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Questions 62 to 66 are based on the following passage.

Being sociable looks like a good way to add years to your life. Relationships with family, friends, neighbours, even pets, will all do the trick, but the biggest longevity (长寿) boost seems to come from marriage or an equivalent relationship. The effect was first noted in 1858 by William Farr, who wrote that widows and widowers (鳏夫) were at a much higher risk of dying than their married peers. Studies since then suggest that marriage could add as much as seven years to a man’s life and two to a woman’s. The effect holds for all causes of death, whether illness, accident or self-harm.

Even if the odds are stacked against you, marriage can more than compensate. Linda Waite of the University of Chicago has found that a married older man with heart disease can expect to live nearly four years longer than an unmarried man with a healthy heart. Likewise,

a married man who smokes more than a pack a day is likely to live as long as a divorced man w ho doesn’t smoke. There’s a flip side, however, as partners are more likely to become ill or die in the couple of years following their spouse’s death, and caring for a spouse with mental disorder can leave you with some of the same severe problems. Even so, the odds favour marriage. In a 30-year study of more than 10,000 people, Nicholas Christakis of Harvard Medical School describes how all kinds of social networks have similar effects.

So how does it work? The effects are complex, affected by socio-economic factors, health-service provision, emotional support and other more physiological (生理的) mechanisms. For example, social contact can boost development of the brain and immune system, leading to better health and less chance of depression later in life. People in supportive relationships may handle stress better. Then there are the psychological benefits of a

supportive partner.

A life partner, children and good friends are all recommended if you aim to live to 100. The ultimate social network is still being mapped out, but Christakis says: “People are interconnected, so their health is interconnected.”

1.William Farr’s study and other studies show that _________.

[A] social life provides an effective cure for illness

[B] being sociable helps improve one’s quality of life

[C] women benefit more than men from marriage

[D] marriage contributes a great deal to longevity

2. Linda Waite’s studies support the idea that _________.

[A] older men should quit smoking to stay healthy

[B] marriage can help make up for ill health

[C] the married are happier than the unmarried

[D] unmarried people are likely to suffer in later life

3. It can be inferred from the context that the “flip side” (Line 4, Para. 2) refers to _________.

[A] the disadvantages of being married

[B] the emotional problems arising from marriage

[C] the responsibility of taking care of one’s family

[D] the consequence of a broken marriage

4. What does the author say about social networks?

[A] They have effects similar to those of a marriage.

[B] They help develop people’s community spirit.

[C] They provide timely support for those in need.

[D] They help relieve people of their life’s burdens.

5. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

[A] It’s important that we develop a social network when young.

[B] To stay healthy, one should have a proper social network.

[C] Getting a divorce means risking a reduced life span.

[D] We should share our social networks with each other.









1.Where are you from?

2. what do you like to do in your spare time? Why?

3. Between subway, bus, taxi, which way of transportation do you prefer? Why




The output of cotton went up by 20%.


The output value of chemical fertilizer in the first quarter was 18% above that of the same period in 1975.


My view is that young people should be encouraged to broaden their horizons.



1.Where are you from?

I’m from a small city, called Yuncheng which is in Liaoning province.

2. what do you like to do in your spare time? Why?

In my spare I tend to go shopping with my mom. Every time when we go out, it is always

very pleasant. We both will buy a lot clothes. 3. Between subway, bus, taxi, which way of transportation do you prefer? Why

In my point of view,I prefer subway as my way when I go out. Because subway is the most p unctual way in this city. If I take bus, It’ll take at least 30 mins more.


环球雅思学校入学测试题(B) READING READING PASSAGE 1 Questions 1-4 Read the following notice. Using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS form the passage answer the questions below. 1. You are in room 101. Which staircase should you use to evacuate the building? 2. You are in room 201. Where should you wait outside after evacuating the building?

