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Lesson 2 翻译专业

Lesson 2 翻译专业
Lesson 2 翻译专业

Lesson 2




1. 词义的构成

一个词的词义不是单一的个体,而往往是由多方面组成的统一体。词义可以分成概念意义(Conceptual Meaning)和关联意义(Associative Meaning)。

概念意义(conceptual meaning):概念意义是词义的核心,它直接地,明确地表示所指对象。


关联意义(associative meaning):关联意义是词的附带意义,包括词的内涵意义(Connotative

Meaning),文体意义(Stylistic Meaning),感情意义

(Affective Meaning),等等。

内涵意义(connotative meaning):词的概念意义的属性。如比喻意义,象征意义,联想意义等。


Woman (概念)+人,-男人,+成年


“Anyway, she is a woman.”这句话在不同的场合有不同的含义。

Gold: 财富,价值Moon:纯洁,宁静,孤独Dragon Dog

文体意义(Stylistic Meaning):语言中,有的词可以用于所有场合,而有的词只能用语特定




Father, dad, daddy, papa, the old man, male parent

sanguinary---blood corporal---body nebular-----cloud

domestic----home insular----island juvenile----youth

accommodation----rooms commence----begin dwell----live

endeavor----try purchase----buy edifice----building

locate---find cease----stop

非正式:有标准与次标准之分。标准非正式用词也就是口语词(colloquialism),次标准的非正式用词包括俚语(slang)俗语(vulgarism)行业用语(professionalism, jargon)等。


Slim thin skinny

Bachelor girl single woman spinster (old maid)





一寸光阴一寸金。——An inch of time is an inch of gold. (One inch =2.54 cm,一寸= 3.3 cm)



No X in Nixon.

Able was I ere I saw Elba.


2. 英汉词汇差异








A) 完全对等

briefcase 公文包

movie 电影

self-confidence 自信

in detail 详细地

security checks 安全检查

B) 部分对等

painful 令人痛苦的;疼痛的

envy 嫉妒,羡慕

brother 兄,弟

elementary 初级的,基础的,小学的

C) 无适当对等词

teenager 13至19岁的青少年

amount (指不可数的)量,数额

overkill 过度杀伤力,表示宣传活动等方面不必要的过度行为



Don't walk along the top of the wall; you might fall. 别在墙顶上行走,你会摔下来的。

The ripe fruit fell from the tree. 熟了的果子从树上掉了下来。

Interest rates fell sharply last week. 上周利率下跌很厉害。

A prayer was said in memory of those who fell in the war. 举行祷告是为了纪念战争中的阵亡


She fell asleep. 她入睡了。

The city fell to the enemy. 这座城市沦陷了。

Her face fell when I told her the news.当我告诉她这个消息时,她突然沉下脸来。

3. 翻译中的选词

1). 根据上下文辨词义。

2). 论褒贬。即要注意同义词之间有不同的语体色彩、使用范围及程度。





















to expire 逝世to pass away 与世长辞

to close (end) one's day 寿终to breathe one's last 断气

to go west 归西天to pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘

to depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉to give up the ghost 见阎王

to kick the bucket 翘辫子to kick up one's heels 蹬腿


She is having a baby. She is expecting.

She is in the family way. She is knitting little booties.

She is in a delicate condition. She is in an interesting condition.


policeman 正式用语cop 美国口语bobby 英国口语nab 美国俚语

3). 看搭配。任何一种语言,在长期使用的过程中,会形成一种固定的词组或常见的搭配。这些比较固定的说法,有时可以译成另一种语言,有时则不行。翻译时,必须注意英汉两种语言中词的不同搭配。


He killed the man. 他杀死了那个人。

He killed his chances of success.他断送了成功的机会。

He killed the motion when it came from the committee.他否决了委员会提出来的提议。

He killed three bottles of whisky in a week.他一周内喝光了三瓶威士忌。

kill the peace 扼杀和平

kill the promise 取消诺言

kill a marriage 解除婚约


heavy crops 丰收heavy news 令人悲痛的消息

heavy road 泥泞的路heavy sea 波涛汹涌的海洋

heavy heart 忧伤的心heavy reader 沉闷冗长的读物


a broken man 一个绝望的人 a broken soldier 一个残废军人

a broken promise 背弃的诺言 a broken spirit 消沉的意志

broken money 零钱


I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. We, or the things we do, are typical of our nation.

