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https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1d14540924.html,ly 那就是that is (to say)

2.Advantageous 有利的good or useful in a particular situation

3.gain增加have an increasa in

4.urge力劝 strongly advise some one to do something

5.decade十年 a period of ten years

6.underlie构成。。。的基础 be the cause of something or be the

basic thing from which something develops

7.abuse滥用inteneionally use something for the wrong

purpose or for your own advantage

8.approve批准 confirm or agree officially

9.spill溢出 flow,run or fall out

10.assign指派;分配 give someone some work or responsibility

11.propose提议;求婚 suggest a plan or idea

12.regional地域性的 relating to particular region or area

13.relaxtion放松the state of being free from tension and anxiety

14.deny允许refuse to allow someone to have or do something

15.amazing令人惊异的causing great surprise or wonder

16.multiple多种的numerous and often varied

17.merge融合join or combine


19.capture得到succeed in catching or seizing

20.release推出make something available to the public

21.distinctive有特色的having a characteristic that serves to

distinguish something from others

22.exceptional特别的unusally good;excellent

23.demanding过分苛求的(of a task)requiring much skill or effort


1.There are three colors in the British flsg,nsmely,red,white and blue.

2.The lakes gradually give way to deserts as the climate changes.

3.The solution to the sales problem lies in a better quality of the


4.She decides to make teaching her career because she loves it.

5.The cost relates to the amount of time spent on the job.

6.You have every reason to be positive above the future.

7.The heavy rain hampered the flow of traffic yesterday.

8.The restaurant has a good reputation.

9.Williams abused his position as mayor to give jobs to his friengs.

10.Both his parents are vague about where he is at the moment.

11.The thief has apparetly fled without talking any money.

12.Repetition is one of the most effectively ways for remembering new


13.We believe that this organization will serve regional and world pease.

14.This is the only country in Europe to deny cancer screening to its


15.Please tell me the procedures for opening a savings account in your


16.The ideas of parents usually take root in their chirdren.

17.The original settlers in North America are the Indildren.

18.She has her own individual style of doing things.

19.What is your favorite brand of electronic dictionary?

20.Weigh out all the ingredients before you start making the cake.

21.The new trade figures have just been released.


1.After Tom passed his driving test,he filled out an application for his

driver’s license.

2.Mary and I have gone off cooking,so we live on salads these days.

3.If I were you,I’d think twice before investing the money in that


4.He had read the novel himself,and made quite a few comment on it.

5.Our staff are always on hand to help.

6.The government commit oneself to supporting technology


7.We won’t charge for delivery if you pay now.

8.They’ve been working night and day in an effort to get the products

ready on time.

9.We should take advantage of the favorable situation to develop our


10.They used to spend the weekeds in London and take in a movie or


11.How can we seek out a person fit for the job?

12.He put aside his work on the computer and went to answer a phone


13.It was cold.Nonetheless,I went swimming.

14.He tried to justify his absence with poor excuses.

15.Who is in charge of the quality control in your company?

16.Mr.Blair was about to draw his condusion when the maneger cut in

with a question.


1.For some people,happiness simply exists in health and love.(lie in) 变:For some people, happiness simply lies in health and love.

2.Her writing is simple in words and clear in ideas.(be characterized by) 变:Her writing is characterized by words and clear in ideas.

1.Lack of water is not the thing that causes the probiem.

变:Lack of water is not what causes the probiem.

2.Sally has to finish the task in oneday.This is very difficult for her.

变:Sally has to finish the task in oneday,which is very difficult for her.

3.John was late for the meeting again.This is very bad for a group


变:John was late for the meeting again.This is very bad for a group leader.

4.I will translate this article .That will be difficult.

变:It will be difficult for me to translate this article.

5.They came into the office.They were singing and laughing.

变:They came into the office,singing and laughing.

6.I share my favorite books withfriends.This is a great please.

变: It is a great please that I share my favorite books withfriends.

7.I haven’t been to the Great Wall .This is a pity.

变:It is a pity that I haven’t been to the Great Wall .

8.However cold it is,she always goes swimming.

变:No matter how cold it is,she always goes swimming.

9.Whatever I suggest,he always disagrees.

变:No matter what I suggest,he always disagrees.

10.After he had finished his paper,he checked his spilling very carefully. 变:After finishing his paper,he checked his spilling very carefully. 11.The program will be put off.She said that at the meeting.

变:What she said that at the meeting is that the program will be put off.

