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BBC Learning English – Q & A of the Week

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Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process changes may have been made which may not be reflected here .



Rather 精讲Rather

Yang Li: 大家好,我是杨莉,欢迎收听《你问我答》。今天我将通过大量的例句来回答Chen

Lian Lian 提出的一个问题,即如何使用rather 这个词。


How to use the word "rather"? I am often confused by its various usages. --Chen Lian Lian

Yang Li: The word rather is spelt r-a-t-h-e-r rather 这个词有多种意思,所以很难用一个

汉语词来概括。 I can’t tell you the exact translation of the word because it all depends on the context in which you use this word. 不过我想通过大量的例句来说明这个词的多种意思。

Yang Li:

第一点,和动词连用, 意思是宁愿。


I would rather not go. I would rather be with you for Christmas.

Yang Li: 以上两句话中的rather 都是宁愿怎么样的意思,我宁可不去;我宁愿和你一起过圣



I would rather not go. I would rather be with you for Christmas.

Yang Li: 第二个用法可能是最常见的,就是把 rather 和形容词连用,表示程度 to a certain

or significant degree.


A: I’m starting my Italian lessons next week. I need a good dictionary. What do you think of this one?

B: That’s a rather difficult one for a beginner. Let’s see… try this one. It’s easier.

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Yang Li:

对于初学者来说这本字典有点儿太难了。Rather difficult, quite difficult. 下面是第二个例句。


A: Did you have a good journey?

B: The train was rather too crowded for a comfortable journey I’m afraid. But I suppose that’s quite normal during rush hour, isn’t it?

Yang Li: 你旅途顺利吗?后者回答说火车有点太拥挤了,不太舒服 rather too crowded for a

comfortable journey. Now I am going to test you. 想想下面这句话怎么说。我试了试你给我的新鞋,不过有点太紧。


I tried the new pair of shoes you gave me but they are rather tight. I tried the new pair of shoes you gave me but they are rather tight.

Yang Li: Number two 他讲话太快我听不明白。


He spoke rather too quickly for me to understand. He spoke rather too quickly for me to understand.

Yang Li: Did you get it? 太紧是 rather tight, 讲话太快就是 rather too quickly. Let’s

move on.

Yang Li: 下面是第三个用法,意思是,说得更恰当点,more precisely or more exactly.


A: He got home late last night, or rather early this morning.

Yang Li: 他昨天半夜,更准确地说,今天一清早才回到家。


A: He got home late last night, or rather early this morning.

Yang Li: 再看一个例句。


A: How is your Spanish friend, the one we met last Christmas?

B: You mean Jose? He's my sister's friend really, rather than mine.

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Yang Li: 你那位西班牙朋友怎么样?对方解释说,啊,你是说 Jose? 其实,更准确地说,他是我姐姐的朋友。

Yang Li:

第四个意思也是今天我们要讲的主要用法,是用rather 来表述一种倾向,与其...不如…更好, indicating one’s preference in a particular matter. 请听例句。


A: Which team would you rather support? Man U or Chelsea? B: Of course Manchester United.

Yang Li: 你支持哪个队?曼联还是切尔希?此句中的 rather 表示讲话人的倾向。另外我们还经

常听到 rather than 这个固定用法,意思是,而不是…请听例句。


A: You are a good chess player, aren’t you?

B: Well I like to play Chinese chess rather than international chess.

Yang Li: 你象棋下得不错吧?对方回答说,我喜欢下中国象棋,而不是国际象棋,rather than

international chess.


A: Would you like a Cappuccino or latté?

B: Mmm, I think I’d like to have a cold drink rather than coffee. It feels rather hot in here.

Yang Li: 喜欢喝那种咖啡?对方说他更想喝冷饮,rather than coffee 而不是咖啡。因为他觉

得很热 it feels rather hot in here. 注意第二个 rather 表示程度,相当热,是副词 rather hot.


A: Would you like to go to the pub with me for some jazz?

