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Octreotide in chemotherapy induced diarrhoea in colorectal

cancer: a review article



Background: Chemotherapy-induced diarrhea(CID)is well known in cancer management. The risk is greater when the primary cancer is colorectal. The article aims towards assessing the role of octreotide in CID through an extensive literature search.


Methods:After searching through PUBMED,MEDLINE and the Cochrane library, only those studies which were published over the last 20 years in English and where at least the majority of the cohort were colorectal patients, were included. Two randomized trials, four non-randomized studies and two case-series publications were thus considered.


Results: It was seen in both the randomized studies, that octreotide had much better outcome as compared to loperamide in treating severe CID. Among 88 patients from the non-randomized studies with severe CID, the primary cancer was colorectal in 79 patients.61 patients had drug-resistant CID. Within a maximum of 96 hours, octreotide reduced CID by ≥ 2 grades in 91% of 88 pat ients and in 88.52% patients with drug-resistant CID.


Conclusion: Octreotide is effecti ve in treating severe CID, resistant to other modes of treatment. It is associated with a few minor adverse effects. Though expensive, octreotide could be considered as first line medication in CID of grades 3 or above. Its use in lower grades of CID would not be cost effective.


Key words: octreotide, chemotherapy induced diarrhoea, octreotide in diarrhoea.



CID = Chemotherapy induced diarrhoea化疗相关性诱发腹泻

5FU = 5 Fluorouracil5-氟尿嘧啶


NCI=National Cancer Institute国际肿瘤研究所

NICE=National Institute of Clinical Excellence 国家临床优化研究所Introduction介绍

Colorectal cancer is the second commonest cause for cancer related mortality in England and Wales and the third commonest cause in the United States(1). In the UK, there are 30000 new cases each year, a

quarter of which are Dukes C or Stage Ⅲ at presentation. (please

refer to (a) NICE Guidance on Cancer Service: Improving Outcomes in Colorectal Cancer, Manual Improving Outcomes in Colorectal Cancers, Manual Update 2000 and (b) Cancer Stats monograph 2004 cancer incidence survival and mortality in the UK and EU. Bowel Cancer Statistics. Cancer Research UK; 2004).





All Dukes C, high risk Dukes B and metastatic colorectal cancers are likely to be considered for either post operative (Dukes B/C) or palliative chemotherapy (Dukes D/ metastatic disease)(2,3). Chemotherapy induced diarrhea(CID) is common and could be as high as 82%.Nearly a third of these patients have severe grade 3-4

diarrhoea(Fig.1), which is frequently responsible for hospitalization, chemotherapy dose modification and early termination of treatment. Chemotherapy regimens used in adjuvant(4,5) and metastatic(6,7) colorectal disease and respective incidences of CID are summarized in the charts(Fig.2.3).


化疗((Dukes B/C期)或姑息性化疗(杜克斯D期/癌转移)(2,3)。化疗相关性




Capecitabine, irinotecan, cetuximab and 5FU bolus regimens are often associated with higher incidences of diarrhea(8-12). Primary colorectal cancer is an independent risk factor for CID. Other independent risk factors reported in the literature are diarrhea with chemotherapy in earlier cycles, chemotherapy in summer months(13), older age group females(14,15), dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPD) deficiency, uridine diphosphate glucoronyl transferase (UGT) deficiency(16-20) and adjuvant chemotherapy as compared to palliative therapy(16). Diarrhoea can cause dehydration, electrolyte imbalance, renal impairment ,nutritional deficiency and can have negative impact on the management of cancer itself. Severe diarrhea decreases patient’s tolerance towards chemotherapy often resulting in dose reduction or early termination of the treatment. Increased morbidity increases the cost of care and leads to poorer clinical outcomes. Diarrhoea can be associated with chemotherapy induced neutropenia, which can be serious or even fatal. The severity of the CID is assessed by the National Cancer Institute(NCI)

criteria(16).Dranitsaris and colleagues reported an incidence of

54.2% diarrhoea after the first cycle of chemotherapy in a retrospective study and this resulted in a median dose reduction by 20% and median delay in treatment by 7 days. 32.3% cases in this study needed hospitalization and their median length of hospital stay was 8 days (21).







