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班级:姓名:家长签名: 等级:


1.Where_______ the library? A is B are C do

2. ___________is the hospital?

It’s near the post o ffice. A What B Where C When

3. What an _____ picture! A. interesting B. pretty C. small

4.Excuse me, where is the library?It’s_______ the cinema.

A next

B next to

C at

5.There_______the cinema near here Yes,there is. A are B is C do

6. If you want to see a doctor, you can go to the_____.

A hospital

B library

C cinema

7. Is there a cinema near your home? _____ A Yes, there isn’t. .

B Yes, there is.

C No, there is.


1. A: _______________ ? B: We want to go to the cinema.

2. A: _______________ ? B: Yes, I do.

3. A: _______________ ? B: You can turn right at the hospital.

4. A: _______________ ? B: It’s be hind the park.

5. A: _______________ ? B: Great.

A. Do you like pizza?

B. Let’s go to the zoo on Saturday.

C. Where do you want to go?

D. How can I get to the museum?

E. Where is the shop? 三、按要求改写句子。

1.There is a bookstore near the cinema.(改为一般疑问句)

___ _____ a bookstore near the cinema?

2.The library is behind the post office.(对画线部分提问)

_________ ______the library?

3.Is Li Lei in the classroom? (作否定回答)_____________________


1.can I how there get ? __________________________________

2.film what an i nteresting ! ___________________________________

3.next it’s on to the park

4.atturnleft the bookstore . _______________________________________

5.isshopwhereisthe museum ?

6.isthewhere post office ? _______________________________________

7.wantIbuy a postcard to . _______________________________________



yes, there is a cinema near he


You can go straight for 10 minutes to the library.


Turn left at the bookstore.


英语练习首先解决了面对应试教育的问题,让你多方位学习和掌握英语类型题的解决方法,其次,做英语练习题可以让你增加做题量,积累更多英语知识点,对将来的发展也有很大的作用。以下是整理的《小学六年级下册英语作业题》相关资料,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】小学六年级下册英语作业题 一、连线 1. What did you do yesterday ? ? ? ?A.I feel sick. 2. How do you feel ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?B.I climbed a mountain. 3. What’s the date ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? C.October 1st. 4. Where did you go ? ? ? ? ? ? ? D.Yes , I did. 5. Did you learn English ? ? ? ? ? ?E.I went to Xinjiang. 二、情景交际 1. 你想约你的朋友周末去滑冰,你可以说:( ? ) A.Let's go fishing this weekend. ?B.Let's go hiking this weekend. C.Let's go ice-skating this weekend. 2. 当别人跟你说:May I borrow your dictionary?你回答说:( ? ) A.OK,here you are. ? B.Fine. ? C.I don't think so. 3. 当别人发生不幸的时候你可以问:( ? ) A.Not at all. B.I'm sorry to hear that. C.You're welcome. 4. 当你想问别人邮局在哪时,你应先说:( ? ) A.I' m sorry. ? ?B.Hi. ? C.Excuse ?me. 5. 当有人对你说Happy birthday to you!时,你应说:( ? ?) A.You too. ? B.The same. ? C.Thank you. 三、阅读下面短文,选择正确答案

人教八年级上册英语Unit2 周末作业(含答案)

Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 周末作业 一、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. -How often you (eat)apples, Steve? -At least four (time) a week. 2. My sister (not like) eggs at all. 3. Milk (be) good for our health. So I (drink)it every day. 4. Linda (exercise) every morning and she never (watch) TV on school night. 5. your brother often (do) housework at home? 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1.有时候我乘坐公共汽车去上学。 I to school by bus. 2.我妈妈上班从不迟到。 My mother is for work. 3.她几乎从不熟夜 She stays up late. 4.不要总是待在家里看电视。 Don’t stay at home and TV. 5.迈克通常一个月去看望他的祖父母两次。 Mike visits his grandparents a .

