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I. 经济商贸专题


The renminbi question has been the focus of world attention,with many foreign trading partners urging China to adopt a more flexible exchange rate.


While China?s nongovernmental businesses are playing a more pivotal role in foreign trade, governmental business contacts between China and the rest of the world also saw remarkable and continuous growth.

3.中美两国在世界上具有很大的影响,两国人民都希望保持和发展健康、稳定的关系。这种关系有利于亚太地区,乃至世界其他地区的和平、稳定和繁荣。Both China and the United States exert a considerable influence in the world,and the two peoples wish to maintain and develop healthy and stable ties. Such a relationship is also beneficial to peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the world.

4.以改革为核心的农村改革,主要是解决农村上层建筑部适应经济基础的某环节。Rural reforms centers on reform of the rural taxes and administrative fees, and the purpose is to change those elements in the superstructure in the rural area that are no longer consistent with the economic phase.


We must maintain a balance the nation's defense construction and its economic development.


We have been successful in avoiding major ups and downs in the economy and preventing excessive price hikes.


A major reason for the rapid development rests with the fact that the economies of the two countries have a strong nature of mutual supplementation.


China will gradually lift its restrictions on the telecommunications infrastructure market and the value-adding market, allowing foreign companies to invest directly in China or to set up joint ventures.


It is important to tap the market potential around the world. And geographical market diversification is the key to surviving the unsteady world market.



Over the past year,China has won more understanding ,trust ,respect and support in the inter national arena. China's international status and influence have been on the rise.


The strengthening of national defense and the armed force is a strong backup for our national security and it bolsters up the nation's modernization drive。


We must act in accordance with the law and put people first. That is our principle in domestic affairs as well as inter national affairs.


Human rights issue is a very complicated issue drawing more and more attention from the international community.


To be friends forever and never be enemies is what the two countries have correctly chosen to do.


We discussed the questions such as the economy and Wade,terror question,the counter-terrorism,Iraq,North and Korean nuclear issue.


We should take a firm hold of the overall interests of China-US relations and settle our differences properly so as to reach the goal of promoting mutual understanding ,broadening common ground, developing cooperation and building a future together.

8.我们要依法办事、以人为本,在国内如此,在处理国际事务中也是如此。We must act in accordance with the law and put people first. That is our principle in domestic affairs as well as inter national affairs.



The energy industry has become an important driving force in the Chinese economy.


The Chinese government attaches great importance to forestry .Tree planting and green creation projects have made steady progress.


Energy is an important basis as well as a safeguard for economic and social development.


As China continues to open to the outside world.the energy market is opening up faster.


The century-old trend of reclaiming or wresting farmland from lakes has been checked . And the lake-converted plots are being restored to their former status ,which constitutes a change of historical significance.


Most of the world's poor people earn their living from agriculture. So if we knew the economics of agriculture, we would know much of the economics of the poor.


My second question is about energy and the environment.The rapid development of China has brought about good opportunities.To other countries ,especially the neighbours. We are glad about it.


However ,there is also the question of sustainability of energy supplies and the environment. This is a particular concern for China's neighbors. What measures are you going to adopt to solve these problems?


The main threat to the survival of the panda species come not from the poor propagation of the species ,but from mankind's destruction of pandas? natural habitat.


China is known for her massive land,abundant natural resources,cheap labor ,taxation,low potential consumer market, stable environment ,attractive investment policies ,and high economic returns of investment.



With the centennial impressiveness of the Olympics and the millennial civilization of the Chinese history,the Olympic Flame tied Beijing and Athens ,the Chinese people and the people of the other countries together closely.


Wherever the torch went,whatever was focused on by the lens of TV camera was like unfolding one by one the beautiful picture rolls of the unique east ern traditional culture .

3.2004 年6 月8 日至9 日-历史将永远铭记这一刻。奥运圣火带着人类对和平、友谊、文明、进步的追求,带着希腊人民对中国人民的友谊,来到中华大地。

June 8th to 9th ,2004,the history shall forever remember the date. The Olympic Flame came down to China's divine land ,with mankind's yearning for

peace ,friendship ,civilization and progress and with the Greek people's friendship for the Chinese people.

