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1、考词义。尽管题上给出应填词的汉语意思,但英语与汉语并不总是一一对应,同样汉语意思的单词会有多个,到底哪个更恰当,更符合整个句子的意思?这就要考生弄清同义词及中英文之间的差异。例如,He is_______(认为)to be my best friends .许多考生看见汉语提示就认定填think.如果仔细分析一下,这里应填considered;又如____(看)from the hill, our school looks more beautiful.考卷中写look, looking, watch, watching ,seeing 的较多。此句的主语是our school,所以这里应填see 的过去分词形式seen,该词在句子开头,应大写。为此,老师在复习中要总结归纳一种意思多种表达及其区别,整理各种惯用法,固定搭配,供考生复习使用。

2、考词性,考词形。单词拼写不仅考查学生的拼写能力,更重要的是考察考生综合运用语言的能力。我们只有在语境中理解语义,根据上下文逻辑关系才能确定该词的正确形式。如You had better drive_______(小心点),the roads are wet .我们知道be careful 有小心点的意思,但仔细分析可知,该词修饰谓语,所以要用副词形式carefully.又如,He finally ________(成功)in passing the driving test after failing three times.分析句子得知,这个词在句子中做谓语动词,但是填succeed并不正确,此句时态为过去时,应填succeeded.

3、考拼写.许多考生单词记不准,往往出现字母顺序颠倒、多字母、少字母或误用字母的现象,影响得分。有时不发音字母也影响单词拼写。例如把Christmas写成Chrismas;luckily写成luckly;convenient写成convinient,;fortunately写成fortunatly.所以平时记单词时,要结合读音规则来记,对容易出错的地方用彩色笔划出来,或记住特征。也可以用解剖记忆法帮助记忆单词。例如,season含sea和son, fever含ever, satisfaction含sat和is和fact. Yesterday含yes,和day.解剖单词,掌握其结构和特点,记单词就会容易得多了。




3、课堂造句,听写。仅仅记住单词拼写与词义是远远不够的。还要注重正确语言和输入和强化。课堂上教师示范例句,学生模仿造句。课后书面翻译单句。早读晚自习坚持听写单词,句子或范文,可让1-2名学生上黑板听写. 同桌互相批改,指定学生上黑板批改纠错。这样有利于学生发现错误,老师及时对典型的错例进行分析,指出错误原因,出示词汇的正确形式,避免常见的拼写错误。





2、分析该词在句子中的成分,起什么作用,由此可以断定其词性。如We have to get the job done______(秘密)。通读全句可知,该词修饰谓语动词,所以要用副词形式secretly.有些考生仅凭句子中的汉语提示就填了这个词的名词形式secret而不能得分。

3、分析影响该词形式的上下文,固定搭配。例如:名词要注意单复数,可数与否。She has bought some______(布料)to make herself a dress.布料为不可数名词,但很多考生根据some填了clothes ,其实这里填cloth 即可。谓语动词要注意人称,数,时态语态等;如The colleges and universities were only for men ,and women were not _______(允许)to attend . 分析句子可知,该词前有were,应该用permit的过去过分词形式permitted。若该词修饰名词代词,则用形容词;如修饰动词,形容词,副词或全句就要用副词等。如The students were listening to the teacher ______(注意地)。分析可知,该词修饰谓语动词,因而用其副词形式attentively.




