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The Lottery 摸彩书评

The Lottery   摸彩书评
The Lottery   摸彩书评

The Lottery

商英132班莫雨清We all know “lottery” which is typically thought of as something good because it usually involves getting something such as money or prizes. But the book《The Lottery》written by Shirley Jackson gave us a new definition of this word and it turned out to be a cruel and horrible one.

The author, Shirley Jackson,was an influential American writer. Her works have received increasing attention from literary critics in recent years. Her most stories’ themes are evil which include the abnormal psychology or supernatural powers and the best story is "The Lottery" , ironically giving the lottery a bad meaning.

The story contrasts details of contemporary small town American life with an annual ritual know as “the lottery”.On 27 June, 300 residents in this village assembled together with strange and nervous mood. Mr.Summers conducted the lottery, carrying a box wooden box with slips of paper.

In the first round of the lottery, the head of each family draws a small slip of paper; Bill Hutchinson gets the one slip with a black spot, meaning that his family has been chosen. In the next round, each Hutchinson family member draws a slip, and Bill’s wife Tessie got the marked slip.

In keeping with tradition, Tessie who protesting about the fairness of the lottery was stoned to death by others.

The author’s writing techniques are very exquisite.

At the beginning, the happy children make readers feel comfortable and think that the story is a happy and easy one. We are led to believe everything is fine because we do not really know what anyone is thinking. But it turned out to be a cruel and horrible one that the conflict is resolved with Tessie being stoned to death. However, there are several foreshadows. The first clue is stone which was mentioned for many times. Children had stuffed pockets full of stones to hurt people in the end. The second one is name. Mr.Graves’ name is simply a foreshadow of the grave situation to come; the name Warmer can be seen as a literal warning against

ceasing the tradition of the lottery.

Another feature in this story is the irony. In this lottery it was not what they win but what they lost, the winner even had to die. So the title is the first great irony. The situation which was going to happen was so awful that cannot truly be forgotten. But Mrs. Hutchinson was jokingly saying yo Mrs. Delacroix “Clean forget what day it was”. At the end of the story, Mrs.Hutchinson was upset because of the way she was chosen rather than the doom. She shouted out “It isn’t fair, it isn’t right”. The situation is extremely ironic to the story.

In this story, people are not willing to reject outdated traditions, ideas, rules, laws, and practices. The villagers continued the lottery year after year because they thought they had always done it this way. Why should change now? Society wrongfully designates scapegoats to bear the sins of the community. They naively thought the sacrifice of one person can lead to great harvest. Following the crowd can have disastrous consequences. Although some villagers raised questions about the lottery, they all went along with it in the end. Thus, they became unthinking members of a herd, forfeiting their individuality and sending Tessie Hutchinson to her death.

In real life, sometimes we sho uld keep our own minds and don’t follow the herd blindly because the untested life is not worth living.


《XX的视角》读后感 《国家的视角》读后感 在赏读完一本名著以后,相信大家一定领会了不少东西,为此需要好好认真地写读后感。可是读后感怎么写才合适呢?以下是为大家收集的《国家的视角》读后感,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 《国家的视角》一书很难读,在书中詹姆斯?斯科特分析了极端现代主义的 ___国家规划中的各种失败,书中介绍了巴西利亚建设的失败,“美好”初衷为表征的运动何以使城市愈发混乱和背离了和谐的发展轨道?作者在书中深入剖析了它的根源。他认为,如果要想取得成功,中央管理的社会规划必须要了解地方习惯和实践知识。 一、追求宏观目标也要考虑微观现实。比如书中介绍管理者为了对某种美学形式的追求(比如宏大的气势、对称的格局、表面上看严整规则的秩序),致使他们未考虑到社会微观层面上的合理结构。比如巴西的首府巴西利亚建造,从城市的规划者和管理者的角度看,新建的巴西利亚符合清晰整洁、简单有序的几何美学标准和公平合理、严谨科学的政治理念。然而巴西利亚的规划者尽管考虑到城市宏观水平上的和谐与健康,却忽略了微观秩序上的复杂性。如果强行从地理上将不同的建筑,不同的机构隔离开来,城市微观的社会

