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The Freedom Givers

The Freedom Givers
The Freedom Givers

The Freedom Givers

A gentle breeze swept the Canadian plains as I stepped outside the small two-story house. Alongside me was a slender woman in a black dress, my guide back to a time when the surrounding settlement in Dresden, Ontario, was home to a hero in American history. As we walked toward a plain gray church, Barbara Carter spoke proudly of her great-great-grandfather, Josiah Henson. "He was confident that the Creator intended all men to be created equal. And he never gave up struggling for that freedom."


Carter's devotion to her ancestor is about more than personal pride: it is about family honor. For Josiah Henson has lived on through the character in American fiction that he helped inspire: Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowe's . Ironically, that character has come to symbolize everything Henson was not. A racial sellout unwilling to stand up for himself? Carter gets angry at the thought. "Josiah Henson was a man of principle," she said firmly.



I had traveled here to Henson's last home -- now a historic site that Carter formerly directed to learn more about a man who was, in many ways, an African-American Moses. After winning his own freedom from slavery, Henson secretly helped hundreds of other slaves to escape north to Canada -- and liberty. Many settled here in Dresden with him.

Yet this stop was only part of a much larger mission for me. Josiah Henson is but one name on a long list of courageous men and women who together forged the Underground Railroad, a secret web of escape routes and safe houses that they used to liberate slaves from the American South. Between 1820 and 1860, as many as 100,000 slaves traveled the Railroad to freedom.




In October 2000, President Clinton authorized $16 million for the to honor this first great civil-rights struggle in the U. S. The center is scheduled to open in 2004 in Cincinnati. And it's about time. For the heroes of remain too little remembered, their exploits still largely unsung.

I was intent on telling their stories.

John Parker tensed when he heard the soft knock. Peering out his door into the night, he recognized the face of a trusted neighbor. "There's a party of escaped slaves hiding in the woods in Kentucky, twenty miles from the river," the man whispered urgently. Parker didn't hesitate. "I'll go," he said, pushing a pair of pistols into his pockets.


Born a slave two decades before, in the 1820s, Parker had been

taken from his mother at age eight and forced to walk in chains from Virginia to Alabama, where he was sold on the slave market. Determined to live free someday, he managed to get trained in iron molding. Eventually he saved enough money working at this trade on the side to buy his freedom. Now, by day, Parker worked in an iron foundry in the Ohio port of Ripley. By night he was a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad, helping people slip by the slave hunters. In Kentucky, where he was now headed, there was a $1000 reward for his capture, dead or alive.

Crossing the Ohio River on that chilly night, Parker found ten fugitives frozen with fear. "Get your bundles and follow me, " he told them, leading the eight men and two women toward the river. They had almost reached shore when a watchman spotted them and raced off to spread the news.



Parker saw a small boat and, with a shout, pushed the escaping slaves into it. There was room for all but two. As the boat slid across the river, Parker watched helplessly as the pursuers closed in around the men he was forced to leave behind.

The others made it to the Ohio shore, where Parker hurriedly arranged for a wagon to take them to the next "station" on the Underground Railroad -- the first leg of their journey to safety in Canada. Over the course of his life, John Parker guided more than 400 slaves to safety.



While black conductors were often motivated by their own painful experiences, whites were commonly driven by religious convictions. Levi

Coffin, a Quaker raised in North Carolina, explained, "The Bible, in bidding us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked, said nothing about color."

In the 1820s Coffin moved west to Newport (now Fountain City), Indiana, where he opened a store. Word spread that fleeing slaves could always find refuge at the Coffin home. At times he sheltered as many as 17 fugitives at once, and he kept a team and wagon ready to convey them on the next leg of their journey. Eventually three principal routes converged at the Coffin house, which came to be the Grand Central Terminal of the Underground Railroad.



For his efforts, Coffin received frequent death threats and warnings that his store and home would be burned. Nearly every conductor faced similar risks -- or worse. In the North, a magistrate might have imposed a fine or a brief jail sentence for aiding those escaping. In the Southern

states, whites were sentenced to months or even years in jail. One courageous Methodist minister, Calvin Fairbank, was imprisoned for more than 17 years in Kentucky, where he kept a log of his beatings: 35,105 stripes with the whip.

As for the slaves, escape meant a journey of hundreds of miles through unknown country, where they were usually easy to recognize. With no road signs and few maps, they had to put their trust in directions passed by word of mouth and in secret signs -- nails driven into trees, for example -- that conductors used to mark the route north.



Many slaves traveled under cover of night, their faces sometimes caked with white powder. Quakers often dressed their "passengers," both male and female, in gray dresses, deep bonnets and full veils. On one

occasion, Levi Coffin was transporting so many runaway slaves that he disguised them as a funeral procession.

Canada was the primary destination for many fugitives. Slavery had been abolished there in 1833, and Canadian authorities encouraged the runaways to settle their vast virgin land. Among them was Josiah Henson.

As a boy in Maryland, Henson watched as his entire family was sold to different buyers, and he saw his mother harshly beaten when she tried to keep him with her. Making the best of his lot, Henson worked diligently and rose far in his o许多黑奴走在夜色的掩护下,他们的脸上也涂上了白色的粉末。贵格会教徒经常让他们的“乘客”,“男性和女性,在灰色的衣服,深的帽子和面纱。有一次,利维科芬运送的逃亡黑奴实在太多,他他们假扮成一个葬礼。


wner's regard.

Money problems eventually compelled his master to send Henson,

his wife and children to a brother in Kentucky. After laboring there for several years, Henson heard alarming news: the new master was planning to sell him for plantation work far away in the Deep South. The slave would be separated forever from his family.