12.I joined the team because I like change.

变:The reason for my joining the team is that I like change.

13.I walked into the office slowly and thought about how to tell my boss

the had news.

变:I walked into the office slowly,thinking about how to tell my boss the had news.

14.The athletes appeared on the sports ground and smiled to the


变:The athletes appeared on the sports ground, smiled to the audience.

15.I will rent the house.I will not buy it right now.

变:I would rather rent the house than by it right now.

16.She is beautiful.She is also clever.

变:She is clever as well as beautiful.

17.He likes swimming.He also likes climbing mountains.

变: He likes climbing mountains as well as swimming.

18.I’ll never forget the day when I met that famous poet.

变:Never will I forget the day when I met that famous poet.

19.I have seldom seen such a remarkable creature.

变:Seldom have I seen such a remarkable creature.

20.We didn’t have a rest .We went on working.

变:In stead of having a rest,we went on working.

21.Tom didn’t laugh at me.He came to help me.

变:Insteand of laughing at me,Tom came to help me.

22.The experiment failed.Nobody knew the reason.

变:Nobody knew the reason why the experiment failed.


1.My probiems are almost noting in comparison with yours.与


2.The door looks too wide in relation to its height.


3.Ourhotel peovides free breakfast for every yuest.


4.This question deserve careful consideration.


5. The urged us to give our support. .他们敦促我们给予支持

6. She behaved bravely in the face of danger.


7. They want to spend a minimum of both time and mondy to gei the best result.


8. In marketing teamwork is more important than individual effort.


9. We have a professional team to market our products.


10. Do you know black clthes will be trendy this fall?你知道今秋流行黑衣服吗?

11 .We would rather rely on ourselves instead of seeking help from others.


12. New vehicles must comply with national standards.新车必须符合国家标准

13. I spill coffee all over my desk.我把咖啡洒了一桌

14. Fruits are perishable during transportaion.


15. The officer in charge was wounded badly in the battle.


17.He got a payoff before the retirement.


17. You have to ensure that you already prepure for the job in the future.


18. With their help,we accomplished our task fidly.


19. The manager denied to give him a chance to explain.经理拒绝给他解释的机会

20. I stayed and did some extra work yesterday.


22.How can we improve customer loyalty?


22.Please notify all the staff to come to the meeting tomorrow.


23.His new job is well paid ,but highly demanding.



20道选择题(会从里面抽出一部分) 1.Economic crises destroy the capitalist system, and they grow in size and duration. 2.Stability also depends upon the flexibility of the local economy. 3.He was sentenced to do hard labor without the option of a fine. 4.She states her views very definitely_. 5.Did he actually say in so many words that there was no hope of a cure? 6.The baby felt ignored by her parents. 7.You need to convince the employers that you can do the job. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1d14540924.html,panies will have to do more than this if they are to survive the earthquake. 9.I don’t like this young woman; she seems a social _butterfly. 10.The novel captured___ the imagination of thousands of readers. 11.God knows. How can I endure__ six exams a week? 12.A tiny star can spark___ in the darkness. 13.There are good chances of _promotion_ in this firm. 14.Mrs. Hill is _keen__ on Tom’s marrying Susan. 15.Some professions are __stuffed__ with people who have not grown up. 16.How should this _innocent__ girl see the coldness of the letter? 17.His dominant _trait_ was to take all things into earnest consideration. 18.She tried to __undermine___ our friendship. 19.This was my big chance and I __grabed__ it with both hands. 20.The new airport will __facilitate__ tourism. 21.He came over and _shoved_ a piece of paper into my hand. 22.Shanghai is a city with a large _translent__ population. 23.I’ll __pop__ over and see you this evening. 24.A dropped cigarette is being _blamed__ for the fire. 25.They were full of __envy_ when they saw my new car. 26.The doctor tried to help _restore__ the function of his limbs. 27.Let me assure you that it was not done __intentionally___. 28.The smooth space flight, experts say, marks a big __breakthrough__ for Chinese scientists. 29.He failed to __respond_ to the medicine. 30.This medicine can _lessen__ the pain in no time. 31.The boy really enjoyed the useful and _creative_ work in science. 32.Advertising is often the most _effective__ method of promotion. 33.He __complimented__ her on her last physics paper. 34.After dinner, I took a _stroll__ around the park. 35.A hundred years ago people _scoffed_ at the idea. 36.They are determined to carry forward the _enterprise__ . 37.The conference discussed the fair ___distribution___of income and wealth. 38.Women’s social _status__ has changed much over the years. 39.Before he could find the __fitting__ word she had cut him short with a question. 40.In time you’ll __appreciate__ the beauty of this language. 41.We couldn’t _induce__the old lady to travel by air. 42.The test is used to __diagnose_ a variety of diseases.


