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I recently wrote an autobiography in which I recalled many old memories. One of them was from my school days, when our ninth grade teacher, Miss Raber, would pick out words from Readers Digest to test our vocabulary.

Today, more than 45 years later, I always check out "It pays to Enrich Your Word Power" first when the Digest comes each month. I am impressed with that idea, word power. Readers Digest knows the power that words have to move people to entertain, inform and inspire. The Digest editors know that the big word isn't always the best word. Take just one example, a Quotable Quote from the February 1985 issue: "Time is a playful thing. It slips quickly and drinks the day like a bowl of milk. "

Seventeen words, only two of them more than one syllable, yet how much they convey ! That's usually how it is with Reader’s Digest. The small and simple can be profound.

As chairman of a foundation to restore the Statue of Liberty, I've been making a lot of speeches lately. I try to keep them fairly short. I use small but vivid words: words

like "hoe" , "guts", "faith" and "dreams". Those are words that move people and say so much about the spirit of America.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not against using big words, when it is right to do so, but I have also learned that a small word can work a small miracle--if it's the right word, in the right place, at the right time. It's a "secret" that I hope I will never forget.

Part Two Vocabulary and Structure(共40小题,每小题1分,共40分)

21. Mr. White, who often donates a lot of money to charity, is ___ man I’ve ever known.

A. the most generous

B. the more generous

C. the less generous

D. the least generous

More generous


22. Quite a lot of young people are willing ___ with the old lady, for she is a friendly and easy-going person.

A. talking

B. to talk

C. to be talked

D. being talked

23. The cause of this kind of flu hasn’t yet ____ in spite

of/despite the efforts of the medical researchers.

A. have discovered

B. discovered

C. been discovered

D. discover

24. It is suggested that the regular meeting on Wednesday ____ limited to 20 minutes.

A. were

B. was

C. is

D. be

25. All fights ________ due to the fog, they decided to go to Guangzhou by train.

A. have been cancelled

B. having cancelled

C. having been cancelled

D. were cancelled

26. Only when you are over 65 years old ____ take buses for free in some cities.

A. need you

B. you can

C. can you

D. you need

27. If you accuse someone of causing you harm or loses, you ____convincing proofs by yourself.

A. would collect

B. will have to collect

C. had collected

D. collect

Convince vt. 使信服



江苏2016年专转本选拔考试大学语文试题 大学语文 一、语文知识(本大题共 15 小题,均为单项选择题,每小题 1 分,共 15 分) 1.下列加点的字词释义正确的一组是() A.浅尝辄止(立即)日薄西山(迫近)责无旁贷(替代) B.本末倒置(树根)并行不悖(反对)众望所归(趋向) C.安之若素(平常)文过饰非(掩饰)萍水相逢(浮萍) D.功败垂成(落下)花团锦簇(聚集)后来居上(处在) 2.在下面一段文字横线处依次填入的词语,最恰当的一项是() 大力创新文化,创新沃土,敢为人先、宽容失败的良好氛围,调动全社会创业创新积极性,成推动发展的磅礴力量。 A.弘扬培植营建汇聚 B.弘扬厚植营造汇聚 C.发扬培植营造汇合 D.发扬厚植营建汇合 3.下宋词名句与作者顺序相匹配的一项是() (1)对潇潇暮雨洒江天,一番洗清秋。 (2)碧云天,黄叶地,秋色连波,波上寒烟翠。 (3)春去也,飞红万点愁如海。 (4)细看来,不是杨花,点点是离人泪。 A.晏殊周邦彦欧阳修李清照 B.柳永范仲淹秦观苏轼 C.柳永范仲淹欧阳修李清照 D.晏殊周邦彦秦观苏轼 4.下列关于元代杂剧的说明,不正确的一项是() A.王实甫《西厢记》提出了“愿普天下有情的都成了眷属”。 B.白朴《梧桐雨》描写了杨玉环和李隆基凄美的爱情故事。 C.马致远《汉宫秋》对汉元帝这一形象寄予了深深的同情。 D.关汉卿《救风尘》中周舍搭救了落难的风尘女子赵盼儿。 5.《红楼梦》中主持大观园管理“改革”的人物有() A.李纨迎春王熙凤 B.王熙凤探春宝钗 C.李纨探春宝钗 D.王熙凤迎春宝钗 6.下列关于清代文学的说明,正确的一项是() A.散文流派“桐城派”中的代表作家有归有光、方苞、姚鼐等。 B.孔尚任《桃花扇》描写了侯方域与柳如是的爱情故事。 C.黄遵宪是“诗界革命”的代表人物,诗作收入《饮冰室诗集》 D.曾朴《孽海花》采取了联缀多数短篇成长篇的结构方式。 7.我国传统文化中常用吉祥物表达寓意,下列说明不符合传统寓意的一项是() A.花瓶、鹌鹑象征平平安安 B.白鹤、麒麟表示长命百岁 C.石榴、葡萄象征多子多孙