七下单词拼写练习U2 1.________ (最好的) wishes to you! 2. A q______ past three means the time three fifteen. 3. A dog is s ________ a dangerous animal, but usually it’s a pleasant pet. 4. A g ________ of us went to London for the soccer ball match last month. 5. A q ________ means 15 minutes. 6.After getting d ________, he begins to wash his face and brush his teeth every morning. 7.After running, it feels so comfortable to take a s ________. 8.—After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour. —It’s good e ________. 9.After the heavy rain, the sky became much c ________ and cleaner. 10.All of us know that f ________ and fifty is ninety. 11.As a doctor, he saves lots of l ________ every year. 12.As soon as the alarm went off, he got up and dressed up q ________. 13. B ________ our teeth every morning and evening is very important. 14. B ________ teeth after meals is a good habit. 15.Becky has a really good habit. Before going to bed, she e ________ reads a book or listens to English. 16.Bill b ________ his teeth every day at night before he goes to bed. 17.Bob always gets up e ________ in the morning. 18.Bob gets up e ________ every day, and he never arrives late for class. 19.Bob wasn't late for the movie yesterday. He got there even ten minutes e________ than me. 20.Brush your t ________ before you go to bed. 21.Cleaning the classroom is not difficult. If we do the work every day, we can finish it q ________. 22.Dad stood up q ________ to open the door for mum when the doorbell rings. 23.Do you have lunch at a q ________ past twelve? 24.—Do you know Liu Xiang? —He is a r ________ star. 25.Doctor, there is something wrong with my t ________. I can't eat with them. 26.—Does Bob often e ________, Lucy? —Yes. I see him do some running every day. 27.Doing e________ every morning is a good way to reduce the risk of getting ill. 28.Doing morning e ________ is very important for us. 29.Don’t eat too much candies. It’s not good for your t ________. 30.Don’t forget to b ________ your teeth after meals. 31.Don't leave the water running while brushing our t ________. We should save water. 32. E _______ birds catch worms. 33. E ________ is really important for everyone and good for health. 34. E ________ of the twins is good at singing and dancing. 35. E ________ you or he can go to the concert. I have only one ticket. 36.Eating slowly is good for her health, but she still eats every meal q ________. 37.Elephants are smart animals. They can walk for a long time and n ________ get lost. 38.Every man is a fool s ________, and none at all times. 39.Every morning my brother gets up late and has breakfast q ________, then goes to work. 40. F ________ and fifty is ninety.


中考英语单词拼写习题及答案 单词拼写(一) 1. –What does he look like? –He is of medium h__________. 2. I am very h_______________. I want to buy some food to eat. 3. –How’s the w____________ today? –It’s sunny. 4. Mum often tells us to w___________ hands before each meal. 5. My pen pal is in Japan. He speaks J_____________. 6. Shanghai is a __________________(繁忙的) city. 7. He is a __________________(幸运的) dog. 8. –What would you do if you had a million dollars? –I’d give it to medical _________(研究). 9. English is very________________________ (重要的) and many people enjoy learning it. 10. The people in the ______________ (乡村) are richer than before. 单词拼写(二) 1. I hope____________ you’re feeling better soon. 2. He has a good idea____________ to solve the problem. 3. -What s_ize________ bowl of noodles would you like? -I’d like a large bowl of noodles. 4. There’s a bank__________ near the post office. We can save our money there. 5. Would you mind_________ turning down the radio? The boy is doing his homework. 6. China is a _country____________(国家)with a long history. 7. Most of the teenagers can deal with their problems _easily____________(容易地)now. 8. They are ____friendly_____________(友好的)to each other. 9. His uncle is a ___scientist_____________ (科学家). He works in Beijing. 10. Mr Wang’s __office___________(办公室)is on the fourth floor. 单词拼写(三) 1. It’s impolite to p_oint_____________ at others with chopsticks at table. 2. This is an e_mpty____________ box. Could I have a full one, please? 3. It’s c_old_________ outside. Please put on your coat. 4. Would you mind not making a loud noise___________ here? Your father is sleeping. 5. If we do our homework more carefully, we will make fewer mistakes_______________. 6. Don’t ___waste_________(浪费)any water. We should save it. 7. “ __safety___________(安全)is the first” he said to all the workers. 8. There is a beautiful __garden____________(花园)in front of the tall building. 9. He is neither blind nor ___deaf__________(聋的). He can see and hear anything well.


英语单词直接拼读法及不发音规则1.英语单词读音规则 1.1 辅音字母的读音规则 1.2 辅音字母组合的读音规则 1.3 元音字母在重读音节中的读音规则 1.4 元音字母在非重读音节中的读音规则 1.5 元音字母组合的读音规则 1.6 几个非重读后缀或字母组合的读音规则 2.直接标音符号 2.1 重读符号 2.2 哑音符号 2.3 提醒符号 2.4 四类重读音节符号 2.5 几个直接标音符号 2.6 借用国际音标直接标音

