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第一部分考试试题 第0章绪论 1.什么叫半导体集成电路? 2.按照半导体集成电路的集成度来分,分为哪些类型,请同时写出它们对应的英文缩写? 3.按照器件类型分,半导体集成电路分为哪几类? 4.按电路功能或信号类型分,半导体集成电路分为哪几类? 5.什么是特征尺寸?它对集成电路工艺有何影响? 6.名词解释:集成度、wafer size、die size、摩尔定律? 第1章集成电路的基本制造工艺 1.四层三结的结构的双极型晶体管中隐埋层的作用? 2.在制作晶体管的时候,衬底材料电阻率的选取对器件有何影响?。 3.简单叙述一下pn结隔离的NPN晶体管的光刻步骤? 4.简述硅栅p阱CMOS的光刻步骤? 5.以p阱CMOS工艺为基础的BiCMOS的有哪些不足? 6.以N阱CMOS工艺为基础的BiCMOS的有哪些优缺点?并请提出改进方法。 7. 请画出NPN晶体管的版图,并且标注各层掺杂区域类型。 8.请画出CMOS反相器的版图,并标注各层掺杂类型和输入输出端子。 第2章集成电路中的晶体管及其寄生效应 1.简述集成双极晶体管的有源寄生效应在其各工作区能否忽略?。 2.什么是集成双极晶体管的无源寄生效应? 3. 什么是MOS晶体管的有源寄生效应? 4. 什么是MOS晶体管的闩锁效应,其对晶体管有什么影响? 5. 消除“Latch-up”效应的方法? 6.如何解决MOS器件的场区寄生MOSFET效应? 7. 如何解决MOS器件中的寄生双极晶体管效应? 第3章集成电路中的无源元件 1.双极性集成电路中最常用的电阻器和MOS集成电路中常用的电阻都有哪些? 2.集成电路中常用的电容有哪些。 3. 为什么基区薄层电阻需要修正。 4. 为什么新的工艺中要用铜布线取代铝布线。 5. 运用基区扩散电阻,设计一个方块电阻200欧,阻值为1K的电阻,已知耗散功率为20W/c㎡,该电阻上的压降为5V,设计此电阻。 第4章TTL电路 1.名词解释


Hostile takeover An acquisition of a firm despite resistance by the target firm's management and board of directors. Total quality control A philosophy and set of guiding concepts that provides a comprehensive means of improving total organization performance and quality by examining each process through which work is done in a systematic, integrated, consistent, organization-wide manner. Abbreviated TQM. Motivation theory/need hierarchy theory Psychological discipline that attempts to describe why people or animals behave as they do solely in terms of internal needs that drive behavior, rather than attributing any influence to external stimuli. theory X and theory Y assumption T h e o r y X With Theory X assumptions, management's role is to coerce and control employees. o People have an inherent dislike for work and will avoid it whenever possible. o People must be coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment in order to get them to achieve the organizational objectives. o People prefer to be directed, do not want responsibility, and have little or no ambition. o People seek security above all else. T h e o r y Y With Theory Y assumptions, management's role is to develop the potential in employees and help them to release that potential towards common goals. o Work is as natural as play and rest. o People will exercise self-direction if they are committed to the objectives (they are NOT lazy). o Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement. o People learn to accept and seek responsibility. o Creativity, ingenuity, and imagination are widely distributed among the population. People are capable of using these abilities to solve an organizational problem. o People have potential.


