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rape [reip] n.强奸;破坏,蹂躏vt.强奸;破坏,蹂躏

rash [r??] a.轻率的,鲁莽的[反]deliberate n.皮疹

guideline [?ga?dla?n] n.指导方针,指导原则,准则,标准

gut [ɡ?t] n.[pl.]胆量;内脏a.本能的vt.取出内脏

refund [?ri:f?nd] n.v. 退款;赔偿

relish [?rel??] n.喜好,乐趣;美味;胃口v.爱好,喜欢

remnant ['remn?nt] n.残余,剩余;残余物,残存部分

renaissance [ri'neisns] n.[the R-]文艺复兴(时期);新生,复兴

habitat [?h?b?t?t]n.(动物的)栖息地,(植物的)产地

harassment ['h?r?sm?nt] n.骚扰,扰乱;烦恼,烦乱

recycle [?ri:?sa?kl] vt./vi.重复利用(用过的物资),循环使用

redundant [ri'd?nd?nt] a.被解雇的;多余的,过剩的

refugee [?refju?d?i:] n.(政治上的)避难者,难民

ritual [?r?t?u?l] a.宗教仪式的,典礼的n.仪式,典礼;惯例robust [r?u'b?st]a.强健的,茁壮的;有力的[反]feeble

salvation [s?l'vei??n]n.(尤指基督)救世,超度;拯救,解困

sanction ['s??k??n]v.同意(某事),批准,认可n.批准,国际制裁repression [r??pre?n] n.压抑,压制,镇压

sane [se?n] a.心智健全的,神志清醒的;明断的,理智的sarcastic [sɑ:'k?stik]a.讽刺的,嘲笑的,挖苦的

saturate ['s?t??reit]vt.使湿透,浸透;使充满,使饱和

repertoire ['rep?twɑ:]n.全部剧目,保留剧目,全部技能

retention [ri'ten??n]n.保留;保持;记忆(力)

retort [ri't?:t]n.v.报复;反击;反驳

boost [bu:st] n.促进,激励;一抬;一推vt.推动,增强

bowel ['bau?l]n.肠;[pl.]内部,深处

retrieve [r??tri:v] vt.重新得到,取回;挽回,补救;检索

retrospect ['retr?spekt]v.n.回顾,回想,追溯[反]foresee

revelation [,rev?'lei??n]n.揭示,透露,显示;被揭示的真相,新发现


rigorous [?r?g?r?s] a.严格的,严厉的,严酷的(气候条件)

riot [?ra??t] n.暴(骚)乱;(色彩等)极度丰富vi.聚众闹事

rip [r?p] v.猛撕开;扯开;被撕开;裂开

scandal [?sk?ndl] n.丑事,丑闻;流言蜚语;反感,愤慨

scramble ['skr?mbl]vi.(快速地)爬,攀登;互相争夺,争先

siege [si:d?] n.包围,围攻,围困

sip [s?p] v.小口地喝,抿,呷n.一小口的量

sceptical/skeptical [?skept?kl] a.怀疑的

skim [sk?m] vt.撇去(液体表面)之漂浮物vi.轻轻掠过

skip [sk?p] vi.略过,跳过n.跳跃vt.故意忽略;略过

fridge [fr?d?] n.(refrigerator的略语)冰箱

radiant ['reidi?nt]a.(面容、目光)洋溢着幸福的,明亮照耀的

rap [r?p]vt.急敲;突然厉声说出;训斥n.急敲(声)

thermal ['θ?:m?l]热的,由热造成的~burns

texture [?tekst??(r)] n.(织物)质地;(材料)构造;结构;肌理transcend [tr?n?send] vt. 超出,超越(理性等)的范围

abolish [??b?l??] 彻底废除(法律、制度、习俗等)abolish old custom prime [pra?m] 首要的,主要的a matter of ~importance

foul [fa?l] a. 令人不快的;恶臭的;邪恶的v.弄脏n.(体育等)犯规thirst [θ?:st] 渴,口渴The heat creates a ~in me like I’ve never had before

trail [treil]痕迹,足迹a ~of destruction left by the violence tramp [tr?mp]步行,跋涉He loves ~ing over the hills

transfer [tr?ns?f?:(r)] 转移,调动the company has transferred to an eastern location

fringe [frind?] n.边缘;(窗帘)缘饰;额前垂发vt.饰…的边

fume [fju:m]n.(usu pl.)(浓烈或难闻的)烟,气,汽

blur [bl?:] n.模糊不清的事物vt.使模糊,使看不清楚

browse [brauz]vi.随意翻阅,浏览;(牛、羊等)吃草

primitive ['primitiv]原始的,上古的,早期的a ~forest

prior ['prai?]在先的,在前的Stop making public statements without their ~approval here

privilege [?pr?v?l?d?] n 特权,优惠,特免In countries where there are still not many schools, education is a ~vt.给与…特权,特免;

probe [pr??b] vt . 探索,探查,调查~the roots of war

verify [?ver?fa?] vt. 证明,证实Subsequent events verified my suspicions

vertical [?v?:t?kl] adj. 垂直的,立式的a ~engine

veto ['vi:t?u ] n. 否决,否决权,否决权的行使The rest of the committee could not accept the ~

absolute [??bs?lu:t] adj 纯粹的,完全的have absolute trust in sb. verge [v?:d?] n 边,边缘,边沿the ~of a stream

accustom [??k?st?m] vt. 使习惯于accustom oneself to rising (to rise) early

acquaint [?'kweint] vt. 使认识,使了解


trash [tr??] n.垃圾;拙劣的作品;渣滓,败类vt.捣毁

toxic [?t?ks?k] adj.有毒的,因中毒引起的

amaze [??me?z] vt. 使惊愕,使惊异I am amazed that he should get

the post.

breach [bri:t?] n.违反,不履行;破裂vt.冲破,攻破

briefcase [?bri:fke?s] n.手提箱,公事皮包

ambiguous [?m?b?gju?s] adj.含糊不清的,模棱两可的an ambiguous


ozone [???z??n] n. 臭氧;清新的空气

script [skr?pt] n.剧本(原稿);手稿,原稿;笔迹,手迹

scrutiny [?skru:t?ni] n.周密的调查;仔细看;监视;选票复查sculpture [?sk?lpt??(r)] n.雕刻(术),雕塑(术);雕刻作品

pact [p?kt] n.合同,条约,公约

trace [tre?s] n. 痕迹,踪迹The wound healed, leaving almost no ~of a scar

track [tr?k] n.足迹,踪迹~s in the snow

tragedy [?tr?d??di] n. 悲剧Hamlet is one of shakespeare’s best known tragedies

paperback [?pe?p?b?k] n.平装本,简装本

tame [te?m] adj.驯化的,驯服的,温顺的~animails

tan [t?n] n.棕黄色,黄褐色buy some shoes in tan

tax [t?ks] n.税(款)Half of his wages go in tax

abrupt [??br?pt]adj. 突然的,意外的an abrupt departure

acute [??kju:t] adj.尖锐的,敏锐的an acute thinker

versatile [?v?:s?ta?l] adj. 多才多艺的a ~man

versus [?v?:s?s] prep.(介词)诉讼,竞赛等中以……为对手The match tonight is China ~Japan

blunt [bl?nt] adj.钝的The sun was blazing down and the heat was oppressive.

Blush [bl??] (因害羞、激动、窘困)脸红blush with(或for) joy abide [??ba?d] vt.遵循(…by);容忍The one thing she cannot abide is lying.

delight [d??la?t] n. 高兴,快乐:To the teacher’s great delight , all his students passed the examination.

deliver [d??l?v?(r)] vi. 投递,传送,运输:deliver the mail demonstrate [?dem?nstre?t] vt.论证,证明:demonstrate a philosophical principle

accelerate [?k?sel?re?t] vt. 加速,增速accelerate one’s steps thread [θred] n.线,线状物cotton ~

thrill [θr?l] vt.使非常兴奋,使非常激动It’s a sight that never fails to ~me

thrive [θra?v] vi.兴旺发达,繁荣His business is thriving

abuse [??bju:s]n. vt. 滥用abuse one's authority(office)

stream [stri:m] n. 小河,溪流on the banks of a ~

stress [stres]n.压力,紧张Not all of us can cope with the ~es of modern life

stretch [stret?] v. 伸直,伸长He yawned and ~ed himself

stride [stra?d] vt.& vi. 阔步前进,大踏步走He strode to the platform temper [?temp?(r)] n. 心情,脾气be in a good~

tempt [tempt] vt. 引诱,诱惑Nothing could ~me to do such a thing

strain [stre?n] vt.& vi 拉紧,绷紧If you ~the elastic any more, it will break

strap [str?p] n. 带,皮带silks ~s


strike [stra?k] vi.打击,撞 A stone struck me on the head

string [str??] n.细绳,线,带She took the parcel and started to undo the string

strip [str?p] vi.&vt剥去,除去The wind stripped the tree of all its leaves

access [??kses] n.入口,出口; 接近,进入;接近(或进入)的机会have regular and immediate access to the President

tip [t?p] 末端,尖端the tips of the fingers

toast [t??st] n.干杯;烤面包,吐司two slices of ~】


token [?t??k?n] n.&vt.表示,标志,象征He did that as a ~of good faith

torture [?t?:t??(r)] n.&vt拷打,拷问~a confession from a prisoner accommodate[??k?m?de?t] vt.使适应,使符合一致accommodate oneself to changed circumstances

unfold [?n?f??ld] vt.& vi. 展开,打开~a newspaper

uniform [?ju:n?f?:m] n.制服;adj.不变的,相同的,均匀,统一的a ~


unify [?ju:n?fa?] vt.使成一体,统一become a unified nation adhere [?d?h??(r)] vi&vt 黏附,附着Paste is used to make one

surface adhere to


adjacent [??d?e?snt]adj. 临近的,毗邻的(to) a city and its adjacent


adjoin [??d???n] vt.& vi. 贴近,与...毗邻His house adjoins the lake. thrust [θr?st] vt.& vi推,刺,戳,插,挤He was ~into power update [??p?de?t] vt. 更新,使现代化~a textbook

upgrade [??p?gre?d] vt. 提高,使升级,改善~products and services uphold [?p?h??ld]vt. 举起,高举He upheld his clenched hand upright [??pra?t] adj. 挺直的,垂直的an ~seat

tick [t?k] n.(钟声等发出的)滴答声

tilt [t?lt]vt&vi.使倾斜,使倾倒Tilt your head back so that I can look down your throat

toss [t?s] vt.& vi. 扔,抛,掷The children tossed the ball to each other tough [t?f]adj. 坚韧的,牢固的Some plastic are as ~as metal

tow [t??]vt.拖,拉,牵引tow a damaged ship into port

abstract [??bstr?kt] adj. 抽象的 A flower is beautiful, but beauty itself is abstract.

absurd [?b?s?:d]adj. 荒谬的,荒唐的The idea that number 14 brings bad luck is absurd.

