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8. USA Culture

8. USA Culture
8. USA Culture

USA Culture

I. Multiple Choice

1. In America the academic year lasts nine months, from September to _____, with winter and spring vocations.

A. July

B. June

C. August

2. In elementary schools, courses for children include the following except _____.

A. reading, writing

B. social courses

C. foreign languages

D. sciences, art and music

E. cooking or other manual skills

3. The American teachers’ pay and prestige are _____ in comparison with the general standard of living.

A. high

B. low

C. almost the same

4. There are over _____ universities, colleges and other institutions in the United States.

A. 2,000

B. 2,500

C. 3,000

5. Today more than _____ of all the private colleges have some kind of church connection.

A. 1/3

B. 1/2

C. 1/5

6. The library in _____ was the first private library in the US.

A. Harvard College

B. Yale College

C. College of New Jersey

7. The first public library was founded in 1731 in _____.

A. Boston

B. Philadelphia

C. Chicago

8. At present America has more than _____ free public libraries.

A. 6,000

B. 5,000

C. 7,000

9. VOA Radio Station was established in _____.

A. 1924

B. 1934

C. 1894

10. All the newspapers and magazines in America are _____ owned.

A. publicly

B. privately

C. locally

11. _____ is the winter sport in American schools and colleges.

A. Football

B. Basketball

C. Baseball

12. It was the _____ immigrants in the mid-19th century who introduced skiing into the United States.

A. Scandinavian

B. Dutch

C. French

13. 101 American people won the Nobel Prize after _____.


B. Civil War


14. At the end of WWII the art centre of the world moved from _____ to the new world.

A. Paris

B. London

C. Berlin

15. The famous story _____ helps Washington Irving earn great fame in the literary world.

A. “Rip Van Winkle”

B. “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow”

C. “The Adventures of a German Student”

16. _____ is regarded as the father of detective stories.

A. Mark Twain

B. Edgar Allan Poe

C. Herman Melville

17. _____ is the first writer in America to win the Nobel Prize in literature.

A. Sinclair Lewis

B. Saul Bellow

C. Ernest Hemingway

18. Yale University was founded in _____.

A. 1701

B. 1746

C. 1749

19. The greatest American playwright is _____.

A. Arthur Miller

B. Eugen e O’Neil

C. Robert Frost

20. _____ belonged to the Lost Generation.

A. Ernest Hemingway

B. Wilt Whitman

C. Tennessee Williams

21. The most popular sport in America is _____.

A. baseball

B. basketball

C. football

22. After his death a bust of Henry Wad sworth Longfellow was placed in the poet’s corner of _____.

A. Westminster Abbey

B. camp of Cambridge University

C. Oxford University

23. For his work, _____ was honoured “The Harlem Laureate”.

A. Robert Frost

B. Langston Hughs

C. Walt Whitman

24. Art hur Miller’s Masterpiece is _____.

A. Death of a Salesman

B. The Crucibe

C. The Price

25. _____ is the earliest university in America.

A. Harvard

B. Yale

C. Rhode Island

26. _____ serves as a bridge which connects secondary schools and universities.

A. Four-year college

B. Two-year college

C. College of arts and science

27. Junior college in America is _____.

A. two years

B. three years

C. four years

D. five years

28. _____ is closely associated with the Rockefeller Interest Group.

A. New York Times

B. Washington Post

C. Los Angeles Times

29. The tuition in a private college is _____.

A. high

B. rather high

C. quite low

D. tolerable

30. In America about _____ of the universities and colleges are private.

A. 1/2

B. 1/3

C. 1/4

D. 1/5

31. Hawthorne is a famous American writer in _____ fiction.

A. romantic

B. realistic

C. Jewish

D. southern

32. The most influential newspapers are the following except _____.

A. New York Times

B. Washington Post

C. Los Angeles Times

D. Wall Street Journal

33. Readers’ Digest is a _____ magazine which is published in 15 languages and 39 editions.

A. weekly

B. monthly

C. biweekly

D. triweekly

34. The major wire services in America are the following except _____.

A. the Associated Press

B. the United Press International

C. the Columbia Broadcasting System

35. From 1901 to 1978, 117 Americans won the Nobel Prize, holding _____ of the world Nobel Prize winners.

A. half

B. one-third

C. one-fourth

36. Blues is a music of strong rhythm, which was originally sung by _____.

A. Negroes

B. Indians

C. Europeans

37. The Father of American literature was _____.

A. Mark Twain

B. Washington Irving

C. Walt Whitman

D. Jack London

II. Fill in the Blanks

1. American children usually begin their school at the age of _____.

2. An elementary school teacher must have a _____ degree of arts with a major in education.

3. _____, one of the most famous universities in the world, was founded in 1686.