Introduction Physics is a natural science that involves the study of matter and its motion through spacetime(时空), as well as all applicable concepts, such as energy and force. More broadly, it is the general analysis of nature, conducted in order to understand how the world and universe behave. Physics is one of the oldest academic disciplines(学科), perhaps the oldest through its inclusion of astronomy. Over the last two millennia(一千年), physics had been considered synonymous with philosophy, chemistry, and certain branches of mathematics and biology, but during the Scientific Revolution in the 16th century, it emerged(显现) to become a unique modern science in its own right. However, in some subject areas such as in mathematical physics and quantum chemistry, the boundaries of physics remain difficult to distinguish. Physics is both significant and influential, in part because advances in its understanding have often translated into new technologies, but also because new ideas in physics often resonate(共鸣) with other sciences, mathematics, and philosophy. For example, advances in the understanding of electromagnetism(电磁学) or nuclear physics led directly to the development of new products which have dramatically transformed modern-day society; advances in thermodynamics(热力学) led to the development of motorized transport; and advances in mechanics(力学) inspired the development of calculus. Scope and aims Physics covers a wide range of phenomena,


1三长一短就选短,三短一长就选长。两长两短就选B,参差不齐C 无敌。2 以蒙为主以抄为辅 蒙抄结合保证及格 正文: 蒙选择题方法。20道题至少能对15道。 由于我的英文不是很好,所以我苦心钻研蒙技。我发现了很多关于选择题的规律,十分好用。在开学考试时,总共有20道选择题,我蒙对19道(我们班的英语神童沈宜人错了两道题。沈宜人同学据说背了两万单词,可以轻易读懂原版《简爱》)。 也就是说,这个蒙题技术有时远远高过自己本身水平。 这个蒙,总共有三点技巧。 一、找共同点。 比如说有一道题的选项有四个: A.study B.to study C.learning D.to read 可以看出,其中的study有两个;其中的不定式也有两个。所以两个显著特点集于一身的to study的选择可能性就十分的大。 二、找矛盾点(适用于单选)。 比如一道题问: 下列关于密度的说法中,错误的是: 其中,有两个这样的选项:

B.质量相同,体积大的物体密度小。 D.质量相同,体积大的物体密度大。 这就可以看出,一定其中有一个是错误的——唉,你别笑!有很多的题中,都会有矛盾的地方。只要找出矛盾,再蒙的几率就大多了。 三、培养“蒙感” 这个所谓“蒙感”,就是这蒙题的感觉。因为不可能一面卷子上你一道题也不会做(当然也有例外),你也有很大可能有不会做的题。这时,就要看蒙题的感觉了。所有考试的人都知道,选择题中选择B、C选项的占绝大多数。所以遇到不会的题,就往B、C上靠,几率会大一点。 还有,如果你有很多题不会——比如说五道题里你有三道不会,那就要看你平时做题的感觉了。下面有一些选项,我感觉大多数时,选项会和以下相同,大家看一看: A: AAABC AACBB AABBC ABAAC ABACA ABDDC ACABC ACBBC ACABD ADACC ADCAA ADBAD B: BACBB BACCA BABDC BBBCC BBACA BBABC(有时也会是BBBBD BBBBB) BCBBA BCABC BCDAA BDACC BDDAC BDCAD


英语 考试时间:120分钟满分:150分 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。现在你有5秒钟的时间阅读第一小题的有关内容。 例:How much is the shirt? A. £ 19. 15. B. £ 9. 18. C. £ 9. 15. 1. Where does the conversation probably take place? A. In a library. B. In a bookstore. C. In a classroom. 2. How does the man feel now? A. Relaxed. B. Excited. C. Tired. 3. What will Lucy do tomorrow afternoon? A. Surf online. B. Give a talk. C. Write a report. 4. Where are the speakers going after work? A. To a restaurant. B. To a street. C. To their work. 5. Why did Susan quit her job? A. To go back to school. B. To start her own firm. C. To find a better job. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What does the man want to do? A. Go to the grocery. B. Watch TV at home. C. Clean the freezer. 7. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Employer and employee. C. Shop assistant and customer. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. Where are the speakers?


