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I. 语言知识及应用(共两节,满分45分)



The cultures of the East and the West really distinguish each other a lot. This is because the culture systems are two 1 systems on the whole.

The 2 of the eastern cultures is mainly from two countries: China and India. Both of the two cultures are gestated孕育by 3 . In China, the mother river is the Yellow River while the Indian one is the Hindu River. These two cultures were developed for several thousand years and formed their own 4 . Then in Dang Dynasty of China, the Chinese culture 5 went overseas to

Japan, 6 into the Japanese society and shaped the Japanese culture nowadays. Though a bit different from the Chinese one, it belongs to the same 7 .

When the two mother rivers gave birth to the eastern culture, another famous culture was 8 on the Mesopotamian Plain美索不达米亚平原---- the Mesopotamian Civilization. This civilization later on developed into the cultures of the Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. And these two are well-known as the 9 of the European culture. Like the Chinese culture, the European one

also 10 waters. When the colonists of England 11 in America, their culture went with them over the Atlantic Ocean. So the American culture doesn't 12 from the European one a lot.

At the same time, the difference of the language systems 13 _ the cultural differences. In the East, most languages belong to the pictographic language while the Western languages are mostly based on the Latin system, for example, the one I’m using to write this paper.

Other factors like human race difference counts as well. But what’s more, as a result of the far distance and the steep险峻的areas between the East and West, the two cultures seldom 14 until recent centuries. So they grew up totally in their own ways with almost no 15 with the other.

1. A. connected B. separate C. ancient D. remote

2. A. preservation B. development C. resource D. origin

3. A. coasts B. lakes C. rivers D. mountains

4. A. styles B. habits C. ways D. means

5. A. hurriedly B. gradually C. unfortunately D. suddenly

6. A. made B. crashed C. mixed D. applied

7. A. culture B. nation C. influence D. system

8. A. brought up B. brought out C. brought about D. brought along

9. A. bottom B. key C. base D. basement

10. A. crossed B. drunk C. swam D. dived

11. A. touched down B. put down C. got down D. settled down

12. A. evolve B. judge C. distinguish D. rise

13. A. adds to B. results to C. turns to D. takes to

14. A. approached B. contacted C. involved D. communicated

15. A. impact B. difference C. connection D. familiarity



Several days ago,a 16 (shock) news broke out. A Malaysian airplane (MH370) with 239 passengers just disappeared after its departure from the airport. Almost two hours later,the plane just vanished into air,as if it never existed before.

Rumors about its 17 (disappear) have spread fast around the world. Some people said that the plane was kidnapped by the space aliens,the so called UFO. 18 has never been proved or confirmed true. Some people claim 19 the aircraft exploded in the midair before landing. This might be true to some extent,but we still need more confirmative proof.

The people 20 care most about the passengers are the family members of the passengers. They 21 _(wait) anxiously and even getting desperate after waiting 22 (hope) for almost four

days. 23 tortures them most is not the sad news of their beloved ones' death,24 the newsless. They could get no news from anywhere or anybody about the wreckage失事.This has been driving them into craziness day by day.

We hope these people 25 board will soon be found well and safe,and with their family members they could get together and reunited. II. 阅读(共两节,满分50分)




Daniel Defoe (about 1660—1731) was an important novelist in the English literature. When he was young, he served as a soldier and had been to Spain, Italy, France and Germany. At the same time,

he went in for politics. He cared much about the development of capitalism(资本主义). He had written a lot of articles against it and he was put into prison twice for that. It was not until that he was nearly sixty that he began to write the famous novel “Robinson Crusoe”, which was published in May, 1709. It spread so rapidly

that the story was known to every household very soon. “Robinson Crusoe”can be divided into three parts. The first part is about Crusoe’s three voyages, the second part about his hunting, hiding in caves farming and his hard struggles against nature on a small island, the third about the things which happened after his return from the island. The second part is the body of the novel, in which Robinson’s characters are clearly shown. Defoe wrote his novel in a simple style and his language is easy to understand. His novel writing set a milestone of the modern English novel. In his later part of life, He was in poor health and lived very poorly. He died on April 24, 1731.

26. Deniel Defoe was _______ and the writer of _______.

A. an Englishman, “A Tale of Two Cities”

B. an American, “A Million Pound Note”

C. a French, “The Lost Necklace”

D. an English, “Robinson Crusoe”

27. How old was he when he began to write his famous novel Robinson Crusoe?

A. He was in his sixties.

B. He was in his fifties.

C. He was over 60.

D. He was sixty.

28. Robinson Crusoe can be divided into ______ parts and the first is about _______.

A. three, his journeys by sea

B. three, his characters

C. two, his lonely life

D. four, his fame

29. “Every household”in this passage means ________.

A. all members of a family

B. all people

C. every building

D. persons living in the same house

30.What was Defoe’s contribution(贡献) to the English literature?