B:I'd rather stay at home this evening if you don’t mind. I’m rather tired.

Yang Li: 愿意跟我去酒吗? 对方说我更想呆在家里,I’d rather stay at home. 因为我挺累的

rather tired 很累,相当累。

Yang Li: 好,到此为止我介绍了 rather 这个词的四个主要用法。大家不妨在今后的阅读中多

多注意 rather 这个词的用法。Hope you get to use the word rather, rather well in the future. Goodbye.

Would rather 用法小结

Would rather 用法小结 文/郭李强 一、would rather意思是“宁愿、宁可、更、最好、还是为好”,后接动词原形,常省略为’d rather,表示优先选择的一种方式其否定形式是would rather not do sth. would rather没有人称和数的变化,所有的人称一律用would rather.“would rather+动词原形”是英语中常见的一个惯用句式,美国英语中多用had rather。would (had)在此决无“过去”之意,它是一个情态助动词,且无词性、时态变化。 例:Mr. Li would rather not listen to rock music. 李先生不愿意听摇滚音乐。 Sh e’d rather work in the countryside. 她宁可到农村去工作。 二、如果在两者中进行取舍,表示“宁愿……而不愿……,与其……宁可……”的意思时,则可用would rather…than…或would…rather than…的句型 例: I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.我宁可在家看电视而不愿去看电影。请注意: 1) would rather…than…/would…rather than…也可以颠倒为:rather than…would…。Would(rather)和than后都接不带to的动词不定式,若选用的动词相同,那么than 后的动词可以省略。 例:He would rather drink tea than coffee.他喜欢喝茶而不喜欢咖啡。 Rather than work in such bad condition, he would give up. 与其在这样差的条件下工作,他宁愿放弃。 2)使用would rather…than…句型时要注意“平行结构”,即在than 的前后要用两个同类的词或词组,如两个名词、两个不定式、两个介词短语等。 例:I would rather talk with his mother than with his father. 我宁愿和他妈说话而不愿和他爸说话。 三、在疑问句式中,would rather 与would rather…than…中的would要放在主语之前例:Which would you rather have, apples or bananas? 你喜欢吃苹果还是香蕉? Would you rather read a novel than read a poem? 你宁愿看小说而不愿朗读诗歌吗? 四、would rather+从句,是一个常用的虚拟语气句型 Would rather+从句,谓语一般用过去时来表示现在或将来。其意为“宁愿……,还是……好些”“一个人宁愿另一个人做某事”。引导从句的that常省略。在谈到过去的动作时,谓语则用过去完成时。 例:John wants to see me today. I would rather he came to tomorrow than today. 约翰今天想去看我。我宁愿他明天来看我而不是今天。(句中came不是表示过去而是表示将来) We’d rather he paid us the money tomorrow. 我们宁愿他明天付给我们那笔钱。 Don’t come tomorrow. I’d rather you came next weekend. 明天别来。我希望你下周末来。2)如果只涉及主语本人而不涉及另一个人,则would rather之后不接that从句而接have done结构。 例:I would rather have gone to the theatre than stayed home night. 我真希望昨天晚上去看了戏而不是呆在家里。 He would rather be poor than have got money by dishonest methods.他宁可穷也不愿意用不诚实的手段获取金钱。 五、would rather/sooner和prefer/would prefer的区别 would rather和would sooner 之间一般没有区别,但经常接触到的是would rather。 例:Tom would rather/sooner read than talk.汤姆宁可读书而不愿谈天。 Tom prefers reading to talking.汤姆喜欢读书而不喜欢谈天。


副词用法归纳Feb 23, 2011 副词的定义: 副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。 一)副词的分类: 1) 时间和频度副词: now, then, often, always, usually, early, today, lately, next, last, already, generally, frequently, seldom, ever, never, yet, soon, too, immediately, hardly, finally, shortly, before, ago, sometimes, yesterday. 2) 地点副词: here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on. 3) 方式副词: carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly 4) 程度副词: much, little, very, rather, so, too, still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely, almost, slightly. 5) 疑问副词: how, when, where, why. 6) 关系副词: when, where, why. 7) 连接副词: how, when, where, why, whether. 二)副词的用法: 副词在句中可作状语,表语,补语。 He works hard.