uproar [??pr?:(r)]n. 骚乱,骚动The public ~over unclear-radiation hazards continues to mount

utilize [?ju:t?la?z]vt.利用~solar energy

utter [??t?(r)]vt. 发出(声音等),说,吐露~the truth

vacant [?ve?k?nt] adj. 未被占用的a ~seat in a bus

vague [ve?g]adj. 含糊的,不明确的,模糊的a ~answer

slip [sl?p] vi&vt. 滑倒,滑落,滑行She ~ed on the wet stones and fell

slit [sl?t]vt. 切开,撕开~the envelope open

slope [sl??p]vi. 倾斜,有坡度The ground ~s down sharply at this point

impact [??mp?kt] n.冲击,撞击:the impact of light on the eye vt.挤入,压紧; 撞击; 对…产生影响;

impair [?m?pe?(r)] vt.削弱,减少:The output of produce was impaired by the bad weather

impartial [?m?pɑ:?l]adj. 公正的,无偏见的:A judge should be impartial implement [??mpl?ment]n.工具,器具,用具:new types of farm implements

sly [sla?] adj.狡猾的,偷偷的a ~answer

smash [sm??] vt. 打碎,打破,摧毁The ball ~ed the window snatch [sn?t?] vt. 夺得,一把抓住The thief ~ed her handbag and ran off

immune [??mju:n] adj.免除的,豁免的:Nobody is immune from criticism

sting [st??] vt.&vi刺,螫,叮 A bee stung him on the neck

stir [st?:(r)] vt.& vi.使微动,移动A breeze ~red my hair

stitch [st?t?] n.一针,针脚Make your ~es closer together

sue [su:] vt.& vi控告,起诉~sb for slander

summary [?s?m?ri] n. 总结,概要This book has a ~at the end of each chapter

superb [su:?p?:b] adj. 极好的,一流的,杰出的~science and engineering

superficial [?su:p??f??l]adj.表面的a ~resemblance

superfluous [su:?p?:flu?s]adj.过多的,剩余的,多余的a ~remark ventilate [?vent?le?t] vt.使通风,使空气流通~a room

venture [?vent??(r)]n.冒险,冒险行动,投机行动take a ~in oil uncover [?n?k?v?(r)] vt. 揭开,揭露~a dish of food

supervise [?su:p?va?z] vt.& vi 监督,管理,指导~sb’s every move vanish [?v?n??] vi.突然消失,逐渐消散Do you want to vanish

veil [ve?l] n. 面纱,面罩Jewish women wore ~s in token of

reverence and submission

underestimate [??nd?r?est?me?t] 低估~the difficulties of the task reassure [?ri:?????(r)] v.使安心,使放心;使消除疑虑


recede [r??si:d] v.退去;缩进;收回,撤回[反]approach

recipient [r??s?pi?nt] n.a person who receives sth 收到者

reckless [?rekl?s] a.不注意的,大意的,卤莽的,不顾后果的

rectangle [?rekt??gl] n.[数]矩形, 长方形

recur [r??k?:(r)] v.(尤指不好的事)一再发生;重现

portray [p?:?tre?] v.描写,描述;画(人物、景象等)

prone [pr??n] a.(to)易于…的,很可能…的;俯卧的

prophet [?pr?f?t] n.预言家;先知;提倡者

undergo [??nd??g??]vt.经历,遭受,忍受~much suffering

underlie [??nd??la?] vt. 位于……之下Many facts ~my decision undermine [??nd??ma?n] v. 在……下挖~a wall

undertake [??nd??te?k] vt. 着手做,从事~an attack

undesirable [??nd??za??r?bl]adj. 不合意的,不受欢迎的The drug has ~

side effects

uneasy [?n?i:zi]adj. 心神不宁的,不安宁的be ~uneasy about the


accord [??k?:d] vt. 使符合,相一致(with) His violent action do not accord with his peaceful words.

account [??ka?nt]n.记述,叙述give a brief account of what has happened

address [??dres] n.地址; 演说 a television address

ultimate [??lt?m?t] adj.最后的,最终的The war ended for us in ~


unanimous [ju?n?n?m?s]adj.全体一致的,一致同意的They are ~in

asking for a rise in pay

virtue [?v?:t?u:] 美德,德行Among her many ~s are loyalty ,courage, and truthfulness

visible [?v?z?bl]adj. 看得见的,可见的 a ship barely ~on the horizon

vision [?v??n]n.视力,视觉~care

substitute [?s?bst?tju:t] n.代替者,代替物He is the doctor’s ~during holidays times

subtle [?s?tl]adj.微妙的,巧妙的His whole attitude has undergone a ~change

subtract [s?b?tr?kt] vt.减,减去Subtract 4 from 10 you get 6 succession [s?k?se?n]n.连续,一系列a ~of debates

suck [s?k] vt. 吸,A large mosquito was sucking blood from the back of her hand

vital [?va?tl] adj.维持生命所必需的;有生命力的The heart is a ~organ

vivid [?v?v?d]adj.鲜艳的the ~green of leaves in spring

void [v??d] adj.空的a ~space

wedge [wed?]n.楔子,三角木Please put a ~in the door so that it will stay open

weed [wi:d]n.杂草,野草My garden is running to ~s

weep [wi:p] vt.& vi.(通常因悲伤)哭泣,流泪~for one’s failure weigh [we?] vt.称……重量,称~oneself on the scales

Xerox [?z??r?ks]n.静电复印(法),静电复印件,静电复印机Make me

a ~of this report.

yield [ji:ld]vt.生产,产生,带来This orchard ~s apples and pears. zeal [zi:l] n.热心,热忱,热情a man of ~

vicious [?v???s]adj.邪恶的,恶毒的,凶残的lead a ~life volunteer [?v?l?n?t??(r)]n.志愿者,自愿参加者Are there any ~s for a swim?


Zigzag [?z?gz?g]adj.之字形的,弯曲的 a ~road

Wander [?w?nd?(r)]vt.&vi漫步,徘徊He ~ed home

ward [w?:d]n. 病房a 4-bed ~

warrant [?w?r?nt]n.授权,批准,正当理由,根据He had no ~for his action

waterproof [?w?:t?pru:f]adj. 不透水的,防水的~material

whisper [?w?sp?(r)] vt.低语,耳语,轻声说~to sb

audit [??:d?t] v.审计;查帐;核对;旁听


vibrate [va??bre?t] vt.& vi.使震动,使摆动His heavy footsteps upstairs made the old house ~

weld [weld] vt.& vi.焊接,煅接It takes speed to ~steel at this heat

whirl [w?:l]vi.&vt旋转,急转The couples ~ed round the dance floor

audio [??:di??] n./a.音频(响)(的);声音(的),听觉(的)

auditorium [??:d??t?:ri?m] n.观众席,听众席;会堂,礼堂

stab [st?b] vt.&n.刺,戳,猛的一击,突发的一阵a ~of anxiety stack [st?k]n.整齐的一叠a ~of bills

stain [ste?n]vt&vi玷污,污染His shirt was ~ed with blood stale [ste?l]adj. 食品等不新鲜的,走味的These old peanuts taste ~

stall [st?:l] n.小隔间;牛舍

startle [?stɑ:tl]vt.惊吓,使吃惊The horse ~s easily

starve [stɑ:v] vi.&vt.使挨饿,饿死Many live in luxury while others are starving

addict [??d?kt] v.使沉溺;使上瘾n.沉溺于不良嗜好的人

advent [??dvent] n.(重要事件等的)到来,来临

affluent [??flu?nt] a. 富裕的,富足的

bait [be?t] n.饵,引诱物vt.用饵引诱;招惹,捉弄

balcony [?b?lk?ni] n.阳台;(电影院等的)楼厅,楼座

ballet [?b?le?] n.芭蕾舞,芭蕾舞剧;芭蕾舞团

stock [st?k] n.原料,备料,库存,现货Rags are used as a ~for making paper

stoop [stu:p] vt.& vi.&n. 俯身,弯腰She ~ed to pick up her fan statistics [st?'t?st?ks] n.统计,统计资料The recent ~on marriage are interesting

steer [st??(r)] vt.& vi.掌舵,驾驶~a car through the entrance authentic [?:?θent?k] a.真的,真正的;可靠的,可信的,有根据的awe [?:] n.敬畏,惊惧vt.使敬畏,使惊惧

bizarre [b??zɑ:(r)] adj.异乎寻常的,稀奇古怪的

stubborn [?st?b?n]adj.顽固的,倔强的The ~boy refused to listen to his parents’advice

stuff [st?f]n.原料,材料,物品,东西He has got all the ~ready for building his new house

subject [?s?bd??kt]n.题目,主题the ~for a debate

submerge [s?b?m?:d?] vt.& vi.浸没,淹没,湮没The stream overflowed and ~d the farmland

submit [s?b?m?t]vt.屈服,服从,投降~to foreign pressure anguish [???gw??] n.(尤指心灵上的)极度痛苦,烦恼

antique [?n?ti:k] a.古式的,过时的n.有价值的古物,古董

Barbecue [?bɑ:b?kju:] n.烤肉用的台架;烤肉野餐vt.在台架上烤肉appall [?'p?:l] v.使胆寒,使惊骇(a. appalling)

wrap [r?p]vt.包,裹~oneself in a blanket

wreck [rek]n.失事,遇难a train ~

wrench [rent?]n.扳手He is a ~ .

ballot [?b?l?t] n.(不记名)投票;投票总数;投票权vi.投

barren [?b?r?n] a.贫瘠的;不育的;(植物)不结果的;无用的

belly [?beli] n.肚子,腹部;(像肚子一样)鼓起的部分,膛

benign [b??na?n] a.(病)良性的,(气候)良好的,仁慈的,和蔼的


beverage [?bev?r?d?] n.(水,酒等之外的)饮料

bin [b?n] n.(贮藏食物等用的)箱子

wrinkle [?r??kl]n.皱,皱纹He will wore the ~s of anxiety on his forehead.

write [ra?t]写,写字,写信,写作She ~s to me every other week. album [??lb?m] n. 唱片;集邮册,相册

storm [st?:m]n.风暴,暴风雨,暴风雪A ~arose straightforward [?stre?t?f?:w?d]adj.一直向前的,直接的 a ~business transaction

subordinate [s??b?:d?n?t]adj.下级的In the army ,captains are ~to majors

substance [?s?bst?ns]n.物质,实质the ~of pre-school education air-conditioning ['e?rk?nd'??n??] n.空调设备,空调系统

stationary [?ste???nri]adj.固定的,静止的,非流动的~troops amiable [?e?mi?bl] a.和蔼可亲的,友善的,亲切的

amid [??m?d] prep.在…中间,在…之中,被…围绕

auction [??:k?n] n./vt.拍卖

endow [?n?da?] vt.资助,捐赠;(with)给予,赋予

escalate [?esk?le?t] v.(使)逐步增长(或发展),(使)逐步升级

escort [?esk?:t] vt.护送(卫);陪同n.警卫,护送者;仪仗兵

evade [??ve?d] vt.逃避,回避;避开,躲避

arrogant [??r?g?nt] a.傲慢的,自大的

artery [?ɑ:t?ri] n.动脉;干线,要道

blueprint [?blu:pr?nt] n.蓝图,设计图,计划vt.制成蓝图,计划

ego [?i:g??] n.自我,自负,利已主义;(心理学)自我意识

eligible [?el?d??bl] a.有条件被选中的;(尤指婚姻等)合适(意)的

aspire [??spa??(r)] vi.(to,after)渴望,追求,有志于

assassinate [??s?s?ne?t] vt.暗杀,行刺;中伤

waken [?we?k?n]vi&vt.醒来,睡醒He wakened when the alarm sounded

virtual [?v?:t?u?l]adj.实际上的,事实上的the ~manager of the business

weary [?w??ri]adj.疲倦的,疲劳的a ~look

vigor ['v?g?]n.体力,精力,活力in the ~of manhood

violate [?va??le?t] vt.违反,违背~the traffic regulations

zone [z??n]n.地带,分布带a danger ~

abdomen [??bd?m?n] n.腹,下腹(胸部到腿部的部分)

abound [??ba?nd] vi.大量存在;(in,with)充满,富于

acclaim [??kle?m] v.向…欢呼,公认n.欢呼,喝彩,称赞

accountant [??ka?nt?nt] n.会计人员,会计师

aisle [a?l] n.(教堂、教室、戏院等里的)过道,通道

supplement [?s?pl?m?nt]n.增补,补充a ~to wages


Suppress [s??pres] vt.压制,镇压~human rights

Supreme [su:?pri:m]adj.最高的,至上的a ~ruler

Surpass [s??pɑ:s]vt.超过,优于,强于,胜过~advanced world Surplus [?s?:pl?s]n.过剩,剩余a teacher ~