A. He wrote a very interesting story.

B. He made people happy while reading his story.

C. He set a milestone of the modern English novel.

D. He was active in politics and was against capitalism.


Growing up, I wanted to be just like my mom. She was kind. People always seemed to feel comfortable in her presence. For years, she was a volunteer in our community. I loved going to the local nursing home with her where she taught a ceramic class.

On one summer day, Mama told me to get changed and meet her at the car.

I had planned to spend the day at the lake with friends. Why did she have to ruin everything? I imagined the cool lake water. Irritated使烦燥,I climbed into the car and slammed the door shut. We sat in silence. I was too upset to make conversation.

“Tasha, would you like to know where we are going?”Mama asked calmly.

“No,”I said.

“We are going to volunteer at a children’s shelter today. I have been there before and I think it would benefit you,”she explained. When we reached the shelter, Mama rang the doorbell. Moments later, we were greeted by a woman. She led us to the front room where all of the children were playing. I noticed a baby whose body was scarred with iron marks. I was told it was because she wouldn’t stop crying. The majority of the children had noticeable physical scars. Others hid their emotional wounds.

As I took in my surroundings, I felt a gentle tug猛拉,牵引on my shirt. I looked down to see a little girl looking up at me. “Hi. You want to play dolls with me?”she asked. I looked over at Mama for reinforcement. She smiled and nodded. I turned back and said, “Sure.”Her tiny hand reached up and held mine, as if to comfort me.

31. The author admired her mom for ________.

A. her kindness to others

B. her excellent teaching

C. her quality of honesty

D. her positive attitude to life

32. According to Paragraph 3, when she was asked to go out with

her mom, the author was ________.

A. excited

B. angry

C. surprised

D. worried

33. From the passage we learn most children in the shelter


A. were often punished by staff

B. weren’t allowed to go outside

C. were once treated badly

D. all suffered from mental illness

34. The underlined word “reinforcement”in the passage is closest in meaning to “________”.

A. truth

B. help

C. comfort

D. support

35. What lesson did the author learn from her experience?

A. To value what you take for granted.

B. To play with children is fun.

C. To love others is to love yourself.

D. To do as what your parents do.


TOKYO, Japan (AP) –Japan is very serious about robotics (机器人技术). If the droids are going to fit in, they probably need to learn the Japanese custom of serving tea. Fortunately, researchers at the University of Tokyo are exploring just that. In a show this week, a humanoid(有人类特点的)with camera eyes made by Kawada Industries Inc. poured tea from a bottle into a cup. Then another

robot on wheels delivered the cup of tea in an experimental room that has sensors embedded in the floor and sofa as well as cameras on the ceiling, to simulate(模仿)life with robot technology.

“A human being may be faster, but you’d have to say ‘Thank you,’”said University of Tokyo professor Tomomasa Sato. “That’s the best part about a robot. You don’t have to feel bad about asking it to do things.”

Sato believes Japan, a rapidly aging society where more than a fifth of the population is 65 or older, will lead the world in designing robots to care for the elderly, sick and bedridden(卧床不起的). Already, monitoring technologies, such as sensors that automatically turn on lights when people enter a room, are becoming widespread in Japan.

The walking, child–size Asimo from Honda Motor Co. greets people at showrooms. NEC Corp. has developed a smaller companion robot–on–wheels called Papero. A seal robot available since 2004 can entertain the elderly and others in need of fuzzy companionship.

Sato says his experimental room is raising awareness about privacy questions that may arise when electronic devices(设备)monitor a person’s movements down to the smallest detail.

On the bright side, the tea –pouring humanoid has been programmed to do the dishes.

36. What is the best title of this passage?

A. “Thank You”Will Never Be Needed in Japan

B. Monitoring Technologies Are Widespread in Japan

C. Robot Is Designed to Care for the Elderly.

D. Robot Technologies Are Widespread in Japanese Daily Life.

37. The underlined word “embedded”in the first paragraph probably means .

A. fixed

B. established

C. settled

D. rooted

38. According to Professor Sato, .

A. the robot serves tea much faster than a human being

B. the robot does anything like human beings

C. tea –serving robot helps to form laziness of the aging society

D. tea –serving robot doesn’t need any reward for the service

39. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. A robot can imitate people to complete complicated tasks.

B. A robot has been programmed to clean the dishes.

C. All the problems in the aging society can be solved by robots.

D. The number of aging people is increasing rapidly in Japan.

40. We can infer from the passage that .

A. people are afraid of being monitored by robots.

B. the technology of robots has been highlighted in Japan.

C. robots can completely take the place of human beings.

D. people’s privacy should be strictly protected


Millions of Americans return from long-distance trips by air, but their luggage doesn’t always come home with them. Airline identification tags(标签)can come loose, and the bags go who-knows-where. And passengers leave all kinds of things on planes.

The airlines collect the items and, for 90 days, attempt to find their owners. They don’t keep them, since they’re not in the warehouse business. And by law, they cannot sell the bags, because the airlines might be tempted to deliberately misplace luggage.