3.英语单词重读规律 ################################################################# ############ 1. 英语单词读音规则 1.1 辅音字母的读音规则 字母读音例词字母读音例词 1.1.1 b /b/ b ed 1.1.2 d /d/ en d 1.1.3 f /f/ f ill 1.1.4 h /h/ h elp 1.1.5 j /?/ j ob 1.1.6 k /k/ mil k 1.1.7 l /l/ l eft 1.1.8 m /m/ m y 1.1.9 n /n/ n et 1.1.10 p /p/ p en 1.1.11 r /r/ r ed 1.1.12 t /t/ le t 1.1.13 v /v/ v ote 1.1.14 w /w/ w e 1.1.15 y /j/ y es 1.1.16 z /z/ z ed 1.1.17 c 在字母e,i,y前读/s/,如c ell,c it'y,c yst; 其余情况下读/K/,如c at,c lub,c ode. 1.1.18 g 在字母e,i,y前读/?/,如g ene,g in,g ym; 其余情况下读/g/,如be g, g olf, g ame. 1.1.19 s 多数情况下读/s/,如s ix,de s k,ye s; 有时读/z/,如i s,hi s,vi s'it(读/z/时可下画一条横线)。 1.1.20 x 处于两元音字母之间,且其后元音重读时,读/gz/,如e x ist'; 其余情况下读/ks/,如si x, ne x t, e x cuse'.


高二英语选修7 Unit 2 Robots 单词拼写练习 1 When I began to sing, he laughed and made me e________________. 2 The minister was a____________ by his secretary to the U.S . 3 My sister’s m_____________ took place at 12 sharp. 4 I don’t e________________ you your jou rney in this bad weather. 5 He is an i____________ writer . 6 The only e_____________ for his behavior is that he’s mad. 7 I d___________ at the meeting that I did not support him 8 We are f________________ opposed to the practice of power politics between nations. 9 He was a____________ from school with a c_______________________. 10 Children are taught to t___________________ their parents with respect. 11 Sometimes, while living in a foreign country, one d__________ a special dish from home. 12 To the s_________________ of his parents , Li Feng was admitted into Hong Kong University this September. 13 David felt very e______________ when he found he didn’t have enough money to pay for the dinner before his friends. 14 The old should be a______________ by somebody when they go out . If not, some of them will get lost. 15 When it was d______________ that the 30th Olympic Games would be held in London in 2012, the whole UK cheered. 16 When asked why he was late for school, Martin only kept silence and gave no e___________________. 17 If you e_______ their success , you must try to your best to work as hard as them. 18 Lang Lang, a world-class young pianist now, was badly hurt when a teacher in Beijing said he had no t_________ for music as he was only nine years old. 19 I have absolutely no s____________ for students who get caught cheating in exams . They should be severely punished. 20 When she started working for them , she was a fairly j________ employee, but she was soon promoted for her hard work and ability. 21How many students are a_____________ today? 22 I must ask you to a_______________ me to the teacher’s office. 23 Everyone should o_________ the public rules of the society. 24 It is a____________________ to believe that the number 13 brings bad luck. 25 We were very excited that we won a v_____________ over the enemy. 26 He is a t____________ (有才能的,天资高的) musician. 27 He thought that it was easy to make up a reasonable ________________ (解释,说明) 28 The story she told about her rich aunt in American was certainly a________________(虚构的事) 。 29 I felt a growing sense of __________(恐慌) when he did not return that night. 30 When her husband died, she received many letters and calls of s____________. 31 His mother is an e_____________ lady, who has had a good education and is always dressed in the latest Paris fashion. 32 Your hair is so long that you’d better go and get a h_____________. 33 One morning his stepmother ________________(陪伴) him to school, which seldom happened and moved him a lot. 34 He likes to sleep with windows closed and _______________ (窗帘) drawn. 35 The old couple have been through a lot together in their 50 years of m_________________. 36 What did he say in e_________________ of his being late for school? 37 After many defeats, our team won its first v______________ last week, which made all of us happy. 38 As a southerner, I found it difficult for me to a_________________ to the cold weather of Harbin.


