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表原因because, as, since, for, for the reason that, due to, owing to, because of, as a result of

表结果hence, thus, therefore, as a consequence, as a result, consequently, so that

He is absent for class because he is ill. 换成其他连接词或词组进行表达




Take…for example

This point is best illustrated with the example of …这个观点可以用…的例子最有力的证明,

This point can be confirmed by the example of …这个观点可以被…的例子支持

…is a case in point

Consider…for example


For instance

For example

Such as

A case in point is the fact that…是一个恰当的例子


While/whilst/whereas 放在句首名者句中,表示主句和从句的对比(句内对比)

By/in contrast, …用在句首,表示它之前一个句子和它后面引导的句子之间的双比(句间对比)4.让步关系



In spite of


后面跟完整的句子nonetheless/ nevertheless

Even though 尽管很多时候可以替换although,后面跟从句,表示对已经存在的状况让步Even if 即使后面跟从句,表示对还没有发生的状况的让步

As long as 只要用在句子中间,不仅写作很常用,口语也常用,比如,Backstreet Boys 那句

超有名的歌I don’t care who you are, where you’re from or what you did as long as you love me.


Provided that…“如果”后面的结果一般是我们希望看到的


On condition that…“如果某条件可以被满足的话”,这个词组更强调某事发生的条件

The government will increase its support for public education, provided that such funds can be put into good use. (固定短语,被充分利用)


A means

A refers to…

A suggests that … A显示了/表明了……(注意这里的suggest 不是建议的意思)

A is best characterized by… A最重要的特征是

A is, essentially, … A本质上是

A reflects

That is to say,

In other words

To put it another way


1形容词:complicated efficient tough previous fortunate immediate multiple embarrassed professional precise chief

natural classical valuable automatic available faithful

critical religious total artificial smart mysterious average

elegant inadequate disable cautious perfect confused innocent countless cro wed typical boring shocked moderate mental slight essential indispensable identical relative romantic qualified tight loose uniformed

2动词:isolate sew scream survive require crash blame

resign retire perceive contribute conduct interfere with

prevent monitor determine analyze measure transmit ignore

claim accuse(6) grasp offer ruin decorate specialize

tend to attach to steer fasten describe rescue predict

arrest represent quit give a ride = give a lift


初中英语定语从句的用法解析 【摘要】定语从句是一种形容词的关系从句。它由关系代词或关系副词引导(1)。初中英语中的定语从句仅限于限制性定于从句,但对初中生来说,定语从句既是一个重点,也是一个难点。 【关键词】定语从句先行词关系代词关系副词 一、英语中的定语从句与汉语中的定语位置不同。 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。英语中的定语从句始终要放在被修饰的词之后,而汉语中的定语则放在被修饰词之前。如: The man who / that I saw at the school gate yesterday is my English teacher. 先行词定语从句 昨天我在校门口看见的那个人是我的英语老师。 二、英语从句中的句型结构比较复杂,有先行词、关系代词或关系副词。被定语从句修饰的词叫先行词,引导定语从句的关联词有关系代词或关系副词。限制性关系分句和它的先行项的所指意义有着不可分割的联系(2)。关系代词或关系副词放在先行词和定语从句之间起纽带作用,关系代词或关系副词在定语从句中要充当一个成分。关系代词在句中可作主语、宾语或定语,关系副词在句中作状语。如: I am waiting for the boy who /that is wearing a red coat. (主语) 先行词关系代词 我正在等穿着红色外套的那个男孩。 The dictionary that / which my sister gave me last Sunday is very expensive.(宾语) 先行词关系代词 我姐姐上周星期天给我的那本字典很贵。 The woman is his mother whose name is Linda Brown. (定语) 先行词关系代词 那个是他的母亲,名叫琳达·布朗。 That is the house where my father used to live.(状语) 先行词关系副词 那是我父亲曾经居住过的房子。 三、初中英语中的定语从句关系代词或关系副词的具体用法。 1. who指人(也可用that),在定语从句中作主语,也可作宾语。如: Yesterday I helped an old man who / that lost his way. (主语) 昨天我帮助了一位迷路的老人。 Mr Wang is the man (who / that / whom )you met in the zoo this morning.(宾语) 王先生就是今天早上你在动物里遇到的那个人。 注意:关系代词who指人,作宾语时,可用whom代替;作宾语时,关系代词可省略。作其它成分,关系代词则不能省略。 2. whose指人,也可指物。在定语从句中作定语。 The boy whose mother is ill is staying at home to look after her today. 其母亲生病的那个男孩今天呆在家里照顾她。 I have a story book whose cover is red. 我有一本封面是红色的故事书。 3. which指物(也可用that),在定语从句中作主语,也可作宾语。如: Football is a game which / that is liked by most boys. (主语) 足球是被大多数男孩喜欢的运动。 I don’t believe the news which / that Tom won the game. (宾语)


