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当前位置:文档库 › 【2020抗击疫情热点】做中考英语语篇填空28:暖心!这张来自意大利的明信片,寄给所有中国人(含重点词汇






阅读短文,根据语篇填空,使短文通顺、意思完整,每空一词。My dear Chi na people,

You __1___ the first ci vilization(文明)of this world, and m y cit y of Bologna(博洛尼亚), have t he first uni versit y i n the world of Law A.D. 1088.

__2___ the China need som ething, t o ask and to have

ever yt hing t he people need, __3___ in t his cit y ever ybod y i s one Marco Polo(“马可·波罗”).

God bl ess all Chi nese peopl e __4___ this bad situation. __5___ trust i n God for you and for t he world.

Frank M antova





addressed to收信姓名、地址

China Daily中国日报

battle against与作战; 与作斗争,与搏斗

common enemy共同敌人

mutual assistance互助

weather the storm渡过恶劣气候

good on sincerel y during post

difficult y t ake fast but common

Dear Frank Mantova of Bologna,

I stum bled(偶然)across a post card address ed t o "Chi na peopl e" on a desk i n China Dail y's m ai l office___1___ the ni ght of Ma y 7.

It's heart warming t o read your___2___ wishes t o the Chinese peopl e and the worl d___3___ t he C OV ID-19 pandemi c.

I noti ced you ___4___ it on Jan 29, during the most ___5___ stage in China's bat tle against t he virus.

That it ___6___ more t han three m onths for the post card t o com e all the wa y to our hands — much ___7___ than Marco

Polo — has onl y made it more valuable.

At this time the sit uation is bett er in China, ___8___ has worsened(恶化) in man y other countri es, including Ital y.In facing this ___9___enem y(敌人), it is the spirit of mutual assist ance (团结互助)your m ess age has embodi ed (体现)t hat helps us weather the st orm.

I hope all goes___10___ with you and t he Itali an peopl e, who have alwa ys em erged stronger from ordeals in t hei r long hi stor y.


Li Yang


(一)1. are 2. If 3. because 4. i n 5. I








7.fast er






如果中国需要什么,那就去要求和拥有人民需要的一切,因为在这个城市里,每个人都是一个马可波罗(Marco Polo)。









中考英语完形填空专项练习经典 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I will never forget May 15, 2011. That night, my car crashed 1 a tree and everything has changed ever since. I lost most of my right 2 , and I was left bleeding with several broken bones. At the hospital, my body was 3 , but my mind was still very clear. I just kept 4 myself to hold on. Life must go on since I was still 5 . Two weeks later, I was allowed to go home. 6 I left the hospital, the fight was far from over. My left leg was badly hurt in that accident as well, as a result, I had to receive different 7 during the next few years. And soon, more of my right leg had to be cut off. This made it harder to wear my artificial leg (假肢), so I donated it to another girl who couldn't 8 one. The joy of being able to provide this gift for someone else was 9 than the happiness I felt on any day I could wear it myself. People often tell me they are 10 of me for staying strong. But in my mind, being strong has always been my only 11 . On the day I left the hospital, I made a promise to 12 to make good use of every day to live life to the fullest. I am not only confident but I hope to help those around me. In 2017, I 13 started modeling. My dream is that one day a little girl will see me in a magazine and say, "Wow, she only has one leg but she is beautiful 14 confidence and bravery" My dream is simple: to 15 every man, woman and child to know and believe that they are. 1. A. toward B. over C. upon D. into 2. A. arm B. ear C. eye D. leg 3. A. calm B. strong C. weak D. ill 4. A. teaching B. telling C. leading D. advising 5. A. alive B. lively C. live D. lovely 6. A. Since B. So C. Because D. Although 7. A. operations B. gifts C. prizes D. thoughts 8. A. offer B. afford C. borrow D. accept 9. A. greater B. smaller C. less D. fewer 10. A. afraid B. tired C. proud D. guilty