英语单词直接拼读法 1.英语单词读音规则 1.1 辅音字母的读音规则 1.2 辅音字母组合的读音规则 1.3 元音字母在重读音节中的读音规则 1.4 元音字母在非重读音节中的读音规则 1.5 元音字母组合的读音规则 1.6 几个非重读后缀或字母组合的读音规则 2.直接标音符号 2.1 重读符号 2.2 哑音符号 2.3 提醒符号 2.4 四类重读音节符号 2.5 几个直接标音符号 2.6 借用国际音标直接标音 3.英语单词重读规律 ################################################################# ############ 1. 英语单词读音规则 1.1 辅音字母的读音规则 字母读音例词字母读音例词1.1.1 b /b/ b ed 1.1.2 d /d/ en d 1.1.3 f /f/ f ill 1.1.4 h /h/ h elp 1.1.5 j /?/ j ob 1.1.6 k /k/ mil k 1.1.7 l /l/ l eft 1.1.8 m /m/ m y 1.1.9 n /n/ n et 1.1.10 p /p/ p en 1.1.11 r /r/ r ed 1.1.12 t /t/ le t 1.1.13 v /v/ v ote 1.1.14 w /w/ w e 1.1.15 y /j/ y es 1.1.16 z /z/ z ed 1.1.17 c 在字母e,i,y前读/s/,如c ell,c it'y,c yst; 其余情况下读/K/,如c at,c lub,c ode.

1.1.18 g 在字母e,i,y前读/?/,如g ene,g in,g ym; 其余情况下读/g/,如be g, g olf, g ame. 1.1.19 s 多数情况下读/s/,如s ix,de s k,ye s; 有时读/z/,如i s,hi s,vi s'it(读/z/时可下画一条横线)。 1.1.20 x 处于两元音字母之间,且其后元音重读时,读/gz/,如e x ist'; 其余情况下读/ks/,如si x, ne x t, e x cuse'. 1.1.21 q 读/k/,如Ir?q', NASDA Q (股票名); 常与字母u用在一起, qu 读/kw/, 如qu ick, qu es'tion. 附:英语音标 元音 单元音:i: i e ? ??u ?ɑ: ?: u: ?: 双元音:ei ai ?i ?u au i?e?u? 辅音 浊辅音:b d g ?v ez ?dz m n ?l r j w 请辅音:p t k ? f θs ?ts h ************************************************************************************** ****************************************************** 1.2 辅音字母组合的读音规则 1.2.1 ch,tch 读/?/,如Ch i'na, mu ch;ca tch, ma tch 1.2.2 ph,gh 读/f/,如ph o'to, ph one 1.2.3 sh 读/?/,如sh ape, sh e, sh ort, fi sh 1.2.4 th 多数情况下读/θ/,如th ree, th ird 但有时读/e/ ,如th at, th an, wi th.(读/e/时可下画一线). 1.2.5 wh 在字母o前读/h/,如wh o, wh om, wh ose(其中的字母o读/u:/) ; 其余情况下读/w/,如wh ich,wh en,wh y. 1.2.6 dg,dj 读/?/,如ju dg e,lo dg'ing;a dj ust',a d'j ective. 1.2.7 n 在和字母g构成字母组合时,以及处于读/g/或/k/的字母前(如c, g, k等)读/?/。如 lo ng,thi ng,le ng th;u n'cle,zi n c;a n'gry,fi n'ger;dri n k,thi n k,tha n k. 1.2.8 gu 在元音前读/g/,如gu ess,gu ide,gu est;在字母n后读/gw/,如lan'gu age, distin'gu ish,lin'gu ist. 字母n因为处于/g/音前而读/?/. 1.2.9 两个读同一个音的字母并列时,只读一个,如li t't le,mi ss,hi ll,ho b'b y;clo ck,ne ck,bla ck; sc ene,sc i'ence,sc ythe,e xc ite',e xc ept';a cc ord'ing,a cc use',o cc ur'.