江苏省2015年普通高校专转本选拔考试英语试题卷 (1)

Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished state ments. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center . Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. This course is for those who want to learn to type, as well as those who want to improve their typi ng. The course is not common. You are tested in the first class and begin practicing at one of eight different skill levels. This allows you to learn at your own speed. Each program lasts 20 hours. Bri ng your own paper. Course fee: $125 Materials: $25 Two hours each evening for two weeks. New classes begin every two weeks. This course is taught by a number of professional business education teachers who have successfully taught trying cour ses before. UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS This twelve-hour course is for people who do not know very much about computers, but who need to learn about them. You will learn what computers are, what they can and can’t do and how to us e them. Course fee: $75 Jan.4,7,11,14,18 Wed. & Sat. 9:00-11:30 a.m. Equipment fee: $10 David is a professor of Computer Science at Beijing University. He has over twenty years of experience in computer field. STOP SMOKING Do you want to stop smoking? Have you already tried to stop and failed? Now is the time to stop smoking using the latest methods. You can stop smoking, and this twelve-hour course will help you do it. Course fee: $30 Jan.2.9,16,23 Mon.2:00-5:00 p.m. Dr John is a practicing psychologist who has helped hundreds of people stop smoking successfully . 1. If you choose the U course NDERSTANDING COMPUTERS, you will have classes_______. A. from Monday to Sunday B. on Wednesday and Saturday C. on Saturday and Sunday D. on weekend evenings 2. .How long will the course STOP SMOKING last each time? A. Four weeks. B. Three hours. C. A week. D. Twenty hours 3. Mr. Black works every morning and evening, but he wants to take part in one of the three cours es. Which one is suitable for him?


2012年writing(课堂所讲范文) 李仁杰预测 范文一:1.人们对职业务有不同的理想 2.我理想的职业是什么 3.我怎样为我理想的职业做准备 My Ideal Job ?Everyone has his own ideal job. Some want to be doctors, some want to be teachers, and some want to be engineers. ?My ideal job is in teaching. Firstly, I like children very much. I would like to sing, to dance, and to play with them. Secondly, a teacher has two vacations each year. I can enjoy myself during the summer and winter holidays. Finally, I want to teach the students all that I know and help them to develop their potential so that they can work better for our country in the future. ?In order to be a good teacher, I will study hard not only in class, but also in daily life. I will train my patience, improve my handwriting, and enrich my knowledge. In a word, I will study harder than ever to prepare for my future teaching job. 范文二: Outline 1. 人们以为淡水是取之不尽的 (提示:雨水、河水、井水......) 2. 实际上淡水是非常紧缺的 (提示:人口增加,工业用水增加,污染......) 3. 我们应该怎么办 Global Shortage of Fresh Water ?Many people believe that the world’s supply of fresh water will never be used up. They hold that fresh water comes from such a variety of sources that it is always sufficient for use. Such an opinion leads to a shocking waste of water. ?As a matter of fact, the earth is short of fresh water. Furthermore, with the rapid growth of the world’s population, the rising demand for water by industry, and the serious pollution of our surroundings, the world is facing the danger of running out of fresh water. Actually, in some big cities, fresh water cannot meet the daily needs. ?Therefore, to find new ways to save water is an urgent task. First, we should pass strict laws to control any waste of water. Second, scientists must work even harder to purify sea water and polluted water, and try to find substitutes to reduce the use of fresh water. 范文三: 1.大学生了解社会的必要性。 2. 了解社会的途径(大众媒介、社会服务等) 3. 我打算怎么做。