4.不仅在北京,在2008 年北京奥运会的分会场和合作城市-青岛,人们也在用自己的方式,表达着对奥运圣火的欢迎。

Not only in Beijing ,but also in Qingdao ,the co-host city with a sub-site for competition for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games ,people, in their own way ,express their warm welcome to the Flame.


China's community service has a late start and its development is by no means balanced;therefore,much work need be done to offset the problems and strengthen the weak links.

6.它的疆域从太平洋沿岸一直延伸到大西洋沿岸。北部是冰封的北冰洋,南部与美国接壤。人口2 500 万。

It spreads from the Pacific to the Atlantic, its northern boundary is the frozen Arctic and its southern ,the American border.Its population is 25 million.


The destination of our trip is the Jiu Zhaigou Nature Reserve ,the natural range of the world-famous giant pandas ,listed as one of the world natural heritage sites.

8.过去,中国被称为“东亚病夫”。l949 年前,在竞技体育的世界级运动员或世界纪录保持者中找不到一位中国人的名字。In the past ,China was called "the sick man of East Asia ".Not a single Chinese name could be found among the top

world-class athletes or world-record holders in competitive sports before 1949.

9.新北京、新奥运“的战略构想一定能够实现,我们一定能够把一届完美体现奥林匹克理想和精神的奥运会奉献全世界。we are sure to bring into effect the strategic blueprint of 'New Beijing, Great Olympics" and we are sure to dedicate to the world this Olympic Games that perfectly embodies the Olympic ideal and spirit.


成为世界上第一个享有此殊荣的城市。Edinburgh is named the world's first City of Literature by the United Nations?cultural body UNESCO.


1.中国教育界、科学界、文化界一直同哈佛大学保持着学术交流。The Chinese educational ,scientific and cultural communities have all along maintained academic exchanges with the university.

2.但是世界各个国家由于历史、文化、发展水平的不同,选择的社会制度也不同,因此他们信奉的价值观和人权观也不同。But because of the differences in history ,culture and stage of development ,countries have chosen different social systems and they believe in different values and different concepts of human rights.

3.现代录音行业的诞生旨在满足市场对各种音乐如民间乐、古典乐、管弦乐、流行乐等音乐的巨大需求。The modern recording industry was born to satisfy an enormous market for all types of music :folk ,classical ,orchestral and popular.

4.中国历史上虽曾出现过暂时的分裂现象,但民族团结和国家统一始终是民族历史的主流,是中国发展进步的重要保障。Despite occasional division in the Chinese history, ethnic harmony and national unity have remained the main stream in the history of the Chinese nation, and an important guarantee for China's development and progress.

5.在我的印象中,我们研究所和美国朋友在一起把人权作为两国学术交流的一项重要议题,这还是第一次,如果我没有记错的话。所以这是一个很好的开端。As far as I know ,among all the academic exchanges conducted between our research institute and our American friends ,this is the first time that human rights issues are given an important place. This is a very good start. This is a very good start.

6.它是通过各种学科、各种学派的相互砥砺、相互渗透而发展的,也是通过同世界各国的相互交流、相互学习而进步的。It has enriched itself through the contention and infiltration of various disciplines and schools fo thought ,and also through the mutual exchanges and learning between China and other countries in the world.


knew China only by its history as a great and enduring civilization. Today, we see a China that is still defined by noble traditions of family,scholarship,and honor.

8.哈佛建校三百六十年来,培养出许多杰出的政治家、科学家、文学家和企业家,曾出过六位美国总统,三十多位诺贝尔奖获得者。Since its founding some

360years age, Harvard has nurtured a great number of outstanding political

leaders ,scientists, writers and businessmen ,including six of the American Presidents and over thirty Nobel Prize winners.

9.中华民族历来尊重人的尊严和价值。还在遥远的古代,我们的先人就已提出“民为贵”的思想,认为“天生万物,唯人为贵”。The Chinese nation has always valued human dignity and value. Even in the ancient days, our ancestors came up with the idea of "people being the most important ,"believing that "man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters. "

10.在过去10 年中我们美国人的饮食习惯已发生了诸多变化。越来越多的美国人情于那种尽可能免于加工的天然食物。Our American food styles have undergone many changes over the last decade. More and More Americans have shown particular interest in the natural food that requires the l east possible amount of processing.


