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The Passionate Shepherd to His Love


Christopher Marlowe(1564-1593)Come live with me and be my love, 请与我同栖,为我最爱

And we will all the pleasures prove让我俩印证一切的欢悦——

That valleys, groves, hills, and fields, 不论生於深谷之中,高峰之上

Woods, or steepy mountain yields. 不论来自山涯水湄,林间效野

And we will sit upon rocks, 让我们俩闲坐大石之上

Seeing the shepherds feed their flocks, 静观放牧的人们餵食群羊

By shallow rivers to whose falls悦耳的鸟鸣回荡浅水的溪湄

Melodious birds sing madrigals. 和著水声如牧歌般悠扬

And I will make thee beds of roses让我为你铺好玫瑰的花床

And a thousand fragrant poises, 配上千枝花束倾吐馨香

A cap of flowers, and a kirtle让我献上花饰的小帽一顶

Embroidered all with leaves of myrtle; 加上绣满桃金娘叶的短裳

A gown made of the finest wool一件极品羊毛编织的长裙

Which from our pretty lambs we pull; 来自我们可爱的小羊身上

Fair lined slippers for the cold, 一双便鞋衬里厚实足以过冬

With buckles of the purest gold; 鞋扣由纯金打造绝不虚诳

A belt of straw and ivy buds, 稻草与长春藤嫩芽编成的腰带

With coral clasps and amber studs; 有珊瑚环扣与玛瑙钉饰增彩

And if these pleasures may thee move, 如果这些喜乐能让你心动

Come live with me, and be my love. 请与我同栖,为我最爱

The shepherds's swains shall dance and sing俊俏的牧人会群起歌舞徘徊

For thy delight each May morning: 只为让你在五月的晨光中开怀

If these delights thy mind may move, 如果这些欢悦能让你青睐

Then live with me and be my love. 请与我同栖,为我最爱



The poetry started out with a direct initiation. The speaker showed his purpose clearly, which is asking the woman he admired to be his lover. The following stanza showed a picture on what he would promise if she accepts to be his love. There was a heavenly like scene in the picture, he imagined them sitting upon the rocks, watching the other busy shepherd who had to work hard, and they relaxed themselves by listening to the

birds' singing, and seeing the river falls. The shepherd also ensured her that he is willing to do whatever it takes to please her. This could be seen from the line 9~18. He made promises on difficult mission such as making bed of roses, thousand fragrant posies, and leaves of myrtle, coral clasps and amber studs…ext. From line 19, it responded to the idea of the first stanza that is to persuade the woman to be his love and to live with him. The repeating sentences "come live with me and be my love," may work as the function of emphasizing, and expression of eagerness.

Speaker and Listener

The speaker is a passionate shepherd. He promises to his love a fanciful, and somehow an unrealistic future. The shepherd does not rank high in the society; he is probably not wealthy at all. However, he is a very poetic person, he that imply possible proposal in the poetry. This statement is seen from words such as bed, slipper, and kirtle. Those daily used subjects in the family. The listener in this poetry is the shepherd's lover. There are no clues on her personality or appearance.
