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I. Directions: Each problem below consists of a sentence in which one word or phrase is omitted. Four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), (D), are given beneath the sentence. Choose the ONE word or phrase that will best complete the sentence. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and mark your answer. (10%)

II. Directions: There is at least one mistake in each sentence below. Find out the mistake(s) (Don't mark anything on your test paper.) and then write down the correct word or phrase and the related part(s) of the sentence next to the number of the problem on your answer sheet. (10%)

11. That was the time at which John came.

12. Five hundred dollars are more than I can afford.

13. The technical innovations are by no means plain sailing.

14. John cannot swim now, but he can swim next year if he has a coach.

15. Caricature(漫画) was close to the humor of the fast-developing comic

strip than to the sting of political satire.

16. John speaks English better than all the students in the class. That's

why his teacher likes him.

17. The panda which lives in China is a lovely animal.

18. The food that Mark is cooking in the kitchen is smelling delicious

19. Walking into the classroom, a new picture on the wall caught my eye.

20. The large university provides a wide range of specialized departments, as well numerous coursed within such departments.

IV. Directions: Paraphrase the following sentences or the underlined parts of the sentences and write your restatements next to the number of the problem on your answer sheet. (30%)

21.Such a suspension is his privilege to bestow, and it is usually handled humorously, with a remark like, "I answer quicker to Bruce."

22.There are many such arbitrary little limitations on our language.

23.They adapt their presentation to the messages they pick up.

24. A housewife, knowingly if quite casually, said, "We thought it was a lover's quarrel."

25. The ordinary everyday "blues" are fortunately usually brief and self-curing and, although they take the edge off life, are not terribly incapacitating.

26.A housewife, knowingly if quite casually, said, "We thought it was a lover's quarrel." A husband and wife both said, "Frankly, we were afraid."

27. People with a more dominant attitude will use more expansive gestures, spreading the arms and legs, creating an air of openness.

28. It is firmly grounded in evolutionary development.

29. Then the trickle of immigrants became a stream, and the population began to move westward - not to grab and leave but to settle and live, they thought.

30. Depression in children is usually masked, presenting symptoms like restlessness, sleep problems, lack of attention and initiative.

V. Directions: Translate the following into Chinese and write your translation next to the number of the problem on your answer sheet. (10%)

VI. Directions: Translate the following sentences into English by using the words given and write your English sentences next to the number of the problem on your answer sheet. (10%)


42 她的解释符合实情。(agree)

43. 在这种情况下,出些小差错是不可避免的。(slip)

44. 他胃口好了,除了偶而想到自己是个病弱者(invalid)之外,他的心情保持愉快。(except)

45. 我们可以在这里面画一条箭头来指出正确的路。(indicate)

VII. Directions: In this section, you will be given two reading passages followed by questions about the meaning of the passages. You are to choose the one best to each question. Then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and mark your answer. Answer all questions following the passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage. (20%)


Eddie was a carpet fitter, and he hated it. For ten years he had spent his days sitting, squatting, kneeling or crawling on floors, in houses, offices, shops, factories and restaurants. Ten years of his life, cutting and fitting carpets for other people to walk on, without even seeing them. When his work was done, no-one ever appreciated it. No- one ever said "Oh, that's a beautiful job, the carpet fits so neatly." They just walked all over it. Eddie was sick of it.

He was especially sick of it on this hot, humid day in August, as he worked to put the finishing touches to today's job. He was just cutting and fixing the last edge on a huge red carpet which he had fitted in the living room of Mrs. Vanbrugh's house. Rich Mrs. Vanbrugh, who changed her carpets every year, and always bought the best. Rich Mrs. Vanbrugh, who had never even given him a cup of tea all day, and who made him go outside when he wanted to smoke. Ah well, it was four o'clock

and he had nearly finished. At least he would be able to get home early today. He began to day-dream about the weekend, about the Saturday football game he always played for the local team, where he was known as "Ed the Head" for his skill in heading goals from corner kicks.

Eddie sat back and sighed. The job was done, and it was time for a last cigarette. He began tapping the pockets of his overalls, looking for the new packet of Marlboro he had bought that morning. They were not there.

It was as he swung around to look in his toolbox for the cigarettes that Eddie saw the lump. Right in the middle of the brand new bright red carpet, there was a lump. A very visible lump. A lump the size of -- the size of a packet of cigarettes. "Blast!" said Eddie angrily. "I've done it again! I've left the cigarettes under the blasted carpet!"

He had done this once before, and taking up and refitting the carpet had taken him two hours. Eddie was determined that he was not going to spend another two hours in this house. He decided to get rid of the lump another way. It would mean wasting a good packet of cigarettes, nearly full, but anything was better than taking up the whole carpet and fitting it again. He turned to his toolbox for a large hammer. Holding the hammer, Eddie approached the lump in the carpet. He didn't want to damage the carpet itself, so he took a block of wood and placed it on top of the lump. Then he began to beat the block of wood as hard as he could. He kept beating, hoping Mrs. Vanbrugh wouldn't hear the noise and come to see what he was doing. It would be difficult to explain why he was hammering the middle of her beautiful new carpet.

After three or four minutes, the lump was beginning to flatten out. Eddie imagined the cigarette box breaking up, and the crushed cigarettes spreading out under the carpet. Soon, he judged that the lump was almost invisible. Clearing up his tools, he began to move the furniture back into the living room, and he was careful to place one of the coffee tables over the place where the lump had been, just to make sure that no-one would see the spot where his cigarettes had been lost. Finally, the job was finished, and he called Mrs. Vanbrugh from the dining room to inspect his work.

"Yes, dear, very nice," said the lady, peering around the room briefly. "You'll be sending me a bill, then?"

"Yes madam, as soon as I report to the office tomorrow that the job is done." Eddie picked up his tools, and began to walk out to the van. Mrs. Vanbrugh accompanied him. She seemed a little worried about something.

"Young man," she began, as he climbed into the cab of his van, laying his toolbox on the passenger seat beside him, "while you were working today, you didn't by any chance see any sign of Armand, did you? Armand is my parakeet. A beautiful bird, just beautiful, such colors in his feathers... I let him out of his cage, you see, this morning, and he's disappeared. He likes to walk around the house, and he's so good, he usually just comes back to his cage after an hour or so and gets right in. Only today he didn't come back. He's never done such a thing before, it's most peculiar..."

"No, madam, I haven't seen him anywhere," said Eddie, as he reached to start the van.

And saw his packet of Marlboro cigarettes on the dashboard, where he had left it at lunchtime....

And remembered the lump in the carpet....

And realised what the lump was....

And remembered the hammering....

And began to feel rather sick....

46. Why did Eddie hate being a carpet-fitter?

a) The pay was too low.

b) He didn't like working alone.

c) No-one appreciated his work.

d) He couldn't smoke on the job.

47. What did Eddie think of Mrs. Vanbrugh?

a) She was a kind, thoughtful lady.

b) She was rich and selfish.

c) She was always losing things.

d) She had good taste in furniture.