1.25 年间.中国创造的巨大财富,不仅使13 亿中国人基本解决了温饱,基本实现了小康,而且为世界发展做出了贡献。

The tremendous wealth created by、China in the past quarter of a century has not only enabled our 1.3 billion countrymen to meet their basic needs for food,clothing and shelter and basically realize a modestly comfortable standard of living but also contributed to world development.

2.中国信息产业既是信息化建设的基础,同时也是信息化的重要组成部分。The information industry in China forms the basis for information .It is also part of the process.

3.13 亿人口的中国保持稳定和加快发展,对促进亚太地区和世界的稳定与发展,具有极其重要的意义。China is a country with 1.3billion people. It stability and rapid development are of vital importance to the stability and development in

Asia-Pacific Region and the world at large.

4.只要双方有诚意,这类问题完全可以通过平等协商和扩大合作来加以妥善解决。So long as the two sides act in good faith ,such problems can be properly resolved through consultations on equal terms and the expansion of bilateral cooperation .

5.所以有些地方官员确实不重视农业,确实是口号农业。口头讲得很响亮,实际并不那么干,实际上还是挖农业,损害农业。Therefore, some local officials talk loudly about agriculture but their actions do not match their words. In fact ,they are harming agriculture.

6 中国仍然是一个发展中国家城市和农村。东部和西部存在着明显的发展差距。China is still a developing country. There is an obvious gap between its urban and rural areas and between its east ern and western regions.

7.就业和增长又是连在一起的,增长率下来了,更多的企业将减员,这样分流出来的人员更多了,失业人员就更多了。Employment is also connected with growth .With the growth slowing down ,enterprises will have to cut down its staff and more people will lose their job. 8.现在美国巨额的国际收支逆差产生的一个重要原因就是在结构变化当中还没有很好地调整自己。One important reason for America's huge deficit t is that the United States has failed to adjust itself properly in this structural change.9.中国拥有广大的市场和发展需求,美国拥有先进的科学技术和巨大的物质力量,两国之间有着很强的经济互补性。China holds a huge market and great demand for development and the United States holds advanced science and technology as well as enormous material force. The economies of the two countries are therefore highly complementary with each other. 10.美国是最大的发达国家,经济总量大,资本充足,科技发达,但劳动力成本高。The United States,the world's largest developed country ,has a large economic size and abundant capital funds, as as well as advanced science and technology. 11.过去长期以来我们就把农村问题只限于农业问题,从城市的远景和工业的发展,以及农业提供粮食、提供原料这个角度来考虑农业问题。For a very long time in the past,we limited the rural issues to agricultural issues and we considered the agricultural issues from the perspective of cities and industrial development,with agriculture providing grains and raw materials. 12.中国自建国以来执行发展生产力,提高人民生活水平的社会主义建设路线,从而决定了我国必然采取防御性的军事战略。Since 1949,China

