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Simple present,past,future(一般现在时,一般过去时,一般将来时)

Present and past progressive(现在进行时和过去进行时)

Future progressive(将来进行时)

Present and past perfect(现在完成时和过去完成时)

Future perfect(将来完成时)

Present perfect progressive(现在完成进行时)

Past perfect progressive(过去完成进行时)

②Passive voice(被动语态)

Passive voice in simple tenses(被动语态的一般式)

Passive voice in perfect and progressive tenses(被动语态的完成式和进行式)

Passive voice of Phrasal verbs(短语动词的被动语态)

Passive voice of modal verbs(含情态动词的被动语态)

③Subjunctive mood(虚拟语气)

Subjunctive mood in conditional sentences(用于条件句中的虚拟语气)

Omission of “if”(if的省略)

Subjunctive mood in that-clause after“wish”,“suggest”,“demand”,etc.


Subjunctive mood in the clauses after “as if/though”,“It's time…”,etc.

(用于as if/ though, It's time…后的从句中的虚拟语气。)

Subjunctive mood in the construction “would rather”

(用于would rather句型中的虚拟语气。)

④To V(Infinitive动词不定式)

As subject,object,attribute,adverbial and complement


Wh-words+ to V(phrase)(疑问词加不定式[短语])

To be+ V-ed,to have+ V-ed,to be+ V-ing(不定式的被动式、完成式和进行式)


As object(of vt. and prep.),subject and predicative


being+ V-ed,having+ V-ed(动名词的被动式和完成式)

⑥V-ing and V-ed(Present and past participle现在分词和过去分词)

As attribute,adverbial and complement(用作定语、状语和补足语)

Being+ V-ed,having+ V-ed,having been+ V-ed(现在分词的被动式、完成式和完成被动式)

⑦Basic sentence patterns and sentence elements(基本句型和句子成分)

Pattern 1:S+V(主+谓)

Pattern 2:S+V+O(主+谓+宾)

Pattern 3:S+ V+ Oi+ Od(主+谓十间宾+直宾)

Pattern 4:S+V+O+CO(主+谓+宾+宾补)

⑧There be(There be结构)

⑨Agreement between subject and predicate V(主语和谓语动词的一致关系)

⑩Noun clause(名词从句)

○11Attributive clause(定语从句) ○12Adverbial clause(状语从句)

13Apposition(同位关系) ○14Coordination(并列)

15Subject-verb inversion(主谓倒装) ○16Emphasis(强调)

17the use of it(it的用法) ○18Negation(否定)

19Omission(省略) ○20Parenthesis(插入语)



例:○1That was the first time I English with a foreigner.

A)have spoken B)weak C)spoke D)had spoken

[答案] D)

[解析] 从整个句子来看,这是一个与过去时间相关联的句子,因此很快可以排除选项A)和B)。又因为“That was the first time(that)…”是一个固定句型,它要求后面的that从句用过去完成时(通常情况下),因此D)是正确答案。

例:②We hoped that by the end of the year we the job.

A)would have finished B)finished

C)had finished D)will finish

[答案] A)

[解析] 本句的主要动词“hoped”为过去式,根据“时态呼应”的原则,后面从句中的谓语动词应该是一个相应的过去形式,那么D)是应该首先排除的。从句中的介词短语“by the end of the year”能为我们选择正确答案带来很大的启发,因为“年底”在当时说话时还没有过去,故应该选择A)(过去将来完成时)。

[学习指导] 在做选择填空题时,我们主张首先迅速瞅一眼四个选项,如果是同一个动词的不同时态,我们就要特别认真地注意题目的两个方面:全句的另外一个动词(一般是主要动词)和时间状语。除此以外,还要注意一些固定的句型。在做题时,先采用排除法,把一些根本不着边的选项先排除(如上两例所示),再根据“时态呼应”的原则和时间状语的启示,在剩下的选项中进行比较后,选定正确答案。

必须要记住一些固定的句型(如第1题中“That was the first time”)。现在我们将常与完成时连用的句

注:(1)在上述句型中,it的位置还可用this, that, this evening, yesterday等。


(3)在no sooner…than…;hardly/scarcely…when…这种句型中,前一部分常用过去完成时,后一部分用一般过去时。



(1) I hope they the work by the time we come back next week.

A) would finish, would B) will finish, will

C) finish, / D) will finish, /

(2) He told me that it was the best film he .

A) has ever seen B) saw C) had ever seen D) liked

(3) If we , we shall miss the train to Shanghai.

A) don' t hurry B) not hurry C) are not hurry D) won' t hurry

(4) At that time they were playing chess while I my homework .

A) did B) was doing C) were doing D) had done

(5) a class meeting next Friday afternoon .

A) There will have B) There will be

C) There is D) There is going to have

(6) It happened that Mr. Blacks all out when I called.

A) had been B) was C) were D) was going

(7) They said that all the chairs and they asked us to have a rest .

A) had cleaned B) were cleaned

C) cleaned D) had been cleaned

(8) This is one of the largest factories that in this area .

A) is ever built B) was ever built

C) has ever built D) has ever been built

(9) We into the bus when it to rain heavily.

A) had hardly got, began B) hardly got,

C) have hardly got, begins D) got hardly, had begun

(10) No good solution to the problem has been worked out , so they it .

A) are still considered B) are still considering

C) still consider D) considered

2) 情态动词

例: The doctor said I go back to the hospital; my leg is all fight now .

A)mustn’t B)needn’t C)Won't D)can’t

[答案] B)

[解析] 由于四个选项分别为“不准”、“不必”、“将不”和“不能”,这就要求我们先看懂句子的意思。根据分号后句子的意思“我的腿现在完全好了”,可以断定前面一句中医生说的是“不必”,因此应选B)。

例:②Look,the trees are fallen.There a strong wind.

A)must be B)should have been C)could be D)must have been

[答案] D)

[解析] 此句考的是情态动词的推测性用法。根据“树倒下”这一事实来推断“一定刮过一场大风”。故应选择“must have been”来表示对过去的某事很有把握的推测。

[学习指导] 大多数情态动词都有两种用法:一种是一般性用法即非推测性用法;另一种是推测性用



I can answer this question.(表示能力)

Can l watch TV here?(表示许可,相当于May。)


Anybody can make mistakes.(表示可能)

He can't have finished his homework.(表示不可能)



should have done(应该做了,但却没做。)

shouldn't have done(不该做的,但却做了。)

need have done(需要做的,但却没做。)

needn't have done(不需要做的,却做了。)

例如:You needn't have told him about that.


You are late.You should have got up earlier.



(11 )" Does she have his new address?"

"No, she his address . She doesn't even know he has moved ."

A) mustn't have B) can't have

C) can't have had D) might have had

(12) They are old enough to take care of themselves .

You worry about them .

A) mustn't B) can' t C) shouldn’ t D) needn' t

(13) He is seriously ill. You him about the bad news .

A) can tell B) can't have told

C) shouldn't have told D) may not tell

(14) This library is old and small and no longer meet the needs of the teachers and students , so a new

library .

A) must build B) should build up

C) must be built D) need to build

(15) There seems to be no bus now . We here any longer .

A) needn' t wait B) needn' t wait for

C) mustn' t wait D) can' t wait

(16) "Must I answer the question right now ?"

"No , you . You can go home and consider it ."

A) musm' t B) can' t C) needn' t D) shouldn' t

(17) I had my umbrella with me a moment ago , but now I haven' t got it. I it somewhere.

A) must leave B) must have left

C) can' t have left D) may leave

(18) If you have some good suggestions, you them on a piece of paper and hand it in.

A) may write B) must have written

C) have to write D) will write

(19) Xiao Li very tired after several hours of hardw0rk .

A) may be B) can be C) could be D) must be

(20) I haven't seen my dictionary' for a long time and I think it again

A) can't find B) won't find

C) can't be found D) shouldn't be found

3) 虚拟语气

例: ○1Jack's father suggested that Jack in London for a few more days.

A) would stay B) stay C) had stayed D) stayed

[答案] B)

[解析] 此题考查考生对if虚拟条件句以外的虚拟语气用法的掌握情况。在suggest,


例:②Peter ______ the driver's test,but he wasn't calm enough in the last ten minutes.

A)will have passed B)ought to have passed

C)might have passed D)must have passed

[答案] C)

[解析] 这个句子是一个由but连接起来的并列句。根据but后面的分句,我们得知“他最后10分钟不够冷静”,那么我们也可以这样理解:“要是他最后10分钟保持冷静的话,他(Peter)就有可能通过驾驶考试。”因此C)是正确答案。这一句子中并没有很直接的虚拟语气的条件,但是连词but却表示一种转折,也可以说是一个含蓄虚拟条件。

[学习指导] 虚拟语气是在各种考试中几乎都要考到的内容,而虚拟语气又往往是令中国考生感到很困难的一个问题,因为它既不符合中国人的语言习惯,使用又比较复杂,句子结构上有一定的要求。根据

注:(1)要将此表中的I t’s time与“动词时态”(见1)中的句型I t’s the first time进行区别。

(2)would rather后必须接从句才能用虚拟语气,否则就不用虚拟语气。例如:

I would rather have the old one than the new one.