2018中考英语专项练习---语法填空 2018中考专项练习系列将覆盖中考各个科目,陆续上线。英语语法填空练习精选于2017年中考卷、模拟卷,好题精炼,提分好方式。 1、短文填词。 阅读下面短文,根据以下提示:1)汉语提示,2)首字母提示,3)语境提示,4)音标提示,在每个空格填入一个适当的单词。所填单词要求意义准确,拼写正确。 Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, is famous for its festivals. There are twelve festivals around the year. Half of them are 1.__________(庆祝) during the months of July and August. Thousands of people visit it. Here are some of the events (公开活动) you can 2. e_________ in Edinburgh. Edinburgh International Festival The first Edinburgh International Festival was planned during World War II for artists to find hope and 3.___________[k?'mju:nikeit] with each other. Later, actors, musicians, dancers and singers 4.____________ all over world came over to give performances. Edinburgh Festival Fringe This is one of the largest art festival in the world. There are 5. t___________ of shows across the city. It was first held as a supplement (补充) to the Edinburgh International Festival. Then it 6.___________(发展) very well. Anyone can perform in the festival and many artists take 7.____________ in it. During the festival, you can go to the Royal Mile to watch performances for free. Edinburgh International Book Festival It 8.__________ in 1983. It is the largest book festival in the world. It is held every year in Charlotte Square Gardens in the 9.__________['sent?] of Edinburgh. There are over 700 event for kids and adults who love books. You can meet many 10.___________(作家) writers, talk to them or ask them to sign a book. Kids also like it because they can listen to stories and watch artists draw pictures of the stories. 2、短文填空 Once there 1. (be) two poor woodsmen living in the mountain.One day,they happened 2. (discover) two large bags of cotton.They carried it on their back and 3. (go) back home. When they 4. walking home,one of the woodsmen saw a large bundle(捆)of cloth.He decided to give up the cotton and take the cloth instead.The other woodsman said,“We have carried the cotton for such a long way.That’s not worth.” But he insisted(坚持)on carrying the cloth.After walking for a while,they saw several jars(罐)of gold on the ground.The woodsman who carried the cloth felt excited,“If I 5. (have) the gold,I will be a wealthy man.” So he gave up the cloth and carried the gold,while his partner still 6. (not agree) with him.He doubted whether the gold was real or not. Suddenly,it began to rain.Unluckily,the woodsman who carried the cotton found that his cotton was filled 7. water.It had become so heavy that he 8. carry it.He had to give it up and went back home empty-handed with his partner carrying gold. Here 9. some ideas from this story.It tells us that we should 10. (use) our wisdom carefully to make the right choice.We should learn to watch a certain issue from different aspects and avoid being stubborn(固执的).Sometimes,if we can change our mind,we will get a smoother way to success.Remember that all roads lead to Rome.


【英语】英语中考英语完形填空及答案经典 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 After school on Friday, I waited at the school gate lo walk home with Jemma, as usual. Then I saw 1 talking and laughing happily with some other girls. She glanced (瞥了一眼) at me and left me alone there I knew fight then that I had 2 my best friend. At dinner, Mom asked. "Is Jemma coming by tomorrow?" I shrugged (耸肩) and said nothing. The next morning. Mom asked. "Today is 3 . What are you and Jemma going to do?" I shrugged again. " 4 is Jemma?" Mom took a look at me. Them she said, "Will you take these magazines to Grandma, please?" 5 I walked down the street, a new girl in the neighborhood came towards me, smiling. But I just went 6 her. Grandma welcomed me at the door with a warm hug. Sitting on the sofa, I noticed a(an) 7 of kids in old-fashioned clothes on the table . Grandma pointed at a girl with short fair hair. "That's Beth Lambert," she said. "My best friend. Until a week before we took this photo." I was 8 at that. "Beth and I were best friends in school. We did everything 9 . Then one day, she made new friends and said she didn't want to hang out with me anymore. Nothing hurt 10 that." I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I knew I'd start 11 if I opened my mouth. Grandma hugged me again. "Simone, sometimes friends grow 12 . It might happen to anyone," she continued. "Then, see him?" Grandma's finger 13 to a boy with glasses in the photo. "He lived near me. When I was walking home by myself 14 this boy was, too, I said 'hello'. And we became friends." "So, if we want to start a new friendship," she smiled. "One 15 is all it took." As I was heading home, that new girl appeared again. I went towards her and spoke, "Hello." 1. A. it B. them C. her D. him 2. A. lost B. hurt C. forgotten D. beaten 3. A. Monday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday 4. A. How B. Where C. Which D. Who 5. A. As B. Before C. After D. Until 6. A. to B. past C. with D. against 7. A. card B. photo C. poster D. advertisement 8. A. glad B. angry C. satisfied D. surprised 9. A. together B. outside C. differently D. quickly 10. A. less than B. because of C. more than D. instead of