3. What should you do if the alarm stops? 4. Who should you contact if you discover a fire? Reading passage 2 Living Expenses--A Guide for Overseas Students 1 In the mid-1990s it is estimated that a student living alone requires on average $12,000 in living expenses for each year of study. Of course, these costs increase with time. 2 Upon arrival, students should have funds in excess of the average to cover the cost of textbooks and establishment expenses such as rental bond payment and basic furniture items. The amount spent on food, recreation, and entertainment expenses will vary according to requirements, budget, and location. 3 Those who are prepared to live in shared accommodation, which may not be suitable for all, might manage on $10,000 per year. It is preferable for overseas students whose English is in need of practice to take advantage of live-in situations with native-speakers whenever possible. However, sharing with friends who are easy to communicate with is probably more sensible at first. 4 The above figures do not include the cost of large non-essential items such as household equipment or a car. Owning and maintaining a motor vehicle is expensive in Australia. Insurance is compulsory and costly, and parking both on and of campus can be a problem requiring additional expense. It is not advisable for a student to own a car unless it is absolutely necessary. A reasonable second-hand car can cost in excess of $4000 5 Educational institutions are almost always serviced by reliable public transport. The university and college campuses within the major cities are well served by public busses. In addition, the larger cities have extensive train systems. For example, in Sydney, most college and university campuses are only 10 or 20 minutes from a rail station. 6 The summer vacation requires special financial planning. Expenses for this period must be carefully estimated and added to costs for the academic year in order to give a realistic total figure for the calendar year. They are not included in the estimated $10,000-$12,000 previously quoted. University eating facilities, and some university and college housing facilities, close during this time. As a general rule, international students should expect to spend at least as much on monthly living expenses during the summer as they do during the academic year. 7 Under present immigration regulations, international students are allowed to work up to 20 hours during term time and full-time during vacation. It is impossible for students to expect to


08年7月12上地实验分班数学(时间一小时,满分120分) 1、(5分)除数和商都是29,则被除数是 2、(5分)根据下列数的规律,在横线上填上适当的数: ,12,5 ,,40,33,26 ,61,54 3、(5分)将下列各数由小到大排列,并且用“<”连接 ? ?73.1,%138,? 73.1,11 4 1,??373.1 答: 4、计算下列各题(写出计算过程,每小题6分) (1))1000 11()100111()200711()200811(-?-??-?-Λ (2)9 88]4.0433)3225.1[(2531÷-÷++ 5、请将下面等边三角形按要求分割成若干个形状和大小都一样的三角 形 (每小题3分) (1)分成2个 (2)分成3个 (3)分成4个 (4)分成6个 6、(9分)四川地震,抢险队员步行去深山村寨救援. 第一小时走了全程的30%,第二小时比第一小时多走了3千米,又走了15千米才到达村寨. 抢险队员从出发到村寨共走了多少千米?(写出解答过程) 7、(9分)右图中阴影部分的面积是 平方厘米(π取3.14) 8、(9分)四川地震形成的一个堰塞湖经过测量20天后水位将达到坝 的顶端,为了延长时间转移下游群众,开辟了一个泄洪渠道向外排水,这样可使水位到达坝顶推迟到30天,那么每天泄出水量是流入湖中水量的几分之几?(写出解答过程) 9、(9分)如图,梯形ABCD 中,AD BC 2=, E 、 F 分别为BC 、AB 的中点. 连接EF 、FC . 若三角形EFC 的面积为a ,则梯形ABCD 的面积是