48. Why was Eddie called "Ed the Head" by his friends?

a) Because he was such an intelligent carpet-fitter.

b) Because he had a large head.

c) Because he was very proud and self-important.

d) Because of his footballing skills.

49. What did Eddie want to do when he had finished fitting the carpet?

a) have a cigarette

b) hammer the carpet flat

c) look for Mrs. Vanbrugh's lost bird

d) start work in the dining room

50. Why didn't Eddie remove the carpet to take out the thing that was causing the lump?

a) He couldn't take the carpet up once he had fitted it.

b) He didn't need the cigarettes because he had some more in the van.

c) It would take too long to remove the carpet and re-fit it.

d) He intended to come back and remove the lump the next day.

51. What did Eddie do with the hammer?

a) hammered nails into the lump

b) fixed the coffee table

c) left it under the carpet

d) flattened the carpet

52. What was Mrs. Vanbrugh worried about?

a) Her bird was missing.

b) She thought the carpet was going to be too expensive.

c) She thought Eddie had been smoking in the house.

d) She couldn't find her husband Armand.

53. What was really under the carpet?

a) the cigarettes

b) Eddie's toolbox

c) nothing

d) the missing bird

54. "Eddie was determined...." means that he:

a) had no idea

b) decided for sure

c) felt very angry

d) couldn't decide

55. "Peculiar" in the sentence "He's never done such a thing before, it's most peculiar..." means:

a) normal

b) like a bird

c) difficult

d) strange


It was a cold night in September. The rain was drumming on the car roof as George and Marie Winston drove through the empty country roads towards the house of their friends, the Harrisons, where they were going to attend a party to celebrate the engagement of the Harrisons' daughter, Lisa. As they drove, they listened to the local radio station, which was playing classical music.

They were about five miles from their destination when the music on the radio was interrupted by a news announcement:

"The Cheshire police have issued a serious warning after a man escaped from Colford Mental Hospital earlier this evening. The man, John Downey, is a murderer who killed six people before he was captured two years ago. He is described as large, very strong and extremely dangerous. People in the Cheshire area are warned to keep their doors and windows locked, and to call the police immediately if they see anyone acting strangely."

Marie shivered. "A crazy killer. And he's out there somewhere. That's scary." "Don't worry about it," said her husband. "We're nearly there now. Anyway, we

have more important things to worry about. This car is losing power for some reason -- it must be that old problem with the carburetor. If it gets any worse, we'll have to stay at the Harrisons' tonight and get it fixed before we travel back tomorrow." As he spoke, the car began to slow down. George pressed the accelerator, but the engine only coughed. Finally they rolled to a halt, as the engine died completely. Just as they stopped, George pulled the car off the road, and it came to rest under a large tree.

"Blast!" said George angrily. "Now we'll have to walk in the rain."

"But that'll take us an hour at least," said Marie. "And I have my high-heeled shoes and my nice clothes on. They'll be ruined!"

"Well, you'll have to wait while I run to the nearest house and call the Harrisons. Someone can come out and pick us up," said George.

"But George! Have you forgotten what the radio said? There's a homicidal maniac out there! You can't leave me alone here!"

"You'll have to hide in the back of the car. Lock all the doors and lie on the floor in the back, under this blanket. No one will see you. When I come back, I'll knock three times on the door. Then you can get up and open it. Don't open it unless you hear three knocks." George opened the door and slipped out into the rain. He quickly disappeared into the blackness.

Marie quickly locked the doors and settled down under the blanket in the back for a long wait. She was frightened and worried, but she was a strong-minded woman. She had not been waiting long, however, when she heard a strange scratching noise. It seemed to be coming from the roof of the car.

Marie was terrified. She listened, holding her breath. Then she heard three slow knocks, one after the other, also on the roof of the car. Was it her husband? Should she open the door? Then she heard another knock, and another. This was not her husband. It was somebody -- or something -- else. She was shaking with fear, but she forced herself to lie still. The knocking continued -- bump, bump, bump, bump.

Many hours later, as the sun rose, she was still lying there. She had not slept for a moment. The knocking had never stopped, all night long. She did not know what to do. Where was George? Why had he not come for her?

Suddenly, she heard the sound of three or four vehicles, racing quickly down the road. All of them pulled up around her, their tires screeching on the road. At last! Someone had come! Marie sat up quickly and looked out of the window.

The three vehicles were all police cars, and two still had their lights flashing. Several policemen leapt out. One of them rushed towards the car as Marie opened the door. He took her by the hand.

"Get out of the car and walk with me to the police vehicle. miss. You're safe now. Look straight ahead. Keep looking at the police car. Don't look back. Just don't look back."

Something in the way he spoke filled Marie with cold horror. She could not help herself. About ten yards from the police car, she stopped, turned and looked back at the empty vehicle.

George was hanging from the tree above the car, a rope tied around his neck. As the wind blew his body back and forth, his feet were bumping gently on the roof of the car -- bump, bump, bump, bump.

56. Where were the Winstons going when this incident happened?

a) home

b) to Colford Mental Hospital

c) to a party

d) to the police station

57. What was the reason for the news announcement on the radio?

a) Six people, including John Downey, had been murdered.

b) A dangerous prisoner had escaped.

c) The police were warning of accidents on the roads in the bad weather.

d) Some people had been seen acting strangely in the Cheshire area.

58. What did George think was causing the trouble with the car?

a) the carburetor

b) the rain drumming on the roof

c) the accelerator

d) he had no idea

59. Why did he pull the car off the road?

a) to have a rest

b) to go for a walk

c) to walk to the nearest house

d) it broke down

60. Why did Marie stay in the car when George left?

a) She was afraid to go out in the dark.

b) So no one would steal the car.

c) Her clothes weren't suitable for the rain.

d) She wanted to get some sleep.

61. Where did George set off to walk to?

a) the Mental Hospital

b) the nearest house

c) the Harrisons' house

d) the police station

62. What made Marie so frightened as she waited in the car?

a) There was a strange sound coming from the roof.

b) She could see a man acting strangely outside the car.

c) Some police cars came racing down the road.

d) She was afraid of the rain and the dark.

63. Why did the policeman tell her not to look back when he brought her out of the car?

a) He didn't want her to see the body of her husband.

b) The killer was waiting behind her.

c) He wanted her to forget everything that had happened during the night.

d) He didn't want her to see the damage done to the car.

64. Marie says, "There's a homicidal maniac out there!" What does "homicidal maniac" mean?

a) terrible storm

b) busy road

c) crazy killer

d) policeman

65. In "Several policemen leapt out," "leapt" means





VIII. Directions: In this section, you will be given a reading material in which twenty words are omitted, with an underlined space to indicate each letter of the omitted word. Read the passage carefully and then, on your answer sheet, find the number of the problem and WRITE DOWN THE EXACT CORRECT WORD that is not only suitable for that sentence but also coherent for the whole passage. (10%)

In some rivers or canals the water is not too deep for large ocean-going ships. In such places large watertight compartments are built that (66) _ _ _ _ ships and boats go up or down different levels (67) _ _ rivers or canals. These are called canal locks.