I would rather you came tomorrow than the day after tomorrow.



(21) I wish I more attention to the study of English when I studied in the middle school..

A) paid B) have paid C) should pay D) had paid

(22) Without electricity our life quite different .

A) would be B) would have been

C) will be D) might have been

(23) He told me his telephone number but I forgot it now . Perhaps I it down then.

A) should write B) would write

C) should have written D) could have Written

(24) If he had studied hard, be the examination .

A) should pass B) would pass

C) would be passed D) would have passed

(25) He insisted that we the problem at the meeting .

A) would discuss B) discuss

C) discussed D) will discuss

(26) My suggestion is that we all her birthday party and give her a pleasant surprise.

A) go to B) should go C) go D) would go to

(27) They talked as if they each other for years .

A) knew B) had known

C) have know D) know

(28) His proposal was that an English speech contest every year.

A) would be held B) must be held

C) should hold D) be held

(29) If I you, I would do it in a different way .

A) am B) was C) were D) would be

(30) It's time we our discussion.

A) stop B) must C) have to stop D) stopped


例: ○1woke me up was a loud cry from someone in the next room .

A) What B)That C) How D) Which

[答案] A)

[解析] 从选项可以看出此题是考查从句的,又从连词位于句子开头,而句中无逗号这一点可以断定这是一个主语从句(其实从四个选项中的连词和整个句子结构来看,也可得知不是考查状语从句和定语从句)。“woke me up”是属于主语从句的,而“was…”则属于主句部分。现在就很清楚了,从句中缺乏的是主语,所以应该填入what。

例:○2You are responsible to is in charge of sales.

A)who B)whom C)whomever D)whoever

[答案] D)

[解析] 选项中的这些连词都是指代人的(who的各种形式),选中一个填人句子后应该是引导出“are responsible to。”的宾语从句。“be responsible to…”是“向某人负责”。根据全句的意思来看,应该是“向任何从事销售的人负责”,因此,先排除A),B)。有的考生可能会选择C),因为他们认为to后面应接宾格。其实,to后接的是宾语从句,宾语从句没有主格和宾格之分,只有代词才有主格和宾格之分,如:be responsible to me/him。在选择连词时,主要考虑连词在从句中的作用和意义,这儿的连词应该在从句中作主语,所以D)是正确答案。

[学习指导] 主语从句、宾语从句和表语:从句都属于名词从句。相对于所有的从句而言,名词从句是比较容易学习和掌握的,因为它们在句中有比较明显的位置。比如:主浯从句往往位于句首,但有时为了避免“头重脚轻”的现象,将形式主语讧置于句首,将真正的主语(从句)放到句尾了。宾语从句往往位于及物动词和介词之后。表语从句总是位于系动词(be)之后。名词从句是必考的内容,也是日常生活中常常要用到的浯言结构,我们必须认真学习。


(31 )Our monitor is iii . We don't know will chair this class meeting .

A) who B) whom C) that D) whoever

(32) surprised me most was he could speak English so fluently

A) That , that B) What , that C) That , what D) What, how

(33) It was lucky for him to sell his house for exactly .

A) what he had paid for it B) what is paid for it

C) where he had paid for it D) when he paid for it

(34) He is a new teacher. His trouble is he doesn't have much experience in teaching

English .

A) what B) if C) why D) that

(35) I want to know you climbed the mountain with yesterday .

A) that B) who C) whom D) where

(36) that is a good plan depends on practice .

A) If B) Whether C) What D)Why

(37) We Chinese people always mean we say .

A) that B) which C) what D) whichever

(38) He is my good friend . I'll give him help he needs .

A) whatever B) whichever C) that D) whose

(39) Did he tell you country he would go to for his holiday ?

A) what B) that C) which D) where

(40) Look at the clouds ! I wonder our plane will take off on time .

A) that B) when C) how D) if


例:○1In Britain there have been many people over the age of 65 have begun a degree course with the Open University and passed successfully.

A)which B)who C)that D)what

[答案] B)

[解析] 从四个选项看,此句又是考查从句的,但绝不是考查状语从句,因为这些连词不是引导状语从句的连词。另外,如果是状语从句,那么“have”前面还应该有个主语才行,引导状语从句的连词在从句中是不充当任何成分的。这里的从句也不是名词从句,应该断定为定语从句。这个定语从句的先行词是people,出题者有意用“over the age of 65”这一短语将先行词和定语从句割裂开来,这是值得考生注意的。通过以上的分析,我们可先排除A)和D)。“who"和“that"都可以指代先行词"people'’,又可引出定语从句,那么我们就要根据“连词在从句中作主语时用who较多”这一原则,选择最佳答案B)。

例:②That is the very man house was burned down last week.

A)his B)whose C)which D)of whom

[答案] B)

[解析] 这道题目比较简单,一眼就能判断出是考查定语从句的,因为连词前面的先行词是“man”,后面的"house"是指“the man's house”,因此B)是正确答案。

[学习指导] 定语从句是必考的内容,分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。限制性定语从句一般是紧按在所修饰的词(先行词)后面,非限制性定语从句也放在它所修饰的词后面,但是它与主句之间有逗号隔开,另外,它一般不用that引导,通常用who,whom,whose,which,where等wh-词引导。有时也可用as引导。


(41) I must make up the lesson I missed last week .

A) whose B) that C) when D) of which

(42) This book , you can get at any big bookshop , will give you all information

you need.

A) which , which B) that , that

C) that , which D) which, that

(43) She is the only one of the girls in our class football .

A) who is fond of B) who are fond of

C) that are fond of D) who were fond of

(44) The house he once lived in serves as a classroom building now .

A) where B) that C) which D) whose

(45) They are the students I taught before .

A)whose B) whom C) which D) that's

(46) I will never forget the day I joined the Party .

A) where B) that C) in which D) when

(47) is known to all, our earth is round .

A) That B) As C) Which D)What

(48) Our new teaching building was finished before the day it had been promised to finish .

A) that B) which C)on which D) on that

(49) He never talks about the things he has experienced before .

A) which B) when C) for which D) those

(50) Those test paper should be corrected must stay in the classroom .

A) that B) who C) which D) whose


例: The police knew nothing about the case you phoned them .

A) while B) until C) after D) since

[答案] B)

[解析] 此题的四个选项暗示此项考查状语从句。引导状语从句的连词在从句中不作任何成分,因此答题时,主要根据全句的意思来选定一个既符合句意要求又符合句子结构的正确答案。首先A)和D)都不对,因为"while”往往表示两个(几乎)同时进行的动作。


while…did…, …did…

…did…while…was/were doing…

…was/were doing…while…was/were doing…

例如:While I stood there, I saw two men enter the building.

She slipped and hurt herself while she was getting off the bus.

My wife was cooking while I was watering the flowers.


…have/has done…since…did…

例如:I haven’t seen him since he left.


…did…after…had done…

…will do…after…do/have done…

例如:She went on holiday after she had taken the examination.

I will go to your party after I finish/have finished my work.

而“until"的句型往往是:…didn't,do…until…did意思为:“直到……时候才……”。此句中的前一部分“knew nothing about…”等于“didn't know anything about…”。因此,无论从意思上还是句子结构上,都应该选B)。但是在用until时,要注意主句中的动词,如果是可延续动词,则要用肯定形式。

例如:I didn't recognize(认识)him until he told me his name.

We waited until he came back.(wait是一个可延续的动词。)

[学习指导] 由于状语从句的连词只起引导从句的作用,不在从句中作任何成分,这就要求我们对每个连词的词义及习惯用法有准确的了解。学习英语时“不可一词无来历,不可一词不讲究”,“要求逐词逐句透彻理解”。(钟道隆《大学英语》2001年第六期介绍)我们在做其他状语从句的题目时,也要善于比较和总结不同的连词,还’要理解全句的意思,这样才有利于提高答题的速度和准确率。


(51) I ask him for help , he always tries his best to help me .

A) After B) While C) Once D) Every time

(52) you master the good method of study , you will make still greater progress.

A) While B) As C) Once D) For

(53) this beautiful skirt is out of fashion , I don't want to throw it away .

A) Because B) Since C) Although D) As

(54) People could not know anything about the moon a satellite was invented and sent round it .