初中英语语法——三大从句汇总 在英语中,主要有三大从句,即名词性从句(包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句)、形容词性从句(即定语从句)、副词性从句(即状语从句,包括时间、条件、结果、目的、原因、让步、地点、方式等)。以下是一些基本的从句知识点 A、定语从句专项讲解与训练 一、定语从句概念 定语从句(attributive clause),顾名思义,就是一个句子作定语从属于主句。定语一般是由形容词充当,所以定语从句又称作形容词从句。另外,定语从句是由关系代词或关系副词引导的,故又称作关系从句。关系词常有3个作用:1,引导定语从句。2,代替先行词。3,在定语从句中担当一个成分。 定语从句一般放在它所修饰的名词或代词之后,这种名词或代词被称作先行词。请看示例:The woman who lives next door is a teacher. 先行词定语从句 在所有的从句中,算定语从句最难掌握,因为汉语里没有定语从句,汉语里只有定语,而且总是放在名词之前来修饰名词。 二、关系代词引导的定语从句 关系代词代替前面的先行词,并且在定语从句中充当句子成分,可以作主语、宾语、定语等。常见的关系代词有:who, that, which。它们的主格、宾格和所有格如下表所示: 格先行词主格宾格所有格 人who whom whose 物which which whose 、of which 人、物that that — (一)关系代词who, whom和whose的用法 1)who代替人,是主格,在定语从句中作主语。例如: An architect is a person who designs buildings. 建筑师是设计房屋的人。 I will never forget the teacher who taught us chemistry in the first year of my senior middle school. 我将永远不会忘记在高一时教我们化学的那位老师。 Anyone who wants to apply for this job must send us the resume by email first. 想应聘这个职位的任何人都必须先通过电子邮件向我们发送简历。2)whom代替人,是宾格,在定语从句作宾语,在非正式英语常可省略。例如:Do you know the gentleman whom we met in the school library yesterday? 昨天我们在学校图书馆里遇到的那位先生你认识吗? This is the student whom my father taught ten years ago. 这是我爸爸十年前教的学生。 The girl who I saw is called Mary. 我见到的那个女孩名叫玛丽。(在非正式 英语中,主格who代替了宾格whom,亦可省略) 3)whose一般代替人,有时亦可代替物,是所有格,在定语从句作定语。例如:The girl student whose father is a senior engineer used to study abroad.

表语从句讲解及专项练习 答案

表语从句讲解及专项练习概念:表语从句是在复合句中作表语的名词性从句。 放在系动词之后,一般结构是“主语+系动词+表语从句” 可以接表语从句的连系动词有be, look, remain, seem等。 ★ The trouble is that we are short of money.困难是我们资金短缺。 ★ That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around New England fields.这就是为什么在新英格兰用石头墙而不用栅栏的原因。 ★ At that time, it seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word anyhow.当时,我似乎怎么也想不出一个恰当的字眼来。 引导表语从句的词: 从属连词that、whether、as though、 as if(That引导表语从句时,在口语中,间或可以省略。) 关系代词who, what, which, whom, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等; 关系副词when, where, why, how, however, whenever, wherever等。 ※ 由从属连词that,whether引导的表语从句。 that在引导表语从句时无词义,而whether有词义,意为、“是否”。这时主句的

主语常常是些抽象名词,如question(问题),trouble(麻烦),problem(问题),result(结果),chance(可能性),suggestion(建议),idea(想法),reason(理由)等。表语从句对主句主语进行说明、解释,使主语的内容具体化。 例如: ★ The trouble is (that) she has lost his money. 麻烦的事是他丢了钱。 ★ The question is whether we need more ice cream.问题是我们是否还需要一些冰淇淋。 ★ The problem was that it was too valuable for everyday use.问题是它作为日常之用太贵重了。 ★ What she couldn’t understand was that fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. 我们不能理解越来越少的学生对他的课不感兴趣。 ※ 由关系代词引导的表语从句。 关系代词who, what, which, whom, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等引导表语从句,在句中作主语、宾语、表语,关系代词不能省略。 例如: ★ The question is which of us should go.问题是我们哪一个应该去。 ★ The problem was who could do the work.问题是谁能做这项工作。