4. About _____ percent of the high school graduates can be admitted by universities or colleges.

5. There are four grades in universities. They are freshmen, _____, junior and senior.

6. About _____ of all the colleges and universities are private.

7. A department consists of faculty members raging from full professors to _____.

8. The tuition in a _____ college is very high.

9. The Library of _____ is the largest public library in the U.S.

10. The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library is in _____ Park, New York.

11. The academic degrees in America are the Bachelor’s, the _____ and the Doctor’s degrees.

12. VOA Radio Station is in the city of _____.

13. In 1965 the U.S.A launched the first communication space satellite “_____ _____”.

14. The major wire services in America are the _____ Press and the United Press International.

15. The popular magazine _____ _____ has the largest circulation in the world.

16. VOA now sends news to the whole world in _____ languages day and night.

17. _____ is the most popular game in autumn.

18. Wrestling, boxing, horseracing are called _____ sports.

19. The Dutch introduced _____ into the New York areas in the 17th century.

20. In the year _____ the first satellite was launched in America.

21. From 1901 to 1978 there are 117 people in America won the _____ Prize for the research of natural science.

22. The Metropolitan Museum and other two museums located in the city of _____ _____.

23. Gilbert Stuart is considered America’s first great _____.

24. _____ is the earliest and the best film studio in America.

25. Gone with the Wind was the best known of all _____ films.

26. In 1915 the first major feature film Birth of a _____ was made.

27. Before the 1960’s many _____ had not been given the right to receive education.

28. The American children usually graduate from high school at the age of _____.

29. A high school teacher usually has majored in the field of his special interest and in addition, he must have a _____ arts degree in education.

30. The University of _____ has more than 128,000 students.

31. The students who are working for a bachelor degree are called _____.

32. Today about 5 million men and more than 3 million women attend colleges and universities, of which about _____ percent are coeducational.

33. Two-year college were originally called “_____ colleges”, but now they are called “_____ colleges”.

34. A four-year college is often called a “_____ _____ college” or a “college of _____ and _____”.

35. One of the measurements for an undergraduate in academic progress is credit or “credit hours”, or “_____”.

36. VOA has _____ broadcasting stations, sending news to the whole world in _____ languages day and night.

37. The first music in the American colonies was _____ music.

38. Jazz music developed out of the music of the early American _____.

39. _____ _____ was considered the father of American literature.

40. Hawthorne’s best novel is The _____ _____.

41. _____ _____ is the pen name of Samuel L. Clements.

42. Whitman is remembered for his poems The _____ of _____.

43. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is considered _____ _____’s masterpiece.

44. Ernest Hemingway belonged to the _____ generation.

45. The best novel written by Theodore Dreiser is “_____ _____ _____”.

46. The novel Martin Eden was written by _____ _____.

47. _____ _____ became pessimistic and committed suicide at the age of 40.

48. The two main successful novels written by Sinclair Lewis are “_____ _____” and “_____”.

49. “_____ _____ _____ _____ _____” earned Ernest Hemingway a Nobel Prize in literature.

III. Define the Following Terms

1. credit

2. The Library of Congress

3. spectator sports

4. Jazz music

5. VOA

IV. Answer the Following Questions

1. What do American schools lay emphasis on?

2. What are the characteristics of American literature during the 17th and 18th centuries?






36. AB

1. 6












13.Early Bird

14.Associated 15.Readers’ Dig est







22.New York











33.Junior, Community

34.liberal arts, arts, science





39.Washington Irving

40.Scarlet Letter

41.Mark Twain

42.Leaves, Grass

43.Mark Twain


45.The American Tragedy 46.Jack London

47.Jack London

48.Main Street, Babbit

49.The Old Man and the



美国在线学校排名标准 随着美国留学的低龄化发展,越来越多的学生走上了高中申请的道路,如何选择适合的高中也成为家长和学生共同关注的问题。搜索高中最直接的方法可能就是查看高中排名,然而稍稍在网上做一些研究就会发现,高中的排名五花八门,既有公立高中的,也有走读高中的,还有寄宿制高中的,既有全国的,也有州内的,还有学区内的,甚至连一些小型培训机构都在发布自己统计的高中排名,没有一个官方标准。 一、美国新闻与世界报道排名榜 除了每年公布大学榜单外,美国的一些媒体也对全美的两万多所公立高中进行评估分析,发布全国和各州的最佳高中榜单,其中表现最优的500所高中获得金牌荣誉。此排名主要依据在校学生三种层面上的表现,首先是全校学生在本州的阅读和数学会考中的整体成绩情况,是否超出州平均水平,其次会看弱势群体学生,最后会按照高三年级参加AP/IB等高阶课程的人数比例以及统考成绩计算出“大学预备绩效指数”,综合三项表现的得分最终确认出最佳高中。除了发布综合排名外,此榜也提供针对“基础理科教育”和“重点高中”的金牌学校专项排名。 此榜单仅考察美国公立高中,对申请交流项目或在美有监护人的学生和家长而言参考价值更高。对大多数申请美国私立高中得中国学生不适合。 二、BoardingschoolReview排名 在选择寄宿制私立高中时,一个经常被引用的排名就寄宿学校评论对300余所寄宿制高中进行统计分析发布的榜单。

