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[中图分类号]H0[文献标识码]A [文章编号]1009—2234(2012)05—0133—02




N o.5,2012(总第77期)

Theoretic Observation

S erial N o.77




























—me she——

—her we——

—us go——

—went am——



—worse good——




—her go——

—was bad——

—better she——

—him work——

—went good——

—less 这无疑扩大了异根的范围,实际上异根并不是一种很活跃的构形手段,它只是古代语言残留的形式,在现代语言中是不能产的。下面我们看看一些学者对异根是如何定义的:



















新概念英语二lesson22课后短语练习答案Page 97-99 Supply the missing words( or, from, in or on). 1. I withdrew a lot of money from the bank yesterday. 2. I refuse to comment on his work. 3. The waiter’s tip is included in the bill. 4. He congratulated me on having got engaged. 5. This warm coat will protect you from the cold. 6. Did anything emerge from your discussion? 7. I dreamt of you last night. 8. You can never rely on him to be punctual. 9. Nothing will prevent him from succeeding. 10. Are you interested in music? 11. I suppose I can count on you for help in this matter? 12. Beware of the dog. 13. He persisted in asking questions. 14. I insist on your telling me the truth. 15. It took me a long time to get rid of him. 16. Do you mean to say you have never heard of Beethoven? 17. I separated them from each other because they were fighting? 18. They can only cure him of his illness if they operate on him. 19. You can depend on me. 20. I haven’t accused him of anything, but I suspect him of having taken it. 21. Whatever made you think of such a thing? 22. We expect a great deal of you, Smith. 23. My hands smell of soap. 24. They differ from each other so much. 25. He invested a lot of money in shipping. 26. The film was based on a novel by Dickens. 27. Don’t lean on that shelf! You’ll regret it. 28. She often suffers from colds. 29. We have embarked on a new house. 30. I believe in taking my time. 31. Jones was dismissed from the firm. 32. They began by experimenting on rats. 33. Please concentrate on what you are doing. 34. She prides herself on her clean house. 35. The climber failed in his attempt to reach the summit. 36. Many people escaped from prisons during the last five years. 37. We must economize on fuel. 38. He's never done any work. He lives on his mother. 39. He was employed in a factory before he joined the army. 40. Any what does this horrible drink consist of? 41. I shall certainly act on your advice. 42. Don't write on the desk!

新概念英语第二册第34课听力:quick work

新概念英语第二册第34课听力:quick work Lesson 34 quick work破案“神速” First listen and then answer the question. 听录音,然后回答以下问题。 How long had the police taken to find his bicycle? Dan Robinson has been worried all week. 丹.鲁宾逊焦虑了整整一个星期。 Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. In the letter he was asked to call at the station. 上星期二他收到当地警察局的一封信,要他到警察局去一趟。 Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried anymore. 丹奇怪警察为什么找他,但昨天还是去了,结果他不再担心了。 At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found. 在警察局里,一位面带笑容的警察告诉他,他的自行车找到了。 Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. 那位警察对他说,那辆自行车是5天前在400英里外的一个小村里发现的 It is now being sent to his home by train. Dan was most surprised when he heard the news. He was amused too,


新概念英语第二册:第56 课课文详解及语法解析课文详注 Further notes on the text 1. once a year,每年一次。 once+表示时间的名词能够表示“每... 一次”: The postman calls once a day. 邮递员每天来一次。 2. A lot of cars entered for this race last year... 去年有很多汽车参加了这项比赛... enter for 表示 " 报名参加 " 。(cf. 第 8 课词汇学习) 3. Built in 1885,it was the oldest car taking part. 该车造于 1885 年,是参赛车中 . 老的一辆。 built 引导的过去分词短语起状语的作用,说明动作发生的背景 或情况。主句能够补全为 it was the oldest car taking part in the race. 4. Many of the cars broke down on the conrse很多汽车在途中就抛了锚 break down 为固定短语,其含义之一是“( 机械等 ) 出故障”、“出毛病”: This morning I was late for work,beceuse my car broke down twice. 今天上午我上班迟到了,因为我的车坏了两次。 5.The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour-much faster than