So once insurance companies have paid for lost bags and their contents, and they no longer belong to passengers, a unique store in the little town of Scottsboro, Alabama, buys them. The “Unclaimed Baggage Center,”is so popular that the building, which is set up like a department store, is the number-one tourist attraction in all of Alabama. More than one million visitors stop in each year and take one of the store’s shopping carts on a hunt for treasures.

Each day, clerks bring out 7,000 new items, and veteran(老练的)shoppers rush to paw over them. You can find everything from

precious jewels to hockey sticks, best-selling novels, leather jackets, tape recorders, surfboards, even half -used tubes of toothpaste.

The store’s own laundry washes or cleans all the clothes found in luggage, then sells them. The Unclaimed Baggage Center has found guns, illegal drugs and even a live rattlesnake.

The store has a little museum where some of its most unusual acquisitions(获得物)have been preserved. They include highland bagpipes, a burial mask from an Egyptian pharaoh's tomb, and a medieval suit of armor.

Statistics indicate that less than one-half of one percent of luggage checked on U.S. carriers is permanently lost and available to the store.

41. Paragraph1 shows that many passengers lose their luggage because______.

A. they are forgetful

B. they are in a hurry

C. there is no lost and found office in many airports

D. the owners of some luggage can’t be identified

42. The reason why the airlines cannot sell the bags is that ______.

A. they have to find the owners

B. they are likely to make a profit on the bags on purpose

C. some bags are expensive

D. they have to keep the bags as long as possible

43. The Unclaimed Baggage Center is very popular because______.

A. there's a large variety of goods.

B. all the things there are very cheap.

C. visitors may purchase something undervalued.

D. Visitors will enjoy some amusing activities there.

44. What can we infer from the passage?

A. A little museum will keep all the precious unclaimed baggage.

B. The percentage of passengers who lose their baggage for ever is small.

C. The things in the Unclaimed Baggage Center are articles for daily use.

D. People are not allowed to buy the illegal things in the store.

45. What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To introduce how the unclaimed baggage in the airports is handled in America.

B. To introduce an attractive place to tourists.

C. To remind passengers of taking care of their baggage.

D. To advise the airlines to find the owners of the unclaimed baggage.





46. Mr. Jones likes military history very much. He knows well a lot of battles in World War Two. Now he wishes to know even more. He wants to learn about some other battles that happened in different parts of the world, so he wants to get a magazine to help him.

47. Mr. Spencer has a very big family and they have different interests, so he wishes to subscribe a magazine that can satisfy all of his family members' needs. For example, he is interested in politics and events, his wife cares about movies while his sons and daughters love music and fashion.

48. Mrs. Baker is trying to subscribe a magazine for her son, aged 10, and her daughter, aged 8. She needs one that includes fun facts about human body and animals, stories, and illustrations designed to spark her children's interest, educating while also entertaining.

49. Mrs. Bates has a full-time job while she has to take care of her family. Sometimes she finds it really difficult for her to get meals ready for them after she gets back from work. Now she needs to find a magazine that could help her prepare some quick and easy food for her family.

50. Mr. Barrow runs a small pub in downtown areas and every day he gets quite a lot of customers who come for beers. To offer better service to his customers, he wishes to know more about beer like new trends in beer. So he wants to find a magazine to do that.

III. 完成句子:根据中文提示完成句子,每空一词(共5小题;每空1分,满分15分)

51. 乡村的生活十分无聊,我不久就感到厌烦了。

The life in the country was so boring that I soon got _________

_________ _________ it

52. 如果只是把佛罗里达看作是旅游胜地,那你就错了。

It's a mistake to think of Florida only_________ _________


tourist attractions.

53. 在地震中受损的房子需要修理。

Some buildings damaged in the earthquake are still _______

_________ _________ repair.

54. 在政府的帮组下,农民们开始着手改变这个局面。

With the help of the government, the peasants ________

_______ _______ the situation.

55. 我们队在比赛中输了的消息令我们很沮丧。

We ________ ________ ________ by the news that our team was defeated in the game.

IV. 写作(共两节,满分40分)







语言方面 58% 的人把英语作为母语来讲,42%的人讲其它语言。*加利福尼亚州:California;太平洋:the Pacific;印第安人:Indians 【写作内容】









Dear Liu Ying,

Your letter reached me yesterday. You would like me to tell you something about California, so now I am writing to you.

___________________________________________________________ ______________

If you want to know more, you may go

to https://https://www.wendangku.net/doc/357348481.html,/wiki/California/History. Best wishes to you.

Yours ever,

Li Hua


阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。China now boasts the world's largest publishing industry by volume, with 8.1 billion books printed in 2012, up from 7.7 billion the year before. Never before have Chinese readers had such easy access to a wide selection ranging from classical Chinese poetry to the top

titles on Amazon's best-sellers list.