英语蒙题技巧 口诀 1、三长一短就选短,三短一长就选长。两长两短就选b,参差不齐c无敌。 2、以蒙为主,以抄为辅,蒙抄结合,保证及格。 蒙选择题方法。20道题至少能对15道。 由于我的英文不是很好,所以我苦心钻研蒙技。我发现了很多关于选择题的规律,十分好用。在开学考试时,总共有20道选择题,我蒙对19道(我们班的英语神童沈宜人错了两道题。沈宜人同学据说背了两万单词,可以轻易读懂原版《简爱》)。 也就是说,这个蒙题技术有时远远高过自己本身水平。 方法 一、找共同点。 比如说有一道题的选项有四个: a.study b.tostudy c.learning d.toread 可以看出,其中的study有两个;其中的不定式也有两个。所以两个显著特点集于一身的tostudy的选择可能性就十分的大。 二、找矛盾点(适用于单选)。 比如一道题问: 下列关于密度的说法中,错误的是: 其中,有两个这样的选项: b.质量相同,体积大的物体密度小。 d.质量相同,体积大的物体密度大。 这就可以看出,一定其中有一个是错误的——唉,你别笑!有很多的题中,都会有矛盾的地方。只要找出矛盾,再蒙的几率就大多了。

三、培养“蒙感” 这个所谓“蒙感”,就是这蒙题的感觉。因为不可能一面卷子上你一道题也不会做(当然也有例外),你也有很大可能有不会做的题。这时,就要看蒙题的感觉了。所有考试的人都知道,选择题中选择b、c选项的占绝大多数。所以遇到不会的题,就往b、c上靠,几率会大一点。 还有,如果你有很多题不会——比如说五道题里你有三道不会,那就要看你平时做题的感觉了。下面有一些选项,我感觉大多数时,选项会和以下相同 英语考试蒙题技巧听语音 如果答案跟顺序有关联,就选这个。比如,第2个答案是bachelor,因为b是字母顺序里的第2个,所以就选这个。同理,第4个答案是department,就选这个。命中率还是比较高的。当然要在排除了其他你认为不可能的答案之后再这样选。 还有一种方法是全都选a,或者b等等。这是在你对所有问题都不懂的情况下才这样。还有就是,如果你发现已经有连续4道题都选a了,那你就考虑一下里面很可能有一个选错了,而这很可能是你最拿不准的那个。 答案项中有绝对语气词的一般不是正确答案项。 这些语气词有:must,always,never,themost,all,only,haveto,any,no,verycompletely,hardly等。 选项中含有不十分肯定的语气词一般是正确答案项。 这些语气词有:can,could,may,should,usually,might,most,moreorless,relatively,belikelyto,possible,whetheror,notnecessarily等。 选项中照抄原文的一般不是答案项,而同义替换的一般是选项 选项中表达意义较具体的、肤浅的一般不是答案项,而概括性的、抽象的、含义深刻的是答案项。 选项中较符合常识的,易明白的一般不是选项;而似乎不太合理,一时较难理解的往往是正确选项。


I. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words given below. (答案填写单词前的大写字母编号。每空2分,共20分) 1. As a teacher he was highly respected for his industry, patience, and his ability to F knowledge. 2. Unless a firm can J its products and services to remain ahead of the competition, the margin of profitability will be significantly reduced, with an attendant loss of market share. 3. Depressed people can of course make G and unwise decisions, and I made one such decision when, during my second term at Berkeley, I decided to give up my London flat. 4. He wrote to them, wishing every one of them and their families a truly Happy Christmas and a very H /K New Year. (H和K两个选项一样。) 5. About three years ago, she started reading E about her grandfather because she wanted to learn the truth for herself. 6. For health reasons the president has decided to A his planned visit to Italy. 7. This book is the product of several years of B between two leading universities. 8. The new club strives to educate its members to I service to the community. 9. Though he didn’t have much to give, he was C with his money. 10. Father’s Day is a day on which the people of many countries express their D and appreciation for their fathers by giving them gifts or greeting cards. II. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the phrases or expressions given below. (答案填写词组前的大写字母编号。每空2分,共20分) 1. I don’t want to scare you unnecessarily, but you Q face facts. 2. As four days of talks M , the opposing sides were still unable to agree on a temporary ceasefire in the region. 3. The only thing on sale that N was a little French clock. 4. For better health you must S eating too much. 5. The UN Secretary General believes that if member countries would act O , the problem might be solved more easily. 6. The doctor asked her to try to keep drinking to a minimum while she is pregnant, K her own health and her baby’s. 第一页