三、单项选择。 ( )1. I like Yang Mi very much. She is very popular. A.sometimes B. never C. always D. often ( )2. His brother is too tired. He can walk. A.really B. hard C. hardly D.never ( )3. Mr Li goes to his hometown a year. A.one or two B.once or two C, one or twice D. once or twice ( )4.- do you write your blog? -Once a week. A. How long B. How often C. How much D. How many ( )5. Tony is very lazy. He is late for school. A.often B.sometimes C. hardly D. never ( )6.Sam is late for school. He is always the first to come to school. A.often B. always C.never D. usually ( )7. Lucy is unhealthy because she has enough sleep every night. A.often B. hardly C.sometimes D. always ( )8.- Did you go to the cinema last night? - Oh, no. I go to the cinema. The tickets, you know, are too expensive.


小学英语作文我的周末 小学英语作文我的周末一:我的周末 (342字) 我的周末应该属于我的,周末是我的休息时间,周末还是我的娱乐时间的,可是,妈妈布置的作业让我的周末变得很荒凉,让我的周末很不快乐。 有一次周末,因为星期六妈妈去外婆家了,要傍晚才回来,我就趁妈妈不在的时间,去玩了,大约过了一二个小时,我累了就去把老师布置的作业写了,过了五十分钟,我就写完老师的作业了,我一看时间,马上就要吃午饭了,可我还没写成妈妈布置给我的作业呢,我想着想着,就看起了电视,看了一个小时,我就去吃午饭了,我吃了二碗饭,就要去睡午觉了,一觉醒来都三点二十九分钟了,我赶快写妈妈布置给我的作业了,刚写完,妈妈刚好回来了,我赶快拿作业给我妈妈看,妈妈看了看,说好的,我这一关总算通过了。 我的周末有时候是快乐的,有时候是悲伤的,我希望各个同学都有自己的周末,而不是由别人管理的。 小学英语作文我的周末二:我的周末 (460字)

没有大人的周末是美丽的,有趣的,一旦有了大人,周末就没有了乐趣和味道了。 今天,爸爸和妈妈没在家,家里我作主了,我高兴得简直要疯了。我先打开冰箱把土豆拿了出来,然后再把刀拿了出来,把一个土豆切成了一个个土豆丝,最后把土豆丝放入锅中炸了起来,我以为土豆炸得越焦越好吃,于是我就大把大把地加菜油,终于折腾了好久,才把土豆丝炸焦了,于是我赶紧拿出碗盛着,我本以为很好吃,可不吃还好,吃了就算我倒霉,我尝了一口,一吃倒让我恶心起来了,土豆丝实在太难吃了!最后我把土豆丝给倒了。然后我又打算去炸青菜,我又以为这一次我可以显示厨艺了,于是我又改行炸青菜了,我把青菜炸成奄奄的了。但一吃,感觉还不错,就是太淡了,于是我便放了大把的盐,放好后,我以为变成了美味佳肴了,于是便尝了起来。吃了以后,我的脸色随之大变,由刚才的兴奋变成了一副苦瓜脸,我再也控制不了自已了,气得瘫坐地上,但是我不是那么容易放弃的。接着,我又连续炸了黄瓜,肉丝,白菜,香蕉,山芋等东西,然而,每次都是失败的,倒置把厨房搞得乌烟瘴气的。 啊!这真是一个乱七八槽的周末呀! 小学英语作文我的周末三:我的周末 (443字) 我盼星星,盼月亮,终于盼来了周末,今天妈妈要带我去海边玩。想