2. They place great emphasis on their individual differences.

3. Whereas, for example, Italians or Germans form a largely

homogeneous society, white, Christian, and speaking one language, Americans do not.

4. Such difficulties, which stem from the enormous variety of America and Americans, should be rather obvious.

5. Less apparent at first thought is that much of what was once said to be typically American is often no longer just American.

6. More and more American social and cultural habits have taken hold in Europe.

7. Similarly,to talk about a car culture,a throw-away culture, or the generation gap as exclusively American concerns makes little sense today.

8. More and more of the m are cooking “from scratch” instead of using prepared foods.

9. German cars and Dutch cheese are selling well in the U.S.

10. This is because it is not only central but also the heart of London’s entertainment world.

11. In the middle of Piccadilly Circus, there is a statue said to be

of Eros, the god of love.

12. Few people know that it really represents the Angel of Christian Charity.

13. This statue is the first that was ever cast in aluminum.

14. The Contractor shall from time to time during the progress

of the Works clear away and remove all surplus materials and rubbish. On completion of the Works the Contractor shall remove all Contractor’s Equipment and leave the whole of the Site and the Works clean and in a safe condition, to the satisfaction of the Employer.

15. The Acceptance Test manual shall be the document prepared

by the Seller which will be used by the Seller and the Buyer for checking that the Equipment is in accordance with the Specifications.

16. Except to the extent specified in Part II, the Contractor shall

provide all Contractor’s equipment necessary to complete the Works. All Contractors’ Equipment shall, when brought on to the Site, be deemed to be exclusively intended for the execution of the Works.

17. The contractor shall at its own risk and expense transport all

the Plant and Equipment to the Site by the mode of transport the Contractor judges most suitable under all the


18. The Contractor shall be entitled to use for the purpose of the

Works such supplies of utilities and other services as may be available on the Site and of which details are given in Appendix 3. The Contractor shall pay the Employer a fair price for such use. The Contractor shall at his own cost provide any apparatus necessary for such use.

19. With respect to defects in equipment parts manufactured as

per the Seller’s detailed design, the seller’s liability is limited to making good at its factory by replacement, or, at the Seller’s option, repair the defects which under proper use appear therein within a period of two years after the date of signing the Site Acceptance Certificate.

II. Translate the paragraph into Chinese.

Online learning is not easier than study in regular classrooms. In fact, many students say it requires much more time and effort. Requirements for online courses are not less than those of any quality program. Successful students, however, see online learning as a convenient way to receive their education ---- not an easier way. Many online students sit at computers for hours at a time during evenings and on weekends

in order to complete their assignments. When other people are fineshed and having fun is most likely the time when online students do their course work. Online students need to commit 4 to 15 hours a week for each course.