英语蒙题技巧 先来口诀:1三长一短就选短,三短一长就选长。两长两短就选B,参差不齐C无敌。2 以蒙为主以抄为辅 蒙抄结合保证及格 正文: 蒙选择题方法。20道题至少能对15道。 因为我的英文不是很好,所以我苦心钻研蒙技。我发现了很多关于选择题的规律,十分好用。在开学考试时,总共有20道选择题,我蒙对19道(我们班的英语神童沈宜人错了两道题。沈宜人同学据说背了两万单词,能够轻易读懂原版《简爱》)。 也就是说,这个蒙题技术有时远远高过自己本身水平。 这个蒙,总共有三点技巧。 一、找共同点。 比如说有一道题的选项有四个: A.study B.to study C.learning D.to read 能够看出,其中的study有两个;其中的不定式也有两个。所以两个显著特点集于一身的to study的选择可能性就十分的大。 二、找矛盾点(适用于单选)。 比如一道题问: 下列关于密度的说法中,错误的是: 其中,有两个这样的选项: B.质量相同,体积大的物体密度小。

D.质量相同,体积大的物体密度大。 这就能够看出,一定其中有一个是错误的——唉,你别笑!有很 多的题中,都会有矛盾的地方。只要找出矛盾,再蒙的几率就大多了。 三、培养“蒙感” 这个所谓“蒙感”,就是这蒙题的感觉。因为不可能一面卷子上 你一道题也不会做(当然也有例外),你也有很大可能有不会做的题。这时,就要看蒙题的感觉了。所有考试的人都知道,选择题中选择B、 C选项的占绝绝大部分。所以遇到不会的题,就往B、C上靠,几率会 大一点。 还有,如果你有很多题不会——比如说五道题里你有三道不会, 那就要看你平时做题的感觉了。下面有一些选项,我感觉绝大部分时,选项会和以下相同,大家看一看: A: AAABC AACBB AABBC ABAAC ABACA ABDDC ACABC ACBBC ACABD ADACC ADCAA ADBAD B: BACBB BACCA BABDC BBBCC BBACA BBABC(有时也会是BBBBD BBBBB) BCBBA BCABC BCDAA BDACC BDDAC BDCAD C: CABBC CABCD CACBD CBACB CBAAC CBBBC CCABC CCBAD CCDBC


人文英语考试试题 Standardization of sany group #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#

人文英语1试题 2017/12/29 8:48:22阅读数:76 一、交际用语(共计10分,每小题2分) 1-5题:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语。 1.—What is your major —_______________ A. Li Mei B. A fresh man C. Education 2. – I can show you around, if you like. – ________________. A. I can’t wait. B. Sure. Thank you. C. Let’s go. 3.— Hi, Tom, how"s everything w ith you — ________, and how are you A. Don"t mention it B. Hm, not too bad C. Thanks 4. —Are you ready to take a rid e in my new sports car —________________. A. I don’t like your sports car. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. No, I won’t. 5.—________________. — Less than 50 miles per hour. A. How fast were you driving B. Were you driving north C. How was the road 二、词汇与结构(共计30分,每小题2分) 6-20题:阅读下面的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 6. The case happened _________ T uesday afternoon. B. on 7. The train is running fifty mi les ______. A. an hour B. the hour C. a hour 8. You"ll _________ have your ow n room. A. all B. each C. both 9. Well, I heard him _________ h e"d cover the afternoon shift. A. say B. said C. to say 10. Jim is one of the most popul ar ________ in my company. A.classmates B.citizens C.col leagues 11. The gunman stood ________ the th eater and shoot at the audience insi de. A.at the front of B.in front o f C.on front of 12. Tom is good at playing ________ piano. A.a B.an C.the 13. He did not ________ on my propos al about the new project. A.recommend B.comment C.comma nd


