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初中英语教学案例分析 思考的问题: 1.如何创造有利于学生学习的心理状态,形成积极的学习态度? 案例片段描述:曾经听过两节课,期间两位老师都谈到一个话题“肥胖”。 片段一,教师在讲到stop sb. from doing sth.这个短语时,让学生来造句,有一位学生站起来,与老师发生了这样一段对话: Student: My mother often stops me from eating meat. Teacher: Why? Student: Because my mother says I’m too fat. 全班同学哄堂大笑,这位学生很难为情,但老师下面的一句话马上将气氛缓和了过来。 Teacher: But I don’t think you are too fat. You are strong. 片段二,教师组织学生表演自己创作的“看病”对话,想找一位较胖的学生来担任“患者”,有一位长得胖呼呼的学生自告奋勇站起来,于是发生这样一段对话:Teacher: Ok! Who will act the sick people? Any volunteers? Student: I will. Teacher: Good! I think you are fat. You are the right person!

当时全班同学哄堂大笑,这位学生一脸的尴尬,一个劲地挠头。 教学反思:两位老师在处理一个相同的话题时运用了两种截然不同的方法,毋庸置疑,前者的处理有利于学生的学习,而后者的处理则会对心理比较脆弱的学生产生负面的影响。语言教学在很大程度上依赖于学生与教师之间的团结、合作、相互支持的人际关系,而这种关系时刻都受到彼此情感的影响,恰当、合理地使用语言,有助于沟通情感,增进友谊和相互尊重,改善这种人际关系,同时还可以创建一种和谐的语言活动氛围,努力产生浸润性的效果,让学生愉快地沉浸在英语的氛围中。在课上,教师要善于调控学生的情感态度,建立融洽、、团结、相互尊重的氛围,创造有利于学习的心理状态,形成积极的学习态度,让学生学得主动,学得愉快。 案例片段(二) 思考的问题: 1.如何将科学性和思想性统一的教学原则贯穿于课堂教学之中, 拓展英语学科的育人价值? 案例片段描述:我在授课时设计了以下三个片段: 片段一,为了引出“birthday”这一话题,我与学生进行了以下对话:Teacher: Excuse me. When is your birthday? Student A: On February the eleventh


Case 1 One Chinese company exported a contract of Grade B Peanuts to a foreign country importer. When the seller was working on the delivery of the goods, he found that the Grade B Peanuts were out of stock. Without prior consent of the buyer, the seller delivered the Grade A Peanuts instead of Grade B Peanuts and stated on the invoice “Grade A Peanuts, price is the same”, while the buyer refused the consignment. Question: In this situation, does the buyer hold the repudiation rights? Why? Answer: The buyer has the right to refuse to pay. This is because both sides confirmed the Grade B Peanuts when signing the contract, which holds a legal effect. If the seller gets the buyer’s consent, he can change the peanuts grade. So the buyer has the power to refuse to pay. Case 2 One Chinese company exported a contract of agricultural products to a German company. The contract stipulates that moisture not exceeds 15%, impurity not more than 3%. Before the deal closing, the seller sent the buyer the samples and after the contracting the seller immediately faxed the buyer that the consignment was similar to the sample. After the shipment arrived at Germany the buyer had the goods inspected. Later, the buyer showed the inspection certificate, saying that the quality of the goods was inferior to the samples’, and then he put forward a claim for compensation of £6 000, finally the Chinese company paid the compensation. Question: Please analyze the case. Answer: The transaction belongs to the sample trading. In international trade, in order to avoid the situation that the seller’s delivery quality is inconsistent with the requirement of the buyer, which leads to the buyer’s claim, the seller may ask the buyer for a sample in advance and the seller shall provide a tailored sample according to the sample from the buyer for confirmation; this is called “confirming sample”. When the sample is confirmed by the buyer, all the quality of the goods must be the same as the sample’s. In the contract, it’s beneficial for the seller to issue the quarantine inspection and quarantine certificates. Case 3 A China’s export company made a transaction of apples with a foreign company. It’s stipulated “second-class apple”in the quality terms on the contract of sales and letter of credit. However, they found the second-class apple had been all sold out when they began to arrange the shipment. As a result, the company switched to the delivery of “first-class apples”, and the invoice stated that: “the price of the first-class apples is the same as that of the second-class”. Finally, the importer refused to accept and to pay due to the inconsistency with the quality contract terms. Question: What do you think of this case? Answer: Under normal circumstances, the practice of substituting the superior goods for the inferior ones will be quite acceptable. However, if the market price of the goods is nose-diving or some other