A) until B) after C) when D) because

(55) He read English in such a loud voice everybody in the house could hear him in the early

morning .

A) as B) that C) so D) for

(56) I met a group of foreigners I was going into the park .

A) after B) while C) till D) before

(57) His report is not a good one he has spent much time preparing it .

A) because B) since C) if D) though

(58) Much I would like to help you , I have to tell you that I have no time today.

A) as B) when C) if D) how

(59) He has the habit of making a mark he has any doubts or questions .

A) when B) where C) because D) while

(60) The people in my hometown are more friendly in the city .

A) as that B) than that C) as those D) than those


例:○1It' s no use to her about the importance of the document .

A) talking B) talked C) to talk D) talk

[答案] A)

[解析] 此题中的“It”是形式主语,要填入空格中的是真正的主语。根据真正的主语这一句子成分的要求,首先要排除的是B)和D)。又根据句型要求,“It's no use”后应接动名词作真正主语,故应选择A)。常用动名词短语作真正主语的句型有:

It's no use / no good + doing …

It's no easy job + doing …

It' s a waste of time + doing…

It's nice / difficult + doing …

例: ○1I don't mind all that way in such bad weather .

A) go B) gone C) going D) to go

[答案] C)

[解析] 及物动词mind除了可接名词、代词作其宾语外,还可接动名词作宾语,但绝对不能接不定式作宾语,,因此只有C)是正确答案。

[学习指导] 虽然在近几次的测试中没有考查动词不定式,但不定式这一语言现象却非常重要,而且使用频率很高。因为它既可以起动名词的作用(在句中作主语、宾语、表语),又可以起分词的作用(在句中作定语、状语、补足语)。在此,我们单就动名词和不定式作宾语的情况进行总结。


advise(劝告),deny(否认),admit(承认,接纳),endure(忍耐,忍受),avoid(避免),enjoy(享受,喜爱),acknowledge(承认),escape(逃跑,逃避),appreciate(感激,欣赏),excuse (原谅),anticipate(预期,预测)fancy(幻想,设想),celebrate(庆祝),favore(赞同,喜爱),complete(完成),figure(计算,描绘),can’I help(不禁),finish(完成,结束),confess(坦白),imagine(想像),consider(考虑),involve(使卷入,包含),discourage(使泄气),recall(回想),delay(推迟),require.(要求,需要),justify(证明……正确),resume(恢复),keep(保持),risk(冒……的危险),mind(注意,留意),save(营救,节省),pardon(原谅),stop(停止),permit(允许,许可),suggest(建议),postpone(推迟,延期),tolerate(容忍,默许),practise(练习,实践),quit(离开,停止)


count on(依靠),object to(反对),decide on(决定),oppose to(反对),dream of(梦想),put off(延期),feel like(想要),persist in(坚持),give up(放弃),take up(拿起),go in for(从事),think of(想到),go on(发生,进行,继续),be capable of(能够),insist on(坚持),be engaged in(从事),keep on(继续),be fond of(爱好),look forward to(盼望),be good at(擅长于),leave off(停止),be sick of(厌烦),be tired of(厌烦),be proud of(为……自豪),be keen on(喜爱)




attempt(企图,尝试),hate(恨,不喜欢),begin(开始),intend(意欲,打算),continue(继续),like(喜欢),can't bear(不能忍受),love(喜爱,热爱),can't afford(负担不起),neglect(疏忽,忽略),dislike(不喜欢),prefer(喜欢,愿意),propose(建议),start(开始)


例如:I regret to say I have given you much trouble these days.


I regret not having taken the doctor's advice.我后悔没听医生的话。

She doesn't want to meet him.她不想见他。

This old desk needs painting.=This old desk needs to be painted.这张旧桌子需要刷漆。

This baby deserves taking good care of.

= This baby deserves to be taken good care of. 应该好好照顾这个婴儿。


(61) It was impolite of him into the office without at the door first .

A) to come, to knock B) to come, knocking

C) coming, knocking D) coming, to knock

(62) Please forgive me for your permission your dictionary .

A) not asking , to use B) asking not , to use

C) not asking , using D) not asking , for using

(63) Most children enjoy ice-cream in summer , but too much ice-cream will do harm to their

health .

A) to eat B) eat C) eating D) to eating

(64) Peter was once made the classroom for a week as a punishment because he

was always late for school .

A) clean B) to clean C) cleaning D) to be cleaning

(65) ---- "What's the matter with you ?"

---- "I feel like (呕吐) now . I'd like the bus and have a rest .

A)vomiting , getting off B)to vomit , to get off

C) to vornit, getting off D) vomiting , to get off

(66) It took a long time for the new soldiers to get used to early in the morning.

A) getting up B) get up C) got up D) be getting

(67) Air isn't so clean here as it used to .

A) was B) is C) be D) being

(68) Do you know the building we are supposed ?

A) to go B) to go to C) going to D) to be going

(69) There flowers require and should avoid to the sun .

A) taking good care of, being exposed B) to take good care of, expose

C) taking good care of, exposing D) take good care, to be exposed

(70) He preferred rather than join in the ball game .

A) to watching B) watch C) to watch D) watches


例: It is easy to think that a witness who .caw a crime will be able to give all the answers .

A) to be committed B) commit

C) committing D) being committed

[答案] D)

[解析] 这个句子结构比较复杂,为了不耽误答题时间,我们可将注意力集中在"who saw a crime ”上面,这里无论填入一个什么词,都应该看做是"saw"的宾语补足语,“who”前面的先行词“witness”是“目击者”,意思就是“看见犯罪行为(在进行)的目击者”。“crime”与“commit”之间既存在被动关系,又表示进行当中,故应选择D)。

例:②with his report,the boss told John to write it all over again.

A)Not to satisfy B)Not having satisfied

C)Not being satisfied D)Not satisfying

[答案] C)

[解析] 此句的后部分是一个完整的句子,前部分与后部分之间有逗号隔开,再根据四个选项,可得知前部分不是一个从句,而只是一个短语,在此作全句的状语。我们可以根据两点来选定C为正确答案:一是be satisfied with这一常用词组,二是全句的主语"the boss"就是"Not being satisfied with…”的逻辑主语。例:③more time,the scientists will be able to work out a good solution to the problem.

A)Given B)Giving C)To give D)Be given

[答案] A)

[解析] 此句后部分是一个完整的句子,前部分是一个短语作状语。首先要排除的是D),因为既然前一部分不是句子,也就不可能出现动词的原形。另外,C)也不对,因为不定式作状语主要是表示目的和结果,从全句来看没有这个意思。剩下的A)和B)中,根据“分词(短语)作状语时,其逻辑主语是全句的主语”


例:④His English was so poor that he found it difficult to make himself

A)understood B)to understand

C)be understood D)understand

[答案] A)

[解析] “make oneself+过去分词”是外国人的一种习惯表达法,这种表达方式很局限,通常用于考查的句型只有:make oneself understood/heard/seen…,我们只要经常读读这类句子,很好地去理解它的意义,就能牢牢掌握好它。

[学习指导] 分词不仅是各类考试必考的内容,而且在考试中占有一定的分量(题目数量和考试难度)。为了做好这类考题,我们必须对分词的基本特性和它在句子中的作用有比较全面的了解。







或:主谓(宾) 主谓(宾)。


例如: we all know,everything has two sides.

A)So B)For C)Which D)As

[答案] D)

[解析] 根据这个句子的句型结构,前一部分不完整的句子是从句,再看四个选项,so和for是并列连词,应该位于句子中部连接另一个分句,Which也不能用在这里。所以,D)符合句意和语法要求。“As we all know”是个非限制性定语从句,意思是“正如我们所知”。

he is from Shanghai, he likes Changsha very much.

A)As B)Although C)When D)Since

[答案] B)

[解析] 从这个句子的句型结构分析,同样,前一部分不完整的句子是从句,后部分为主句。再看四个选项,可以认定前一部分是个状语从句。根据全句的意思,应选A1though,意思是“虽然他是上海人”。


或:主谓(宾) ……


例如:in space,the satellite sent us a lot of information.

A)To travel B)Travel C)Travelled D)Travelling

[答案] D)

[解析] 从句型结构及四个选项看,此句的前一部分应该是一个短语作状语。既然是作状语,就不可能选动词原形,所以首先要排除B。这里又不能选不定式,因为不表示目的。剩下了两个分词,根据分词与逻辑主语的关系(见前面的表格),我们选定正确答案为D)。


主谓(宾),and 主谓(宾)

主谓(宾),but 主谓(宾)

主谓(宾),or 主谓(宾)

主谓(宾),so 主谓(宾)


(71) After graduation the students asked to the countryside .

A) to send B) to be sending C) to be sent D) being sent

(72) The last class , the boys and girls began to clear their classroom .