小学六年级下册英语作业试卷2 新

六英作业班级姓名_______ 家长签字 一、英汉互译。 1. 伤心地问____ 6.sharp teeth ____ 2. 开心地说____ 7.the next day ___ 3. 又小又弱____ 8.just then ___ 4. 从那以后____ 9. get out ___ 5. 一个大洞____ 10.some day ___ 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. The lion (bite) the net, but it didn’t help. 2. My grandma wants (drink) some milk . 3. Sam (hit) the ball hard and makes his arm hurt. 4. Does Mike often (walk) to school? 5. From then on, Su Yang (become) my good friends. 6. He’s a boy. He laughs (happy) . 7. They shouted (excited). 8. Please walk (quiet) . My mother is sleeping. 9. The children laughed (loud) . 10. “Be (quiet) .” said the doctor. 11.Let me (help) you. 12. Here (come) the lions. 13. The boy is running (quick). 三、按要求改写句子。 1. Does the cat run after the mouse?(作否定回答)No, it . 2.He caught a mouse in that room just now.(改成一般疑问句) he a mouse in that room just now? 3.Finally, the lion let the mouse go.(改为否定句) Finally, the lion the mouse go. 4. The woman caught the fish with a net.(对划线部分提问) the woman the fish? 5.woke, the, who, up, lion (?)(连词成句) 四、根据中文提示完成句子。 1. 就在那时,狮子大声地笑了。Just then, the lion . 2. 昨天我们用网捉住了一只小鸟。We a bird the net yesterday. 3.他是一个开心的男孩。他正开心地笑着。 He’s a boy. He is laughing . 4.他很快弄来一些水,并把它倒入洞里。 He brings some water and it the hole.


八年级英语下第一周周末作业 Ⅰ. 单项选择。 ( )1. —You’re wrong. You should say sorry to him. —____ A. Yes. I should. B. OK. I will. C. OK. I should. D. No, I won’t. ( )2. —Mike felt sad because he failed his exam yesterday. —I’m sorry to hear that. Let’s ____. A. cheer him on B. cheer on him C. cheer him up D. cheer up him ( )3. Some children were skating on the ice happily. Suddenly one of them ____ the water and the other children felt ____. A. falls into; frightening B. fell into; frightened C. fall into; frightening D. fall into; frightened ( )4. —Tom, Jane wanted you to call her. —I’ll ____ in twenty minutes. Thank you. A. call on her B. call her on C. ring up her D. ring her up ( )5. The people there feel ____ to all of us. A. friends B. friendly C. friendship D. friend ( )6. He often becomes angry these days ____ his noisy children. A. because B. for C. about D. because of ( )7. Kate’s grandmother lives in a house____, but she doesn’t feel ____. A. alone; alone B. lonely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone ( )8. He entered Peking University____. The people in his village are ____ him. A. in the end; pride in B. at the end; pride of C. in end; proud of D. in the end; proud of ( )9. They didn’t ____ each other and had a fighting. A. build up B. agree with C. stand for D. worry about ( )10. In the end, I made ____ with Lin Feng and we hugged(拥抱) each other. A. a peace B. the peace C. peace D. peaces Ⅱ. 情景交际。


高三英语周末作业(二)(英语) 第Ⅰ卷(共65分) 一.单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 1. Mrs ,Taylor has ___8-year-old daughter who has _____gift for painting –she has won two national prizes. A. a, a B. an ,the C. an ,a D. the, the 2. ----May I try the jacket on? ----______ , but I think it will be too small for you. A. As you like B. By all means C. As a result D. Believe it or not 3. You have to have such a lot of _______ when you’re dealing with kids. A. p reference B. imagination C. patience D. protection 4. Without my glasses, I couldn’t ___ whether that figure on the blackboard was a three or an eight. A. make out B. make up C. make for D. make off 5. ---Are you ready for Spain? ---Yes, I want the girls to experience that ______they are young. A. while B. until C. if D. before 6. ---Why didn’t you tell me the truth that day ---I ,but you for Beijing when I went to see you. A. would have ;left B. would ;had been away C. would have; had left D. had; were away 7. There is _______ evidence that cars have a harmful effect on the environment. A. impressive B. abundant C. steady D. flexible 8. Your room is terribly dirty; you______ get it cleaned in two hours, or Mum will be angry. A. can B. might C. shall D. may. 9. It was the promise _____he would give Lucie all_______ he had, including his life, ______pushed him to save Draney. A. that; that; that B. that; what; which C. which; that; which D. which; that; that 10. Mary rushed home she heard the news, only that her hubby passed away. A. as soon as; finding B. directly; to find C. moment; to find D. when; found 11. ----If we take a plane, we’ll of course have arrived in London by the next weekend. ----Don’t be too sure. We should _____ the weather factor. What shall we do if it is foggy? A. look for B. allow for C. prepare for D. use for 12. ---How long ______in Beijing? ---I’ll be there just the weekend. I’ve to be back for an important meeting _______next Monday. A. have you stayed ; held B. do you stay; to be held C. did you stay; holding D. are you staying; to be held 13. --- How beaut iful the dress looks ____ you! Don’t you want _____, Madam? ---Please show me _______. A. in; one; another B. on; it; another C. in; it; the other D. on; one; the other 14. _____ his knowledge of the mountainous country, John Smith was appointed as our guide.