宾语从句专项练习 1. The teacher said the moon___ round the earth. A. travelled B. has travelled C. travels D. had travelled 2. Do you know _____ they listened to yesterday mor ning? A. what B when C why D how 3. Could you tell me ___? A. when will they leave Beijing B. when would they le ave Beijing C. when they will leave Beijing D. when di d they leave Beijing 4. —Where is Mike? —He is away to spend his holiday. He's gone either to H ainan or to Wuhan, but I'm not sure _____. A. that B. which C. where D. there 5. I was told _____ Bill Gates was thirteen he began to play with computers. A. that how B. how that C. whe n that D. that when 6. They don't know ______their p arents are. A that B what C why D which 7. Can you tell me___ you were born, Tom? A. who B. what C. when D. that 8. She asked Rose if___ go and get some. A. could she B. she could C. she can D. she may 9. I don't know _________ he will come tomorrow. __ _______ he comes, I'll tell you. A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; If 10. I can't understand _________. A. what does Christmas mean B. what Christmas d oes mean C. what mean Christmas does D. what C hristmas means 11. The boys asked if they ____ some food and drinks with them. A. took B. take C. takes D . will take 12. I don't feel very well. Mum asked me _____ this m orning. A. what the matter is B. what is wrong C. wh at the matter was D. what wrong was 13. Did you kno w ____? A. who he was looking after B. who was he loo king for C. who he is looking for D. who he i s looking after 14. I don't know ___ they have passed the exam. A. what B. if C. when D. where B 15. I don't know _________ the day after tomorrow. A. when does he come B. how will he come C. if he comes D. whether he'll come 16. Mary said that she ___ to Beijing. A. has never gone B. had never gone C. has never bee n D. had never been 17. Please tell me ______what last year. A. where does your brother work B where did your brother work C where your brother works D wher e your brother worked 18. —I don't know _____ Mr. Smith will come to see u s. —He will help us with our English. A. why B. when C. how D. where 19. He asked me if I knew ______. A. whose pen is it B. whose pen it was C. whose pen it is D. whose pen was it 20. I don't know _________. C an you tell me, please? A. how the two actors are old B. how old are the t wo actors C. the two actors are how old D. how ol d the two actors are 21. The students want to know w hether they___ dictionary today. A. had B. has C. will have D. are 22. —We never know _____ the old woman is. —The y say she is a teacher. A. what B. who C. which D. where 23. You must reme mber ________. A. what your teacher said B. what did your teacher sa y C. your teacher said what D. what has your teacher said 24. I hardly understand. ___ she has told me. A. t hat B. what C. which D. who 25. Do you know where _________ now? A. she lives B. does she live C. she lived D. di d she live 26. I don't know _____ she still lives here af ter so many years. A. whether B where C. what D. wh en 27. —Do you know _____? I'm going to see him. —So rry, I don't know. A. where does Mr. Wang live B. where did Mr. Wang li ve C. where Mr. Wang lives D. where Mr. Wang lived 28. I want to know _________. A. whom is he looking after B. whom he is looki ng C. whom is he looking D. whom he is looki ng after 29. She didn't know___ back soon. A. whether he would be B. if would he be C. he will be D. he will 30.She asked me _____told me the acci dent. A whom B which C who D whose 31. Could you tell us _________ the nearest school is? A. what B. how C. whether D. where 32. D o you know what time _________? A. the flight leave B. does the flight leave C. will the flight leave D. the flight leaves 33. Could you tell me _________ the TV without any help? A. how did she mend B. what did she mend C. how she mended 1 / 6