Survey [?s?:ve?]vt.调查~population growth in the southern provinces

asset [??set] n.(pl.)资产(产);有用的资源;优点,益处blackmail [?bl?kme?l] n.讹诈,敲诈,勒索;胁迫,恫吓

blade [ble?d] n. 刀刃,刀片;桨叶,桨片;草叶,叶片

blouse [bla?z] n.女衬衣,短上衣,宽阔的罩衫

vain [ve?n]adj.徒劳的,无效的~efforts

valid [?v?l?d]adj.有根据的a ~excuse

value [?v?lju:]n.价值I was offered 50 pounds for my old car but its ~is much higher

foster [?f?st?(r)] vt. 照管;培养;促进

bruise [bru:z] n.青肿,挫伤;伤痕vt.打青;挫伤

bully [?b?li] n.恃强欺弱者,小流氓vt.威胁,欺侮bureaucracy [bj???r?kr?si] n.官僚主义,官僚机构;(非民选的)委任官员burglar [?b?:gl?(r)] n.(入室行窃的)盗贼

cape [ke?p] n.海角,岬;披肩,短披风

carbohydrate [?kɑ:b???ha?dre?t] n.碳水化合物; 糖类;(plural)淀粉质或糖类

celebrity [s??lebr?ti] n.名人,名流;著名,名声,名望

Christ [kra?st] n.基督,救世主,耶稣

clergy [?kl?:d?i] n.[总称]牧师,神职人员

coalition [?k????l??n] n.结合体,同盟;结合,联合

costume [?k?stju:m] n. 戏装;泳装;服装

cosy/cozy ['k??z?] / ['k??z?] a.暖和舒服的;舒适的[反]uncomfortable credentials [kr??den?lz] n.(个人能力及信用的)证明书,证件

glamour [?gl?m?(r)] n.魔力,魅力vt.迷住

strenuous [?strenju?s] a.费力的,艰辛的;奋发的,努力的

ebb [eb] vi.衰退,减退,(指潮水)退; n.处于低潮,处于衰退状态eccentric [?k?sentr?k] a.古怪的,怪癖的,异乎寻常的n.古怪的人


futile [?fju:ta?l] a.无效的,无用的,无希望的

gender [?d?end?(r)] n.(生理上的)性;(名词、代词等的)性

strife [stra?f] n.争吵;冲突,斗争;竞争

stroll [str??l] n.&v.漫步;散步;游荡

gorgeous [?g?:d??s] a.华丽的;灿烂的;美丽的;宜人的;棒的graphic [?gr?f?k] a.生动的,形象的;绘画的,文字的,图表的


medieval [?medi?i:vl] a. 中世纪的

excel [?k?sel] vi.(at,in)突出,擅长vt.胜过,优于

excerpt [?eks?:pt] n.摘录,节录vt.摘,引用

layoff ['le??:f] n.临时解雇;关闭;停歇

lottery [?l?t?ri] n.抽彩;碰运气的事,难于算计的事

majesty [?m?d??sti] n. stately [?ste?tli], grand appearance [gr?nd];

splendor ['splend?]雄伟,壮丽,庄严majestic a. manoeuvre [m??nu:v?(r)] /maneuver [m?'nu:v?] vi.熟练地进入

exile [?eksa?l] n.流放;被流放者vt.流放,放逐,把…充军

fairy [?fe?ri] adj.幻想中的,虚构的

feat [fi:t] n.功绩,伟业,技艺

federation [?fed??re??n] n.联合会;结盟,联合

fore [f?:(r)] ad.在前面a.先前的;在前部的n.前部

solitary [?s?l?tri] a.(好)孤独的;偏僻的;单一的,唯一的

solo [?s??l??] n.独奏a. ad.单独的(地);独唱的(地)

spiral [?spa?r?l] a.螺旋形的n.螺旋,螺线v.螺旋上升;盘旋spouse [spa?s] n. a wife or husband 配偶

stagger [?st?g?(r)] vi.摇晃着移动;蹒跚n.摇晃不稳的动作;蹒跚stalk [st?:k] n.茎,梗vt.悄悄地跟踪vi.高视阔步地走

staple [?ste?pl] n.主要产品;名产;纤维;主要成分,主食statute [?st?t?u:t] n.成文法,法令,法规;章程,规则,条例steak [ste?k] n.牛排;大块肉(或鱼)片

suffice [s??fa?s] v.足够,(食物)满足

suite [swi:t] n.套间;一套家具;套,组,系列

summit [?s?m?t] n.顶,最高点;颠峰,高峰;最高级会议superstition [?su:p??st??n] n.迷信,迷信的观念习俗

oxide [??ksa?d] n. 氧化物

stereotype [?steri?ta?p] n.陈规,老套,模式化vt.使定型,使模式化formidable [?f?:m?d?bl] a. difficult to defeat 失败[d??fi:t] or deal

with 难对付的;可怕的

meditate [?med?te?t] v.认真思考,沉思;计划,考虑momentum [m??ment?m] n. 动量;动力;势头

monarch [?m?n?k] n.帝王,君主,最高统治者

motivate [?m??t?ve?t] vt.促动;激励,鼓励,作为…的动机nightmare [?na?tme?(r)] n.恶梦;可怕的事物,无法摆脱的恐惧optimum [??pt?m?m] a.最适宜的n.(生长繁殖的)最佳条件

option [??p?n] n.选择(权);可选择的事物(或人),选课

overturn [???v??t?:n] n. 推翻

stun [st?n] vt.使…失去知觉;使目瞪口呆,使吃惊

subsidy [?s?bs?di] n.补助金;津贴费

grim [gr?m] a.严酷的,令人害怕的;不愉快的,讨厌的


grin [gr?n] vi. 露齿笑n.咧嘴笑

slaughter [?sl?:t?(r)] n.屠杀,屠宰vt.屠杀,宰杀

slot [sl?t ]n.狭缝;空位vt.放入狭缝中;把…纳入

sneak [sni:k] vi.偷偷地走,溜vt.偷偷地做(或拿、吃)

sneeze [sni:z] vi.打喷嚏,发喷嚏声n.喷嚏

agitate [??d??te?t] vi&vt.搅动(液体等)The machine agitated

the mixture.

grope [?gru:vi] vi.暗中摸,摸索;探索,搜寻vt.摸索

heave [hi:v] v.(用力)举,提,拉;扔;拖;呕吐n.举起

herb [h?:b] n.药草,(调味用的)香草,草本植物

hierarchy [?ha??rɑ:ki] n.等级制度;统治集团,领导层

hike [ha?k] n.徒步旅行;增加vi.徒步旅行vt.提高

passerby ['pɑ:s?'ba?] n.过路人,路人

pilgrim [?p?lgr?m] n.最初的移民(P大写,指1620由欧洲移居美国的清教徒)

plea [pli:] n.(法律)抗辩;请求,恳求,托词,口实

skull [sk?l] n.头盖骨,颅骨

alarm [??lɑ:m] n.惊恐,忧虑The bandits scattered in alarm. sort [s?:t]n. 种类,类别He is not the ~of man to do such a cruel thing sound [sa?nd] n.声音,声响; adj.健康的,健全的,完好的a ~

body in a ~mind

sour [?sa??(r)]adj.酸的,酸味的~pickles

alert [??l?:t]adj.警惕的,留神的In our reading we should

always be alert for new usages.

alien [?e?li?n] n.外国人; 外侨;外国的adjust to an alien


allege [??led?] 断言,宣称The newspaper alleges the mayor's


temperament [?tempr?m?nt] n.气质,性格,性情;资质

tropic [?tr?p?k] n.回归线;[the T-s]热带地区

tumour/tumor [?tju:m?(r)]/ ['tju:m?] n.(肿)瘤,肿块

amateur [??m?t?(r)] n.(艺术,科学等的)业余爱好者an amateur


allocate [??l?ke?t] vt.分配,分派,把...拨给allocate funds for

new projects

sniff [sn?f] vi.嗅…味道;抽鼻涕;对嗤之以鼻,蔑视

soar [s?:(r)] vi.(指鸟等)高飞,翱翔;飞涨;高耸

sociable [?s????bl] a.好交际的,友好的,合群的

solidarity [?s?l??d?r?ti] n.团结;休戚相关

surge [s?:d?] vi.(如浪潮般)汹涌;奔腾n.(感情等的)洋溢susceptible [s??sept?bl] a.过敏的,敏感的;易动感情的,易受感动的tangle [?t??gl] n.纠缠;缠结;混乱v.(使)缠绕;变乱

ambition [?m?b??n]n.(对名利等的)强烈欲望,野心His political

ambitions still burn.

amend [??mend] vt.& vi.修改,修订amend the spelling in

sb.'s paper

administrate [?d'm?n?stre?t]v.掌管,料理...的事务In many

Japanese homes, the funds are

administrated by the wife.


adolescent [??d??lesnt]n.(尤指16岁以下的)青少年 a film aimed at


advance [?d?vɑ:ns] vt.(使)前进;使向前移动advance a chessman sector [?sekt?(r)] n.部门,部分;防御地段,防区;扇形seemingly [?si:m??li] ad. in appearance; apparently 表面上的,看起来的

alternate [?:l?t?:n?t] vt.交替,轮流Night and day alternate. arouse [??ra?z]vt.使......奋发 A man like Tom will be aroused. Don’t worry.

array [??re?]n.排列,队形The troops were formed in battle array.

articulate [ɑ:?t?kjule?t]adj.发音清晰的,善于表达的He is articulate

about everything in the field of


shatter [???t?(r)] n.碎片;粉碎v.粉碎;使疲惫;使震骇

shove [??v] vt.乱推;乱塞vi.用力推,挤n.猛推

shuttle [???tl] n.往返汽车/列车/飞机;穿梭v.往返穿梭segregate [?segr?ge?t] vt. separate or keep apart from others 分离,隔离

serial [?s??ri?l] n.连本影片,连本电视节目a.连续的

setback [?setb?k] n.挫折;失效;复发;倒退

shabby [???bi] a.简陋的,破旧的;卑鄙的,不正当的

aggravate [??gr?ve?t]vt.加重,加剧,恶化aggravate the declining


aggressive [??gres?v] adj.侵犯的,侵略的an aggressive weapon allied [??la?d]adj.结盟的,有关联的allied nations allowance [??la??ns]n.津贴,补贴,零用钱 a housing allowance alter [??:lt?(r)] vt.改变,更改alter an attitude

adverse [??dv?:s]adj.不友好的,敌对的She felt adverse to her

husband's friends.

advocate [??dv?ke?t] vt.拥护,提倡,主张advocate self-defence

n.提倡者; (辩护)律师; 支持者;

aesthetic [i:s?θet?k]adj.美学的,艺术的,审美an aesthetic theory affiliate [??f?lie?t] vt.& vi使隶属(或附属)于,使成为会员 a

government affiliated company

affirm [??f?:m] vt.& vi断言,申明affirm the truth of a statement artificial [?ɑ:t??f??l]adj.人工的,人造的,人为的artificial price



ascend [??send]vi&vt.登高,(渐渐)上升,升高The airplane

ascended into the cloud. ascertain [??s??te?n]vt.查明,弄清,确定I ascertained that he was


ashamed [???e?md]adj.惭愧的,羞耻的I am ashamed for being so


ashore [????:(r)]adv.向岸,向陆地He swam ashore.

aside [??sa?d] prep在旁边We stood aside to let her pass. assimilate [??s?m?le?t]vi&vt.吸收,消化He is quick to assimilate new


associate [??s???ie?t]vi&vt.(使)联系,(使)结合We naturally

associated the name of Darwin with the

doctrine of evolution.

bar [bɑ:(r)]n.条,块,杆,棒, 酒吧 a bar of gold

assault [??s?:lt] n.攻击,袭击We made an assault on the enemy


assemble [??sembl] vt.& vi.集合,召集assemble the members of

Parliament for a special meeting. assert [??s?:t] vt.肯定地说(出),坚定地断言He asserted his


assess [??ses]vt.估价,评价,评论assess the present state of the


assign [??sa?n]vt.分配,布臵(作业)The teacher assigned (us) a

new lesson.

beforehand [b??f?:h?nd]adv.预先,事先If you wanted soup for lunch you should have told me beforehand.

bewilder [b??w?ld?(r)]vt.使迷惑,使糊涂I’m bewildered as to which one to buy.


boom [bu:m]n.低沉有回响的声音The great bell tolled with a deep boom.

bore [b?:(r)]vt&vi.钻孔,挖(通道)bore through a wall bounce [ba?ns] vi&vt.弹起,反弹The ball doesn’t bounce well. sovereign [?s?vr?n] a.独立的,有主权的n.君主,国王,统治者spacious [?spe???s] adj.广阔的,宽敞的

spectrum [?spektr?m] n.谱,光谱,频谱;范围,幅度,系列

spicy [?spa?si] a.加很多香料的;(口味)浓郁的

spine [spa?n] n.脊柱,脊椎;(动植物的)刺;书脊

bound [ba?nd]vi&vt.跳跃,弹回She bounded to her feet and waved her right hand triumphantly.

boycott [?b??k?t]vt.(联合起来)抑制,拒绝参加boycott uncooperative manufactures

brace [bre?s] vt.支撑; n.支持物; 铁钳,托架,支架He braced his

muscles and lifted the weight.

breed [bri:d]vt.(使)繁殖Rabbits breed families rapidly. bribe [bra?b]vt&n.贿赂accept(或take)a bribe from sb. anchor [???k?(r)]锚The anchor catches (drags).

Annoy [??n??] vt.使恼怒,使生气She was annoyed at (with) his

lightheard attitude.

annual [??nju?l]adj.每年的,年度的the annual output of steel anonymous [??n?n?m?s] adj.匿名的,无名的an anonymous letter

(phone call)

anticipate [?n?t?s?pe?t] vt.&vi预期,预料The directors anticipated

a fall in demand (that demand would fall). apart [??pɑ:t] adv.&ad.j成零碎Such cheap clothes come apart after a few washings.