Unit 1 Friendship 1.She usually wears _________(松的)T-shirts in summer. 2.Failing in the examination again ___________ (心烦意乱) her a lot. 3.They are used to living_________(在户外). 4.Living in the suburbs,you may _________(遭受)a little discomfort. 5.He was punished by the school because of his ____________ (作弊)in the exam. 6.Many _________ (青少年)are so crazy about football that they get up to watch football games at midnight. 7.My English is very friendly to us. She often gives us some ________(建议)on learning English. 8.What is the _________(原因)for your absence of yesterday’s meeting? 9.I_________(不同意)with you about this matter. 10.In free time ,he likes _________(遛狗). Unit 2 English around the word 1.He looks handsome and gentle, but _________ (事实上)he is a thief. 2.____________(词汇)and grammar is quite important in English learning. 3. He went to Britain, hoping to learn ___________ (标准的)English there. 4. “____________ ”(公寓)is often used in American English while “flat” is used in British English. 5. Some English people have a strong __________(口音), which adds difficulties to our understanding of them. 6. Many _________ (地铁)have been built in Guangzhou. As a result, people can travel much faster than before. 7. Reading can _________(充实)our mind. 8.He speaks English _________(流利地),you 'd better read more English articles. 9. Earthquakes occur _________(频繁地)in Japan. 10. The manager _________(命令)us finish the task yesterday. Unit 3 Travel Journal 1. If she doesn't want to go,nothing you can say will_________(劝说)her. 2. He is a __________ (固执的)person. Once he has made up his mind, he will not change. 3. Personally,I_________(更喜欢)winter to summer. 4. The goods will be _______(运输)to Hong Kong by ship. 5. I advised him not to join them. ________(最终)he accepted my advice. 6. Your _________(旅行)to the Arctic is a very brave venture. 7. What’s your _______(态度)to wearing jewelry to school. 8. At last we were persuaded to _____________ (骑自行车)around China. 9. Writhing travel ________ (日记)makes you think more and enjoy more. 10. You should buy a life _________(保险)for yourself. Unit 4 Earthquakes 1. Older students were having difficulty in studying and _________(组织)themselves. 2. That place is dirty and _________(发臭的). 3. In the city, the water pipes in some buildings cracked and _______(爆炸). 4. People began to wonder how long the _________ (灾害)would last. 5. _________ (新鲜的)water was taken to the city by train, truck and plane. 6. Everywhere they looked nearly everything was __________(毁坏). 7. The railway tracks were now _______ (无用的)pieces of steel. 8. Without _________ (电),modern life would be very difficult. 9. __________ (判断)from his appearance, the manger must be over fifty. 10. Dead and ________ (受伤的)people lay everywhere after the terrible accident.


M4U2单词拼写 1. I am _________ (高兴)to have been invited to your school to talk to you about the history of the Olympic Games. 2. On no account can we ignore the s_________ of education. 3. The two bears are _________ with each other for food in the river, which is a fierce_________.(竞赛) 4. I feel greatly h_________ to be given such a warm reception. 5. At the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, the People’ s Republic of China returned to the Olympics after 32 years’ a_________. 6. His _________ expression suggests that the news he read just now must be _________(兴奋) 7. Not many people can answer this question at the first a_________. 8. There is a t_________ in our office that when it’s somebody’s birthday,they bring in a cake for us all to share. 9. She wrote a lot of _________ (当代的) music for people like Whitney Houston. 10.The fence marks the b_________ between my land and hers. 11.Our children take d_________ in reading picture-books. 12.It is s_________ that the method is used in scientific studies and actual productions. 13. They signed a secret deal with their main _________(竞赛) 14. We celebrate Mother’ s Day in h_________ of our mothers. 15. I have a terrible headache and will be _________ (缺席)from the office today. 16. In her _________(兴奋), she didn’ t seem to realize that she was sharing the baby’ s photos with a complete stranger. 17. There is no point in _________(尝试)an explanation because he has never listened. 18. They use tankers to t_________ the oil from the Middle East to Los Angeles. 19. My parents lent me the money. O_________, I couldn’ t have afforded the trip. 20. The pilot was w_________ with the controls. 21. Much to our d____________, the day turned out fine. 22. Eating a good diet _________(显著地)lessens the risk of heart disease. 23. He did not particularly want to take up a _________(竞赛) sport. 24. It is an h_________ for me to represent the teenagers to share our opinions about the protection of the environment.