has followed a socialist development guideline of” developing the productivity and improving the livelihood of the people”.This has determined that we adopt a defensive military strategy. 13.至于中美经贸合作的迅速发展,对于周边地区经济繁荣乃至世界经济增长所起的促进作用,更是有目共睹。The rapid development of the economic partnership between China and the US have also contributed to the economic well being 0f their surrounding areas and to the global economic growth,which is therefore the world to see.14.这种做法实际上是美国更大限度地参与国际分工,更大限度地利用别的国家的廉价劳动力和资源,这对美国经济的发展来讲,对美国产业结构的进一步调整来讲,是有利而无害的。By doing this,America is actually fully participating in the inter national division of labor ,and making full use of the cheap labor and resources of other countries. 15.今天,有机会参加博鳌亚洲论坛2004 年年会,我感到十分高兴。首先,我代表中国政府,对各位朋友的到来,表示热烈的欢迎! It gives me great pleasure to attend the Boao Forum for Asia 2004 Annual Conference today.Let me begin by extending,on behalf of the Chinese government,my warmest welcome to all of you present here.16.中国是最大的发展中国家,市场广阔,发展迅速,劳动力成本低,但资金短缺、科技和管理相对落后。Being the world's largest developing country ,China has a huge market offering plenty of business opportunities and low labor costs,it is lacking capital funding ,sophisticated technology and advanced managerial expertise. but 17.这种差异性和互补性,将在今后长期存在,在经济全球化的大背景下显得更加突出。Such differences and complementarities will continue to exist for a long time ,and are likely to be standing out in the process of economic globalization. 20.我刚刚同布什总统进行了友好会谈。这是我们今年第二次会晤。我认为这本身就显示了我们两国双边关系发展的良好势头。I just had a friendly meeting with President Bush. This is our second meeting in this year.I think that, in itself,shows the very sound momentum of the development of our bilateral relations.21.有着全国各族人民的支持,包括港澳台同胞和海外侨胞的支持。外交工作才取得这么大的成就。The great achievements in our diplomatic work cannot he made without the support from people from all ethnic groups in China,including compatriots from Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan as well as the overseas Chinese 22.一个人出生在百万富翁的家庭和一个人出生在贫民窟里,他们后天所享受到的人权是绝对不会一

样的。A person born in the family of a millionaire and a person born in a slum will never enjoy the same rights after birth.23.双方都认为,两国间的经济合作和贸易使两国人民受益巨大。我们明确表示愿意通过对话解决在我们的经济往来和贸易中可能出现的任何问题We both agreed that the economic cooperation and trade between our two countries have benefited our two peoples tremendously,and we stated our readiness to resolve whatever questions that might emerge in our economic exchanges and trade through dialogue.24.今后.我们将继续急人民之所急,想人民之所想.在国际上为维护我国法人和公民的合法权益多做实事。In the future,will continue to care for the interest of our people,we address the people?s concerns and try our best to do concrete deeds to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese legal persons and citizens in the inter national arena.25.我们主张在互相尊重主权和领土完整、互不侵犯、互不干涉内政、平等互利、和平共处等五项原则的基础上,建立和平、稳定、公正、合理的国际新秩序。We advocate the establishment of a peaceful,stable,just and rational new international order on the basis of the five principles of mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity,mutual non—aggression and non—interference in each other's internal affairs,equality and mutual benefit and peaceful coexistence.26.中国政府致力于两个保护,一个是保护劳动者的基本权利,一个是保护财产权利。利,一个是保护财产权利。The Chinese government is committed to protecting the fundamental rights of all the working and the right to property,both public and private.27.我愿意同总统共同努力,推动我们之间具有建设性和合作性的关系进一步向前发展。I'm ready to work together with the President to promote further development of our constructive and cooperative relationship.28.要尽快地恢复和解决大陆的渔民到台湾去实行劳务输出的问题。我们还准备出台一系列优惠的政策和方便的措施。We should promptly solve problems so that fishermen from the mainland can continue their contract labour services in Taiwan. There are other favorable policies and convenient measures we will adopt for this purpose.29.中国的军事费用相对来说还是少的,而且中国的武装力量从本质上说完全是防御性的。Military spending is relatively small and that Chinese armed forces are entirely defensive in nature.30.我还要说一下,其实关心两会的是全中国人民。Let me also say,as a matter of fact.every person in China has great interest in the affairs of their own