该榜单不设学校综合排名榜,而是按照在校生人数、寄宿学生比例、国际学生比例、学费水平、获得资助的学生比例、平均课堂人数、师生人数比例、持有最高学历的教师人数占比、捐赠规模、录取难度、课外活动、体育项目、AP等高级课程开设量、SAT平均成绩、SSAT平均成绩以及学校历史等十余项指标分别发布榜单,其中最能体现学校的学术质量的指标应该是AP课程、SAT平均成绩、SSAT平均成绩,以及录取率等。 该榜单根据考核指标的统计结果将学校分在不同等级,同一等级的学校按首字母排列,不再进行等级内排名,因此学校并不存在排名第一或者第二之说。家长选择时更多是看根据某种考核指标学校处于哪个级别。 总体来说,优秀的学校在核心指标排名中越靠前。全美排名第四的欧桥国际学院已经成功登录国内了。 三、PrepReview排名 如同国内重点高中会非常强调毕业生的985大学录取率和一本通过率一样,美国高中的毕业生走向也是对学校进行评估时的一项关键指标,PrepReview排名就是专门针对常青藤大学入学率和HYMPS录取率所发布的榜单。PrepReview每年会按照学校类别,公布前30名寄宿制高中榜单,前30名走读高中榜单,和前50名私立高中综合榜单,排名依据为学校近五年来录取至最顶尖大学的学生比例情况,在此榜的统计中显示,毕业生里42%的学生被常青藤盟校录取,17%的学生进入五大名校,成绩相当显赫,学校内部竞争的激烈程度也可想而知。


2011AMC10美国数学竞赛A卷时间:2021.03.03 创作:欧阳学 1. A cell phone plan costs $20 each month, plus 5¢per text message sent, plus 10¢ for each minute used over 30 hours. In January Michelle sent 100 text messages and talked for 30.5 hours. How much did she have to pay? (A) $24.00(B) $24.50(C) $25.50(D) $28.00(E) $30.00 2. A small bottle of shampoo can hold 35 milliliters of shampoo, Whereas a large bottle can hold 500 milliliters of shampoo. Jasmine wants to buy the minimum number of small bottles necessary to completely fill a large bottle. How many bottles must she buy? (A) 11(B) 12(C) 13(D) 14(E) 15 3. Suppose [a b] denotes the average of a and b, and {a b c} denotes the average of a, b, and c. What is {{1 1 0} [0 1] 0}? (A)(B)(C)(D)(E) 4. Let X and Y be the following sums of arithmetic sequences: X= 10 + 12 + 14 + …+ 100. Y= 12 + 14 + 16 + …+ 102. What is the value of ?


2010年度《财富》美国500强公司名单 排名公司名称(中英文) 营收(百万 美元) 利润(百万 美元) 1沃尔玛(Wal-MartStores)408,21414,335 2皇家壳牌(RoyalDutchShell)285,12912,518 3埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)284,65019,280 4英国石油公司(BP)246,13816,578 5丰田汽车(ToyotaMotor)204,1062,256 6日本邮政控股(JapanPostHoldings)202,1964,849 7中国石油化工股份有限公司(Sinopec)187,5185,756 8中国国家电网(StateGrid)184,496-343 9安盛集团(AXA)175,2575,012 10中国石油天然气集团公司(ChinaNationalPetroleum)165,49610,272 11雪佛龙(Chevron)163,52710,483 12荷兰国际集团(INGGroup)163,204-1,300 13通用电气(GeneralElectric)156,77911,025 14道达尔(Total)155,88711,741 15美国银行(BankofAmericaCorp。)150,4506,276 16大众汽车(V olkswagen)146,2051,334 17康菲石油(ConocoPhillips)139,5154,858 18法国巴黎银行(BNPParibas)130,7088,106 19忠利保险(AssicurazioniGenerali)126,0121,820 20安联集团(Allianz)125,9995,973 21美国电话电报公司(AT&T)123,01812,535 22家乐福(Carrefour)121,452454 23福特汽车(FordMotor)118,3082,717 24埃尼集团(ENI)117,2356,070 25摩根大通(J.P.MorganChase&Co。)115,63211,728 26惠普(Hewlett-Packard)114,5527,660 27意昂集团(E.ON)113,84911,670 28伯克希尔哈撒韦(BerkshireHathaway)112,4938,055 29法国燃气苏伊士集团(GDFSuez)111,0696,223 30戴姆勒(Daimler)109,700-3,670 31日本电报电话公司(NipponTelegraph&Telephone)109,6565,302 32三星电子(SamsungElectronics)108,9277,562 33花旗集团(Citigroup)108,785-1,606 34麦克森公司(McKesson)108,7021,263 35韦里孙通讯公司(VerizonCommunications)107,8083,651 36法国农业信贷银行(CreditAgricole)106,5381,564 37桑坦德银行(BancoSantander)106,34512,430 38通用汽车(GeneralMotors)104,5890 39汇丰控股(HSBCHoldings)103,7365,834 40西门子(Siemens)103,6053,097