A) being over B) having been over C) was over D) over

(73) We climbed to the top of the mountain,md saw the sun in file east o

A) rising B) to rise C) rose D) risen

(74) People all over the world have seen the remarkable changes in our country .

A) taken place B) to take place C) taking place D) having been taken place

(75) the city , she offered to be our guide .

A) To be familiar B) Being familiar with

C) Being familiar to D) Be familiar to

(76) as the brightest boy in our class, he has already passed CET Band 6 .

A) To be known B) Knowing C) To know D) Known

(77) There are a lot of problems at the meeting .

A) to be discussed B) discussed

C) being discussed D) discussing

(78) The overseas Chinese was very glad to see a new hospital in his hometown.

A) to build B) be built C) being built D) to be building

(79) his homework , he continued to do some extra reading .

A) Done B) Having done C) Doing D) To have done

(80) her sister , she is less kind and sometimes cold .

A) Comparing to B) Comparing with

C) Compared to D) Compare with


例:○1Not until all fish died in the river how serious the pollution was.

A) did the government realize B) the government realized

C) the government did realize D) had the government realized

[答案] A)

[解析] “Not until…”位于句首时,其后面的主句要用倒装结构。根据这一要求,首先排除B)和C),再根据句子结构的要求,不用过去完成时态,因此A)为正确答案。

例:②got in the wheat than it began to rain heavily.

A)No sooner have they B)No sooner they had

C)No sooner they have D)No sooner had they

[答案] D)

[解析] “No sooner”位于句首时,其后面的主谓要倒装,因此B)和C)是不对的。A) 也不对,因为时态不一致,故正确答案为D)。

例:③Not until I shouted at the top of my voice the danger.

A)that he noticed C)did he notice

B)he didn't notice D)had he noticed

[答案] C)

[解析] 此题要求倒装,所以A)和B)都不对。根据此句的句型结构,不要用过去完成时态,因此只有C)才是惟一正确答案。

[学习指导] 倒装语序有两种:全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装就是把整个谓语放在主语前面,全部倒装很少用于考试中,要求这种倒装的.情况也较少,我们在此稍作一下总结。以下列副词开头的句子,句子的主谓要全部倒装。


例如:The door opened and in came a group of students.

Up went the model plane into the air.


例如:There comes the bus!

Now comes your turn.

Then came another difficulty.


例如:Here you are.

Away they went.



never,neither,nor,nowhere,not only,not until,hardly,scarcely,no sooner,seldom,little,rarely,at no time,on no account,by no means,in no way,under no circumstances,not once,etc.

例如:Never will China be a superpower.

Not once in these months have they stopped the researching.

Not untill 12 o'clock last night did he go to bed.


only at that time,only then,only in this way,only through,only by,only when,only after,only because,only once,only with,etc.

例如:You must practise English everyday.Only in this way can you study English well.


例如:Only the leaders and the teachers are allowed to sit here.

Only one of them failed in the examination.


so, often, to such an extent, to such a point, to such a degree, to such extremes, etc.

例如:Often does he come to help us.

To such an extent was he absorbed in his work that he almost forgot his meals.


Not until+一般过去时+……一般过去时


No sooner+过去完成时+…than…一般过去时



(81) the classroom when the teacher began his class.

A) Hardly have I entered B) Hardly had I entered

C) Hardly had I entered into D) No sooner had I gone to

(82) Little about the fact that he was always late for school.

A) does his parents know B) knew his parents

C) did his parents know D) had his parents known

(83) Only under the leadership of the Party such a happy life

A) we can live B) live we

C) do we live D) can we live.

(84) Never Beijing, the capital of China.

A) have I gone to B) have I been to

C) had I been in D) had I gone to

(85) Only from last month to have computer lessons and now he can operate the

computer quite well.

A) did he begin B) had he begun

C) was he beginning D) does he begin

(86) Not only others , he is also strict with himself.

A) is he strict with B) is he strict to

C) does he strict 'with D) he is strict with

(87) Not until I read an article in a newspaper the importance of 'protecting our surroundings.

A) had I realized B) that I realized

C) did I realize D) I realized

(88) So efficient that they are used almost everywhere.

A) the computers are B) are the-computers

C) were the computers D) the computers

(89) At no time that I am Chinese.

A) do I forget B) have I forget

C) I will forget D) will I forget

(90) He is selfish . Little help him

A) can expect to B) can expected from

C) can be expected from D) can be expected to


例: With the help of the German experts, the factor5' produced cars in 1993 as the year before.

A) as twice many B) as many as twice

C) twice as many D) as twice as many

[答案] C)

[解析] 此题考查比较等级中的倍数表达法。这是一个含有“as…as”原级比较的句子,其中一个as 在选项中,另一个as保留在句子中,这一点必须看清楚,因此B)和D)是错误选项。“twice”这个词是“两倍”的意思,在此起的是程度状语的作用,它应该放在比较等级(比较级和原级比较)之前,故应选择C)。

[学习指导] 在考查形容词和副词钓比较等级时,主要是考查一些比较特殊的表达法和倍数等修饰语的位置,因此在学好比较等级的一般用法和基础上,要对这些方面加以注意。


(1)the more…the more…(越……就越……)

例如:The busier she is,the happier she feels.

The farther south you.move,the hotter it will be.

(2)more than the other+名词复数

more than any other+名词单数


例如:Peter is cleverer than the other boys in his class.

Peter is cleverer than any other boy in his class.

Peter is the cleverest boy in his class.



例如:The boy is strongest of the two.(=The boy is the stronger of the two.)



(91) Xiao Li studies earnestly, but Xiao Wang studies earnestly.

A) most B) more even C) even more D) much

(92) Peter has made mistakes in his homework than I have.

A) less B) fewer C) most D) many

(93) The new engine works as the old one.

A) twice as more efficient B) twice as efficiently

C) as twice efficiently D) as efficient

(94) Our factory produces more TV sets in China.

A) than other B) than other factory

C) than any factory D) than any other factory

(95) That is car I have ever seen.

A) the smaller B) smallest C) the smallest D) small

(96) You are always the last one to the meeting, could you come next time?

A) early B) earliest C) earlier D) more early

(97) I think spoken English is than written English.

A) much more difficult B) more much difficult

C) much difficult D) so difficult

(98) I don' t know where he has got edition of the book .

A) the last B) last C) the later D) the latest

(99) The reading materials in this book are only as those in that book.

A) half difficult B) haft as difficult

C) as half difficult D) .difficult as haft

(100) , the better quality he will have.

A) The education one gets more B) The one gets more education

C) The more education one gets D) The more one gets education


例:①The Greeks believed that individuals must be responsible their own actions.

A) with B) of C) for D) to

[答案] C)

[解析] “be responsible for”是固定搭配,意思是“对某事负贡”,但是也有”be responsible to”这一词组,其意思是“向某人负责”。经比较,C)为正确答案。同时,我们也可以根据这两个词组总结出下面这种表达法:be responsible to sb. for sth.(为某事向某人负责)。

例:②They shut their town house and moved to the country for the summer.

A) down B) up C) in D) off


[解析] shut这个词可以与很多的词搭配,组成不同的意思。本题的四个选项均可与shut搭配:shut down(指工厂)停工,关闭;shut up关闭……之所有门窗;shut in困住,囚禁;shut off停止供应(煤气、水等)。根据本句的意思,应该选择B),即“他们关闭城里住房的门窗,到乡下去避暑”。

例:③It will be a great advantage to be able to speak a foreign language, especially if you are business.

A) to B) on C) in D) with

[答案] B)

[解析] 此题的意思比较明了,应该选B),“on business”是“出差”、“有公干”的意思。另外,“in business”是“做生意”、“经商”的意思,如:He is in business for himself.(他自己经商。)He is in the rice business.(他做大米生意。)

[学习指导] 这类考题主要是考查考生的词汇量,特别是对词组的掌握程度。因此,平时要养成多读、


be familiar with 和be familiar to

be satisfied with 和be satisfactory to

compare …with 和compare …to


The children are familiar with this story.

This story is familiar to the children.

The boss is satisfied with your work.

Your work is satisfactory to your boss.

Let me compare your composition with his.

We often compare our society to a stage.


used to…, be used to…, supply …for…, supply…with…等。


(101) The 7:30 news generally international news and a national network news program.

A) consists of B) is consisted of

C) are consisted of D) are consisted with

(102) I find it easier to conversation with British people by talking about the weather.

A) enter B) enter to C) enter into D) enter upon

(103) Just like trade and specialization, economics and polities always go .

A) hand over hand B) hand in hand

C) hand by hand D) hand to hand

(104) With the development of our construction , more and more new buildings the old ones.