In (68) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ areas, man-made canals are constructed to connect two water (69) _ _ _ _ _ _. These canals are built to help cut down the (70) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a large ship would otherwise have to take to (71) _ _ _ _ _ its destination. The canals are therefore constructed at a (72) _ _ _ _ _ _ level, like the Panama Canal to prevent land on (73) _ _ _ _ _ _ side from getting flooded.

The canal is divided into (74) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ levels according to its depth. The compartment or lock (75) _ _ which the ship enters is very large and rectangular (76) _ _ _ _ gates on each end. A ship that needs to (77) _ _ to a higher level enters the bottom or downstream (78) _ _ _ _. The gates are then closed.

Once the ship enters (79) _ _ _ lock, water is pumped in by means of sluices

(80) ( _ _ _ _ _ )in the gates. The water level in the compartment (81) _ _ then raised to that of the higher level and (82) _ _ _ upstream gate is opened for the ship to get (83) _ _ _ to the next level.

At each level, water is (84) _ _ _ _ _ _ in or emptied to raise the ship to the (85) _ _ _ _ level. Currently, some large canals use pipes running the length of the level to give an equal discharge and to fill up the lock faster.


名词解释 1声调:指的是依附在声韵结构中具有区别意义的音高变化。 2语素:是语言中最小的音义结合的构词单位,是构词的备用单位。 3兼类:指在词义上有联系,并在不同的场合经常具备两类或两类以上的的词类的语 法功能的词。 4复句:是由两个或两个以上意义上相关、结构上互不作句法成分的分句加上贯通全句的句调构成的。根据分句间的意义关系划分,复句可分为联合复句、偏正复句两大类。 5零声母:有一些音节的开头不是辅音而是元音,这就是说,它们的声母是“零”,所以把不用辅音充当声母的字称为“零声母字”。 6离合词:现代汉语中有些词可以拆开来使用,如“洗澡”、“理发”合起来算一个词,分开用时“我洗了个澡”,“我这个月理了两次发”,算两个词。这类词称之为离合词。 7词类:是词的语法性质的分类,划分词类的目的在于说明语句结构规律和各类词的用法,分类依据是词的语法功能、形态和意义三方面。 8紧缩句:是由复句紧缩而成,紧是紧凑,指语气上紧,隔开分句的语音停顿没有了,缩是缩减,指结构上有些词语被压缩掉了。是分句间没有语音停顿的特殊复句。 9辅音的发音部位:指发辅音时发音器官形成阻碍的部分,例如发辅音【p】时,上下唇形成对气流的阻碍,因此,双唇就是【p】的发音部位。 10成词语素:能够独立成词的语素叫成词语素,能够单独成词,也能够跟其他语素组合成词。 11活用:在特定的条件下为适应某种修辞上的需要,将甲类词偶尔或临时用在乙类词 上,这就是词的活用。 12句型:是句子的结构类,即根据句法成分的配置格局分出来的类。共分成两个大类:单句和复句。 13语流音变:在连续的语流中,一个音可能由于邻近音的影响,或自身所处地位的不同,或说话的快慢、高低、强弱的不同而在发音上产生一些变化,这种现象叫“语流音变”。14语义场:若干具有共同核心义素的词语(以义项为单位)构成的聚合体,就是语义场,又叫词汇场,有时简称义场或词场。 15语法功能:词与词相结合的能力和词充当句子成分的能力。 16语义指向:是句子中词语之间的语义关系,主要指非连续成分之间的语义关系。


Unit 17: 了解传统 I?m the overseas representative for a firm which manufactures cosmetics and perfumes. I?m going to France and Spain to see if I can introduce my company?s products into these markets. Do you have any advice for businessmen and women visiting these countries? 我是一家化妆品和香水公司的海外代表。我要去法国和西班牙,看看我是否能把我公司的产品引入这些市场。你对商人和妇女访问这些国家有什么建议呢? My husband?s firm has suggested that I accompany him on a tour of Korea, China and Japan next autumn. I?m told that wives are not usually invited to take part in the many social activities which a business trip like this usually involves. Is this true? I don?t want to spend my time sitting in a hotel room. And if I do go, what advice do you have about protocol for both me and my husband. 我丈夫的公司已经建议我陪他于明年秋季去韩国,中国和日本旅行。我被告知,类似这样的商务旅行所包含的种种社交活动一般是不邀请家眷的。这是真的吗?我不想整日都坐在酒店房间。但是如果我去了,你有什么对我和我丈夫在礼节上的建议。 I?ve heard that the formalities involved in business dealings in the Middle East are rather complex. Can you give me any tips as I?m off to the Gulf States on a business trip next month? 我听说在中东地区商务交往礼节相当复杂。我下个月要去海湾国家进行商务旅行,你可以给我一些建议吗? Gestures aren?t the only area in which the unwary traveler can get tripped up. Foreign cultures adhere to different business customs and protocol. For example: 粗心的旅客会触犯文化禁忌,并且不止是在手势上。外国文化遵循不同的商业习惯和礼节。例如: ●Caffeine junkies should restrain themselves in the Middle East. “three cups of tea or coffee is usually the polite limit in offices and during social calls.” counsels …Travel Pak,? a free publication of Alia, the Royal Jordanian Airline. “But if your host keeps going, you also may continue sipping. If you?ve had your fill, give your empty cup a quick twist---a sort of wiggle---as you hand it back. That means, ?No more, thank you.?” 咖啡因成瘾者在中东地区要约束自己。“三杯茶或咖啡通常是在办公室和社交拜访活动时的有礼貌的限度,”这是约旦皇家航空公司阿里雅的一本免费刊物《巴基斯坦之行》的建议。“但是如果主人仍然在喝,你可以继续小口喝一会。如果你己喝好,请在你归还杯子时,将空杯迅速转动一下。”这意味着,“我不要了,谢谢你。” ●Middle East visitors also should not be surprised “ if others barge right into the office in the middle of your conversation with the person you are seeing,” notes “Travel Pak.” An old Arab custom calls for keeping an “open office.” 《巴基斯坦之行》提醒到:旅客在中东也应不会奇怪“如果你正与他人会晤磋商时,突然有人闯入办公室”。一条阿拉伯传统习俗要求人们“开门办公”。 ●The British, however, consider it impolite to interrupt a visitor, even after all