新《物理专业英语》范围 单词篇 1 、加速度acceleration 2 、速度 velocity 3 、角速度 angular velocity 4 、角动量angular momentum 5 、热量 amount of heat 6 、热力学第一定律 the first law of thermodynamics 7 、干涉 interference 8 、反射 reflection 9 、折射 refraction 10 、振幅 amplitude 11 、机械运动 mechanical motion 12、保守场 conservative field 13 、向心力 centripetal force 14、保守力 conservative force 15、摩擦力 friction force 16 、面积area 17 、体积 volume 18、阿伏加德罗常数 Avogadro constant 19 、绝对零度 absolute zero 20 、电势能 energy of position 21、重力势能 gravitational potential energy 22 、重力场 the field of gravity force 23 、真空中的磁场 magnetic field in a vacuum 24 、电磁波 electromagnetic wave 25 、电流的相互作用interaction of current 1、(第3页)第四段的第3句 A typical problem of mechanics consists in determining the states of a system at all the following moments of time t when we know the state of the system at a certain initial moment to and also the law governing the motion. 翻译:机械运动的一个典型的问题的构成取决于一个系统在接下来的时间间隔t的状态,(因此)当我们知道了一个确切的最初的系统状态时,也可以知道运动的规律。 2、(第4页)第一段 A body whose dimension may be disregarded in the condition or a given problem is called a point particle (or simply a particle). 翻译:在一个给定的问题中,一个物体的形状和大小可以被忽略的情况被称为质点。 3、(第36页)第五段【注:选词和阅读会出】 For a stationary filed ,the work done on a particle by the forces of the field may depend only on the initial and final position of the particle and not depend on the path along which the particle moved .Forces having such a property are called conservative. 翻译:对于恒定场,这个场的力对粒子所做的功只依赖于粒子的初位置和末位置,不依赖于粒子运动的路径。具有这一特性的力被称为保守力。

英语完形填空蒙题技巧 助你得高分

英语完形填空蒙题技巧助你得高分 完形填空题在高考题中的分值是较高的,是大多数学生考试中的拦路虎。完形填空题在高考英语试题中难度最大、综合性最强,最能考查出学生的语言理解水平和对英语的驾驭能力。可以说,完形填空题解答的好坏是决定考生英语成绩高低的关键,然而学生如何才能在高考中取得高分?下面小编就给大家分享一些英语完形填空蒙题技巧,助你得高分,仅供大家参考。?英语完形填空蒙题技巧1.我们先找关键词①后面一定要接动词原形的单词有:情态动词:can,would,could,must,may,should,need(在否定句和疑问句中)。使役动词:make,let,have.助动词:do,does,don’t,doesn’t,didn’t.Why not=why don’t you.②后面一定要接v-ing的有:所有介词(to除外):about,for,in,on,by,at,with,of…etc.一些单词:find(found),practice,finish,have fun,enjoy,mind,stand,like.③一些既可接v-ing也可接to do不一式。Rember,forget,stop,注意后接to do(不定式)表示事情还没有做,接v-ing表示已经做了。④后面一定要接to do(不定式)的有:Would like to do sth,want to do sth ,plan to do sth.,decide to do sth.Can’t ?wait to do sth(迫不及待地做某事)2.第二步我们看括号内所给的词:①如果说是名词,我们可考虑单复数。这里就要记牢名词单复数的变法。②如果说是代词,就要考虑四种了,现将具体罗列如下。主格宾格形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词常放在动词的前面。作主语。常放在动词或介词的后面(也就是常说的动宾或介宾短语) This is a photo of ?mine(除外)。就是我们常说的带“的”的,常放在名词的前面。(也就是常说的名词前面用“带的”的。常作名词用③如果说是基数词,我们可考虑变成序数词(月份或冠词后面就需要变),这时要注意“基变序”的变法。另外注意如果


高考英语蒙题技巧。 ★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/1d14540924.html,/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 先来口诀:1三长一短就选短,三短一长就选长。两长两短就选B,参差不齐C无敌。2 以蒙为主以抄为辅 蒙抄结合保证及格 正文: 蒙选择题方法。20道题至少能对15道。 由于我的英文不是很好,所以我苦心钻研蒙技。我发现了很多关于选择题的规律,十分好用。在开学考试时,总共有20道选择题,我蒙对19道(我们班的英语神童沈宜人错了两道题。沈宜人同学据说背了两万单词,可以轻易读懂原版《简爱》)。 也就是说,这个蒙题技术有时远远高过自己本身水平。 这个蒙,总共有三点技巧。 一、找共同点。 比如说有一道题的选项有四个: A.study B.to study C.learning D.to read