第二章第一篇 To say that we live in an age of electronics is an understatement. From the omnipresent integrated circuit to the equally omnipresent digital computer, we encounter electronic devices and systems on a daily basis. In every aspect of our increasingly technological society— whether it is science, engineering, medicine, music, maintenance, or even espionage—the role of electronics is large, and it is growing. 谈论关于我们生活在一个电子学时代的论调是一种空泛的论调。从无处不在的集成电路到同样无处不在的数字计算机,我们在日常活动中总会遇到电子设备和电子系统。在我们日益发展的科技社会的方方面面——无论是在科学、工程、医药、音乐、维修方面甚至是在谍报方面——电子学的作用是巨大的,而且还将不断增强。 In general, all of the tasks with which we shall be concerned can be classified as "signal-processing“tasks. Let us explore the meaning of this term 一般说来,我们将要涉及到的工作被归结为“信号——处理”工作,让我们来探究这个术语的含义吧。 A signal is any physical variable whose magnitude or variation with time contains information. This information might involve speech and music, as in radio broadcasting, a physical quantity such as the temperature of the air in a room, or numerical data, such as the record of stock market transactions. The physical variables that can carry information in an electrical system are voltage and current. When we speak of "signals", therefore, we refer implicitly to voltages or currents. However, most of the concepts we discuss can be applied directly to systems with different information-carrying variables. Thus, the behavior of a mechanical system (in which force and velocity are the variables) or a hydraulic system (in which pressure and flow rate are the variables) can often be modeled or represented by an equivalent electrical system. An understanding of the behavior of electrical systems, therefore, provides a basis for understanding a much broader range of phenomena. 信号就是其与时间有关的量值或变化包含信息的任何物理变量。这种信息或许像无线电广播的演讲和音乐,或许是像室内温度的物理量,或许像股市交易记录的数字数据。在电气系统中能够载有信息的物理变量是电压和电流。因此当我们谈到“信号”,我们不言而喻指的是电压和电流,然而,我们要讨论的大多数概念是可以被直接应用于载有不同信息的变量的系统,因此,一个机械系统(在这个系统中力和速度是其变量)或者液压系统(在这个系统中压力和流速是其变量)的性能通常可以用一个等效的电气系统来模拟或表示。因此,我们对于电气系统性能的理解为理解更宽领域的现象打下了一个基础。 A signal can carry information in two different forms. In an analog signal the continuous variation of the voltage or current with time carries the information. An example, in Fig.2-l, is the voltage produced by a thermocouple pair when the two junctions are at different temperatures. As the temperature difference between the two junctions varies, the magnitude of the voltage across the thermocouple pair also varies. The voltage thus provides an analog representation of the temperature difference. 一个信号可以以两种形式来承载信息。在一个模拟信号中电压或电流随时间而产生的连续变化载有信息。在图2-1中,当一对热电偶的接头处于不同的温度时由热电偶所产生的电压就是一个例子。当两个接头之间的温度差改变时,一对热电偶两端的电压也将改变。于是电压就提供了温度差的模拟表现形式 The other kind of signal is a digital signal. A digital signal is one that can take on values within two discrete ranges. Such signals are used to represent ON-OFF or YES-NO information. An ordinary household thermostat delivers a digital signal tocontrol the furnace. When the


《英语翻译基础》期末复习 13年12月 题型: 一、选择题(每小题2分,共20分) Section A; 选择译文中最符合原文意思的选项(考查翻译实践能力) Section B: 关于翻译理论知识的题目 二、改译句子。(每小题2分,共10分) 三、翻译句子。(每小题3分,共15分) 四、篇章翻译(每小题40分,共40分) 五、案例分析题(每小题15分,共15分) 注意:本门课程为:“闭卷(只允许考生带一本正规英汉词典参加考试,不得携带除此之外的任何查字工具。) I、Multiple Choice Questions (20 points, 2 points each) A : Directions : This part consists of five sentences, each followed by four different versions marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that is the closest equivalent of the original in terms of meaning and expressiveness. 1. I prefer driving to being driven. B A. 我喜欢开车,不喜欢别人开车。 B. 我喜欢开车,不喜欢坐车。 C. 我开车比被开车更喜欢。 D. 我喜欢开车,也喜欢被开车。 2. She had deprived herself of the advice of all but yesmen. C A.她丧失了除了唯唯诺诺的人之外的所有人的劝告。 B.她剥夺了自己的所有人的劝告,唯唯诺诺的人除外。 C.她喜欢唯唯诺诺的人,根本听不进所有其他人的劝告。 D.她剥夺了所有人的劝告,除了唯唯诺诺的人。 3.我第一次听她在晚上唱歌,她的歌声就深深地打动了我。B A.Because it was the first time I heard her sing at a party, her song moved me deeply. B. When I first heard her sing at a party, I was deeply moved. C. I first heard her singing a party, I was deeply moved. D. Because it was the first time I heard her sing at a party, her voice moved me deeply. 4.When it came to reading, they were as good as blind. B