【集成电路(IC)】电子专业术语英汉对照加注解 电子专业英语术语 ★rchitecture(结构):可编程集成电路系列的通用逻辑结构。 ★ASIC(Application Specific Integrated Circuit-专用集成电路):适合于某一单一用途的集成电路产品。 ★A TE(Automatic Test EQUIPment-自动测试设备):能够自动测试组装电路板和用于莱迪思 ISP 器件编程的设备。 ★BGA(Ball Grid Array-球栅阵列):以球型引脚焊接工艺为特征的一类集成电路封装。可以提高可加工性,减小尺寸和厚度,改善了噪声特性,提高了功耗管理特性。★Boolean Equation(逻辑方程):基于逻辑代数的文本设计输入方法。 ★Boundary Scan Test(边界扫描测试):板级测试的趋势。为实现先进的技术所需要的多管脚器件提供了较低的测试和制造成本。 ★Cell-Based PLD(基于单元的可编程逻辑器件):混合型可编程逻辑器件结构,将标准的复杂的可编程逻辑器件(CPLD)和特殊功能的模块组合到一块芯片上。 ★CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor-互补金属氧化物半导体):先进的集成电路★加工工艺技术,具有高集成、低成本、低能耗和高性能等特征。CMOS 是现在高密度可编程逻辑器件(PLD)的理想工艺技术。 ★CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device-复杂可编程逻辑器件):高密度的可编程逻辑器件,包含通过一个中央全局布线区连接的宏单元。这种结构提供高速度和可预测的性能。是实现高速逻辑的理想结构。理想的可编程技术是 E2CMOS?。 ★Density (密度):表示集成在一个芯片上的逻辑数量,单位是门(gate)。密度越高,门越多,也意味着越复杂。 ★Design Simulation(设计仿真):明确一个设计是否与要求的功能和时序相一致的过程。★E2CMOS?(Electrically Erasable CMOS-电子可擦除互补金属氧化物半导体):莱迪思专用工艺。基于其具有继承性、可重复编程和可测试性等特点,因此是一种可编程逻辑器件(PLD)的理想工艺技术。 ★EBR(Embedded BLOCk RAM-嵌入模块RAM):在 ORCA 现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)中的 RAM 单元,可配置成 RAM、只读存储器(ROM)、先入先出(FIFO)、内容地址存储器(CAM)等。 ★EDA(Electronic Design Automation-电子设计自动化):即通常所谓的电子线路辅助设计软件。 ★EPIC (Editor for Programmable Integrated Circuit-可编程集成电路编辑器):一种包含在★ORCA Foundry 中的低级别的图型编辑器,可用于 ORCA 设计中比特级的编辑。★Explore Tool(探索工具):莱迪思的新创造,包括 ispDS+HDL 综合优化逻辑适配器。探索工具为用户提供了一个简单的图形化界面进行编译器的综合控制。设计者只需要简单地点击鼠标,就可以管理编译器的设置,执行一个设计中的类似于多批处理的编译。★Fmax:信号的最高频率。芯片在每秒内产生逻辑功能的最多次数。 ★FAE(Field Application Engineer-现场应用工程师):在现场为客户提供技术支持的工程师。 ★Fabless:能够设计,销售,通过与硅片制造商联合以转包的方式实现硅片加工的一类半导体公司。


商务英语名词翻译 Unit 1 CICSC United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, 是《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的简称。 trade terms 交易条款 sales contract 销售合同 price list 价格单 reference price 参考价 name of commodity 品名;商品名称 quantity 数量 withdrawal of offer 撤回发盘 revocation of offer 撤销发盘 termination of offer 终止发盘 inquiry 询盘 offer 发盘;报盘;实盘 offeror 发盘人 offeree 受盘人 firm offer 实盘 non-offer 虚盘 indefinite offer 虚盘 counter-offer 还盘 accept 承诺 contract 合同(契约) termination of a contract 合同的终止 suspension of a contract 合同的中止 Unit 2 claim damages 损害索赔 claim clause 索赔条款 compensation 补偿 the party in the breach 违约方 difference 差额 interest 利息 bona fide party 当事人 Unit 3 WTO World Trade Organization, 世界贸易组织 the Final Act 指乌拉圭回合多边谈判的最终议案 Uruguay Round 乌拉圭回合 accountable 负责的,需要解释的 ground-rule 基本准则 decision-making body 决策机构 the General Council 总理事会 the Dispute Settlement Body 争端协调机构