However, while the supply of books has exploded in China in recent decades, people's interest in them has not kept up. According to a survey result published by the Chinese Academy of Press and Publication in April, Chinese people read 4.39 books per capita照人数分配的in the past year, a figure that trails far behind major developed countries; for example, the average American read 7, the average French and Japanese person 8.4, and the average South Korean 11. And, on average, Chinese people allocated just over 15 minutes a day to reading, compared to almost 100 to watching television and over 45 for using the Internet.

An amazing number of the Chinese are turning away from reading books. Zhang Lijia, a freelance writer based in Beijing, thinks the days when friends got together to discuss the books they were reading are gone. "People are too restless, too utilitarian(功利)," she reflects. "You need some peace in mind in order to be able to sit down with a book."

Zhang's opinion is echoed by a number of longtime professionals in the book industry. “Best sellers in China today consist mainly of child-rearing manuals (育儿手册), cookbooks, health and fitness guides, test-preparation books, thrillers, and romance novels."said He Xiongfei, a well-known publisher of popular books. "Some of

them buy books, but this is just for the purpose of killing time or for test preparation. They are looking for things they think are useful to them. They are not reading," He added.


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容.

2. 然后以约120个词就“阅读的意义”这一话题发表你的看法,并包括以下要点:





1. 在作文中可以使用自己亲身的经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。



Your letter reached me yesterday. You would like me to tell you something about California, so now I am writing to you. California, the third largest state in size in the USA with a population of more than 38 million, is located in the west of the

United States on the Pacific in the west. It is said that the first settlers were Indians who got there 15000 years ago and only in the 16th century did Europeans come to settle. In the 19th century, people from all over the world came rushing into California with the dream of becoming rich. It is believed that in the future more people, attracted by the climate and lifestyle, will keep immigrating to California. As for language, only 58% of Californians speak English as their native language, while the others speak other languages.

If you want to know more, you may go

to https://https://www.wendangku.net/doc/357348481.html,/wiki/California/History

Best wishes to

you. Yours ever,

Li Hua

人教版2020学年高二英语上学期期末考试试题新 人教

2019学年高二英语第一学期期末试卷 考试时间: 100 分钟 第一部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A He lived his whole life as a poor man. His art and talent were recognized by almost no one. He suffered from a mental illness that led him to cut off part of his left ear in 1888 and to shoot himself two years later. But after his death, he achieved world fame. Today, Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh is recognized as one of the leading artists of all time. Now, 150 years after his birth on March 30, 1853, Zundert, the town of his birth, has made 2003 “The van Gogh Year” in his honor. And the van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam, home to the biggest collection of his masterpieces, is marking the anniversary with exhibitions throughout the year. The museum draws around 1.3 million visitors every year. Some people enjoy the art and then learn about his life. Others are first interested in his life, which then helps them understand his art. Van Gogh was the son of a pastor(牧师). He left school when he was just 15. By the age of 27, he had already tried many jobs including an art gallery salesman and a French teacher. Finally in 1880, he decided to begin his studies in art. Van Gogh is famed for his ability to put his own emotions into his paintings and show his feelings about a scene. His style is marked by short, broad brush strokes(笔画).“Instead of trying to reproduce exactly what I have before my eyes, I use color more freely, in order to express myself more forcibly,” he w rote in a letter to his brother in 1888. Van Gogh sold only one painting during his short life. He relied heavily on the support from his brother, an art dealer who lived in Paris. But now his works are sold for millions of dollars. His portrait of Dr. Gacher sold for $89.5 million in 1990. It is the highest price ever paid for a painting. “I think his paintings are powerful and the brilliant colors in them are attractive to people,” said a Van Gogh’s fan. 1. All through his life, Van Gogh . A. depended on his brother B. worked hard on art studies C. was not recognized by people D. expressed himself in paintings 2.Van Gogh killed himself because of .


2020年高二物理第二学期期末模拟试卷及答案(五)一.单项选择题(每题有且只有一个选项正确,每小题4分,共32分) 1.铝箔被α粒子轰击后发生了以下核反应:Al+He→X+n.下列判断正确的是() A.n是中子B.n是电子 C.n是质子D.此反应属于核聚变 2.如图所示是α、β、γ三种射线穿透能力的示意图,下列说法正确的是() A.甲为α射线,它的贯穿能力和电离能力都很弱 B.乙为β射线,它是由原子核外的电子电离后形成的高速电子流C.丙为γ射线,它在真空中的传播速度是3.0×108m/s D.以上说法都不对 3.下列叙述中,不符合物理学史实的是() A.电子束在晶体上的衍射实验首次证实了德布罗意波的存在B.1905年,爱因斯坦提出的光子说很好地解释了光电效应现象C.玻尔通过对α粒子散射实验的研究提出了原子的核式结构模型D.关于原子核内部的信息,最早来自贝克勒尔的天然放射现象的发现 4.关于光电效应,下列说法正确的是()

