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TCPIP协议族 第四版 第四章答案


Introduction to

Network Layer


1.We mention one advantage and one disadvantage for a connectionless service:

a.The connectionless service has at least one advantage. A connectionless service

is simple. The source, destination, and the routers need to deal with each packet

individually without considering the relationship between them. This means

there are no setup and teardown phases. No extra packets are exchanged

between the source and the destination for these two phases.

b.The connectionless service has at least one disadvantage. The packets may

arrive out of order; the upper layer that receive them needs to reorder them.

3.An n-bit label can create 2n different virtual-circuit identifier.

5.Each packet started from the source needs to have a fragmentation identification,

which is repeated in each fragment. The destination computer use this identifica-

tion to reassemble all fragments belonging to the same packet.

7.The delay in the connection-oriented service is always more than the delay in the

connectionless service no matter the message is long or short. However, the ratio

of the overhead delay (setup and teardown phases) to the data transfer delay (trans-

mission and propagation) is smaller for a long message than a short message in a

connection-oriented service.

9.A router is normally connected to different link (networks), each with different

MTU. The link from which the packet is received may have a larger MTU than the

link to which the packet is sent, which means that router needs to fragment the

packet. We will see in Chapter 27 that IPv6 does not allow fragmentation at the

router, which means the source needs to do some investigation and make the

packet small enough to be carried through all links.

11.A fragment may have been lost and never arrives. The destination host cannot wait

forever. The destination host starts a time and after the time-out, it can sends an

error message (see Chapter 9) to inform the source host that the packet is lost and,

if necessary, should be resent. The time-out duration can be based on the informa-


2 tion the destination host may collect about the status of the Internet. If there are many delays in the previous packet arrivals, it means that the Internet is congested, and the fragment may arrive soon (it is not necessarily lost).


201710TCPIP协议原理与编程作业 1.( 2.0分)下列说法正确的是 A、TCP伪头部和长度补足部分要进行传输 B、RARP是传输层的协议 C、TCP连接的三次握手目的是为了同步连接双方发送数据的初始序列号 D、IP协议提供可靠的数据传输服务 我的答案:C 2.(2.0分)IP头部中,“头部长”字段的度量单位是 A、8位 B、16位 C、32位 D、64位 我的答案:C 3.(2.0分)关于ARP的说法错误的是 A、ARP使用询问/回答机制 B、ARP缓存用于减少地址解析需要的通信 C、ARP实现从物理地址到IP地址的映射 D、ARP只能在同一个物理网络中使用 我的答案:C 4.(2.0分)下列说法错误的是 A、OSI的发展比TCP/IP早10年左右 B、OSI具有完整的七层结构 C、OSI架构很少有实际运行的系统 D、TCP/IP现已成为Internet的主流协议

我的答案:A 5.(2.0分)RIP路由算法所支持的最大Hop数为 A、10 B、15 C、16 D、32 我的答案:B 6.(2.0分)以下哪个IP地址可以在Internet上使用 A、/ B、/ C、/ D、/ 我的答案:A 7.(2.0分)滑动窗口协议是一种 A、超时判断机制 B、差错纠正机制 C、差错检测机制 D、确认重发机制 我的答案:D 8.(2.0分)OSPF采用( )方式进行路由通告 A、单播 B、组播 C、广播 D、以上皆是 我的答案:B 9.(2.0分)以下不属于网络层协议的是

A、ARP B、IGMP C、ICMP D、FTP 我的答案:D 10.(2.0分)负责电子邮件传输的应用层协议是 A、SMTP B、PPP C、IP D、FTP 我的答案:A 11.(2.0分)对已经是分片的IP数据包再进行分片后得到的每个分片中的标志位是 A、一定是1 B、一定是0 C、可能是0 D、以上皆错 我的答案:A 12.(2.0分)TCP协议利用()来提供可靠服务 A、三次握手协议 B、建立连接 C、流量控制 D、超时重发机制 我的答案:A 13.(2.0分)ICMP的类型字段中,字段值为0表示的是 A、超时