Деловой перевод. Forms of ownership: –Sole Proprietorship—a business owned and operated by a single individual. –Partnership---- партнёрство— a business owned by two or more people. –Limited Company—a company where ownership is represented by company's shares. 1. Board of directors---.Cовет директоров —the officials elected by shareholders who rule the company 2. Current liabilities—the money that a company during which certain goods are produced. 3. Dividends—company profits paid to shareholders. 4. Entrepreneur-- Предприниматель—person who sets up a new commercial enterprise to make a profit. 5. Indebtedness -- задолженность– amount of debts 6. Initial funds --funds used in starting a business. 7. Liabilities -- Обязательства– the amount of debt that must be paid. 8. Shareholders-- акционер–those who own shares of a company's stock. 9. Accounting –бухгалтерия---- the action or process of keeping financial accounts. Is a system of gathering , summarizing and communicating financial information for a business firm, government or other organizations. 10. Balance sheet –Балансовый отчёт - is a statement which describes the companies resources and indicates where these resources have come from.

转 外贸函电缩写大全

转外贸函电缩写大全 缩写英文名称中文名称 a.a.r.against all risks一切险 a.c.v.actual cashvalue实际现金价值 a.d.(a/)after date.日期以后 A.F.ADVANCED FREIGHT预付运费 A.F. B.AIR FRIGHT BILL空运运单 a.g.w.t.actual gross weight实际毛重,实际总重量 A.H.AFTER HATCH后舱 A.N.ARRIVAL NOTICE到达通知 A.O.account of.的帐上 A.V.AD VALOREM ACCORDING TOVALUE运价标记,根据商品的价值(计算运费),从价费率 A/C for account of费用由.负担 A/or and/or和/或 A/P account paid已付帐款 A/R ALL RISKS一切险 a/s after sight见票后. A/S alongside靠码头,并靠他船

aa ALWAYS AFLOAT保持漂浮,永远漂浮 AC account current往来帐户,活期存款帐户,流通帐 ACC ALAMEDA CORRIDOR CHARGE绿色通道费 acc.acceptance;accepted已接受 acc.cop.according to the custom of the port按照.港口惯例 ACCT ACCOUNT帐目,帐户 ACPT ACCEPTANCE接受 ad val.(a/v)ad valorem(according tovalue)从价费率(按离岸价格) ADC ADVANCE CHARGES ADCOM/https://www.wendangku.net/doc/f317302881.html,M ADDRESS COMMISSION订舱佣金,租船佣金 ADFT AFT DRAFT艉吃水 ADP automated data processing自动数据处理 ADR European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road ADV.ADVISE OR ADVANCE通知或提前 AETR European Agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport AFC AMS Filing Charges美国自动报关费 AFRA average freight rate assessment运费费率平均运价 Agcy agency代理公司,代理行 AGRD AGREED同意 AGRT AGREEMENT协议


半导体集成电路典型试题 绪论 1、什么叫半导体集成电路? 【答案:】 通过一系列的加工工艺,将晶体管,二极管等有源器件和电阻,电容等无源元件,按一定电路互连。 集成在一块半导体基片上。封装在一个外壳内,执行特定的电路或系统功能。 2、按照半导体集成电路的集成度来分,分为哪些类型,请同时写出它们对应的英文缩写 【答案:】 小规模集成电路(SSI),中规模集成电路(MSI),大规模集成电路(VSI),超大规模集成电路(VLSI),特大规模集成电路(ULSI),巨大规模集成电路(GSI) 3、按照器件类型分,半导体集成电路分为哪几类? 【答案:】 双极型(BJT)集成电路,单极型(MOS)集成电路,Bi-CMOS型集成电路。 4、按电路功能或信号类型分,半导体集成电路分为哪几类? 【答案:】 数字集成电路,模拟集成电路,数模混合集成电路。 5、什么是特征尺寸?它对集成电路工艺有何影响? 【答案:】 集成电路中半导体器件的最小尺寸如MOSFET的最小沟道长度。是衡量集成电路加工和设计水平的重要标志。它的减小使得芯片集成度的直接提高。 6、名词解释:集成度、wafer size、die size、摩尔定律? 【答案:】 7、分析下面的电路,指出它完成的逻辑功能,说明它和一般动态组合逻辑电路的不同,分析它的工作原理。 【答案:】