Chapter 1 Passage 1 Human Body In this passage you will learn: 1. Classification of organ systems 2. Structure and function of each organ system 3. Associated medical terms To understand the human body it is necessary to understand how its parts are put together and how they function. The study of the body's structure is called anatomy; the study of the body's function is known as physiology. Other studies of human body include biology, cytology, embryology, histology, endocrinology, hematology, immunology, psychology etc. 了解人体各部分的组成及其功能,对于认识人体是必需的。研究人体结构的科学叫解剖学;研究人体功能的科学叫生理学。其他研究人体的科学包括生物学、细胞学、胚胎学、组织学、内分泌学、血液学、遗传学、免疫学、心理学等等。 Anatomists find it useful to divide the human body into ten systems, that is, the skeletal system, the muscular system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the urinary system, the endocrine system, the nervous system, the reproductive system and the skin. The principal parts of each of these systems are described in this article. 解剖学家发现把整个人体分成骨骼、肌肉、循环、呼吸、消化、泌尿、内分泌、神经、生殖系统以及感觉器官的做法是很有帮助的。本文描绘并阐述了各系统的主要部分。 The skeletal system is made of bones, joints between bones, and cartilage. Its function is to provide support and protection for the soft tissues and the organs of the body and to provide points of attachment for the muscles that move the body. There are 206 bones in the human skeleton. They have various shapes - long, short, cube - shaped, flat, and irregular. Many of the long bones have an interior space that is filled with bone marrow, where blood cells are made. 骨骼系统由骨、关节以及软骨组成。它对软组织及人体器官起到支持和保护作用,并牵动骨胳肌,引起各种运动。人体有206根骨头。骨形态不一,有长的、短、立方的、扁的及不规则的。许多长骨里有一个内层间隙,里面充填着骨髓,这即是血细胞的制造场所。 A joint is where bones are joined together. The connection can be so close that no movement is possible, as is the case in the skull. Other kinds of joints permit movement: either back and forth in one plane - as with the hinge joint of the elbow - or movement around a single axis - as with the pivot joint that permits the head to rotate. A wide range of movement is possible when the ball - shaped end of one bone fits into a socket at the end of another bone, as they do in the shoulder and hip joints. 关节把骨与骨连接起来。颅骨不能运动,是由于骨与骨之间的连接太紧密。但其它的关节可允许活动,如一个平面上的前后屈伸运动,如肘关节;或是绕轴心旋转运动,如枢轴点允许头部转动。如果一根骨的球形末端插入另一根骨的臼槽里,大辐度的运动(如肩关节、髋关节)即成为可能。 Cartilage is a more flexible material than bone. It serves as a protective, cushioning layer where bones come together. It also connects the ribs to the breastbone and provides a structural base for the nose and the external ear. An infant's skeleton is made of cartilage that is gradually replaced by bone as the infant grows into an adult. 软骨是一种比一般骨更具韧性的物质。它是骨连结的保护、缓冲层。它把肋骨与胸骨连结起来,也是鼻腔与内耳的结构基础。一个婴儿的骨骼就是由软骨组成,然后不断生长、


Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 141 (2011) 133–138 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e :w w w.e l s e v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /v e t i m m Short communication Saccharomyces cerevisiae decreases in?ammatory responses induced by F4+enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in porcine intestinal epithelial cells Galliano Zanello a ,b ,1,Franc ?ois Meurens a ,1,Mustapha Berri a ,Claire Chevaleyre a ,Sandrine Melo a ,Eric Auclair b ,Henri Salmon a ,? a Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA),UR1282,Infectiologie Animale et SantéPublique,F-37380Nouzilly (Tours),Indre et Loire,France b SociétéIndustrielle Lesaffre,Lesaffre Feed Additives,Marcq-en-Baroeul,France a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 19October 2010Received in revised form 13December 2010 Accepted 31January 2011Keywords: Saccharomyces cerevisiae Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli Pig Intestinal epithelial cells Cytokines Chemokines a b s t r a c t Probiotic yeasts may provide protection against intestinal in?ammation induced by enteric pathogens.In piglets,infection with F4+enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC)leads to in?ammation,diarrhea and intestinal damage.In this study,we investigated whether the yeast strains Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Sc ,strain CNCM I-3856)and S.cerevisiae variety boulardii (Sb ,strain CNCM I-3799)decreased the expression of pro-in?ammatory cytokines and chemokines in intestinal epithelial IPI-2I cells cultured with F4+ETEC.Results showed that viable Sc inhibited the ETEC-induced TNF-?gene expression whereas Sb did not.In contrast,killed Sc failed to inhibit the expression of pro-in?ammatory genes.This inhibition was dependent on secreted soluble factors.Sc culture supernatant decreased the TNF-?,IL-1?,IL-6,IL-8,CXCL2and CCL20ETEC-induced mRNA.Furthermore,Sc culture supernatant ?ltrated fraction <10kDa displayed the same effects excepted for TNF-?.Thus,our results extended to Sc (strain CNCM I-3856)the inhibitory effects of some probiotic yeast strains onto in?ammation. ? 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. 1.Introduction Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC)are pathogenic gram negative bacteria which infect humans and sev-eral species of farm animals such as calves and pigs.ETEC interacts with intestinal epithelial cells,colonizes the small intestine and secretes enterotoxins such as the heat-labile enterotoxins (LT),the heat-stable enterotox-ins (STa and/or STb),and the enteroaggregative E .coli heat-stable enterotoxin 1(EAST1)(Nagy and Fekete,2005).In pigs,ETEC infection and enterotoxin secretions can induce intestinal in?ammation and diarrhea resulting in reduced growth rate,increased mortality and economic ?Corresponding author.Tel.:+33247427331;fax:+33247427779.E-mail addresses:salmon@tours.inra.fr ,henri.salmon@tours.inra.fr (H.Salmon).1 These authors contributed equally to this work.loss (Fairbrother et al.,2005).Moreover,F4+ETEC strain induce pro-in?ammatory response in intestinal epithe-lial cells (Devriendt et al.,2010).Administration of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae variety boulardii (Sb )has been shown to protect pigs in reducing ETEC transloca-tion (Lessard et al.,2009).In vitro studies showed that Sb secretes soluble factors that decrease the expression of pro-in?ammatory cytokines induced by enteric pathogens (Zanello et al.,2009).However,to our knowledge,there is no in vitro data regarding the anti-in?ammatory effects of S.cerevisiae (Sc )secreted soluble factors.Sc and Sb are members of the same species but they differ geneti-cally,metabolically and physiologically (Edwards-Ingram et al.,2007;Hennequin et al.,2001).Thus,in this study,we assessed if the non-commensal and non-pathogenic yeasts Sc (strain CNCM I-3856)and Sb (strain CNCM I-3799)secreted factors allowing the down-regulation of pro-in?ammatory gene expression in intestinal epithe-lial cells cultured with F4+ETEC.Sc (strain CNCM I-3856) 0165-2427/$–see front matter ? 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.vetimm.2011.01.018