10、(9分)右图是一个箭靶,二人比赛射箭. 甲射了5箭,一箭落入A圈,三箭落入B圈, 一箭落入C圈,共得30环;乙也射了5箭, 两箭落入A圈,一箭落入B圈,两箭落入C圈, 也得30环. 则B 圈是环 11、(9分)有一堆棋子,排列成n n?的正方形方阵,多余出3只棋子;如果在这个正方形方阵横纵两个方向各增加一行,则缺少8只棋子. 则这堆棋子有只. 12、(9分)如图,A圈内是42的约数,B圈内是56的约数,C圈内是63的约数,请在图中适当的位置上填上符合要求的数 13、(9分)一个圆柱体的容器的底部放着一块正方体铅块,现在打开 水龙头向容器内注水. 15秒钟时水恰好没过铅块的上表面, 又过了1分半钟,水注满了容器. 若容器的高度是24厘米, 铅块高度是6厘米,则容器底面积是多少平方厘米?(写出 解答过程) 14、(9分)现在父母年龄的和是他们几个子女年龄和的6倍,两年前父母年龄的和是他们几个子女年龄和的10倍,六年后父母年龄的和是他们几个子女年龄和的3倍. 那么这两位父母应该有几个子女?现在父母年龄的和是多少岁?(写出解答过程) 08年7月12上地实验分班数学答案: 1、841 2、47 , 19 3、% 138 7 3.1 7 3.1 3 7 3.1 11 4 1< < < < ? ? ? ? ? 4、2008 999 5、 5 1 1 6、(1)45 %) 30 2 1( ) 15 3(= ? - ÷ +, (2)设全程为x千米,则 x x x= + + +15 )3 % 30 ( % 30, 45 = x 7、107 8、每天入水量是 20 1 ,则每天的出水 量是 60 1 30 1 20 1 = -,出水量是入水量


1.本分级测试主要检测学生英语水平和语言能力,为英语教学分 班提供依据,也为教师教学提供参考,望同学们认真答题,体现自己真实水平。 2. 本测试时长共60分钟,测试对速度有一定要求,同学们可合理分配答题时间。(单词:15分钟;语法:20分钟;听力:10分钟;阅读:15分钟) 3.听力题目请用耳机收听,直接扫描二维码即可。 4. 请将所有答案(除单词题)写在最后一页答题纸上。

A1 drive (v.) ________________ among (prep.) ________________ plant (n.) ________________ bottom (n.) ________________ doctor (n.) ________________ A2 appointment (n.) ________________ attractive (adj.) ________________ classical (adj.) ________________ prepare (v.) ________________ repair (v.) ________________ B1 ambition (n.) ________________ antique (adj.) ________________ complain (v.) ________________ decrease (v.) ________________ interrupt (v.) ________________ B2 abolish (v.) ________________ confusion (n.) ________________ indicate (v.) ________________ exotic (adj.) ________________ submit (v.) ________________ C1 declaration (n.) ________________ collaborate (v.) ________________ hospitality (n.) ________________ deteriorate (v.) ________________ discriminate (v.) ________________


内江六中2019届分班考试题 语文 (考试时间90分钟,共100分) 一、积累与运用。(共30分) 1、下列各组词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一组是() A、辜.负(gū)创.伤(chuàng)柏.树(bǎi)奉若神.明(shén) B、时弊.(bì)透露.(lòu)杂.费( zhá)亡羊补.牢(bǔ) C、冷酷.(kù )劳驾.(jià)复述.(shù)屏.声静气(píng) D、厦.门(xià)特殊.(shū)谋.取(móu)囫囵.吞枣(lún) 2、下列各组词语中,加点字的读音完全正确的一组是() A、赈.灾(zhèn)笙.歌(shēng)求证.(zhèng)无懈.可击(xiè) B、培训.(xùn )空隙.(xì)挑拣.(jiǎn)垂涎.欲滴(dàn ) C、别致.(zhī)橱.窗(chú)横.行(hèng)安之若素.(sù) D、沏.茶(qiē)商贸.(mào)思慕.(mù)鞭辟.入里(bì) 3、下面各组词语中,汉字书写不完全正确的一组是() A、修炼贪婪无所适从雨后春笋 B、钦佩支吾心腹之患顶天立地 C、翡翠天骄百折不挠初生牛犊 D、原料徘茴转弯抹角不厌其烦 4、下面句子加点词语使用正确的一项是() A、袁隆平是我国家喻户晓 ....的人。 B、天气炎热,他有一种奇思妙想 ....,想到水里游泳。