Case 1 The shipping agent is serving the customers in the way that is considered efficient in Venezuelan culture. To the Canadian, however, this is unfocused activity that is not nearly as efficient as it would be — particularly from her point of view — if the agent simply dealt exclusively with her scheduled appointment. In Canada, businesspeople typically write appointments and activities into the day’s agenda every day. They then work sequentially through the agenda until they have completed each task or the day is over. In other words, Canadians prefer to do one thing at a time, while the South Americans, including Venezuelans, tend to do a few things simultaneously. Case 2 As a Westerner, the American visiting professor does not quite understand the collective ownership of information in some other cultural environments. What made her annoyed is a different attitude toward information about people. In the United States, it is generally assumed that personal matters are private. Teachers go through elaborate procedures to assure that students do not have access to each other’s grades. In business it is the same. Evaluations are confidential. Case 3 As a matter of fact, the American woman was not being disrespectful. However, it is clear that her way of showing respect and welcome was different from the ancient tradition of keeping physical distance from superiors, which is still widely observed, especially when royalty is involved. Paul Keating, the Australian prime minister, may have intended to suggest by his gesture that Australia would no longer accept the queen as head of state but just as one of their honored guests. Obviously, the British would not like it at all. Sometimes, such seemingly trivial things can influence relations between countries. That’s why protocol is taken seriously and people who are to hold diplomatic posts will be given detailed and careful instructions. Case 7 When the Canadian young man said, “Who took my peanut butter?”, what he really meant was “Where is my peanut butter? I can’t find it.”The Chinese doctor felt upset because in Chinese culture questions like this, especially expressed in the way the young Canadian man did, often imply that someone is to blame. Chinese culture prohibits direct accusing unless a person has been targeted for shame. However, true to her learned cultural behavior of never showing anger in public, the Chinese doctor didn’t say anything, though she was deeply distressed. Later, the physiotherapist was making a joke when she said the Chinese doctor had “three hands”. She wasn’t serious, of course, and expected the patient to be amused by her explanation for his pain: that the doctor on the other side of the room could have reached an imaginary hand out to touch him. She didn’t know that in Chinese a “three-handed person” is a slang for a thief. Case 8 In American culture, people’s personal goals take priority over their allegiance to groups like the family or the employer. The loyalty of individuals to a group is usually weak. Americans are apt to change their relationship if it suits their individual needs, and they are not likely to be emotionally dependent on organizations and institutions. In Japanese society, the relationship between an employee and the firm is much more interdependent, somewhat similar to a child-mother relationship where the mother (firm) is obliged to take care of her children (employees) and children (employees) have to obey and follow the commands of their mother (firm).


英语案例分析 王世美 这是一节小学三年级的英语课,当我走进教室时,耳旁立刻响起了熟悉又响亮的“Good morning”。但是根据我平常的经验,这股热情在这个班里最多只能维持二十分钟。不等新授内容结束,教室里马上变得死气沉沉。本课教学的内容是六个英语单词:lion、lock、milk、mouse、night、nest。在教读之前,我把画有这些单词的挂图贴到黑板上,以便于学生理解。果然不出我所料,孩子们刚掌握这些词语的发音,就习惯性地保持沉默了。更恼人的是,教室一角竟出现了一阵骚动,问了才知道这几个同学在为一道“脑筋急转弯”争得面红耳赤。不积极发言就算了,还要闹事啊!我打算叫这几个“肇事者”起来读单词,顺便进行一番思想教育。但是,当我的眼睛落在黑板上的教学挂图时,我有了另外的主意。“好吧,老师也准备了一个英语的脑筋急转弯,看谁猜得对,Ok?”效果果然不错,听我这么一说,闹哄哄的教室立刻安静下来,所有的小朋友都表现出十分的兴趣。“从前啊,有一只贪吃的小mouse,有一天竟然闯进milk厂里,它喝了好多好多的milk,结果人们发现mouse死了,你们猜,mouse 是怎么死的?” “Mouse掉进milk 里淹死拉。” “mouse被milk厂里的人打死了。” “我知道,mouse肯定是喝了太多的milk 撑死了。” “……” 我狡猾地一笑:“No ,因为这桶milk早就过了保质期,mouse喝了拉肚子拉死了啊!” “哈哈…”孩子们都笑了起来。看到学生的激情已被点燃,而且经过这么一问,mouse 和milk也能很自然地从他们口中说出来,我又生一计,“刚才这个脑筋急转弯是老师根据黑板上的一幅挂图编的,但其实每一幅英语挂图