A.极限频率越大的金属材料逸出功越大 B.只要光照射的时间足够长,任何金属都能产生光电效应 C.从金属表面出来的光电子的最大初动能越大,这种金属的逸出功越小 D.入射光的光强一定时,频率越高,单位时间内逸出的光电子数就越多 5.用频率为v0的光照射大量处于基态的氢原子,在所发射的光谱中仅能观测到频率分别为v1、v2、v3的三条谱线,且v3>v2>v1,则()A.v0<v1B.v3=v2+v1 C.v0=v1+v2+v3D.=+ 6.一理想变压器原、副线圈的匝数比为10:1,原线圈输入电压的变化规律如图甲所示,副线圈所接电路如图乙所示,P为滑动变阻器的触头.由图可知() A.副线圈输出电压的频率为50Hz B.副线圈输出电压的有效值为31V C.P向下移动时,原、副线圈的电流比减小 D.P向下移动时,变压器的输出功率增加 7.如图所示,空间存在两个磁场,磁感应强度大小均为B,方向相反且垂直纸面,MN、PQ为其边界,OO′为其对称轴.一导线折成边


Ⅰ、听力理解(共两节:每小题1.5分,满分30分) 第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一个小题,每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What are the two speakers talking about? A. Taking a walk. B. Taking a bus. C. Animals in the zoo. 2. What relation is the woman to Jack? A. His roommate. B. His wife. C. His mother. 3. How does the woman go along with her work? A. Badly. B. Well. C. Just so –so. 4. What is the woman? A. A saleswoman. B. A waitress. C. A customs officer. 5. Why does the man want his money back? A. He wants to use the money to buy some nurture(照顾). B. The machine doesn’t have the functions he wanted. C. The machine went wrong within a week. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中

所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。 6. What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. Friends. B. Customer and manager. C. Strangers. 7. Where is the woman from ? A. Seattle. B. Chicago. C. Baltimore. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。 8. Why does the woman call the man? A. To ask for directions. B. To cancel the appointment. C. To make an apology. 9. What time is it now? A. Around 7:30. B. Around 8:00. C. Around 8:30. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。 10. In which season do hurricanes most likely happen in the woman’s country? A. Summer. B. Autumn. C. Winter. 11. How many people lost their lives ? A. 16. B. 18. C. 19.


2014-2015年学年度第二学期高一英语期末考试题 第一部分英语知识运用 第一节语音知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出其划线部分与所给单词划线部 分读音相同的选项。(共5分,每小题1分) ( )1. heaven A. b reath B. meat C. breathe D. please ( )2. example A. exam B. excellent c.effort D? helpful ( )3. blood A. f oot B? good c.flood D. look ( )4. wasted A. lived B? relaxed c.settied D? sounded ( )5. laugh A. t aught B? because c.autumn D. aunt 第二节词汇与语法知识:从A、B、C、D四个选项中找出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项。(共25分,每小题1分) ( )6? The work _____ next month? A. will finish B? have finished C? will be finished D? have been finished ( )7? Mary and I _____ t o the summer palace many times?? A. has been B? have been C? had been D? are ( )8? The food ______ delicious and the light music _______ sweet? A. tastes; sounds B? is tasted; is sounded C? taste; sound D. is taste; is sounded ( )9? The teacher asked us _______ so much noise in the classroom. A. don' t make B? not make C? not making D. not to make ( )10. There is _______ ? I' m not curious about it. A. secret nothing B. secret some thing C? nothing secret D. something secret?? ( )11? It seldom rains here, _____ ? A. Is it B isn' t it C? does it D? doesn' t it ( )12? I earn 10 yuan ____ hour as _____ supermarket cashier on Saturdays?A. a; an B? the; a C? an; a D? an; the ( )13. E-mail as well as mobile phones ______ an important part in our life?A. is playing B? have played C? are playing D? play ( )14. Do you have any difficulty ______ these flowers? I *d like to help you if you need? A. in planting B? for planting C? with planting D. to plant ( )15? I can do nothing but ____ at the airport if you don' t pick me up? A. to stay B? staying C? stay D? stayed ( )16. The ____ story can give us some enlightenment? Followed B. follow C? following D. follows A. )17. It' s no use _______ so much time? You' d better give it up.


人教版高二英语期末必考知识点大全 Unit1 Great scientists 【重点短语】 1. put forward 提出 2. draw a conclusion 得出结论 3. be/get under control 在……控制下 be/get out of control 失去控制不能操纵 4. be absorbed in 专心 5. be to blame 应该受责备(用主动形式表示被动) blame sb. for sth. 因某事责备某人 6. in addition 也,另外,此外 in addition to 除了...以外(包括在内) 7. link...to... 将…和…连接或联系起来 8. die of 因…而死亡(内因) die from 因…而死亡(外因) 9. lead to 导致,通向 10. make sense 有意义,说得通 11. apart from 除…之外,此外 12. contribute to 为…作贡献或捐款,导致,有助于 13. be enthusiastic about 对…热情 14. be curious about 对…好奇