2011AMC10美国数学竞赛A卷 1. A cell phone plan costs $20 each month, plus 5¢ per text message sent, plus 10¢ for each minute used over 30 hours. In January Michelle sent 100 text messages and talked for 30.5 hours. How much did she have to pay? (A) $24.00 (B) $24.50 (C) $25.50 (D) $28.00 (E) $30.00 2. A small bottle of shampoo can hold 35 milliliters of shampoo, Whereas a large bottle can hold 500 milliliters of shampoo. Jasmine wants to buy the minimum number of small bottles necessary to completely fill a large bottle. How many bottles must she buy? (A) 11 (B) 12 (C) 13 (D) 14 (E) 15 3. Suppose [a b] denotes the average of a and b, and {a b c} denotes the average of a, b, and c. What is {{1 1 0} [0 1] 0}? (A) 2 9(B)5 18 (C)1 3 (D) 7 18 (E) 2 3 4. Let X and Y be the following sums of arithmetic sequences: X= 10 + 12 + 14 + …+ 100. Y= 12 + 14 + 16 + …+ 102. What is the value of Y X ?


2017年世界500强(完整榜单) 获悉:最新的《财富》世界500强排行榜于北京时间2017年7月20日晚发布。其中前十名为沃尔玛、国家电网公司、中国石油化工集团公司、中国石油天然气集团公司、丰田汽车公司、大众公司、荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司、伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司、苹果公司、埃克森美孚。 2017年世界500强(完整榜单) 排名公司名companyname营收(百万美元)利润(百万美元)国家1沃尔玛WAL-MART STORES48587313643美国2国家电网公司STATE GRID315198.69571.3中国3中国石油化工集团公司SINOPEC GROUP2675181257.9中国4中国石油天然气集团公司CHINA NATIONAL PETROLEUM262572.61867.5中国5丰田汽车公司TOYOTA MOTOR25469416899.3日本6大众公司VOLKSWAGEN240263.85937.3德国7荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司ROYAL DUTCH SHELL2400334575荷兰8伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY22360424074美国9苹果公司APPLE21563945687美国10埃克森美孚EXXON MOBIL2050047840美国11麦克森公司MCKESSON1985335070美国12英国石油公司BP186606115英国13联合健康集团UNITEDHEALTH GROUP1848407017美国14CVS Health公司

CVS HEALTH1775265317美国15三星电子SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS173957.319316.5韩国16嘉能可GLENCORE1738831379瑞士17戴姆勒股份公司DAIMLER1694839428.4德国18通用汽车公司GENERAL MOTORS1663809427美国19美国电话电报公司AT T16378612976美国20EXOR集团EXOR GROUP154893.6651.3荷兰21福特汽车公司FORD MOTOR1518004596美国22中国工商银行INDUSTRIAL COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA147675.141883.9中国23美源伯根公司AMERISOURCEBERGEN146849.71427.9美国24中国建筑股份有限公司CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING144505.22492.9中国25安盛AXA143722.36446法国26亚马逊https://www.wendangku.net/doc/fa11735370.html,1359872371美国27鸿海精密工业股份有限公司HON HAI PRECISION INDUSTRY135128.84608.8中国28中国建设银行CHINA CONSTRUCTION BANK135093.334840.9中国29本田汽车HONDA MOTOR129198.45690.3日本30道达尔公司TOTAL1279256196法国31通用电气公司GENERAL ELECTRIC1266618831美国32威瑞森电信VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS12598013127美国33日本邮政控股公司JAPAN POST HOLDINGS122990.3-267.4日本34安联保险集团ALLIANZ122195.97611.5德国35康德乐CARDINAL HEALTH1215461427美国36好市多COSTCO