There was only one answer: flight. "I knew the North Star," Henson wrote years later. "Like the star of Bethlehem, it announced where my salvation lay. "

At huge risk, Henson and his wife set off with their four children. Two weeks later, starving and exhausted, the family reached Cincinnati, where they made contact with members of the Underground Railroad. "Carefully they provided for our welfare, and then they set us thirty miles on our way by wagon."



The Hensons continued north, arriving at last in Buffalo, N. Y.

There a friendly captain pointed across the Niagara River. "'Do you see those trees?' he said. 'They grow on free soil.'" He gave Henson a dollar and arranged for a boat, which carried the slave and his family across the river to Canada.

"I threw myself on the ground, rolled in the sand and danced around, till, in the eyes of several who were present, I passed for a madman. 'He's some crazy fellow,' said a Colonel Warren."

“Oh, no! Don't you know? I'm free!”





我们都期待她拥有良好的阅读习惯和阅读能力,可是早期阅读最为有效的是亲子阅读。 学前教育中的家庭教育比幼儿园教育来的更为重要。亲子阅读是最为有效的,最终我们想通过这些让幼儿养成自主阅读的习惯,提高幼儿自主阅读的能力。如果。。。可是亲子阅读的那方往往不是阅读专家,所以除了亲子阅读和自主阅读以外就还有阅读教学。那么什么是阅读教学呢,阅读教学就是激发阅读兴趣,提升阅读能力。当然兴趣是主要的,如果能力不提升,在浓厚的兴趣大概也是没什么指望了,兴趣和能力是相辅相成的。 所以我们在学校教幼儿养成良好的阅读习惯的的同时也要教给家长如何帮助幼儿养成良好的阅读习惯。那么什么是好的阅读习惯呢? 读懂文本内容孩子至少要理解这个故事讲的是什么吧? 理解主题思想,每一本书都有一个他所要表达的主题的思想和精神的传递的。 学习书面语言相同的目标,相同的内容呈现不同的教学效果却不同。----《灰姑娘》 那是因为形式不同。----我是歌手和中国好声音的例子。 形式很重要,阅读教学要从形式上吸引孩子投入到活动中从而让孩子爱上阅读。怎样的形式才能讨孩子喜欢又能达到我们的教学目标呢。那么我们所设计的形式就是要为目标服务的,是要有效 幼儿教师就是研究课堂,研究形式的,我们是怎么将一个美好的绘本呈现给我们的孩子的。一个绘本里的美好的主题思想,美好的语言我们都知道,可是我们怎么把这些美好的东西呈现给孩子呢,这就是形式的问题了。幼儿教师其实不用研究太多的理论,我们只要考虑怎样的形式呈现绘本。讨人喜欢的形式很重要。只要是他喜欢的,哪怕你稍微出错也是没有关系,就是语言有点问题也没有关系,只要孩子喜欢。-《哈林和李敏镐--情非得已》 形式为目标服务才有效,否则就形同虚设了 读懂文本内容首先是读懂图象符号图像符号有多重要,而我们中国人是不太注重图象符号的,而我们孩子的书是一图像为主的通过图像来储存想象力。我们想象一个事件是先出现图像还是字? 阅读不仅仅是识字,在我们城市里到处充实着汉字,我们不用担心孩子识字问题而是读图的能力。 图像很重要《找死的兔子》 反复的说,怎么了,你才接下来发生什么事?发生什么事?但是从头至尾都是一样的问题时,孩子会说你烦死了。一般让孩子对看图讲述不超过四副让孩子保持对事件的热情。绘本阅读不是看图讲述的过程。---《一根羽毛都不能动》比游泳,比飞翔 看图讲述 把看到的说出来,把事件讲清楚,,其实语言学习不一定是复述和跟念。面对一个事件把事情讲清楚,不重复,比游泳,比飞翔,这个时候还看图讲述吗?接下来就是看图听赏了,教师读幼儿听。一根羽毛,蜜蜂,乌鸦,风来了,看图听赏也是一种提高读图能力的方式,只是这个时候的读图孩子是被动的,因为要听着老师的语言追随画面,如果说你要让这个图像符号让幼儿获得。主动的获得并且得到巩固,那么就在一个小结的地方回想讨论,在一个情节点上回想讨论一下,刚才。。。怎么了?孩子这个时候泛出的图像就是主动的并且得到了一项巩固。看图听赏之后做游戏接下来是看图判断,比赛没完没了,比赛要不要结束。 生命比比赛更重要。最后两个好伙伴喝着狐狸的热汤,心满意足的喝着。 如果一个绘本故事从头到位都是绘本讲述孩子看得会吐 一个绘本故事关只有图象符号也是不够的 有一个这样的笑话,有一天老师问小朋友你们看到了什么,小朋友说两条鲨鱼在游泳, 救命有鲨鱼,哥我们就是鲨鱼好不好。 绘本阅读必不可少的是翻阅书本,翻书的经验就是一页一页的翻书,在绘本阅读中必不可少的就是亲近书本。 不用一堂课上全部给孩子,细水长流 理解主题思想 主题思想没有准与不准,只是有你的文化背景和文化底蕴的不同,只要是对孩子认识世界有利的,绘本阅读的主题不一定是教学目标。依据年龄特点,原有经验,学习方式《小薇向前冲》改目标是勇气,和遗传。 理解主题的形式 常见的形式是讨论。但是一味的讨论会让孩子厌倦 怎样的形式让幼儿理解主题更为深刻呢? 那就是体验 让孩子动一动,玩一玩 这样的玩一玩动一动是为主题的理解推波助澜,看似是情节的插科打诨却是为了主题服务的。理解主题的游戏中,融入多元领域的游戏。方格子的游戏<跳房子> ---《爱跳舞的小雅》可以让幼儿感受芭蕾舞的旋律。 学习书面语言