国际贸易案例分析论文 英文版

Contents 1.Introduction (1) 2. The gains of International trade to the involved countries………………….……1. 3.The effect of international trade (2) 4.Negative impacts of International trade (3) 5.Conclusion (3) 6.Reference (4)

1.Introduction To start with the issue, it’s necessary to know what is International trade at the very first beginning. International trade refers to those transactions that including the exchange of any kinds of sources among nations. The most possibly trading content is those what a country did not produce while its citizens have the demand of it .The demand for such goods has finally becomes a big net all over the world. It’s called International trade in modern society. Ancient people tried many ways to exchange from others, and till now International trade is still one of the main form of communications. 2.The gains of International trade to the involved countries As the case showed, it’s easier to get touch with other country’s leader in nowadays. People have more opptunity to communicate with others outside nationwide. In order to cater the citizens’ demand for goods, governing class has th e responsibility to find the right international trade partners to bring benefits to it’s own people. The case said that with the increasing investment in Cambodia, both side were pleased about the result, such as a decreasing percentage of unemployed (for Cambodia, the exporting country), a movement of domestic economy and a better social life environment (for Singarpore, the importing country). (Ecological Economics,2012) The gains from international trade were not only in economy, but also in culture area. The exchange of goods brings the communications of different lifestyle. People from both sides could have a better understanding of each other that could strengthen the relationships between countries. In addiction, the exchange of service and technology accelerates the less developed countries to become more competitive in the world. On the other hand, those technologies could be transferred into resources for the exporting countries in the

四大 模拟面试 群面 小组面 案例分析 求职 咨询面试 一面 普华 德勤 毕马威 安永

Case Study – PART A Mercury Energy is an electricity supplier of the city of Lamar. It is the only electricity company in the region. In order to finance its expansion project and infrastructure construction in the adjacent city, the administration is holding a meeting to decide the budget of next year. You are now attending a top management meeting on behalf of your department. Please share with other department leaders the information you have. Each department will have its own concern, and you should coordinate with other managers to reach a consensus on the budget. You have to make an action plan for the current situation facing the company. (You don’t necessarily have to decide the exact number on the budge. Only action plan is needed.) Average Monthly Expenses for this year: Call-service centers 300,000 Bill-collecting representatives 500,000 Advertisement 32,000 Charity & Social Responsibility 50,000 Research & Development 37,000 Construction 80,000 Total 999,000 The overall sales are relatively stable during the recent months, and will not see any vibration in next year. There are mainly four client sectors, urban residential, rural residential, manufacturing and offices. The Customer Service Department is mainly consisted of call-service centers and bill-collecting representatives, who are responsible for collecting overdue electricity bills. It hires more than 1000 reps in the city, and increases the number of people recently to boost its bill collection. The Public Relation Department is responsible for the advertisement and press relationships. They also held events to create a friendly image of the company. After 5 minutes’ preparation, you will have 15 minutes for discussion. Then you have to deliver a 5 minutes’ presentation on the action plan you suggested. Instructions: 1. You mustn’t discuss in separate groups during the discussion. 2. You mustn’t appoint a leader or chairman of the meeting. 3. You may talk in Chinese or English in the discussion, while the presentation should be in English. 4. You can use any equipment available in the room. 5. The presentation can be performed by any amount of members in the team. You should decide on your own.