C、下课铃一响,他上气不接下气 ......地跑出教室。 D、花坛里,玫瑰花像霜打了的茄子 ......,开得娇艳美丽。 5、下列句子修辞辨析不正确的一项是() A、群鸭以他为圆心围成一个圈,好像给他站岗。(比拟) B、这里四季如画,春天花木欣欣向荣,夏季海滩阳光灿烂,深秋树木艳丽多彩,冬日冰雪充满神奇。(排比) C、太阳刚刚收威,人们就又下地了,麦收不等人呢。(比喻) D、古城墙的风光难道不是很值得我们喜爱吗?(反问) 6、在下文括号内,依次填入下列词语,最恰当的一项是() 书籍是人类进步的(),书籍是人成长的良师益友,与智者(),向圣人(),从他人的经历中取得经验教训,从前人的论述中获得启迪,赢得智慧,增长()。 ①阶梯②对话③阅历④讨教 A、①④③② B、①②④③ C、②③④① D、③②④① 7、下列表述有误的一项是() A、《猴王出世》选自《西游记》,作者吴承恩。《西游记》是一部古典神魔小说。 B、《水浒传》的作者是施耐庵,李逵的心粗胆大,率直忠诚,鲁达的谦恭,武松的勇武利落,心思精细,林冲的忍让,宋江的粗中有细、仗义刚正,吴用的足智多谋,无不让人如见其人,如闻其声。 C、丝绸之路是古代横贯亚欧的通道,它东起我国汉唐古都长安,往西一直延伸到罗马。出使西域的张骞,投笔从戎的班超,西天取经的玄奘的一些故事都和这条道路有关。 D、契诃夫是19世纪末俄国伟大的批判现实主义作家,其代表作《变色龙》《套中人》堪称俄国文学史上精湛而完美的艺术珍品。 8、下列没有语病的一项是()


ENTRY TEST PAPER 入学测试试卷 综合能力 学生姓名(Name): 学生年龄(Age): 测试老师(Consultant): 测试成绩(Grade): 测试日期(Date):

为了全面提高英语能力,夯实英语基础是广大考生的必经之路,同时,也为今后参加雅思、托福等语言考试提供了坚实的支撑,使学生的海外求学之路更加顺利通畅。综合能力入学测试从词汇应用、语法体系、阅读能力及基础写作技能等方面为学生进行全面的 语言基础能力及应用能力的诊断,为制定个性化的学习规划提 供有效的依据以确保学生在每个阶段的学习效果。 考试说明 此测试的题目均为一线教师精心设计,在做题过程中如果感到有压力和难度,是正常现象,请放松心态,发挥正常水平。我们将根据你的测试成绩以及反馈提供最专业并个性化的学习方案。 考试时间和分数分配 Section Time Score V ocabulary10mins 30 Grammar 15mins 26 Reading 10mins 16 Translation 10mins 28 Total 45mins 100

Vocabulary 英汉互译:(每小题1分,共30分) Part 1 1.prefer _____________ 2.direction _____________ 3.hire _____________ 4.fight _____________ 5.silent _____________ 6.全球的(形容词)_____________ 7.开车(动词) _____________ 8.不同意(动词)_____________ 9.舒服的(形容词)_____________ 10.品味(名词)______________ Part 2 11.creative _____________ 12.separate _____________ 13.passion _____________ 14.serious _____________ 15.responsibility _____________ 16.传统的(形容词)____________ 17.考虑(动词) ____________ 18.提供(动词)____________ 19.挑战(动词)____________ 20.任务(名词)____________ Part 3 21.unique ____________ 22.resist ____________ 23.phenomenal ____________ 24.subordinate ____________ 25.interaction ____________ 26.有规律的的(形容词)_________ 27.滥用、虐待(动词) _________ 28.促进、升职(动词)_________ 29.金融、财政(名词)_________ 30.经济实惠的(形容词)________