该电路可以完成NAND逻辑。与一般动态组合逻辑电路相比,它增加了一个MOS管M kp,它可以解决一般动态组合逻辑电路存在的电荷分配的问题。对于一般的动态组合逻辑电路,在评估阶段,A=“H” B=“L”, 电荷被OUT处和A处的电荷分配,整体的阈值下降,可能导致OUT的输出错误。 该电路增加了一个MOS管M kp,在预充电阶段,M kp导通,对C点充电到V dd。在评估阶段,M kp 截至,不影响电路的正常输出。 8、延迟时间 【答案:】 时钟沿与输出端之间的延迟 第1章集成电路的基本制造工艺 1、四层三结的结构的双极型晶体管中隐埋层的作用 【答案:】 减小集电极串联电阻,减小寄生PNP管的影响 2、在制作晶体管的时候,衬底材料电阻率的选取对器件有何影响 【答案:】 电阻率过大将增大集电极串联电阻,扩大饱和压降,若过小耐压低,结电容增大,且外延时下推大 3、简单叙述一下pn结隔离的NPN晶体管的光刻步骤 【答案:】 第一次光刻:N+隐埋层扩散孔光刻 第二次光刻:P隔离扩散孔光刻 第三次光刻:P型基区扩散孔光刻 第四次光刻:N+发射区扩散孔光刻 第五次光刻:引线孔光刻


Acceptance承兑P119 An acceptance credit call for drafts to be drawn at a tenor for acceptance by the issuing bank or any drawee nawed in the credit.汇票承兑信用证要求汇票按规定在一定期限内由开证行或者其他在信用证上签名的收款人来检验。 a letter of credit信用证P116 A banker’s document letter of credit is a credit instrument.A common means of payment in international trade.一种在国际贸易中常见的支付手段。Containing a writer undertaking in the part of the issuing bank to pay a certain amount to a third party against the surrender of stipulated documents. collection托收P133 entrust banks as intermediaries to collect the money for the goods 委托银行作中间人收取款项 Bill票据 a statement of money owed for goods or services; demand payment tax 税收P197 charge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government; levy a tax on hedge套期保值P144 capture slight differences in price; foreign exchange markets perform four major functions:tranfer of payments;provision of credits;payment at a distance;allowing hedging against exchange risk.外汇市场主要从事四种功能:转移支付;提供信贷;异地支付;提供外汇风险防范。 arbitrage套汇P139 buy at the lower price and sells at the higher price; Is the use of discrepancies in currency exchange rates to transform one unit of a currency into more than one unit of the same currency.利用不同的外汇市场各种货币在同一时刻的汇率和汇率上的差异,同时买进和卖出有关货币的现汇和期汇,以赚取汇率或利率上的差价收益的交易。 option期权P144 the right to buy or sell property at an agreed price; the right is purchased and if it is not exercised by a stated date the money is forfeited在外汇交易中,以契约形式规定的在某一特定日期或在未来某一日期,按规定的价格买(看涨期权)或卖(看跌期权)特定数量的基础票据权利。 future期货 A currency future,also FX future or foreign exchange future.is a futures contract to exchange one currency for another at specified date in the future at a price(exchange rate 买卖双方约定于未来某一特定日期,以约定价格买卖的约定数量的商品。 foreign exchange汇率,外汇 price by one currency for other currency; means the system utilized in financing international payments.一个用于支付国际金融付款的系统。