秩序就被人为地破坏了,人们的公共生活和私人生活都将受到诸多限制。 二、城市具有多样性并不断变化。现代城市设计的最大问题是把一个静止的格局置于丰富的可能性上。国家管理者为了控制的方便,往往采取清晰简单、一刀切的运作方式,忽略了项目实施过程中复杂的细节。规划者试图将动态发展中的城市束缚在静态的格局之中,然而城市的复杂结构之演变远远超出了人们的预期。假设一个勤勉的规划者收集到尽可能多的信息,他的信息也无法满足所有个体不同的需求,更何况并非所有的规划者都有这样的耐心去收集信息。 三、在考虑规划问题时需留有余地。詹姆斯·斯科特希望人们不要忘记理性和科学的局限之处,注重实践的知识和本土知识,给不可预期的事物留一点余地,给未来的发展留一点弹性空间。勒库布西耶的规划者关注的是整体城市景观形式和将人从一点转移到另外一点的效率,而雅各布的规划者则自觉地给非预期的、小的、非正式的,甚至没有产出的人类活动留出空间,这些活动构成了“有生命城市”活力的关键。所以说尽管城市规划者试图设计和固定化城市,但是城市往往逃脱他们的掌控,总是被居民再构建和塑造。城市建设须具有开放性、可塑性和多样性,这使它们可以满足为数众多的不同目标,包括许多尚未形成的目标。



书中说,增长的极限是“吞吐能力”的极限——维持人类、汽车、房屋和工厂维持运转所需的能量和物质流的极限。贯穿整本书的难点是我们如何理解和描述大大超过地球承载量的人口和经济增长的原因及其带来的后果。增长的极限曾经是遥远的未来,但今天它们已经广泛存在。崩溃的概念曾经被认为是不可思议的,但今天它已经进入公众谈论的话题。 在我们现实生活中,较为常见的一种现象是过冲,所谓过冲是指走过了头,意外的而不是有意的超出了界限。至于产生过冲的原因:一是因为有增长,加速或过快速的变化;二是因为有某种形式的界限或阻碍,超出这种界限或阻碍,运动中的系统就会变得不安全;三是因为在感知或反应上存在滞后或事物,无法努力将系统控制在其界限之内。 我们人类所生长居住的地球,只是宇宙中的一个小行星,就像是汪洋大海中的一艘航船,虽然地球在我们人类看来是一个庞然大物,但终究是有极限的,因此,人口不能无限增长,资源也不能无限地供人类消耗浪费。书中提到了世界人口的增长,世界工业的增长呈现指数型增长,并提出“人越多越穷,越穷人越多”,用一系列理论加实际证明此观点。现在,不论是人口还是资源的消耗,都已经接近地球承载能力的极限。并且,我们所生活的环境中,可再生资源,不可再生资源,污染物和废弃物等都已接近极限。但是在发展的过程中,我们总是不断的增加对这些资源的需要程度,未曾注意人类在许多方面已经超出了地球的承载能力之外,已经超越了极限。对于曾经的我们来说,增长的极限曾经是遥远的未来,但今天它们已经广泛存在。 因为在看书之前,我们进行了关于全球变暖相关问题的讨论,讨论过程中也提到了臭氧,而本书中用一章的内容,讲解了臭氧的故事,


the lottery 读后感 篇一: the lottery> 读后感 昨天查资料时看到有篇文章这样说Jackson 写的这篇 >故事:美国大多数人应该都 知道这篇文章,即使不知道是谁写的,也应该知道“The Lottery (摸彩)”这个故事。 我感觉,这篇《The Lottery (摸彩)》的性质,应该和《皇帝的新装》差不多吧。 看完那篇《 The Lottery 》之后,心里嗟吁不已。那个小镇有个上百年来 一直沿袭着的传统,每年六月里的一天,总会把小镇上的人们聚集在一起,摸 彩。 随着故事散漫地进展,我也散漫地读着。天气如何地好,女孩子们如何地聚在一起 聊些无聊的话,男孩子们如何地搞闹追逐着玩石块。大人们如何有一句没一句地 拉家常,等着摸彩。镇长如何地捧了大盒子过来,如何准备工作都做好了。然后怎 样一个人一个人地被叫上去摸彩。 故事就这么有一搭没一搭地进展着。等所有人都摸了彩以后,镇长才让大 家一起打开摸到的纸片。我呢,仍是不在意地读着。 直到读到结尾,抽到彩的那人原来是要被全村人用石头打死。于是从刚刚 散漫的故事进展中我忽地一惊,吓了一跳。心里嗟吁不已。 摸彩是这个镇上人上百年来的习俗,每年都要摸彩摸出一个人来,然后其余的 人用石块将他打死。人们在摸彩前后及扔石块时竟没有一点哀痛,只是忙忙碌碌地 想快快打 完了收工,赶着回家继续各自没干完的活儿。因为对于这样一个“传统”, 镇上的每个人都已是根深蒂固地习惯了,在他们的概念里,摸彩是理所当然 的,摸到彩的人要被众人打死也是理所当然的。 而作为局外人,读完之后只觉的哭笑不得,好不可思议!因为这个传统本 身就是如此地没道理,如此地荒谬,也如此地恶心。 我开始时不喜欢这个故事,可后来越想便越感受到它寓意的丰蕴醇厚。 事实自然是如此,坚持着一个传统的人自然是觉的自己所坚持的传统是 理所当然的。我们也是如此。而问题是:你如何知道在这些你认为是理所当 然的传统中,哪些是 真理,哪些仅仅是由传统和文化影响所成的定式思维呢?哪些是该坚持的,哪些是 不该坚持的呢?不光是“传统”,其实是推到我们所信之事的每一个层面。 我不是说该怀疑所有,我是说,总有些是该被怀疑推止的,也总有些是该 经的起怀疑的洗礼后更加坚稳的。


