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Module 1

1. 我们正有一个欢乐时光!We’re having a great time!

2. 我正站在中国的长城上和跟你说话。

I’m standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you.

3. 我们正参加学校旅游和我们正有一个欢乐时光。

We’re on a scholl trip and we’re having a good time.

4. 其他人正在做什么?What are the others doing?

5. Wang Hui正在照大量的相片和Lingling正在买一些礼物和明信片。

Wang Hui is taking lots of pictures and Lingling is buying some presents and postcards.

6. Daming正在吃午饭和躺在太阳里Daming is eating lunch and lying in the sun.

7. 你可以也送我一张明信片吗?Can you send me a postcard too?

8. 我们非常喜欢学校的这次旅游。We’re enjoying the school trip a lot.

9. 此时,世界不同地方的人正在做不同的事情。

At this moment, in different places of the world people are doing different things.

10. 他们正在等公共汽车和追赶火车。

They’re waiting for buses and running for trains.

11. 有些人正在家里喝下午茶或者在走向酒吧,喝上一杯。

Some are having afternoon tea at home or walking to pubs and having a drink.


Some are going to the opera or watching a ballet.

13. 人们不是正在起床,洗刷或者穿衣服。

People aren’t getting up,washing or getting dressed.

14. 他们正在会见朋友,打电话回家或者购物。

They’re seeing friends,calling home or shopping.

Module 2

1. 我们正为春节作准备。We’re getting ready for the Spring Festival.

2. 正发生什么事情?What’s happening?

3. 那些男孩正在学习舞龙。The boys are learning a dragon dance.

4. 我正在做灯笼。I’m making lanterns.

5. 她正在打扫地板。She’s sweeping the floor.

6. 她正在做饭。She’s cooking the meal.

7. 他在工作。He’s at work.

8. 在春节你们有什么传统?What traditions do you have at the Spring Festival?

9. 我们打扫我们的房子和扫去坏运气,然后我们把门和窗户涂成红色。

We clean our house and sweep away bad luck,and then we paint doors and windows red.

10. 它意思是好运气。It means good luck.

11. 我们通常用剪纸来装饰门和窗户。

We usually decorate the doors and windows with paper cuts.

12. 每个人都剪头发。Everyone has a haircut.

13. 在新年那天,我们穿上我们的新衣服。

On New Year’s Day, we put on our new clothes.

14. 新年在两个星期后的元宵节结束。

The New Year Festival finishes at the Lantern Festival after two weeks.

15. 我们通常吃一种叫做元宵的米团子。

We usually eat a kind of rice dumpling called yuanxiao.

16. 他们是圆的所以他们一年到头都带给我们好运气。

They are round and so they bring us good luck all the year round.

17. 在春节前夕的午夜有很多焰火。

There are fireworks at midnight on Spring Festival’s Eve.

Module 3

1. 在周末你打算做什么?What are you going to do at the weekend?

2. 你的计划是什么?What are your plans?

3. 我打算看我的电子邮件然后打算做作业。

I’m going to check my email and then I’m going to do my homework..

4. 我打算上一节钢琴课。I’m going to have a piano lesson.

5. 我打算为考试复习I’m going to revise for my test.

6. 我们打算野餐。We’re going to have a picnic.

7. 我们打算登上长城We’re going to walking up the Great Wall.

8. 我正期待看我的女儿和孙女。

I’m looking forward to seeing my daughter and granddaughter.

9. 我打算乘飞机去北京因为他们住在那里。

I’m going to take the plane to Beijing because they live there.

10. 我们打算游览观光因为我们喜欢中国文化。

We’re going to do some sightseeing because we like Chinese culture.

11. 我打算学习英语因为我想交一些美国朋友。

I’m going to learn English because I want to make some American friends.

12. 我打算躺在沙滩上因为我喜欢太阳和海洋。

I’m going to lie on the beach because I enjoy the sun and the sea.

Module 4

1. 将来会有学校吗?Will there be schools in the future?

2. 不,将不会。No,there won’t

3. 我想每个人将会在家里学习和将使用电脑。

I think that everyone will study at home and will use computers.

4. 他们将把作业通过电子邮件发送给老师吗?