Apparent [??p?r?nt] adj.显然的,明明白白的It was apparent that they all understood.

brisk [br?sk]adj. 轻快的,生气勃勃的 a brisk pace

brittle [?br?tl] adj.易碎的,一碰就破的brittle glass

appoint [??p??nt] vt.任命,委派They appointed his father (to be 或as) postmaster.

appraise [??pre?z] vt.估量,估计appraise the infant's weight appreciate [??pri:?ie?t] vt.感激I appreciated your help much. apprehend [??pr??hend]vt&vi对...担心Do you apprehend that there will be any difficulty?

appropriate [??pr??pri?t]adj.恰当的,相称的Plain, simple clothes are appropriate for school wear.

approve [??pru:v] vt.& vi赞成,同意I couldn't approve his conduct.

accumulate [??kju:mj?le?t] vt.& vi积累,积攒,积聚accumulate wisdom

accurate [??kj?r?t]adj.准确的,精确的an accurate estimate accuse [??kju:z] v.指控,指责They accused her publicly of stealing their books.

activate [??kt?ve?t] 使活动起来,使开始起作用,启动They have

planted secret agents in

many countries who could

be activated whenever


bump [b?mp] vt.& vi.碰,撞(against, into) The truck bumped against the wall in the dark.

burst [b?:st]vi&vt 爆炸,爆裂The boiler burst.

casual [?k??u?l]adj.偶然的,无计划的,随便的,非正式的 a casual meeting

cease [si:s] vt.&vi.停止,终止,结束The music ceased suddenly. certify [?s?:t?fa?] vt.证明,证实The accounts were certified (as) correct.

challenge [?t??l?nd?]vt.向...挑战Our school challenged the local champion team to a football match.

character [?k?r?kt?(r)]n.(事物的)性质,特质The furniture in Tom’s

apartment was pretentious and without


secure [s??kj??(r)]adj.安全的,可靠的,有把握的 a castle ~from attack

sensible [?sens?bl]adj.明知的,合情理的a ~choice

approximate [??pr?ks?m?t] adj.大概的,大约的,近似的The approximate time is 10 o'clock.


apt [?pt]adj.(习性)易于......的,有......倾向的 A careless person is apt to make mistakes.

Arbitrary [?ɑ:b?tr?ri]adj. 随心所欲的,个人武断的,任意的an arbitrary choice

arise [??ra?z] vi.& vt 起立,起身arise from one's seat

blaze [ble?z] n.火焰The fire sprang into a blaze.

aggravate [??gr?ve?t] vt.加重,加剧,恶化aggravate the declining


aggressive [??gres?v]adj. 侵犯的,侵略的an aggressive weapon

allied [??la?d]adj.结盟的,有关联的allied nations

allowance [??la??ns]n. 津贴,补贴,零用钱 a housing allowance

alter [??:lt?(r)]vt&vi. 改变,更改alter an attitude

charge [t?ɑ:d?] n&vi&vt.要(价),收(费)The airlines charge half

price for students.

charm [t?ɑ:m] n.魅力,魔力This thriving resort town has retained

its village charm.

chase [t?e?s] vi&vt&n.追逐,追求The police chased the escaping

thief and caught him at last.

Check [t?ek] vt.使突然停止,制止check one’s steps

cherish [?t?er??]vt. 珍爱,珍视cherish one’s native land

chew [t?u:] vt.& vi嚼,咀嚼He chewed a mouthful of meat. choke [t???k] vt.& vi.窒息,噎住be choked by smoke

bias [?ba??s] n.偏见,偏心have a bias against sb.(或sth.) blame [ble?m]vt. 责备,责怪Public opinion blames Mrs Smith for leading the girl astray.

blast [blɑ:st]n.一阵(风),一股(气流) a blast of wind alternate [?:l?t?:n?t] vi&vt.交替,轮流Night and day alternate. arouse [??ra?z]vt. 使......奋发 A man like Tom will be aroused. Don’t worry.

array [??re?]排列,队形The troops were formed in battle array. articulate [ɑ:?t?kjule?t] adj.发音清晰的,善于表达的He is articulate

about everything in the field of


boast [b??st]n. 自吹自擂,自夸的话He is full of boasts.

bolt [b??lt] n.螺栓,(门,窗的)插销 a small bag of nuts and bolts confuse [k?n?fju:z]vt.使混乱,混淆He confused the arrangements by

arriving late.

Corrupt [k??r?pt]adj.堕落的,腐败的,贪赃舞弊的:lead a corrupt life Count [ka?nt]v.数,计算: count the money


Course [k?:s]n.课程,科目:an English course

courtesy [?k?:t?si]n.谦恭有礼。有礼的举止(或)言辞:come in without courtesy

credit [?kred?t]n.信任,可信性;学分I have full credit in your ability to do the job。

shade [?e?d]n.荫,荫凉处The group of trees provide some ~from the sun

sham [??m]n.假装,虚伪Her illness was a sham to gain sympathy shear [???(r)]vt.&vi剪,修剪~a lawn

shed [?edvt&vi&n.]流~one’s blood for one’s country

sheer [???(r)]adj.完全的,十足的~nonsense

shelter [??elt?(r)]n.掩蔽处,躲避处 a bus ~

connect [k??nekt] vt&vi.连接,连接The bridge connects the island

with(或to) the mainland. conscious [?k?n??s]adj.意识到的,自觉地They were conscious that he


consent [k?n?sent]vi&n. 同意,赞同,准许The people will never consent

to another war.

conserve [k?n?s?:v] vt&n.保护,保藏,保存conserve natural resources consist [k?n?s?st]vi.组成,构成(of) The house consists of six rooms. consolidate [k?n?s?l?de?t]vt&vi巩固,加强consolidate one’s position conspicuous [k?n?sp?kju?s]adj显眼的,明显的,引人瞩目的He felt as

conspicuous as if he had

stood on a stage.


Contrary [?k?ntr?ri]adj.相反的,对抗的:take the contrary view

Contrast [?k?ntrɑ:st]vi&vt对照,对比,(对比之下显出的)差异:the contrast

between the two forms of


Contribute [k?n?tr?bju:t] vt.& vi捐(款等),捐献:He contributed 5dollars to

the charity every payday

Contrive [k?n?tra?v] vt.设计,想出:contrive a new method

corrode [k??r??d] vt.& vi. (渐渐)损害,(一点一点地)损伤:Bribery corrodes

the confidence that must exist

between buyer and seller

dawn [d?:n]n. 黎明,拂晓work from dawn to dark

dazzle [?d?zl]vt.(强光等)使目眩,耀眼:He was dazzled by his sudden success.

deceive [d??si:v]v.欺骗,蒙蔽:deceive oneself

decent [?di:snt]adj.体面的,像样的:She didn’t have a decent dress for the ball.

decline [d??kla?n] vt.& vi.拒绝,谢绝:We sent him an invitation but he declined.

appeal [??pi:l]vt.呼吁,恳求I appealed to the children to make less noise.

applaud [??pl?:d]vt.&vi 鼓掌,喝彩,叫好The audience applauds the performers for three minutes.

apply [??pla?] vt.申请;涂,敷He applied two coats of paint to the table.

chorus [?k?:r?s] n.合唱队

chronic [?kr?n?k]adj.(疾病)慢性的,(人)久病的chronic indigestion clarity [?kl?r?ti]n.澄清,阐明clarify an issue

cling [kl??] vi&vt.粘着The frightened child clung to her mother. clumsy [?kl?mzi]adj.笨拙的 a clumsy boy

monitor [?m?n?t?(r)]n.班长;vt.监控

mortgage [?m?:g?d?]n.&vt 抵押(借款)He will have to ~his land for a loan.

motion [?m???n]n.动,运动the ~of the planets

motive [?m??t?v]n.动机,目的be proper in~

mount [ma?nt] vt.& vi.登上,爬上~the steps

cluster [?kl?st?(r)]n.(果实,花等的)串,束,簇; (人或物)的群,组 a cluster

of tourists

clutch [kl?t?]vt.紧抓,紧握clutch at an opportunity

coherent [k???h??r?nt] adj.一致的,协调的lack coherent political goals cure [kj??(r)]vt.治愈,医治:this medicine cured him of his pains。cut [k?t] vt.& vi.切,割,剪,砍,削; The Mayor cut the ribbon to open

a trade exhibition.

screen [skri:n] n.屏,幕,帘a folding ~

decompose [?di:k?m?p??z] vt.& vi.分解,腐烂,腐败:decompose a compound into its elements.

dedicate [?ded?ke?t] vt.奉献,把。。。用在(to): The doctor dedicated himself to finding a cure.

deduce [d??dju:s]vt.演绎,推论:From her conversation, I deduced that she had a large family.

define [d??fa?n]vt.&vi解释,给。。。下定义: People define him as a genius.

Deform [d??f?:m]vt.&vi (使)变形:Heat deforms plastic.

constant [?k?nst?nt] adj.经常的,不断的 a constant noise

constitute [?k?nst?tju:t] vt.组成,构成constitute a threat to sb. consult [k?n?s?lt]vi&vt.请教,与......商量consult a doctor about one’s


consume [k?n?sju:m]vt.消费,花费: consume much of one’s time in reading

contact [?k?nt?kt]n.&vt接触,联系,交往: be in contact with sb

contain [k?n?te?n]vt.包括,容纳, a list containing twelve items contaminate [k?n?t?m?ne?t] vt.弄脏,污染,玷污,毒害: Fumes contaminate the air

calculate [?k?lkjule?t] vt.& vi.计算,推算calculate the distance between New York and Chicago

call [k?:l] v. 喊,叫Please call the names of all the people who are present.

cancel [?k?nsl]vt. 取消,废除,删去cancel a trip

capture [?k?pt??(r)]vt. 俘虏,捕获capture butterflies

assume [??sju:m]假定,假设Farmers will have a bumper harvest,

assuming (that) the weather si favarable.

assure [?????(r)] vt.深信不疑地对......说,向......保证

assurance [?????r?ns] n.保证,把握,信心He gave me his assurance that he would help.

astonish [??st?n??] vt.使惊讶I was astonished at his sudden appearance.

attach [??t?t?] vt.& vi.系,贴,连接attach a label to a suitcase attain [??te?n] vt.& vi达到,获得attain one’s goal

attend [??tend]vi&vt.出席,参加(会议等)attend a wedding attendance [??tend?ns] n.出席,参加,出席人数,出席率Our class has perfect attendance today.

attentive [??tent?v]adj.注意的,专心的an attentive audience attribute [??tr?bju:t] vt.把归因于,把......(过错的责任等)归于(to) He attributed his success to hard work.

auxiliary [?:g?z?li?ri]adj.辅助的an auxiliary rocket


avail [??ve?l] vt.& vi.有利于,有助于Will force alone avail us? average [??v?r?d?]n.平均数,平均The paper receives an average of nearly 100 articles a day.

avert [??v?:t] 挡开,防止,避免Many traffic accidents can be averted by courtesy.

ban [b?n]vt.&n.(以官方明令)禁止,取缔He was banned from entering the city.

bang [b??] n. (突发的)猛击; 猛撞; 巨响; 爆炸声; sudden loud bang cast [kɑ:st]vt.投,扔,抛,撒,掷cast doubt(s) on the feasibility of a scheme

contempt [k?n?tempt]n.轻视,轻蔑:show a contempt for sb

contest [?k?ntest]n.&vt&vi.竞赛,比赛,竞争:the contest between the two

powers for the control of the region

contract [?k?ntr?kt]n.合同,契约:enter into(make)a contact with contradict [?k?ntr??d?kt]vt&vi.反驳,同….相矛盾,同….相抵触:The facts

contradict his theory

defy [d??fa?]vt.&n.公然违抗,反抗:He was going ahead defying all difficulties.

degenerate [d??d?en?re?t]n.衰退,堕落,变坏(into): Her eyesight degenerated with the years.

deliberate [d??l?b?r?t]adj.慎重的,深思熟虑的:The government is taking

deliberate action to lower prices.

denote [d??n??t] vt.表示,是。。。的标志,意思是:A frown often denotes displeasure.