副词的定义: 副词是一种用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句的词,说明时间,地点,程度,方式等概念。 副词的分类: 1) 时间和频度副词: now,then,often,always,usually,early,today, lately, next,last,already,generally,frequently, seldom,ever,never,yet,soon,too, immediately, hardly,finally,shortly, before, ago,sometimes, yesterday. 2) 地点副词: here, there, everywhere, anywhere, in, out, inside, outside, above, below, down, back, forward, home, upstairs, downstairs, across, along, round , around, near, off, past, up, away, on. 3) 方式副词: carefully, properly, anxiously, suddenly, normally, fast, well, calmly, politely, proudly, softly, warmly 4) 程度副词: much,little, very,rather,so,too,still, quite, perfectly, enough, extremely, entirely,almost, slightly. 5) 疑问副词: how, when, where, why. 6) 关系副词: when, where, why. 7) 连接副词: how, when, where, why, whether. 副词的用法: 副词在句中可作状语,表语,短语。 He works hard. 他工作努力。 You speak English quite well. 你英语讲的很好。 Is she in ? 她在家吗?

would rather的用法

would rather用法总结一、“would rather+动词原形”是英语中常见的一个惯用句式(美国英语中多用had rather)。’d rather为would(或had)rather的缩写形式。would (had)在此决无“过去”之意,且无词性、时态的变化。该句式常用来表示选择的意愿,意为“宁可……;宁愿……;最好……”。例如: He'd rather work in the countryside. 他宁可到农村去工作。 If you'd rather be alone, we'll all leave here. 如果你宁愿独自呆着,那我们都离开这儿。 You would rather stay at home and do some reading this evening. 今晚你最好呆在家里看点书。 二、would rather与than连用,可构成另一个惯用句式,即:“would rather...than....”意为“宁可(愿)……(而)不要(愿)……;与其……不如……”。用以表达主语的意愿,强调经过选择后做其中一件事,而不愿做另一件事。例如: I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema. 我宁可在家看电视而不愿去看电影。 三、在使用“would rather...than...”句型时,应注意以下几点: 1. than 后边也应接动词原形,但如该句型前后连接的两个动词相同,则than之后的那个动词可省去。例如: I'd rather know that now than afterwards. 我宁可现在就知道这件事,而不是以后。 2. would rather...than...也可改写成“would...rather than...”,其用法及含义仍不变。例如:Facing the enemies, our soldiers would die rather than surrender. 面对敌人,我们的战士宁死不屈。 3. 有时为了表示语气上的强调,可将rather than置于句首。例如: Rather than refuse to help you, I would borrow money from my friends. 我宁可向朋友借钱,也不愿拒绝帮助你。 4. would rather后也可跟从句,表示主语宁愿让某人干某事。这时,从句谓语动词要用虚拟语气,即用一般过去时表示现在或将来要做的事;用过去完成时表示已经做过的事或过去要做的事。例如: I'd rather she set out to do the work now. 我宁愿她现在就着手做这项工作。 I'd rather you met her at the airport tomorrow morning. 我但愿你明天早上能在机场见到她。 I'd rather you hadn't told him the news that day. 我真希望你那天没有把那个消息告诉他。 5. would rather后还可接动词的完成式,表示主语要做某事,而结果却事与愿违。例如: I'd rather have left a note on her desk. 我本想留张字条在她书桌上的。(事实上没有留) 试比较 I'd rather I left a note on her desk. 我宁可留张字条在她的书桌上。 四、巩固练习。 1. 选择最佳答案。 1)—Shall I open the window to let some fresh air in? —No, _______ . A. I'd rather not B. I'd rather you not C. I'd rather you didn't D. I'd like not to 2) I would rather you _______ with us yesterday, but you left. A. had stayed. B. stay C. stayed D. have stayed