TEXT A Unit 2 The Freedom Givers In 2004 a center in honor of the "underground railroad" opens in Cincinnati. The railroad was unusual. It sold no tickets and had no trains. Yet it carried thousands of passengers to the destination of their dreams. 2004年,一个纪念“地下铁路”的中心将在辛辛那提州成立。这条铁路不同寻常,它不出售车票,也无火车行驶。然而,它将成千上万的乘客送往他们梦想中的目的地。The Freedom Givers Fergus M. Bordewich 1 A gentle breeze swept the Canadian plains as I stepped outside the small two-story house. Alongside me was a slender woman in a black dress, my guide back to a time when the surrounding settlement in Dresden, Ontario, was home to a hero in American history. As we walked toward a plain gray church, Barbara Carter spoke proudly of her great-great-grandfather, Josiah Henson. "He was confident that the Creator intended all men to be created equal. And he never gave up struggling for that freedom." 给人以自由者 弗格斯?M?博得威奇 我步出这幢两层小屋,加拿大平原上轻风微拂。我身边是一位苗条的黑衣女子,把我带回到过去的向导。那时,安大略省得雷斯顿这一带住着美国历史上的一位英雄。我们前往一座普普通通的灰色教堂,芭芭拉?卡特自豪地谈论着其高祖乔赛亚?亨森。“他坚信上帝要所有人生来平等。他从来没有停止过争取这一自由权利的奋斗。” 2 Carter's devotion to her ancestor is about more than personal pride: it is about family honor. For Josiah Henson has lived on through the character in American fiction that he helped inspire: Uncle Tom, the long-suffering slave in Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin. Ironically, that character has come to symbolize everything Henson was not. A racial sellout unwilling to stand up for himself? Carter gets angry at the thought. "Josiah Henson was a man of principle," she said firmly. 卡特对其先辈的忠诚不仅仅关乎一己之骄傲,而关乎家族荣誉。因为乔赛亚?亨森至今仍为人所知是由于他所激发的创作灵感使得一个美国小说人物问世:汤姆叔叔,哈丽特?比彻?斯陀的小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中那个逆来顺受的黑奴。具有讽刺意味的是,这一人物所象征的一切在亨森身上一点都找不到。一个不愿奋起力争、背叛种族的黑人?卡特对此颇为愤慨。“乔赛亚?亨森是个有原则的人,”她肯定地说。 3 I had traveled here to Henson's last home -- now a historic site that Carter formerly directed -- to learn more about a man who was, in many ways, an African-American Moses. After winning his own freedom from slavery, Henson secretly helped hundreds of other slaves to escape north to Canada -- and liberty. Many settled here in Dresden with him. 我远道前来亨森最后的居所――如今已成为卡特曾管理过的一处历史遗迹――是为了更多地了解此人,他在许多方面堪称黑人摩西。亨森自己摆脱了黑奴身份获得自由之后,便秘密帮助其他许多黑奴逃奔北方去加拿大――逃奔自由之地。许多人和他一起在得雷斯顿这一带定居了下来。 4 Yet this stop was only part of a much larger mission for me. Josiah Henson is but one name on a long list of courageous men and women who together forged the Underground Railroad, a secret web of escape routes and safe houses that they used to liberate slaves from the American South. Between 1820 and 1860, as many as 100,000 slaves traveled the Railroad to freedom. 但此地只是我所承担的繁重使命的一处停留地。乔赛亚?亨森只是一长串无所畏惧的


Unit 1 Changes in the Way We Live 在美国,不少人对乡村生活怀有浪漫的情感。许多居住在城镇的人梦想着自己办个农场,梦想着靠土地为生。很少有人真去把梦想变为现实。或许这也没有什么不好,因为,正如吉姆·多尔蒂当初开始其写作和农场经营双重生涯时所体验到的那样,农耕生活远非轻松自在。但他写道,自己并不后悔,对自己作出的改变生活方式的决定仍热情不减。 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life Jim Doherty 有两件事是我一直想做的――写作与务农。如今我同时做着这两件事。作为作家,我和E·B·怀特不属同一等级,作为农场主,我和乡邻也不是同一类人,不过我应付得还行。在城市以及郊区历经多年的怅惘失望之后,我和妻子桑迪终于在这里的乡村寻觅到心灵的满足。 这是一种自力更生的生活。我们食用的果蔬几乎都是自己种的。自家饲养的鸡提供鸡蛋,每星期还能剩余几十个出售。自家养殖的蜜蜂提供蜂蜜,我们还自己动手砍柴,足可供过冬取暖之用。 这也是一种令人满足的生活。夏日里我们在河上荡舟,在林子里野餐,骑着自行车长时间漫游。冬日里我们滑雪溜冰。我们为落日的余辉而激动。我们爱闻大地回暖的气息,爱听牛群哞叫。我们守着看鹰儿飞过上空,看玉米田间鹿群嬉跃。 但如此美妙的生活有时会变得相当艰苦。就在三个月前,气温降

到华氏零下30度,我们辛苦劳作了整整两天,用一个雪橇沿着河边拖运木柴。再过三个月,气温会升到95度,我们就要给玉米松土,在草莓地除草,还要宰杀家禽。前一阵子我和桑迪不得不翻修后屋顶。过些时候,四个孩子中的两个小的,16岁的吉米和13岁的埃米莉,会帮着我一起把拖了很久没修的室外厕所修葺一下,那是专为室外干活修建的。这个月晚些时候,我们要给果树喷洒药水,要油漆谷仓,要给菜园播种,要赶在新的小鸡运到之前清扫鸡舍。 在这些活计之间,我每周要抽空花五、六十个小时,不是打字撰文,就是为作为自由撰稿人投给报刊的文章进行采访。桑迪则有她自己繁忙的工作日程。除了日常的家务,她还照管菜园和蜂房,烘烤面包,将食品装罐、冷藏,开车送孩子学音乐,和他们一起练习,自己还要上风琴课,为我做些研究工作并打字,自己有时也写写文章,还要侍弄花圃,堆摞木柴、运送鸡蛋。正如老话说的那样,在这种情形之下,坏人不得闲――贤德之人也歇不了。 我们谁也不会忘记第一年的冬天。从12月一直到3月底,我们都被深达5英尺的积雪困着。暴风雪肆虐,一场接着一场,积雪厚厚地覆盖着屋子和谷仓,而室内,我们用自己砍伐的木柴烧火取暖,吃着自家种植的苹果,温馨快乐每一分钟。 开春后,有过两次泛滥。一次是河水外溢,我们不少田地被淹了几个星期。接着一次是生长季节到了,一波又一波的农产品潮涌而来,弄得我们应接不暇。我们的冰箱里塞满了樱桃、蓝莓、草莓、芦笋、豌豆、青豆和玉米。接着我们存放食品罐的架子上、柜橱里也开始堆