美国在线时代华纳的财务舞弊案 2000-1-10美国在线与时代华纳宣布合并 世纪并购虚拟的网络世界与传统的有形媒体合作 融有线电视、书报杂志、影视娱乐、影像出版与互联网络于一体 标志着新经济与旧经济由相互排斥走向优化整合 当天,时代华纳股票涨25.31美元,涨幅39%,收盘价90.06美元。 合并以换股方式进行,美国在线和时代华纳以各自的股票换取美国在线时代华 纳公司股票。 2001-1-11 合并宣告正式完成 时代华纳的历程: 时代历程—— 1918:卢斯和哈登在军营诞生了创立《时代》杂志的灵感 1922:成立时代公司 1923:《时代》杂志正式发行 1930:《财富》杂志正式发行 1936:《生活》杂志正式发行 1974:《人民》杂志正式发行 华纳历程—— 1918:华纳兄弟在好莱坞日落大道开办了西海岸电影工作室 1927:出品了第一步同步录音电影,后来,创办了:家庭影院、影院剧场、唱片公司 1989——时代公司与华纳公司合并组建了时代华纳公司 2000末,时代华纳公司资产512亿美元,营业收入273亿美元,利润20亿美元,市值1100亿美元。 美国在线的历程: 1985:凯斯等三个音乐家创办了量子电脑服务公司 1992:发行200股,在纳斯达克上市

1994:更名为美国在线 1996:移到纽约证交所上市 1998:收购了竞争对手电脑服务公司 2000末:用户2700万个,营业收入77亿,利润12亿,市值1330亿 2001末,美国在线时代华纳:员工89000人,营业收入382亿,资产2000亿。 按141号财务会计准则《企业合并》要求,必须用购买法反映该项收购。按合并时的股价计算,收购成本1470亿,减去时代华纳账面净资产179亿和负债增值后,形成商誉1100亿,加上合并前2家公司原有的商誉,合计商誉1300亿。 2001末,摊销商誉67亿,公司亏损49.2亿。 2002年,按142号财务会计准则《商誉及其他无形资产》计提商誉减值准备989亿,公司亏损986.96亿。商誉余额369.86亿,占总资产32%,无形资产占总资产70.32%,未计提989亿减值前,无形资产占总资产84.02%。 2002-7-18/19《华盛顿邮报》发表三篇文章,揭露合并前的财务舞弊。 7/18:首席运营官COO彼特曼辞职, 7/24:SEC对在线网络精力的会计问题展开调查。 7/31:司法部对会计问题材展开调查 8/9:股东向美国在线时代华纳提出民事诉讼 11/18 :加州教师退休基金将其告上法庭 2003-1-12:美国在线创始人凯斯辞去在线时代华纳董事长之职。 美国在线的财务舞弊—— 一、 1994—1996: 美国在线采取了激进的市场营销策略和实施不限上网次数的固定月费制,使订户大量增加,但同时出现网络容量不足和大量客房流失,增加的收入不足以弥补,为吸引客房而增加的市场营销支出,将市场营销成本作为递延资产,摊销期由12个月延长到18个月,再到24个月。如果不是这样,94、95、96三个会计年度(4/1-3/31)连亏。1996年,美国在线宣布一次性注销3.85亿市场营销成本。 目的:盈利吸引注资满足投资饥渴症的需要。

2018年美国数学竞赛 AMC 试题

2018 AIME I Problems Problem 1 Let be the number of ordered pairs of integers with and such that the polynomial can be factored into the product of two (not necessarily distinct) linear factors with integer coefficients. Find the remainder when is divided by . Problem 2 The number can be written in base as , can be written in base as , and can be written in base as , where . Find the base- representation of . Problem 3 Kathy has red cards and green cards. She shuffles the cards and lays out of the cards in a row in a random order. She will be happy if and only if all the red cards laid out are adjacent and all the green cards laid out are adjacent. For example, card orders RRGGG, GGGGR, or RRRRR will make Kathy happy, but RRRGR will not. The probability that Kathy will be happy is , where and are relatively prime positive integers. Find . Problem 4 In and . Point lies strictly between and on and point lies strictly between and on so that . Then can be expressed in the form , where and are relatively prime positive integers. Find . Problem 5 For each ordered pair of real numbers satisfying there is a real number such that

2019AMC 8(美国数学竞赛)题目

2019 AMC 8 Problems Problem 1 Ike and Mike go into a sandwich shop with a total of to spend. Sandwiches cost each and soft drinks cost each. Ike and Mike plan to buy as many sandwiches as they can and use the remaining money to buy soft drinks. Counting both soft drinks and sandwiches, how many items will they buy? Problem 2 Three identical rectangles are put together to form rectangle , as shown in the figure below. Given that the length of the shorter side of each of the smaller rectangles is feet, what is the area in square feet of rectangle ?