1)Acetone 丙酮 丙酮是有机溶剂的一种,分子式为CH3COCH3 性质:无色,具剌激性薄荷臭味的液体 用途:在FAB内的用途,主要在于黄光室内正光阻的清洗、擦拭 毒性:对神经中枢具中度麻醉性,对皮肤粘膜具轻微毒性,长期接触会引起皮肤炎,吸入过量的丙酮蒸气会刺激鼻、眼结膜、咽喉粘膜、甚至引起头痛、恶心、呕吐、目眩、意 识不明等。 允许浓度:1000ppm 2)Active Area 主动区域 MOS核心区域,即源,汲,闸极区域 3)AEI蚀刻后检查 (1)AEI 即After Etching Inspection,在蚀刻制程光阻去除前和光阻去除后,分别对产品实施主检或抽样检查。 (2)AEI的目的有四: 提高产品良率,避免不良品外流。 达到品质的一致性和制程的重复性。 显示制程能力的指标。 防止异常扩大,节省成本 (3)通常AEI检查出来的不良品,非必要时很少做修改。因为除去氧化层或重长氧化层可能造成组件特性改变可靠性变差、缺点密度增加。生产成本增高,以及良率降低的缺点。4)Al-Cu-Si 铝硅铜 金属溅镀时所使用的原料名称,通常是称为T arget,其成份为0.5%铜,1%硅及98.5%铝,一般制程通常是使用99%铝1%硅.后来为了金属电荷迁移现象(Electromigration) 故渗加 0.5%铜降低金属电荷迁移 5)Alkaline Ions 碱金属雕子 如Na+,K+,破坏氧化层完整性,增加漏电密度,减小少子寿命,引起移动电荷,影响器件稳定性。其主要来源是:炉管的石英材料,制程气体及光阻等不纯物。

6)Alloy 合金 半导体制程在蚀刻出金属连线后,必须加强Al与SiO2间interface的紧密度,故进行Alloy步骤,以450℃作用30min,增加Al与Si的紧密程度,防止Al层的剥落及减少欧姆接触的电阻值,使R C的值尽量减少。 7)Aluminum 铝 一种金属元素,质地坚韧而轻,有延展性,容易导电。普遍用于半导体器件间的金属连线,但因其易引起spike及Electromigration,故实际中会在其中加入适量的Cu或Si 8)Anneal 回火 又称退火:也叫热处理,集成电路工艺中所有的在氮气等不活泼气氛中进行的热处理过程都可以称为退火。 a)激活杂质:使不在晶格位置上的离子运动到晶格位置,以便具有电活性,产生自由载 流子,起到杂质的作用。 b)消除损伤:离子植入后回火是为了修复因高能加速的离子直接打入芯片而产生的损毁 区(进入底材中的离子行进中将硅原子撞离原来的晶格位置,致使晶体的特性改变)。 而这种损毁区,经过回火的热处理后即可复原。这种热处理的回火功能可利用其温度、 时间差异来控制全部或局部的活化植入离子的功能 c)氧化制程中的回火主要是为了降低界面态电荷,降低SiO2的晶格结构 退火方式: ?炉退火 ?快速退火:脉冲激光法、扫描电子束、连续波激光、非相干宽带频光源(如卤光灯、电弧灯、石墨加热器、红外设备等) 9)Angstrom 埃(?) 是一个长度单位,1?=10-10米,其大小为1公尺的佰亿分之一,约人的头发宽度的伍拾万分之