2014年小升初分班考试数学模拟试卷(含答案) 考生须知: ●本试卷分试题卷和答题卷两部分,满为100分,考试时间60分钟 ●答题时,请在答题卷的密封区内写明原毕业学校校名、学籍号、班级和姓名 ●所有答案都必须做在答题卷规定的位置上,注意试题序号与答题序号相对应 ●考试结束后,上交试题卷和答题卷 一、认真思考,对号入座(23%) 1.(2分)我们赖以生存的地球,他的表面积约是五亿一千零六万八千平方千米,这个数写作_________ 平方千米,省略“亿”后面的尾数是_________ 平方千米. 2.(2分)_________ :200=14÷_________ = _________ %==0.35. 3.(2分)比_________ 多30%的数是390,24的比_________ 少12.4.(2分)给一个正方形的边长增加10%,周长增加______ %,面积增加_______ %. 5.(2分)A÷B=5(A、B是自然数),A、B的最大公约数是____ ,最小公倍数是______ . 7. (2分)某商场利用“买四赠一”搞促销,实际上说现价比原价降低_________ %,就是打_________ 折. 8.(1分)在推导圆的面积公式时,将圆等分成若干份,拼成一个近似的长方形,已知长方形的长比宽多10.70厘米,圆的面积是_________ 平方厘米. 9.(1分)小明今天生日,同学们送他2本影集,每本影集的长3分米,宽1.8分米,厚3厘米,将两本影集包装在一起,至少要_________ 平方分米的包装纸.(接头处不计) 10.(1分)在比例尺为50:1的图纸上,量得一种精密零件的长为20厘米,这种零件的实际长度是_________ 厘米.


雅思考试全题模拟试题(1) Listening TIME ALLOWED: 30 minutes NUMBER OF QUESTION: 40 Instruction You will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to check you work. All the recordings will be played ONCE only. The test is in four sections. Write your answers in the listening question booklet. At the end of the test you will be given ten minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet. Now turn to Section 1 on page 2. SECTION 1 Question1-9 Question 1-6 Listen to conversation between friend and the housing officer and complete the list below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR NUMBERS for each answer. HOUSING LIST HOUSING LIST Address Number of rooms Price per week Additional information Mr. J Devenport 82Salisbury Road Brighton BN 16 3 AN Tel 01273 884673 2 bedrooms sitting room kit. bath Example £120 Unfurnished Mrs E.S. Jarvis2Wicken Street Brighton BN 15 4JH Tel 01273 771621 (1) sitting room kit.bath (2) First floor Mrs. E.C. Sparshott 180Silwood Road Brighton BN 14 9RY Tel (3) 2 large rm/s shared kit and bath £35 Nice area (4) Mr A Nasiry 164 Preston Road Brighton BN5 7RT Tel 01273 703865 large bedroom sitting room with kitchenette.bath. (5) Ground floor Central (6) 2 harrow Road Brighton BN9 9HK Tel 01273 745621 2 large rooms kit bath £86 No pets Questions 7-9 Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer 7.When is the accommodation available? 8.Where is the telephone? 9.How is the flat heated? SECTION 2 Questions 10-20


小升初重点中学分班测试题及答案 1(清华附中考题)10名同学参加数学竞赛,前4名同学平均得分150分,后6名同学平均得分比10人的平均分少20分,这10名同学的平均分是________分. 2(西城实验考题)某文具店用16000元购进4种练习本共6400本。每本的单价是:甲种4元,乙种3元,丙种2元,丁种1.4元。如果甲、丙两种本数相同,乙、丁两种本数也相同,那么丁种练习本共买了_________本。 3(人大附中考题)某商店想进饼干和巧克力共444千克,后又调整了进货量,使饼干增加了20千克,巧克力减少5%,结果总数增加了7千克。那么实际进饼干多少千克? 4(北大附中考题)六年级某班学生中有1/16的学生年龄为13岁,有3/4的学生年龄为12岁,其余学生年龄为11岁,这个班学生的平均年龄是_________岁。 5 (西城外国语考题)某个五位数加上20万并且3倍以后,其结果正好与该五位数的右端增加一个数字2的得数相等,这个五位数是__________。 6(北京二中题)某自来水公司水费计算办法如下:若每户每月用水不超过5立方米,则每立方米收费1.5元,若每户每月用水超过5立方米,则超出部分每立方米收取较高的定额费用,1月份,张家用水量是李家用水量的2/3,张家当月水费是17.5元,李家当月水费27.5元,超出5立方米的部分每立方米收费多少元? 7(人大附中考题)用1~9可以组成______个不含重复数字的三位数:如果再要求这三个数字中任何两个的差不能是1,那么可以组成______个满足要求的三位数. 8(首师附中考题)有甲、乙、丙三种商品,买甲3件,乙7件,丙1件,共需32元,买甲4件,乙10件,丙1件,共需43元,则甲、乙、丙各买1件需________元钱?