浙江省中考英语考点专题精编 完形填空

完型填空 (2016杭州)完型填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。 Bo, a golden retriever, won this year’s Dog Hero Award from the Ken L Ration dog food company. Bo acted __36__ last June. Bo and his owners, Rob and Laurie Roberts, were going down the Colorado River in a 16-foot boat. The June ___37__ was Bo’s first time in a boat. Laurie Roberts said, “Things were fine __38___ a 6-foot wave broke in front of us and filled the boat with water. Another big wave caught us from the back and turned the ___39__ over.” Rob was thrown clear, but Laurie and Bo were unable to move out ___40__ the boat. “Every time I tried to ___41__, my head hit the boat,” Laurie said. “I hit the bottom of the river several times. I __42___ I was drowning(溺水).” Rob picked up the story, “I reached the land and __43__ Laurie,” he said. “I saw Bo swim out from under the overturned boat. Then he ___44__ and dived(下潜). Soon he came back up, pulling Laurie by the hair.” Laurie, who was __45___ and breathless, tried to catch Bo. But the dog stayed out of reach as is knowing ___46__ of them would drown if Laurie pulled him under. ___47__ Laurie caught Bo’s tail. He __48___ her 30 yards to the land. Laurie was cut and bleeding, but she was ___49__. “If it hadn’t been for Bo, ___50__ wouldn’t be here.” Laurie told everyone at the Dog Hero awards dinner. 1.A. bravely B. strangely C. quietly D. politely 2.A. meeting B. match C. trip D. prize 3.A. since B. though C. unless D. until 4.A. dog B. wave C. boat D. foot 5.A. in B. behind C. under D. above 6.A. get out B. get down C. get off D. get along 7.A. promised B. suggested C. described D. realized 8.A. looked after B. looked for C. looked at D. looked into 9.A. went ahead B. turn around C. jumped out D. stood up 10.A. sad B. sorry C. afraid D. angry


中考英语完形填空专项训练 (附带答案解析) 1 Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s beautiful but it’s hot in __1__. So I usually returned to my hometown when my __2__ began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could __3__ in the daytime and have a good sleep at night. One day I had some __4__ to solve. But I didn’t take the dictionaries home. My father told me Charlie, one of my __5__, had a good library. I went to his house at once. We didn’t see each other after I __6__ mid dle school. At first he didn’t recognize me. He __7__ me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! It’s you, Fred!” Of course we were __8__ to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and __9__. Later on he showed me around his li brary. It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I __10__ were in them too. At last I said, “__11__ you lend some dictionaries to me, please?” “I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to __12__,” said the young man. “Are you afraid I’ll __13__ them?” “No, I’m not. I’m afraid you won’t __14__ them to me. Look! All the books are not __15__, but borrowed!” 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 2. A. birthday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. holiday 3. A. study B. play C. rest D. run 4. A. words B. sentences C. problems D. stories 5. A. brothers B. sisters C. aunts D. classmates 6. A. finished B. heard C. saw D. met 7. A. lifted B. carried C. looked D. pulled 8. A. angry B. happy C. worried D. sad 9. A. doctors B. teachers C. workers D. drivers 10.A. looked for B. read C. wrote D. looked at 11.A. Need B. Must C. May D. Can


2018全国中考英语语法填空题精选 A. 2018 贵州安顺 根据语境或句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 B. 2018 浙江金华 阅读下面短文,在空自处填入一个适当的词,或填人括号中所给单词的正确形式。Joseph is a teacher in New York. He gives lessons to 61 (he) students about American history. But he was born 62 Kenya, an African country where the children lead a very different life. For example, a ten-year-old boy may spend 63 (much) time in taking care of cows than studying at school. The children also learn many 64 (skill) like how to live in the wild. Unlike many other children, Joseph went to school. And 65 (lucky), when he was 15, he came 66 (study) in America and then became a teacher. Joseph has written 67 book called Facing the Lion. In the book, he talks about his childhood. He thinks 68 is very important for American children to learn about the cultural differences between their country 69 the others. He also thinks children should learn to be strong and full of hope. Now Joseph 70 (do)a project, hoping that it will help children face their own“ lions”. C. 2018 重庆A卷 根据下面短文内容,在短文的空格处填上一个恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。(每空2分,共16分) As we are growing up, we really need advice from adults. Here are three people talking about their