黄山学院初等教育学院2008-2009学年度第二学期06级英语班《英语翻译》期末考试卷 班级序号姓名成绩 一、选择题。(请将答案写在序号前面)20% 1. Success in many fields depends on getting the latest information. A. 许多领域的成功都取决于能否得到最新消息。 B. 田里的收成在很多方面依靠获得最新的消息。 C. 从很多方面讲,成功主要依靠在最后的时刻还能得到信息。 D. 在众多领域里,成功是获得最晚信息的保障。 2. At least three persons died in the fire and 23 others were injured. A. 至少3人因这次火灾和另外23次火灾造成死亡。 B. 起码有3个人在大火中丧命,23个以外的人受伤。 C. 火灾造成至少3人死亡,23人受伤。 D. 至少有3人死于火海,23人被火海包围。 3. Not only has he a first-class brain, but he is also a tremendously hard worker. A. 在一班,他不仅是头领,而且,也是一个非常严肃的工作者。 B. 他有一流的头脑,是个非常难对付的家伙。 C. 他不仅头脑好用,而且,还喜欢做极端困难的工作。 D. 他不仅头脑非常聪明,而且,工作上也非常勤奋。 4. It is reported that some areas of Australia have had no rain for more than four years. A. 有报道说,澳大利亚地区已经4年多没下雨了。 B. 据报道,澳大利亚的部分地区有4年多没下雨了。 C. 澳大利亚的个别地方被报道说没下雨的时间已经超过了4年。 D. 报纸报道,某些澳大利亚地区已经有4年多没下雨的时间。 5. The village was named after the high mountain standing in front of it. A. 这个村庄是以矗立在它面前的那座高山命名的。 B. 这个村庄的名字是来自于它面前的那座高山。 C. 这个村庄的名字是在前面的那座高山之后起的。 D. 这个村庄的名字是以站立在它面前的那座高山起的。 6. It was officially announced that the birth rate dropped greatly in the past three years. A. 据官方宣布,出生率在过去的三年中有了大幅下降。 B. 正式宣布,过去三年的出生率大幅下降。 C. 正式宣布,出生率大幅下降在过去三年。 D. 据正式声明,过去三年的出生率大幅下降。 7. The introduction of the new technique reduced the cost of the product three times. A. 对新技术的介绍,使产品的成本减少到三分之一。 B. 新技术的引进使产品的成本减少了三倍。 C. 对新技术的介绍使产品的成本减少到原来的三分之二。 D. 新技术的引进使产品成本减少了三分之二。 8. If you are buying a car, you may pay for it out of savings. A. 假使你正在买一辆汽车,你也许会透支购买。 B. 如果你要买一辆汽车,你可以用自己的储蓄存款支付。 C. 假定你打算买一辆汽车,你得花掉你得全部存款。 D. 加入你买一辆汽车,你需要用你的积蓄交此款。 9. Full-service banks can offer services unavailable at smaller financial institutions. A. 全面服务的银行能提供在小财政机构所不能获得的服务。 B. 提供全方位服务的银行能提供较小的金融机构所不能提供的服务。 C. 充满了服务的银行可能提供给较小的财政机构某些无法获得的服务 D. 全面服务的银行可能提供服务,这种服务是较小的金融机构所不能提供的。 10. The following qualifications are required from the candidates for the above position. A. 我们要求应聘高职位的求职者需具备以下资历。 B. 应聘以上职位,需具备下列资格。 C. 候选人为了高职位要求自己具备以下资历。 D. 以下资历是对应聘此职位的候选人的要求。 二、用正反表达法翻译下列句子。20% 1. The teacher found some of the pupils absent. 2. I wonder if he is coming. 3. Your request is beyond my power. 4. You will fail unless you work harder. 5. That lazy boy went to class before he had prepared his lesson. 6. Be sure to lock the door when you leave. 7. Students, with no exception, are to hand in their papers this afternoon. 8. The doubt still unsolved after his repeated explanation. 9. Such flight couldn’t long escape notice. 10. All the articles are untouchable in the museum. 三、用重复法翻译下列句子。20% 1. We should learn how to analyze and solve problems. 2. It's our duty to rebuild and defend our home-land. 3. People forget your face first, then your name. 4. Each had his own business to handle. 5. Big families had their own difficulties.