TCPIP协议族 第四版 第四章答案

CHAPTER 4 Introduction to Network Layer Exercises 1.We mention one advantage and one disadvantage for a connectionless service: a.The connectionless service has at least one advantage. A connectionless service is simple. The source, destination, and the routers need to deal with each packet individually without considering the relationship between them. This means there are no setup and teardown phases. No extra packets are exchanged between the source and the destination for these two phases. b.The connectionless service has at least one disadvantage. The packets may arrive out of order; the upper layer that receive them needs to reorder them. 3.An n-bit label can create 2n different virtual-circuit identifier. 5.Each packet started from the source needs to have a fragmentation identification, which is repeated in each fragment. The destination computer use this identifica- tion to reassemble all fragments belonging to the same packet. 7.The delay in the connection-oriented service is always more than the delay in the connectionless service no matter the message is long or short. However, the ratio of the overhead delay (setup and teardown phases) to the data transfer delay (trans- mission and propagation) is smaller for a long message than a short message in a connection-oriented service. 9.A router is normally connected to different link (networks), each with different MTU. The link from which the packet is received may have a larger MTU than the link to which the packet is sent, which means that router needs to fragment the packet. We will see in Chapter 27 that IPv6 does not allow fragmentation at the router, which means the source needs to do some investigation and make the packet small enough to be carried through all links. 11.A fragment may have been lost and never arrives. The destination host cannot wait forever. The destination host starts a time and after the time-out, it can sends an error message (see Chapter 9) to inform the source host that the packet is lost and, if necessary, should be resent. The time-out duration can be based on the informa- 1

TCPIP协议族 第四版 第五章答案

CHAPTER 5 IPv4 Addresses Exercises 1. a.28 = 256 addresses b.216 = 65536 addresses c.264 = 1.846744737 × 1019 addresses 3.310=59,049 addresses 5. a.0x72220208 b.0x810E0608 c.0xD022360C d.0xEE220201 7. a.(8 bits) / (4 bits per hex digits) = 2 hex digits b.(16 bits) / (4 bits per hex digits) = 4 hex digits c.(24 bits) / (4 bits per hex digits) = 6 hex digits 9.We use Figure 5.6 (the right table) to find the class: a.The first byte is 208 (between 192 and 223) →Class C b.The first byte is 238 (between 224 and 299) →Class D c.The first byte is 242 (between 240 and 255) →Class E d.The first byte is 129 (between 000 and 127) →Class A 11. a.Class is A →netid: 114 and hostid: 34.2.8 b.Class is B →netid: 132.56 and hostid: 8.6 c.Class is C → netid: 208.34.54 and hostid: 12 1


第4章IP地址:分类编址 8.试把以下的IP 地址从二进制记法转换为点分十进制记法。 a.01111111111100000110011111111101 b.110000001111000000011101 c.101100000001111101011101 d.111101111100011100011101 e.111100111000011111011101 解 我们把每一组8 位换成其等效十进制数,并增加隔开的点: a. b. c. d. e. 11.试找出以下IP 地址的netid 和hostid: a. b. c. d. 解 以上IP 地址都是A 类地址,故前8 位为netid,后24 位为hostid https://www.wendangku.net/doc/348054825.html,id:114hostid:34.2.8 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/348054825.html,id:19hostid:34.21.5 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/348054825.html,id:23hostid:67.12.1 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/348054825.html,id:127hostid:23.4.0 15.试用图表示出:IP 地址为8.0.0.0 的网络通过路由器连接到IP 地址为131.45.0.0 的网络。试为路由器的每一个接口选择IP 地址。还要在每一个网络上画出几个标有IP 地址的主机。每个网络是什么类别? 18.IP 地址为185.67.89.34 的主机需要进行环回测试。试问源地址和目的地址是什么? 解 源地址为: 目的地址为: 127.x.y.z 28.什么是下面每一种情况的最大子网数目?