【高考英语语法】表语从句 -学生用

Grammar explanation for attributive clause in college entrance examination ?考英语学习资料之?考语法专项补充 -表语从句 主讲教师 Alex 彭 ?.概念 表语:表?事物的 和 。 表语从句:是指在复合句中充当 成分的句?。 ?.表语从句考点 1.引导表语从句的引导词的选择。 2.表语从句的语序( )。 三.表语从句的引导词 四. 四类引导词引导的表语从句: 1.由连词that 引导的表语从句:引导词that 含义,在句中不做成分。 E.g. The trouble is that I have lost his . ?烦的是我把他地址弄丢了。 His sole r was that the system work. 他唯?的要求是这个制度能起作?。 2. ?连词 whether, as if = as though(似乎,好像), because 引导的表语从句:引导词有含义,在句中不做成分,不可省。 E.g .The question is whether the film is seeing. 问题是电影是否值得看。 All this was over twenty years ago, but it’s as if it was yesterday.这都是20多年前的事了,但宛如昨天?样。 Now it was as though she had known Millie for years.现在好像她认识?莉已有好多年了似的。 It is not as though we were poor.又不是我们家?穷。 It’s because I passed a slip of paper for John to Helen in class.这是因为我上课时替约翰传纸条给海伦。 注:表“因为”的其他词,?如since, as 就不可以引导表语从句;If ?般不?来引导表语从句;能跟表语从句的?般是系动词,be. seem, look 等。 3.?连接代词引导的表语从句:who, whose, whom, which, what, whoever, whomever, whichever, whatever ,其连接代词在句中起名词性作?,担当?定成分. E.g .You are not who I thought you were.你已不是过去我所想象的那个?。 What I want to know is which road we should take. 我想知道的是我们应该?那条路。 4.?连接副词引导的表语从句:when, where, why, how 及whenever, wherever, however ,其连接副词有含义,在句中作状语。 E.g .The question is how he did it.问题是他如何做到的。 That’s where I first I met her.那就是我第?次见她的地?。 That’s why I o to this plan.这就是我反对这个计划的原因。That was when I was fifteen.那是我15岁发?的事。 表语 从句句(1)从属连词 ---- ?无词义,不不充当成分 (2)从属连词whether, as if, as though, because ---- 词义,不不充当成分 (3) 连接代词who, whom, what, whose, which 及其变化形式 ---- 有词义,充当成分 (4)连接副词when, where, why, how 及其变化形式 ---- 有词义,充当成分


初中英语语法宾语从句讲解 小口诀: 宾语从句三注意,时态语序引导词;主句一般现在时,从句不需受限制; 主句一般过去时,从句须用相应时;陈述转化that引,一般疑问用if/whether, 特殊问句疑问词,引导词后陈述式。 一.基本讲解来源:直接引语变间接引语 概念:在句中担当宾语的从句叫宾语从句。 Eg: He said,“I am good at drawing”. He said he was good at drawing. (动词宾语) 1.引导词 (1) that引导宾语从句时,通常用陈述句充当, that可省略。 Eg: She said,“I want to go there ”She said (that) she wanted to go there. (2) whether 或if 引导的宾语从句,由一般疑问句/选择疑问句充当,陈述语序。 Eg: “Are you interested in geography?” she said. She asked if/whether I was interested in geography. I wonder if /whether she has told the new to Li Lei . I’m not sure whether he will come or not. 注意:一般情况下,whether 和if 可以互用,但有些情况例外 a. 介词短语后只用whether 不用if eg: We are talking about whether we'll go on the panic. b. 引导词与动词不定式或or not 连用时,只用whether. eg:I can?t say whether or not he will come on time c. if当如果讲时,引导的是条件状语从句,表示‘如果’,不能用whether. Eg: If you want to be a good teacher, it will take times. Whether you can succeed depends on how much effort you pay. (3).特殊疑问词引导宾语从句时,不可省略,陈述句语序。 特殊疑问词为:how , when, where, why ,which whose. E.g. …What do you want?? He asked. He asked me what I wanted. I have no idea where he is now. I don?t know how to deal with it. He asked whose handwriting is the best in the class. 2.宾语从句时态 a.主句为一般现在时,从句不受主句的限制 eg: Do you know if/whether he has seen the film? I?m sorry to hear that your father is ill. She says she is going to go to Beijing next week. He tells me that his sister came back yesterday. b.当主句是一般过去时,从句用过去的相应某种时态 She didn?t know why the boy was late again. (过去一般) I didn't know if/whether he had seen the film.(过去完成) I wondered when she was going to America.(过去将来) 注意:当主句是一般过去时,而从句表示的是客观真理,自然现象,科学原理,格言等,从句仍然要用一般现在时。例如: Eg: He said (that the earth moves round the sun. / that light travels much faster than sound.)The teacher told us (seeing is believing.)