15. cure sb. of illness 治好某人…病 16. point of view 态度,观点,看法 17.(be)strict with sb.对某人要求严格 【重点句型】 1. John Snow was a well-known doctor in London –so famous, indeed, that he attended Queen Victoria to ease the birth of her babies. 约翰?斯诺曾经是伦敦一位著名的医生――他的确太负盛名了,所以维多利亚女皇生孩子时都是他去照料,帮助她顺利分娩。 2. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. 但当他一想到要帮助患病的普通老百姓,特别是那些得了霍乱的患者时,他就感到很振奋。 3. Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood. 人们既不知道它的病源,也不了解它的治疗方法。 4. He knew it would never be controlled until its cause was found. 他知道,在找到病源之前,疫情是无法控制的。 5. He got interested in two theories explaining how cholera killed people.霍乱之所以能致人于死地,当时有两种看法,斯诺对这两种推测都很感兴趣。 6. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. 第二种看法是在吃饭的时候人们把这种病毒引入体内的。


高二第二学期期末物理试卷 一、选择题(本题共7小题。在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项正确,选对的得3分,选错的得0分。) 1.在飞机的发展史中有一个阶段,飞机上天后不久,飞机的机翼(翅膀)很快就抖动起来,而且越抖越厉害。后来经过人们的探索,利用在飞机机翼前缘处装置一个配重杆的方法,解决了这一问题。在飞机机翼前装置配重杆的目的主要是() A.加大飞机的惯性B.使机体更加平衡 C.使机翼更加牢固D.改变机翼的固有频率 2.下面是四种与光有关的事实,其中与光的干涉有关的是:( ) ①用光导纤维传播信号;②用透明的标准样板和单色平行光检查平面的平整度;③一束白光通过三棱镜形成彩色光带;④水面上的油膜呈现彩色。 A ①④ B ②④ C ①③ D ②③ 3.水平弹簧振子做简谐运动,如右图所示。若以水平向右为坐标的正方向,振子向 左经过平衡位置O点时开始计时,则振子的加速度随时间变化的图象,以下各图中 正确的是() 4.一列简谐横波以1m/s的速度沿绳子由A向B传播,质点A、B间的水平距离x=3m,如图甲所示.若t=0时质点A刚从平衡位置开始向上振动,其振动图象如图乙所示,则B点的振动图象为下图中的() A O B O a t O a t O a t O a t B A C D

5.光纤通信是一种现代化的通讯手段,为了研究问题的方便,我们将光导纤 维简化为一根长直的玻璃管,如图所示,设此玻璃管长为L,折射率为n,且 光在玻璃的内界面上恰好发生全反射。已知光在真空中的传播速度为c,则光 通过此段玻璃管所需的时间为() A.nL/c B.n2L/c C.nL/c2D.n2L/c2 6.用不同频率的紫外线分别照射钨板和锌板而产生光电效应,可得到光电子的最大初动能E k随入射光的频率ν变化的E k-ν图。已知钨的逸出功为3.28ev,锌的逸出功为3.34ev,若将两者的图像分别用实线与虚线画在同一E k-ν图上,则下列图中正确的() 7.如图所示,一条轻质弹簧左端固定,右端系一块小物块,物块与水平面各处动摩擦因数相同,弹簧无形变时物块在O点.今先后把物块拉到P1和P2由静止释放,物块都能运动到O点左方,设两次运动过程中物块动能最大的位置分别为Q1和Q2点,则Q1和Q2点( ) A.都存在O点 B.都在O点右方,且Q1离O点近


高二英语下学期期末测试题及答案x 第一节阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分.满分30分) 阅读下列短文.从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中.选出最佳选项.并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Mr Brown was going away for a week. Before he left, he said to his son, "if anyone asks for me, you can tell him that your father has been out for doing something, and will be back in a week, then be sure to ask him to sit down for a cup of tea." "OK, Dad," said his son. But he was afraid his son couldn't remember this, he wrote these words down on a piece of paper and gave it to him. His son put it into his small pocket, took it out and looked at it every now and then. The next afternoon, someone knocked at the door. The boy opened it. A man was standing at the door and said, "Where is your father?" The boy put his hand into his pocket at once and looked for the piece of paper. He could not find it. He suddenly remembered he had burnt it, so he shouted, "No more." The man was very surprised. He asked, "No more? I met your father last week. When did it happen?" "Burnt yesterday evening." 1. Mr Brown told his son that _____. A. he would be away from home for four days B. he would be back in seven days C. he would be back in a month D. he liked a cup of tea 2. A man came to visit the boy's father on ________. A. the second day B. the third day C. the fourth day D. the fifth day 3. The man was very surprised because _________. A. he thought the child's father was dead B. the child didn't ask him to sit down C. the child gave him a cup of tea D. he couldn't find that piece of paper 4. What was burnt? ___________. A. The piece of paper B. Mr Smith C. The visitor D. The boy B Columbus College , 241 Queen Elizabeth Drive ,Kowloon City Memo(备忘录) To: All Staff Date: May 20, 2010 A week ago, “Sports for Life” programme was sent to the parents, requiring them to select a sport they wanted their child to play. Since then, our staff have received lots of calls from parents asking for more information about it . Here is a memo for your reference when you answer the phones. Sports 1:Basketball. We expect that this will be the most popular of the four sports. Therefore, students should be advised to sign up as soon as possible . Students will take a private bus to and from Kwun Tong Sports Park .To cover the cost of hiring a bus , each student will have to pay $10 each time. There will be four basketball courts available for our use with one teacher watching over each game. Sports 2:Gym We will be using St. Peter’s Memorial Park. There are two reasons for c hoosing this park. Frist, it is not very busy and crowded before 6:00 pm. Second, it has lots of trees with plenty of shade. Students must bring along two bottles of water to prevent thirst. Three activities, skipping , jogging , outdoor aerobics (有氧运动),all of which are free of charge, will be arranged. And there will be a teacher on duty for each of the activities. Sports 3: Hiking