第三册Unit2 The freedom givers A208第二组 Key Words: impose: 1) place a (penalty, tax, etc.) officially on sb./sth. e.g: The government has made a decision to impose a further tax on wines and spirits. The local government tried to impose fines on the factories which poured untreated waste into the river. 2) try to make sb. accept (an opinion or belief) e.g: I wouldn't want to impose my religious convictions on anyone. It may not be wise for parents to impose their own tastes on their children. Liberate: set from (used in the pattern: liberate sb./ sth. from) e.g. The central government authorized $200 billion to construct new dams to generate ch eap hydro-electric power. 他被授权发表下列声明 He was authorized to issue the following statement. An authorized agent指定的代理人. Have authority over…对…有权利 By the authority of 蒙…的许可 An academic authority 学术权威 Authorities concerned有关当局 exploit: 1)n. brave and adventurous deed or action(usu. pl)功绩,业绩 e.g. The general?s wartime exploits were later made into a film and a television series. My grandfather entertained us with stories of wartime exploits. vt. 1) to use (esp. a person) unfai rly for one?s own profit 剥削 e.g. The cruel boss exploited the poor by making them work for less pay. 2) to use or develop (a thing) fully so as to get profit e.g. to exploit the oil under the sea n. exploitation disguise: 1) give sb./ sth. a false appearance (used in the pattern: disguise sb./ sth. as…) 假扮,伪装 e.g. Mulan disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield. Jack escaped acro ss the border disguised as a priest. 2) hide (the real state of things) 伪装,掩饰,隐藏 It is impossible to disguise the fact that the business is bad. 16. in the eyes of: in the opinio n of , in one?s opinion e.g. In the eyes of students, Richard is a sensible and reliable teacher. In the eye of my parents, I?m still a young person although I am already in my thirties. peer: look closely or carefully , esp. as if unable to see well ( followed by at/ through/ into, etc.)凝视,盯着看 e.g. She peered through the mist, trying to find the right path. He peered at me over the t op of his glasses. He peered into his parents` room and found they were quarrelling. bid: say, wish ( bid----bid----bid bid----bad----bidden)说,致意 e.g. He bad me good morning as he passed . 2) order or tell 命令,吩咐 naked


幼儿园大班早期阅读绘本教案:老鼠娶新娘 活动目标: 1、体验童话故事书传达的浓浓的民俗情,探知事物相克相生循环 往复的有趣现象。 2、自信地表达自己的长处,真诚地欣赏同伴的长处。 活动准备: 图书ppt,太阳、云、风、墙、老鼠、猫的图片。汉字:照、遮、吹、挡、打洞、抓、扬长补短的汉字。 活动过程: (一)激趣导入 1、欣赏唢呐演奏的音乐《过新年喜洋洋》 师:听了这段音乐,你觉得大家在做什么呢? 师:放这样的音乐,一定是有什么喜事发生。那么,今天在这段音乐下,会发生了什么事? 2、引发对故事的想象(出示花轿) 师:这是什么,它是做什么用的? 师:对,这是结婚用的花轿,给谁坐呢?

师:新娘是老鼠美叮当,有新娘就会有新郎,美叮当想找个世界 上最强的新郞,她找到了······(出示有太阳、乌云、墙、风、老鼠、猫的图片)你们猜猜美叮当会选谁做自己最强的新郎。 (二)欣赏理解 1、边欣赏幻灯片,边听故事 2.理解事物之间的强弱关系 师:你们认为谁是世界上最强的新郎?(故事停在“村长迷糊了,到底谁是最强的新郎”。)师:世界上到底有没有最强的新郎?尽管他们不是世界上最强的新郎,可是,他们都有自己最强的地方,你们知道它们最强的地方分别是什么?(出现汉字照、遮、吹、 挡、打洞、抓) 3、讨论:你有没有最强的地方 鼓励幼儿自信地说出自己最强的地方。 请幼儿记住自己朋友的长处。 师:我们都说出了自己最强的地方。现在,我们来比一比,“记住朋友的长处”这件事谁最强?请你们说说记住了谁的长处?(这里是为 了让幼儿关注自己的同伴,并学会倾听,对幼儿来说,这是对其习惯 和心理的挑战。) 寻找“扬长补短”的朋友圈:你有什么地方不强?你想变得更强 吗?可以通过别人的帮忙使自己变得更强。