小卷速测(十二) 完形填空+阅读理解D+回答问题 (限时:20分钟) Ⅰ. 完形填空 When I started working, I couldn’t understand why some people seemed to succeed in everything they tried.However, others just couldn’t manage to achieve anything.After a while, I found the biggest 1 lied in setting and reviewing goals regularly.A study shows those who have written goals and review them regularly are among the highest achievers. What do you do with your desires(渴望) in life? You could pay no attention to them and leave them to 2 in your mind, or start taking action to get what you want.You need to set goals.A goal starts with a simple desire. Do you use any 3 for not setting goals? Whatever it is, I am sure your excuse is limiting you.If you’re 4 about what you want, you might end up at a certain age with things that you didn’t wan t. Setting goals and reviewing them regularly can increase your chances of succeeding.It can give you the right direction and 5 you moving closer to what you want.You will achieve more in months than many people do in years. If you have a strong desire for something, you will have two 6 :wishful thinking, or taking action.You can wish for a miracle(奇迹), but do nothing.Or, you can get clear on the steps and take them, 7 , one by one until you reach success. Setting goals is the most important and necessary step to achieve success in any area.It begins with a desire, and then a written goal, 8 by the right attitude and action.Keep reviewing your goals and watch how your wish miraculously turns into your reality. ( )1.A.difference B.surprise C.hope D.sale ( )2.A.sing B.dance C.light D.disappear ( )3.A.tools B.excuses C.stories D.examples ( )4.A.excited B.unclear C.sure D.unhappy ( )5.A.imagine B.feel C.stop D.keep ( )6.A.steps B.decisions C.choices D.wishes ( )7.A.slowly B.suddenly C.luckily D.sadly ( )8.A.decided B.corrected C.followed D.built


1 An old man lived in a nice house with a large garden. He took care of his 1 all the time, watering and fertilizing them. One day a young man went by the 2 . He looked at the beautiful flowers, imagining how happy he could be 3 he lived in such a beautiful place. Then, suddenly he found the old gardener was 4 . He was very surprised about this and asked, “You can’t see these flowers. 5 are you busy taking care of them every day?” The old man smiled and said, “I can tell you four 6 . First, I was a gardener when I was young, and I really like this job. Second, 7 I can’t see these flowers, I can touch them. 8 , I can smell the sweetness of them. As to the last one, that’s 9 .” “Me? But you don’t know me,” said the young man. “Yeah, it’s 10 that I don’t know you. But I know that flowers are angels that everybody 11 . We enjoy the happiness these flowers have brought us.” The blind man’s work opened our eyes, and 12 our hearts, which also made his life 13 . It was just like Beethoven, who became deaf in his later life and wrote many great musical works. Beethoven himself couldn’t 14 his wonderful music, but his music has 15 millions of people to face their difficulties bravely. Isn’t it one kind of happiness? 1. A. flowers B. trees C. vegetables D. grass 2. A. balcony B. kitchen C. garden D. study 3. A. after B. as C. before D. if 4. A. blind B. famous C. smart D. friendly 5. A. What B. Who C. Why D. Which 6. A. stories B. reasons C. excuses D. conclusions 7. A. although B. since C. because D. unless 8. A. First B. Second C. Third D. Fourth 9. A. me B. you C. my mother D. my son 10. A. true B. hard C. cool D. fair 11. A. greets B. doubts C. meets D. knows 12. A. broke B. hurt C. pleased D. treated 13. A. emptier B. busier C. luckier D. happier 14. A. write B. hear C. play D. believe 15. A. changed B. affected C. discovered D. encouraged 参考答案与解析: 1.A。由第2空后面的the beautiful flowers可以推出该空应填flowers。 2.C。本文以老人花园里的野花为题材,因此该空应填garden。 3.D。该空表示“如果”,因此应填if。 4.A。由下文You can’t see these flowers.可以推出该空表示“瞎的”,因此应填blind。 5.C。由You can’t see these flowers.可以推出该空表示“为什么”,因此应填Why。


中考英语完形填空专题练习 一、中考英语完形填空(含答案详细解析) 1.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案. The Secret Soldier A young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, lay dying in a hospital bed. He was too 1 to speak or move. Two men stood over him. "I think this young man has 2 ," one man said. "I'll take his jacket and boots," said the other. Robert gathered all of his strength to 3 , "I…I'm alive. " The doctor came running over as Robert fell into a coma(昏迷). "We can 4 him," he said as he examined the young soldier, "Oh, my! He's a 5 ! " It was true. The young soldier, Robert Shurtliff, was really Deborah Sampson. 6 who was she? Deborah Sampson had grown up in Massachusetts, living as a servant. She 7 of having great adventures (冒险). 8 the Revolutionary War broke out in 1775, women were not allowed to serve in the army. But Deborah 9 herself as a man and became a solider. She called herself Robert Shurtliff. One day, during an attack, Deborah was shot in the neck and 10 . Another soldier lifted Deborah into his horse and rode her to the 11 . A doctor treated the wound on her back and asked if 12 had any other injuries. Deborah lied and said no. She was afraid that if the doctor examined her leg, he would discover her 13 . Using a pocket knife, Deborah got the bullet(子弹)out of her own leg. She 14 to fight as a soldier. After the war ended, Deborah got married and had children. But she still longed for 15 . So she put on her soldier's uniform and travelled around the country telling of her life as young, brave soldier, Robert Shurtliff. 1. A. busy B. weak C. surprised D. strong 2. A. got up B. lost heart C. passed away D. got lost 3. A. whisper B. cry C. shout D. laugh 4. A. accept B. kill C. support D. save 5. A. soldier B. mother C. woman D. father 6. A. Though B. But C. Or D. However 7. A. died B. talked C. heard D. dreamed 8. A. When B. While C. Until D. Since 9. A. worked B. dressed C. acted D. lived 10. A. arm B. hand C. leg D. stomach 11. A. hospital B. library C. studio D. bedroom 12. A. she B. he C. it D. they 13. A. appearance B. ability C. beauty D. secret 14. A. failed B. continued C. agreed D. planned