文件说明: (1)据最后一节课老师的讲解,学过的章节为1-9、13、14、15、19、22。必考章节为1-9、13、14、15、22,共十三个章节,其中4、5、6、7(checksum)、9、11(3个路由协议)章节为重点章节,具体考卷内容也许会与此有所出入。 (2)翻译之后的答案习题颜色深浅有所区别,参考之时希望注意,能力有限,个别题目没有做出中文解释,还望谅解,英文图的上方出现的Figure1.E2 Solution to Excercixe13字样,译为关于习题2的解决方法图1。 (3)此文件是所给英文答案所有习题的答案,但据整理英文答案发现,老师所给答案只有奇数题号的习题,然而整理人不确定老师是否只考所给答案的习题,还望分享一二。 (4)整理过程难免有误差,许多专业名词的翻译也会出现些许出入,望慎重参考此文件,如若有所疑问可自行在IEC群文件中下载相关英文版习题答案,进行进一步的学习并加深个人对题意的理解。(5)如若明确文件中有错误出现,还望告知身边人,文件整理中尽量使得题意与答案处于同一页面中,如若带来不便,还请见谅,某些习题下方会有些许标注,还望注意到,以防理解出现偏差。 (6)此文件的最后会给大家一些老师提及的重点词汇、问题和整理过程中get到的一些专业名词,也许会对大家理解题意及英文版答案有所帮助。 (7)分享快乐,希望对大家有所帮助。

解:因D = T * V,D是传播距离,T是传播时间,V是传播速率,所以T=D/V,插入相应的值找寻需要的时间并在电缆中的传播。 T = D / V = (2500 m) / (200,000,000 m/s) = 0.0000125 s = 12.5 μs 【注】10base5,一种以太网标准,该标准用于使用粗同轴电缆、速度为10Mbps 的基带局域网络,在总线型网络中,最远传输距离为500米。1 * 10 -6 s= 1 μs 假设最小的帧大小为65字节或者520比特,L = T * R,L是帧的长度,T 是所用时间,R是数据率,因T=L/R,可以计算时间 T = L / R = (520 bits) / (10,000,000) bits/s = 0.000052 s = 52μs 【注】Mbps:传输速率是指设备的的数据交换能力,也叫"带宽",单位是Mbps(兆位/秒),目前主流的集线器带宽主要有10Mbps、54Mbps/100Mbps自适应型、100Mbps和150Mbps四种。1字节=8比特,也就是65字节=520比特, 填充需要46字节的数据部分,如果数据从上一层接收到的是42字节,则仍需要在这个数据上填充46-42=4字节 (1)相同点:对媒体访问有同等的权利;都可以访问媒体。 (2)不同点:CSMA/CD:先听后发,边发边听,冲突停发,随即延迟后重发;可以引发碰撞。 CSMA/CA:它需要介质有一个特殊的时间量来通知其他站点;不会发生碰撞。

TCPIP协议族 第四版 第九章答案

CHAPTER 9 Internet Control Message Protocol V ersion 4 (ICMPv4) Exercises 1. a.The original message is lost in transit. The sender can re-send the message. b.The reply is lost in transit. The sender can re-send the message. c.The original message was corrupted and discarde d. The sender can re-send the message. 3.It could happen that host B is unreachable, for some reason. The error message generated by an intermediate router could then be lost on its way back to host A. Or perhaps the datagram was dropped due to congestion and the error message generated by an intermediate router was lost. 5.The maximum value is 59 because the pointer points to a byte somewhere in the original IP header (a maximum of 60 bytes). An offset of 0 would point to the first byte, so an offset of 59 would point to the 60th byte. 1



第4章IP地址:分类编址 8.试把以下的IP 地址从二进制记法转换为点分十进制记法。 a.0 1111111 11110000 01100111 11111101 b.10101111 11000000 11110000 00011101 c.11011111 10110000 00011111 01011101 d.11101111 11110111 11000111 00011101 e.11110111 11110011 10000111 11011101 解 我们把每一组8 位换成其等效十进制数,并增加隔开的点: a. b. c. d. e. 11.试找出以下IP 地址的netid 和hostid: a. b. c. d. 解 以上IP 地址都是 A 类地址,故前8 位为netid,后24 位为hostid