Octreotide in chemotherapy induced diarrhoea in colorectal cancer: a review article 奥曲肽治疗直肠癌患者化疗相关性诱发腹泻:综述 Abstract摘要 Background: Chemotherapy-induced diarrhea(CID)is well known in cancer management. The risk is greater when the primary cancer is colorectal. The article aims towards assessing the role of octreotide in CID through an extensive literature search. 背景:化疗相关性诱发腹泻(CID)在癌症治疗中比较常见。特别是原发灶位于直肠的癌症则风险更大。本文旨在通过全面的文献检索评价奥曲肽治疗CID的作用。 Methods:After searching through PUBMED,MEDLINE and the Cochrane library, only those studies which were published over the last 20 years in English and where at least the majority of the cohort were colorectal patients, were included. Two randomized trials, four non-randomized studies and two case-series publications were thus considered. 方法:检索PUBMED,MEDLIN和循证医学图书馆,选出最近20年用英文发表的、并且至少所选的主要观察队列为结肠病人的研究论文。符合条件的共有两项随机对照试验,四项非随机研究和两篇系列案例研究文献。 Results: It was seen in both the randomized studies, that octreotide had much better outcome as compared to loperamide in treating severe CID. Among 88 patients from the non-randomized studies with severe CID, the primary cancer was colorectal in 79 patients.61 patients had drug-resistant CID. Within a maximum of 96 hours, octreotide reduced CID by ≥ 2 grades in 91% of 88 pat ients and in 88.52% patients with drug-resistant CID.


化疗相关性腹泻 恶性肿瘤是目前对人类威胁最大的常见疾病,占人类疾病三大主要死亡原因之首。近年来肿瘤免疫治疗突飞猛进,但外科手术、全身化疗和局部放疗仍然是恶性肿瘤治疗的基石。 化疗相关性腹泻(chemotherapy induced diarrhea,CID)或放疗相关性腹泻(radiotherapy-induced diarrhea, RID)是肿瘤患者放化疗引起的一种常见消化道副反应。CID 、 RID 不仅会降低患者的生活质量,使患者水电解质紊乱、脱水、感染,还会导致化疗终止或减量,从而影响治疗效果,严重可致患者休克、死亡。 化疗相关性腹泻(CID)根据抗肿瘤作用的生化机制,可以将化疗药物分为:干扰核酸生物合成的药物、直接影响 DNA 结构与功能的药物、干扰转录过程和阻止 RNA 合成的药物、干扰蛋白质合成与功能的药物、影响激素平衡的药物。

常用化疗方案中,CapeIRI 方案(卡培他滨+伊立替康)和FOLFOXIRI 方案(氟尿嘧啶+亚叶酸钙+奥沙利铂+伊立替康)最容易引起 CID,3~4级腹泻的发生率可高达 20~47%。 其中,5-氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)和伊立替康是最容易引起 CID 的药物:5-FU相关腹泻多为水样或血性,容易引起脓毒血症,程度相对较重,偶尔致命;伊立替康可引起迟发腹泻,一般在 24 小时之后发生,持续 6~14 天,与剂量无关且不可预测。 放疗是盆腔恶性肿瘤最有效手段之一,而 RID 也多见于盆腔恶性肿瘤放疗后,如宫颈癌、子宫内膜癌、卵巢癌、前列腺癌、直肠癌、膀胱癌等。以 3个月为界,RID 可分为急性和慢性。超过75%的接受盆腔放疗的患者会发生急性 RID,5~20%的患者会发展为慢性 RID。RID 症状多样,通常伴有便血、黏液、里急后重和肛门疼痛等,严重者可出现直肠狭窄、穿孔、瘘管等,多见于放疗结束后 2~5 年。 CID 和RID 病理基础 CID 和 RID 的病理基础可分为 5 期: 起始阶段:化疗或放疗损伤结直肠粘膜;组织损伤或放化疗可诱导机体产生活性氧并激活核因子 NF-κB;NF-κB 诱导细胞产生信使分子,如肿瘤坏死因子 TNF-a 等,产生大量促炎因子,引起细胞凋亡和组织炎症;通过信号放大效应,导致更多的上皮细胞坏死,使肠道通透性增加,肠道黏膜上皮屏障的连续性和完整性遭到破坏,同时肠道菌群失调,致病菌增加;