全国教师教育网络联盟入学联考 (专科起点升本科) 大学语文复习备考题库参考答案 2010年 一、基础知识选择题(103题,每题1分) 1、 [B]; 2、[A]; 3、[A]; 4、[A]; 5、[A]; 6、[B]; 7、[B]; 8、[A]; 9、[D]; 10、[A];11、[A];12、[B];13、[D];14、[B];15、[C]; 16、[B];17、[B] ;18、[C]; 19、[A];20、[D];21、[C];22、[B];23、[D]; 24、[A];25、[D];26、[B];27、[A]; 28、[D];29、[D];30、[C];31、[B];32、[B]; 33、[C];34、[B];35、[D];36、[A]; 37、[C];38、[C];39、[A];40、[C];41、[C];42、[B];43、[B];44、[D];45、[B]; 46、[D];47、[C];48、[B];49、[A];50、[D];51、[D];52、[C];53、[D];54、[C]; 55、[D];56、[C];57、[A];58、[B];59、[B];60、[C];61、[B];62、[D];63、[A]; 64、[C];65、[B]; 66、[D];67、[A];68、[B];69、[D];70、[D];71、[B];72、[C]; 73、[C];74、[B];75、[C];76、[A];77、[B];78、[A];79、[C];80、[C];81、[B]; 82、[C];83、[B];84、[C]; 85、[B];86、[D];87、[A];88、[A];89、[B];90、[C]; 91、[D];92、[A];93、[D];94、[A];95、[B];96、[C];97、[A];98、[D];99、[C] 100、[A];101、[B];102、[C]; 103、[C] 二、阅读分析(36大题计66小题,每小题3分) (一):树:种,栽种; 谨:认真办好。 申:反复教导。 检:约束,制止。 涂:通“途”,道路。 发:开发粮仓。 (二):勖:勉励。 字:养育。 遂:饲养。 (三):1、老虎犀牛从笼子里跑了出来,龟甲美玉在匣子里被毁坏。 2、将季氏比作虎兕,将颛臾比作美玉,一个出兵侵略,一个就要象美玉被毁掉,而冉有、季路被比作守匣护椟之人,负有不可推卸的责任。 (四):无论诸侯还是大夫,不必忧虑财富太少,只需忧虑财富不均;不忧虑物质贫乏,只应忧虑人心不安。 (五):不正像米粒存放在粮仓之中吗? (六):1、左右的人说:“就是歌唱那…长剑回去吧?的人啊。” 2、我私自用(您的债款)给您买回了道义。 (七): 1、贫穷困乏不能养活自己,托人请求孟尝君。


1、某投资基金将4亿元投资于下面的五种股票: 无风险收益率为7%,下一期预计收益率的概率分布图为: (1)求出该组合的证券市场线公式。 (2)计算下一期该基金的应得收益率。 (3)现有投资一新股票的机会,需5千万元,期望收益率为16%,估计β值为2.5。该基金会购买该股票吗?股票收益率为多少时会购买? 解:(1)市场平均收益率:0.1*8%+0.2*10%+0.4*12%+0.2*14%+0.1*16%=12% 证券市场线公式:个股收益率=无风险收益率+贝塔系数*(市场平均收益率-无风险收益率)=7%+β*(12%-7%)=7%+β*5% (2)基金收益率: [120*(7%+0.5*5%)+100*(7%+2*5%)+60*(7%+4*5%)+80*(7%+1*5%)+40*(7%+3*5%)]/4 00=15.75% (3)按照贝塔系数计算,新股票要求的收益率为:(7%+2.5*5%)=19.5%,其期望收益率为 16%,与风险不匹配,因此不应购买。至少应在股票收益率达到19.5%才能购买。

2、某公司进行一项固定资产投资,该项目的现金流量表如下: 已知折现率为10%,请计算下列指标,并评价该项目的可行性: (1)折现净现金流量 (2)投资回收期 (3)净现值 (4)原始投资现值 (5)净现值率 (6)获利指数 解:投资回收期=1年建设期+2+1/3=3.3年 原始投资现值=500+500/1.1=954.55 折现净现金流量=300/1.1^2+300/1.1^3+300/1.1^4+200/1.1^5+300/1.1^6=971.76 净现值=971.76-954.55=17.21 净现值率=17.21/954.55=1.8% 获利指数=971.76/954.55=102%


《华东师范大学大学英语选修课:英语阅读技巧教学大纲》English Reading Skills Syllabus of ECNU 课程名称:英语阅读技巧(English Reading Skills) 一、课程目的、任务:本课程为选修课程,旨在帮助已具有较扎实英语语言能力的学生进一 步培养其熟练、快速阅读各类英语原版读物的能力,如科技论文、报刊评论、说明、广告等。同时介绍有关英语国家的历史、文化、政治、教育、民俗等方面的知识。 二、课程内容:该课程以《中级阅读教程》(第二版)为主干教材,每一单元包含一独立主 题。每单元各包含三篇阅读材料,以第一篇为主,其它为辅。并配有相应的词汇理解题和阅读技巧讲座。 三、教学方式、实践环节的特色:教学过程中强调学生利用自己的语言知识和对背景的了解 对阅读材料进行积极的思维,从而达到扩大词汇、巩固所学、拓宽背景知识面、熟练掌握阅读技巧和纠正不良阅读习惯的目的。 四、教材及参考书目: 教材: 陈汉生编著:《中级阅读教程》(第二版),上海外语教育出版社,2003年 参考书目: 陈汉生编:《中级阅读教程》(第一版),上海外语教育出版社,1998年 路易丝??希拉萨瓦、琳达?马克斯坦编著,徐依非编译:《增进英语阅读技巧》,上海远东出版社,1992年 黄源深主编:《英国散文选读》,上海译文出版社,1991年 Reid Stephen: Purpose and Process A Reader for Writers, 1991 by Prentice-Hall Inc. 五、考核方式与评价结构: 平时成绩10% 期中成绩20%+ 期末成绩70% 六、讲授大纲: Unit 1: People: A Ma’am for All Seasons — the Queen Mother Skills: What is Reading Comprehension? Unit 2: Food: Craving the Crawlies Skills: Classroom Procedures Unit 3: House: Building a House Skills: Surveying the Chapter or Article Unit 4: Shopping: An English Christmas Skills: Organization Patterns That Authors Use Unit 5: Transport: Just Plane Dangerous? Skills: How Do Authors Connect Sentences and Relate Ideas? Unit 6: Environmental Protection: Clean Air, Dirty Fight Skills: How to Make Inferences Skills: How to Make References Unit 11: Crime: Bank Robberies Skills: To Improve Predicting, Previewing and Anticipation (1) Skills: To Improve Predicting, Previewing and Anticipation (2) Skills: To Improve Skimming and Scanning Unit 13: Entertainment: Biggest Season