A) are taking place B) are taking place of

C) are making place for D) are taking the place of

(105) You'd better be silent about the accident ask for trouble.

A) so as not to B) so as to not

C) not so as to D) so not as to

(106) Here's my telephone number. Let's keep in .

A) relation B) connection C) friendship D) touch

(107) I can't carry this box. Will you me a favor, please?

A) make B) give C) do D) show

(108) The West Lake is that many people go there for a visit every year.

A) such beautiful place B) so a beautiful place

C) so beautiful a place D) such beautiful a place

(109) I was just about to the maths problem .when my friend came .to help me.

A) give in B) give up C) put up D) give out

(110) We must often listen to the news on TV and read newspaper in order to the present situation.

A) keep up with C) go hand in hand

B) catch up with D) keep our way


例:①It is true that your mental abilities are at their best 7 the ages of 18 and 25.

A) between B) among C) from D) along

[答案] A)

[解析] 由于是针对年龄而言,所以首先应排除的是D),因为“along”的意思是“沿着(某、某方向)”。


例:②When he is reading, he concentrates on meanings given by the text on the variety of possible meanings of individual words.

A) rather than B) other than C) than D) more than

[答案] D)

[解析] 这道题句子较长,结构较复杂,四个选项具有迷惑性。首先看看整个句子,里面不含形容词或副词的比较级,故要排除C)。B)是一个有意误导的选项,因为没有这种用法,只有“no other than”。那么剩下A)和D)两项,A)“rather than"表示“宁要……而不要……”,“rather than"后面接的是不要或不愿意做的事。D)的“more than”表示“前面的事比后面的事做得多些”,“more than"后面的事情不是不要或不做,而是做得少些而已。我们再看看全句的意思,便可确定选择D),其中文意思是:“当他阅读时,他把更多的注意力集中在理解全文的意思上,而不是专门注意个别单词的意义。”

例:③I think you have talked too much; what you need now is more action and talk.

A) few B) little C) fewer D) less

[答案] D)

[解析] 本句的意思一目了然,即:你应该多行动(做事)少说话。根据句子意思及对应原则,比较级“more”应该对应一个比较级“更少”,而A)和B)不是比较级,首先排除它们。又根据“talk”在此是表示抽象意义“说话”;是不可数名词,故应选择D)。

例:④born in the north, the author was brought up in the south.

A) Since B) When C) Although D) As

[答案] C)

[解析] 此句的前一部分应看做是状语从句的省略形式,其完整形式为“…he was born in the north"。有这样一种规定:在用as if, if, once, though/although,unless,until,where,when,whether等引导的从句中,若谓语动词为be,而主语又与主句中的主语相同时,从句中的主语和谓语动词be通常省略。知道前一部分是状语从句,再将前、后部分连贯进来,想想全句的意思,就能选出正确答案C)。

例:⑤all the electronic devices , computers have the greatest significance in modem technology .

A) On B) By C) With D) Of

[答案] D)

[解析] 从句型及四个选项看,此句的前一部分是介词短语作状语,后一部分是主句,句中的“greatest”告诉我们:这是一个含有最高级的句子,那么前一部分就是最高级句子常带的“of…”短语作状语,故答案为D)。

例:⑥He said that he had to do with the accident, so he should not be questioned.

A) something B)everything C) nothing D) anything

[答案] C)

[解析] 本句是一个并列句,由so连接两个分句。第一个分句实际上是表明原因的,第二个分句是结果。在第一个分句不完整的情况下,我们先将后面分句的意思弄清楚:“他不应该被审问”。根据这个意思,前面分句中应该填入“nothing”,组成词组“had nothing to do with”,意思是“与……无关”。

[学习指导] 词义的选择与词组的固定搭配相类似,也是考查考生对词汇的掌握情况。相对而言,词义考查的难度还要大些。它不能像背词组那样完全背出来,而是要求在长期的实践中(比如做练习、读文章)熟悉一些习惯用法,准确掌握词义(特别是近义词),还要求理解句子的能力相当强,不受一些插入成分的干扰。



1) 词汇:

before long 不久(=soon)

英语语法大全 句子成分分析

句子成分分析 在句中起着不同语法作用的成分,叫做句子成分。英语的句子成分有九种: 1、主语(subject)表示句子描述的是“谁”或“什么”,是谓语的陈述对象; 通常由名词、代词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等担任: The sun rises in the east. 日出东方。(名词) He hated to see any bird killed.他讨厌看到鸟儿被杀。(代词) To see is to believe.眼见为实。(动词不定式) Seeing is believing.眼见为实。(动名词) Where we shall hold the party is not decided yet.我们还没有决定在何处举行晚会。(主语从句) It’s human to want something better.精益求精是人类的特性。(不定式) 2、谓语动词(predicate verb)说明主语的动作或状态,由动词或动词短语担任: We study English.我们学习英语。(动词) The car broke down on the way.车在路上抛锚了。(动词短语) Do be quiet,children.孩子们,务必安静点。(助动词+连系动词) We are having a meeting now.我们现在正在开会。(助动词+实义动词) Soldiers must obey orders.军人必须服从命令。(情态动词+实义动词) 3、表语(predicative)说明主语的性质、特征、状态或身份,与连系动词一起构成复合谓语,通常由名词、代词、形容词、数词、副词、介词短语、动词不定式、动名词、分词或从句等担任: The next stop is the zoo.下一站是动物园。(名词) The game is yours.你(们)胜了。(代词) I was first! 我第一名!(数词) I feel terrible.我难受的厉害。(形容词) Is your mother in?你妈妈在家吗?(副词) I’m with you.我站在你这一边。(介词短语) Mary’s task is to set the table.玛丽的任务是摆桌子。(动词不定式) Her hobby is growing roses.她的爱好是种植玫瑰。(动名词) The situation is puzzling.形式令人迷惑不解。(现在分词) Do you feel satisfied with the arrangement?你对这安排满意吗?(过去分词) The fact is that they are cross with each other.事实是他们生彼此的气。(表语从句) That’s where you are wrong.这就是你错的地方(表语从句) He is no longer what he was.他已经不是以前的他了。(表语从句) 4、宾语(object)表示及物动词或及物动词短语的对象或内容,或用于介词后构成介词短语;通常由名词、代词、数词、动词不定式、动名词或从句等担任: May I have your attention ,please.请大家注意。(名词) I want a little.我要一点。(代词) I need two.我需要两个。(数词) Hope to see you soon.希望能很快见到你。(动词不定式) They risk losing everything.他们冒着失去一切的危险。(动名词) He insisted on seeing her home.他坚持送她回家。(动名词作介词的宾语) I’ll do what I can.我将尽力而为。(从句)


LESSON ONE 句子的三种模式 导言本课的重点是掌握英语的三种基本句型,注意词性和词序,以及定语的位置,同时注意中英文表达上的相同和不相同的地方。三种基本句型虽然简单,但至关重要。掌握好它们,在今后的学习中有一通百通之效。 ▲主+系动词+表 注:*注意该结构中的名词,它们能被定语修饰。 1 这个人是一个老师。The man is a teacher. 主语系表语主语系表语(名词) 2 他(是)很忙。He is busy. 主语系表语主语系表语(形容词) ▲注意中文中的系动词经常被省略,而英文中绝不能省。 3 她(是)在教室里。She is in the classroom.

主语系表语主语系表语(介词短语) ▲定语只修饰名词,不破坏句子的基本结构。通常由形容词和介词短语充当,形容词放在所修饰的名词之前,而介词短语放在所修饰的名词之后,请注意英语与汉语词序的不同。看懂中文的定语是翻译好定语的关键。 介词短语 ---英国法学家波洛克 介词短语 Happiness is a station -----------Pollock, British jurist 形容词介词短语 5 形容词介词短语 man is a teacher 介词短语形容词

6.教室里。 形容词介词短语 The teacher is handsome. My book is 表语(介词短语)定语(介词短语) She is 介词短语即可以做表语也可以做定语,虽然它们词性相同,但由于词序不同,它们所起到的作用也不同,当在is的后面是表语,跟在名词的后面它就起到定语的作用。 课堂练习 1 1是


大学英语第三册语法结构分析 (译部分) 1.发言人明确表示总统在任何情况下都不会取消这次旅行。 The spokesman made it clear that the president would not 主谓语 Cancel (the trip) under any circumstances. 介状 2. 我们相信他所说的,因为他受过良好的教育,出身于受人尊敬的家庭,更重 要的是他为人可靠。 We believ e what he has said , because he is well-educated , comes 主谓主 from a respectable familly and what’s more , he is reliable. 3. 随后后发生的那些事件证明了我的猜疑是对的。 The subsequent events confirmed my suspicions once again. 谓 4. 在赛后举行的记者招待会上,这位足教练因该队表现不佳而向球迷们致歉。 At the press conference held after the game , the football coach apologized to the fans for his team’s poor performance. 5. 令我们吃惊的是,这位常被赞为十分正直的州长竟然是一个贪官。 To our surprise, the governor who had often been praised for his honesty tur ned out to be a corrupt official. 谓语 6. 有少数人得到了提升,在这同时却有数万个人被解雇。 A few workers were promoted , but meanwhile hundreds of workers were dismissed. 7. 如果有机会,约翰也许已成为一位杰出的画家。 Given the chance , John might have become an outstanding painter.