中考从句讲与练 定语从句: (一)基础:引导词---who, which, that, whom, 练习1.I like cities___________are quiet and clean. 2.I prefer students _________are hard- working. 3.I hate TV shows _________ are noisy and boring. 4.The music __________ is gentle and quiet attracts me a lot. 5.The food __________tastes delicious is not always healthy. 6.Those boys ___________ are playing basketballs over there are from Class Fifteen. 7.The books ____________ are written by Lu Xun are worth reading. 8.The town ___we visited last week is much larger than before.9.The book ___ he bought is very interesting. (二)特例:只用that的情况 1先行词被___________或___________所修饰,或本身是______________________时,只能用 that,2.被修饰的先行词为 ________________________________________________等不定代词时, 只能用that. 3.先行词被 _____________________________________________等词修饰时,只能用 that,而不用which。 4.先行词里同时含有______________________,如I can remember well the persons and some pictures that I saw in the room. 5. 以______________________引导的特殊疑问句,只能用that.如: Who is the girl that is crying? 练习1. I am interested in everything___ is about the 2006 World Cup. 2. Is there anything___I can do for you? 3. This is the very bike ______I lost 4.To my surprise, he gave me nothing __ I need. 5.This is the best dictionary __ I have ever used. 6. He was the first person _______passed the exam. 7.He talked happily about the men and books________interested him greatly. (三)whose 1. The student ______father works in the factory is sitting there. 2. I like the rooms ______windows face south. 3. This is the desk ______legs were broken. 4The woman ___ umbrella you took is angry about it.5.Here comes a girl ___ handwriting is the best . 6The banana __skin is green can’t be eaten.7That tall tree _ leaves are yellow is very old. (四)从句谓语单复数由先行词确定,时态由从句时间状语决定,不必跟主句保持一致。 1-He is one of the boys who ____ (doesn’t, don’t) finish doing homework. 2-I like films which ____(be) exciting and interesting. 3-Children who often ____(eat) junk food are easy to become fat and unhealthy. 4-That boy who _____(run) fastest is from our class. 5Those boys who ____ playing the guitar are from our school. (be) 6The trees which _____ (be) watered yesterday belong to them. 7The man who ____ over there is our teacher.(stand) 8Those boys who ____ playing the guitar are from our school. (be) 9Mr. Brown is one of the foreign experts _______ _________ (work) in China.


2021届高中英语新高考语法基础版一轮复习讲义(30) 表语从句知识点整理总结 01 表语从句的概念和引导词 表语从句是指一个句子充当主系表结构中的表语而成的从句。它的构成和其他名词性从句一样。 和宾语从句、主语从句的类似,表语从句的引导词也分为如下三类: a. 陈述句做表语从句,用that引导。如: T h e p ro bl e m i s th a t t h e y do n't f o l l o w m y a d vi ce. 问题在于他们不听我的劝告。 注意:表语从句中的that不可以省略。 b. 一般疑问句做表语从句,一般用whether引导,不用if。如: The key is whether the boss will give us the chance to participate in the project. 关键是老板是是否会让我们参与这个项目。 c. 特殊疑问句做表语从句,用what/who等特殊疑问词引导。如: The problem is when we will receive the fund. 问题在于我们何时能收到这笔资金。 02 常见表语从句的句型

和主语从句类似,表语从句也有一些常见的结构化的句型,具体包括以下几类: a. 名词+is +表语从句。 这些名词有表示事实的truth, fact,表示观点的idea, advice, problem, question, thought, feeling, plan, suggestion等。如:The fact is that he is the best teacher in the entire school. 事实是,他是全校最好的老师。 The question is when the rescue team will arrive here. 问题是救援小组何时能到这里。 当然,名词这里也可以是主语从句。如: What I want to know is who will be elected as the monitor in the new term. 我想知道的是新学期谁会被当选为班长? 注意:当名词是suggestion/order/request等表示主张和建议时,表语从句要用should+do的虚拟语气,其中should可以省略。 b. It/This/That is because/why从句。 如: That is why he was sent to the mental hospital. 这就是他被送往精神病医院的原因。


(精华版)初中英语语法基本从句汇总从句的共同特点 从句是指在一个句子中充当一个成分的句子,充当什么成分就叫什么从句,如:充当宾语就叫宾语从句,充当定语成分就叫定语从句。 从以上定义中我们可以得出关于从句的一个最大特点:从句是句子。 从句的共同特点:1.从句都有自己的连接词2.从句都是陈述语序(陈述语序就是主语在前,谓语在后,如:He is a teacher主语He在谓语is之前,因此是陈述语序,而Is he a teacher?主语He在谓语is之后,因此不是陈述语序。) 1宾语从句 宾语从句是指在一个句子中充当宾语的句子,如:He said that he wanted to be a teacher when he grew up. 宾语从句的特点: ①宾语从句有自己的连接词 ②宾语从句用陈述语序 ③宾语从句的时态 1