复试终于尘埃落定,这一年的辛苦终于有所回报。回来以后很多学妹希望我能写一写今年的考试经验。结束一切之后匆匆打开电脑,希望能够通过我的记录来告诉你们我的过程,作为最微不足道的借鉴。 我是2015年报考的2016届华东师范大学对外汉语学院研究生,专业语言学及应用语言学(教学方向),初试成绩402分第一名(政治68,英语83,专业课一127,专业课二124),复试成绩第二名(267.6),综合成绩第一名。 我是二战华师,第一年的时候九月份回国着手准备考研,由于本身是跨专业,再加上自己没能做到彻底地静心学习,导致考试的时候准备非常不充分,只考了351分,其中最重要的专业课二语言学基础只有98分。 第二年我在九月份开始正式复习。可能对有些同学来说九月份稍晚,这个我觉得因人而异,因为对我来说战线拉得太长不是一件好事,而且第一年复习的专业课还没有完全忘记,所以我开始的时间相对较晚。建议时间还是依照大家自身情况而定。 下面主要谈一谈各科的复习计划和自己的经验。 政治68 其实我感觉政治我是最没有发言权的,第一年政治考了61分,经过一年的努力政治也只考了68分。说来惭愧,和我一起复习的同学在政治上花费的时间普遍比我要少,但分数都在70+。 我个人认为政治最重要的就是考研大纲和肖秀荣的最后四套卷。期间其实我做了很多题,但是最后似乎对我作用不大。本着不误人子弟的原则,建议大家还是百度一下各种政治大神的政治考研经验,不要像我一样背了两年还是六十多分。英语一83 我本科商务英语专业出身,再加上考研之前已经考完了专八,所以英语对我来说需要花费的时间不大。整个准备期间英语资料我只用了全套考研真题和一本《经济学人》。 九月份开始到大概十一月初,我每天早上自己翻译一篇《经济学人》中的文章,然后把生词记录下来,晦涩的长难句摘抄下来,大约半小时。到十一月份整本《经济学人》翻译完,再回去每天背一张自己写的生词表,分析背诵长难句,时间大约也是半小时。这样算是把词汇量巩固了一遍。 十一月初我开始做真题,每天一套。做真题的时候要给自己采用模考的方式,不能看手机不能查资料,只能是一份真题,然后再自己对答案,改错。真题做了大概不到十套,其中2010年往后的是重点。 所有真题做完以后我又开始每天做一套,这时候做的只是2010年之后的题目。虽然大部分题目已经知道答案是什么,但是第二遍的目的在于了解出题思路而不是判断对错。这样反反复复真题做了四五遍。 上面谈到的做真题不包括作文。因为我觉得作文是一件很费脑费力却提高缓慢的过程。直到考试之前我也没有练习作文,其中不乏英语专业出身的优势。但是在最后的冲刺阶段作文相对其他部分来说却是最重要提分的项目,建议大家如果英语基础不是太好的话还是多搜一搜英语写作的经验贴,多练习,这样才能提高。 专业课一127 说实话专业课一我几乎是没有准备,大部分精力都放在了我不擅长的政治和专业课二了。专业课一写作和上面讲到的英语写作一样,是一个非常考察功底的项目。我觉得我的分数还是得益于我平时喜欢写些东西,看的书也比较杂。

华师大 计算机网络与网络工程 平时作业

平时作业(测验) 一、简要描述每对术语的主要区别 1. 计算机网络与计算机互联系统 答:计算机网络,是指将地理位置不同的具有独立功能的多台计算机及其外部设备,通过通信线路连接起来,在网络操作系统,网络管理软件及网络通信协议的管理和协调下,实现资源共享和信息传递的计算机系统。互联网,即广域网、局域网及单机按照一定的通讯协议组成的国际计算机网络。互联网是指将两台计算机或者是两台以上的计算机终端、客户端、服务端通过计算机信息技术的手段互相联系起来的结果。 2.OSI 参考模型与TCP/IP 答:OSI参考模型有七个层次,从上而下分别为:应用层、表示层、会话层、传输层、网络层、数据链路层、物理层。TCP没有表示层、会话层,互连网层与网络层相当,网络接口层,则对应数据链路层和物理层。TCP/IP有四个层次,从上而下分别为:应用层、传输层、互连网层、网络接口层。 3.分组交换与电路交换 答:分组交换的特点:信息以分组为单位传输;并不在发送方和接收方之间提前建立实际的铜线连接,而是采用存储转发的方式;转发延时短;数据传输灵活(每个分组可按不同路径不同顺序到达)转发差错少;在目的结点要对分组进行重组,增加了复杂性。电路交换的特点:数据传输前需要建立一条端到端的物理通路,要经过线路建立、数据通信、释放连接三个阶段;在通话的全部时间内用户始终占用端到端的固定传输带宽;没有冲突的危险,不存在拥塞。 4.Go-back-n 与选择重发 答:连续重发请求(Go-back-n)ARQ方案是指发送方可以连续发送一系列信息帧,即不用等前一帧被确认便可继续发送下一帧,效率大大提高。选择重发ARQ方案是当接收方发现某帧出错后,其后继续送来的正确帧虽然不能立即递交给接收方的高层,但接收方仍可收下来,存放在一个缓冲区中,同时要求发送方重新传送出错的那一帧。 5.CSMA/CD与CSMA/CA 答:CSMA/CD:带有冲突检测的载波监听多路访问,可以检测冲突,但无法“避免” CSMA/CA 带有冲突避免的载波侦听多路访问,发送包的同时不能检测到信道上有无冲突,只能尽量‘避免’ 1.两者的传输介质不同,CSMA/CD用于总线式以太网而则用于无线局域网802.11a/b/g/n 等等;2.检测方式不同,CSMA/CD通过电缆中电压的变化来检测,当数据发生碰撞时,电缆中的电压就会随着发生变化;而采用能量检测(ED)、载波检测(CS)和能量载波混合检测三种检测信道空闲的方式; 6.虚电路与数据报 答:数据报服务:无连接;每个分组带上完整地址信息;每个分组独立路由;故障时影响小;不保证按序、可能丢失;复杂处理由传输层承担虚电路服务:面向连接;连接建立后每个分组仅带上虚电路号;仅建立虚电路时实施路由选择;故障时影响大;保证按序、可靠传输;复杂处理由网络层承担。 7.IP 地址与端口号 答:IP地址:IP地址是用来唯一标识互联网上计算机的逻辑地址,让电脑之间可以相互通信。每台连网计算机都依靠IP地址来互相区分,相互联系。端口号:TCP/IP协议中的端口,端口号的范围从0到65535,比如用于浏览网页服务的80端口,用于FTP服务的21端口等等8.子网划分与CIDR