英语语法 句子成分分析

知识精讲 一、整体把握 成分用法说明位置 主语是执行句子的行为或动作的主 体。 陈述句中放在句首或谓语之前;疑问句或倒装句 中放在动词、助动词、情态动词之后;there be结 构中放在be之后;祈使句中常省 谓语对主语加以陈述,说明主语怎 么样或是什么。必须由动词担 任,其人称和数必须和主语一 致。 通常在主语后(疑问句、倒装句除外)。 表语与系动词连用,一起构成复合 谓语,说明主语的性质、特征、 身份、类别、状态等。 常在系动词之后。 宾语表示动作、行为的对象。一般放在及物动词或介词后。间接宾语通常放在直接宾语之前。直接宾语是人称代词,间接宾语是名词或两个宾语都是人称代词时,间接宾语放在直接宾语之后,并在间接宾语前加to或for。 定语用来修饰名词或代词,说明人 或物的状态、品质、数量及所 属等。 单个词常在被修饰的词前,短语或句子在被修饰 的词之后;副词作定语常放在被修饰的伺候;形 容词修饰不定代词放在被修饰的伺候。 状语修饰动词、形容词、副词,表 示动作发生的时间、地点、目 的、方式等。 位置比较灵活。 补语补充说明宾语或主语的成分。宾语补足语通常置于宾语之后,主语补足语通常置于主语和谓语之后。 同位语对句子中某一成分作进一步解 释、说明,与前面的被修辞成 分在语法上处于同等地位。 常常置于被说明的成分之后。有时可以放在句子 的前面(主语之前),尤其是主语为人称代词时, 为平衡句子的节奏,则把同位语放置于此代词前。 独立成分独立成分是指句子里的一个词 或词组与全局没有语法上的联 系,不属于句子的组成部分; 一般由感叹语、呼语或插入语 等担任。 可放在句首、句中或句末。 二、细讲:主语 表现形式例句

英语单词,语法more than 结构用法小结

more than 结构用法小结 英语中more than 的用法比较复杂,它除了用于比较结构外,还可以与名词、形容词、动词或从句等连用,表达不同的含义。下面是more than 结构的一些常见用法 1. more than 结构后跟名词表示“不只是”;“不仅仅”等。例如: (1) However, we must consider more than the beginning of the motion. 然而,我们必须考虑的不只是运动的初始阶段。 (2) Peace is more than the absence of war. 和平不只是意味着没有战争。 2.more than 用来修饰形容词、分词和动词,表示所修饰的词份量不重或含义不够,而加以说明,译成汉语可为“非常”,相当于“very”或“much”。例如: (1) He is more than selfish. 他非常自私。 (2) He is more than happy about it. 他对此事极为高兴。 (3) I am sure conditions over there will more than satisfy your requirements. 我相信那边的条件会极大地满足你的要求。 3.more than 后接单数名词,谓语动词用单数。例如: (1) More than one person has been concerned in this. 这里涉及的不止是一个人。 (2) More than one member protested against the proposal. 不止一个成员反对这个建议。 4. more A than B 结构。用来比较两种说法的正确程度,即前一种说法(A项)比后一种说法(B项)要正确一些,表示“与其……不如……”。在这个句型里,more 后不能用形容词或副词的比较级形式,而要用原级形式,此外还可用名词、代词、动词、介词短语等。例如:(1) He is more good than bad. 与其说他坏不如说他好。 (2) It is more a poem than a picture. 与其说这是一幅画,不如说这是一首诗。 5. more than 或more... than 后接从句,可表示否定意义。例如: (1) The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe. 杭州景色之美是说言所不能描述的。 (2) That is more than I can tell you,sir. 这一点我是不能告诉你的,先生。 (注意:在这种句型中,more than 后常接含有can 或could 的从句,表示“……不能”。)对于下列表示否定意义的句子,有的语法学家认为在than 后面省略了when,有的认为省掉了it,也有的认为than 用作关系代词,因而并无省略。这类句子在理解上并不困难,结构上变化也不大,从实用出发,可将其视为一种句型来学习。例如: a. You spent more money than was intended to be spent. 你花掉的钱比原计划的要多。(原计划要花的钱没有这么多。) b. This is more money than is needed. 这笔钱比需要的多。(需要的钱没有这么多。) c. We often advise him not to drink more wine than is good for his health.


英语语法——英语句子成分分析 句子是按照一定的语法规律组成的,表达一个完整的意义。一个句子一般由两部分构成,即主语部分和谓语部分,这两部分也叫做句子的主要成分。句子的次要成分包括宾语,定语,状语,表语等。句子成分是句子中起一定功用的组成部分。 1)主语:是一句的主体,是全句述说的对象,常用名词,数词或代词担任,一般放于句首。如: Students study. (学生学习。) We are friends.(我们是朋友) 这两句话中单词students是个名词,we是代词,它们在句中做主语。 2)谓语:是对主语加以陈述,表示主语的行为或状态,常用动词或者动词词组担任,放在主语的后面。如: Students study. (学生学习。) We are friends. (我们是朋友) 这两句话中单词study和are都是动词,study叫做实意动词,are叫做be 动词,它们在句中作谓语。 3)宾语:表示行为的对象,常由名词或者代词担任。放在及物动词或者介词之后。如: They are teachers. ( 他们是老师。) I play with him. (我和他一起玩。) 这两句话中单词teachers是名词,单词him是带词,它们在句中作宾语。4)定语:是用来说明或者限制名词的成分,常用形容词或者相当于形容词的短语或从句担任。形容词放在名词之前,相当于形容词的短语或从句放在名词的后面。如: This is a red sun.(这是个红太阳.) He is a tall boy.(他是个高个子男孩。) 这两句话中单词red和tall都是形容词,它们作定语。 5)状语是用来说明动词,形容词,副词或整个句子的成分。常由副词担任。修饰动词时可以放在动词之前,也可以放在动词之后;修饰形容词或副词时放在它们之前。如: The students study hard. (这些学生学习努力。) I often write to him. (我常给他写信。) The bag is too heavy. (这个书包太重了。) 这三句话中单词hard 和often修饰的都是动词,第三句话中单词too修饰的是形容词,它们都作状语。 6)表语:用来说明主语的性质或状态。一般由名词或者形容词担任。如:This table is long. (这个桌子是长的。) 通常情况下,主语和宾语前的成分是定语,谓语前的成分是状语,时间词作状语


知识模块12:比较结构<标准文本> 【考点概述】 比较结构是英语学习的一个难点,也是考研英语的易考点。该模块的学习重点是理清比较对象之间的关系,同时,这也是比较结构学习的一个难点。除此之外,还要把握住特殊形式的比较词,比如not so much…as…和no more…than…。 【考情分析】 在完型填空中,往往会就比较结构中的形容词、副词以及比较结构设置考点,解答此类题的关键是把握清楚比较结构中比较对象的关系并依托上下文语境,填入正确的词汇。 在阅读理解中,比较结构出现的频次很高,解答重点主要在于弄清比较对象,以及比较对象之间的比较关系,也就是分清楚作者对于比较对象之间的肯定和否定意味。要注意细节题及推断题中命题人据此设置的陷阱,如比较对象的张冠李戴。 在翻译中比较结构的考查较常见,而且往往是难点和失分点。考生需要在弄清比较对象及其比较关系的基础上,用通顺的语言将比较关系表达出来。有些固定表达的固定译法要记住,到时直接译出即可。 在写作题目中,利用比较结构可以丰富句式,但是要保证正确,以免出错而失分。比较结构虽然较难,但掌握起来也有规律,要讲究方法。我们可以将比较结构的处理总结为三步:⑴识别比较结构的标志词;⑵找出比较对象;⑶理解比较关系。只要按照这三步走,再结合本章知识点的讲解,学习和掌握比较结构就容易得多。 一、定义 形容词和副词的比较级运用于句子当中便形成了比较结构。 二、结构 比较结构种类较多,最主要的有两种:as...as结构和more...than结构。比较结构一定要分清楚比较对象,以及对于比较对象的肯定、否定关系。 (一)as...as结构 1.as...as结构的基本模式是:as +形容词或副词原级+ as,表达的基本意思为“……和……一样” 例1:He is as energetic as a young man. 他像年轻人一样充满活力。 例2:He considered her opinion as valuable as ours. 他认为她的意见和我们的一样有价值。 2. as...as的否定结构及其变体分别是not so/as...as和not so much/many...as…(该用法在意思上也等同于not so much…but…),表达的意思是“……不如……” 例1:John is not so bright as Bob. 约翰不如鲍勃聪明。 例2:She hasn’t written so many essays as her brother. 她写的文章不如她哥哥多。