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/348054825.html,id:114 hostid:34.2.8 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/348054825.html,id:19 h ostid:34.21.5 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/348054825.html,id:23 h ostid:67.12.1 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/348054825.html,id:127 hostid:23.4.0 15.试用图表示出:IP 地址为8.0.0.0 的网络通过路由器连接到IP 地址为131.45.0.0 的网络。试为路由器的每一个接口选择IP 地址。还要在每一个网络上画出几个标有IP 地址的主机。每个网络是什么类别? 18.IP 地址为185.67.89.34 的主机需要进行环回测试。试问源地址和目的地址是什么?解 源地址为: 目的地址为:127.x.y.z 28.什么是下面每一种情况的最大子网数目? a.A 类地址;掩码是255.255.192.0 b.B 类地址;掩码是255.255.192.0 c.C 类地址;掩码是255.255.255.192 d.C 类地址;掩码是255.255.255.240 解


第4章IP地址:分类编址 8.试把以下的 IP 地址从二进制记法转换为点分十进制记法。 a.0 1111111 11110000 01100111 11111101 b.10101111 11000000 11110000 00011101 c.11011111 10110000 00011111 01011101 d.11101111 11110111 11000111 00011101 e.11110111 11110011 10000111 11011101 解 我们把每一组 8 位换成其等效十进制数,并增加隔开的点: a. b. c. d. e. 11.试找出以下 IP 地址的 netid 和 hostid: a. b. c. d. 解 以上 IP 地址都是 A 类地址,故前 8 位为 netid,后 24 位为 hostid https://www.wendangku.net/doc/348054825.html,id:114 hostid:34.2.8 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/348054825.html,id:19 hostid:34.21.5 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/348054825.html,id:23 hostid:67.12.1 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/348054825.html,id:127 hostid:23.4.0 15.试用图表示出:IP 地址为 的网络通过路由器连接到 IP 地址为 的网络。试为路由器的每一个接口选择 IP 地址。还要在每一个网络上画出几个标有 IP 地址的主机。每个网络是什么类别? 18.IP 地址为 的主机需要进行环回测试。试问源地址和目的地址是什么?解 源地址为: 目的地址为: 127.x.y.z


福师《TCP/IP协议原理与编程》在线作业一 一、单选题(共40 道试题,共80 分。) 1. 下列不属于通信子网层次的是()。 A. 物理层 B. 数据链路层 C. 传输层 D. 网络层 满分:2 分 2. 以下哪个IP地址可以在Internet上使用()。 A. B. C. D. 满分:2 分 3. IP地址为172.16.101.20,子网掩码为255.255.255.0,则该IP地址中,网络地址占前()位。 A. 19 B. 21 C. 20 D. 24 满分:2 分 4. 关于网络协议,下列()选项是正确的。 A. 是网民们签订的合同 B. 协议,简单的说就是为了网络信息传递,共同遵守的约定 C. TCP/IP协议只是用于Internet,不能用于局域网 D. 拨号网络对应的协议是IPX/SPX

满分:2 分 5. 下面哪一项没有正确描述TCP/IP协议族? A. 与OSI参考模型的上层进行严格的映射。 B. 支持所有标准的物理层和数据链路层协议。 C. 通过数据报序列传送信息。 D. 在接收端将数据报重新组装成完整的信息。 满分:2 分 6. 以下哪种协议可以允许用户通过Internet进行相互通信? A. NetBEUI B. IPX/SPX C. TCP/IP D. AppleTalk 满分:2 分 7. 下面协议是动态路由协议的是()。 A. UDP B. RIP C. ARP D. TCP 满分:2 分 8. 为了保证连接的可靠建立,TCP通常采用()。 A. 3次握手法 B. 窗口控制机制 C. 自动重发机制 D. 端口机制 满分:2 分 9. 当你使用cache服务器发现网络流量非常大,查看是DNS解析的交通,如何? A. 增大服务器中DNS记录的SOA记录