【实用】学习计划范文6篇 【实用】学习计划范文6篇 光阴的迅速,一眨眼就过去了,我们又将接触新的学习内容,学习新的技能,积累新的知识,现在就让我们制定一份学习计划,好好地规划一下吧。学习计划要怎么写?想必这让大家都很苦恼吧,下面是收集的学习计划6篇,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。 1、克制自己贪玩的欲望。到了临近期末考试的时刻,每天晚上应适当减少玩儿和娱乐休闲的时间。多拿出些时间来看看书。 2、上课认真听讲、积极发言,课下认真复习(语数英)。上课一定要集中精力,不要走神,画出老师说的重点。课下不要光想着玩儿,没事就拿出自己的书来看一看,回顾一下。 3、每天晚上定时定量复习一个单元(语文)。抓住每一课的重点句子多读几遍。要背过这个句子的理解、体会作者的写作手法,还要掌握这个句子的修辞方法,并说一说这里运用比喻或者拟人的修辞方法有什么好处。也还要知道这篇课文讲的是一件什么事,发生在哪个时期,借这个故事来赞扬谁,或者赞颂了一种什么样的精神。记一记词语盘点的词,背一背日积月累。(数学)背一背这个单元的定义,再

做一遍书上的题,还要做一些课外的辅导题,多掌握一些体型。(英语)重点背这个单元的单词、粗体句子。掌握句式,学会运用。 4、多练笔(语文)。在最后的这几周时间里,应该多写写作文,而且要从多方面入手:写人、写景、写物、写事、写读后感观后感、缩写、想象、写信、看图作文、发言稿、写研究报告,总之,可选的主题有太多太多...... 这就是我的期末复习计划,同学们老师们你们还可以给我提出其他好 ___,我会虚心接受。祝愿同学们在即将升入小学6年级的考试中,取得优异的成绩! 在三个月的培训时间内,通过理论学习、党性教育、调研考察、拓展训练、交流沟通和挂职锻炼等方式,紧密联系实际,反复深入思考温岭当前经济社会发展中面临的新情况、新问题,进一步提高理论和党性修养,不断开阔眼界、拓展思维纬度,增强解决实际问题和开拓创新的能力。 自觉遵守学校纪律,形成了良好班风学风。按时参加学习,不迟到、旷课、早退和上课不接打手机、喧哗。认真记课堂笔记,踊跃参加小组讨论和上台发言,积极维护学习和生活场所的卫生,互敬互学,加强团结。认真遵守党校的一切规章制度,完成学期课程任务,


第二曲线创新 创新篇 第一章第一曲线:增长的极限 1、用创新破除增长魔咒 推动企业增长的内因 红利、管理、创新 2、S曲线与连续性创新 任何产品、产业和公司随着时间推移,最后增长形态都是S曲线。 S曲线都有破局点和极限点,破局点是开始增长,极限点代表着即将衰退渐进式创新的三个特征 ①沿着技术曲线持续改善原有的产品性能 ②定位于主流市场的主流消费者 ③更好 3、识别极限点的能力价值千金 任何行业都会到达极限点,在企业逼近自己或行业的极限点时,越坚守本业,便越容易走向末路。因此,对于企业或是团队领导人,识别行业、企业极限点的能力价值千金。 4、单一要素10倍速变坏 极限点识别最简单有效的标准是单一要素10倍速变坏识别。要特别注意两类曲线,一类是以财务指标为代表的显曲线,另一类是以单一要素如技术、市场、组织和产品为代表的隐曲线,隐曲线会先于财务曲线到达极限点。当财务曲线到达极限点时,技术、产品、市场等要素已经处于崩溃边缘,已经回天乏术了。在隐藏曲线中,某个单一要素发生10倍速变化时,就是企业达到极限点的前兆。增长速度一旦放缓,就意味着极限点的到来。 5、企业宿命 历史数据表明,大企业根本不是国家经济增长的发动机,只有创新企业才是。很多知名企业都是主业亏损,副业赚钱。 6、传统管理扼杀创新 计划、领导、控制等智能来实现既定目标的传统管理,都会对创新在不同程度的扼杀。有时候缺乏创新,并不是因为管理不到位,恰好是因为良好管理。 第二章第二曲线10倍速增长的新物种 1、市场和企业 行业的增长是远远快于企业的增长,是因为A企业发展壮大,市场中的资金、消费者、资金向A流动,但到了一定程度,市场会起破坏性作用,选择B 企业,之后各种资源流向B,A则被淘汰出局。 2、大哥吃小弟效应 在开放的破坏性思维影响下,新旧冲突之时,市场会毫不犹豫的把旧企业淘汰,而自作聪明的企业会在面对新旧业务冲突的时候,放弃充满未知风险的新型业务,这一现象就是大哥吃小弟模式、 3、第二曲线创新