河南省2016 年普通高等学校 专科毕业生进入本科阶段学习考试 公共英语 Part Ⅰ Vocabulary and Structure ( 1 x 40 ) Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.- 1.Jane hadn't been to London before. ______ had her husband. A. Neither B. Either C. So D. Or 2.No sooner had he arrived in Rome ______ he heard of the good news. A. when B. than C. then D. until 3.I?m for the suggestion that a special board_____to examine the problem. A. be set up B. will be set up C.must be set up D.has to be set up 4.The disabled children need many things, but____ , they need love. A. first of all B.not at all C.after all D. All in all 5.The coal industry in the north of China is now barely half its ____size. A. Formal B.former https://www.wendangku.net/doc/289786331.html,tter D. later 6.The football player is hoping to____ to another team soon. A. Transfer B.transport C.transplant D. transact 7.____the garden, the old man went to have a rest. A. Having been watered B. Watering C. Having watered D. Being watered 8.Her_____to the job left her with very little free time. A. devotion B.faith C.trust D.interest 9.The children have been ____since their father left. A.out of style B.under control C.out of control D.in style 10.It is reported _____ great changes have been made with the application of the new policy. A.which B. that C. while D.what 11.The manager promised to keep me _____ of how the project was going on. A. be informed B. Informed C. inform https://www.wendangku.net/doc/289786331.html,rming


一、选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。在列出的四个选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的,请把正确答案的字母标号填在题后的括号内) 1.下列各组词语中加点字的读音,与所给注音全都相同的一组是 ( ) A.和(he)和蔼缓和暖和和衷共济 B.折(zhe)折尺折扣折耗折衷主义 C.强(qiang)强火强制强横强词夺理 D.落(luo)落幕落伍沦落落落大方 2.下列有关文学常识的表述正确的一项是 () A.《国语》是最早的国别体史书,《左传》是最早的叙事详备的编年体史书;《国语》《左传》既长于记事,又长于记言。 B.我国古典小说中真正的吸收史传文学写人艺术经验的第一部作品是《三国演义》。 C.《金瓶梅》开辟了一条写平凡人生活的道路,显示了现实主义文学的长足发展。 D.《威尼斯商人》中的夏洛克,莫里哀悲剧《吝啬鬼》中的阿巴贡,《欧也妮?葛朗台》中的葛朗台都是悲剧式的人物。 3.下列有关文学常识的表述正确的一项是 () A.《左传》也称《春秋左氏传》或《左氏春秋》,是儒家经典之一,它既是一部内容丰富的史书,又有很强的文学性,作者相传为孔子同时代的左丘明。 B.罗贯中的《三国演义》一书中有很多故事家喻户晓。例如,桃园三结义、三英战吕布、三顾茅庐、三气周瑜、三打祝家庄等。 C.鲁迅的《狂人日记》收在短篇小说集《彷徨》中,是中国现代文学史上第一部白话小说,作品鲜明地表现了对愚弱国民“哀其不幸,怒其不争”的态度。 D.《父与子》、《变色龙》、《装在套子里的人》都是俄国著名作家契诃夫的短篇小说。 4.下列作家作品的表述正确的一项是 () A.贺敬之、丁毅的《白毛女》、丁玲的《我在霞村的时候》《太阳照在桑干河上》属于解放区文学。 B.张天翼的《华威先生》、沙汀的《在其香居茶馆里》、陈白尘的《上海屋檐下》是国统区文学。 C.孙犁的《荷花淀》和柳青的《创业史》都是反映土地改革时期的长篇小说。 D.《一代风流》、《红旗谱》、《李自成》分别是欧阳山、梁斌、姚雪垠的作品。《青春之歌》、《林海雪原》、《保卫延安》分别是杨沫、王愿坚、杜鹏程的作品。 5.下列作品、作家、国别(或朝代)对应全都正确的一项是 ()