any of its rivals.获胜的那辆车达到了时速40 英里—远远超过任何 对手。 (1)winning 为现在分词作定语: Those of the winning team jumped happily. 获胜队的队员们高兴地跳着。 (2)表示速度为多少时可用 a speed of+ 数量词这个结构: You must have been driving at a speed of seventy miles an hour. 你刚才一定是以每小时70 英里的速度在开车。 (3)破折号后面的部分补充说明这个速度。 much是用得较多的与 比较级连用的修饰语: House are much more expensive these days. 如今的房价贵多了。 6. It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. 它在接近终点时。冲下了山坡,驾驶员费了好大劲才把车停下来。 (1)speed 作不及物动词时能够表示“疾驶”、“急行”等含义: The police car sped past us. 警车从我们身边疾驶而过。 The two men sped out of the room. 那两个人快步走出了房间。 (2) 表示“在 ... 的末尾 / 最后部分”时能够用 at the end of 这个短语:


新概念2第56课重点内容解析 重要句型或语法 1、比较关系 本课侧重的是be like、the same as、be different from等比较关系的表达。如: My jacket is like yours. My jacket is the same as yours. My jacket is different from yours. 【推荐阅读】 相关比较关系的详细用法,请参考下文: 英语比较状语从句的用法大全 2、不定代词 本课侧重的是不定代词little、a little、few、a few、much、many的用法。如: There isn't much whisky, but you can have a little. There aren't many apples, but you can pick a few. 课文主要语言点 Once a year, a race is held for old cars 1)once a year,每年一次。once表示一次,twice表示两次,三次以上都用times来表达。 2)hold,举行、举办。其过去式和过去分词都是held。

A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. 1)enter for,参加(比赛)。 2)a great deal of,很多、大量。注意只能用来 修饰不可数名词。 3)just before,就在...之前。 One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. 1)handsome,英俊的、漂亮的。 2)Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost,劳斯莱斯银魅。这款车享有“世界上的汽车”的美誉。silver,银。ghost,魔鬼。 The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. 1)Benz,奔驰车。 2)Built in 1885是过去分词短语,作为伴随状语。 3)taking part用作car的定语,其完整原形为that took part。 After a great many loud explosions, the race began. 1)a great many,很多、大量。与a great deal of只能用来修饰不可数 名词不同的是,a great many只能用来修饰可数名词。 2)explosion,爆炸。源自动词explode。 Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them! 1)break down,抛锚。 2)on the course,在赛道上。 3)注意体会本 句话中的幽默笔触:一些司机选手花了更多的时间躺着车底下,而不 是坐在车里面,意思是车子坏了,得躺到车底去修车。注意under和 in要重读,以突出前后对比效果。 A few cars, however, completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour - much faster than any of its rivals. 1)complete,完成。 2)winning,取胜的。 3)reach a speed of,达到...速度。 4)注意much常用来修饰比较级。 5)rival,竞争对手。


新概念英语第二册课文及翻译31到40 ###新概念频道为大家整理的新概念英语第二册课文及翻译31到40 ,供大家参考。更多阅读请查看本站频道。 Lesson31 Success story 成功者的故事 Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. Frank is now the head of a very large business company, but as a boy he used to work in a small shop. It was his job to repair bicycles and at that time he used to work fourteen hours a day. He saved money for years and in 1938 he bought a small work-shop of his own. During the war Frank used to make spare parts for aeroplanes. At that time he had two helpers. By the end of the war, the small work-shop had become a large factory which employed seven hundred and twenty-eight people. Frank smiled when he remembered his hard early years and the long road to success. He was still smiling when the door opened and his wife came in. She wanted him to repair their son's bicycle! 昨天下午弗兰克.霍金斯向我讲述了他年轻时的经历。在退休前,弗兰克是一家非常大的商业公司的经理,但他小时候却在一家小铺里做工。他那时的工作是修理自行车,并且通常是一天工作14个小时。他靠多年积蓄,于1958年买下了自己的一个小铺子。20多岁的时候,弗兰克曾生产飞机零配件。那时他有两个帮手。几年之后,小铺子已经发展成了一个雇有728人的大工厂。弗兰克回想着他早年的艰难经历和走过的漫长的成功之路,微笑了。他正笑着的时候门开了,他的妻子走了进来。她叫他去修理孙子的自行车。 Lesson32 Shopping made easy 购物变得很方便