The Lottery 商英132班莫雨清We all know “lottery” which is typically thought of as something good because it usually involves getting something such as money or prizes. But the book《The Lottery》written by Shirley Jackson gave us a new definition of this word and it turned out to be a cruel and horrible one. The author, Shirley Jackson,was an influential American writer. Her works have received increasing attention from literary critics in recent years. Her most stories’ themes are evil which include the abnormal psychology or supernatural powers and the best story is "The Lottery" , ironically giving the lottery a bad meaning. The story contrasts details of contemporary small town American life with an annual ritual know as “the lottery”.On 27 June, 300 residents in this village assembled together with strange and nervous mood. Mr.Summers conducted the lottery, carrying a box wooden box with slips of paper. In the first round of the lottery, the head of each family draws a small slip of paper; Bill Hutchinson gets the one slip with a black spot, meaning that his family has been chosen. In the next round, each Hutchinson family member draws a slip, and Bill’s wife Tessie got the marked slip. In keeping with tradition, Tessie who protesting about the fairness of the lottery was stoned to death by others. The author’s writing techniques are very exquisite. At the beginning, the happy children make readers feel comfortable and think that the story is a happy and easy one. We are led to believe everything is fine because we do not really know what anyone is thinking. But it turned out to be a cruel and horrible one that the conflict is resolved with Tessie being stoned to death. However, there are several foreshadows. The first clue is stone which was mentioned for many times. Children had stuffed pockets full of stones to hurt people in the end. The second one is name. Mr.Graves’ name is simply a foreshadow of the grave situation to come; the name Warmer can be seen as a literal warning against ceasing the tradition of the lottery.



科学读书笔记怎么写 【篇一:《幼儿园科学教育》读书笔记】 《幼儿园科学教育》读书笔记 《幼儿园科学教育》是一本专业性比较强的书,记得还在读书的时候,有位老教师就跟我说过这么一句话:科学领域的教育很深奥、也是比较难把握的一门学科。当时也没什么特别的感受,只是心里对科学这两个字有了点模糊的印象。 后来学校专门开设了《幼儿园科学教育》这一课程,一个学期下来,虽然从字面上理解了“儿童的科学”与“成人科学”的不一样:“儿童的科学”是一种经验层次的科学知识,他们所理解的科学知识,并不是我们意义上所指的抽象的、概念化的科学知识,而是具体的科学经验,是经验层次的知识。它是直接的、具体的,而不是间接的、抽象的;是描述性的,而不是解释性的,所以一旦要让幼儿说明具体事物背后的间接联系,或是解释现象背后的因果关系,幼儿就显的无能为力。其次“儿童的科学”是一个自我建构的过程,孩子的生活经验和认知能力影响着他们现有知识结构,并且通过不断地同化和整合改变着知识结构,换句话也就是说它是一种处在不断发展,变化和完善过程中的科学认识。最后,“儿童的科学”是对世界的独特理解。因为他们带有很强的主观色彩,(如认为船能浮在水面上是因为它很勇敢),这既是它的不成熟之处,也是其独到之处。 书中还详细阐述了如何制定科学教育的目标,如何选择科学教育的内容,并介绍了一些科学教育的方法。特别是集体活动中的科学教育,如观察认识型活动、实验操作性活动、科学讨论型活动、技术操作性活动都逐一做了详细的阐述并附了很多实例进去。 虽然当时“接受”了,但真的遇到一群活蹦乱跳的孩子时,却仍然觉得很茫然。特别是这学期,我尝试着带了几个科学活动:小班的《水