第二部分 控制理论 第1章 1.1控制系统的引入 人类控制自然力量的设计促进人类历史的发展,我们已经广泛的能利用这种量进行在人类本身力量之外的物理进程?在充满活力的20世纪中,控制系统工程的发展已经使得很多梦想成为了现实?控制系统工程队我们取得的成就贡献巨大?回首过去,控制系统工程主要的贡献在机器人,航天驾驶系统包括成功的实现航天器的软着陆,航空飞机自动驾驶与自动控制,船舶与潜水艇控制系统,水翼船?气垫船?高速铁路自动控制系统,现代铁路控制系统? 以上这些类型的控制控制系统和日常生活联系紧密,控制系统是一系列相关的原件在系统运行的基础上相互关联的构成的,此外控制系统存在无人状态下的运行,如飞机自控驾驶,汽车的巡航控制系统?对于控制系统,特别是工业控制系统,我们通常面对的是一系列的器件,自动控制是一个复合型的学科?控制工程师的工作需要具有力学,电子学,机械电子,流体力学,结构学,无料的各方面的知识?计算机在控制策略的执行中具有广泛的应用,并且控制工程的需求带动了信息技术的与软件工程的发展? 通常控制系统的范畴包括开环控制系统与闭环控制系统,两种系统的区别在于是否在系统中加入了闭环反馈装置? 开环控制系统 开环控制系统控制硬件形式很简单,图2.1描述了一个单容液位控制系统, 图2.1单容液位控制系统 我们的控制目标是保持容器的液位h 在水流出流量V 1变化的情况下保持在一定 可接受的范围内,可以通过调节入口流量V 2实现?这个系统不是精确的系统,本系 统无法精确地检测输出流量V 2,输入流量V 1以及容器液位高度?图2.2描述了这 个系统存在的输入(期望的液位)与输出(实际液位)之间的简单关系, 图2.2液位控制系统框图 这种信号流之间的物理关系的描述称为框图?箭头用来描述输入进入系统,以及


汉译英 Population 总体,样本总体sample 样本,标本parameter 限制因素 median 中位数odd 奇数,单数even 偶数 range 极差variance 方差standard deviation 标准差Covariance 协方差empty event 空事件product event 积事件 conditional probability 条件概率Random variable 随机变量binominal distribution 二项式分布uniform distribution 均匀分布Poisson distribution 泊松分布residual 残差 central limit theorem 中心极限定律 英译汉 descriptive statistics 描述统计学mathematical statistics 数理统计学inductive statistics 归纳统计学Inferential statistics 推断统计学dimension 维,维数continuous variable 连续变量ordinal variable 有序变量nominal variable 名义变量dichotomous 两分的;二歧的discrete variable 离散变量categorical variable 分类变量location 定位,位置,场所dispersion 分散mean 均值unimodal单峰的 multimodal 多峰的chaotic 无秩序的grouped data 分组数据 frequency distribution频数分布cumulative frequency 累加频数tallying 计算 Uniformly distribution 均匀分布histogram 直方图frequency polygon 频率多边图rectangle 矩形Percentile 百分位数quartile 四分位数 interquartile range 四分位数间距simple event 简单事件Compound event 复合事件mutually exclusive 互斥的,互补相交的complementary event 对立事件Independent 独立的joint probability function 联合概率函数jacobian雅克比行列式 Law of large numbers大数定律point estimate 点估计estimate 估计值 statistic 统计量optimality 最优性Unbiased estimate 无偏估计量efficient estimate 有偏估计量unbiasedness无偏性efficience有效性Consistent estimate 一致估计量 asymptotic properties 渐近性质Confidence interval 置信区间interval estimation 区间估计 null hypothesis 原假设alternative hypothesis 备择假设significance level 显著性水平power function 幂函数testing procedures 检验方法test statistic 检验统计量 rejection region 拒绝区域acceptance region 接受区域critical region 临界区域 first-derivatives 一阶导数second-derivatives 二阶导数Likelihood ratio 似然比dependent variable因变量unexplanatory variable未解释变量independent variable自变量 Error term 误差项regression coefficients 回归系数Sum of squared residuals 残差平方和Marginal probability function 边际概率函数joint probability density function 联合概率密度函数Marginal probability density function边际概率密度函数stochastically independent 随机独立的 Mutually independently distribution 相互独立的分布independently and identically distribution 独立同分布的likelihood function 似然函数maximum likelihood estimator 最大似然估计量 maximum likelihood estimate 最大似然估计值log-likelihood function 对数似然函数 ordinary least squares estimation/estimate/estimator 普通最小二乘估计/估计值/估计量 linear unbiased estimator 线性无偏估计