学外语的十条经验 1、学习外语一天也不能中断。倘若确实没有时间,哪怕每天挤出10分钟也行;早晨是学习外语的大好时光。 2、要是学厌了,不必过于勉强,但也不要扔下不学。这时可以改变一下学习方式;比如把书放到一边去听听广播,或暂时搁下课本的练习去翻翻词典等。 3、绝不要脱离上下文孤立地去死背硬记。 4、应该随时地记下并背熟那些平日用得最多的“句套子”。 5、尽可能‘心译’你接触到的东西,如一闪而过的广告,偶而听到的话语,这也是一种休息的方式。 6、只有经过教师修改的东西才值得牢记。不要反复去看那些做了而未经别人修改的练习,看多了就会不自觉地连同错误的东西一起记在脑了里。假如你纯属自学而无旁人相助,那你就去记那些肯定是正确无误的东西。 7、抄录和记忆句子和惯用语时要用单数第一人称,如“I am only pulling your leg"(我只是要戏弄你) 8、外语好比碉堡,必须同时从四面八方向它围攻:读报纸,听广播,看原文电影,听外语讲演,攻读课本,和外国朋友通讯,来往,交谈等等。

9、要敢于说话,不要怕出错误,要请别人纠正错误。尤为重要的当别人确实为你纠正错误时,不要难为情,不要泄气。 10、要坚信你一定能达到目的,要坚信自己有坚强不屈的毅力和语言方面的非凡才能…… What is in the classroom How many students are there in the classroom Where are 5 students There are not 5 students in the classroom. Are there 5 students in the classroom Yes, there are. No, there aren’t. Are you from Jinhua or Ningbo There are not 5 students in the classroom, aren’t there He is a teacher, isn’t he There be 结构用法 There be 句型归纳与练习 There be 句型


学会分析英语句子(语法基础辅导讲义) 第一讲学会判断分析简单句 一、词类和句子成分的关系、动词概说与五种基本句型 1.语法学习和语法学习的方法 1)语法包括哪些内容? 2)怎样学习语法?(死记活用) 关于英语词类的特点的思考题 2.十大词类中,哪种词类是英语中特有而汉语没有的? 3.哪些词和名词有关系? 4.动词有什么特征?动词分为几种类型? 5.什么是不定式?它和谓语动词有什么区别? 6.哪种词类和动词有关?为什么? 二、什么是句子成分?有哪些句子成分? 1.主谓宾定状补主干枝叶分清楚,哪些是主干?哪些是枝叶? 2.什么是状语和定语? 3. 什么是宾语补助语和主语补助语? 英语语法分为句法和词法。 句法就是造句和运用句子的规则,句法是最基本的语法规则;词法就是词的使用规则,如动词时态、语态、助动词、情态动词、形容词和副词的用法等等。要造出一个正确的句子必须有词法和句法知识,比如要弄懂词类和句子成分的关系,比如形容词做定语,副词做装语;又比如代词所有格做定语;主格做主语;宾格做宾语,等等。 动词只能做谓语,十分重要。时态主要体现在动词上,动词做谓语,因此也就是要弄懂谓语的构成,不同的时态有不同的构成,时态有常用的时间状语,要彻底搞清楚。

一个句子必然有时态、语态。对谓语动词要弄清楚其时态和语态,才能进行肯定句、否定句和疑问句的转换。 语态体现在be 动词+ 过去分词上。不管什么语态的句子都有时态,不同时态的被动语态都有固定的结构。 句子必然有其由句子成分构成的句子结构。五种基本句型很重要,但是没有词类和句子成分的知识。例如不懂动词分为及物和不及物两种就不能懂得 主语+ 谓语+ 宾语; 主语+ 谓语+ 间接宾语+ 直接宾语; 主语+ 谓语+ 宾语+ 宾语补助语这三种句型 一个句子或者是简单句或者是并列句,或者是复合句。要弄清楚:是简单句、并列句还是复合句?是复合句,又有什么从句? 每个句子的句子成分是怎么样的?如果不懂什么是宾语,那么就学不懂宾语从句;如果不懂什么是状语,那么就学不懂状语从句;如果不懂什么是定语,那么就学不懂定语从句;如果不懂什么是表语,那么就学不懂表语从句。 要弄清楚句子成分和结构,要学会从简单句、并列句、复合句三个方面分析句子,才能在阅读和造句时不犯错误。 所谓分析英语句子,就是从结构上分析判断它是简单句、并列句还是复合句? 它们是由什么词类词组充当的?并列句有几个分句?是什么从句?这些句子不管主句还是从句又是怎样构成的?这是大结构大框架的分析。还有从局部如谓语的分析,什么时态?什么语态?词法知识都很重要。还有状语定语的分析也是局部分析。 词类和句子成分的关系 十大词类 要搞清楚句子成分必须搞清楚英语的词类,因为句子成分是由一个一个的词或词组充


英语句子结构分析 句子的划分 i. 根据结构划分:①简单句:s+v(主+谓) s+link-v+p(主+谓+表) s+v+o(主+谓+宾) s+v+o+o(主+谓+间宾+直宾) s+v+o+c(主+谓+宾+宾补) ②并列句 and, but, or等 ③复合句:名词从句(宾,主,表,同) 副词从句(状语从句) 形容词从句(定语从句) ii. 根据功能划分:陈述句 疑问句(一般疑问句,特殊疑问句,选择疑问句,反义疑问句,修辞疑问句) 祈使句 感叹句 一.五种句型 1. i am a webaholic.我是一个网虫。 chatting on the internet is interesting. 我喜欢网上聊天。 2. internet dating hurts.网恋有害。 3. i like chatting online.我喜欢网上聊天。 4. chatting on the internet brings me a lot of fun.网上聊天给我带来很多乐趣。 5. we can call internet addicts a webaholic.我们管网上一隐君子叫网虫。 ②保持某种状态:continue, keep, lie, remain, stand, stay. ③看起来,好像:appear, look, seem. ④感官动词:feel, smell, sound, taste. ii. 跟双宾语的动词 1、“七给”(give, pass, lend, write, show, send, hand)和“带”(bring)8个及物动词,在直接宾语前置时,必须在后面加上“to”。即“vt. + sth. + to + sb.” 如:he lent some money to me.类似动词的还有:get,mail,offer,owe(借),pay,promise,read,sell,take,teach等 2、“buy”(买);“draw”(画);“make”(制作)三个动词,在直接宾语前置时,则必须在后边加“for”,构成“vt. + sth. + for + sb.”。 如:mother bought a new dress for me。类似的动词还有:build,choose, cook, cut, do, find, fix,leave,order(订购),reach等。 3、当直接宾语是代词时,间接宾语for和to于直接宾语之后 如:richard made it for him。理查德为他做的这个东西 give it to me。把它给我 4、有些动词后可单独用直接宾语、间接宾语或双宾语,如ask,teach,tell,owe, pay. i asked john. 我问约翰 i asked a question. 我问了一个问题 i asked john a question.我问了约翰一个问题 5、 suggest,explain,introduce,mention,deliver,announce等动词后必须跟介词to, 不能进行直接宾语与间接宾语的转换。