早期阅读概念与图画书阅读教学 2013年第7期 )(总第223期StudiesinPreschoolEducation学前教育研究No.7,2013S erialNo.223早期阅读概念与图画书阅读教学* 刘宝根1**李林慧2 2(1浙江师范大学杭州幼儿师范学院,杭州310012;上海师范大学教育学院,上海200234) [摘要]图画书是幼儿园教育中的重要材料,教师在图画书阅读教学中面临诸多困惑:人手一本还是众人一本,读故事还是讲故事,片段读还是完整读,图画书是工具还是对象。以图画书为主要材料的早期阅读是培养儿童书面语言意识和能力的活动,儿童应该有人手一本的独立阅读机会;要有在阅读图画书的过程中倾听图画书故事的机会;要有完整阅读图画书的机会;要有首先接触、理解图画书本身的文学美、艺术美的机会。 [关键词]早期阅读;图画书;阅读教学;关键经验 近年来,人们逐渐重视图画书在幼儿教育中的作用,许多幼儿园教师不仅在语言教育活动中开展图画书的阅读教学活动,也逐渐重视在其他领域活动中运用图画书。但在图画书阅读教学时,教师也出现了“到底该人手一书还是众人一书”的困惑,出现了“图画书是阅读的工具还是阅读的对象”的 [1][2][3]混淆了图画书教学争议,有的图画书阅读活动甚至走向了误区,如将早期阅读等同于早期识字,

[4]和故事教学之间的区别等。出现这些误区和困惑,主要原因还在于教师对早期阅读的基本观念认识 不清,对图画书在儿童早期阅读能力关键经验发展中的作用不明确。因此,要纠正现今图画书阅读的一些偏向,澄清图画书阅读教学中的困惑,需要重新回到早期阅读的基本概念上来。 一、早期阅读的基本概念 幼儿园教育实践中,对图画书的重视是在早期阅读兴起的浪潮中涌现出来的。早期阅读这一概念发端于萌发读写(emergentliteracy),最早由玛丽·克莱(MarieClay)提出,指的是“儿童在进入学校前获得的关于语言、阅读和书写方面的知识”。[5]我国学者认为幼儿园的早期阅读教育活动是在幼儿口头语言充分发展的基础上,接触有关书面语言的信息,获得有关书面语言意识、行为和初步能力的 [6]教育活动。2001年颁布的《幼儿园教育指导纲要(试行)》在“语言教育的基本要求”部分提出:“培养;“利用图书和绘画,引发幼儿对阅读和书写的兴幼儿对生活中常见的简单标记和文字符号的兴趣,培养前阅读和前书写技能”;最近颁布的《3~6岁儿童学习与发展指南(试行)》在儿童语言学习与发展中的“阅读和书写准备”中提出了两个目标:“具有初步的阅读理解能力”和“具有书面表达的愿。可见,无论是研究者还是幼儿园教育的指导文件都认为早期阅读是培养儿童书面语望和初步技能”言意识、行为和能力的教育活动,早期阅读聚焦的是儿童读写能力的发展。 总之,早期阅读的概念可从两方面来理解:一是早期阅读关注的是儿童书面语言意识和能力的发展。在幼儿语言学习和发展过程中,儿童要获得口头语言、

大学 综合英语3 课文概述

Unit 1 Changes in the way we live Mr.Doherty builds his dream life 1. 我可能不是一个天生的农民,但提到在农场的生活,我过得马马虎虎(应付得过去)。 I may not be a born farmer, but I can get by when it comes to the life on the farm. 2. 多年来,城市生活让我和妻子身心疲惫,如今在乡下我们找到了心灵的满足。 After years of frustration with city living, my wife and I have found contentment in the country finally. 3. 当然,我现在赚的钱远远比不上我做全职工作的时候赚的多。 Of course, I’m not making anywhere near as much money as I did when I was employed in the country. 4. 但是,我们能够通过削减开支来弥补收入的不足,而我们的生活水准并没有明显下降。 But ,we have been able to make up with the difference in come by cutting back without appreciably lowering our standard of living. 5. 然而,幸福的农村生活必须具备一些品质:其一,要耐得住寂寞;其二,要有充沛的体力。 However, happy country living takes a couple of special qualities . One is a tolerance of solitude; the other requirement is a lot of energy. Unit 2 Civil-rights Heroes The freedom givers 1. 地下铁路是由那些帮助黑奴逃亡自由之地的英雄们努力建的。 The Underground Railroad was forged by the heroes who helped slaves to escape north to liberty. 2. 在这些曾帮助把奴隶运送到北方的英雄当中,有些人以前自己就是奴隶。 Among these heroes who helped to transport slaves to the north, some of them were former slaves themselves. 3. 另外一些白人“列车员”由于其根深蒂固的信仰,觉得自己不能不参与其中。 Other white “conductors”felt compelled to take part in it because of their deeply held convictions. 4. 对许多参与者来说,把奴隶从剥削者那儿解放出来成了他们的使命。 For many of those involved, liberating the slaves from those who exploited them became a mission. 5. 当然,他们的最终目的是彻底废除奴隶制度。 Certainly, their eventual goal was to abolish slavery completely.

the freedom givers课文翻译

the freedom givers课文翻译 the freedom givers课文翻译: 2004年,一个纪念“地下铁路”的中心将在辛辛那提州成立。这条铁路不同寻常,它不出售车票,也无火车行驶。然而,它将成千上万的乘客送往他们梦想中的目的地。 课文标题:给人以自由者 作者:弗格斯·M·博得威奇 我步出这幢两层小屋,加拿大平原上有轻风吹过。我身边坐着一位苗条的黑衣女子,她是把我带回到过去的向导。那时,安大略省得雷斯顿这一带住着美国历史上的一位杰出人物。我们前往一座平凡的灰色教堂,芭芭拉·卡特自豪地谈论着她的高祖乔赛亚·亨森。“他坚信上帝要所有人生来皆平等。他从来没有停止过为争取这一自由权利的奋斗。” 卡特对其先辈的忠诚不仅仅只关乎一己之骄傲,更关乎家族荣誉。因为乔赛亚·亨森至今仍为人所知是由于他所激发的创作灵感使得一个美国经典的小说人物问世:汤姆叔叔,他就是哈丽特·比彻·斯陀的小说《汤姆叔叔的小屋》中描写的那个逆来顺受的黑奴。具有讽刺意味的是,这一人物所象征的一切特点在亨森身上一点都找不到。一个不愿奋起力争、背叛种族的黑人?卡特对此显得颇为愤慨。“乔赛亚·亨森是个有原则的人,”她十分肯定地说。 我远道前来亨森最后的居所――那里如今已成为卡特曾管理过的一处