1. BUdget—预算an accoUnt Of PrObabIe future inCOme and expenditure during a stated, period, usu. a year USed as a guide in making finan cial arran geme nts. 2. RetUrn —回扌报the gai n from an in VeStme nt, either as in come or yield or as PrOfit on the sale of the inv estme nt. 3. Portfolio —证券投资组合the entire collection of inVeStments in the form of stocks, bon ds, or CertifiCate of deposits for PUrPOSeS other tha n con trolli ng 4. Royalty —专利税money Paid to the owner of a COPyright for PermiSSion to PUbIiSh COPyright material and to the owner of a Pate nt for PermiSSi on to USe a Pate nted desig n, usu. at a greed PerCe ntage of the selli ng PriCe of the product. 5. Patent —专利权a SPeCiaI right to an inven tor to be the on Iy PerS on to make and sell, or to authorize OtherS to make and sell a n ewly-i nven ted machi ne or process. 6. Non-tariff barrier —非贸易壁垒all forms of man-made ObStrUCtions to intern atio nal trade other tha n tariffs ,in cludi ng PrOhibiti OnSand quotas, etc. 7. FranChiSe —经销权an arran geme nt by WhiCh a mono poly PrOdUCer or owner gives ano ther PermiSSi on for the exclusive right to manu facture or sell the PrOdUCtS in a Certa in area. 8. Purchasing power—购买力of PerSons, the public, having the money to buy goods and services. 9. PPP —购买力平价PUrChaSing power Parity 10. tariff —关税tax IeVied by the CUStOmS 11. barriers to trade —贸易壁垒any action by a government to limit or PreVent the free flow of goods in and out of its coun try. 12. primary commodities —初级产品those commodities not processed, or only SIightIy processed, usually farm PrOdUCe or raw materials 13. drawback —退税duties Paid on imported goods that are refunded When re-exported 14. specific duties—从量税duties IeVied on the basis of quantity, weight, SiZe etc. of the goods 15. ad valorem duties—从价税duties IeVied on the basis of the PriCe of the goods 16. carriage —运费the PriCe or cost of tranSPOrtatiOn 17. voluntary offer —主动发盘an Ofer made On the initiative of the Oferer


目录 Chapter 1 建立贸易关系 1. 请求建立贸易关系Request for Establishing Business Relations 2. 回复请求建立业务关系Reply to the Request for Establishing Business Relations 3. 索取产品资料Request for Product Literature 4. 回复索取产品资料Reply to the Request for Product Literature 5. 邀请会面Invitation to the Business Appointment 6. 接受会面邀请Accepting the Invitation to the Business Appointment 7. 谢绝会面邀请Declining the Invitation to the Business Appointment 8. 要求更改会面时间及地点Request for Changing the Time & Place of the Meeting Chapter 2 推销 9. 向特定客户推销Sales Letter to Specific Customers 10. 向不特定客户推销Sales Circular to Non-Specific Customers 11. 寄信给老客户Sales Letter to Old Customers 12. 寄信给新客户Sales Letter to New Customers 13. 推销新产品Sales Letter for Promotion of New Products 14. 推销劳务Sales Letter for Promotion of Labor Services Chapter 3 询盘和订货


商务英语专业词汇 企业标识corporate identity 企业形象corporate image 公司规划corporate planning 企业部门corporate sector 企业福利corporate welfare 公司注册许可证corporation charter 成本会计师cost accountant 注重节省成本的cost-conscious 成本效益cost-effective 质量成本cost of quality 销售成本cost of sales 成本核算costing 咨询公司consultancy 耐用消费品consumer durables 家用电子产品consumer electronics 日用消费品consumer goods 消费趋势consumer trends 雇用合同contract of employment 合同期限contract period 合同义务contract obligations 核心经营项目core activity 核心福利项目core benefits 核心产品core product 核心技术core technology 公司官僚主义corpocracy 商务区business area

公司赊账卡corporate charge card 公司文化corporate culture 公司宴请corporate entertaining 竞争优势competition advantage 优惠价格competitively price 竞争对手competitor 投诉complaint 工作周work weeks 会议设备conference facility 会议技术conferencing 跨行业公司conglomeration 商品批发商commodity trade 乘车上下班者commuter 公司法company law 公司概况company profile 公司秘书company secretary 企业内部商店company store 行政机关civil service 索赔部经理claims manager 业务会议business meeting 商业运作模式business operation 业务透支business overdraft 商业伙伴business partner 经营规划business plan 商业头脑business sense 出差go to a business trip 副产品by-product 品牌形象brand image 领导产品brand leader