Now the session of the NPC is over,yet the road ahead could be rather bumpy. We must be mindful of potential problems and get fully prepared for the worst. We must be sober-minded,cautious,prudent especially when the situation is getting a little better.32.中国与周边国家的友好合作迈上了一个新台阶,与大国及发达国家的关系得到了加强,与所有发展中国家的团结与合作也在不断扩大。China?s friendly and cooperative ties with its neighboring countries have been brought to a new high,its relations with major countries and developed countries further strengthened and its solidarity and cooperation with other developing countries continuously expanded.33.借此机会,我对记者们对中国改革和建设的关心和客观公正的报道,表示衷心的感谢。I'd like to use this opportunity to express my thanks to the journalists for their interest in China?s reform and development as well as their objective and fair coverage of China.34.综上所述,我想明确告诉大家,摆在政府面前第一位的任务,是通过加强和改善宏观调控,继续保持经济平稳、较快发展。In a word,the top priority for the government is to further strengthen and improve macro regulative policy measures in order to sustain a steady and fairly rapid economic growth rate.35.这部法律明确地规定了要推进两岸人员的交往,鼓励和推进经济的合作和直接“三通”,鼓励和推进教育、科技、文化等各项事业的交流。The law has clearly provided for promoting personnel exchanges,encouraging and facilitating economic cooperation,including” three direct links” between the two sides.encouraging and facilitating exchanges between the two sides in educational,scientific,technological and cultural fields. 36.在这部法律里规定了要保护台商的利益。这部法律是遏制和反对“台独”势力的。The law has also provided for protection of the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan business people.The law is matched to check and oppose Taiwan Independence forces.37.只有遏制和反对“台独”势力,台海才有和平的局势,台海的和平和稳定有利于台商到大陆的投资。也有利于外国到大陆的投资。Only by checking and opposing Taiwan independence forces, will peace emerge in the Taiwan Straits.Peace and stability in the Taiwan Straits will create favorable conditions for Taiwan business people to invest in the mainland and also for foreign investors to come to the mainland. 38.你问

到我采取什么措施,胡锦涛总书记在前不久就台湾问题的重要谈话已经讲到了,我们要保护台商在大陆的合法权益。只要是对台湾人民有利的事情.我们都会去做。You ask for specific measures ,that is ,according to the recent important remarks made by Party Secretary—General Hu Jintao Oil the question of Taiwan,we will protect the legitimate rights and interests of Taiwan busines8 people in the mainland:for anything that is conducive to the people of Taiwan, we will do it. 39.布什总统重申他的政府坚持一个中国政策.遵守美中三个联合公报和他反对台湾独立的立场。我们双方都阐明了进一步加强反恐怖主义合作的愿望。President Bush restated his government?s position of adhering to the one China policy ,the three China—U.S.joint communiqué s,and his opposition to Taiwan independence.And we both stated our desire to further intensify our cooperation against the terrorism.40.你的问题抓住了我们这个法的一个要害,就是说这个法是一个加强和推进两岸关系的法,是一部和平统一的法,而不是针对台湾人民的,也不是一部“战争法”。Your question actually gets to the essence of this law.This law is meant to strengthen and promote cross—Straits relations.This is the law for the peaceful reunification,and it is not targeted against the people in Taiwan.nor is it a war bill.41.“行百里者半九十”绝不能半途而废,当然我们将更加注重区别对待有保有压,注重采用经济机制的调节和经济手段的调节。If a journey is 100 miles,traveling 90 is half of it.We must not stop and we must not waste Our previous

efforts.the meantime,must also take special attention to differentiated treatment for different situations.In we We must take both administrative and economic means to achieve macro regulative objectives.42.国际形势正处在深刻变化之中,和平与发展仍然是当今时代的主题。The world is undergoing profound changes,but peace and development is still the theme of the era.43.我们确立的目标是实行根据市场需求、有管理的、浮动的汇率制度。现在我们正在进一步研究改革的方案,使汇率对于市场更富有弹性。Our objective for the reform is to create a market—based, managed and floating exchange rate.When we consider reform plans,Our purpose is to make the exchange rate more responsive to supply and demand in the market.44.第一个阶段就是实行了家庭经营的基本经济制度,给农民以生产经营的自主权,极大地解放了农村的生产力。In the first phase,we introduced the basic economic system of a family contract responsibility system,which in essence was to give greater autonomy to the farmers In production and management.a result,has liberalized As it productivity in the countryside.45.两国同意根据双边关系互动小组的有关建议,通过经贸联委会加强在贸易和投资领域的广泛合作。We agree to intensify cooperation in broad areas of trade and investment,which we will promote through the Joint Economic and Trade Commission,in line with the recommendations of the Task Forces which are set out in the Annex.46.中国真诚希望同亚洲各国发展全面、紧密的合作伙伴关系,政治上平等互信,经济上互利共赢,文化上交流借鉴,安全上对话协作,共同实现亚洲的振兴。为加强同亚洲国家的合作,中国将在以下方面采取积极步骤。It is China?s sincere wish to cultivate with the fellow Asian countries an overall and close partnership geared to Asian rejuvenation,a partnership that features equality and mutual trust politically,mutual benefit and win—win economically.exchange and emulation culturally,dialogue and cooperation on the security front.this end,and To China will take the following steps.47.第二个阶段就是实行工业反哺农业,城市支持农村的方式,对农民多给、少取、放活。In the second phase,we should make industry nurture agriculture and cities support the countryside.We should give more to,take less from and liberalize the countryside.48.神州五号的成功发射使中国成为继前苏联、美国之后世界上第三个能独立自主进行载人航天飞行的国家。With the successful launch of Shenzhou V,China has become the third nation in the