初中英语语法网络图 一.名词 I. 名词的种类: 专有名词普通名词 国名.地名.人名,团体.机构名称可数名词不可数名词 个体名词集体名词抽象名词物质名词 II. 名词的数: 1. 规则名词的复数形式: 名词的复数形式,一般在单数形式后面加-s或-es。现将构成方法与读音规则列表如下: 规则例词 1一般情况在词尾加-s map-maps, sea-seas, girl-girls, day-days 2以s, x, ch, sh结尾的名词后加-es class-classes, box-boxes, watch-watches, dish-dishes 3 以-f或-fe结尾 的词 变-f和-fe为v再加-es leaf-leaves, thief-thieves, knife-knives, loaf-loaves, wife-wives 加-s belief-beliefs, chief-chiefs, proof-proofs, roof-roofs, gulf-gulfs 4以辅音字母加y结尾的名词,变y为i加 -es party-parties, family-families, story-stories, city-cities 5以元音字母加y结尾的名词,或专有名词 以y结尾的,加-s toy-toys, boy-boys, day-days, ray-rays, Henry-Henrys 6以辅音字母加 -o结尾的名词 一般加-es hero-heroes, Negro-Negroes, potato-potatoes, tomato-tomatoes 不少外来词加-s piano-pianos, photo-photos, auto-autos, kilo-kilos, solo-solos 两者皆可zero-zeros/zeroes, volcano-volcanoes/ volcanos 7以元音字母加-o结尾的名词加-s radio-radios, bamboo-bamboos, zoo-zoos 8以-th结尾的名词加-s truth-truths, mouth-mouths, month-months, path-paths, 2. 不规则名词复数: 英语里有些名词的复数形式是不规则的,现归纳如下:规则例词 1改变名词中的元音字母或其他形式man-men, woman-women, foot-feet, goose-geese, mouse-mice 2单复数相同sheep, deer, series, means, works, fish, species li, yuan, jin, 3只有复数形式ashes, trousers, clothes, thanks, goods, glasses, compasses, contents 4一些集体名词总是用作复数people, police, cattle, staff 5部分集体名词既可以作单数(整体)也 可以作复数(成员) audience, class, family, crowd, couple, group, committee, government, population, crew, team, public, enemy, party 6复数形式表示特别含义customs(海关), forces(军队), times(时代), spirits(情绪), drinks(饮料), sands(沙滩), papers(文件报纸), manners(礼貌), looks(外表), brains(头脑智力), greens(青菜), ruins(废墟)


考点1:原级比较一般结构as … as ; not as … as ; the same … as ; 1. There are as good fish in the sea __as___ ever came out of A. than B. like C. as D. so 考点2:A is to B what / as X is Y ; 1. Nine is to three _what____ three is to A. when B. that C. which D. what 2. Intellect is to the mind _what___ sight is to the body. (2001) A. what B. as C. that D. Like 3. Twelve is to three what four is to A. what B. As C. That D. like 考点3:倍数或几分之几 “A + be + X times + as + 计量形容词原级+ as + B”。 “A + be + X times + 计量形容词比较级+ than + B ” “A + be + X times + the + 计量名词 + of + B “The + 计量名词+ of + A + be + X times + that + of + B ” 1. A new laptop costs about _there times the price____ of a second-hand one. 2009 A. the price of three times B. three times the price C. as much as the three times price D. three times more than the price 2. The square itself is five hundred yards wide, five times _/___ the size of St. Peter's in A. / B. that of C. which is D. of 3. Some dieters find that after their dieting is over, they eat twice __as much as_____ they did before their diet. 1993 than many as than much as 4. A person's blood flows through a pipeline of vessels that, end to end, would stretch more than__two and a____ half times around the Earth at the A. twice B. two and a C. two and D. twice and 考点4: (1) more than “不仅是,非常,十分”等,用法和意义较多。 1. It was _a success than___ we had A. more a success than B. a success more than C. as much of a success as D. a success as much as (2) more …than “与其说……不如说,不是……而是” 1. Do you know Tim’s brother He is _more of a sportsman___than Tim2005. A. much more sportsman B. more of a sportsman C. more of sportsman D. more a sportsman


2020年考研英语语法:比较结构 比较结构是考研翻译中非常重要的考点之一,比较结构包括以下 两种类型:①当要表达的事物之间在某一方面一样时,可用as…as…(后接形容词或副词,as much / many…as…(后接名词或动词)结构,no less...than (=not any less...than...)...,no more...than (=not any more...than...)...。②表达事物之间差别 的结构可采用 more (…than)或 less (…than),后可接形容词、副词、动词或名词。但要注意的是more…than 还可译作"与其说……,不如说……" 实际上,英语的比较结构比较复杂,翻译时应注意英汉 两种语言在表达上的差异。处理时应先识别比较结构,然后判断比较 对象。 【真题例句1】 There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the term than there is on how to interpret or classify them. 【解析】 这是一个典型的than引导的比较结构。如若按照字面来译:"有 更多的一致意见在这个词所指的不同表现方面,较少的一致意见对这 些表现如何解释或分类",译文显得生硬,我们需要转译。 【参考译文】 译文1:对(智力)这个词所指的不同表现人们意见比较一致,而对这些表现如何解释或分类则有不同看法。 译文2:人们对(智力)所指的不同表现,比对这些表现如何实行解释或分类,看法更为一致。 【真题例句2】

For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the 80's, downshifting in the mid-90s is not so much a search for he mythical good life-growing your own organic vegetables, and risking turning into one-as a personal recognition of your limitations.结构分析: 【解析】 这句话的平行结构是两个名词短语:a search for he mythical good life-growing your own organic vegetables, and risking turning into one和a personal recognition of your limitations. 本句主干由not so much…as…固定搭配连接构成的一个长句,其准确的翻译应为"与其……不如……",而这种翻译成中文之后通常让人产 生理解上的障碍。这种搭配出现在客观试题的阅读文章中,通常能够 直接把它理解成"不是……而是……"。 【参考译文】 对于我们这个代曾在整个80年代为生活奔波的女性来说,90年代中期过着放慢生活节奏的生活,与其说是追求神话般的美好生活--自 已种有机蔬菜,冒着变得毫无生机的危险--倒不如说我们都理解到了 自己的局限。 【真题例句3】 The ideal listener stays both inside and outside the music at the moment it is played and enjoys it almost as much as the composer does at the moment he composes. 【解析】 The ideal listener... enjoys it almost as much as the composer at the moment he composes 中does 代替enjoys,表示对 音乐的"欣赏"。这里as much as 同样表示同等水准。

英语语法 并列结构

并列结构的定义 两个或两个以上意义相关、层次相同、句法功能相同、由并列连词或其他并列手段连接起来的语法结构序列叫做“并列结构” (Coordinate Construction), 或者“平行结构”(Parallel Construction)。 1.并列结构的各种形式 1)词与词的并列you and me buy and sell 2)词组与词组的并列 a teacher and a student walking down the street or running through an alley 3)分句与分句的并列you can go or you can stay with us. The children can go with us or they can stay at home. Compound Sentence 并列句/复合句 2. 并列结构的连接手段 1)并列连词 2)标点符号 3)并列结构的插入语 在最后一个项目之前插入一个词语,使这个项目处于更加突出的地位。 4)并列结构的对称组合 成对组合的办法使整个结构更加紧凑。 并列结构 一、表示平行、递进关系的连词1.A and B:A和B And连接两个并列成分。and也常位于句首,使上下文联系更紧密。 The fabric is light and strong. I like reading and fishing in my spare time.This model of the computer is powerf ul,and the price is competitive. It was a severe winter.And we had not enough food for ourselves. 2.both A and B:A和B都这一结构是and的强化形式,连接的两个成分必须在结构上等同。不能连接句子。The new tax policy benefits both workers and farmers. Bothe she and I are interested in English literature. 3.not only…but(also)…不仅……而且……not only…but…as well不仅……而且……也 as well as和…and…as well和 *not only…but(also)…结构侧重在后者,而as well as侧重在前者。 Not only George but also his wife did a lot for us. It is said that he can fly a plane as well as drive a car. She can play pop music and classical music as well.


语法讲座——句子成分和句子结构 一、概述:要想快速记忆英语的主要语言规则就必须按照词的分类来记忆(n. v. pron. adj. adv. art. 二、句子成分: 主语:表示“是什么;是谁”。例如:Who teaches you English? (谁教你们的英语?) 谓语:表示“做什么;是怎样”。例如:They are talking about the grades.(他们正在谈论分数。) 宾语:表示“动作或介词的对象”。例如:My father bought me a new bike.(我爸爸给我买了一辆新自行车。) 定语:表示名词或代词是“……的”。例如:This is a big brown wooden desk.(这是一张棕色的大木头课桌。) 状语:表示“……地”做动作。例如:I really like English.(我真地喜欢英语) 系表结构:英语中特有的“系动词+形容词或名词”的结构。系动词有“1+3+6”。 例如:That sounds good.(那听起来很好) I am very well today.(我今天很好)

四、分析下列句子的句子成分: 1. Three is enough for each of us. 2. Some young people can’t be careful to their jobs. 3. You are many but they are few. 4. I can speak a little Japanese. 5. All the people are here. 6. I t’s so nice to meet you. 7. Who is she? 8. What color is your new dress? 9. When is your school art festival? 10. How is your father? 11. What are they talking about? 12. Four and three is seven. 13. All I can do is to wait and see. 14. Being a middle student is a difficult thing. 15. To be a scientist needs to work hard. 16. You also can buy clothes, fridges(冰箱) and washing machines(洗衣机) in this supermarket. 17. This is my shirt. 18. This shirt is mine. 19. Is math your favorite subject? 20. Is your favorite subject math?