华师大网络学院学前儿童心理健康与辅导 试卷考点

学前儿童心理健康与辅导试卷 一、选择题(20分,每题2分) 1.下列影响学前儿童心理健康的因素中属社会性因素的是( )A.托幼机构 B.动机C.先天素质 D.情绪 2.下列适用于筛选检查法的评估工具为()A.儿童行为调查表B.丹佛发展筛选量表C.婴幼儿智能发育量表 D.韦克斯勒量表3.学前儿童心理辅导的基础理论有精神动力学、行为主义和()A人本主义 B 认知主义 C完形主义 D 神经学 4.个体心理学认为,人类的主要生存动机是()A良好的人际互动B追求卓越,摆脱自卑C满足各种需求D自我实现5.依恋理论的代表人物是()A.皮亚杰 B.拉扎鲁斯C.劳恩菲尔德D.鲍尔比 6.船船说:“笑笑,你可以帮我找找我的围巾吗?”笑笑说:“你没看正戴在我的脖子里吗?”这段话反应了哪种沟通分析的类型()A互补性沟通 B暧昧型沟通C交叉型勾通 D有意义沟通 7世界上第一套智力测验量表是法国心理学家于1905年编制的( ) A.韦克斯勒量表 B.麦卡锡儿童能力量表 C.比纳-西蒙量表 D.瑞文量表 8良性口吃,经过2年或2年以上可自行消失,发生于()A.1—2岁 B.3—6岁C.3—8岁 D.3-11岁 9.自我意识的内容不包括下面哪个方面()A自我认识 B自我评价C自我调节 D自我概念 10. 在运用完整治疗法开展心理辅导时,不恰当的言语表达是() A.鼓励使用第一人称 B.鼓励使用现在时 C.多问“为什么” D.鼓励使用陈述句 11.将“正常”看作一个不断发展进步的过程的是 ( )A.病理学的标准B.统计学的标准C.理想状态的标准D.适应过程的标准12.在影响学前儿童心理健康的生物学因素中,属于遗传因素的是() A染色体异常B营养不良C孕妇用药不慎 D生理发育迟缓 13.自我意识的内容不包括()A自我认识B自我评价C自我调节D自我概念 14.在需要的基础上产生的精神压力是()A社会经济状况 B动机冲突C教育机构状况D心理创伤 15.儿童回答不出老师的问题,说:“我今天头疼,听不清楚。”使用的防御机制是() A转移作用 B投射作用C 合理化 D压抑作用 16.角色扮演疗法的理论基础是()A.行为主义理论 B.精神分析理论C.认知发展理论 D.人本主义理论 17.开创和拓展理性情感治疗的心理学家是()A皮尔斯 B波纳C艾利斯D狄雷库斯 18.团体疗法的实施条件是() A团体中成员的年纪必须相近 B必须有大人参加C必须施以同一种训练方法 D必须在托幼机构中进行 19. 联合国世界卫生组织(WHO)提出了健康的十条标准,可以分为三大类,下面哪一个不属于这三大类 ( )A.生理标准B.心理标准C.社会标准D.适应过程的标准 20. 帮助儿童学习调节和表达自己的情绪情感的方式,学习社会交往的技能,培养良好的生产习惯,对儿童进行性教育等,这属于()的内容A心理辅导B积极心理教育C心理治疗D行为指导 21. 下列哪一项不属于自我意识的内容()A自我认识B自我实现C 自我评价D自我调节 22. 艾力克森曾描述儿童面临与精神压力有关的4种类型,下列哪一项不属于() A动机冲突B社会经济情况C满足各种需求D心理创伤 23. 玲玲在玩玩具的时候,三岁的表姐抢走了她的玩具,玲玲很生气,哭闹得很厉害,但突然嘴唇青紫,完全发不出声音,大概过了半分钟才慢慢恢复过来。玲玲的症状属于() A暴怒发作B屏气发作C恐惧不安D儿童抑郁症 24. 儿童生来来就有满足自身好奇心的冲动,喜欢探索周围陌生的世界,尝试了解和理解,这属于马斯洛提出的需要层次理论中的()A尊重需要B安全需要C认知的需要 D归属和爱的需要 25. 根据皮亚杰的理论,下列哪一项不属于学前儿童认知发展的主要问题:() A思维的可逆性B看待事物只专注一点C自我中心化D对关系认知的欠缺 26. 别的小朋友在区角玩耍时,明明总是坐在自己的小椅子上不动,老师引导他去娃娃家玩,他总是说“我不会玩”,以此躲避。明明这种行为对应的生活地位是() A“我行——你行”类型 B“我不行——你不行”类型C“我行——你不行”类型 D“我不行——你行”类型 27.沟通分析理论的辅导方法中,辅导者的角色不包括()A家长的角色 B环境的角色C同伴的角色 D教师的角色 28.下列哪一个不属于儿童行为治疗的内容()A阳性强化法 B消退法C非指导性游戏法D系统脱敏法 29.学前儿童心理健康的基本条件使() A智力发展正常B情绪健康C人际关系融洽D动作发展正常 30.下列哪一个不是影响学前儿童心理健康的心理因素()A人格特征B个体生活经C体质状况D行为习惯 31.接受和鼓励孩子不断增长的自主性,与孩子积极沟通,弹性的规则,这属于哪一种家庭教养类型() A.权威型 B专制型C.容许型 D.忽视型 32.儿童在某些年龄阶段中可能会出现的暂时性的程度较轻的恐惧,一般在3岁时的恐惧对象是() A巨声、失去支持 B陌生人C入厕 D孤独一人 33.“非常贪婪而不开化,只对自己的需要感兴趣,一点儿也不听从现实和理性的指引”这属于弗洛伊德提出的人格结构中的()A超我 B本我C自我 D大我 34.下列哪一项不属于理性情感治疗理论的内容:()A着重现在B强调选择C非理性信念 D自我防御机制 35主要集中在研究积极的情绪和体验、积极的个性特征、积极的情绪对生理健康的影响以及培养天才,这是属于()的内容。A积极心理学B个体心理学C完整分析理论D理性情绪理论 36阿德勒学派认为,赞美是一种有条件式的接纳,鼓励是注重过程,注重儿童本身,所以不论儿童是否完美成功,鼓励早已存在,下面属于鼓励的语言的是() A你琴弹得很不错 B我知道你会付出更大的努力来完成这件事C你真是一个懂礼貌的好孩子D我喜欢你处理这件事的方式37ABCDE取向的辅导中,E代表()A发生的事件B个人如何评估事件C后果或情绪 D针对非理性信息回答的理性想法 38.大多数艺术治疗家都认为儿童的艺术治疗发展要经历不同的阶段。Orton(1997)提出的描述大多数儿童的艺术发展的五个阶段,其中4、5-7岁的儿童处于()A涂鸦阶段 B图像阶段C人像画阶段 D现实主义表现阶段


华东师范大学网络教育学院 《现代汉语》试卷 姓名:_________ 学号:_________ 成绩:_________ 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共10分) 1.跟汉语同属汉藏语系的语言是() A马来语 B老挝语 C蒙古语 D侗语 2.声母g k h不能拼的是() A开口呼 B齐齿呼 C合口呼 D撮口呼 3.下列各组词语,辅音声母为清浊对立的一组是() A鼓劲 B蛮荒 C男篮 D资质 4.下列说法正确的一项是() A音高具有区别意义的作用。 B妇女的声带比男子要厚。 C汉语中音长具有区别意义的作用。 D汉语“天”、“空”两个音节的音高不同。 5.“雷峰塔”、“塔吉克族”、“一座塔”中的“塔”分别是() A词、语素、字 B语素、字、词 C词、字、语素 D语素、词、字 6.属“词缀(前缀)+词根”的一组派生式合成词是( ) A老乡、老婆、老鹰 B老屋、老师、老几 C老鼠、老板、老少 D老外、老人、老友 7.“我跟老张商量了一下,感觉还是稳妥一点好。”中,划浪线的“跟”字是()A连词 B副词 C介词 D助词 8.“激动得掉下了眼泪”属于() A述宾短语 B述补短语 C偏正短语 D连谓短语 9.下列各句加点的词中,有词类活用现象的一句是() A他是一名翻译 ..。 ..还专家 ..,翻译 ..了很多文章。 B他比专家

