本功不扎实,出现了很多语法错误和汉语式英语的表达方式。更不能使用一些

杨浦区2019学年度第一学期高三模拟质量调研 英语学科试卷 考生注意: 1. 2. 考试时间120分钟,试卷满分140分。 本次考试设试卷和答题纸两部分。所有答題必须涂(选择题)或写(非选择题)在答题纸上,做在试卷上—律不得分。 务必在答题纸上填写准考证号和姓名,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上。 3. 1. Listening Comprehension Section A Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard. 1. 2. B. At a cheese market. D. At a salad counter. B. Sorting out her clothes. D. Saving closet space. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. A. At a bakery. C. At a restaurant. A. Packing her stuff. C. Cleaning her suitcase. A.He was involved in a hit-and-run accident. B.He was needed in an accident investigation. C.He witnessed the police giving a statement. D.He got stuck in traffic due to an accident. A.He misses the old times when he could go to the pubs after work. B.He thinks he is lucky to enjoy the advantages of the living arrangement. C.He thinks it difficult for him to get used to the life in the countryside. D.He actually prefers relaxation in the country to excitement in the city. A. $15. B. $24. A.He forgot to put up the "Wet Floor" sign. B.He spilled something and didn't clean it up. C.He slipped on the floor and injured himself. D.He failed to explain the cause of the accident. A. Doctor and patient. C. Trainer and athlete. A.Neil and his wife had a big fight last weekend. B.NeiPs wife was good at tidying up the house. C.Neil enjoyed organizing his books on the shelves. D.Neil felt unhappy about seeing efforts wasted. A.The course will be more difficult than was expected. B.It is important to keep thinking about the course. C.Every accounting student will be awarded a certificate. D.The certificate will make all the hard work worthwhile. A.He counts on his relatives to get him a good gift. B.The Harry Potter glasses are not really what he wanted. C.Good Christmas gifts take much thought to prepare. D.His aunt is a considerate and thoughtful lady. C. $27. D. $30. B. Teacher and student. D. Father and daughter.

2019年常州英语一模试卷分析 试卷考点与分析: 单项选择题 题号考点难易程分值难度系数备注 易 1 ★注意语境两者都不 1 连词 Either,both,neither 应用;would rather do sth 易 1 ★Could 委婉提问用can回答 2 花费物作主用cost 情态动词could can 3 宾语从句引导词 易 1 ★Never doubt 连词用that Be worth doing sth/be worth sth 4 句意理解、副词辨析中 1 ★★根据语境排除法选B 5 句意理解,动词词组辨析易 1 ★Break out 爆发;break down 倒塌 Break into闯入;break off 分离 6 句意理解、名词词意辨析易 1 ★Magic 魔法;魔力 7 句意理解。词组辨析易 1 ★句意需要填导致结果 8 So that 中 1 ★★At 后面是what 引导的宾语从句What引导宾语从句 9 宾语从句中 1 ★★Whether。。or not;时态;引导词 10 情景交际易 1 ★Would mind 回答不介意 not at all 完形填空题 题号考点难易程度分值难度系数备注 11 句意理解形容词辨析易 1 ★句意困难的 12 句意理解形容词辨析易 1 ★modest谦虚的 13 连接词辨析中 1 ★★理解句意;了解when,since用法 14 动词辨析易 1 ★加入 15 词组易 1 ★go for 有倾向于。。 16 形容词辨析句意理解中 1 ★★句意理解根据后面hard words 用unkind 17 动词辨析易 1 ★Fall 摔倒 18 连词易 1 ★转折 19 上下文联系难 1 ★★★上下文联系 20 形容词辨析句意理解易 1 ★句意孤单的女孩 1