历史遗迹――是为了更多地了解此人,他在许多方面堪称黑人摩西。亨森在自己摆脱了黑奴身份获得自由之后,还秘密帮助其他许多黑奴逃奔北方去加拿大――即逃奔自由之地。后来许多人和他一起在得雷斯顿这一带定居了下来。 但此地只是我所承担的繁重使命的一处停留地。乔赛亚·亨森也只是一长串勇敢又无所畏惧的男女名单中的一个名字罢了,他们这些人共同创建了这条“地下铁路”,也就是一条由逃亡线路和可靠的人家组成的用来解放美国南方黑奴的秘密网络。在1820年至1860年期间,这条路多达十万名黑奴走向自由。 2000年10月,克林顿总统批准拨款1600万美元建造全国“地下铁路”自由中心,以此来纪念这个美国历史上第一次伟大的民权斗争。这个中心计划于2004年在辛辛那提州建成。现在也确实是该建立这样一个中心的时候了。因为地下铁路的英雄们仍然默默无闻,他们的业绩依然无人知道并歌颂。而我要现在讲述他们的故事。 听到轻轻的敲门声,约翰?帕克神情紧张起来。他开门窥望,夜色中认出是一位可靠的邻居。“有一群逃亡奴隶躲在肯塔基州的树林里,就在离河20英里的那里,”那人用急迫的口气低声和帕克说。帕克没有半点迟疑。“我马上就去,”他说着,把两支手枪揣进口袋。 20年前,即19世纪20年代,生来即为黑奴的帕克才刚刚8岁就被从母亲身边带走,被迫拖着镣铐从弗吉尼亚走到阿拉巴马,然后在那里的黑奴市场被人买走。他打定主意有朝一日要过上自由的生活,便设法学会了铸铁这门手艺。最终他也靠这门手艺攒够钱赎回了他自己


幼儿园大班早期阅读绘本公开课教案: 我爸爸 一、师:每年6月的第三个星期天是父亲节,今天我们聊聊爸爸。 老师带来一本书,想看吗?《我爸爸》投影出示: 1、爸爸的图片,看看怎么样?(爱睡觉,贪吃的,发呆的)在哪里?(家里)不爱工作的爸爸。 2、在我眼里他真的很酷。他什么也不怕?连大野狼也不怕。 3、他一跳能飞过月亮。我爸爸敢跟月亮比高低。 4、我爸爸还敢走钢索,蓝天象大熊。 5、他还敢跟巨人摔跤,巨人膀大腰圆,但爸爸不怕。 6、参加运动会他轻松地得第一名。大家看这名黑人选手是谁?(美国著名短跑名将刘易斯) 师:看了几页,看到这儿说说我爸爸怎么样?(勇敢)你真勇敢,第一个举手发言。 还怎么样?有这样的爸爸好安全呀! 二、还想继续看吗? 1、出示下一幅图:爸爸呢?请你来给图画配上一句话。(变成了马。爸爸很胖,所以很能吃。)我爸爸吃得象马一样多。

2、再看,爸爸像鱼会游泳,游泳得很快。游泳的时候像鱼一样灵活。板书:灵活 3、再看几幅图(两幅) 任意选择一幅说说:我爸爸像……一样…… 我爸爸像大猩猩一样强壮。 我爸爸像河马一样跳舞,很愉快。 看作者是怎样说的? 他像笑眯眯的河马一样快乐。 4、在说说我爸爸怎么样?(开心果,载歌载舞,德智体全面发展) 5、有这样的爸爸怎么样?(好温暖) 6、在我的眼里我爸爸真酷!还想看吗?有个条件,咱得要猜一猜,想想还会画些爸爸的什么呢?(爸爸像章鱼一样游得快,我爸爸像小蜜蜂忙碌,爸爸像猪一样吃得多,像企鹅一样不怕冷……) 7、好,带着你的猜想往下看: ①有时候,他又很温柔,像我的泰迪熊一样 ②我爸爸像猫头鹰一样聪明(传说猫头鹰是智慧的化身) ③有时也会做点傻事(把头发梳得像扫把) 8、看了这些我爸爸又给你留下了怎样的影响?你看他举着扫帚等着你的评价呢(聪明,板书:耳聪目明……爸爸

课后练习答案:《全新版大学英语》第三册UNIT 2(综合教程第二版)

Unit 2 Civil Rights Heros Text A Freedom Givers Vocabulary I. 1. 1) decades 5) slender 9) on the side 2) historic 6) web 10) authorized 3) imposed 7) bade 11) terminal 4) religious 8) site 12) make the best of 2. 1) went through 2) stood up for 3) laid down 4) take on 5) let (us) down 6) draw on 7) fall into 8) pass for 3. 1) The Europeans are fully confident that the Americans will not be able to justify their measures to protect the struggling American steel industry. 2) Clinton is, in the eyes of Joe Klein, staff writer of the New Yorker and author of The Natural, the most talented politician of his generation and the most compelling. 3) There's not much you can do if people are really intent on destroying themselves with drugs. 4) A different experience of the world could forge a completely different approach to life. 5) It is our conviction that cloning of human beings is bound to cause many ethical and social problems in the long run. 4. 1) As for, do not compel, capture of, have forged 2) At huge risk, the mission, shelter 3) who abolished, In the eyes of, racial