Problem 3 Which of the following is the correct order of the fractions , , and , from least to greatest? Problem 4 Quadrilateral is a rhombus with perimeter meters. The length of diagonal is meters. What is the area in square meters of rhombus ? Problem 5 A tortoise challenges a hare to a race. The hare eagerly agrees and quickly runs ahead, leaving the slow-moving tortoise behind. Confident that he will win, the hare stops to take a nap. Meanwhile, the tortoise walks at a slow steady pace for the entire race. The hare awakes and runs to the finish line, only to find the tortoise already there. Which of the following graphs matches the description of the race, showing the distance traveled by the two animals over time from start to finish?


2003 AMC 10B 1、Which of the following is the same as 2、Al gets the disease algebritis and must take one green pill and one pink pill each day for two weeks. A green pill costs more than a pink pill, and Al’s pills cost a total of for the two weeks. How much does one green pill cost 3、The sum of 5 consecutive even integers is less than the sum of the rst consecutive odd counting numbers. What is the smallest of the even integers 4、Rose fills each of the rectangular regions of her rectangular flower bed with a different type of flower. The lengths, in feet, of the rectangular regions in her flower bed are as shown in the gure. She plants one flower per square foot in each region. Asters cost 1 each, begonias each, cannas 2 each, dahlias each, and Easter lilies 3 each. What is the least possible cost, in dollars, for her garden 5、Moe uses a mower to cut his rectangular -foot by -foot lawn. The swath he cuts is inches wide, but he overlaps each cut by inches to make sure that no grass is missed. He walks at the rate of feet per

美国哈希HACH 在线TOC

供应美国哈希HACH 在线TOC(总有机碳) 品牌HACH 型号1950Plus 类型水质在线分析仪 典型应用 1950Plus TOC 分析仪是专为自来水中TOC监测和去除率计算而设计的。符合标准方法5310C和EPA方法415.1。 仪器特点 ●自动稀释功能,自动校正,自动清洗 ●连续流动分析 ●双通道采样分析 ●手动抓样分析 ●可以采用氮气或空气做载气(通过气体净化器) ●自动诊断,无水样、无试剂、无气体报警 ●符合USEPA415.1,standard methods 5310C, ISO8027标准分析方法 分析原理 仪器采用紫外光/过硫酸盐氧化法。 样品首先被酸化,使水中的总无机碳(TIC)氧化成二氧化碳;再用载气将二氧化碳吹出;然后在水样中加入过硫酸盐,用紫外光(UV)进行氧化,此时水中总有机碳(TOC)被完全氧化成二氧化碳;再用载气将二氧化碳带入红外检测器(NDIR)检测二氧化碳浓度,换算出TOC浓度。

技术参数 测量范围: 0~5mg/L至0~20,000mg/L 多个测量量程; 响应时间:T90≤8分钟;T20≤3分钟 准确度:不稀释情况下,读数的±2%;稀释情况下,读数的±4%; 检出下限:25℃时,测量范围0 ~5mg/L时,≤0.015mg/L ; 进样条件: 0.15~6bar(2~87psig);流速,25~200mL/min;温度,2~70℃室内条件:温度 5~40 °C;湿度:在31 °C时,最大相对湿度80%;在40℃时,相对湿度50%; 数据通讯: RS232/RS485串行端口(选配);模拟输出:两路4~20mA 电源要求: 115/230V交流,50/60Hz 仪器规格: 54kg ,981 ×675×20 mm

2020年度美国数学竞赛AMC12 A卷(带答案)

AMC2020 A Problem 1 Carlos took of a whole pie. Maria took one third of the remainder. What portion of the whole pie was left? Problem 2 The acronym AMC is shown in the rectangular grid below with grid lines spaced unit apart. In units, what is the sum of the lengths of the line segments that form the acronym AMC Problem 3 A driver travels for hours at miles per hour, during which her car gets miles per gallon of gasoline. She is paid per mile, and her only expense is gasoline at per gallon. What is her net rate of pay, in dollars per hour, after this expense?

Problem 4 How many -digit positive integers (that is, integers between and , inclusive) having only even digits are divisible by Problem 5 The integers from to inclusive, can be arranged to form a -by- square in which the sum of the numbers in each row, the sum of the numbers in each column, and the sum of the numbers along each of the main diagonals are all the same. What is the value of this common sum? Problem 6 In the plane figure shown below, of the unit squares have been shaded. What is the least number of additional unit squares that must be shaded so that the resulting figure has two lines of symmetry