Western Washington University 简介 人物介绍: 亨利·泰勒(Henry Taylor)——公司创始人、萨莫·泰勒(SummerTaylor)的父亲 玛丽·泰勒(Marie Taylor)——创始人的妻子、萨莫·泰勒的母亲 萨莫·泰勒——公司总裁 爱德华·史密斯(Edward Smith)——研究开发部主任 克莉丝·凯莉(Chris Kelly)——生产部主任 蒙哥马利·布拉德福德(Montgomery Bradford)——负责营销的副总裁 乔什瓦·西尔斯(Joshua Sears)——总会计师 泰勒的减肥器械公司(Reduction Improvement Machines Inc.,TRIM)生产运动器械。 1950年,亨利·泰勒决定创建一个公司,生产既能使用又能享受的产品。在第二次世界大战 中亨利任空军导航员时,曾用跑步和举重来减除焦虑。他从空军得到最好的训练,并希望制 造和提供大众可以用来健身并使身心宁静的机械。出于这一愿望,亨利聚集了他的几位教练, 并在几位同僚和朋友的财务支持下,在家中的车库里创办了TRIM。 到2008年时,这家公司已经拥有一组可靠的产品,这些产品有成熟的市场渠道。人们认为,TRIM的产品质量高、价格合理。顾客们觉得他们付钱买的是产品而不是品牌。不过,顾 客的忠诚度很高,有些营销咨询人员劝告亨利提高TRIM产品的售价。亨利拒绝了。结果是, 他更进一步地提高了顾客的忠诚度。 最近,对家庭和俱乐部用的健身运动器械的需求量急剧增加。虽然TRIM公司仍然维持着这些器械的销售量,但是俱乐部和个人消费者逐渐转向其他公司生产的新型器械。市场不断 扩展,TRIM所占的市场份额却相对有所减少。新任公司总裁萨莫·泰勒,过去曾是泳装模特 儿、美国小姐亚军,毕业于史密斯女子学院。她决定尝试开发新的盈利产品以应付市场之需。 萨莫是亨利·泰勒和妻子玛丽·泰勒的第一个孩子。亨利决定把他的“孩子”(这家公司)交给


师德案例分析 最近,我读了一些有关师德的文章,感触颇深。接下来,我想谈几个让我印象深刻的教师及他们的事迹。 事迹一: 爱心耕耘矢志不渝 爱,是人类特有的情感和行为,是生活深处一朵美丽的鲜花。它能创造出安全与满足的温馨,赋予人以无穷大的力量。师爱,是教育领域中最关键的一种爱,是学生热爱学习的强动力,是学生人格的助长剂。 她——顾红妹老师,以“关爱学生,为学生排忧解难”作为自己工作的重心,及时发现学生在情绪行为上细致的变化,与学生进行了有效沟通,与家长共同配合,解除学生心理上的障碍;在学生日常小事中,她注意捕捉最佳教育时机,深受家长学生欢迎。 教师是人类灵魂的工程师,师德是教师之魂,“以德育人,用心授业”是她对师德的具体诠释。“学生的快乐就是我的快乐”、“每个学生都是我的孩子”是她内心情感的真实流露,更是工作准则。 小明是个外地孩子,学习成绩很差,但他的智力并不差,这是怎么回事?顾老师通过了解、观察,发现主要原因是他的家庭环境不好。父亲忙着做生意,整天早出晚归。母亲天天搓麻将,连正常的三餐都不能保证,更别提学习。于是顾老师抽空一次又一次去家访,晓之以理,动之以情,他的父母终于被真情感动。母亲再三保证,孩子在家,不再搓麻将了。他父亲也说,生意再忙,也要挤出时间陪陪孩子。由于环境改善,小明能安心地学习了,学习成绩有了明显提高。 顾老师用爱心去浇灌学生,了解学生,转化学生,做到不让一个学生掉队。小鑫——一一年级的新生,入学没久,顾老师发现孩子的行为习惯很差。上课自言自语,作业拖拖拉拉;下课调皮捣蛋,时常搞些恶做剧,小朋友们都不愿和他玩。于是,顾老师走访了他的家。通过交谈,了解到小鑫的父母中年得子,非常宠爱,是家里的小皇帝。找到了问题的症结,顾老师同小鑫父母做了一次长谈,家长过分地溺爱孩子,很可能害了孩子。小鑫父母纷纷表示要改变这种教育方法,感谢顾老师及时地和他们联系,否则真是不堪设想。一个多月过去了,小鑫有了明显的进步。 顾老师的爱,总是及时地出现在学生有困难的时候,当学生的思想因为疑惑而陷入迷惘时,当学生的情感因为受了挫折而恐惧不安时,当学生的心灵受了打击而一蹶不振时,她总是用她那无私的爱帮助学生点一盏灯,指引方向,寻一把钥匙,开启心锁,送一些鼓励,找回自信。三迟讲台上顾老师拥有了一份无悔的青春。