启发精选好书: 1.我喜欢书 2.大卫不可以 3.三只小猪的真实故事 4.鲸鱼 5.奥莉薇 6.丽塔和鳄鱼去钓鱼 7.丽塔和鳄鱼迷路了 8.大脚跳芭蕾浦蒲兰文库绘本世界: 1.这是什么形状 2.我的颜色是什么?3.莎娜的雪火车蒲蒲兰绘本馆: 1.换一换 2.彩虹色的花 3.蚂蚁和南瓜 4.谁藏起来了(互动) 5.爸爸 6.普的淘气的妹妹 7.荷花镇的早市 8.猫太噼哩噗噜在海里 10.你真好 9.三只山羊嘎啦嘎啦 11.小斑普大冒险海豚绘本花园: 1.动物绝对不该穿衣服 2.小猪的爱情 3.我也可以飞 4.弗洛拉的花 5.青蛙王子历险记 6.小魔怪要上学 7.小绿狼 8.达芬奇想飞 9.小朵朵和胖沃克 10.小棕熊的梦 11.小猪闹闹 12.小象欧利找弟弟 13.给爸爸的吻 14.凯,能行 15.小熊不刷牙 16.我爸爸 17.我妈妈 18.有个性的羊 19.我想要爱 20.大嘴狗 21.四个苹果 22.我的爸爸叫焦尼 23.三个怪物迪克布鲁纳丛书: 1.米菲在海边 2.做客 3.米菲在学校 4.米菲的梦 5.米菲在动物园 6.米菲和梅儿 7.米菲做飞机嘻嘻哈哈系列: 1.呼噜,呼噜,哞 2.吱咕,吱咕,嘎 3.咔嗒,咔嗒,哞 4.鸭子当总统噼里啪啦系列: 1.我要拉巴巴 2.我去刷牙 3.我要洗澡 4.你好 5.草莓点心 6.车来了 7.我喜欢游泳我的猫咪系列: 1.我的猫咪就知道睡觉 2.小猫该睡觉了小熊和最好的爸爸: 1.我长大了 2.看世界 3.聚会 4.当厨师 5.坐游戏 6.世界上最好的爸爸 7.搬家梦幻有声图画书:别 1.坏坏狼 2.小熊睡觉了 3.小熊和月亮 4.遥远的家 5.小刺猬的麻烦 6.小家伙,害怕 7.我想有只猫 8.月亮麦姬 9.特别的礼物 10.下雪的冬夜 11.我看见圣诞老人啦 12.小不点儿 13.特别的客人 14.小心的戴西 15.雪天使蒲公英图画书馆: 1.因为我爱你 2.我会永远伴着你 3.幸福到了鼻子尖 4.星期四要去哪里呢? 5.懒奥西 6.跟上那头熊 7.一口袋的吻 8.五个小怪物 9.鼹鼠与小鸟阿罗系列:1.阿罗漫游太空 2.阿罗在北极 3.阿罗有枝彩笔 4.阿罗房间要挂 5.阿罗的 ABC 6.阿罗在马戏团小兔汤姆系列: 1.汤姆的外公去世了 2.汤姆住院 3.汤姆尿床了 4.汤姆和伤心的鲁鲁 5.汤姆挨罚 6.汤姆无聊的时候 7.汤姆搬家 8.汤姆的小妹妹 9.汤姆去海滩 10.汤姆恋爱了 11.汤姆去农场 12.汤姆走丢了 13.汤姆最好的朋友 14.汤姆上幼儿园 15.汤姆的噩梦16.汤姆的生日聪明豆绘本系列: 1.忘了说我爱你 2.长大做个好爷爷 3.小熊孵蛋 4.我永远爱你 5.愿望树 6.小猪变形记 7.火龙爸爸戒烟记 8.猫头鹰呜呜呼 9.乱七八糟变色龙聪明豆系列:第二辑 1.咕噜牛 2.小房子变大房子 3.女巫扫帚挪挪坐 4.小海螺和大鳄鱼 5.城里最漂亮的巨人 6.咕噜牛小妞聪明豆绘本系列:第三辑 1.狐狸爸爸鸭儿子 2.小狗阿疤想变羊一家 3.狮子烫头发 4.我们是一家 5.你是我最好的朋友 6.美宝的魔法花园 7.小乖,抱抱 8.小老鼠分果果神奇立体书☆☆☆找朋友系列 1.查理 2.水獭奥斯卡 3.小兔比利 4.猫头鹰奥齐神奇立体书☆☆☆忙碌的虫子 1.蚂蚁的职责 2.甲壳虫的工具箱 3.忙碌的蜘蛛4.毛虫长大后乐乐趣☆☆☆机器奥秘系列 1.教授的机器 2.机器是怎样工作的乐乐趣☆☆☆梦幻来信系列 1.美人鱼的手链各种各样系列☆☆☆乐乐趣图书 1.各种各样的人 2.各种各样的身体 3.各种各样的感觉 4.各种各样的害怕 5.各种各样的房屋 6.各种各样的交通工具乐乐趣☆☆☆自信的鲁比鼠系列 1.音乐之星鲁比鼠 2.星鲁比鼠创意连连☆☆☆乐趣翻翻 1.大森林 2.来到农场 3.动物园 4.趣骑马吧 5.坐火车喽 6.我的城市 7.我们盖房子 8.警笛响了青蛙弗洛格的成长故事: 1. 弗洛格找宝藏 2.找一个好朋友 3.冬天里的弗洛格 4.弗洛格是个英雄 5.特别的日子 6.弗洛格去旅行 7.鸟儿在歌唱 8.爱的奇妙滋味 9.弗洛格和陌生人 10.我就是喜欢我 11.弗洛格吓坏了 12.难过的弗洛格悦读阅美绘本馆: 1.一根羽毛也不能动 2.是蜗牛开始的 3.一只想当爸爸的熊 4.皮皮放屁屁 5.还有一只羊嘟嘟和巴豆: 1.独一无二 2.我会回家过圣诞节 3.快下雪吧 4.新朋友 5.世界之巅 6.真希望你们在这二 7.两个好伙伴 8.迷人的奥碧儿 9.你是我的阳光 10.送给嘟嘟的礼物斯凯瑞:第三辑 1.警察局的一天 2.飞机场的一天 3.消防站的一天 斯凯瑞金色童书系列 1.忙忙碌碌镇 2.轱辘轱辘转 3.会讲故事的单词书 4.最受欢迎的