the lottery读后感

the lottery读后感 篇一:the lottery读后感 昨天查资料时看到有篇文章这样说Jackson写的这篇故事:美国大多数人应该都知道这篇文章,即使不知道是谁写的,也应该知道“ The Lottery(摸彩)”这个故事。 我感觉,这篇《The Lottery(摸彩)》的性质,应该和《皇帝的新装》差不多吧。 看完那篇《The Lottery》之后,心里嗟吁不已。那个小镇有个上百年来一直沿袭着的传统,每年六月里的一天,总会把小镇上的人们聚集在一起,摸彩。 随着故事散漫地进展,我也散漫地读着。天气如何地好,女孩子们如何地聚在一起聊些无聊的话,男孩子们如何地搞闹追逐着玩石块。大人们如何有一句没一句地拉家常,等着摸彩。镇长如何地捧了大盒子过来,如何准备工作都做好了。然后怎样一个人一个人地被叫上去摸彩。 故事就这么有一搭没一搭地进展着。等所有人都摸了彩以后,镇长才让大家一起打开摸到的纸片。我呢,仍是不在意地读着。 直到读到结尾,抽到彩的那人原来是要被全村人用石头打死。于是从刚刚散漫的故事进展中我忽地一惊,吓了一跳。心里嗟吁不已。 摸彩是这个镇上人上百年来的习俗,每年都要摸彩摸出一个人来,然后其余的人用石块将他打死。人们在摸彩前后及扔石块时竟没有一点哀痛,只是忙忙碌碌地想快快打完了收工,赶着回家继续各自没干完的活儿。因为对于这样一个“传统”,镇上的每个人都已是根深蒂固地习惯了,在他们的概念里,摸彩是理所当然的,摸到彩的人要被众人打死也是理所当然的。 而作为局外人,读完之后只觉的哭笑不得,好不可思议!因为这个传统本身就是如此地没道理,如此地荒谬,也如此地恶心。 我开始时不喜欢这个故事,可后来越想便越感受到它寓意的丰蕴醇厚。 事实自然是如此,坚持着一个传统的人自然是觉的自己所坚持的传统是理所当然的。我们也是如此。而问题是:你如何知道在这些你认为是理所当然的传统中,哪些是真理,哪些仅仅是由传统和文化影响所成的定式思维呢?哪些是该坚持的,哪些是不该坚持的呢?不光是“传统”,其实是推到我们所信之事的每一个层面。 我不是说该怀疑所有,我是说,总有些是该被怀疑推止的,也总有些是该经的起怀疑的洗礼后更加坚稳的。 篇二:the lottery读后感


城市让生活更美好—《国家的视角》读后感本文是关于心得体会的城市让生活更美好—《国家的视角》读后感,感谢您的阅读! 城市让生活更美好—《国家的视角》读后感 学员:张海华 至今,我还记得世博口号的口号:“城市,让生活更美好”,即“人们来到城市是为了生活,人们居住在城市是为了生活得更好。意思很浅显,但蕴味十足,深得民心,为此叫绝。然而,我们看到当下声势浩大的城市化进程,越来越高,越来越鲜亮,但伴随而来的问题也异常醒目,不容回避,。例如社会保障和社会福利、环境污染、贫富差距等等,充斥着城市的每一根神经,切实做好城市的建设、规划和管理,也就成为了这个时代非解不可的命题,也就说,我们的城市在何种视角下真正地能崛起,才能让我们生活得更好。我觉得在理论层面那就离不开一本能给我们解答和启示的书了——《国家的视角—那些试图改善人类状况的项目是如何失败的》。 这本书是美国耶鲁大学政治学和人类学教授詹姆斯的名作,从清晰化和简单化的国家项目,转变中的视野,农村定居和生产中的社会工程及失去的环节等四部份共十个章节组成,体量庞大,涉及颇广,令人深思,发人深省! 本书从国家的视角层面,罗列了很多十九世纪后期的例子,表明一些国家在特定的时候实行了清晰化和简单化的项目,其中包括了关于科学林业的项目,对测量工具、土地制度、城市的规划、姓氏的创造、交通的集权和语言统一,作者又对此进行大量的实证分析,得出一个结论:自上而下的国家视角以及极端现代主义意识形态是导致这些试图改善人类状况的项目失败的重要原因,同时,也非常典型和具有说服力地指出了参与者视角下的规划和互动会真正指导和实现人类社会的成功,从而揭示国家究竟需要如何管理、管理城市,如何让地方稳健发展、让人民生活美好起来的原理。对此,我非常赞同。 书中所分析的事例,无论是苏维埃的农庄集体化,还是极端现代主义的城市规划,看了之后都给我留下了一些回味和反思,因为这些事例或多或少就发生在我们生活的这个城市,生活在我们的昨天和今天。因此,其主题,对当下中国的未来发展有着非常重要的借鉴和警示意义。