语法填空应试技巧 一、已给单词提示题型的技巧 此类题可以考查学生对单词形式变化的掌握程度。单词形式变化主要有两种,一是词的形、数、式的变化,一是词的派生变化。在判断出词的变化之后还应该进一步审题,看是否需要使用复合的变化形式,这一点是很重要的。 技巧一:名词形式变化。 名词的形式变化主要有单数、复数、所有格的变化。 例:There are many students living at school,the? ? ? ? ??(child) houses are all far from schoo1. 由students一词可以判断出横线处应填复数,且作为houses的定语,所以应用其所有格形式,故答案为child的复合变化形式——复数的所有格children’s。 技巧二:动词形式变化。 动词的形式变化比较多,有谓语的变化(时态、语态、语气),有非谓语的变化(不定式、动名词、现在分词、过去分词)。 例:A talk?? ? ? ?(give) tomorrow is written by Professor Zhang. 句中的is written是整句的谓语,所以横线所在的动词应当用作非谓语。从tomorrow可以看出,报告是“将来”作的,故用不定式;且报告是give动作的承受者,故可以判断出横线所在处用give的不定式被动式——to be given。 技巧三:代词形式变化。 代词形式变化通常是与人称变化有关的三大类五小类,即人称代词(主格和宾格)、物主代词(形容词性和名词性)、反身代词。另外还有几个不定代词的形式变化,如no one/none、other/another等。 例:The king decided to see the painter by?? ? ? ?(he). 由介词by可以看出,横线处应填反身代词himself。 技巧四:形容词、副词比较级变化。 英语中大部分形容词和表方式的副词都有原级、比较级和最高级的变化。构成比较级和最高级的方式,或通过加后缀一er和.est,或在词前Imore/less和most/least,且形容词的最高级还要冠以the。 例:I am——(tall)than Liu Wen.He is the tallest students in my class. 此题后句交代了LiuWen是班上最高的学生,那“我”肯定比他矮,所以不能用taller,只能用表示程度不如的“less tall”。 技巧五:数词形式变化。 数词的形式变化包括基数词、序数词,或加后缀一teen、ty的变化,甚至还有作分母用的序数词的单复数形式,以及one/two的特殊变化形式?once/twice 例:To my three sons I leave my seventeen horses.My eldest son shall take a half,my second son shall take a ??? ? ? ? ??(three).从上下文连续起来理解,这是一个分马的计划,大儿子分得a half,也就是“一半”或“二分之一”,那么二儿子应该得“三分之一”,所以要填入作分母的序数词“third”才能命中目标。 技巧六:词的派生。 词的派生现象在英语单词中是很常见的,派生现象主要发生在名词、动词、形容词、副词四种词中。这种题型还有可能检测学生对词根、前后缀、派生词的掌握。 例:Lious lost his wallet yesterday,SO he was very____(happiness). 在这道题中,学生很容易判断出该用形容词;钱包丢了,人应该是不开心的,所以要再加个前缀un,就成了unhappy。 二、未给单词提示题型的技巧 此类题难度较大,但也是有方法对付的。 技巧七:固定短语结构。 根据句中横线前后及整句来判断横线前后是否构成一个固定短语,但有时要对横线前或后的几个单词“视而不见”才能命中答案。 例1:The children were playing on the ground,enjoying____,dirty but happy. 从句中的happy可以猜出孩子们是开心的,所以应用enj0y oneself短语,故其答案为themselves。 例2:His boss was____angry as to fire him. 如果“跳过”横线后面的angry,就可以发现这里用到一个关联短语so...as to...,所以,so是正解。

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