第十二讲副词的基本用法 一学习目标 1.熟练掌握副词的基本用法 二考点解析 一,副词:修饰动词、形容词、其它副词或全句,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念的词。副词在句中主要作状语。 It’s raining heavily. 雨下得很大。 It’s a rather interesting job. (副词rather修饰形容词interesting) She speaks English very well. (副词very修饰副词well) This is just what he said. (副词just修饰what he said) here, there, in, out, away, abroad等少数副词也可以作表语; here, there, home, abroad, below等表示地点或方位的词及today, tomorrow, yesterday, back, out 等表示时间或动词方向词还可以作定语。如: Tom isn’t here. (here作表语) The people there were very kind to us. (副词there作定语,修饰people) 二、副词在句中的位置规律 1) 副词修饰形容词或其它副词时,一般位于被修饰词的前面,但enough却要放在被修饰的形容词或副词的后面。如: 1. —Mum, I think I’m ________ to get back to school. —Not really, my dear. You’d better stay at home for another day or two. A. so well B. so good C. well enough D. good enough 2. If I had ________, I’d visit Europe, stopping at the small interesting places. A.a long enough holiday B. an enough long holiday C. a holiday enough long D. a long holiday enough


副词用法及练习 副词的基本用法是用来修饰动词;run into the room quickly carefully 2). 副 词的构成: (1)多数形容词+ly变成副词 . 大多数副词以ly结尾 recent 最近的----recently 最近;近来 sad—sadly slow---slowly clear—clearly清楚地final—finally real—really kind- - kindly, careful--- carefully, Silent----silently peacefu---peacefully Safe---safely (2)以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词需改y为i加ly变成副词happy-- happily, heavy-- heavily, easy-- easily, lucky--- luckily, angy---angrily, (3.)形容词不去e加ly变来的副词polite--politely, wide--widely, Safe--safely, extreme-- extremely (4 形容词需去e加ly变来的副词True - Truly, , gentle ---gently, comfortable-- comfortably possible---possibly simple --simply terrible---terribly 特殊:good(形容词)—well(副词)好地 (welladj 身体健康的) 1.副词的比较等级,副词的比较等级用法和形容词的比较等级用法相同 以ly的副词大多在前面加more构成比较级加, most构成最高级 slowly– more slowly- most slowly c arefully-more c arefully most c arefully 易错:early →earlier →earliest badly →worse →worst 基础练习选词填空 (一)luckily / lucky / unluchk / unluckily 1. that was an hoy .he lost his parents in the earthquake 2. it rained hard. The children took umbrollas so they didin’t get wet 3.. he is to pass the exam 4. A terrible car accident happpened to him he didn’t lose hos life (二)easy easily easier more easyly 1.If you have more knowledge .you can deal with the problems 2. the question looks I ‘m sure I can woerk out it by meself 3. In generally’it is to say than to do (三)success successful successfully succeed 1. Don’t worry . I heard that the airplne has landed at the airport 2.if you become people will watch you all the time 3. if you try your best you will 4. Attitud is everything Details (细节)decide (四)happy happily happier more happily 1. Because of having parents’ love. I can grow up 2. look . the children are playing over there 3. the busier he is .the he feel (五)safe safely safety 1. School is the serious problem 2. please drive more slowly. is the first 3. Although we were in trouble . we got there 4. To be is important to everyone (六)careful carefullly 1. Liu ming is . girl . she does everything .