初一英语第三周周末作业 一、单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. I have ________ free time ________ Kate, so I can read a lot. A. less; than B. more; than C. fewer; than D. much; than ( ) 2. __________ of the meeting, he said something important to us. A. In the end B. In end C. Near end of D. Near the end ( ) 3. People in the USA say “eraser” while people in the UK say “________”. A. film B. autumn C. lift D. rubber ( )4. Shanghai is ________ than any other city in China and it is one of the ________ cities in the world. A. bigger; bigger B. bigger; biggest C. biggest; bigger D. biggest; biggest ( )5. Why come and play basketball with us? A. not you B. don’t C. not to D. not ( )6. My cousin is in in Shanghai No.11 Middle School. A.3th Grade B.3 Grade C. Grade 3 D. Grade 3rd ( )7. If it next Sunday, you still the Great Wall? A.will rain; do; visit B. will rain; will; visit C. rains; do; visit D.rains; will; visit ( )8. He always looks . Now he’s looking at his new drawing. A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C.happily; happily D. happily;happy ( )9.There an exciting softball match on TV this evening. A. will have B.are going to have C.are going to be D. is going to be ( )10.I’m sure you drive a car next month. A. will can B.will be able to C. are able to D. could ( )11.I have money than you, but I have friends than you. A. more; more B.less; more C.fewer; more D.more; less ( )12. Why ______ you ______ to school earlier this morning ? A. did ; came B. didn’t ; come C. didn’t ;came D. did ; not come ( )13. ----Remember to bring your homework here tomorrow. ---- _____________. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes , I will. C. No, I won’t. D. You are right. ( )14. A horse is ____________ animal. It helps people a lot. A. a useful B. an useful C. a useless D. an useless ( ) 15. There are more boys in our class than _________. A. you B. your class C. yours D. in yours ( )16.___________ of the two women is my mother. A. The older B. Older C. The old D. The oldest ( )17.His sister is _____ better at English than I. A. much B. very C. more D. too ( )18.China is larger than ______________ in Asia(亚洲) A. any country B. any other countries C. any other country D. another country ( )19. —Do you remember what she ________ two years ago? —Yes, she was fat then. A. liked B. is like C. likes D. was like ( ) 20. —How ________ the medicine tastes!


七年级第十三次英语周末作业 时间:90分钟满分:120分 出卷人:刘德刚 一、词汇(20分) A. 中英互译(10分): 1. Take a shower ________ 6.弹吉他________ 2. Get up ________ 7. 下象棋________ 3. Go to school ________ 8. 弹钢琴________ 4. Eat breakfast ________ 9. 到家________ 5. Go to bed ________ 10.说一点汉语________ B. 填入合适的词(4分): 1. I want to join the swim club . Can you ___________ ? 2. I can play chess . I ___________ join the chess club . 3. I can sing . I can join the ____________ club . 4. I can speak Spanish . I can join the _______________ club. C.将拼写错误的单词的标号填入题前括号内(6分): ( )1. A. piano B. kid C. trumpt D. dance ( )2. A. rock B. act C. show D. bant ( )3. A. talent B. Sonday C. Japanese D. May ( )4.A. why B. because C. o’clock D. haur ( )5. A. after B. practice C. jaket D. get 二、单项选择(20分) ( ) 1. ____________ club ________ he want to join ? A. When, do B. Where, does C. What’s, do D. What, does ( ) 2. Can you _________ chess ? A. join B. take C. play D. do ( ) 3. Are you good __________ dancing ? A. at B. for C. of D. with ( ) 4. --- Can you play the guitar ? --- No, I can’t . A. good B. bad C. nice D. well ( )5.“Can you speak French?” “Yes, but only________.” A. a few B. a lot C. a little D. many ( )6.Maybe he can _________ in our school concert . A. be B. is C. are D. am ( ) 7. There is a book on the desk . _________ book is his . A. A B. An C. The D. \ ( ) 8. On the table _________ any boxes . A. I have B. there is C. there aren’t D. has ( ) 9. ---- Nice to see you , please sit down . ---- ___________ .