可以看出,其中的study有两个;其中的不定式也有两个。所以两个显著特点集于一身的to study的选择可能性就十分的大。 二、找矛盾点(适用于单选)。 比如一道题问: 下列关于密度的说法中,错误的是: 其中,有两个这样的选项: B.质量相同,体积大的物体密度小。 D.质量相同,体积大的物体密度大。 这就可以看出,一定其中有一个是错误的——唉,你别笑!有很多的题中,都会有矛盾的地方。只要找出矛盾,再蒙的几率就大多了。 三、培养―蒙感‖ 这个所谓―蒙感‖,就是这蒙题的感觉。因为不可能一面卷子上你一道题也不会做(当然也有例外),你也有很大可能有不会做的题。这时,就要看蒙题的感觉了。所有考试的人都知道,选择题中选择B、C选项的占绝大多数。所以遇到不会的题,就往B、C上靠,几率会大一点。


英语考试题库 一、单项选择: 1、passenger list (A) A.旅客名单 B.机组名单 C.船员名单 D.旅客行李 2、general declaration form (C) A. 封条 B.枪支弹药 C.总申报单 D. 检查手续 3、group visa (D) A. 单个签证 B. 多次签证 C. 团体名单 D.团体签证 4、diplomatic passport (B) A.公务护照 B.外交护照 C.普通护照 D.官员护照 5、boarding pass (C) A.登陆证 B.住宿证 C.登轮(机)证 D.船员证 6、exit card (A) A.出境卡 B.入境卡 C.登记卡 D.身份证 7、single visa (C) A.多次签证 B.团体签证 C.单次签证 D.贴纸签证 8、embassy (D) A.代理 B.公司 C.港口 D.大使馆 9、tourist group (A) A.旅游团 B.旅游公司 C.旅客 D.旅游签证 10、valid period (C)

A.失效期 B.签发日期 C.有效期 D.最后期限 11、Public Security Bureau (D) A.外管处 B.旅游局 C.大使馆 D.公安局 12、female (A) A.女性 B.男性 C.性别 D.姓名 13、open port (A) A.开放口岸 B.国家口岸 C.海港口岸 D.空港口岸 14、Chinese citizen (A) A.中国公民 B.外国公民 C.华侨 D.边民 15、inspection seal (D) A.检查员 B.检查站 C.检查手续 D.验讫章 16、surname (A) A.姓 B.名 C.姓名 D.性别 17、ID card (D) A.出境卡 B.入境卡 C.信誉卡 D.身份证 18、date of birth (A) A.出生日期 B.出生地点 C.签发日期 D.签发地点 19、nationality (A) A.国籍 B.国家 C.国际 D.国法 20、permission (D) A.法规 B.条例 C. 证件 D.许可 21、place of issue (B)


高考英语七选五蒙题技巧 2017年高考马上就要开始了,大家在复习备考过程中一定要了解高考英语七选五秒杀法,最好能在只看答案的情况下排除一些错误选项。下面小编就给大家分享一下七选五蒙题技巧,供大家参考。 ?七选五做题技巧通读全文,了解文章大意。通读答案,找出和文章相对应的关键词。根据文章整体结构、具体内容,结合关键词,将选项填入文中。 ?将所选答案代入文中,再次通读全文,重点考查逻辑关系和关联结构。研究多余选项,确定排除理由,最终确定答案。1. 如果问题设在段首(1)通常是段落的主题句,认真阅读后文内容,根据段落一致性原则,查找相关的词,推断出主题句(2)与后文是并列,转折,因果关系等。 ?着重阅读后文第一两句,锁定线索信号词,然后在选项中查找相关特征词,通常正确答案的最后一句与空白后的第一句在意思上是紧密衔接的,因此这两句之间会有某种的衔接手段。(3)段落间的过渡句。 ?这时要瞻前顾后找启示,即阅读上一段结尾部分,通常正确答案与上一段结尾有机地衔接起来,并结合下一段内容,看所选的答案是否将两段内容连贯起来。2. 如果问题设在段尾(1).空白前的一句或两句是重点语句,重点阅读以锁定关键词。(2.)通常是结论,概括性语句。注意在选项中查找表示结果结论,总结等的信号词。Therefore, as a result, thus, ?hence, in short, to sum up, to conclude, in a word等词语,选项中也可发现前文的同义词句。(3.)与前文是转折或对比关系此时要注意在选项中查找表示转折对比的关联词,同时注意选项中所讲内容是否与前文在同一主题上形成对立,对比关系。(4.)与前文是并列或排比关系在这种情况下,通常是该段落要