have sth. done,have sb. do , have sb./sth. doing与have sth. to do 四种 句型的区别 一、Have sth. done可表示四种不同的语法意义 (1)(主语)请/派别人完成某事。 例:①I had(=got) that door painted last week.上星期我请人把那扇门做了油漆。 ②I had(=got) my teeth filled yesterday afternoon.昨天下午我请人补了牙。(2)(主语)完成某事(可能参与)。 例:①they are going to have (=got) some threes planted.他们打算植些树。 ②we must have (=got) the work finished by Tuesday.我们必须在星期二以前完 成此项工作。 (3)(主语)遭受某种不幸的情况。 例:①I had my hat blown off.我的帽子被(风)吹掉了。 ②I had my leg broken when I got off the bus.下车时我的腿子摔断了。 (4) 用于否定句中,表示“不允许….”“不让”。 例:①I won’t have anything said against her.我不会允许有任何反对她的言论。 ②I won’t have my house turned into a hotel.不不会让我的房子变成一个旅馆。 二、have sb. do表示四种含意 (1)(主语)请/派别人完成某事。可以用“get sb. to do”结构来替换。 例:①I had him repair my bike. (=I got him to repair my bike.)我请他修理自行车。 ②Don’t forget to have him come.别忘了叫他来。 (2)表示主语无意识的行为,这时“have”作“有”解。 例:These small animals seem glad to have people visit them. (3)表示主语“经历”某事。 例:He had his mother die.他遭丧母。 (4)在否定句中作“容忍”“允许”解。 例:I won’t have you say such things about her.我不允许你说她这样的话。 三、have sb./sth. doing 表示两种含意或者说一种含意。 (1)在肯定句中常表示“让某人做某事”,“让某情况发生”之意,含有动作正在进行之意。 例:①he soon had them all laughing. 他很快让他们都笑了起来。 ②I have a car waiting for me. 我让一部车在等我。 (2)在否定结构中,表示“不能让”,“不允许”。 例:we can’t have that sort of thing happening.我们不能让那类事情发生。 四、have sth. to do表示“有某事要完成”,其中不定式作定语,且其有主动与被动二种形式需要区别使用。 (1)如果不定式的动作由主语来完成需其用主动形式。 例:①I have some letters to write.我有几封信要写。 ②He have a large family to support.他有一大家人要养活。 (2)如果不定式的动作不是由主语来完成需用其被动形式。 例:“Do you have any clothes to be washed today?”the servant asked.佣人问道:“你今天有没有衣服要(我)洗?”


初中英语副词知识点:副词的基本用法 初中英语副词知识点:副词的基本用法 副词在句中主要用作状语,修饰动词、形容词、副词、介词短语或句子。 ⑴修饰动词,表示时间、地点、程度、方式、频度等。一般位于动词之后,如果动词有宾语,则要位于宾语之后。频度副词常位于助动词和连系动词be 之后或实义动词之前。例如:He arrived only yesterday. 他是昨天才到的。There were clothes lying here and there on the floor. 地板上到处都是衣服。I have been terribly worried about you all day. 我一整天都非常为你担心。She plays the piano very well. 她钢琴弹得很好。The boy is always asking his parents for money. 那个男孩老是向他父母要钱。She never goes to the cinema. 她向来不看电影。 ⑵修饰形容词、副词、介词短语,一般前置,只有enough例外,需要后置。例如:She seems quite happy. 她看上去相当愉快。You’ve done rather badly in the test. 你考得够糟糕的。The wind was right in our faces. 风迎面吹来。This girl is not old enough to go to school. 这个女孩还没有到上学的年龄。He didn’t run fast enough to catch the train. 他跑得不够快,没有赶上火车。 ⑶用作表语,多为与介词同形的副词和表示方位的副词。例如:Is anybody in? 里面有人吗?有人在家吗?Father is away. 父亲离家在外。I am downstairs and my brother is upstairs. 我住楼下,我哥哥住楼上。My friend is still abroad. 我的朋友还在国外。 ⑷少数表示地点或时间的副词还可用作定语,一般位于名词之后。例如:I hope you’ll enjoy your stay here. 希望你在这里过得愉快。I met a friend of mine on my way home. 在我回家的路上,我碰到一位朋友。What did you think of the meeting yesterday? 你觉得昨天的会开得怎样? 相关推荐:初中英语副词知识点:副词的分类