C他花.了三块钱买了一盆花.。 D这位代表代表 ....大家发了言。10.“一树梅花就是一树诗。”这句话运用的修辞方式是( ) A明喻 B借喻 C暗喻 D拟物 二、名词解释(每小题3分,共12分) 1.语流音变 2.语义场 3.语法功能 4.语义指向 三、判断说明题(正确的请在括号内打“√”,不必说明理由;错误的打“×”,必须说明理由。共10题,每题2分,共20分) 1.社会变体的差异主要体现在词汇上。() 2.语音的强弱跟说话时用力的大小没有关系。() 3.“清晨登程”这四个字的韵母,都是后鼻音。( ) 4.“象、悉、鼎、澳”这4个字的笔画数分别是11、11、12、15。() 5.“呼和浩特的小孩儿”中的语素有4个。() 6.“触电”原来指“人或动物接触电流,造成肌体受损,甚至死亡”,现在又可以表示“戏剧演员参与演电影,拍电视剧”,这种现象属于词义的转移。 7.形容词都能受程度副词修饰。() 8.“我们打算去北京。”这句话的谓语是连谓词组。() 9.“屋顶飘着一面红旗。”这个句子的主语是“红旗”。() 10.黑龙江人常说:“这里的土,插根筷子都会发芽。”——“插根筷子都会发芽”的说法是在打比方,以写土地的“肥沃”。 四、操作题(共34分) 1.有的方言区的人把“鱼翅”说成“鱼刺”,把“没有权”说成“没有钱”,请分析其发音错误,并指出在发音方法、发音部位或舌位、唇形上如何帮助他们纠正(6分) 2.给下列外来词语分类(8分) 蒙太奇 BBS 丁克敌敌畏托福(指一种考试)摩托艇取缔因特网3.请将“初六、唠叨、雪白、有限、拼搏、打倒”这7个词,按构造类型,分别填在相应的横线上(6分) (1)单纯词:(2)派生词: (3)联合式:(4)偏正式: (5)述宾式:(6)述补式:


华东师范大学成人高等教育(网络教育) 公共课 《英语(A)》模拟卷(B卷) 考试形式:闭卷考试时间:90分钟 学习中心:_________ 姓名:_________ 学号:_________ 成绩:_________ 注:答案统一做在答题纸上。 Part I 单选题(20%)(答案务必写在答题纸上) 1. Let?s ______B__________now. A. go work B. go to work C. to go work D. to work 2. Li Hong is a teacher __A__ a small school. A. at B. for C. over D. on 3. Can you __A____ me the book? A. lend B. borrow C. lent D. borrowing 4. She does her homework __C__ evening. A. in B. at C. in the D. at the 5. —What is the date today? —___B______. A. It?s half past one B. It?s the first of December C. It?s Monday D. It?s Sunday 6. The ______C_________ names are Sam and Jack. A. twins B. twin?s C. twins? D. twin 7. ______D___ beautiful garden it is! A. What B. How C. How a D. What a 8. I?m from Shanghai and where are you ___B______ ? A. at B. from C. on D. in 9. She always _____C_____ early in the morning and comes back home late in the afternoon. A. goes work B. go to work C. goes to work D. go work 10. Class begins __B__ eight in the morning. A. in B. at C. \ D. on 11. They are the students ___C__ Class One. A. in B. at C. of D. on 12. —What time is it now? —It?s___A___.( 8:31) A. eight past thirty-one B. twenty-nine to nine C. thirty-one past eight D. nine to twenty-nine


现代汉语 导论 第一节现代汉语概述 1.现代汉语的含义见教材*第2页 现代汉语指现代汉民族使用的共同语,是以北京语音为标准音,以北方话为基础方言,以典范的现代白话文著作为语法规范的普通话。 2.现代汉语的历史来源见教材第2-3页 白话就是现代汉民族共同语书面形式的来源。 以北京话为代表的北方“官话”是现代汉民族共同语口头形式的源头。 3.现代汉语的地域变体——方言见教材第4-5页 3.1.七大方言区: 北方方言(北方话、官话)以北京话为代表,具体分布详教材。 北方方言可以分为四个次方言区:华北官话、西北官话、西南官话、江淮官话。 吴方言(江南话、江浙话)以上海话为代表,具体分布详教材。 赣方言(江西话)以南昌话为代表,具体分布详教材。 湘方言(湖南话)以长沙话为代表,具体分布详教材。 湘方言可以分为新湘语和老湘语两个方言片。 客家方言(客话)以广东梅县话为代表,具体分布详教材。 闽方言(福佬话)以福州话为代表,具体分布详教材。 闽方言可以分为五个次方言:闽南以厦门话为代表、闽东以福州话为代表、闽北以建瓯话为代表、闵中以永安话为代表、莆仙以话为代表。 粤方言(广东话)以广州话为代表,具体分布详教材。 3.2.九大方言区(新增): 徽语皖南徽州一带方言,原属江淮官话。 晋语山西保留入声调的地区,原属北方方言。 4.现代汉语规范化见教材第6-7页 语言规范的两层含义:形成规范、遵守规范 语言规范的必要性(为什么要制定语言规范):保障人际交流和信息传递的有效性 语言规范的可能性(实现语言规范的两个基本条件):建立合适的规范化标准、加强语言规范化的研究和教育 现代汉语规范化的标准:语音方面以北京音为基础,词汇方面以北方方言为基础,语法方面以典范的现代白话文著作为规范。 语言规范化的持续性 第二节现代汉语课程第一章语音 第一节现代汉语语音概述 1.语音的属性 1.1.语音的三种基本属性:物理属性(与语音四要素的关系,详下)、生理属性、社会属性(语音的本质属性) 见教材第14页 1.2.语音四要素见教材第14-15页 音高主要取决于发音体振动的频率 音强主要取决于发音体的振幅 音长取决于发音体振动持续时间的长短 以上属语音的韵律特征,与音色相对 音色主要取决于声波振动的形式 ——音色又分绝对音色和相对音色,相对音色主要取决于发音方法和共鸣器形状(结合以下元音、辅音的发音原理) 1.3.语音的社会属性——社会属性是语音区别于其它声音的本质属性见教材第17页