英汉翻译期末考试题 样卷

样卷 广东外语外贸大学国际商务英语学院 《英汉笔译》2011-2012学年上学期期末考试试卷(A) 考核方式:开卷 考核对象:国际商务英语学院法律英语系2009级考试时间:120分钟姓名______________ 班级________ 学号____________________ 分数___________ PART I. LEGAL TERMS (20%, one point for each) 1.outstanding liabilities 2.without prejudice to PART II. Translation Improvement (30%) Directions: There may be one or more errors or inappropriate treatment in each of the following TRANSLATED VERSIONS. Please underline it (or them) and then correct it (or them) in the corresponding space provided on the ANSWER SHEET. If you believe the whole translation is wrong or inappropriate, you are advised to underline the whole translation. Marks will be given if you have identified and properly marked the error(s). (2 points for each save as specified otherwise) 21.His retort was delivered with a strong note of vinegar. 原译:他的反驳是带着强烈的醋意发出的。 改译: 22.The new father wore a proud smile. 原译:那位新父亲面带得意笑容。 改译: PART III. SENTENCES (30%) Directions: Translate the following sentences. Employ the translation skill suggested in the brackets where appropriate. (3 points for each save as specified otherwise) https://www.wendangku.net/doc/b22824836.html,mission depends on the quantity of goods ordered. (Amplification) 32.We learn that you have been dealers of Chinese products for many years. (Conversion) PART IV. PASSAGE (20%) Translate the underlined part of the following passage. 1


Table of Contents Uuit 1 What is Geomatics? (什么是测绘学) (2) Unit 2 Geodetic Surveying and Plane Surveying(大地测量与平面测量) (6) Unit 3 Distance Measurement(距离测量) (10) Unit 4 Angle and Direction Measurement(角度和方向测量) (14) Unit 5 Traversing (导线测量) (17) Unit 6 Methods of Elevation Determination(高程测量方法) (21) Unit 7 Robotic Total Station (智能型全站仪) (25) Unit 8 Errors in Measurement(测量工作中的误差) (29) Unit 9 Basic Statistical Analysis of Random Errors (32) Unit 10 Accuracy and Precision (准确度和精度) (35) Unit 11 Least-Squares Adjustment (38) Unit 12 Geodesy Concepts (40) Unit 13 Geoid and Reference Ellipsoid (42) Unit 14 Datums, Coordinates and Conversions (44) Unit 15 Map Projection (46) Unit 16 Gravity Measurment (48) Unit 17 Optimal Design of Geomatics Network (50) Unit 18 Construction Layout (施工放样) (53) Unit 19 Deformation Monitoring of Engineering Struvture (56) Unit 20 Understan ding the GPS(认识GPS) (59) Uuit 21 Understanding the GPS (II) 认识GPS(II) (62) Unit 22 Competition in Space Orbit(太空轨道上的竞争) (64) Unit 23 GIS Basics(GIS 的基础) (69) Unit 24 Data Types and Models in GIS GIS中的数据类型和模型 (75) Unit 25 Digital Terrain Modeling(数字地面模型) (79) Unit 26 Applications of GIS (83) Unit 27 Developments of photogrammetry (87) Unit 28 Fundamentals of Remote Sensing (遥感的基础) (90) Unit 29 Digital Image Processing and Its Applications in RS (94) Unit 30 Airborne Laser Mapping Technology(机载激光测图技术) (99) Unit 31 Interferometric SAR(InSAR) (102) Unit 32 Brief Introduction toApplied Geophysics (104) Unit 33 Origon of Induced Polarization (105) Unit 34 International Geoscience Organization (108) Unit 35 Prestigious Journals in Geomatics (110) Unit 36 Relevant Surveying Instrument Companies (115) Unit 37 Expression of Simple Equations and Scientific Formulsa (116) Unit 38 Professional English Paper Writing (119) Unit 39 Translation Techniques for EST (127)

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