would rather的用法小结

would rather的用法(美国英语中多用had rather ) 一、概述。 1.含义。“宁愿/可,更/最好,还是…为好”。 2.用法。常+V原,常省略为’d rather,表优先选择的一种方式。无人称,数,词性,时态变化,所有的人称情况均用would rather. 3.否定形式。would rather not do sth。例: Mr Li would rather not listen to rock music 4.would /had在此决无“过去”之意,它是一个情态助动词。 If yo u’d rather be alone, we’ll all leave here. 如果你宁愿独自呆着,那我们都离开这儿。 He’d rather work in the countryside. 她宁可到农村去工作。 二、扩展。 1.在两者中取舍,表“宁愿……而不愿……/与其……宁可……”时,则可用would rather…than…或would…rather than…句型. 例: I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema. The children would walk there rather than take a bus. 2.也可以颠倒为:rather than…would…例:Rather than work in such bad condition, he would give up 3.Would(rather)和than后都接不带to的动词不定式,若选同一动词,那么than 后的动词可以省略。 例: I would rather have noodles than rice. 4.要注意“平行结构”,即在than 的前后要用两个同类的词或词组,如两个n、两个不定式、两个介短等。 例: I would rather go to work by bike than by bus. @I would rather talk with his mother than with his father. 5.在疑问句式中,短语中的would要放在主语之前。 例: Would you rather stay here or go home? @Which would you rather have, apples or bananas? 三、would rather+从句,常用的虚拟语气句型,谓语一般用过去时来表示现在或将来。 其意为“宁愿……,还是…… 好些”“一个人宁愿另一个人做某事”。 引导从句的that常省略。在谈到过去的动作时,谓语则用过去完成时。 例: John wants to see me today. I would rather he came to tomorrow than today. 句中came不是表示过去而是表示将来. 注意:如果谈到过去的动作,也就是表示过去已经发生的事情在选择上不恰当。 此时,主句一般为I had rather ,其(that)从句则用过去完成时。例Would rather you had not done that. @如果只涉及主语本人而不涉及另一个人,则would rather之后不接that从句而接have done结构。 例: I would rather have gone to the theatre than stayed home night. 四、would rather/sooner和prefer/would prefer的区别。 would rather和would sooner之间一般没有区别,但经常接触到的是would rather。 例:Tom would rather/sooner read than talk./ Tom prefers reading to talking. 注意:would rather后跟不带to的不定式+than+不带to的不定式,而prefer后跟动名词+to+动名词。 有时prefer后面也可跟名词,而在would rather之后要求只带动词原形。 例: He prefers wine to beer.= He would rather drink wine than beer. @某些prefer+名词的情况不能用would rather完全确切地表达出来: 例:He prefers dogs to cats./He would rather have dogs than cats.很明显,这两句的意思并不完全相同。 @ would rather+不带to的不定式有时可代替would prefer+带to的不定式。 例: I’d rather fly than go by sea.=I’d prefer to fly.我宁愿乘飞机也不愿乘船。 @这两个结构后面带名词时情况也一样: 例: —Would you like some gin?—I’d prefer a coffee.=I’d rather have coffee than gin. @would rather/sooner和would prefer后面都可跟完成式,但后者带to。 例: We went by sea but I’d rather have gone by air=I’d prefer to have gone by air. (我愿意乘飞机去,可我的愿望未能实现)