科目名称:广东第二师范学院考查试卷 (A) 2013-2014学年1学期 考试有关事项说明 考试日期:2013年12月17 日(星期二) 答题时间:90 分钟。 考试地点:楼c401 室 考试形式:闭卷 一、单项选择题(每小题 2 分,共 20 分) 1、I wondered what her ____ to the news would be. A) impression B) reaction C) comment D) opinion 2. T om is not very clever, but he is the most ____ pupil in the class. A) industrious B) indulgent C) industrial D) indifferent 3. Young children easily ____ words that their parents frequently use. A) put up B) turn up C) bring up D) pick up 4.American women were ____ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle. A) ignored B) neglected C) denied D) refused 5.There was a large crowd of demonstrators ____ against the war. A) protecting B) preserving C) protesting D) prosecuting 6. All ____ is a continuous supply of the basic necessities of life. A) what is needed B) the thing needed C) which is needed D) that is needed 7. The factory has ____several workers because of the drop in sales. A) laid off B) laid out C) laid aside D) laid down 8. There were no tickets ____ for Friday’s performance. A) applicable B) approachable C) attainable D) available 9.I’m afraid I will have to ____her invitation to the party. A) refuse B) refute C) ignore D) decline 10.If you don’t work hard, you are bound to fall behind others, ____ smart you might be. A) whatever B) though C) whatsoever D) however 二、阅读理解题(每小题2分,共24 分) Rogue theory of smell gets a boost 1. A controversial theory of how we smell,which claims that our fine sense of odour depends on quantum mechanics,has been given the thumbs up by a team of physicists. 2. Calculations by researchers at University College London (UCL) show that the idea that we smell odour molecules by sensing their molecular vibrations makes sense in terms of the physics involved. 3. That's still some way from proving that the theory,proposed in the mid-1990s by biophysicist Luca Turin,is correct. But it should make other scientists take the idea more seriously. 4. "This is a big step forward," says Turin,who has now set up his own perfume company Flexitral in Virginia. He says that since he published his theory,"it has been ignored rather than criticized." 5. Most scientists have assumed that our sense of smell depends on receptors in the nose detecting the shape of incoming molecules,which triggers a signal to the brain. This molecular


101中学小升初分班考试试题(数学) (时间一小时,满分120分) 1.(5分)除数和商都是29,则被除数是__________. 【答案】841 【解析】 2.(5分)根据下列数的规律,在横线上填上适当的数: 5,12,__________, 26,33,40,__________, 54,61 【答案】19 47 【解析】 3.(5分)将下列各数由小到大排列,并且用“<”连接 1.37 ,138%,1.37 ,4111 ,1.373 答:__________. 【答案】41 1.373 1.37 1.37138%11 <<<< 【解析】 4.计算下列各题(写出计算过程,每小题6分) (1)111111112008200710011000????????-?-??-?- ? ? ? ????????? , (2)32381 1.5230.4825349????++÷-÷ ??????? . 【答案】9992008 115 【解析】 5.请将下面等边三角形按要求分割成若干个形状和大小都一样的三角形(每小题3分) (1)分成2个 (2)分成3个 (3)分成4个 (4)分成6个 【答案】 【解析】 6.(9分)四川地震,抢险队员步行去深山村寨救援,第一小时走了全程的30%,第二小时比第一小 时多走了3千米,又走了15千米才到达村寨,抢险队员从出发到村寨共走了多少千米?(写出解 答过程) 1() 分成2个 2() 分成3个3() 分成4个4() 分成6个