world to put a human into space, entirely self-reliantly,only next to the former Soviet Union and the United States.49.参加两会采访的中外记者有2 000 多名。因为今天会场的限制,到会采访的只有700 多名。There are more than 2,000 journalists from China and abroad covering the NPC and CPPCC sessions.However,due to the limited seating capacity of this hall,only about 700 of them are present here.50.尽快将海峡两岸的客运包机,由节日化转向常态化。We should promptly make cross—Straits charter passenger flights available not only on traditional festivals,but also on a more permanent basis.51.中国由于农业政策的成功,已经连续三年丰收,中国粮食的库存达到历史的最高水平。Owing to the success of China?s agricultural policy, we have had good harvests for the third consecutive year. So China?s grain stock has reached an all-time high.52.我深信两国高层领导人之间的频繁互访,不仅有助于我们两国之间关系的改善,而且还有助于亚太地区,乃至整个世界的和平与稳定。I'm deeply convinced that a frequent exchange of visits between the top government officials of the two countries is beneficial not only to the improvement of our relations,but also to peace and stability of the Asian—Pacific region and the world as a whole.

53.另外呢,我们要在农村搞基础设施,我们现在讲的山、水、林、田、路综合治理,这就是基础设施,这是第一个。In addition,we will build infrastructure in the rural areas.We call it the comprehensive improvement of mountains.rivers,forests,fields and roads.This is the first measure.54.我们注意到“中英论坛”在双边关系中发挥的重要作用。建议“论坛”参照双边关系互动小组的建议,就今后它在工业、金融服务、科学技术和环境领域应发挥的作用进行研究。We note the important role that the China—UK Forum has played in bilateral relations and invite the Forum to consider its future role,in particular in the areas of industry,financial services,science technology and the environment,in light of the proposals made by the two Task Forces.55.因为香港股市不振,国有企业到香港上市就比以前困难多了。Because of weak stock market, it is now more difficult for the SOEs to get listed in Hong Kong. 56.主席先生,各位尊敬的来宾,女士们、先生们:今天,国际商会第32 届世界大会在上海隆重开幕。Mr. Chairman,distinguished guests,ladies and gentlemen, the 32nd World Congress of the Inter national Chamber of Commerce(ICC)has its grand opening here in Shanghai today. 57.维护中华民族的团结统一是中华民族伟大复兴的根本基础,是全国各族人民的根本利益所在。Safeguarding solidarity and unity of the Chinese nation is the very foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and is where the fundamental interests of the people of all ethnic groups lie. 58.尼克松总统向世界显示了两个迥然不同的政府

能够本着相互的利益、相互的尊重来到一起。President Richard Nixon showed the world that two vastly different governments could meet on the grounds of common interest, and in a spirit of mutual respect. 59.我代表中国政府和人民向各位来宾表

示热烈的欢迎,并预祝大会获得圆满成功!Please allow me on behalf of the Chinese government and Chinese people to extend our warm welcome to all the participants. I offer my best wishes for a full success of the congress. 60.世界上只有一个中国,尽管大陆与台湾没有实现统一,但是丝毫没有改变一个中国的现实。这就是当前台海的现状。There is only—one China m the world. Although the mainland and Taiwan have not been reunified,the fact that there is only—one China has never changed even in the slightest way.That is the status quo in the Taiwan Straits.61.在我们的面前遇到一系列“两难”的问题。经济发展慢了不行,那样就业压力就会更大,财政收入会减少,许多应该办的各项事业就会缺乏资金。