六年级下英语作业本 1、《能力手册》P53-54,做在复习本1上面,要抄题; 2、《写字》P26-27; 3、选择填空,不用抄题,只需要写编号和答案。 ( )1. My dictionary doesn’t have many words. I need a ______ dictionary. A. big B. bigger C. small D. smaller ( )2. That computer is too _________. I have not enough money. A. expensive B. cheap C. more expensive D. cheaper ( )3. When John left the room, he ________ take his things. A. doesn''t B. didn''t C. haven''t D. hasn''t ( )4. In winter, it’s not cold in Shenzhen. It’s not cold in Kunming, _______. A. yet B. also C. either D. too ( )5. The gift is ________ enough. I will take it. A. expensive B. dear C. cheaper D. cheap ( )6. We ________ put clothes on lamps or heaters. A. shouldn’t B. can C. should D. must ( )7. This game is too ___________. I want an interesting one. A. frightening B. expensive C. boring D. funny ( )8. Bob is a basketball player. He is ___________ to slum dunk (扣篮). A. enough tall B. tall enough C. enough short D. short enough ( )9. When I looked out of the window, I ____ smoke. A. see B. sees C. seeing D. saw ( )10. Tommy is five years old. He is _____ young _____ go to school. A. enough, for B. too, to C. enough, to D. too, for 周六作业: 1、《写字》P28-29 2、判断下列单词划线部分的发音是(√)否(×)相同,请标出划线部分字母的音标。(要抄题)( )1. loud should ( )2. hug huge ( )3. word airport ( )4. message village 3、找出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的选项,请标出划线部分的音标。 ( ) 1.A.each B. heater C. healthy D. easily ( ) 2. A. heard B. dear C. Earth D. learn ( ) 3. A. loud B. cloud C. country D. around ( )4. A. thirty B. fire C. thirsty D. first 4、找出划线部分发音与其它三个不同的选项,请标出划线部分的音标。 ( ) 1.A.arrive B. hike C. lift D. life ( ) 2.A.mask B. magazine C. map D. match ( ) 3. A. remember B. red C. question D. pretty ( ) 4. A. leave B. eagle C. easily D. healthy 5、判断下列各组单词划线部分发音是(√)否(×)相同。 ( )1. A. breakfast B. fast C. among D. wave ( )2. A. ready B. read C. repeat D. sea


江苏省大丰市万盈二中2012-2013学年八年级英语下学期第3周周末作业试题 (无答案)牛津版 班级 _____ 姓名 __________ 学号 _______ 家长签字 __________得分___________ 一.词汇。(25分) 1 The novel is ________ in France. (以…为背景) 2. He has lots of _____________ of English grammar. (知识) 3. Do you know the ____________ names of the computer games? (设计者) 4. Is English _________ used around the world? (广泛) 5. Speaking another language __________ is more difficult than speaking it without any mistakes. (恰当) 6. The cat has caught five __________. (老鼠) 7.Please give my best ______(问候) to your parents. 8.If you answer a question __________(错误), you will lose a point. 9. He is good at writing computer __________. (程序) 10. He has just received two _____________ from abroad. (包裹) 11. If you work hard ,you will ____________(sure) pass the exam. 12. Many people use computers in their ______(day) life. 13. Thousands of ______(tour) come to the Great Wall every year. 14. Every time he ____________(reach) a higher level, he can visit an interesting place. 15. Make sure your printer _____________(connect) to the computer . 16. Each of us ______________(ask) to speak loudly in class by our English teacher. 17.The shop ___________(close) at 8 p.m. every day. 18. It’s too hot inside. Do you mind _________(open) the window? 19. I __________ (not see) you for a long time. Where ________ you _________(be)? 20.____________ you_________(write) an article when he came in? 21. The factory ___________(produce) thousands of tons of steel last year. 22. This castle _______________(build) by Henry. 23. The children without their parents ______________(take) good care of here. 25. We ___________(give) some t ickets after we ____________(pay) the money. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f07709550.html,lie _____________(lie) in bed last night when she ____________(hear) the telephone ring 二、单项选择。(20分) ( )1. On Sunday I often help Mum______________ the housework. A.with B.doing C.for D.done ( )2.She didn’t go to school _____________her broken leg. A.because B.because of C.so D.as ( )3. We should finish_____________all the leaflets before eleven. A.give to B.give in C.give out D.giving out ( )4 The old must _______ politely. A be spoken B be spoken to D speak D speak to ( )5 There ________ nothing serious with the patient. A. seem B. seems C. seems to have D. seems to be ( )6 I think you’d better spend as little time as you can ______ computer games. A. play B. played C. playing D. to play