中学英语教学案例分析(1) What things can harm the environment ? What do you think we should do to improve our environment ? 活动目的:通过列举污染源,学生更清楚当前环境的不仅如人意,保护环境刻不容缓,从而使学生增强保护环境的意识。他们动脑筋,想办法,积极讨论保护环境的措施,在不知不觉中提高英语语言运用能力。 活动过程: T: There is much pollution all over the world now . Can you tell me what it is ? (学生很快地回答) Ss: Water polluti on ; Air polluti on; Noise polluti on; soil polluti on ?…etc. T: Do you know what causes water pollution ? Ss: Factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes . T: All the factories ? Ss: No . T: What factories Ss: Paper factories , prin ti ng and dye ing mills , plastic factories ?…ect . (学生不会用英语说“印染厂及塑料厂” ,他们说中文,我说英文。) T: What else can cause water pollution , too? Ss: Some people throw rubbish into rivers and lakes . T: How can we help to solve this problem ? (学生们分组讨论解决办法。) Ss: We can advise the directors of these factories to stop pouring waste water into rivers and lakes . T: If they don 't accept your advice ,what else can we do ? (学生们讨论更热烈了,过了一会儿,他们七嘴八舌地说:) Ss:1. We can write a letter to Green China about it . 2. We can also ask newspaper reporters and TV station reporters to report these factories ............... T: There is a paper factory in my hometown .It pours waste water into the river every day . The people in the town drink the water of the river every day . They have advise the leader to stop pouring waste water into the river many times .But he never accepts it . Can you write a letter about it to the Green China ? (学生异口同声说“ Yes”由于写作太费时间,这封信作为回家作业,请同学们写在作业本上。) T: You have told me what causes water pollution and how to solve this problem .You 're very clever .Thank you very much .But can you tell me what causes air pollution ? Ss: The smoke of factories,the smoke given out by buses ,cars ,trucks ‘motorbikes…ect. T: There aren 'mt any factories in our city, Hang zhou. But the air is not good


我把之前有人分享过的内容和我自己面试的问题整合了一下,供大家参考,祝大家面试顺 利通过~我抽到的case是Bifoods,背景差不多就是下面的总结一下,该公司有三个战略:特许经营权战略、Future战略(高科技)、spilt China market战略,我抽到的问题是Marketing/Health eating,问题有五个:如何增加三个品牌的相似度?如何提高三个品牌的竞争力?健康饮食是否要运用在future策略中?为中国市场开发新品牌(记不太清了)?该企业的优势?,然后主要想提醒大家一定要熟悉自己网申的OP,manager会据此提问。 1.Bifoods 案例是Bifoods,抽到的两个问题一个是split business strategy方面的,还有一个media andmarketing方面。问题大致涉及Bifoods供应商出现食品安全问题,Bifoods如何维护消费者对它的信任;到底值不值得为了消费者的利益和健康而做出相应的努力。 LZ的思路就是从根本上解决问题,保证供应商的食材是安全的。再在广告上侧重食品安全 的宣传。值不值得考虑消费者的利益和健康涉及到权衡费用支出和为消费者生命健康买单/ 承担政府问责的风险两方面。 M追问了2个问题,一个是你在读case的过程中还有没有发现Bifoods的其他问题?LZ有点迷茫,努力回想了半天,回答了一个印象中的点,毕竟我只是浏览了一遍,大致了解了下每个part讲了什么。。M又问你对于Bifoods现在在这个行业的地位和形势怎么看?LZ结 合Bifoods的现状和自己pre中的分析,展望了下未来。 Bifood的case,前半部分是公司背景,讲了它在全球和中国市场的情况,后面有一些财务 表格。抽到的两个问题一个是Maketing的,另一个记不太清了,选的是前一个问题。两个问题都是包含3个小问题。Marketing主要有问最重要的优势、吸引客户的方法、对公司发展的建议。 Bifood快餐店的案例,近年来竞争大,利润下降,想办法降低operating cost,于是公司想了两个strategy,一个是fanchising(大概是吧,原谅我只能意会不能言传),还有一个和我抽到的题无关就没仔细看,大概是产品创新之类的。抽到的题目是有关corporate social responsibilty