1. The bank had doubled profits in the past year via a string of successful mergers, but on Apr. 21 it reported that its securities portfolio had unrealized losses of nearly $131 million. 在过去一年中 银行已经通过一系列成功的 合并双倍盈利,但在4月21 日却传出报告说证券投资组 合造成近一亿三千一百万美 元的损失。 2. We’re considering strategies that make the most sense if rates are going up much more aggressively and sooner than anticipated.如 果利率继续以超出我们想象 的强劲势头增长,我们就要考 虑最明智的决策。 3. But benchmarking employees, and then paying them different rates, can turn out to be a minefield if handled badly. 但是仅仅用 一种单一的标准来衡量员工, 然后以此对他们进行区分奖 励,一旦操作有误很可能造 成恶劣后果。 4. But the growing shortage of executive talent may make the gro wth assumptions written into many business plans over-optimistic. 但是日 渐匮乏的管理人才使得商业 计划书对未来经济增长的假 设显得过于乐观了。 5. Alternati v ely, advertisers can choose to use “spokescharacters”. O w ens-Corning has used the P ink P anther for nearl y20 years to endorse its insulation products, and Metropolitan Life has used the P eanuts gang to promote its insurance policies. Another way advertisers protect themselves is by using deceased celebrities. Through the w onders of technology, televi s ion viewers see screen legends John Wayne pitching Coors beer and Fred Astaire dancing with a Dirt Devil vacuum cleaner. 此外,作为 一项选择,广告主不一定非要 用真人来促销产品,而可以选 择一个“代言人”(不一定是 真实的人,可以是动画人物, 甚至可以是动物)。例如,奥 弗恩斯*科宁用粉红豹来促 销其粉红色的绝缘材料已有 20 多年;大都会人寿保险公 司用花生少年来促销其保险 政策。广告主保护自己的方法 之一就是减少名人的运用。例 如,通过神奇的技术,电视观 众看到了荧幕传奇任务约翰* 威尼叫卖科拉斯啤酒的镜 头,还看到了弗莱特*阿斯泰 尔与一台名叫清洁助手的吸 尘器一起跳舞的情形。 6. In China, as a result of the economic reforms and market opening measures, SME s have enjoyed remarkable development and have grown to become an important force in contributing towards sustained and rapid growth of the Chinese economic.在 中国,由于经济改革和市场开 发等措施,中小企业有了越来 越大的发展,逐渐演变为中 国得以可持续快速发展的中 坚力量。 7. Many underestimate the cost of local staff. Chinese graduates often have an inflated view of their own, complain some foreign managers. Multinationals are also competing for talent with China’s domestic companies, which need to improve the quality of their people as thei r markets open to foreign rivals.许多人低估了本土雇 员的成本。一些国外的经理抱 怨说,中国的毕业生常常过分 地夸大自身的价值。不少跨 国公司也在和中国本土的公 司竞争人才,这就意味着中国 公司同样应当提高员工的素 质,因为中国市场已经向国外 的竞争者开放了。 8. A fairly obvious cultural divide that has been much studied is the one between, on the one hand, the countries of North America and north-west E urope, where management is largely based on analysis, rationality, logic and systems, and, on the other, the Latin cultures of southern E urope and South America, where personal relations, intuition, emotion and sensitivity are of much greater importance.一 方面,北美和欧洲西北部的管 理方式大都是基于分析、理 性、逻辑和系统;而另一方面, 在南欧和南美的拉丁文化中, 人际关系、直觉、情感和敏感 性则更为重要。这两种明显 的文化划分已经被广为研究。

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