I. 词汇填空。(20分) i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分) ( ) 1. Please remove the table from the room or it looks out of place. A. suitable B. unusual C. unsuitable ( ) 2. It’s impolite for you to say so. A. not politely B. rudely C. not polite ( ) 3. 1.I haven’t heard from him for a long time. A.got a letter from B. receive a letter from C. heard of ( ) 4.I didn’t want to walk into the room, because it was in a mess. A. clean B. untidy C. noisy ( ) 5. He hated his job very much. A. unliked B. disliked C. loved ( ) 6.I am worried about my brother. He has been in hospital for a month. A. care B. miss C. love ( ) 7. He is on a diet. And he can’t eat too much meat. A.lose weight B. put on weight C. losing weight ( ) 8. He was ashamed that he had told a lie. A. unlucky B. sorry C. angry ii. 从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共12小题,每小题1分) ( ) 9. Don’t _____ the police in trouble. It’s not polite. A.smile B. laugh C. laugh at ( ) 10. He has few friends and he often feels _______ in his class. A. out of date B. out of place C. out of sight ( ) 11. I ______ the exam because I was too _________.


六年级上册英语家庭作业单 Unit1 第一单元 坚持每天背会三词一句,相信你的英语一定会学好。 物馆 Where is the science museum ? 科学博物馆在哪里?2.post office 邮局postcard 明信片postman 邮递员 It’s near the door . 它在大门附近。 3.bookstore 书店shop 商店supermarket 超市Where is the museum shop ? 博物馆的商店在哪里? 4. cinema 电影院film 电影hospital 医院 How can we get there ? 我们怎么到那儿? 5.crossing 十字路口left 左right 右/对的,正确的The bookstore is on the left . 书店在左边。 6.turn left 向左转turn right 向右转go straight 直走 Turn left at the bookstore . 到书店左转。 7. get to 到达restaurant 餐馆far 较远的 Is it far from here ? 它离这远吗? 8. next to 与...相邻street 街道sir 先生 It’s next to the supermarket. 它与超市相邻。 Unit2 第二单元

1. foot 脚on 在...上面on foot 步行 I go to school on foot . 我步行去学校。 2. by 乘坐bus 公共汽车by bus 乘坐公共汽车 I come to school by bus . 我乘坐公共汽车来学校。 3. plane 飞机taxi 出租车ship 船 How do you come to school? 你怎么来学校的? 4. train 火车subway 地铁bike 自行车 Usually,I come on foot . 通常我走路来。 5.slow 慢的slow down 慢下来stop 停 Slow down and stop at a yellow light. 遇到黄灯要减速,并且停下来。 6. people 人们must 必须wear 穿,戴 In the USA people on bikes must wear one . 在美国骑自行车的人必须戴头盔。 7.light 灯,traffic 交通,traffic lights 交通信号灯Don’t go at the red light . 不要闯红灯。 8. attention 注意pay attention to 注意fast 快的 I must pay attention to the traffic lights . 我必须注意交通信号灯。 Unit3 第三单元