Correspond [?k?r??sp?nd] vi.相符合相称(to,with):Fulfillment seldom

corresponds to anticipation Correspondent [?k?r??sp?nd?nt]n.通信者,通讯员,记者:a



Corresponding [?k?r??sp?nd??]adj.符合的,一致的:corresponding


compact [k?m?p?kt] vt.& vi. 紧密的,坚实的 a compact piece of


compare [k?m?pe?(r)] vt.& vi.比较,对照(with, to) compare the body to

a finely tuned machine

compatible [k?m?p?t?bl]adj. 能和睦相处的,合的来的You should choose a

roommate more compatible to your


detain [d??te?n]vt.留住,担搁:be detained by business.

detect [d??tekt]vt.(当场)发现(某人在干坏事):detect a student cheating deteriorate [d??t??ri?re?t]vt.&vi(使)恶化,(使)变坏,(使)退化: Relations between the two countries began to deteriorate.

deviate [?di:vie?t]v.背离,偏离:deviate from the rule

devote [d??v??t]vt.将...献给(to):Mary devoted her life to caring for the sick.

compile [k?m?pa?l]vt.汇编,编制compile an anthology of poems comply [k?m?pla?]vi.遵从,顺从,服从comply with rules(safety


compose [k?m?p??z]vt.组成,构成England, Scotland, and Wales

compose the island of Great


compress [k?m?pres]vt.压缩He compresses a lifetime as a soldier into a

few sentences

comprise [k?m?pra?z]vt.包含,包括The shipyard comprises three docks. compromise [?k?mpr?ma?z] n.&vi.&vt.妥协,折衷compromise over the

hard-fought next.

confront [k?n?fr?nt] vt.(使)面临,(使)遭遇The war confronted him with


crucial [?kru:?l]adj.决定性的,关键性的:a crucial decision

cue [kju:]n.提示,暗号,信号:throw cues to sb

cultivate [?k?lt?ve?t]vt.耕作,栽培,养殖:cultivate vegetables differentiate [?d?f??ren?ie?t] vt.& vi.使不同,使有差别,区分,区别:differentiate varieties of plants

diffuse [d??fju:s]vi.&vt.扩散(气体,液体等):The colors of the sunset were

diffused across the sky.

disgust [d?s?g?st]vt.厌恶,恶心:feel disgust for bad odors

disperse [d??sp?:s] vt.& vi.分散,驱散,散去:Police dispersed the rioters with tear gas

displace [d?s?ple?s] vt.移走; 替换,移动。。。的位臵:Many of the inhabitants

were displaced by the rising floodwaters dispose [d??sp??z] vt.& vi.布臵,整理:The stores disposed the jewellery in an attractive display

disregard [?d?sr??gɑ:d]vt.不理会,不顾:Disregard the noise and keep working

distinct [d??st??kt]adj.有区别的,不同的:Three distinct types of people distort [d??st?:t]vt.&vi扭歪,扭曲:a face distorted by (或with)pain distract [d??str?kt]vt.使转向:be distracted from one’s original purpose distribute [d??str?bju:t] vt.分配,分发:distribute the prizes among the winners

eliminate [??l?m?ne?t]vt.排除,消除:eliminate the exploitation of man by man

elite [e??li:t]n.出类拔萃的人(或物),精华:the elite of the society eloquent [?el?kw?nt]adj.雄辩的,口才流利的,有说服力的:an eloquent spokesman

embark [?m?bɑ:k]vi.上船(或飞机,汽车等):embark for Europe at New York harborvt.vt.使…上船或飞机;

embody [?m?b?di]vt.使具体化,表现:embody principles in actions embrace [?m?bre?s] vt.& vi.拥抱:She embraced her son tenderly enlighten [?n?la?tn]vt.启发,使摆脱偏见(或迷信)Would you enlighten me on

your plans for the future?

enroll [?n'r??l]v.吸收(成员),招生:The school enrolled about 300 pupils last year


ensure [?n'???(r)]vt.保证,担保:His industriousness and ability will ensure his success

diminish [d??m?n??]vt.减少,降低:His illness diminished his strength. diplomat [?d?pl?m?t]n.外交家,外交官,圆滑的人:a career diplomat discard [d?s?kɑ:d]vt.丢弃,抛弃:discard an old pair of shoes discern [d??s?:n]vt.看出,觉察出:We could discern from his appearance that he was upset.

disclose [d?s?kl??z]vt.揭露,透露,使公开:disclose information to sb. discharge [d?s?t?ɑ:d?] vt.& vi.释放:The judge found him not guilty and discharged him.

discount [?d?ska?nt]vt.把(价格,费用等)打折扣,削价出售:The store

discounts 3 per cent on all bills

paid when due.

discriminate [d??skr?m?ne?t] vt.& vi.区别,辨别:It’s difficult to discriminate between the twin brothers.

disgrace [d?s'gre?s] n.丢脸,耻辱:bring disgrace on oneself entertain [ent?'te?n] vt.给。。。娱乐,使有兴趣:The child is entertaining himself with his building blocks

entitle [?n'ta?t(?)l; en-] vt.给。。。权利,给。。。资格(to):Robert was entitled to see the documents

equivalent [?'kw?v(?)l(?)nt] adj.相等的,相同的:The misery of such a position is equivalent to its happiness

erase [?'re?z] vt.擦掉,抹掉,消除:erase the chalk marks

erect [?'rekt] adj.竖直的,垂直的,竖起的:an erect tree

erupt [?'r?pt] vt.(火山,喷泉等)喷发:The volcano is due to erupt any day

essence ['es(?)ns] n.本质,实质,要素:Being thoughtful of others is the essence of politeness

eternal [??t?:nl] adj.永恒的,永存的,永久的:eternal truths

evaluate [?'v?lj?e?t] vt.估价,评价:evaluate property

evaporate [?'v?p?re?t] vt.(使)蒸发,(使)挥发:Heats evaporate water exaggerate [?g'z?d??re?t; eg-] vi.夸张,夸大,对…言过其实:keep to the facts and don’t exaggerate

exceed [?k'si?d] vt.超出,胜过:Her performance exceeded all the others external [?k'st??n(?)l] adj.外面的,外部的:external signs of a disease descend [d?'send] vi.下来,下降:Darkness descended too soon. Extract [?ekstr?kt] vt.取出,提取:extract a confession

Extravagant [?k'str?v?g(?)nt; ek-] adj.奢侈的,浪费的:be extravagant in one’s way of living

fabricate ['f?br?ke?t] vt.建造,制造:The finest craftsmen fabricated this clock

facilitate [f?'s?l?te?t] vt.使变得(更)容易,使便利:Such a port would facilitate the passage of oil from the Middle East to Japan

fade [fe?d] vi.(颜色)褪去:The color in this material will not fade faint [fe?nt] adj.不清楚的,模糊的,微弱的:a faint idea

fancy ['f?ns?] n.想象力:Children usually have a lively fancy

fare [fe?] n.车费,船费,飞机票价:full (half) fare

divorce [d?'v??s] n.离婚,分离,脱离:sue for a divorce

dominate ['d?m?ne?t] vt.分配,统治:a white dominated society

donate [d?(?)'ne?t] vt.捐赠,赠送:They donate to the Red Cross every year.

doom [du?m] n.命运,厄运,劫数:His doom was to be poverty.

doze [d??z] vi.打瞌睡,打盹儿:The old lady dozed in her armchair. drain [dre?n] vi.慢慢排去:drain water from a pool

dread [dred] vt.怕,畏惧:I dread to think of what may happen.

drift [dr?ft] vi.漂流,漂泊:The sounds of music drifted up to us. dubious ['dju?b??s] adj.引起怀疑的,不确定的:a dubious reply

due [dju?] adj.欠款的,应支付的:A great deal of money is due to you. Dump [d?mp] vt.倾倒,倾卸:He opened his bag and dumped its contents on the desk.

Duplicate [?dju?pl?ke?t] adj.完全一样的,复制的:a duplicate key excess [?k'ses; ek-; 'ekses] n.超越,超过:an excess of supply over demand execute ['eks?kju?t] vt.实行,实施,执行,履行:execute a plan

exemplify [?g'zempl?fa?; eg-] vt.例示,举例证明,是…的例证(或榜样等):The teacher exemplified the use of the word

exert [?g'z??t; eg-] vt.用力,尽力:exert all one’s strength


Exhaust [?g'z??st; eg-] vt.汲空,抽完:exhaust a well

expand [?k'sp?nd; ek-] vt.扩大,扩展,膨胀:Reading(travel)expands one’s mind

expel [?k'spel; ek-] vt.驱逐,赶走:expel an invader from a country expend [?k'spend; ek-] vt.花费,消费(on, in):They expended all their strength in (on) trying to climb out

expire [?k'spa??; ek-] vi.满期,届期,(期限)终止:His term of office expires


this year

explicit [?k'spl?s?t; ek-] adj.详尽的,明确的:give explicit directions exploit [?k'spl??t; ek-] n.英勇的或冒险的行为或事迹:The daring of exploit of the parachutists were much admired

exterior [?k'st??r??; ek-] adj.外部的,外面的,外表的:exterior decorations durable ['dj??r?b(?)l] adj.耐用的:a durable fabric

dwell [dwel] vi.(dwelt 或dwelled )(尤指作为常住居民)居住: dwell on an island

economical [i?k?'n?m?k(?)l; ek-] adj.节约的,节俭的,经济的: an economical stove

generate ['d?en?re?t] vt.产生,发生(电、热、光、力、摩擦力等):generate electricity

genuine ['d?enj??n] adj.真的,非人造的,名副其实的:genuine leather gesture ['d?est??] n.手势,示意动作:raise one’s hands in a gesture of despair

confine [k?n'fa?n] vt.限制,使局限They succeeded in confining the fire to a small area.

confirm [k?n'f??m] vt.证实,肯定confirm a rumour

conflict ['k?nfl?kt] n.(尤指长期的)战争,战斗The conflict between Greece and Troy lasted ten years.

conform [k?n'f??m] vt.遵照,适应confirm to(或with) the rules(the law) flourish ['fl?r??] n.茂盛,繁荣,兴旺:Painting flourished in Italy in the fifteenth century

fluctuate ['fl?kt??e?t; -tj?-] vt.波动,起伏:You can’t march in a straight line to the victory, you fluctuate it

flush [fl??] vt.脸红:Her cheeks flushed red

forbid [f?'b?d] vt.不许,禁止:Wine is absolutely forbidden to all the children

forge [f??d?] n.锻炼:forge a horse-shoe out of an iron bar

glance [glɑ?ns] n.一瞥,扫视:take a glance at the newspaper headlines glare [gle?] n.怒视,瞪眼:give the jury a glare

dense [dens] adj.稠密的,密集的:a dense forest

deposit [d?'p?z?t] vt.存放:She deposited her bag in the cloakroom. Depress [d?'pres] vt.使沮丧,使消沉:That movie depressed me.

deprive [d?'pra?v] vt. 剥夺,使丧失:deprive sb. of his property

derive [d?'ra?v] vt.取得,得到:He derived his enthusiasm for literature from his father.

controversy ['k?ntr?v??s?; k?n'tr?v?s?] n.(尤之以文字形式进行的争论),辨证:a

point of controversy convention [k?n'ven?(?)n] n.(正式)会议,(定期)大会:draft a new constitution at a convention

convert [k?n'v??t] vt.转变,转化:convert coal to (into) pipeline gas convey [k?n've?] vt.运送,输送,传送:a wire conveys an electric current convict [k?n'v?kt] vt.(经审讯)证明…有罪,宣判…有罪:He was convicted of smuggling

coordinate [k??'?:d?ne?t] vt.调节,协调:coordinate the functions of government agencies

cordial ['k??d??l] adj.热情友好的,热诚的,真心的:a cordial hello(smile, invitation)

glimpse [gl?m(p)s] n.一瞥,一看:have a glimpse of (into)sth

glitter ['gl?t?] vi.闪闪发亮(或发光),光彩夺目,闪耀:His language glitters

with marvelous words

glory ['gl??r?] n.光荣,荣誉:The soldiers hoped to win glory on the battle field

glow [gl??] vi.发热,发光,发红:the fire glowing in the darkness gossip ['g?s?p] n.流言蜚语:give rise to gossip

govern ['g?v(?)n] vt.统治,管理:govern a nation

grace [gre?s] vt.优美:She ran well, grace in every movement graduate ['gr?d???t; -dj??t] vt. (使)大学毕业:graduate from college grant [grɑ?nt] vt.同意,准予:grant a request

grease [gri?s]n.油脂,动物脂:the grease spot on the envelope

heal [hi?l]vt.&vi.治愈,愈合:heal the sick

heap [hi?p] n.(一)堆:a big heap of books

hedge [hed?] n.(矮树)树篱:a quickset hedge


highlight ['ha?la?t]vt.使显著,使突出:Growing economic problems were highlighted by a slowdown in oil output

fracture ['fr?kt??] vt.& vi.&n.裂缝,裂痕: a fracture in the pipe frequent ['fri?kw(?)nt]adj.时常发生的,频繁的:His trips to France are less frequent now