①宾语从句的连接词:宾语从句的连接词包括that、if/whether(是否)、特殊疑问词。 ②宾语从句的语序; A.宾语从句的连接词后加陈述语序(主语在前,谓语在后),如:I want to know if he can come tomorrow B.当连接词本身又是宾语从句的主语时,后面直接加谓语动词,如:She asked me who had helped him. ③宾语从句的时态,只要记住以下口诀就可以了“主现则从任,主过则从过,客观真理一般现” A.主现则从任:主句如果是一般现在时,则从句根据时间状语需要从八种时态中任选一种,如:1.He tells me he likes English very much(一般现在时) B.主过则从过:主句如果是一般过去时,则从句根据时间状语需要从四种带“过”字的时态中任选一种,带“过”字的时态分别是如:一般过去时,过去进行时,过去将来时,过去完成时。 如:He told me that he liked playing football(一般过去时) C.客观真理一般现:客观真理永远用一般现在时。 如:1.He says the moon goes around the earth. 2状语从句 2


系动词 1. 最常用连系动词:be(am; is/was; are/were)。 2. 表变化的系动词:get; turn; go; fall; become; grow; come; run。用法注意:在英语中,系动词一般只有一般现在时和一般过去时两种时态变化形式,没有其他时态变化形式。但表变化的这类系动词除外,它们有各种时态变化。 Eg: It is becoming colder and colder. The food has gone bad. 此处还需注意的是become和turn后接表职业的名词时冠词的有无: Eg: Two years later, he became a teacher. 但Two years later, he turned teacher. 另外,go表变化时一般指事情向消极、不好的方面转化。 3. 所谓“感官动词”:look; sound; taste; smell; feel。一般它们在句子中译成:。。。起来;。。。上去。此类系动词为高考 高频词。Eg: The food tasted good.食物尝起来很香。 其中必须注意到它们本身也用作实义动词,所以在平常的教学和应用中一定多比较、关注它们的用法。 Eg: He looked sadly at the picture. / She looked sad after hearing the news. Tom tasted the food and it tasted good. 4. 表状态的系动词:keep; stay; remain;(依然是;保持) Eg: She remains loyal to her father despite his cruelty towards her. What a lovely day today! I love fine weather and I hope it will stay fine for some more days. Much remains to be done. 5. 表像系动词:seem; appear。汉语意义:看起来像、似乎、好像。这两个动词有一个共同的特点,即如果要表达时态的变化,需要后接不定时来完成。 Eg: He seemed to have caught cold./ When Father came in, Tom seemed to be eating something. 另外此处一句型转换也要要求学生牢记 It seemed that he had caught cold. When Father came in, it seemed that Tom was eating something. 6. 终止系动词:prove; turn out。表达“证实、证明、结果为。。。”之意。


初中英语语法:宾语从句 考察的三个要点:语序,时态,关联词。 1.定义:用作宾语的从句叫宾语从句。 2.构成:关联词+简单句。 3宾语从句的语序一定是陈述句语序。(who 作主语的从句本身就是陈述句语序) 4宾语从句在复合句中作主句的宾语,连接宾语从句的连词有 that(that在口语中常省略)。 whether,if,和连接代词what,which, who, whom及连接副词when, where, how, why。 He knew(that) he should study hard. 他知道他应该努力学习。 Can you tell me which class you are in? 您能告诉我,您在哪一班吗? He asked me if he could come in, 他问我他是否能进来。 5.引导宾语从句的关联词有三类: (1)从属连词that.如:一般那情况下能够省略。 He told us that he felt ill. I know he has returned. 注: that在引导宾语从句时也并不是任何情况下都能够省略。在以下情况下,that不能省略。

1.Everybody could see what happened and that Tom was frightened. (and连接两个宾语从句,that宾语从句放在and的后面时,that不能省略。) 2.I know nothing about him except that he is from the south. (that引导的宾语从句作介词宾语时,that不能省略。) 3.That he ever said such a thing I simply don’t believe.(that从句位于句首时,that不可省略。) 我简直不相信他曾说过这样的话。 (2)从属连词if/whether.如: I doubt whether he will succeed. I don’t know if you can help me. (3)连接代词who,whom,whose,what,which,whoever,whatever, whichever 连接副词 where,when,how,why. Who or what he was,Martin never learned. I wonder what he’s writing to me about. I’ll tell you why I asked you to come.

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