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Your perfect job is a Writer!
Writers come in all shapes and sizes-film critics,
novelists, editorial columnists, screenwriters,
technical writers, and advertising copywriters.
Many spend the beginnings of their careers practicing
their skills as they await a big break.
While all writers prefer to write on subjects of personal interest,
most professionals are assigned topics by an editor.
Writers may work at home,
in an office, or in a hectic newsroom, but wherever they set up their office,
writers generally spend upwards of 40 hours a week hard at work-even
if only a fraction of that time is spent actually tapping the keys of a word processor.
Writers begin by asking questions and researching a subject.
The process of writing may involve conducting interviews,
reading up on a subject at the library,
traveling to a far-off location or even surfing the
Internet for clues.

My Signature

The Art of War is the greatest military theoretical
work in ancient China.
It is also one of the most respected Chinese
books and has a tremendous amount of influence worldwide.
The book deals with both strategic thought
and philosophical ideas,
which have since been widely applied in the areas of the military,
politics, and economics.

Completed more than 2,500 years ago,
the book is the earliest military theoretical
work in the world,
written 2,300 years earlier than On War by Karl
Von Clausewitz.

The book's author, Sun Wu,
was a great Chinese strategist during the Spring
and Autumn Periods and is honored as Military Sage.
He came to Wu State to escape the war and was nominated as a general by the king of Wu State.
He defeated 200,000 Chu State soldiers with
an infantry of only 30,000 soldiers.
This established his fame and prestige in the military
field. After reflecting on his experiences,
he write The Art of War, which discusses a series
of universal military rules and proposes
a complete military theoretical system.

With more than 6,000 Chinese characters,
The Art of War has 13 subjects in 13 chapters.
For example,
Strategy chapter talks about the merits of waging
a particular war. It reminds the reader of the strong relationship between war and politics and the economy. He wrote the five basic elements decisive for war are politics, timeliness, favorable geographical location, commanders and law, among which the politics is the most important. The Fight chapter discusses the best way to carry out the war. The chapter of Strategy of Attack is about how to attack the enemy. Sun Wu believes battles should be won with the least cost; such has capturing an enemy's castle without a direct fight or conquer an enemy state without an enduring war. He thinks the best way is to win a war is through political strategy. Failing that, he advises diplomatic measures followed by force, and finally attacking the enemy's castle. In terms of Strategy of Attack, it is important

to have a clear idea not only about one's own strengths but also that of the enemy. In the chapter of Use of Spy, he says various spies must be use to obtain a wide range of information before a war.

The Art of War consists of a great deal of valuable philosophical thoughts.
The verse "if you know others and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles"
has become popular among the Chinese people. There are many dialectic thoughts in the book as well,
which discusses such contradictions as the guest and the host,
the majority and the minority, the strong and the weak, attack and defense, triumph and fail

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