【答案】45 【解析】(1)(315)(1230%)45+÷-?=, (2)设全程为x 千米,则 30%(30%3)15x x x +++=,45x =. 7.(9分)下图中阴影部分的面积是__________平方厘米(π取3.14). 【答案】107 【解析】 8.(9分)四川地震形成的一个堰塞湖经过测量20天后水位将达到坝的顶端,为了延长时间转移下游 群众,开辟了一个泄洪渠道向外排水,这样可使水位到达坝顶推迟到30天,那么每天泄出水量是 流入湖中水量的几分之几?(写出解答过程). 【答案】见解析 【解析】每天入水量是 120,则每天的出水量是111203060-=, 出水量是入水量的11160203 ÷=. 9.(9分)如图,梯形ABCD 中,2BC AD =,E 、F 分别为BC 、AB 的中点.连接EF 、FC .若三 角形EFC 的面积为a ,则梯形ABCD 的面积是__________. 【答案】6a 【解析】 10.(9分)下图是一个箭靶,二人比赛射箭,甲射了5箭,一箭落入A 圈,三箭落入B 圈,一箭落入 C 圈,共得30环;乙也射了5箭,两箭落入A 圈,一箭落入B 圈,两箭落入C 圈,也得30环.则 B 圈是__________环. D A B E F


雅思入学测试笔试试卷 Vocabulary I Choose the most suitable answer to complete the following sentences. 1 It was not a serious accident; the car needs only some ________ repairs. A major B secondary C minor D primary 2 With the population explosion, scientists will have to ________ new methods of increasing the world’s food supply. A lead to B carry out C come up with D stick to 3 The airplane arrived one hour behind ________. A timetable B plan C date D schedule 4 Television keeps us informed about ________ events and the latest developments in science and politics. A current B fashionable C brand-new D previous 5 At the beginning of this semester, our history professor ________ a list of books for us to read. A singled out B fished out C passed out D made out 6 The police investigation discovered that three young men were ________ in the armed robbery. A caught B involved C connected D tightened 7 Only guests of the hotel enjoy the ________ of using the private beach. A privilege B possibility C favor D advantage


2009年某名校七年级新生测试卷 一、选择题:(每小题2分,共20分) 1、1.6945四舍五入到百分位得到的近似值是( A )A 、1.69 B 、1.70 C 、1.690 D 、1.700 2、加工99个零件,合格率最多达到( D )A 、9% B 、90% C 、99% D 、100% 3、下列年份中是闰年的是( C )A 、2006 B 、2007 C 、2008 D 、2009 4、某同学X 分钟可以制作b 朵小花,以同样的速度2分钟可以做出( B )朵这样的小花。 A 、2b x B 、2b x C 、12 D 、2b x 5、任意向上掷3次硬币,有2次正面向上,1次反面向上,那么第4次掷硬币时正面向上的可能性是(C ) A 、14 B 、13 C 、12 D 、大于1 2 6、某班50名学生参加英语考试,平均分为63分,其中男生平均60分,女生平均70分,男生比女生多(B )人。A 、25 B 、20 C 、15 D 、10 7、下面节日在同一季度的是(A ) A 、劳动节、儿童节、青年节 B 、妇女节、清明节、建军节 C 、重阳节、教师节、国庆节 D 、春节、元宵节、端午节 8、在5×5的方格中A 、B 为两个格点,请再选一个格点C ,使△ABC 的面积为2平方单位,点C 的位置共有(A )种。 A 、 2 B 、 3 C 、 4 D 、 5 B A 9、用两个等腰直角三角形(大、小不一定相同),拼成一个四边形,它不可能是(C )。 A 、 正方形 B 、 直角梯形 C 、 平行四边形 D 、 等腰梯形 10、一条输电线路最多能同时经3台空调供电,某公司在4个房间(共用一条输电线路)里各安装了一台空调。想一想,在每天25小时里,平均每个房间可以使用空调最多( D )小时。 A 、 6 B 、 8 C 、 16 D 、 18 二、填空题:(每小题3分,共30分) 1、1.26小时=__小时__分__秒。