副词的用法 一、副词及其基本用法 副词主要用来修饰动词,形容词,副词或其他结构。 副词的句法功能 1、用作状语 Look at the photo carefully. 仔细看看这张照片。You’re driving too fast. 你开车开得太快了。 2、用作表语 The meeting is over. 会议结束了。Is anyone upstairs? 楼上有人吗? Is the radio on or off? 收音机是开着的还是关着的? 【注】在通常情况下,用作表语时不用副词而用形容词。 如可说The woman is beautiful. 而不说The woman is beautifully. 可说The cloth feels soft. 不能说The cloth feels softly. 英语中用作表语的副词主要是表地点的副词以及某些与介词同形的副词,而且只能用于连系动词be 英语中用作表语的副词主要是表地点的副词以及某些与介词同形的副词,而且只能用于连系动词后作表语,而不用于其他连系动词后作表语,如可说He is here 或He is abroad,但不能说He seems here 或He seems abroad。 3、用作宾语 It’s hot in here. 这里面很热。 It’s not far from here. 从这儿去不远。 I’ll stay at home tonight. 今晚我将呆在家里。 【注】副词用作宾语的用法十分有限,通常只用作介词宾语,并且只限于某些表示时间和地点的副词,而且不同的副词有不同的搭配特点,如here和there 可与along, around, down, from, in, near, round, up 等介词连用,但通常不与介词to连用,如不说come to here, go to there 等(注:from here to there是例外),而表地点的副词abroad 则只与介词from连用,不与其他介词连用。 4、用作宾语补足语 1)Ask him in, please. 请叫他进来。 2)We must try to help him through. 我们必须设法帮他渡过难关。 3)Sorry to have kept you up so late. 对不起,让你这么晚不能睡觉。 【注】一般说来,能用作表语的副词都可用作宾语补足语: He went to see her but found that she was out. 他去看她,但发现她不在家。 He went to see her but found her out. 他去看她,但发现她不在家。 5、用作定语 1)The people there were very friendly. 那儿的人很友好。 2)Do you know the people downstairs? 你认识楼下的人吗? 3)The shops around are very cheap. 附近商店的东西很便宜。 【注】在通常情况下,副词用作定语总是放在被修饰名词之后,若置于修饰名词之前,则通常被视为形容词,如the upstairs room和the room upstairs 都表示“楼上的房间”,但前者的upstairs 前置,为形容词;后者的upstairs后置,为副词;又如the above passage 和the passage above都可表示“上面的段落”,但前者的above 前置,为形容词;后者的above后置,为副词。 二、副词的构词法 大部分副词是由形容词加后缀-ly构成的。 1) She is a quick worker. (形容词)她是个灵巧的工人。 i.She works quickly. (副词)她工作灵巧。 2)I used to be a careful driver. (形容词)我曾经是个小心谨慎的司机。 3)I used to drive carefully.(副词)我曾经开车小心谨慎。


1. rather than 与would 连用时,构成“would rather...than...”句式,意思是“宁愿……而不愿……”,表示主观愿望,即在两者之中选择其一。 2. rather than 不与would连用时,表示客观事实,意为“是……而不是……;与其……不如……”。它连接的并列成分可以是名词、代词、形容词、介词(短语)、动名词、分句、不定式、动词等。 注意:rather than 后接不定式时,不定式可以带to,也可以不带to, 如上句。但rather than位于句首时,则只能接不带to 的不定式。 一、would rather意思是“宁愿、宁可、更、最好、还是为好”,后接动词原形,常省略为’d rather,表示优先选择的一种方式 其否定形式是would rather not do sth。would rather没有人称和数的变化,所有的人称一律用would rather。 二、如果在两者中进行取舍,表示“宁愿……而不愿……,与其……宁可……”的意思时,则可用would rather…than…或would…rather than…的句型

1) would rather…than…/would…rather than…也可以颠倒为:rather than…would…。Would(rather)和than后都接不带to的动词不定式,若选用的动词相同,那么than 后的动词可以省略。 2)使用would rather…than…句型时要注意“平行结构”,即在than 的前后要用两个同类的词或词组,如两个名词、两个不定式、两个介词短语等。 三、在疑问句式中,would rather 与would rather…than…中的would要放在主语之前 四、would rather+从句,是一个常用的虚拟语气句型 Would rather+从句,谓语一般用过去时来表示现在或将来。其意为“宁愿……,还是……好些”“一个人宁愿另一个人做某事”。引导从句的that常省略。在谈到过去的动作时,谓语则用过去完成时。 1)如果谈到过去的动作,也就是表示过去已经发生的事情在选择上不恰当。此时,主句一般为I had rather ,其(that)从句则用过去完成时。 2)如果只涉及主语本人而不涉及另一个人,则would rather 之后不接that从句而接have done结构。