We are facing a seines of dilemmas in our economy. For example, a slow economic growth rate won?t do, because it would make it more difficult for us to create jobs, increase revenue,and engage in necessary undertakings for society.62.经济发展快了也不行,经济生活长期处于紧张阶段,难以为继。Yet too fast economic growth rate won?t do either, because it may make the economy to stretch out for a long time in an unsustainable situation.63.目前,我们正处于一个关键时刻,需要将我们的关系推向未来,共同迎接面临的机遇和挑战。形势的变化不断赋予中美关系新的内涵。At present, we are at a crucial juncture of carrying our relationship into the future where we face both opportunities and challenges. The changing situation has continued to add new substance to our relations.64.四分之一个世纪以前,我们两国领导人做出了建立外交关系的战略决定,开创了中美关系的新时代。 A quarter of a century ago,leaders of our two countries made the strategic decision to establish diplomatic relations,thus opening a new era in China—U.S relations.65.当然,如果现在民工潮不加以疏导的话,也会造成一些社会问题,造成一些混乱。If we fail to manage the rural—urban migration, some social problems and chaos will arise. 66.不久我将去印度访问,着重在三个问题上达成共识。第一,要充分从战略和全局上认识中印友好的重大意义。

I will pay a visit to India. The focus of my visit will be to achieve agreement on three important issues. One is to come to grips with the importance of friendship between China and India from a strategic and comprehensive perspective.67.我虽然很少就股市发表意见,但我却每天关心着股市的行情。我可以向大家讲的是中国将坚持发展资本市场,扩大直接融资。Although I seldom speak on the stock market, I am watching it every day. Let me say here, China will continue the policy of developing the capital market and increasing direct financing. 68.我们在诸如反恐怖主义、经济、贸易和国际及区域性问题等广泛的领域进行台作,已有效地保障了我们的共同利益.促进了亚太地区和全世界的和平、稳定与繁荣。Our cooperation in a wide range of areas ,such as countering terrorism, economy, trade and inter national and regional issues,has effectively safeguarded our mutual interests and promoted peace, stability and prosperity in the Asia-Pacific region and the world at large. 69.两个国家的人口加在一起25 亿,超过世界人口的40%。中印友好在亚洲以至世界产生的意义不可估量。Because our combined population is 2.5 billion, more than 40 percent of the world total,the importance of friendship between China and India is immeasurable for Asian countries as well as for the world. 70.双方还将根据双边关

系互动小组的建议,加强在科学、技术、教育、文化和环保领域的合作。The two sides will also increase cooperation in the areas of science, technology, education, culture and environmental protection in line with the Task Forces? proposals. 二、英译汉I.经济商贸专题 1.As reform deepens and China opens up even more to the outside world,the country is showing increasing overall economic strength.It is no longer a mere recipient of foreign capital,instead,it is encouraging Chinese enterprises to go inter national随着改革开放的深入,中国对外开放程度加深,总体经济实力增强,不再仅仅只吸收国外货币,相反,鼓励更多的中国企业走向国际化。2.Shares on the London Stock Exchange traded sharply lower than Friday,undermined by turmoil on bond and currency markets.受债券和货币市场波动的影响,伦敦证券交易所交易量与星期五相比大幅下降。 3.The state will increase investment in basic research to such a level that the money used for basic sciences accounts for 20 percent of the state?s total research and development expenditure.国家将大大增加在基础研究方面的资金投入,用于基础科学上的经费将占国家研究和发展总经费的20%。 4.Some Asian economies now face the danger of

overheating as labor and other costs rise,trade balances get worse and inflation climbs.有些亚洲国家的经济正面临过热的危险,劳动力和其他成本上涨,贸易顺差加剧,通货膨胀攀升。5.About 1,300 billion yuan(US $157 billion)is needed for future environmental protection,an environment official predicted yesterday.昨日一位环境官员预测,未来环境保护将需要约13 000 亿人民币(1 570 亿美元)的投入。6.True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence,and necessitous men are not free men.真正的个人自由在没有经济安全和独立的情况下,是不存在的,贫者无自由。7.Two—way trade has risen sharply in a few short years.The United States is now China?s third largest trading partner.Our bilateral trade and economic cooperation show great promise for the future.美中双边贸易在短短的几年中大幅度增长。美国已成为中国的第三大贸易伙伴。我们的双边贸易和经济合作前景广阔。8.The US economy is going to enjoy steady growth for the remainder of the year with unemployment rate lowered and inflation kept under control.