2015—2016 学年第一学期 会计专业1115 班《英语》模拟考试试卷 (考试形式:闭卷考试用时:120 分钟) PartⅠReading Comprehension每( 题2 分,共30 分) Directions: There are 3 reading passagesin this part. Each passageis followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A , B , C and D choose the best answer to each question Passage one It was one of those terribly hot days in Baltimore. Needless to say, it was too hot to do anything outside. But it was also scorching in our apartment. This was 1962, and I would not live in a place with an air conditioner for another ten years. So my brother and I decided to leave the apartment to find someplace indoors. He suggested we could see a movie. It was a brilliant plan. Movie theaters were one of the few places you could sit all day and —most important —sit in air conditioning. In those days, you could buy one ticket and sit through two movies. Then, the theater would show the same two movies again. If you wanted to, you could sit through them twice. Most people did not do that, but the manager at our theater. Mr. Bellow did not mind if you did. That particular day, my brother and I sat through both movies twice, trying to escape the heat. We bought three bags of popcorn and three sodas each. Then, we sat and watched The Music Man followed by The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. We’dalready seen the second movie once before. It had been at the theater since January, because Mr. Bellow loved anything with John Wayne in it. We left the theater around 8, just before the evening shows began. But we returned the next day and saw the same two movies again, twice more. And we did it the next day too. Finally, on the fourth day, the heat wave broke. Still, to this day I can sing half the songs in The Music Man and recite half of John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart ’disalogue from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance! Those memories are some of the few I have of the heat wave of 1962. They ’rereally memories of the screen, not memories of my life. 1. In which year did the author first live in a place with an air conditioner? A. 1952 B. 1962 C. 1972 D. 1982 2. What does the underlined word “It ”in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. The heat B. The theater. C. The Music Man D. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 3. What do we know about Mr. Bellow? A. He loved children very much. B. He was a fan of John Wayne. C. He sold air conditioners. D. He was a movie star. 4. Why did the author and his/her brother see the same movies several times? A. The two movies were really wonderful. B. They wanted to avoid the heat outside. C. The manager of the theater was friendly. D. They liked the popcorn and the soda at the theater.


2019年江苏省普通高校“专转本”英语试题卷 (非英语类专业) 注意事项: 1.本试卷分为试题卷、答题卷和答题卡三部分。试题卷分为第I卷(客观题)和第II卷(主观题)两部分,第I卷第1页至第10页;第II卷第10页至第11页,有两大题;共11页,共五大题,全卷满分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2.作答题,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、座位号准确清楚地填写在试题卷、答题卡和答题卷的指定位置,并认真核对。 3.作答第I卷时,考生须用2B铅笔在答题卡上填涂答案;作答第II卷时,考生须用蓝、黑色钢笔或圆珠笔将答案答在答题卷上,否则无效。 4.考试结束时,考生须将第I卷、第II卷和答题卡、答题卷一并交回。 第I卷(共100分) Part I Reading Comprehension(共20小题,每小题2 分,共40 分) Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements, For each of them there arc 4 choices marked A, B, C and should decide on the best choice and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding on the Answer Sheet. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage "Cool"is a word with many meanings, Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changed. The word has had many different meanings. "cool"can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.when you see your favorite footballer. We all maximize the meaning of "cool"You can use it instead of many words such as "new"or "surprising". Here’s an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used . A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one sentence. "It’s so cool."Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt. But the story also shows a scarcity(贫乏)of words. Without "cool", some people have no words to show the same meaning . So it is quite important to keep some credibility. Can you think of many other words that make your life as colorful as the word "cool"? I can. and I think they are also very cool. 1 .According to the passage,the word "cool"has had . A. only one meaning B. only a few meanings C. many different meanings D.the same meaning 2.In the passage, the word"express"(Para. 2)means . A.see B.show C. know D. feel 3.If you are __ something. You may say "It’s cool." A. interested in B. careful about C. afraid of D. angry about 4.The writer gives an example to show he is the way the word"cool"is used.