阅读作者“小时候” 活动目的: 1、能通过阅读画面理解内容并有条理的讲述。 2、能关注重复的句式:例如:小时候,我喜欢……有……有……还有…… 3、感受散文重复中又有变化的语言形式。 活动准备: 1、图画书《小时候》人手一册。 2、教学大书《小时候》。 3、DVD《小时候》 活动过程: 1、阅读教学大书封面。 ——让幼儿说说封面上的小男孩在什么地方、在做什么。 ——和幼儿一起认读书名,告诉幼儿这是一本关于一个小男孩小时候生活的书。 2、幼儿自主阅读图画书《小时候》。 ——提醒幼儿注意通过阅读画面理解内容。 3、师幼共同阅读大书。 ——分别请幼儿表述每一个跨页的内容,在幼儿说完一页内容后,教师朗读这页的文字,可以请幼儿一起朗读。 ——强调重复的句式,提醒幼儿留意。例如:小时候,我喜欢……在我家里有我喜欢的……有我喜欢的……还有我喜欢的……等等。 4、观赏DVD《小时候》 活动延伸: 发放调查表《爸爸妈妈小时候》,请家长和孩子一起阅读《小时候》,配合孩子填写调查表,并结合调查内容给孩子讲讲自己小时候的事情。请家长收集自己童年的相关物品,让孩子带到教室分享。

我们给地球留下什么样的痕迹 活动目标: 拓展认识有关痕迹的科学概念。 获得保护我们的地球的认识。 用图文共用方式合作制作宣传海报。 活动准备: 请幼儿家长配合完成有关环境保护方面的调研,并将结果带来幼儿园。 教师收集的环境污染和环境保护的画报材料等。 活动过程: 1、人们给地球留下了什么痕迹。 ——教师展示自己收集的有关环境污染的资料。 ——与幼儿一起讨论,环境污染给我们的地球带来什么样的危机。 ——请幼儿展示自己与父母一起完成的调研结果,说说自己的想法。 2、我们如何保护地球。 ——引导幼儿充分发表自己的意见,讨论保护地球的种种措施。 ——联系幼儿的生活经验,说一说怎样从身边小事做起,保护我们的地球。3、分组制作海报。 ——从环境保护的角度,将幼儿分成几个小组。如节省能源,处理垃圾,保护水资源等等。 ——让幼儿选择到某一个小组工作。 ——鼓励小组成员分工合作,用图文共用方式在大白报纸上做出自己的宣传海报。 ——每一位幼儿在完成的海报上签名。 4、展示保护环境保护地球的海报。 ——将海报张贴在幼儿园的重要地方,让其他幼儿和家长都能够读到。 ——请同意这些观点内容的幼儿和家长签名表示支持。 ——在幼儿园设置各种环保条件,比如垃圾分类处理箱等等,让幼儿可以用实际行动表现自己的学习成果,为地球留下美丽的痕迹。


Unit1 Mr. Doherty Builds His Dream Life The passage mainly talked about the dream life of the author with his family on a farm, where the author could write and live. The author viewed his life in the country as a self-reliant and satisfying one, but sometimes the good life would get very hard. On the first winter, the author was fond of every minute instead with his family, which they would never forget, while the follow spring brought two floods, which made them amazed. After quitting his job, the author’s income was reduced, but he and his family were able to manage to get by. Besides, he ran a farm and benefited more from it. A tolerance for solitude and a lot of energy had made it possible for the family to enjoy their life in the country. What’s more, they also had found the lifestyle that they preferred in this place. Unit 2 The Freedom Givers The passage mainly talked about three persons, Josiah Henson, John Parker and Levi Coffin, who were the givers of freedom for black slaves in the American history. Besides, the author praised the exploits of civil-rights heroes who helped slaves travel the Underground Railroad to freedom by citing more examples. What’s more, it was high time to honor the heroes who helped liberate slaves by forging the Underground Railroad in the early civil-rights struggles in America. After winning his own freedom from slavery, John Parker helped other slaves to escape north to Canada and freedom. Supported by a strong religious conviction, the white man Levi Coffin risked himself to help many black slaves to escape. At last, by traveling the Underground Railroad, Josiah Henson reached his destination and became free. Unit 3 The Land of the Lock The passage mainly talked about the land of lock, which happened in American. When the author was young, it was the local custom for people to leave the front door at night but didn’t close it, and none of them carried keys. However, nowadays those days were over, and the era of leaving the front door on the latch has drawn to a close. What a great change was that no locking had been replaced by dead-bolt locks, security chains, electronic alarm systems and so on. Therefore, the lock became the new symbol of America. What’s more, a new atmosphere of fear and distrust had crept into every aspect of daily life. As a result, security devices, in varied forms, were put to use. In locking their fears out, they became prisoners of their own making. Unit 4 Was Einstein a Space Alien The passage mainly talked about Albert Einstein, who was a young husband and father with a bushy hair. In order to support his young family, with a poor sleep, he had to work hard at the Patent Office so that he was very tired. For which, he felt all the pressure and responsibility. However, aiming to relax himself, he made astonishing achievements in physics and thus revolutionized the field with five papers about spare time, which were of great impact on all over the world. Because of his supper intelligence and the contribution to the society, the United Nations declared 2005 as his miracle year. What’s more, his discoveries were attributable to his imagination, questioning, disregard constantly for authority, powers of concentration, and interest in science. In fact, he was not a space alien, but just a common person.

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