文档库 最新最全的文档下载
当前位置:文档库 › 打开WORD后总是不显示页数的状态栏的处理方法


打开word后总是不显示页数的状态栏的处理方法 可以制作宏命令方便调用。
Sub 修复页码显示()
' 修复页码显示 Macro
' 宏在 2015/8/10 由 WIN 录制
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
Application.ShowWindowsInTaskbar = True
Application.ShowStartupDialog = True
With ActiveWindow
.DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True
.DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True
.DisplayLeftScrollBar = False
.StyleAreaWidth = CentimetersToPoints(0) .DisplayVerticalRuler = True
.DisplayRightRuler = False
.DisplayScreenTips = True
With .View
.ShowAnimation = True
.Draft = False
.WrapToWindow = False
.ShowPicturePlaceHolders = False
.ShowFieldCodes = False
.ShowBookmarks = False
.FieldShading = wdFieldShadingWhenSelected .ShowTabs = False
.ShowSpaces = False
.ShowParagraphs = False
.ShowHyphens = False
.ShowHiddenText = False
.ShowAll = False
.ShowDrawings = True
.ShowObjectAnchors = False
.ShowTextBoundaries = False
.ShowHighlight = True
.ShowOptionalBreaks = False
.DisplayPageBoundaries = True
.DisplaySmartTags = True
End With
End With
With Options
.Pagination = True
.WPHelp = False