安达信审计失败案例 如果说公司治理和内部审计是确保会计信息真实可靠的第一道闸门,那么,独立审计就是防范重大会计差错和舞弊的最后一道防线。独立审计存在的理由是为了满足公司的高管人员和投资者等利益相关者有效利用会计信息的共同需要。高管人员和投资者等利益相关者之间存在着严重的信息不对称和潜在的利益冲突,高管人员有提供低质量甚至是不实会计信息的动机,而投资者等利益相关者又缺乏足够的资源和专业知识验证会计信息的质量和真伪,因此需要由独立的第三方即注册会计师对高管人员提供的会计信息进行鉴证,并对财务报表发表专业意见,以缓解信息劣势对利益相关者的潜在负面影响。但是,当高管人员提供的财务报表存在重大错报漏报(包括由于财务舞弊引起的错报漏报),而注册会计师在鉴证过程中未能发现这些错报漏报,仍对财务报表的整体公允性发表无保留审计意见时,审计失败就出现了。 重大审计失败的常见原因包括被审计单位内部控制失效或高管人员逾越内部控制、注册会计师与被审计单位通同舞弊、缺乏独立性、没有保持应有的职业审慎和职业怀疑。尽管世界通信公司存在前所未有的财务舞弊,其财务报表严重歪曲失实,但安达信会计公司至少从1999年起一直为世界通信出具无保留意见的审计报告。就目前已经披露的资料看,安达信对世界通信的财务舞弊负有不可推卸的重大过失审计责任。安达信对世界通信的审计,将是一项可载入史册的典型的重大审计失败案例。 安达信对世界通信的审计失败,主要归于以下四个方面: 安达信缺乏形式上的独立性 根据世界通信2002年4月22日提供的“征集投票权声明”(Proxy Statement),安达信2001年共向世界通信收取了1680万美元的服务费用,其中审计收费440万美元、税务咨询760万美元、非财务报表审计(主要是外包的内部财务审计)160万美元、其他咨询服务320万美元。自1989年起,安达信一直担任世界通信的审计师,直到安然丑闻发生后,世界通信才在2002年5月14日辞退安达信,改聘毕马威。安达信在过去10多年既为世界通信提供审计服务,也向其提供咨询服务。尽管至今尚没有充分的权威证据证明同时提供审计和咨询服务可能损害会计师事务所的独立性,但2002年7月30日通过的“萨班斯-奥克斯利法案”对代理记账和内部审计等9项咨询服务所作出的禁止性规定以及对税务咨询所作出的限制性规定,至少说明社会公众和立法部门对兼做审计和咨询可能损害独立性的担忧。此外,世界通信历来是安达信密西西比杰克逊(世界通信总部所在地)分所最有价值的单一客户,这一事实不禁让人对安达信的独立性存有疑虑。杰克逊分所的设立,目的是为了“伺候”和保住世界通信这一给安达信带来不菲审计和咨询收入的客户。这种情况下,杰克逊分所的安达信合伙人难免会对世界通信不规范的会计处理予以“迁就”。对世界通信的主审合伙人而言,丢失这样一个大客户,其后果是不堪设想的。 安达信未能保持应有的职业审慎和职业怀疑 安达信向美国证券交易管理委员会(SEC)和司法部门提供的1999至2001年审计工作底稿表明,安达信在这三年里一直将世界通信评估为具有最高等级审计风险的客户。在编制1999至2001年度审计计划时,安达信对世界通信审计风险的评估如表1所示。