《增长的极限》读书笔记 《增长的极限》最初写于1972年,曾因论点“冒天下之大不韪”而引起激烈争议。但是几十年过去了,此书一版再版,人们也逐渐认识到其价值,低碳经济、生态足迹正在走入人们的生活,更大的价值也正为人们所接受,即增长应被视为广泛的,并不局限于地球和经济,我们自身的心智、所从事的各类活动,如投资等,虽然都希望不断增长,但都可能有极限和过冲。因此,此书成为挑战现有思维模式和行为模式的必读之书,是系统思考方面的典范之作。 此书共有三位作者,德内拉?梅多斯、乔根?兰德斯和丹尼斯?梅多斯。德内拉?梅多斯(DonellaMeadows),系统思考大师之一,也是“学习型组织之父”、《第五项修炼》作者彼得?圣吉的老师。著有畅销书《增长的极限》、系统思考入门读物《系统之美》。1996年创立了可持续性发展协会。2001年辞世,生前是达特茅斯学院副教授、系统分析师。乔根?兰德斯(JorgenRanders),挪威管理学院名誉院长。丹尼斯?梅多斯(DennisMeadows),新罕布什尔大学系统管理学教授、社会科学与政策研究所的所长。 全书最主要观点之一便是“可持续发展”,这在今天看来是个浅显易懂的道理。作者丹尼斯·米都斯在研究过程中用world3模型预测了未来世界的人口增长、粮食增长、工业发展、资源消耗和环境污染。其中人口增长与粮食产量增长与现实完全吻合。作者写书的时候正是西方经济发展的黄金时期,西方社会的主流学者都对未来的发展抱着乐观的信心。直到一年后的石油危机,那些主流学者和政治家才开始意识到问题的严重性,不过更多人还是对有增长的极限这种说法持怀疑和批判的态度。丹尼斯·米都斯用大量的数据和模型说明了人口、粮食、资源消耗等的增长是呈指数型增长,而非线性性增长。如果人口、资源消耗和环境污染的增长是按照这种模式一直持续下去,那么世界将会“灾难性的崩溃”。 (一)类型和主题 《增长的极限》属于理论性书籍,它首次提出了地球的极限和人类社会发展的极限的观点,对人类社会不断追求增长的发展模式提出了质疑和警告,并且通过我国金融创新的数据对理论成果进行了实证研究。 (二)总体架构 《增长的极限》全书共分为八个章节。第一章过冲,介绍过冲的概念,即走


英语6译林牛津unit3练习题及解析(寒假功课) 〔模块六单元三〕 〔作业用时:100分钟〕 【一】单项选择〔共15小题;每题1分,总分值15分〕 1.Thestudentscomingfromallovertheworldheldapartyto________theirteacher’s70thbirthday. A、congratulate B、memorize C、celebrate D、honour 2.IhavejustbeeninAustraliaforaweekandIamtryingto________thenewclimatehere. A、agreewith B、fitin C、adjustto D、relyon 3.Kate________usindancingandsinging,andhadagoodtime. A、joinedB.joinedinC.tookpartinD.attended 4.WereItodoit,I________itsomeotherway. A.willdo B.woulddo C.wouldhavedone D.weretodo 5.Theposterwasrevised_____________thesuggestionsofothergroupmembers. A.basedon B.tobaseon C.basingon D.whichbasedon 6.Youdidn'ttakehisadvice.________hisadvice,you________suchamistake. A.Hadyoutaken;wouldn'thavemade B.Ifyouhadtaken;wouldmake C.Wereyoulotake;shouldn’thavemade D.Haveyoutaken;wonthavemade 7.Afterseveraldaysofheavysnow,hungryanimalsgotoutoftheir_____placesto_____somef ood. A.hiding;huntfor B.hiding;hunt C.hidden;huntfor D.hidden;hunt 8.Chinaisoneofthedevelopingcountries______thethirdworld. A.belongingto B.belongsto C.isbelongingto D.arebelongingto 9.Janewouldneverhavegonetotheparty______thatMarywouldcometoseeher. A.hassheknown B.hadsheknown C.ifsheknow D.ifshehasknown 10.Ididn’tknowhistelephonenumber.____it,I____then. A.HadIknown;wouldringhimup B.ShouldIknow;wouldhaverunghimup C.IfIknew;wouldringhimup D.HadIknown;wouldhaverunghimup 11.Nosatisfactory______wasgiventothesephenomena. A.account B.plan C.accent D.mark 12.Thoughyoumayhatesomecustomsinothercountries,______,youmustremember “DoinRomeasRomedoes”. A.likewise B.therefore C.otherwise D.anyway 13.1.IfI____wherehelived,I____anotetohim. A.knew;would B.hadknown;wouldhavesent C.know;wouldsend D.knew;wouldhavesent 14.Itisthe_________inBritainthatyoungpeopleoftendonotshakehandswhentheymeetsome oneforthefirsttime.

