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王静怡,丁璐,魏玲,王丽洁,夏虹.降膜式MVR蒸发器用于再造烟叶萃取液浓缩的工程应用? 23?Engineering Application of Falling - film MVR Evaporator for

Concentration of Reconstituted Tobacco Extract

WANG Jing-Yi,DING Lu,WEI Ling,WANG Li -jie,XIA Hong

(Anhui T e a Leaf Reconstituted L t d.,Co. B e n g b u 233000, China)

Abstract :This article introduces the principle and the structure of the falling -film M V R evaporator and outlines its engineering application for reconstituted tobacco extract concentration process. Falling - film M V R evaporator

has merits of a high degree of automation and smooth operation and its m o d e of low - temperature evaporation benefits the preservation of thermosensitive substances in reconstituted tobacco. T h e evaporator also has excellent

energy conservation effect compared to those traditional ones due to its recycling of secondary steam.

Key words :M V R evaporator ;concentrating evaporation ;reconstituted tobacco



高溥院长参加教育部现代职业教育发展推进会和中国职教学会 国际合作交流工作委员会成立大会暨2016年学术年会12月11日,中国职业技术教育学会国际合作交流工作委员会成立大会在福州隆重召开。中国职业技 术教育学会常务副会长、秘书长刘占山先生、教育部职业与成人教育司综合处处长刘宏杰先生出席成立大会 并发表重要讲话。来自全国各地的124所大中专院校共300余人参加了成立大会。我院被推选为国际合作 交流工作委员会常务理事单位,高溥院长被推选为常务理事。

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