I. onetics (5 points) Directions: In each of the following groups of words, there are four underlined letters or letter combinations marked A,B,C,D. Compare the underlined parts and identify the one that is different from the others in pronunciation. Mark you answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. 1.【题干】_____ 【选项】 A.vital B.silent C.collide D.fierce 【答案】A 2.【题干】_____ 【选项】 A.taught B.caught https://www.wendangku.net/doc/289786331.html,ugh D.fault 【答案】B 3.【题干】_____ 【选项】 A.reception B.receipt C.capture D.concept 【答案】A 4.【题干】_____ 【选项】 A.boom B.goose C.flood D.gloom 【答案】B 5.【题干】_____ 【选项】 A.finger B.singer C.hanger D.ringer 【答案】B II. Vocabulary and Structure (15 points) Directions: There are 15 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A,B,C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence and blacken the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet.


启用前※绝密 2016年江苏省“专转本”选拔统一考试 大学语文试卷 一、语文知识(本大题共15小题,均为单项选择题,每小题1分,共15分) 1.下列加点的字词释义正确的一组是() A.浅尝辄止(立即)日薄西山(迫近)责无旁贷(替代) B.本末倒置(树根)并行不悖(反对)众望所归(趋向) C.安之若素(平常)文过饰非(掩饰)萍水相逢(浮萍) D.功败垂成(落下)花团锦簇(聚集)后来居上(处在) 2.在下面一段文字横线处依次填入的词语,最恰当的一项是() 大力创新文化,创新沃土,敢为人先、宽容失败的良好氛围,调动全社会创业创新积极性,成推动发展的磅礴力量。 A.弘扬培植营建汇聚 B.弘扬厚植营造汇聚 C.发扬培植营造汇合 D.发扬厚植营建汇合 3.下宋词名句与作者顺序相匹配的一项是() (1)对潇潇暮雨洒江天,一番洗清秋。 (2)碧云天,黄叶地,秋色连波,波上寒烟翠。 (3)春去也,飞红万点愁如海。 (4)细看来,不是杨花,点点是离人泪。 A.晏殊周邦彦欧阳修李清照 B.柳永范仲淹秦观苏轼 C.柳永范仲淹欧阳修李清照 D.晏殊周邦彦秦观苏轼 4.下列关于元代杂剧的说明,不正确的一项是() A.王实甫《西厢记》提出了“愿普天下有情的都成了眷属”。 B.白朴《梧桐雨》描写了杨玉环和李隆基凄美的爱情故事。 C.马致远《汉宫秋》对汉元帝这一形象寄予了深深的同情。 D.关汉卿《救风尘》中周舍搭救了落难的风尘女子赵盼儿。 5.《红楼梦》中主持大观园管理“改革”的人物有() A.李纨迎春王熙凤 B.王熙凤探春宝钗 C.李纨探春宝钗 D.王熙凤迎春宝钗

6.下列关于清代文学的说明,正确的一项是() A.散文流派“桐城派”中的代表作家有归有光、方苞、姚鼐等。 B.孔尚任《桃花扇》描写了侯方域与柳如是的爱情故事。 C.黄遵宪是“诗界革命”的代表人物,诗作收入《饮冰室诗集》 D.曾朴《孽海花》采取了联缀多数短篇成长篇的结构方式。 7.我国传统文化中常用吉祥物表达寓意,下列说明不符合传统寓意的一项是() A.花瓶、鹌鹑象征平平安安 B.白鹤、麒麟表示长命百岁 C.石榴、葡萄象征多子多孙 D.蝙蝠加铜钱表示福在眼前 8.下列代称解释错误的一项是() A.“人逾耳顺,视听不衰”。“耳顺”指50岁 B.“一欣侍温颜,再喜见友于”。“友于”指代兄弟 C.“无丝竹之乱耳,无案牍之劳形”。“丝竹”指代音乐 D.“何以解忧,惟有杜康”。“杜康”指代酒 9.下列关于科举考试的说明,正确的一项是() A.我国的科举考试开始于唐代贞观年间。 B.科举考试的内容始终是“四书”“五经”。 C.明代科举考试分为乡试、院试、殿试三级。 D.明清两代以时文取士,“时文”即“八股文”。 10.某电器公司行文,请某职业技术学院培训技术人员,使用的文种应该是() A.请示 B.函 C.申请 D.报告 11.下列关于现代作家、作品的说明,正确的一项是() A.鲁迅《在酒楼上》塑造了被欺凌的农民形象。 B.冰心是现代文学史上最早创作童话的作家。 C.曹禺的主要作品有《雷雨》《日出》《北京人》等。 D.赵树理是“山药蛋派”创始人,代表作是《大淖纪事》。