奥曲肽与易蒙停治疗化疗相关性腹泻的疗效对比 在治疗肿瘤患者的手段中采用化疗治疗方法是有效改善患者的治疗效果。化学一般采用静脉注射的方式完成,但是药液的浓度极高,毒性较大。正所谓以毒攻毒,药液自身的毒性会对人体自身组织产生一定的刺激性问题,影响患者的机体免疫力。化疗会产生严重的治病因素,可能会造成患者的腹泻问题,逐步有缓解效果。本文将针对患有肿瘤患者的化疗治疗标准 1 和治疗过程进行分析,研究化疗的治疗效果和护理标准,对患者采用奥曲肽、易蒙停造成的患者腹泻问题进行准确的研究。 1 资料及方法 1.1 资料选取入院治疗的化疗治疗患者进行相关治疗,对患有胃癌、直肠癌的患者进行化疗效果分析,确定患者的腹泻水平。选择了140例患有癌症的患者,男性患者68 例,女性患者72 例,年龄区县在35 岁至75 岁之间。以上患者的手术治疗标准均符合病理基本要求,符合化疗前的体检治疗标准,需要严格的分析化疗治疗适应症范围。根据化疗水平对是否存在腹泻病史进行准确的分析,研究腹泻发生后的化疗时间范围,病程范围等,对腹泻水平、排便次数进行具体分析和研究,记录相关数据。 1.2 评估 需要正确的评估腹泻水平,对患者的适应症标准进行准确的分析,根据适应症、体征标准进行作用分析,确定患者的征聊病程。评价

患者的大便量和性质,其中包含夜间的腹泻记录。通过评估分析其中存在的治病因子,对患者的眩晕状态、腹泻水平数据进行统计分析,及时搜集患者化疗用药的临床表现,对患者的体格状态标准进行准确的分析和定义。 1.3 治疗 化疗后的腹泻状态的处理分腹泻的水平。其中,复杂性腹泻需要给患者以奥曲肽200卩g,采用皮下注射的方式,每日三次。如果存在剧烈性福邪恶的延时问题,需要将奥曲肽的综合计量提升至50卩g。直至腹泻停止位置。另外,可以同时给氟喹诺酮进行治疗,需要注意患者的机体电解质水平,确保电解质的平衡稳定。简单性的腹泻患者需要首先以饮食调节为主,通过指导患者的大便量和次数,对患者出现的服药状态、首次计量标准进行分析。首次计量控制在4mg范围内,后续每次对患者给予每四小时2mg的计量,综合总量不超过16mg/d,采用枯草杆菌肠链球的胶囊治疗,其中口服以每次两粒,每天三次。轻度腹泻患者的持续时间较短,如果超过一天,需要对患者加服易蒙停。逐步提升易蒙停的制剂量,米用每两个小时口入2mg的谷草杆菌治疗。口服每次两粒,每天 3 次。 1.4 护理 腹泻患者的护理过程首先需呀对饮食进行调节,通过患者的呀饮食调节,改善患者肠道的腹泻刺激量。指导患者少食多餐,对近视量进行控制调节,改善患者的蛋白量,对辛辣食物、过热食物进行避免。对重度患者需要首先禁食,对患者给与一定的营养补液,待腹泻减轻后

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