Lesson Plan Name 罗玲段姗姗虞佳 Grade NCE2 Times Date Place Ⅰ Lesson Type: New Lesson Ⅱ Contents & Purposes: Lesson 22 a glass envelope Ⅲ key structures and key words: 介词的用法 Ⅳ Teaching procedure: Step1 Greeting, Step 2 :Lead-in 1)T: In what way can we make friends? Ss: talk about how to make friends: talking on phone, chatting online( QQ, MSN, Skype),. T: Today I’ll tell you another way of making friends. T: Take out some bottles, and ask to Ss to write a letter to make friends, and put their letters into bottles. T: Put all the bottles into a bag. And let the Ss to choose one of them and read out the letter and find the friends and exchange their stickers. 2) Let’s listen to the story today. And let’s see how Jane make friends. Step 3 Listen again and answer more Qs: (Summary writing) Step 4) words: Dream: T ask: What do you dream of? I dream of receiving a …on my birthday? What about you? Ss: I dream of receiving…/being… Age: of one’s own age T ask S1 of 12: How old are you? And then ask another S2 of the same age So S1 is of S2’s own age. Let Ss ask others’ age and find out who is of their own age and tell the others: ….is of my own age. Channel: show pics of some famous channels. Intro the biggest channel in the world..


新概念英语第二册课后题答案详解:Lesson34 新概念英语第二册语法Lesson 34 1. d 根据课文第3行Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police… 能够判断d. he didn’t know why the police wanted him 是感到焦虑的真正原因,所以应该选d. 其他3个选择都是课文提及的情况,但不是他焦虑的真正原因。 2. a 根据课文第8-9行Dan was most surprised… he never expected the bicycle to be found 能够判断,只有a. had probably forgotten all about his bicycle(可能把他的自行车早忘得一干二净了)符合当时的心情,是准确答案。其他3个选择都不符合他当时的心理感受。 3. b (c)yet (d)anymore 都不符语法,因为它们常用于否定句中,而本 句是肯定句. (a)even 不符合题意,应该同比较级连用才准 确;(b)still 能够用在肯定句中表示仍然,还,所以只能选(b)still 4. c a. had been finding 和 d. have been finding 都不是准确的 时态,动词find(找到)强调结果,不应该用实行时态; b. had been found语态不对,因为本句的主语是人,是动作的执行者,故不能用被动语态; c. had found最合乎时态和语态,所以只能选c 5. a

本句是对地点提问的疑问句,回答是In a small village,只有a. Where 是问地点的,所以a. 是准确答案,而其他3个选择都不是问 地点的。 6. d a. to 和 b. to be 都不合乎语法,因为以that引导的是从句,应 该有主语和谓语,而不应该是用to引导的动词不定式, c. they也不合乎语法,因为主句动词是过去式,从句也应该是过去时态. d. they would 是过去将来时,最合乎语法,所以只能选它. 7. c 本句有表示过去时间的状语twenty years ago(20年前),所以应 该用一般过去时。a. stolen 是过去分词,不能做谓语;b. has stolen 是现在完成时,不合乎时态; d. was stolen 是被动语态, 不准确,因为本句的主语是人,是动作的执行者,应该用主动语态;只 有c. stole 是过去式,符合语法,所以应该选c. 8. b a. topical(话题的), b. local(地方的,当地的), c. native(出生地的,本地的,本国的),d. neighbourly(友好的,睦邻的)。只有b. 最适合于这个句子,其他3个词都不合乎题目意思。 9. c 只有选c. on之后才表示“拜访”,最合乎题目意思和语法。 a. at 后面应该跟地点,而不应该跟人;b. in 不是准确表达方式;选d. up 之后表示“给……打电话”,不合乎题目意思。 10. b 只有选b. 才能同前一句The bicycle was picked up four hundred miles away(自行车是在400英里外发现的)意思相符。 Picked up (发现,拾到)同found意思最接近;而a. picked(挑选,