八下历史选择题专题练习 1.新中国成立后,农民翻了身,成为土地的主人,主要是因为 A 完成土地改革 B 实现农业合作化 C 掀起“大跃进”运动 D 发动人民公社化运动 3.我国第一部社会主义性质的宪法颁布于 A .1949年 B .1953年 C .1954年 D .1982年 4.西藏和平解放后,党和政府十分关心西藏的社会经济发展。下图是西藏 人民欢庆青藏公路通车的场面,青藏公路修建成功是在 A .第一个五年计划期间 B .大跃进时期 C .改革开放以后 D .文革时期 5.1958年,严重损害农民利益,影响他们建设社会主义积极性的错误决定 是 A 进行整风运动 B 开展“批林批孔”运动 C 发动人民公社化运动 D 开展反“右倾”斗争 6.追溯历史,在社会主义道路的探索时期,我国涌现出许多杰出人物,右 图人物便是其中之一。他是 A .邱少云 B .邓稼先 C .焦裕禄 D .王进喜 7.把毛泽东思想、邓小平理论写进党章,确定为党的指导思想的会议分别 是 A .中共一大 中共七大 B .中共七大 中共十五大 C .中共一大 中共十四大 D .中共七大 中共十四大 8.右边是摄于1971年的一次重要国际会议的珍贵照片《乔的笑》,照片中的 “乔冠华”是盐城籍名人。当时乔冠华开怀大笑的原因是 A .新中国恢复在联合国合法席位 B .万隆会议圆满成功 C .中美关系实现正常化 D .APEC 会议在上海成功召开 9.为纪念周恩来总理诞辰110周年,2008年3月5日,泰安市某中学初二. 三班的四位同学分别发表了演讲。甲说:“周恩来领导了南昌起义,打 响了武装反抗国民党反动派的第一枪。”乙说:“周恩来参与了西安事变的和平解决,为抗日民族统一战线的初步形成做出了重要贡献。”丙说:“周恩来在重庆谈判中提出了‘和平共处五项原则’。”丁说:“周恩来在万隆会议上提出了‘求同存异’的方针。”其中有一位同学的演讲有知识性错误。他是 A .甲 B .乙 C .丙 D .丁 10.2008年5月,中国国民党主席吴伯雄率团访问大陆,他表示:在“九二共识” 的基础上,搁置争议、求同存异、创造双赢。祖国大陆提出解决台湾问题的基本方针是


做大不等于做强——美国在线-时代华纳合并失败分析 摘要:2000年1月,美国在线与时代华纳宣布合并组建世界最大的跨媒体集团,人们惊羡地称之为传媒界的“超级航母”。有人说,美国在线为时代华纳装上了腾飞的羽翼,时代华纳则成为美国在线飞跃的发动机。可两年间,这艘“超级航母”就难以浩荡世界,甚而还显示出随时沉没的兆头。美国在线-时代华纳从令人称羡的“美满婚姻”演变为“失败的婚姻”。本文通过对两年以来美国在线-时代华纳集团的分析,试图找出其中缘由。 一、美国在线-时代华纳合并过程 2000年1月10日,互联网新贵美国在线 (America Online) 宣布以1810 亿美元收购老牌传媒帝国时代华纳 (Time Warner),成立美国在线—时代华纳公司。这是美国乃至世界历史上最大的一宗并购案,所有形式的媒体都被整合到全球最大的媒体公司之中。美国在线成立于1985年5月,是当时全美最大的一家因特网服务提供商。时代华纳为当时世界最大的传媒集团。 当时,无论是媒体业还是网络业都普遍看好这种新旧媒体结合的模式。人们普遍认为,网络公司需要具有吸引力的内容,而传统媒体则需要互联网这个 21 世纪最具潜力的新媒体平台,美国在线和时代华纳的合并代表了传媒业未来的发展方向:渠道服务商和内容供应商的结合方式,意味着传统与现代产业相融合的可能。然而,看似光明的前景却被曲折的合并之路所取代。 然而美国时间2003年9月18日,美国在线-时代华纳公司董事会投票一致决定,从“美国在线-时代华纳”这个名字中去掉“美国在线(AOL)”字样,将公司名称改为“时代华纳”,恢复了2000年宣布与美国在线合并前的老名字。尽管目前公司尚无出售或分派美国在线资产的考虑,但单从品牌的角度看,美国在线被“除名”意味着这一品牌的没落和两个品牌联合的失败。 二、美国在线-时代华纳存在的主要问题 (一)巨额亏损。 美国在线时代华纳公司在截至2002年3月3日的财政年度里出现了542.2亿美元的大幅亏损,创下了美国历史上季度亏损的最高纪录。虽然美国经济不景