frown [fra?n] vt.& vi.皱眉:frown at sb

frustrate [fr?'stre?t; 'fr?s-]vt.挫败,阻挠,使灰心,使无效:frustrate a plan fulfill [ful'fil] (fulfilled, fulfilling)vt.履行,实现,完成: fulfill a contract furnish ['f??n??]vt.供应,提供:furnish blankets for the refugees

fury ['fj??r?]n.狂怒,暴怒:fly into a fury

fuss [f?s] vi.大惊小怪; 忙乱; 抱怨; vt.使烦恼,使烦忧; 使急躁; n.大惊小怪,乱忙,小题大做:make much fuss over losing a penny hinder ['h?nd?] vt.& vi妨碍,阻止:Bad weather hindered travel hint [h?nt]n.暗示:drop(give ,throw out)a hint

enforce [?n'f??s; en-]vt.实施,使生效:The principal enforced the rules of the school

engage [?n'ge?d?; en-] vt.(用契约诺言等)约束,使订婚:He engaged himself as an apprentice to a printer

enhance [?n'hɑ?ns; -h?ns; en-]vt.提高(价格,质量,吸引力等),增加,增强:enhance one’s reputation

figure ['f?g?]n.数字:according to official figures

finance [fa?'n?ns; f?-; 'fa?n?ns]n.财政,金融:skill in finance

finite ['fa?na?t]adj.有限的,有限制的:a finite number of facts

flare [fle?] vt.&vi(火焰)闪耀,(摇曳不定地)燃烧:candle flaring in the wind

flash [fl??] vt.& vi.闪光,闪烁:a flash of lighting

flat [fl?t]adj.平坦的,扁平的:a flat land

inaccessible [?n?k'ses?b(?)l]adj.达不到的:The two rocks at the top of the steep hill is at first sight inaccessible

incline [?n'kla?n] vt.& vi.倾斜:The shaft inclines almost thirty degree incorporate [?n'k??p?re?t]vt.&vi.包含,吸收:His book incorporates his earlier essays

incur [?n'k??]vt.招致,引起,遭受:incur sb’s displeasure(envy) modify ['m?d?fa?]vi.&vt.修改,更改~a law

momentary ['m??m(?)nt(?)r?]adj.片刻的,瞬息的a ~feeling of fear designate ['dez?gne?t]vt.指明,表明:designate boundaries

desolate ['des(?)l?t]adj.荒芜的,不毛的:desolate land

despise [d?'spa?z]vt.蔑视,鄙视:He despises flattery.

detach [d?'t?t?]vt.拆卸:They detached their trailer and set up camp. Diagnose ['da??gn??z; -'n??z]vt&vi.诊断,判断:The doctor diagnosed the illness as influenza.

dictate [d?k'te?t]vt.&vi口授,使听写:dictate a letter to a secretary coincide [,k???n'sa?d]vi相符,相一致100 Centigrade coincides with 212 Fahrenheit.

collaborate [k?'l?b?re?t]vi(尤指在文艺、科学等方面)合作,协作He and I collaborated in writing plays.

collapse [k?'l?ps]vi&vt.倒坍,崩溃,瓦解The roof collapsed under the weight of the snow.

collide [k?'la?d]vi碰撞,互撞The car collided with the truck. commemorate [k?'mem?re?t]vt.纪念,庆祝commemorate a holiday commend [k?'mend]vt.表扬,称赞commend a soldier for bravery extinct [?k'st??kt; ek-] adj. (火等)熄灭了的:an extinct cigarette(fire) extinguish [?k'st??gw??; ek-]vt.熄灭,扑灭:extinguish a cigarette(candle) multiply ['m?lt?pla?] vt.& vi.乘,相乘~7 and 8

muscle ['m?s(?)l]n.肌肉 facial ~s

mutual ['mju?t???l; -tj??l]adj.相互的,彼此的~aid

narrate [n?'re?t]vt&vi.叙述,讲述~the story of sb’s life

negligent ['neɡl?d??nt] adj.疏忽的,大意的be ~about traffic regulations indignant [?n'd?gn?nt]adj.愤怒的,愤慨的:The actress was at the columnist’s personal questions

indispensable [?nd?'spens?b(?)l]adj.必不可少的,必需的(to. for):Oxygen is indispensable to life

induce [?n'dju?s]vt.引诱,劝使:Nothing will induce me to do that infer [?n'f??] vt.&vi(根据已知事实等)推断,推定(from):From his grades

I inferred that he was a good student

ingenious [?n'd?i?n??s] adj.(人,头脑等)灵巧的,足智多谋的:an ingenious designer

instant ['?nst(?)nt]adj.紧急的,急迫的,立即的,即刻的:be in instant need of help

institute ['?nst?tju?t]n.学会,协会,学院,研究院:an institute for the blind insulate ['?nsj?le?t]vt.隔音,使隔绝(以免受到影响):We are not insulated from the real world the way we were

insult [?n's?lt]vt.&n.侮辱,辱骂:She insulted him by calling him a



flatter ['fl?t?]vt.奉承,使高兴:I feel greatly flattered by your invitation


Flee [fli?]vi&vt.逃走,逃掉:The enemy troops fled in utter confusion Flexible ['fleks?b(?)l] adj.灵活的; 柔韧的; 易弯曲的:flexible cord

fling [fl??] vt.& vi. (用力)扔,掷,抛,丢:fling sb into prison

hoist [h??st]vt&vi.举起,升起,吊起:The war hoisted prices

hold [h??ld]vt.拿着,抓住:The girl is holding the baby in her arms homogeneous [?h?m??d?i:ni?s] adj.同种类的,同性质的,有相同特征的:homogeneous parts

horizon [h?'ra?z(?)n]地平(线):The sun has sunk below the horizon hospitable [h??sp?t?bl] adj好客的,殷勤的,热情友好的:be hospitable to the homeless

hostile ['h?sta?l]adj 敌人的,敌方的:a hostile army

withstand [w?e'st?nd]vi 经受,承受~hardships

speculate ['spekj?le?t] vi推测,推断I cannot ~on their motives for doing this

spill [sp?l] vt溢出,溅出The ship ~ed oil while in port

spin vt纺制~cotton into yarn

spit [sp?t] vt吐出He was ~ting out the husks of sunflower seeds on the floor

splash [spl??] vt 溅泼A passing car ~ed my dress

split [spl?t] vt 劈开,切开,裂开~the firewood with an axe

spoil [sp??l] vt损坏,毁掉It would ~my reputation

sponsor ['sp?ns?] n发起者,主办者,保证人,赞助者the ~of the annual Christmas parade

spot[sp?t] n斑点,污点 a blue tie with ~s

spray [spre?] n浪花,水花The new shower heads reduce ~and waste less water

sprout [spr??t]vi 抽条,发芽,长出The seeds we planted finally ~ed spur [sp??] n靴刺,踢马刺a pair of ~s

renovate ['ren?ve?t] vt修复,整修~a two storey building

repel [r?'pel] vt击退,抵制,拒绝,排斥~the enemy

repent [r?'pent] 后悔,懊悔~of a thoughtless act

replace [r?'ple?s] vt 代替,取代,更换The calculator is rapidly replacing the abacus

transmit [tr?nz'm?t; trɑ?nz-; -ns-] vt播送,发射~a match live transparent [tr?n'sp?r(?)nt; trɑ?n-; -'spe?-] adj透明的Glass is ~transplant [tr?ns'plɑ?nt; trɑ?ns-; -nz-] vt移植,移种,移居~a human heart into a patient

treasure ['tre??] n财宝,财富dig for buried ~

trend [trend] n倾向,趋势an upward ~of prices

trick [tr?k] n诡计,骗局He got the money by a ~

trifle ['tra?f(?)l] n琐事,小事One should not get angry about such a ~trim [tr?m] adj整齐的,整洁的~lawns

triple ['tr?p(?)l] adj三倍的,三重的,三部分的,三方的Black unemployment rate runs ~the figure for whites

triumph ['tra??mf] n 胜利a ~over the enemy

trivial ['tr?v??l] adj琐碎的,不重要的,无价值的~matters

tuck [t?k] vt 夹入,藏入He ~ed the letter in a book so he wouldn’t lose it tug [t?g] vt(用力)拖或拉He tugged the door but it wouldn’t open stroke [str??k] vt敲,打,鸣drive in a nail with one ~of the hammer tend [tend] vi趋向,倾向Interest rates are ~ing upwards

tender ['tend?] adj嫩的a ~piece of meat

represent [repr?'zent] vt 代表,象征To many local people these castles ~a hundred years of foreign domination

reproach [r?'pr??t?] n责备,指责,斥责mute ~

scratch [skr?t?] vt抓,刮,擦The cat ~ed me with its claws

shield [?i?ld] n 盾,保护物,防御物They piled more sand on top as a ~snob [sn?b] n势力的人,谄上欺下的人 a ~of the first water

soak [s??k] vi 湿透,浸湿,浸泡You shouldn’t have gone out in the rain -your clothes are ~ing

sobe ['s??b?] adj未醉的A driver must stay ~

sophisticated [s?'f?st?ke?t?d]老于世故的a young man quite ~for his age sore [s??] adj 痛的,痛苦的,痛心的touch sb on a ~place

sow [s??] vt播种This plot of land was sown with maize


spark [spɑ?k] n火花,火星The firework burst into a shower of ~s sparkle ['spɑ?k(?)l] n发光,闪耀Her eyes were sparkling with anger tentative ['tent?t?v] adj 试验性的,试探性的,暂时的,推测的a ~plan terminate ['t??m?ne?t] vt停止,结束,使终止~a contract

terrify ['ter?fa?] vt使害怕,使惊吓She was terrified out of her wits testify ['test?fa?] vt 作证,证明He agreed to ~on behalf of the accused man

humble ['h?mbl] adj 地位(或身份)低下的,卑贱的:a humble job hysterical [h?'ster?k(?)l] adj情绪异常激动的,歇斯底里的an hysterical outburst of fury

identical [a?'dent?k(?)l] adj同一的:the same (very)identical menu identify [a?'dent?fa?] vt识别,鉴别:He identified the coat as his brother’s idle ['a?d(?)l] adj闲散的,闲臵的:idle money

ignite[?g'na?t] vt点燃,使燃烧:ignite a stove fire with scraps of paper impose [?m'p??z]vi 征(税),加(负担,惩罚等)于(on, upon):impose additional tax on business expansion

impulse ['?mp?ls] vt推动,驱动:give an impulse to the development of the friendly relations between the two countries

intact [?n't?kt] adj完整无缺的,未经触动的,未受损伤的:an intact family integrate['?nt?gre?t] vt使成一体,使合并(with, into):integrate traditional Chinese medicine with western medicine

interfere [?nt?'f??] vi 妨碍,冲突(with):Misty weather interfered with the contact

intermittent [?nt?'m?t(?)nt] adj 间歇的,断断续续的,周期性的:suffer from intermittent headaches

hazard ['h?z?d] n危险,危害物,危险之源:a life full of hazards

label ['le?b(?)l]n 标签,标记,标号:put labels on your luggage

lag [l?g] n 走得慢,落后,滞留:Some of the runners began to lag

latent ['le?t(?)nt] adj潜在的,隐伏的,不易觉察的:a latent infection

leak [li?k] n漏洞,裂缝:The pipe has got a leak

lean [li?n] vi 斜,倾斜the Leaning tower of Pisa

initiate [?'n???e?t]vt 开始,发起:initiate a conversation

innovate ['?n?ve?t] vi革新,改革,创新(in,on/upon):innovate on another’s creation

inquire [?n'kwa??] vt 询问,打听:He inquired what the weather was likely to be

insert [?n's??t] vt插入,嵌入:In the pause he managed to inquire a question inspire [?n'spa??] vt鼓舞,激起:His speech inspires the crowd

tumble ['t?mb(?)l] vi 跌到,滚下The baby is just learning to walk and he’s always tumbling over

tune [tju?n] n曲调,曲子She wrote the words of the song and her brother wrote the ~

turbulent ['t??bj?l(?)nt] adj骚乱的,动荡的,混乱的,狂暴的a ~crowd turn [t??n] vt 转动,旋转Turn the hands of the clock until they point to 9 O’clock

tutor ['tju?t?] n家庭教师,指导教师When the students are making their choices, their ~may well guide them