Lessons 34新概念英语第二册课后答案详解

Lessons 34新概念英语第二册课后答案详解 词汇学习 Word study 与call有关的短语动词 动词call与不同的小品词连用可以构成意义不同的短语动词。 (1)call at表示"对(某个人家或地方)进行短暂访问": He calls at every house in the street once a month.他每月对这条街上的每户人家光顾一次。 He was asked to call at the police station.他被告知去警察局一趟。 (2)call on 表示"拜访"、"探望": Have you called on George recently?你最近去看过乔治吗? (3)call out表示"大声叫喊": Some people on the bank called out to the man in the boat.岸上的一些人对着小船上的那人高喊。 (4)call up在美国英语中表示"打电话(给某人)": Jane called me up the other day.前几天,简给我打过电话。 If you want my help, just call up.你如果需要我的帮助,来个电话就行。 (5) call off 可以表示"取消(某项活动)": For some reason, they have called off the party / the meeting.由于某种原因,他们把晚会/会议取消了。

most (1)adj.用于级,表示"最……": This is the most beautiful can/ garden I've even seen.这是我见过的最漂亮的车/花园。 The most intelligent girl in this class is Jane.这个班上最聪明的姑娘是简。 (2)adj.大多数的,大部分的: Most doctors don't smoke.大多数医生不吸烟。 Most women have to stay at home in this country.在这个国家,大部分妇女都得呆在家里。 (3)adv.非常,很(相当于very, 但通常用于表达主观感情、见解等): This is a most interesting/ exciting story.这是个非常有趣/激动人心的故事。(说话者的观点) Dan was most surprised when he heard the news.丹听到这个消息后,惊奇万分。 练习答案 Key to written exercises 1.关键句型练习答案 A 1 Dan Robinson has been worried all the week. 2 Dan was asked to call at the local police station. 3 Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police. 4 Dan was told at the station that his bicycle had been found. 5 Dan's bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. 6 The bicycle is being sent to Dan's home. 7 Dan was surprised and amused when he heard the news.


新概念英语第二册第25-34课测试卷 一、单词与短语互译(30分) 1.not only…but…as well 2.neither…nor.. 3.外国人 4.鉴赏 5.材料 6.上下颠倒地 7.put up one’s tent 8.wind one’s way across…9.舒适的,安逸的10.爬到…里面11.believe in ancient myths 12.没有效果13.从某地飞往某地14.废弃(v)15.偏僻的,人迹罕至的16.row on the river 17. be out of sight 18.对某人大声喊19.a book of his own 20.他早年的艰难岁月21.一个穿着讲究的女人 22.最昂贵的物品之一23.出发,动身 24.struggle up the cliffs 25.向岸边游去 26.在前面(adv.)27.不知不觉地发现某人处在… 28.拜访某地29.not any more 30.一个十五岁的男孩 二、用所给动词的正确形式填空(20分) 1.The sun (rise) in the east and (set) in the west . 2.”You (joke),”I replied. “I (not know) anyone who does .” 3. She (pay) the bill and (leave) the shop. 4.”Up till now I (be) to New York three times .” he (add) 5.She never expected her bicycle (find). The thief (question). 6.On (arrive) at the shore, the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she (see). 7.He (worry) all week. Last Saturday he (receive) a letter from the local police . 8.”You (always be) late , Tom .”his teacher (say). “You (be)late five times this week. You (be) nearly late every class . Don’t (be) late next time. Or I’ll punish you. Then I (call) up your mother.” 三、句子翻译(15分) 1.她的英文讲得不但非常认真,而且吐字也非常清楚。(not only …but …as well) 2.他们中还没有一个变成石头呢!(none of them) 3.那个把飞机降落在田里的飞行员没有受伤。(whose, hurt) 4.和往常一样有去和河边坐着。(as usual ) 5.在我二十几岁的时候,我常在一家小商店干活。(in one’s +整数,used to do ) 6.人们不再像以前那样诚实了。(not so …as…) 四、单项填空(30分) 1.You cannot fail to obey it. You can’t ________to do this. a. refuse b. deny c. resist d. withdraw 2.If she _________she will get a surprise.