2016年世界500强企业榜单(最新版)中国企业入围的数量再次刷新纪录,达到110家。 排名去 年 公司名称 (中英文) 营业收入 百万美元 利润 百万美元 国家 1 1 沃尔玛(WAL-MART STORES) 482130 14694 美国 2 7 国家电网公司(STATE GRID) 329601. 3 10201. 4 中国 3 4 中国石油天然气集团公司(CHINA NATIONAL PETROLEUM) 299270.6 7090.6 中国 4 2 中国石油化工集团公司(SINOPEC GROUP) 294344.4 3594.8 中国 5 3 荷兰皇家壳牌石油公司(ROYAL DUTCH SHELL) 27215 6 1939 荷兰 6 5 埃克森美孚(EXXON MOBIL) 246204 16150 美国 7 8 大众公司(VOLKSWAGEN) 236599.8 -1519.7 德国 8 9 丰田汽车公司(TOYOTA MOTOR) 236591.6 19264.2 日本 9 15 苹果公司(APPLE) 233715 53394 美国 10 6 英国石油公司(BP) 225982 -6482 英国 11 14 伯克希尔-哈撒韦公司(BERKSHIRE HATHAWAY) 210821 24083 美国 12 16 麦克森公司(MCKESSON) 192487 2258 美国 13 13 三星电子(SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS) 177440.2 16531.9 韩国 14 10 嘉能可(GLENCORE) 170497 -4964 瑞士 15 18 中国工商银行INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL BANK OF CHINA 167227.2 44098.2 中国 16 17 戴姆勒股份公司(DAIMLER) 165800.2 9344.5 德国 17 35 联合健康集团(UNITEDHEALTH GROUP) 157107 5813 美国 18 30 CVS Health公司(CVS Health) 153290 5237 美国 19 19 EXOR集团(EXOR GROUP) 152591 825.3 意大利 20 21 通用汽车公司(GENERAL MOTORS) 152356 9687 美国 21 27 福特汽车公司(FORD MOTOR) 149558 7373 美国 22 29 中国建设银行(CHINA CONSTRUCTION BANK) 147910.2 36303.3 中国 23 33 美国电话电报公司(AT&T) 146801 13345 美国 24 11 道达尔公司(TOTAL) 143421 5087 法国 25 31 鸿海精密工业股份有限公司(HON HAI PRECISION INDUSTRY) 141213.1 4627.1 中国 26 24 通用电气公司(GENERAL ELECTRIC) 140389 -6126 美国 27 37 中国建筑股份有限公司(CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING) 140158.8 2251.3 中国 28 46 美源伯根公司(AMERISOURCEBERGEN) 135961.8 -134.9 美国 29 36 中国农业银行(AGRICULTURAL BANK OF CHINA) 133419.2 28734.9 中国 30 41 威瑞森电信(VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS) 131620 17879 美国 31 12 雪佛龙(CHEVRON) 131118 4587 美国 32 22 意昂集团(E.ON) 129277.3 -7763.8 德国 33 20 安盛(AXA) 129249.6 6230.8 法国 34 32 安联保险集团(ALLIANZ) 122947.8 7339 德国 35 45 中国银行(BANK OF CHINA) 122336.6 27185.5 中国 36 44 本田汽车(HONDA MOTOR) 121624.3 2869.9 日本 37 38 日本邮政控股公司(JAPAN POST HOLDINGS) 118762.1 3548.3 日本


2. is the value of friends ate at a restaurant and agreed to share the bill equally. Because Judi forgot her money, each of her seven friends paid an extra $ to cover her portion of the total bill. What was the total bill is in the grade and weighs 106 pounds. His quadruplet sisters are tiny babies and weigh 5, 5, 6, and 8 pounds. Which is greater, the average (mean) weight of these five children or the median weight, and by how many pounds number in each box below is the product of the numbers in the two boxes that touch it in the row above. For example, . What is the missing number in the top row

and his mom stopped at a railroad crossing to let a train pass. As the train began to pass, Trey counted 6 cars in the first 10 seconds. It took the train 2 minutes and 45 seconds to clear the crossing at a constant speed. Which of the following was the most likely number of cars in the train fair coin is tossed 3 times. What is the probability of at least two consecutive heads Incredible Hulk can double the distance he jumps with each succeeding jump. If his first jump is 1 meter, the second jump is 2 meters, the third jump is 4 meters, and so on, then on which jump will he first be able to jump more than 1 kilometer is the ratio of the least common multiple of 180 and 594 to the greatest common factor of 180 and 594 11. Ted's grandfather used his treadmill on 3 days this week. He went 2 miles each day. On Monday he jogged at a speed of 5 miles per hour. He walked at the rate of 3 miles per hour on Wednesday and at 4 miles per hour on Friday. If Grandfather had always walked at 4 miles per hour, he would have spent less time on the treadmill. How many minutes less 12. At the 2013 Winnebago County Fair a vendor is offering a "fair special" on sandals. If you buy one pair of sandals at the regular price of $50, you get a second pair at a 40% discount, and a third pair at half the regular price. Javier took advantage of the "fair special" to buy three pairs of sandals. What percentage of the $150 regular price did he save

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