职业高中下学期期末考试 高一《英语》试题 一、词汇判断。 ()1.跟随,领会 A.understand B.know C.fellow D.follow ()2.过失,过错 A.wrong B.fault C.right D.false ()3.允许,准许 A.around B.allow C.accept D.again ()4.温暖的 A.warm B.cold C.hot D.cool ()5.季节 A.reason B.season C.weather D.reasonable ()6.文化,文明 A.nature B.culture C.inside D.internet ()7.挑战 A.college B.challenge https://www.wendangku.net/doc/357348481.html,pare D.customer ()8.友谊 A.friendship B.friendly C.freely D.finish ()9.发展 A.develop B.different C.difficult D.deep ()10.成功 A.solve B.success C.snow D.silence 二、单项选择。 ()11._________ the flowers are! A.How a nice B.What a nice C.How nice D.What nice ()12.They have two ___________. A.child B.children C.childs D.childrens ()13.Our English teacher is popular __________ the students of our class. A.to B.about C.with D.at ()14.The Changjiang River is __________ river in the world. A.third longest B.the third longest C.three longest D.the three longest ()15.Let’s _________ learn English well. A.try our best to B.try our best for C.try your best to D.try our best on ()16.He left a message without ________ a word. A.speaking B.speak C.saying D.to say ()17.His words made me ________ a lot. A.think B.to think C.thinking D.thought ()18.Renmin Park is one of __________ parks in this city. A.beautiful B.more beautiful C.beautifully D.the most beautiful ()19.With the help of other people,he finally _________smoking. A.gave away B.gave up C.gave out D.gave off ()20.I’ll telephone you __________ I get there. A.as soon as B.until C.because D.so that 三、补全对话。 ()21.—Sorry,I am late. —_____________. A.You are welcome B.It doesn’t matter C.All right D.With pleasure


高二英语下册期末考试题 英语 July 2009 (考试时间120分钟,满分150分) 第一部分:听力(共30小题,满分35分) 略 Ⅱ.语言知识及运用(共两节, 满分35分) 第一节:完形填空(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21~30各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Patrick never did homework. “Too boring,” he said. He played baseball, basketbal l and computer games__21___. Then on Children’s Day his cat was playing with a little ___22___ and he grabbed it away. To his ___23__, it wasn’t a doll at all, but a man of the tiniest size. The tiny man cried, “Save me! Don’t give me back to that cat. I’ll grant you a wish; I __24__ you that.” Patrick couldn’t believe how ___25___ he was! Here was the answer to all of his problems. So he said, “Only if you do all my homework till the end of this __26___; that’s 135 days.” The tiny man agreed and began to do Patrick’s homework. But there was one _27_. The elf (小精灵)didn’t always know what to do and he needed ___28___. “Help me! Help me!” he’d say. And Patrick would help in whatever way. As a mater of fact, every day in every way that little elf was a trouble. Patrick was working __29___ than ever. Finally the last day of school arrived and Patrick got his A’s. His classmates were___30__, and his teacher smiled and were full of praise. His parents wondered what had happened to Patrick. While only Patrick knew who helped him. 21.A. yet B. instead C. still D. even 22.A. boy B. dog C. ball D. doll 23.A. surprise B. joy C. disappointment D. satisfaction 24.A. offer B. promise C. tell D. show 25.A. powerful B. simple C. lucky D. honest


哈六中2014年高二英语第二学期期末试卷(带答案) 第一部分:听力 第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What does the man want to do? A. Have a smoke. B. Open the window. C. Go to another room. 2. What do we know about the woman’s bicycle? A. It’s stolen. B. It’s under repair. C. It’s lent to a friend. 3. What colour bag will the woman buy? A. Purple. B. Green. C. Red. 4. What does the man suggest the woman do? A. Talk with the person in charge of the dorm. B. Ask her roommate to keep quiet. C. Go to bed after midnight. 5. Where does the man suggest meeting? A. At the woman’s flat. B. At the concert hall. C. At a telephone booth.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A B C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6,7题。 6. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. A conference. B. Vacation plans. C. A travel agency. 7. What is the man? A. A student. B. A worker. C. A tour guide. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What is the woman? A. A singer. B. A TV host. C. A radio host. 9. How will the man go to Berlin? A. By car. B. By air. C. By train. 10. How many people will go for the holiday with the man? A. 1. B. 2. C. 3. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Classmates. B. Landlord and renter. C. House owner and house agent. 12. How many people will live in the house if the speakers move in? A. 2. B. 3. C. 5. 13. What do we know about the man? A. He likes sharing a house with others. B. He likes working in the library. C. He doesn’t like watc hing TV.