twinkle ['tw??k(?)l] vt 闪烁,闪耀,闪亮The diamond on her finger ~d in the firelight

twist [tw?st] vt 捻,搓,绞,拧~a rope out of threads

whistle ['w?s(?)l] n 吹口哨,鸣笛The train ~d

whitewash ['wa?tw??] n粉饰

wholesome ['h??ls(?)m] adj有益于健康的~surroundings

wicked ['w?k?d] adj坏的,邪恶的,淘气的,恶作剧的~habits

tease [ti?z]vt戏弄,取笑The boy is teasing the cat

tedious ['ti?d??s] adj单调乏味的,冗长的,罗嗦的a ~debate

liable ['la??b(?)l] adj会……的,有……倾向的We are all liable to make mistakes

liberal ['l?b(?)r(?)l] adj 慷慨的,大方的a liberal donation

limp [l?mp] adj软的,松沓的a young man in a limp gray sweater

linger ['l??g?] vi逗留,徘徊The children lingered at the zoo until closing time

lubricate ['lu?br?ke?t] vt使润滑lubricate the skin with cold cream

lump[l?mp] n块,小方块a lump of coal


macroscopic [,m?kr?(?)'sk?p?k] adj肉眼可见的

magnet ['m?gn?t] n 磁铁,磁铁石The pin was extracted with a magnet magnify ['m?gnifaii?] v 放大,扩大I want to magnify this picture maintain [me?n'te?n; m?n'te?n] vt维持,保持maintain law and order malfunction [m?l'f??(k)?(?)n] vi 发生功能障碍,发生障碍If the computer


malfunctions it fails to work properly

maltreat [m?l'tritm?nt] n 粗暴地对待,虐待We’ll not intervene unless the

children are being physically maltreated manifest ['m?n?fest] adj显然的,明了的manifest superiority

model ['m?dl] n模型,原形build airplane ~s

nominal ['n?m?n(?)l] adj 名义的,有名无实的a ~leader

nominate ['n?m?ne?t]vt 提名a ~leader

noteworthy['n??tw??e?] adj值得注意的,显著的a ~day

intervene [?nt?'vi?n] vi插入,介入:A week intervenes between Christmas

and New Year’s Day

intricate ['?ntr?k?t]adj 错综复杂的,复杂精细的:A detective story usually has

an intricate plot

invert [?n'v??t] vt使反向,使倒转,使颠倒:The magician inverted the bag to

show it was empty

irrespective [?r?'spekt?v] adj 不考虑的,不顾的(of) :irrespective of


irritate ['?r?te?t] vt 激怒,使恼怒,使烦躁:be irritated by sb’s insolence justify ['d??st?fa?] vt证明。。。正当或有理,正确:Such behavior is justified on

these grounds

knit [n?t] vt 编织,编结:She’s knitting her husband a sweater

greet [gri?t] vt 问候,招呼:greet sb with a nod

grieve [gri?v] vt 使悲伤,使伤心:The little girl grieved over her kitten’s death grind [gra?nd] vt (ground)磨,磨碎,碾碎:grind wheat into flour

grip [gr?p] vt抓紧,紧握:Fear gripped his heart

gross [gr??s] adj 总的,毛的:gross income

guarantee [g?r(?)n'ti?] n保证,保证书,保单:Wealth is no guarantee of


hail [he?l] vt 欢呼,喝彩:The crowd hailed the actress with joy

halt [h??lt] vt (行进中的)暂停前进,中止,终止:The car came to a sudden halt hamper ['h?mp?] vt 妨碍,阻碍:hamper sb from getting elected handicap ['h?nd?k?p]障碍,不利条件:Poor eyesight is a handicap to a


haste [he?st] n急速,急忙,仓促,草率:Why all this haste?

hatch [h?t?] vt 孵,孵出:hatch (out) chickens

manipulate [m?'n?pj?le?t]vt (熟练地)操作Mr. Smith manipulated the ivory

chopsticks with great dexterity

mature [m?'t???] adj 熟的,成熟的a mature fruit

melt [melt] vt 使融化,使熔化The sun melted the snow

mend [mend] vt 修理,修补mend clothes

merit ['mer?t] n 长处,优点,价值,功绩merits and demerits

migrate [ma?'gre?t; 'ma?gre?t] vi 移居(尤指移居国外),迁移migrate to

another country

minimum ['m?n?m?m] n最低限度,最少量,最低点

minor ['ma?n?] adj较小的,较少的,较不重要的

mislead [m?s'li?d] vt 把……引错方向,把……引入歧途

moan [m??n] n呻吟声,呜咽声Each time she moved her leg she let out

a ~ .

mobilize ['m??b?la?z] vt 动员Our country’s in great danger, we must ~

the army.

Mock [m?k] vt 嘲笑,嘲弄He had ~ed her modest ambitions. Ornament ['??n?m(?)nt]n 装饰品,点缀品We bought ~s for the Christmas


orthodox ['??θ?d?ks] adj正统的,正宗的an ~economic theory

outline轮廓,外形He saw the ~of a house against the sky

overflow [??v?'fl??] n泛滥Every spring the river ~s

overhaul [??v?'h??l]vt 大修,全面检查,彻底革新~a faulty machine overhear [??v?'h??]vt 偶然听到,偷听到I wouldn’t like to be ~d

occupy ['?kj?pa?] vt占用,占有My books ~a lot of space

occur [?'k??]发生,存在,出现when did the earthquake ~?

odd的奇数的,单的,奇怪的One ,three five are ~numbers

wicked ['w?k?dli] adj坏的,邪恶的,淘气的,恶作剧的~habits

wind [w?nd]vi 绕,缠The snake wound around a branch


Wire [wa??] n金属丝,金属线steel ~

withdraw [w?e'dr??]抽回,收回,提取She withdrew her eyes from the terrible


withhold [w?e'h??ld]vt 使停止,阻挡be obliged to ~one’s pen withstand [w?e'st?nd]vt 经受,承受~hardships

witness ['w?tn?s] n目击者,见证人a ~of the accident offend [?'fend]vt 冒犯,使生气She was afraid of ~ing anyone. offence [?'fens] n 犯法行为,过错They were arrested for drug ~s.

offset ['?fset] vt补偿,抵消They gains ~the losses.

Omit [?(?)'m?t] vt 省略,删去Minor points may be omitted.

overlap [??v?'l?p] n 重叠,部分相同The Renaissance overlapped the later

Middle Ages

overtake [??v?'te?k] vt赶上,超过He ran out of the door to ~her overthrow [??v?'θr??] vt推翻,打倒a plot to ~the government overwhelm [??v?'welm]vt 征服,压倒,毁坏He took 45% of the ballots and ~ed his two main rivals

pace [pe?s] n 步,步速,步伐He took three ~s forward

pack [p?k]n 包,包裹The climber carried some food in a ~on his back pad [p?d] n垫,衬垫a seat ~

pant [p?nt]vi 气喘,气喘吁吁地说话He ~ed along beside the bicycle parallel ['p?r?lel] adj 平行的The road is ~to the river

patent ['p?t(?)nt; 'pe?t(?)nt]n专利,专利权,专利品take out a ~for an invention

pattern ['p?t(?)n]n 模范,榜样set the ~for

periodical [p??r?'?d?k(?)l] adj期刊,杂志a ~room

perish ['per??]vi 卒,丧生~from disease

perpetual [p?'pet???l; -tj??l]adj 永久的,永恒的,长期的a ~arms race pool 水池,游泳池a swimming ~

notorious [n?(?)'t??r??s] adj臭名昭著的a ~thief

notwithstanding [n?tw?e'st?nd??; -w?θ-]adv 虽然,尽管They traveled on,~the storm

nourish['n?r??] vt养育Milk is all we need to ~our small baby

numb [n?m] adj麻木的,失去感觉的fingers ~with cold

object ['?bd??kt; -d?ekt] n 物体,事物cultural ~s

objective [?b'd?ekt?v] n目的,宗旨political ~s

oblige [?'bla?d?] vt 强迫,迫使In certain countries the law ~s parents to send their children to school

obscure [?b'skj??] adj 晦涩的,费解的an ~text

nasty ['nɑ?st?] adj龌龊的,肮脏的a~room

necessitate [n?'ses?te?t] vt 使成为必须,需要The emergency ~d a change in plans.

necessity [n?'ses?t?] 必要(性),(迫切)需要There is no ~for disappointment.

neglect [n?'glekt] vt忽视,忽略~on e’s health

obsolete ['?bs?li?t] adj 废弃的,淘汰的Wooden warships are ~. obstinate ['?bst?n?t] adj 顽固的,固执的,倔强的The girl would go her own way, in spite of all warnings

occasion [?'ke??(?)n] n时刻,场合They met on three ~s

opaque [?(?)'pe?k] adj 不透明的A brick wall is ~.

optimistic [?pt?'m?st?k] adj 乐观的,乐观主义的

option ['?p?(?)n] n选择权It is your ~to take it or leave it

orient ['??r??nt; '?r-] n东方,东方国家political theory in the West and in the Orient

origin ['?r?d??n] n 起源,由来a word of Latin ~

portable ['p??t?b(?)l] adj 便于携带的,手提式的,轻便的This little TV is extremely ~

pose 姿势,样子The model was asked to adopt various ~s for the photographer

postpone [p??s(t)'p??n; p?'sp??n] vt 延迟,延缓,延期We are postponing our trip until the weather grows warmer

potential [p??ten?l] adj 潜在的,可能的That hole in the road is a ~danger


rally ['r?l?] vt集合,团结~public opinion in favor of price controls paralyze ['p?r?,la?z] vt 使瘫痪,使麻痹A stroke ~d half his face

partial ['pɑ??(?)l] adj 偏向一方的,偏袒的,偏爱的A parent should not be ~to any one of his children

participate [pɑ?'t?s?pe?t] vt 参与,参加,In a modern democracy people want to ~more fully

particular p?'t?kj?l?] adj特殊的,特别的a matter of ~importance

pat [p?t] vt (用掌或扁平物)轻拍,轻打She patted a place next to her for me to sit down

patch [p?t?] n 补钉,补片patches at elbows of a jacket

hip [h?p] n.臀部,髋;屋脊

pave [pe?v] vt铺路,铺砌,铺筑~a road with concrete

hum [h?m] v.哼曲子;发嗡嗡声;忙碌n.嗡嗡声,嘈杂声


profound [pr?'fa?nd] adj很深的a ~sleep

prohibit [pr?(?)'h?b?t] vt禁止Tourist class passengers are ~ed from using the first class lounge

prolong [pr?'l??] vt延长,拉长,拖延a means of ~ing life

prominent ['pr?m?n?nt] adj突起的,凸出的a ~forehead

prompt [pr?m(p)t]adj 敏捷的,迅速的He is ~on the job

pour [p??] vt倒,注,灌,倾泻,涌流He began to ~with sweat

preach [pri?t?] vi讲道,布道~to a packed church

preside [pr?'za?d] vt 主持,主管(at, over) The vice chairman of the board will ~at today’s meeting

press [pres] vt按,挤,压~the bell

presume [pr?'zju?m] vt推测,假定,假设From the way they talked, I ~d them to be married

prevail [pr?'ve?l] vi流行,盛行This custom still ~s among members of the older generation

prey [pre?] n被捕食的动物,捕获物The lion seized its ~and ate it

prick [pr?k] n 一刺,一扎The boy burst the balloon with a ~of the needle proceed [pr?'si?d] vi(尤指停顿或打断后)继续进行The train ~ed at the same speed as before

proclaim [pr?'kle?m] vt宣告,宣布,声明~war

propose [pr?'p??z] vt提议,建议When she was very ill ,her lawyer has ~d to her that she might like to make a will

prosper ['pr?sp?] vi 兴旺,繁荣,昌盛,成功His farm ~ed through good management

provoke [pr?'v??k] 挑动,激起,导致He tried to ~them into fighting radiate ['re?d?e?t] (光,热等)辐射,发射The sun ~s light and heat radical ['r?d?k(?)l] 根本的,基本的a ~error

humiliate [hj?'m?l?e?t] v.使羞辱,使丢脸[同]disgrace

lapse [l?ps] n.失误;(时间的)流逝vi.逐渐下降;终止

laptop ['l?pt?p] n.小型计算机

perplex [p?'pleks] vt 使困惑,使茫然The question ~ed him

persecute ['p??s?kju?t] vt 虐待,残害,迫害~animals

perspective [p?'spekt?v] n透视画法,透视图a lesson in drawing class on ~

pessimistic [,pes?'m?st?k] adj 悲观的I am ~about my chances of getting the job

petition [p?'t??(?)n] n 请愿,请愿书get up a ~

pierce p??s] vt 刺入,刺穿,穿透The thorn ~d his heel

pilot ['pa?l?t] n 飞行员,驾驶员

pin [p?n] n 大头针,别针

pinch [p?n(t)?] vt 捏,拧,夹I ~ed myself to make sure I wasn’t dreaming plausible ['pl??z?b(?)l] adj 论点等貌似有理的a ~excuse