裕兴新概念英语第二册笔记 第56课

11-14-2013sound n 声音excitement n 激动,兴奋handsome adj Rolls-royce Benz n wheel n 轮子explosion n course n 跑道;行程rival n 对手speed v 疾驶sped--sped downhill adv 下坡sound 1n 声音the sound of the wind 风声the sound of the sea 大海的声音the sound of a car 汽车的声音the sound of music 音乐之声the sound of voices 说话的声音like the sound of one`s own voice 滔滔不绝的讲话(常指不想听别人说话,只听自己来说)sound-recording n 录音2v sound like 听起来像eg That music sounds beautiful.那个音乐听起来很美。eg That music sounds sad.那个音乐听起来很忧伤。eg Your explanation sounds reasonable.你的解释听起来合情合理。3adj soundly adv sleep soundly 睡得很香很甜have a sound sleep 美美的睡了一觉excitement n [u]激动,兴奋cause excitement/arouse excitement 引起激动excite v eg His story excites me very much. 他的故事令我非常激动。eg The scene would excite the hardest man to pity. 那个场面就算是最铁石心肠的人也会同情的。eg His speech excited everyone present to anger. 他的发言激怒了所有在场的人。excited adj 感到激动的主语是人an excited mob 激动的人群exciting adj 令人激动的主语是物an exciting moment 兴奋的时刻handsome 1adj (指男子)好看的,漂亮的,英俊的,相貌堂堂的2adj (指事物)美观的,漂亮的a handsome horse 一匹漂亮的马a handsome building 漂亮的建筑物--some 与名词或动词复合构成adj,描述人或物的特征或属性。quarrelsome adj 爱与人争吵的adj 令人讨厌的或惹人恼火的worrisome adj 令人担心的adj 惹麻烦的wheel n 1the wheels of a car 汽车的轮子2be behind wheel/ sit behind wheel 握着方向盘(在开车/开船)be at the wheel/ sit at the wheel 握着方向盘(在开车/开船)eg Will you take the wheel ? 你来开车好吗?eg America is a country on the wheel ? 美国是一个车轮上的国家。eg Australia is a country on the back of sheep.澳大利亚是一个羊背上的国家。 wheel chair 轮椅 stretcher 担架 Lesson 56Faster than sound New words and expressions 漂亮的,美观的听起来(感官动词,后面+adj 表达感觉)罗尔斯-罗伊斯(劳斯莱斯)奔驰爆炸,轰响使…兴奋,刺激(睡眠)酣睡的,香甜的(睡眠)酣睡地,香甜地bothersome/tiresome troublesome 车轮,轮子方向盘,舵轮(steering wheel)


Lesson 22 A glass envelope 玻璃信封 Text How did Jane receive a letter from a stranger? My daughter, Jane, never dreamed of receiving a letter from a girl of her own age in Holland. Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. She threw the bottle into the sea. She never thought of it again, but ten months later, she received a letter from a girl in Holland. Both girls write to each other regularly now. However, they have decided to use the post office. Letters will cost a little more, but they will certainly travel faster. New words and expressions 生词和短语 Dream [dri:m] v. 做梦,梦想 age [e?d?] n. 年龄 channel [?t??nl] n. 海峡 throw [θr??] v. 扔,抛★dream v. 做梦, 梦想 Have a good/sweat dream!祝你做个好梦! She is daydreaming.她做白日梦 daydream : 思想开小差 dream of doing something : 梦想 I dreamed of flying in the sky. I dreamed of finding the gold. / I dream of be a good teacher. ★age n. 年龄 teengager : 十几岁的人 adolenscent n.青春期(一般指成年以前由13至15的发育期) ★channel n. 海峡 ★throw v. 扔, 抛(threw,thrown)throw away 扔掉 参考译文: 我的女儿简从未想过会接到荷兰一位同龄姑娘的来信。去年,当我们横渡英吉利海峡时,简把写有她姓名和住址的一张纸条装进了一只瓶子,又将瓶子扔进了大海。此后她就再没去想那只瓶子。但10个月以后,她收到了荷兰一位姑娘的来信。现在这两位姑娘定期通信了。然而她们还是决定利用邮局。这样会稍微多花点钱,但肯定是快得多了。