在今年剩下的这段时间里,美国经济将有稳定的发展,失业率下降,通货膨胀得到控制。9.China?s GDP was estimated to grow by about 9.2%in 2004 while tax revenues grew at a much higher rate of 25.7%.据估计,2004 年中国国内生产总值增长9.2%,税收收入以一个更快的速度增长——25.7%。10.Branches of Chinese banks have at times appeared to behave more like subsidiaries than branches,as if they had their own capital and balance sheet,and this,consequently,complicates the internal risk management of institutions.中国的银行其下属分行常常表现得更像子公司而不像分行,它们似乎有自己的资本和资产负债表,这使得机构内部风险管理复杂化了。Ⅱ.外交政治专题 1.We place a high value on the bilateral human rights dialogue and will continue this exchange on the basis of equality and mutual respect.我们高度重视中英人权对话,将继续在平等和相互尊重的基础上开展这一交流。 2.China would view two things threatening to China regarding Taiwan:one would be Taiwan declaring independence;the other would be the intervention by foreign force.在台湾问题上中国认为有两件事情对中国具有威胁性:第一是台湾宣布独立,第二是外国势力的干涉。 3.So it is the policy of the United States to seek and support the growth of democratic movements and institutions in every nation and culture,with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny in our world 有鉴于此,美国的政策是寻求并支持世界各国和各种文化背景下成长的民主运动,寻求并支持民主的制度化,最终的目标是终结世间的任何集权制度。4.Not because we consider ourselves a chosen nation;God moves and chooses as He wills.We have confidence because freedom is the permanent hope of mankind,the hunger in dark places,the longing of the soul。我们并不认为我们国家就是上帝的选民。上帝自有他的意志和选择。我们坚信是因为自由是人类永恒的希望,是黑暗中的渴望,是灵魂的渴望。5.President Hu and I have had a very constructive dialogue.We talked about a 10t of important issues.We talked about the issue of trade.We talked about the need to make sure that trade is open and that both countries benefit from trade.I congratulated China on its recent space launch.我和胡主席进行了非常具有建设性的对话。我们讨论了很多重要问题。我们讨论了贸易问题。我们谈到了必须保证贸易开放,保证两国都从贸易中受益。我对中国最近进行的航天飞行表示祝贺。6.The UK reaffirms its consistent position on the question of Taiwan as set out in the China/UK Joint Communiqué of 1972,in which the UK

acknowledged the Chinese position that Taiwan is a province of the People?s Republic of China and recognized the Government of the People?s Republic of China as the sole legal government of China.英国重申1972 年中英互换大使联合公报中关于台湾问题的一贯立场,即:承认中国政府关于台湾是中国一个省的立场,承认中华人民共和国政府是中国的惟一合法政府。7.The United States and China have made great progress in building a relationship that can address the challenges of our time,encourage global prosperity and advance the cause of peace.It is my hope that your visit will further that progress.美国和中国在建设一个有利于迎接我们这个时代的挑战,促进全球繁荣并推动和平事业的关系上已取得重大进展,我希望您的访问能进一步推动这一进展。8.Our countries will increase coordination in the UN to promote reforms in the UN to meet the challenges of the 21st century and to ensure greater respect for the UN Charter and inter national law. 两国将加强

在联合国的协调,推动联合国改革,使其能够应对21 世纪的挑战,并确保《联合国宪章》和国际法进一步得到尊重。9.America has need of idealism and courage,because we have essential work at home--the unfinished work of American freedom.In a world moving toward liberty,we are determined to show the meaning and promise of