plead [pli?d] vt恳求,请求His parents ~ed that he should be given one more chance

pledge [pled?] n 保证,誓言,誓约fulfill one’s ~

plot [pl?t] n 小块土地a vegetable ~

plug [pl?g] n塞子,栓He wears rubber ~s in his ears when he swims


plunge [pl?n(d)?] vt猛地投入或插入He ran to the edge of the swimming pool and ~d in

pocket ['p?k?t] n 衣袋,口袋,袋子a change ~

polish ['p?l??] vt 擦光,擦亮Polish your shoes with a brush

poll [p??l] n 民意测验A recent ~shows a change in public opinion layman ['le?m?n] n.俗人,外行,门外汉

random ['r?nd?m] adj胡乱的,任意的,随意的,a ~talk

range [re?n(d)?] n排,行,一系列a ~of buildings

rank [r??k] n排,行,列the ~s of great pines

rate [re?t] n比率,率Velocity is the ~of change of distance with respect to time

reap [ri?p] vt 收割,收获~the rice in the field

rear [r??] n 后部,后边,背部a garden at the ~of the house

recall [r?'k??l]vt回忆,回想I ~seeing a poster on his wall

reciprocal [r?'s?pr?k(?)l]adj 相互的,交互的~respect

reckon ['rek(?)n] 计算,数~the days till Christmas

hurl [h??l] vt.猛投,力掷;大声叫骂

hurricane ['h?r?k(?)n; -ke?n] n.飓风;十二级风

hypocrisy [h?'p?kr?s?] n.伪善,虚伪

ideology [,a?d?'?l?d??; ?d-] n.意识形态,(政治或社会的)思想意识infrastructure ['?nfr?str?kt??] n.基础结构,基础设施inhale [?n'he?l] v.吸入(气体等),吸(烟)

juvenile ['d?u?v?na?l] n.少年a.青少年的,适合青少年的;幼稚的

kin [k?n] n.家族,亲属a.亲属关系的

reclaim [r?'kle?m] vt 使改过,改造~former criminals

recognize ['r?k?g'na?z] vt认出,识别Dogs ~people by their smell recollect [,rek?'lekt] v 回忆,想起I am trying to ~a forgotten address recommend [rek?'mend] vt 推荐,称赞He ~ed me for the post of headmaster

reconcile ['rek(?)nsa?l] vt 使和解,使和好After each fight they ate soon ~d recover [r?'k?v?] vt 追回,重新得到The police ~ed stolen watch

recruit [r?'kru?t] vt 招募(新兵)招收(新成员)try to ~300 men in two days rectify['rekt?fa?] vt纠正,改正,矫正~the mistakes in a bill

refer [r?'f??] vt提到,谈到Does the remark ~to me

refine [r?'fa?n] vt提炼~crude oil into various petroleum products

pump [p?mp] n泵fill a bucket from the ~

pursue [p?'sju?] vt追赶,追随,追求He felt their eyes pursuing him puzzle ['p?z(?)l] n难题,智力玩具,迷,迷惑jigsaw ~

quality ['kw?l?t?] n 质量,品级merchandise of ~

quantity ['kw?nt?t?] n 数量,量an increase in ~

quench [kwen(t)?] vt 消除,平息,压制,扑灭~hatred

queue[kju?] n一队人,一行列车from a ~

quit [kw?t] vt停止,放弃It hasn’t ~raining yet

peculiar [p?'kju?l??] adj 奇怪的,古怪的He has always been a little ~peel [pi?l] v 削皮,剥皮peel potatoes

penetrate ['pen?tre?t] vt 穿透,渗入The nail ~d the wood at least two inches

perceive [p?'si?v] vt 感知,感觉,觉察He was only able to ~light and color ;he could not see properly

perfect 完美的,理想的a ~couple

perform [p?'f??m] vt 做,执行,完成~an experiment


Perfume ['p??fju?m] n 香水,香料,香气She loves French ~(s)

hop [h?p] v.人单足跳;跳上(车等)n.蹦跳;短程飞行

hound [ha?nd] n.猎狗;卑鄙的人vt.用猎狗追,追逐

housing n.住房,住房供给;(外、阀)壳,防护罩

hover ['h?v?] vi. 盘旋;徘徊

howl [ha?l] n.怒吼,嗥叫vi.(风等)怒吼,咆哮

huddle ['h?d(?)l] vi.挤作一团;蜷缩vt.聚集n.挤在一起的人

quiver ['kw?v?] vi 颤抖,抖动~with cold

quote [kw??t] vt引用,引述,援引She ~d several verses to us

rack [r?k] n 架子,支架,搁架a clothes ~

reform [r?'f??m] vt 改革,改良He spend years trying to ~the world refresh [r?'fre?] vt 使恢复活力,使振作精神Sleep ~es the body

refute [r?'fju?t] vt驳斥,驳倒The argument cannot be d at the moments regenerate [r?'d?en?re?t] vt使恢复,使复兴,再生The human body can ~hair, nails, etc

regulate['regj?le?t] vt管理,控制,为……制订规章The policeman ~d traffic at the intersection

reign [re?n] vt 为王,统治In England ,the sovereign ~s but does not rule reinforce [ri??n'f??s] vt 增援,加强They hope to ~their domination in these countries

rejoice [r?'d???s] vt 使感到高兴,使充满喜悦The whole nation ~over the victory

relate [r?'le?t] vt 讲述,叙述She ~d the experience of a Chinese girl in the United States

relay ['ri?le?] vt接力传送,传递~a message

release [r?'li?s] vt 排放,释出~a bomb from an aircraft

relevant ['rel?v(?)nt] adj 有关的,切题的I don’t think his remarks are ~to our discussions

relieve [r?'li?v] vt缓解,减轻,解除He smoked frequently to ~nervous tension

rescue ['reskju?] vt 营救,救援,搭救~hostages held by the terrorists resent [r?'zent] vt 怨恨~those unfair comments

reserve [r?'z??v] vt 保留,储备We’ll the ticket for you till tomorrow noon resign [r?'za?n] vt辞职,引退He ~ed from his post

resolve [r?'z?lv] vt 决定,打定注意要Have you ~d where to go next? Resort [r?'z??t] vi 求助,凭借,诉诸~to sb for help

reverse [r?'v??s] adj 相反的,颠倒的,倒退的a ~dictionary

revise [r?'va?z] vi 修订,校订~a dictionary


revive ?'va?v] vi 苏醒,复苏He is dead and never will ~

ridiculous [r?'d?kj?l?s] adj 可笑的,荒唐的,荒谬的In this department of English girls outnumber boys in a ~ratio

rigid ['r?d??d] adj刚性的,坚硬的a ~piece of plastic

ripe [ra?p] adj 成熟的,时机成熟的a ~cluster of grapes

rot [r?t]n 腐烂,腐坏,腐朽,腐败,腐化Meat may ~if it is not refrigerated roundabout ['ra?nd?ba?t] adj 绕道的,绕圈子的,不直接的The car has to take a ~course to avoid the flood

scan [sk?n] vt 细看,审视~the doctor’s face for a sign of hope scare [ske?] vt 惊吓,恐惧The thunder ~d the children

scatter ['sk?t?] vt撒,撒播~corn for the chickens

schedule ['?edju?l; 'sked-] n时间表,进度表a fight ~

scheme [ski?m] n计划,方案He suggested several ~s to increase sales scold [sk??ld]vi 责骂,训斥Dad ~ed me for coming home late

scorn [sk??n] vt轻蔑,鄙视He ~s lying

scrap [skr?p] n碎片,零屑~s of bread

scrape [skre?p] vt 刮,擦~one’s chin


remark [r?'mɑ?k] vt评论,议论(on, upon) It would be rude to ~upon her appearance

remedy ['rem?d?] n 治疗,治疗法,药品a folk ~

spectacle ['spekt?k(?)l] n景象,奇观,壮观,场面The burning house was a terrible ~

squeeze [skwi?z] vt榨,挤~juice from oranges

stern [st??n] adj严厉的,苛刻的a ~punishment

stimulate ['st?mj?le?t] vt刺激,促使~economic growth

ignore [?g'n??] vt 不顾,不理,忽视:He who ignores history is doomed to repeat it

illuminate [?'l(j)u?m?ne?t] vt 照明,照亮,解释,启发,启迪:The room was poorly illuminated by one candle

illustrate ['?l?stre?t] vt(用图或例子)说明,阐明:A complicated rule can be illustrated by a simple example

immerse [?'m??s] vt使浸没:He immersed himself in the pool

shift 转移,移动Don’t try to ~the blame onto me

shrewd [?ru?d] adj 机灵的,敏锐的,精明的a ~guess

synchronize['s??kr?na?z] vt使同步,使结合,使协调Their steps ~d taboo [t?'bu?] n禁忌,忌讳Movies producers attempted to break down all the ~s

tackle ['t?k(?)l] n 用具,装备shaving ~

transient ['tr?nz??nt] adj短暂的,转瞬即逝的~happiness

simulate ['s?mj?le?t] vt 假装,冒充use tricks to ~illness

sketch [sket?] n 素描,速写make a ~of a face in pencil

slack [sl?k] adj 不紧的,不严的a ~soft rope

slender ['slend?] adj苗条的,修长的,细长的She is ~and has long dark hair

edible['ed?b(?)l] adj可以吃的,可食用的:edible oil

elaborate[?'l?b(?)r?t] adj精心计划(或制作)的,详尽的:an elaborate plot elevate['el?ve?t] vt举起,提高,抬起:elevate the living standards of the people fascinate['f?s?ne?t] vt强烈的吸引,迷住,使神魂颠倒:be fascinated with history

emigrate ['em?gre?t] vi移居外国(或外地区):emigrate from Canada to Australia

emit [?'m?t] vt发出,散发(光,热,电度,声音,液体,气味等),发射电子:The chimney emitted a cloud of smoke

endeavor [?n'd?v?]vt (为达到某一目的而)努力,尝试:How much he endeavored, goal stayed unattained

compulsory [k?m'p?ls(?)r?] adj 必须做的,义务的 a compulsory subject conceal [k?n'si?l] vt 隐藏,隐瞒,隐蔽He concealed his disappointment from his friends.

conceive [k?n'si?v] vt 构想出,设想conceive an idea

restore [r?'st??] vt恢复,修复,康复The temple has been ~d out of all recognition

restrain [r?'stre?n] vt抑制,遏止~one’s anger

resume [r?'zju?m] vt 重新开始,继续When I quit golf, I ~d writing rouse [ra?z] vt 惊起The boat ~d wild ducks to flight

row [r??] n 吵闹,争吵What’s all this ~about?

rub [r?b] vt擦,摩擦He rubbed his eyes

rust [r?st] n锈,铁锈Iron gathers ~easily

ruthless ['ru?θl?s] adj无情的,残忍的,冷酷的a~enemy sack [s?k] n 麻袋,纸袋,塑料袋a ~of cement

sacred ['se?kr?d] adj神圣的the ~name of God

sacrifice ['s?kr?fa?s] n献祭,供奉a law banning the ~of animals salute [s?'l(j)u?t] vt 敬礼,祝贺~one’s superior officer

retain [r?'te?n] vt保留,保持~the right to reply

reveal [r?'vi?l] vt 揭示,揭露I promise never to ~his secret

revenge revenge vt报仇,复仇Man may destroy the balance of nature ,but ,from time to time, nature takes a terrible ~

concentrate ['k?ns(?)ntre?t] vt 集中,专心concentrate one’s attention condemn [k?n'dem]vt 谴责We all condemn cruelty to children. condense [k?n'dens] vt (使)压缩,(使)凝结,使简洁condense a speech to half

confer [k?n'f??]vt 商谈,商议confer with sb. Over (on, about, concerning) sth.

Confess [k?n'fes] vt 坦白,供认,承认,忏悔confess one’s crime formulate'f??mj?le?t] vt规划(制度等),构想出(计划方法等)formulate a policy gallop ['g?l?p] vi(马等的)飞跑,疾驰:The horse did a fine gallop during the race

gamble['g?mb(?)l] vi赌博:gamble at cards

gasp [gɑ?sp] vi 喘气,喘息:speak between gasps

gear [g??] n齿轮,传动装臵,(排)档:interlock cogs and gears

generalize ['d??nr?la?z] vt 归纳,概括:I don’t think you can generalize about what voters will do


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