Lesson 34 Quick work破案“神速” How long had the police taken to find his bicycle? Dan Robinson has been worried all week. Last Tuesday he received a letter from the local police. In the letter he was asked to call at the station. Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried anymore. At the station, he was told by a smiling policeman that his bicycle had been found. Five days ago, the policeman told him, the bicycle was picked up in a small village four hundred miles away. It is now being sent to his home by train. Dan was most surprised when he heard the news. He was amused too, because he never expected the bicycle to be found. It was stolen twenty years ago when Dan was a boy of fifteen! 参考译文 丹.鲁宾逊焦虑了整整一个星期。上星期二他收到当地警察局的一封信,要他到警察局去一趟。丹奇怪警察为什么找他,但昨天还是去了,结果他一再担心了。在警察局里,一位面带笑容的警察告诉他,他的自行车找到了。那位警察对他说,那辆自行车是5天前在400英里外的一个小村里发现的,现在正用火车给他运回家来。丹听到这个消息后,惊奇万分,但又感到非常好笑,因为他从未指望那辆自行车还能找到。这是20年前丹还是一个15岁的孩子时被人偷走的! 【New words and expressions】(2) station 1)n.(政府机关等)局、所、中心:供应站;(广播)电台 a police station 警察局


Text Once a year,a race is held for old cars. (held 是hold 的过去分词)be held, 被召开,被举行 once a year,每年一次,一年一次 once a week ,一星期一次 once a month , 一个月一次once(一次)---twice(两次)---three times(三次)---four times(四次) once or twice 一两次 once 曾经 eg We once lived in San Francisco. 我们曾经住在旧金山。 A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. enter for 参加(比赛,考试) join in 参加 take part in 参加 handsome adj (指男子)好看的,漂亮的,英俊的,相貌堂堂的eg He is a very handsome young man. 他是一个非常清秀的年轻人。pretty/beautiful adj (指妇女或儿童)很漂亮的eg good-looking adj 好看的(复合词),即可以修饰女子,也可以修饰男子 eg one of +(pl.)n. …之一 The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. the most unusual 最不寻常的 Built in 1885,it was the oldest car taking part. …taking part 现在分词短语作定语修饰car take part 参加 take part in+(宾语) 参加…比赛,同意短语有,join in/ enter for eg The professor took no small part in thedispute. 在那次争论中,这位教授参与不少。 take place (必要事件)发生 be held 被召开,举行 occur/happen (偶然事件)发生 eg The next race will take place in a year`s time. 下次比赛一年以后举行。 After a great many loud explosions, the race began.一阵轰鸣之后,比赛开始了。 a great many +(pl.) 许多,大量。修饰复数名词break down, 抛锚,出故障eg The telephone system has broken down. 电话系统出故障了。 eg We broken down on the motorway. 我们在高速公路上抛锚了。 break v 休息Many of the cars broke down on the couse and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them! excitement 是不可数名词,用great deal 修饰 The most unusual car was a Ben ,是一辆什么样的Benz 呢?which had only three wheels 定语从句(只有三个轮子),修饰Benz. built in 1885, 过去分词短语做状语,表示原因。相当于as it was built in 1885 (因为他建造于1885年).可以还原成一个原因状语从句。 One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. 最漂亮的汽车之一是劳斯莱斯银铃系列的车She used to be very pretty as a child. She is now a beautiful woman. 孩提时代她很漂亮,现在她是一个漂亮的女 子了。 She is a very good-looking girl, and her boy friend`s good-looking too. 她是个好看的女孩子,她的男朋友也很好看。 Once a year , a race is held for old cars. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began. One of the most handsome cars was a Rolls-Royce Silver Ghost. The most unusual car was a Benz which had only three wheels. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part. After a great many loud explosions , the race began. Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them ! A few cars , however , completed the race. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour —— much faster than any of its rivals. It sped downhill at the end of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it. The race gave everyone a great deal of pleasure. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.

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