一、考查形容词和副词的基本用法 形容词在句中一般作定语、表语、补语,而副词在句中主要作状语。如: (1)Tom sounds very much ______in the job, but I’m not sure whether he can manage it. (2006安徽) A. interested B. interesting C. interestingly D. interestedly 解析:句中sounds意为“听起来”,是系动词,后接表语,要用形容词,排除C和D;又因表示“对……感兴趣”,用interested。答案是A。 (2)We don't care if a hunting dog smells ______, but we really don't want him to smell______. (1995上海) A. well; well B. bad; badly C. well; badly D. badly; bad 解析:句意是:“我们不在乎猎狗闻 起来难闻,但是我们确实不希望它的嗅觉力差。”前者smell是系动词,后接形容词,后者smell是行为动词,用副词来修饰;此外well作形容词是表示人身体好、气色好,用在此句中不行,只能作副词用。答案是B (3)These oranges taste _______. (1991全国) A. good B. well C. to be good D. to be well 解析:因taste(尝起来)是系动词,后要接形容词作表语,故选A。 (4)—What a nice fire you have in your fireplace! —During the winter I like my house ______.(2005上海春) A. warmly and comfortably B. warm and comfortable C. warm and comfortably D. warmly and comfortable 解析:在宾语后补语要用形容词。答案是B。 (5)She doesn't speak ________her friend, but her written work is excellent. (1993全国) A. as well as B. so often as C. so much as D. as good as 解析:由语境可知,前一分句的意思是:“她不如她朋友说得好。”修饰动词speak,用副词well。答案是A。 (6)He drives much ________than he did three years ago. (1981全国) A. careful B. carefully C. more careful D. more carefully 解析:由than可知要用比较级,排除A和B;修饰动词drives要用副词作状语,排除C。答案是D。 (7)______, some famous scientists have the qualities of being both careful and careless. (2004上海春) A. Strangely enough B. Enough strangely C. Strange enough D. Enough strange 解析:由语境可知,选项是修饰整个句子的状语,应用副词,排除选项C和D;又因enough修饰副词要放在所修饰的副词后,排除B。答案是A。 二、考查形容词作定语的后置规律 形容词作定语一般位于所修饰的名词前,但下列三种情况形容词要后置:①形容词短语作定语时;②表语形容词作定语时;③修饰复合不定代词时。如: (8)_______to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of useful skills. (2000全国) A. Brave enough students B. Enough brave students C. Students brave enough D. Students enough brave


从一道高考题看rather的用法 先看下面一道高考题: Rather than ________ on a crowded bus, he always prefers ________ a bicycle. A. ride; ride B. riding; ride C. ride; to ride D. to ride; riding 熟练掌握与rather搭配的短语用法,是解这道题的突破口。为了增加试题的难度与答案的隐蔽性,题干采用了倒装句这一语法现象。一旦掌握了prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 这一句型结构,便很容易选出C为正确答案。 rather的用法可从以下几点掌握: 一、rather作副词,意为\"宁愿;宁可\"。作此意解的rather常和would / had连用,构成固定短语。would / had rather...than译为\"宁愿......而不愿\" ,应该特别注意此短语的否定构成及其后接的动词形式。如: He would rather have the small one than the large one. 他宁愿要一个小的,而不要大的。 I\'d rather take the slowest train than go there by air. 我宁愿坐最慢的火车,也不乘飞机去那里。 I would rather not tell you the secret right now. 我现在不愿把那个秘密告诉你。 would / had rather 后接从句时,从句中的谓语动词用虚拟语气。如: I would / had rather you posted the letter right away, 我倒希望你把这封信立即发出。 I would / had rather that she had stayed at home. 她那时要是留在家里就好了。 二、rather作副词用时,意为\"更确切地\"。此用法的rather常用在or rather这一短语中,