英语单词直接拼读法 一、辅音字母的读音规则 1. c 在字母e,i,y前读,如,'y,; 其余情况下读,如,,. 2. g 在字母e,i,y前读/?/,如,,; 其余情况下读,如, , . 3. s 多数情况下读,如,,; 有时读,如,,'(读时可下画一条横线)。 4. x 处于两元音字母之间,且其后元音重读时,读,如'; 其余情况下读,如, , '. 5.q 读,如?q', (股票名); 常与字母u用在一起, 读, 如 ,'. 附:英语音标 元音 单元音: i: i e ??? u ?ɑ: ?: u: ?: 双元音:?i ?u i? e? u? 辅音

浊辅音:b d g ? v e z ? m n ? l r j w 请辅音:p t k ? f θ s ? h 二、辅音字母组合的读音规则 1. , 读/?/,如', ;, 2. , 读,如', 3. 读 /?/,如, , , 4. 多数情况下读/θ/,如 , 但有时读/e/ ,如 , , .(读/e/时可下画一线). 5. 在字母o前读,如 , , (其中的字母o读) ; 其余情况下读,如,,. 6. , 读/?/,如,';''. 7. n 在和字母g构成字母组合时,以及处于读或的字母前(如c, g, k等)读/?/。如 ;';'';. 8. 在元音前读,如;在字母n后读,如', ','. 字母n因为处于音前而读/?/. 9. 两个读同一个音的字母并列时,只读一个,如'';;

''';'''. 三、元音字母在重读音节中的读音规则 英语中有四类重读音节:闭音节,开音节,r音节,音节。 1. 闭音节指以辅音字母结尾的音节。 元音字母(y)在重读闭音节中分别读/???/ ,如 , . 2. 开音节指以元音字母、‘元音字母+哑e’或‘一个辅音字母+哑e’结尾的音节。 后者也叫约定开音节. 元音字母(y)在重读开音节中分别读? (即读字母名称,但y读)。如: ; , ; ; , ; . 但字母u 在字母j,l,r后,读,不读,如 . 3. r音节指以字母r或‘r +辅音字母’结尾的音节。 在r音节中:读/ɑ, 读/?, , , 都读/?。 如:;'; ;''';


高考英语专项复习一单词拼写题(S-Y) I? The s _____ in this shop is not good. So only a few people do shopping in this shop? 2. The s ____ are changed during the interval of play. 3? My mother let me s ____ my own birthday present at the shop. 4.They began a s ______ of experiments. 5.You should s _______ this opportunity .It may never come again. 6? The government is still not s _______ with the living conditions of the farmers. 7.Generally speaking, the s __________ of touch of a blind man is better than that of a healthy one. 8.They phoned to tell me that they had s ________ down in the countryside and that they would come back to see me if they had time. 9.The head said that he would take me as his s _________ to work for him so that he needn^t write and type himself. 10.The doctor said, Fs just a cold, no thing s __________ ? II? Suez Canal s ______ Asia from Africa. 12.They are developing s ________ and technology quickly. 13.She s ____ out that there was a thief under the bed? 14.In Britain, s ____ of cigarettes have fallen by 30% in the last ten years- 15.He passed the entranee examination not only to his own but also to his parents,s ____ . 16.S ______ 10th is Teachers' Day. 17.It was a s _____ d ay for Mary when her mother died? 18.You can do it now or leave it till later; it's all the s _____ to me. 19.We've s ______ a lot of expense by doing the work ourselves. 20.The teacher gave Tom a s _____ for being late? 21.Fve spent much time s _______ my memory but can^t remember that man's name? 22.Christmas, the s _______ of good will. 23.Please be s ____ , ladies and gentlemen. 24.There are no more chairs; you'll have to use that box for a s ______ ? 25.He is going to Canada to s ____ his fortune. 26.It s ____ that no one knew what had happened. 27.He s _____ or never gives his wife a present? 28.Who has been s ____ to lead the delegation? 29.He is our eldest brother and he is ten s ______ to me. 30.Fire is a good s _____ but a bad master. 31.Teachers, government officials and clerks receive s ________ by the month? 32.The man was s ________ to death because of murde匚 33.The book you ask for is s ____ o ut, and there are no copies left. 34.There is no more time left, so I should be ready in a few s ____ ? 35.He s _______ in the country after his retirement. After his s ___________ in the countryside, he lived a happy life. 36.Saturday is the s _______ day of the week. 37.He brought me s _______ books to read? 38.S _______ has nothing to do with this work? I mean whether a person is male or female is not

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