2016年华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研 以下内容由凯程老师搜集整理,供考研的同学们参考。更多考研辅导班的详细内容,请咨询凯程老师。 一、华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研科目有哪些? 学科教学(英语)专业要求学生掌握现代外语教育理论、积极参加英语教育教学实践和研究。 (101)思想政治理论 (201)英语一 (913)综合英语(A) 华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研考试科目全国统一命题,参见教育部考试中心编制的考试大纲。 备注: 华东师范大学学科教学(英语)专业为教育硕士,专业学位。 二、华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研研究方向有哪些? 华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研不区分研究方向。 三、华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研参考书目有哪些? 《教育学》王道俊、王汉澜主编,人教出版社。 《中国教育史》孙培青主编,华东师大出版社。 《外国教育史》戴本博主编,人教出版社。 《普通心理学》彭聃龄主编,北师大出。 807 语言学基本理论

《语言学教程》(修订版)北大出版社胡壮麟 四、华东师范大学学科教学(英语)考研报录比怎么样? 华东师范大学2013年考研学科教学(英语)(专业学位)专业招生人数为10。华东师范大学2012年考研学科教学(英语)(专业学位)专业招生人数为10。华东师范大学2011年考研学科教学(英语)(专业学位)专业招生人数为15。 五、学科教学(英语)考研院校推荐怎么样? 目前,国内的高校开设学科教学(英语)这门课程的和声誉比较好的有:(10027)北京师范大学、(10200)东北师范大学、(10246)复旦大学、(10486)武汉大学 (10487)华中科技大学、(10533)中南大学、(10269)华东师范大学 六、学科教学(英语)考研就业方向怎么样? 一般来说,学科教学(英语)考研毕业生会选择从事教书、翻译、文秘,也可以进公司干行政或者公关,有些学生可以选择策划管理以及进媒体工作。


华东师范大学网络教育学院计算机基础作业及答案 一、选择题 1.世界上第一台电子计算机“ENIAC”采用的逻辑元件是____D____。 A. 大规模集成电路 B. 集成电路 C. 晶体管 D. 电子管 2. 计算机的基本组成包括____D____。 A. 中央处理器CPU、主板、电源和输入输出设备 B. 中央处理器CPU、内存、输入和出设备 C. 中央处理器CPU、硬盘和软盘、显示器和电源 D. 中央处理器CPU、存储器、输入输出设备 3. 下列软件中属于系统软件的是___C______。 A. Authorware 多媒体制作软件 B. C语言程序设计软件 C. GIS 地理信息系统处理软件 D. Photoshop图像处理软件 4. 一般说来,下列打印机中,___B_____的打印速度最快。 A. 针式打印机 B. 激光打印机 C. 黑白喷墨打印机 D. 彩色喷墨打印机 5. 十六进制数 B42H 转换成十进制数和二进制数分别是____A______。

A. 2882 和 101101000010B B. 2596 和 0010010110010110B C. 2340 和 101000100100B D. 2844 和 0010010110010110B 6. 操作系统是__D________。 A. 用户与软件的接口 B. 系统软件与应用软件的接口 C. 主机与外设的接口 D. 用户与计算机的接口 7. 在搜索或显示文件目录时,若用户选择通配符*.*,其含义为 ____C______。 A. 选中所有含有*的文件 B. 选中所有扩展名中含有*的文件 C. 选中所有文件 D. 选中非可执行的文件 8. 下列关于删除操作的说法中只有_____B_____是不对的。 A. 把文件名或快捷图标拖放到“回收站”中,该文件被逻辑删除 B. 在“我的电脑”中选中该文件,按下键,该文件被逻辑删除 C. 在“回收站”中选中该文件,按下键,该文件被逻辑删除 D. 在“桌面”中选中该文件,按下键,该文件被逻辑删除 9. 在Windows中下面的叙述正确的是____A______。 A. “写字板”是字处理软件,不能进行图文处理 B. “画图”是绘图工具,不能输入文字 C. “写字板”和“画图”均可以进行文字和图形处理


华南师范大学网络教育学院远程学习方法作业题及答案 作业 1.第1题 网络学生对学习全过程进行自主管理的意识是()。 A.自励意识 B.自动意识 C.自治意识 D.自觉意识 您的答案:C 题目分数:5 此题得分:5.0 2.第2题 网络学生从外界获取评价并将此评价内化为良性刺激的意识是()。 A.自评意识 B.自控意识 C.自励意识 D.自动意识 您的答案:C 题目分数:5 此题得分:5.0 3.第4题 计算机软件一般分为系统软件和应用软件两大类,不属于系统软件的是()。 A.操作系统 B.数据库管理系统 C.客户管理系统 D.语言处理程序 您的答案:C 题目分数:5 此题得分:5.0 4.第10题 网络学生要确立的正确学习观念是()。 A.自律 B.他律 C.顺从

D.抵抗 您的答案:A 题目分数:5 此题得分:5.0 5.第11题 人们在网络中可以完全不受时间、地域和资格等的限制而自由地学习,这体现了网络学习的()。 A.开放性 B.虚拟性 C.交互性 D.自主性 您的答案:A 题目分数:5 此题得分:5.0 6.第12题 保持微型计算机正常运行必不可少的输入输出设备是()。 A.键盘与鼠标 B.显示器与打印机 C.键盘和显示器 D.鼠标和扫描仪 您的答案:C 题目分数:5 此题得分:5.0 7.第17题 进行网络学习,最理想的学习风格是()。 A.抵抗型 B.顺从型 C.行为型 D.转化型 您的答案:D 题目分数:5 此题得分:5.0 8.第18题 断电后,会使存储的数据丢失的存储器是()。

A.RAM B.硬盘 C.ROM D.软件 您的答案:A 题目分数:5 此题得分:5.0 9.第5题 关于统考的说法,错误的有( ) A.从2005年开始,推行学生个人通过网络报名与缴费 B.提供网络报名缴费的网站是https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2513731358.html,,缴费通过中国银联网上支付平台进行。 C.统考合格教育部发放合格证书。 D.统考成绩一般于考试结束50天后,在https://www.wendangku.net/doc/2513731358.html,、网络学院及各学习中心查询。 您的答案:A,C,D 题目分数:5 此题得分:5.0 10.第13题 下面华师网院关于交费的规定,哪些是正确的() A.学费收据应妥善保存,办理学费减退手续时需要出示学费收据。如有丢失、毁损情况,只给每个学生一次查询与补办机会。 B.为方便各地学生,学费由各学习中心代收。 C.新生入学时预交30学分费用,如预交学费用完,应提前续交学费以免影响下次选课与开课。 D.无学费收据,不予办理减退费手续。 您的答案:B,C,D 题目分数:5 此题得分:5.0 11.第19题 关于学生选课预约考试的说法,正确的有( ) A.对于需要申请免考的课程请不要选课。一旦选课则不能申请免考。 B.学生选定课后,学院将于开学日统一在网上开通。如果学生学费不足,不能全部开通所选课程。 C.必修课的学分,不能用选修课的学分代替。 D.学生每学期在修课程不能超过7门课程。 您的答案:A,B,C 题目分数:5 此题得分:5.0

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