《全球通史》读后感 读《全球通史》有感

《全球通史》读后感读《全球通史》有感 近期在读《全球通史》,有些感触想写下来跟大家分享一下。 这本书最难得的地方在于:撇开了单一国家的视角,站在全球的角度上去阐述历史。 这样,读者就可以从更高的维度看到不同地区的共性和联系。 以下是我的几点感悟: 1.国家的衰落往往源于经济问题。 以前,我们常常以为某个朝代的灭亡是因为皇帝的昏庸无能。但其实不是,帝国的奔溃主要都是因为经济问题。用大白话来说,就是钱不够花了。 为啥钱不够花?因为税收不足。稍微懂行的同学都知道,同样是收税,富人的税往往更难收,因为他们会钻规则的漏洞。如果大量财富都聚集在富人名下,那么政府的税收将很难得到保障。

而不管是在哪个帝国、哪个朝代,都一定会存在贫富分化的问题。这些问题一开始并不是十分明显,但是,随着时间的推移,就出现两极分化了,富人的财富越来越多,而穷人的财富越来越少。穷人被迫变卖自己的劳动力来养家糊口。而富人则通过收割穷人的劳动力来积聚更多的财富。 最终,整个国家的蛋糕被少数人瓜分了,政府想要从这少数人手上拿到钱将会十分困难。一个国家的财政支出大部分都来自税收,税收搞好了,财政就不会出大乱子,税收搞不好,整个国家就会陷入严重的危机。既然国家收不到富人的税,那肯定会想办法压榨穷人。而穷人也不是好欺负的,当税负过重时,他们往往会揭竿而起,推翻统治者的政权。历史上很多帝国都是这样灭亡的。 2.王朝和帝国都是有生命周期的。 如果要问,历史告诉我们的最重要的道理是什么?那必须是:凡事皆有周期,凡事皆会灭亡。 据我了解,庞大的帝国寿命一般都在300年左右,几乎不会超过400年。 以下是我们国家的数个朝代的寿命:


《规模》读后感 企业的边界是什么,他的生长过程会遵从什么样的规律,是 什么动力和阻力在决定了他的规模 这是我一直以来的疑问 对很多项目的估值,我都希望用这种眼光去看,因为希冀企 业以百分之多少的速率增长,是不现实的,企业有它的成长曲线,和人差不多 你要投就投他在青少年时期,或者刚毕业时举目无亲,彷徨 无助,这是估值极低的时候,而不是投他到了中年危机的阶段, 这时候看似洋洋得意,估值很高,其实危机四伏 我原以为这本书可以解决我的一些困惑,然而并没有 可能问题还在于作者对于企业并不是那么的了解,他是物理 学出身,但对企业的经营认识的显然还不够 但他提到了生物体的增长规律,虽然这规律也不是他发现的。。。 比如,生物的代谢率和体重成3/4的幂次律关系,也就是对 数的斜率为3/4 也就是说,体重越大,代谢率没有呈线性的增长,而是体现 出了一定的规模效应,同等体重的代谢反而减少 这个规律是通过数据得到验证的,这也是这本书最让我觉得 为数不多的可以信服的

生物体为什么有增长的极限 好,我们想象下,是不是可以同比例放大一个生物体 在这个问题上,我耗费了一些时间,我一开始确实很难想象 同比例放大会有什么问题 到后来我才明白过来 这个问题出在, 首先,根本没有同比例放大这回事,比如你假设我们以2倍 放大,那么体积将扩张到8倍,而我们的表面积会扩张到4倍看似同比例的放大,在不同维度体现的则是完全不同的比例,甚至是指数级的差异 所以,压根就没有同比例放大一说 其次,任何一个物体,是没法脱离环境而存活的,也就是说,它永远需要和外界交互,而这个交互的维度和物体本身的维度却 是不一致的 比如一个圆,它和外界的交互界面是圆周,对一个三维物体 而言,它的体积是三维的,而它和外界交互的界面则是二维的表 面积 也就是说,物体的维度永远比它与外界交互的维度高一个 当一个物体放大2倍,表面积的增长低于体积的增长,就会 造成交互的面积所承受的压强更大以至于最后无法支撑 很典型的交互就是重力 作者实际上提到了这些道理,但我觉得实际上没有做出总结