江苏省2015年普通高校专转本选拔考试 英语试题卷 (非英语类专业) Part I Reading Comprehension (共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) Directions:There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. This course is for those who want to learn to type, as well as those who want to improve their typing. The course is not common. You are tested in the first class and begin practicing at one of eight different skill levels. This allows you to learn at your own speed. Each program lasts 20 hours. Bring your own paper. Course fee: $125 Materials: $25 Two hours each evening for two weeks. New classes begin every two weeks. This course is taught by a number of professional business education teachers who have successfully taught trying courses before. UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS This twelve-hour course is for people who do not know very much about computers, but who need to learn about them. You will learn wh at computers are, what they can and can’t do and how to use them. Course fee: $75 Jan.4,7,11,14,18 Wed. & Sat. 9:00-11:30 a.m. Equipment fee: $10 David is a professor of Computer Science at Beijing University. He has over twenty years of experience in computer field. STOP SMOKING Do you want to stop smoking? Have you already tried to stop and failed? Now is the time to stop smoking using the latest methods. You can stop smoking, and this twelve-hour course will help you do it. Course fee: $30 Jan.2.9,16,23 Mon.2:00-5:00 p.m. Dr John is a practicing psychologist who has helped hundreds of people stop smoking successfully. 1. If you choose the U course NDERSTANDING COMPUTERS, you will have classes_______. A. from Monday to Sunday B. on Wednesday and Saturday C. on Saturday and Sunday D. on weekend evenings 2. .How long will the course STOP SMOKING last each time? A. Four weeks. B. Three hours. C. A week. D. Twenty hours 3. Mr. Black works every morning and evening, but he wants to take part in one of the three courses. Which one is suitable for him? A.TYPING B. UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS C. STOP SMOKING D. None 4. If you want to take UNDERSTANDING COMPUTERS and TYPING, you will pay ______. A. $75. B. $150.


2009-2013年江苏专转本英语历年真题 2009年江苏省普通高校“专转本”统一考试试卷大学英语 第Ⅰ卷(共100分) 注意事项: 1.答第Ⅰ卷前,考生务必按规定要求填涂答题卡上的姓名、准考证号等项目。 2.用铅笔把答题卡上相应题号中正确答案的标号涂黑。答案不涂写在答题卡上,成绩无效。 Part Ⅰ Reading Comprehension(共20小题,每小题2分,共40分) Directions: In this part there are four passages. Each passage is followed by four comprehension questions. Read the passage and answer the questions. Then mark your answer on the answer sheet. Passage One Questions 1~5 are besed on the following passage. Young Koreans are beginning to do it alone when it comes to finding a partner, though matchmaking is still the most common way for boys to meet girls. Professional matchmakers can make thousands of American dollars by introducing suitable marriage partners to each other, but partners also play a role in the process during which young Koreans meet. In Confucius Korea, where marriage is regarded as more of a business contract than a sacred thing, the scene of the first meeting is repeated hundreds of times a day in coffee shops in the main hotels around Seoul. The business of continuing the family lineage (血统)and keeping the blooding pure is often too important to be left to romance and chance encounters. Often, the girl will work out a system of secret signals with her mother, from which her parents can tell if she is interested. For example, if the girl orders a coffee it might mean that she wants her parents to leave her alone with the boy, while a milk shows that she wants them to stay. Sometimes the matchmaking is not always so formal, with the introduction being made by friends. But whether through friends or families, there is hardly a Korean man in the country who has not gone through this process --- sometimes six or seven times. 1. The word “matchmaking” in the passage means ____. A. a very formal ritual(仪式)attended by boys and girls B. introducing boys and girls to know each other for the purpose of marriage C. producing matches to make a fire or light a cigarette D. arranging games between men and women 2. The fact that the first meeting is repeated again and again in coffee shops in the main hotels suggests that ____. A. Koreans like drinking coffee in coffee shops very much B. men and women want to meet as many times as possible C. they are busy with communicating with different people D. marriage is seen as a business contract instead of something sacred

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