考试六大应试技巧 一、自我暗示、消除焦虑 ①自我暗示法。用平时自己考试中曾有优异成绩来不断暗示自己:我是考生中的佼佼者;我一定能考得理想的成绩;我虽然有困难的题目,但别人不会做的题目也很多。 ②决战决胜法。视考场为考试的大敌,用过去因怯场而失败的教训鞭策自己决战决胜。 二、整体浏览,了解卷情 拿到试卷后,在规定的地方写好姓名和准考证号后,先对试卷进行整体感知,看看这份试卷共多少页、总题量是多少、分哪几大部分、有哪几种题型。这样不仅可以要防止试卷错误,尽早调换,避免不必要的损失;而且通过对全卷作的整体把握,能尽早定下作战方案。 重要的是初步了解下试卷的难易度,以便自己合理安排答题时间,避免会做的没有做,不会做的却浪费了时间的情况出现。 三、“两先两后”,合理安排 ①先易后难 ②先熟后生 四、“一慢一快”,慢中求快 一、书写速度应快,不慢慢吞吞。二、书写的内容要简明扼要,不拖泥带水,噜嗦重复,尽量写出得分点就行了。 五、分段得分,每分必争 对于会做的题目。对会做的题目要解决对而不全的老大难问题,如果出现跳步往往就会造成丢分的情况,因此,答题过程一定规范,重要步骤不可遗漏,这就是分段得分。 对于不会做的题目,这里又分两种情况,一种是一大题分几小题的,一种是一大题只有一问的。对于前者,我们的策略是“跳步解答”,第一小题答不出来,就把第一小题作为已 知条件,用来解答第二小题,只要答得对,第二小题照样得分。对于后者,我们的策略是“缺步解题”,能演算到什么程度就什么程度,不强求结论。这样可以最大程度地得到分数。 六、重视检查环节 如果自己的考试时间还有些充裕,那么根不可匆忙交卷,而应作耐心的复查。将模棱两可的及未做的题目最后要进行检查、作答,特别是填空题、选择题不要留空白。

英语试卷分析 一、试卷总体评价 二、答题情况 全卷满分120分,苍南中学学生平均分为87.2,全卷难度系数为0.72。单项填空满分10分,平均分为6.6,难度系数为0.66;完形填空满分20分,平均分为15.8,难度系数为0.79;阅读理解满分50分,平均分为41,难度系数为0.82;短文改错满分10分,平均分为6.2,难度系数为0.65;书面表达满分30分,平均分为16.3,难度系数为0.58。全卷难度适中,兼具区分度,有较高的信度和效度。 三、题型分析 本分析报告以完形填空题型作为重点分析对象。 该文设空20个,其中考察动词或动词词组辨析以及联系上下文语境能力的 有22、25、26、32、35、37六题;考查形容词辨析以及联系上下文语境能力的有29、34、36三题;考察名词辨析以及联系上下文语境能力的有28、30、40 三题;考察副词辨析以及联系上下文语境能力的有23、31、33、38四题;考察介词辨析以及联系上下文语境能力的有27一题;考察代词辨析以及联系上下文语境能力的有24一题;考察连词辨析以及联系上下文语境能力的有21一题;考察情态动词辨析以及联系上下文语境能力的有39一题。考点知识面较广,考察重点主要是实词。干扰项设计周密,词性相同或属于对等范畴。 (二)学生的答题情况 完形填空满分20分,平均分为,难度系数为%。其中,正确率最高的为38题,正确率98.4%;正确率在90%以上的还有题号22、28、39,在85%以上的 有题号31、34、35、37、40,在80%以上的有题号21、23、30;在75%以上的有题号32、36;在70%以上的有题号25;65%以上的有题号24、26;60%以上的有题号29、33;正确率最低的为题号27,为53.2%。 (三)从答题情况反映的学生不足之处 为反映学生不足之处,以下选取学生正确率在85%以下的题目进行分析。 1.词汇 为了考核学生英语语言知识的运用,在完形篇章中对学生的词汇进行了考察。词汇考查主要依据是中学英语教学大纲或课程标准和当年的高考英语大纲所规 定考纲词汇,主要参考材料是考生所学过的教材,考察考生综合运用语言的能力。在本篇完形中,在词汇方面学生错误比较多的题目有(题号后括号内为正确率):题26 (68.7%) …but the son decided to ___B____ there. A.figure out B.hold on C.turn up D.break up 题27 (53.2%) William never missed a practice all __C___ high school, but remained a “bench-warmer”. A. at B. across C. through D.within 题29 (62.1%) the boy read it and becam e completely __B___. A. thankful B. silent C. interested D.lost 题32 (77.4%)Saturday arrived, and the game was not _B__ well. A.running B.going C.ending D.planning

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