高二下学期期末考试英语试题及答案 第一卷(选择题,满分115分) 第二部分英语知识应用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21.It was on ____Sunday in____May of 2012 that the famous expert in phonetics,passed away. A.a, the B./, / C./, the D.a, a 22.——I hear that Charlie is absent from school because of his being ill. ——_____,let's go to see him. A.If ever B.If so C.If any D.When necessary. 23.Don't ___the speaker now;he will answer the questions later. A.contradict B.condemn C.interrupt D.substitute 24.___ the same mistake again made his parents unhappy; ___ by his parents, he left _____ . A. His being made; criticizing; disappointed B. He has made; criticized; disappointed C. He had made; criticized; disappointing D. His making; criticized; disappointed 25.That wasn't the first time he ____ us.I think it's high time we _____ strong actions against him. A.betrayed; take B.had betrayed; took C.has betrayed; took D.has betrayed; take 26.The boy looked at his mother in________,not daring to believe it's true. A.amazement B.absence C.surprised D.astonished https://www.wendangku.net/doc/357348481.html,ng Lang is my favorite pianist.I regard him as________other pianists. A.superior to B.more superior to C.superior than D.more superior than 28.Police are now searching for a woman who is reported to _____since the flood hit the area last Friday. A.have been missing B.have got lost C.be missing D.get lost 29.The law requires equal treatment for all, ____race, religion and sex. A.in spite of B.in terms of C. In addition to D.regardless of 30.The project aims to ensure that poorer people are not____from the benefit of computer technology. A.cut out B.cut off C.cut down D.cut up 31.The origin of Chinese culture________more than 5,000 years ago. A.is dated back to B.dates back to C.was dated from D.dated back to 32.I can't bear ________,so I hope you can come on time. A.to keep waiting B.to keep to wait C.being kept waiting D.being kept to wait


英语期末复习题 一,选择题 1. The door is _____ , but nobody is in. A. open B. opened C. lock D. closed 2. Anyone who finds _____ animals, please send them here. We’ll take care of them. A .home B. homeless C. homely D. homes 3. I hope our school will be _________________. A. more beautiful and more beautiful B. more beautiful and beautiful C. more and more beautiful D. beautiful and beautiful 4. The more exercise you do, the ______ you will be. A. weaker B. healthier C. luckier D. worse 5. This question is ____________ ABC. A. easy B. as easy C. as easy as D. easy as 6. I don’t think Jim saw me , he ____ into space . A. just stared B. was just staring C. has just stared D. had just stared 7.John and I ___friends for eight years . We first got to know each other at a Christmas party .But we ____each other before that . A. had been ; have seen B. have been ; have seen C. have been ; had seen D. had been ;had seen 8.I___ the room to be empty but found it occupied. A. had thought B. have thought C. didn’t think D. was thinking 9.I ____ping-pong quite well, but I haven’t had time to play since the new year. A. will play B. have played C. played D.play 10.They ___ a snowstorm on their way home . A. caught in B. had caught C. were caught D. were caught in 11.We know the thing ,___ we don’t know the reason . A. and B. but C. or D. so 12. The young woman likes music ,___ she likes art too. A. and B. but C. or D. so 13. They feel too tired , ____ they have a rest after lunch . A. and B. but C. or D. so 14. Be careful , ____ you will hurt yourself . A. and B. but C. or D. so 15. He doesn’t want to go abroad ,___he misses his family very much . A. and B. for C. as D.since 16.The pen I ____ I_____ is on my desk , right under my nose . A. think ;lost B. thought ; had lost C. think ; had lost D. thought ; lost 17.As she ___ the newspaper , Granny ____ asleep. A. read ; was falling B. was reading ; fell C. was reading ; was falling D. read ; fell 18.---How are you today ? ---Oh, I___ as ill as I do now for a very long time. A.didn’t feel B. wasn’t feeling C. don’t feel D. haven’t felt 19.---Is this raincoat yours? ---No, mine ____ there behind the door . A.is hanging B. has hung C. hangs D. hung 20. They won’t buy any new clothes because they ____ money to buy a new car . A. save B. were saving C. have saved D. are saving 21.I arrived ____Beijing _____the evening of July 10. A. in, at B. at, in C. in, on D. on, in 22. I prefer maths ____English. A. to B. than C. against D. over 23.The driver was fined for _____the red light. A. jump B. jumping C. break D. breaking 24.If you have questions, you can write ____Tom and ask advice.

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