2019 年雅思考试巩固预测试题及答案Sun's fickle heart may leave us cold 25 January 2007 From New Scientist Print Edition. Stuart Clark 1 There's a dimmer switch inside the sun that causes its brightness to rise and fall on timescales of around 100,000 years - exactly the same period as between ice ages on Earth. So says a physicist who has created a computer model of our star's core. 2 Robert Ehrlich of George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia, modelled the effect of temperature fluctuations in the sun's interior. According to the standard view, the temperature of the sun's core is held constant by the opposing pressures of gravity and nuclear fusion. However, Ehrlich believed that slight variations should be possible. 3 He took as his starting point the work of Attila Grandpierre of the Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In 2005, Grandpierre and a collaborator,


Enrollment Test Listening Module Name___________________ SECTION 1 Questions 1-10 Questions 1-4 Circle the correct letters A-C. Example Which course is the man interested in? A. English B. Mandarin C. Japanese 1. What kind of course is the man seeking? A. Daytime B. Evenings C. Weekends 2. How long does the man want to study? A. 12 weeks B. 6 months C. 8 months 3. What proficiency level is the student? A. Beginner B. Intermediate C. Advanced 4. When does the man want to start the course? A. March B. June C. September Questions 5-10 Complete the form. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer. Language Centre Client Information Card Name: Richard 5………………………………………… E-mail address: 6……………………………@https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f813020780.html, Date of birth: 7 (1980) Reason for studying Japanese: 8……………………………………Specific learning needs: 9……………………………………………Place of previous study (if any): 10……………………………………


小升初数学:2019年育英学校小升初分班考 试真题 编者导语:对于六年级的学生来说,你们已经步入了小学的最后阶段了,在备考复习中,我们要务必保证各类基础题型逢做必对,为了达到这个目标,数学网整理了2019年育英学校小升初分班考试真题,助同学们考试复习一臂之力,同时祝愿同学们顺利考入理想学校。 (本试卷满分100分,时间8:00~9:10) 一、填空题:(每空1分,共20分) 1、一个九位数,最高位上的数字是最大的一位数,十万位和百位上的数字都是1,万位上的数字是5,其余各位上的数字都是0,这个数写作, 读作,省略万后面的尾数记作约。 2、5吨40千克=吨,2.15小时=小时分。 3、4=0.8=%=成。 4、A=223,B=2222,A和B的最大公约数是,最小公倍数是。 5、把2米长的钢管平均锯成5段,每段是这根钢管的,每段长为。 6、五个数3.14、1、、125%和中,最大的是,相等的两个数是和。 7、如果0.6x=y(x不等于0),那么x:y=,y比x少百分之。

8、一个圆的周长是31.4厘米,以它的一条直径为底边,在圆内画一个最大的三角形,这个三角形的面积是平方厘米。(取3.14)。 9、完成一项工程,原计划要10天,实际每天工作效率提高25%,实际用天可以完成这项工程。 二、选择题:(把正确的答案的序号填在括号里,每小题1分,共5分) 10、组成角的两条边是。 A、直线 B、射线 C、斜线 11、如果把两个数的积由265.4改变为2.654,那么只需把其中一个因数。 A、缩小10倍 B、扩大100倍 C、缩小100倍 12、一个真分数的分子、分母都加上5,所得分数的值比原分数的值。 A、大 B、小 C、不变 13、在比例尺是1:1000000的图纸上,量得一块长方形地的长是4厘米,宽2。5厘米,这块地的实际面积是。 A、1000平方千米 B、100平方千米 C、10平方千米 14、利用半径为5厘米的圆形纸片剪一个面积最大的正方形,此正方形的面积为。 A、60平方厘米 B、55平方厘米 C、50平方厘米 三、判断题:(对的打,错的打,每小题1分,共5分)

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