、完形填空蒙题口诀技巧 先来口诀:1三长一短就选短,三短一长就选长。两长两短就选B,参差不齐C无敌。2 以蒙为主以抄为辅 蒙抄结合保证及格 正文: 蒙选择题方法。20道题至少能对15道。 由于我的英文不是很好,所以我苦心钻研蒙技。我发现了很多关于选择题的规律,十分好用。在开学考试时,总共有20道选择题,我蒙对19道,这个蒙题技术有时远远高过自己本身水平。 这个蒙,总共有三点技巧。 一、找共同点。 比如说有一道题的选项有四个: A.study B.to study C.learning D.to read 可以看出,其中的study有两个;其中的不定式也有两个。所以两个显著特点集于一身的to study的选择可能性就十分的大。 二、找矛盾点(适用于单选)。 比如一道题问: 下列关于密度的说法中,错误的是: 其中,有两个这样的选项: B.质量相同,体积大的物体密度小。 D.质量相同,体积大的物体密度大。 这就可以看出,一定其中有一个是错误的——唉,你别笑!有很多

的题中,都会有矛盾的地方。只要找出矛盾,再蒙的几率就大多了。三、培养“蒙感” 这个所谓“蒙感”,就是这蒙题的感觉。因为不可能一面卷子上你一道题也不会做(当然也有例外),你也有很大可能有不会做的题。这时,就要看蒙题的感觉了。所有考试的人都知道,选择题中选择B、C选项的占绝大多数。所以遇到不会的题,就往B、C上靠,几率会大一点。 还有,如果你有很多题不会——比如说五道题里你有三道不会,那就要看你平时做题的感觉了。下面有一些选项,我感觉大多数时,选项会和以下相同,大家看一看: A: AAABC AACBB AABBC ABAAC ABACA ABDDC ACABC ACBBC ACABD ADACC ADCAA ADBAD B: BACBB BACCA BABDC BBBCC BBACA BBABC(有时也会是BBBBD BBBBB) BCBBA BCABC BCDAA BDACC BDDAC BDCAD C: CABBC CABCD CACBD CBACB CBAAC CBBBC CCABC CCBAD CCDBC CDABC CDABD CDBAC D: DABBC DACBB DBCCA


2017年全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A],[B],[C] or [D] on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points) Could a hug a day keep the doctor away? The answer may be a resounding “yes!” 1 helping you feel close and 2 to people you care about, it turns out that hugs can bring a 3 of health benefits to your body and mind. Believe it or not, a warm embrace might even help you 4 getting sick this winter. In a recent study 5 over 400 healthy adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs 6 the participants’ susceptibility to developing the common cold after bein g 7 to the virus. People who perceived greater social support were less likely to come 8 with a cold ,and the researchers 9 that the stress-reducing effects of hugging 10 about 32 percent of that beneficial effect. 11 among those who got a cold, the ones who felt greater social support and received more frequent hugs had less severe 12 . “Hugging protects people who are under stress from the 13 risk for colds that’s usually 14 with stress,” notes Sheldon Cohen, a professor of psychology at Carnegie. Hugging “is a marker of intimacy and helps 15 the feeling that others are there to help 16 difficulty.” Some experts 17 the stress-reducing , health-related benefits of hugging to the release of oxytocin, often called “the bonding hormone”18 it promotes attachment in relationships, including that between mother and their newborn babies. Oxytocin is made primarily in the central lower part of the brain, and some of it is released into the bloodstream. But some of it 19 in the brain, where it 20 mood, behavior and physiology. 1. [A] Unlike [B] Besides [C] Despite [D] Throughout 2. [A] connected [B] restricted [C] equal [D] inferior 3. [A] choice [B] view [C] lesson [D] host 4. [A] recall [B] forget [C] avoid [D] keep 5. [A] collecting [B] involving [C] guiding [D] affecting 6. [A] of [B] in [C] at [D] on 7. [A] devoted [B] exposed [C] lost [D] attracted 8. [A] across [B] along [C] down [D] out 9. [A] calculated [B] denied [C] doubted [D] imagined 10.[A] served [B] required [C] restored [D] explained 11.[A] Even [B] Still [C] Rather [D] Thus 12.[A] defeats [B] symptoms [C] tests [D] errors 13.[A] minimized [B] highlighted [C] controlled [D] increased 14.[A] equipped [B] associated [C] presented [D] compared 15.[A] assess [B] moderate [C] generate [D] record 16.[A] in the face of [B] in the form of [C] in the way of [D] in the name of 17.[A] transfer [B] commit [C] attribute [D] return 18.[A] because [B] unless [C] though [D] until