The Lottery(英文版)

"The Lottery" (1948) by Shirley Jackson The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank, around ten o’clock; in some towns there were so many people that the lottery took two days and had to be started on June 20th, but in this village, where there were only about three hundred people, the whole lottery took less than two hours, so it could begin at ten o’clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner. The children assembled first, of course. School was recently over for the summer, and the feeling of liberty sat uneasily on most of them; they tended to gather together quietly for a while before they broke into boisterous play, and their talk was still of the classroom and the teacher, of books and reprimands. Bobby Martin had already stuffed his pockets full of stones, and the other boys soon followed his example, selecting the smoothest and roundest stones; Bobby and Harry Jones and Dickie Delacroix—the villagers pronounced this name “Dellacroy”—eventually made a great pile of stones in one corner of the square and guarded it against the raids of the other boys. The girls stood aside, talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at the boys, and the very small children rolled in the dust or clung to the hands of their older brothers or sisters. Soon the men began to gather, surveying their own children, speaking of planting and rain, tractors and taxes. They stood together, away from the pile of stones in the corner, and their jokes were quiet and they smiled rather than laughed. The women, wearing faded house dresses and sweaters, came shortly after their menfolk. They greeted one another and exchanged bits of gossip as they went to join their husbands. Soon the women, standing by their husbands, began to call to their children, and the children came reluctantly, having to be called four or five times. Bobby Martin ducked under his mother’s grasping hand and ran, laughing, back to the pile of stones. His father spoke up sharply, and Bobby came quickly and took his place between his father and his oldest brother. The lottery was conducted—as were the square dances, the teen club, the Halloween program—by Mr. Summers, who had time and energy to devote to civic activities. He was a round-faced, jovial man and he ran the coal business, and people were sorry for him because he had no children and his wife was a scold. When he arrived in the square, carrying the black wooden box, there was a murmur of conversation among the villagers, and he waved and called. “Little late today, folks. ” The postmaster, Mr. Graves, followed him, carrying a three-legged stool, and the stool was put in the center of the square and Mr. Summers set the black box down on it. The villagers kept their distance, leaving a space between themselves and the stool, and when Mr. Summers said, “Some of you fellows want to give me a hand?” there was a hesitation before two men. Mr. Martin and his oldest son, Baxter, came forward to hold the box steady on the stool while Mr. Summers stirred up the papers inside it. The original paraphernalia for the lottery had been lost long ago, and the black box now resting on the stool had been put into use even before Old Man Warner, the oldest man in town, was born. Mr. Summers spoke frequently to the villagers about making a new box, but no one


Summary Writing of The Lottery The story started in a small village, which had a small population but a long history. Thus, there was a traditional activity in this village every year, called “the lottery”. It was a pretty morning of June 27th. The people of the village began to gather together in the square around ten o’clock. The children assembled first, making a great pile of stones in one corner of the square, and filled their pockets with the stones. Sooner, the women arrived after their husbands. They called their children back and started waiting the lottery began. This lottery was conducted by Mr.Summers, as usual. He came here with the black wooden box, and put it on a three-legged stool, which carried by Mr. Graves, the postmaster of this village. About the black wooden box, everyone knew that it was the one replaced the original one, but no one care about making a new one instead, even as much tradition as was represented by the black Before the lottery, there were something had to be done. Mr.Summers and Mr. Graves made up the slips of paper and put them in the box. Also, there were lists of heads of families, heads of households in each family, members of each household in each family, needed to be made up. And there was the proper swearing-in of Mr.Summers by the postmaster, as the official of the lottery. At last, Mr. Summers had a speech. Just as he finally finished talking, Mrs.Hutchinson came hurriedly. And then, the lottery began. Mr.Summers asked if everyone was here. Then, each villager came to reach into the black box and took out a folded paper one by one. In this process, people chatted about the lottery, which they were familiar to. When everybody finished, there was a long pause, until Mr, Summers asked who got the paper. It was Bill Hutchinson. Getting the result, Bill’s wife, Tessie, shouted to Mr.Summers and tried to let her daughter in. Mr.Summers refused these words and started a new turn, among the Hutchinsons. Bill, his wife, and their three children, took the paper one by one as they had done just now. Mr.Summers opened the paper one by one, and the last one, owned by Tessie, was signed. Mr.Summers told everyone to finished this lottery quickly in the end. And Tessie was in the center of a cleared space by then. The only thing she could do was screaming, while the villagers were throwing the stones on her head.