Will they send their homework to the teachers by email?

5. 学生将在电脑上跟他们的老师谈话。

Students will talk to their teachers on their computers.

6. 老师将不会用粉笔在黑板上写字。

The teachers won’t write on a blackboard with chalk.

7.将没有人用纸。No one will use paper.

8. 飞机将很大所以乘飞机旅行将很便宜。

Planes will be very large so flying will be very cheap.

9. 北极将变暖所以海洋将很汹涌。

It will get warm at North Pole so the seas will be very rough.

10. 将会有暴雨和强风。There will be heavy rain and strong winds.

11. 我们将利用太阳来为我们的房子供暖。We’ll use the sun to heat our homes.

12. 人们将在一个星期工作三天。People will work three days a week.

Module 5

1. 你可以为我的作业回答一些问题吗?

Can you answer some questions for my homework?

2. 上海的人口是多少?What’s the population of Shanghai?

3. 香港比上海大吗?Is Hong Kong bigger than Shanghai?

4. 香港有七百万人,所以上海比较大。

Hong Kong has seven million people, so Shanghai is bigger.

5. 上海是一个比香港大的城市吗?Is Shanghai a newer city than Hong Kong?

6. 上海有七百年历史。Shanghai is seven hundred years old.

7. 它是一个在英格兰东部的小城市,它大约有一百万人。

I t’s a small city in the east of England, and it has about 100,000people.

8. 它因剑桥大学而出名。It’s famous for Cambridge University.

9. 伦敦是英国的首都,有着七百万人,所以它比剑桥要大要繁忙。

London is the capital of the UK,with seven million people,

So it’s bigger and busier than Cambridge .

10. 伦敦在英格兰南部和位于泰晤士河河畔。

London is in the south of England and it’s on the River Thames.

11在海岸上有大量的小村庄。.There are lots of small villages on the coast. Module 6

1.骑自行车比游泳更危险。Cycling is more dangerous than swimming.

2.乒乓球比体操更流行。Table tennis is more popular than gymnastics.

3. 它比乒乓球更激动人心。It’s more exciting than table tennis.

4. 跑步比篮球更令人厌烦。Running is more boring than basketball.

5.骑自行车比跑步更令人放松。Cycling is more relaxing than running.

6. 来自北京东四居民委员会的Zhang Xiuyun正要去上课。

Zhang Xiuyun from Dongsi Neighbourhood Committee in Beijing is leaving for school.

7. 我很早到这里并坐在黑板前面。

I get here early and sit in front of the blackboard.

8. 在后面看和听是很困难的。It’s difficult to see and hear at the back.

9. 超过两百个来自东四的人正在学英语。

More than 200people from Dongsi are learning English.

10. 许多来观看奥运赛事的游客讲的都是英语,所以东四的居民们需要尽快学会英语。

Lots of visitors to the Olympic Games will speak English, so the people from Dongsi need to learn English quickly.

11. 没有人想说得糟糕马虎No one wants to speak it badly or carelessly.


It’s more difficult for old people to learn English.

13. 我想比年轻人学习得更好。I want to learn it better than young people.

14. 她准备带着他们游览北京的一个四合院。

She’s going to take them around a Beijing siheyuan.

15. 这些流行的课程将持续到20XX年。

These popular lessons will continue until 2008.


1. Tony怎样到学校?How does Tony get to school?

2. 他住在离学校最远的地方,所以他有最长的旅程。

He lives farthest from the school, so he has the longest journey.

3. 他有最快的旅程因为他骑自行车。

He has the fastest journey because he goes by bicycle.

4. 她的家最靠近学校。Her home is closest to school.

5. 他有时坐火车,但它是去上班最不舒服的方式。

He sometimes takes the train, but it’s the most uncomfortable way to go to work!

6. 在八分钟内它从上海火车站到浦东机场。

It goes from Shanghai Station to Pudong Airport in eight minutes.

7. 相同的旅程坐小车花费大约30分钟。

The same journey takes about 30minutes by car.

8. 载着两位乘客,它比的士更贵。

With two passengers, it’s more expensive than a taxi.

9. 每年32,000,000多位乘客乘坐英国航空公司飞机去旅行,所以英国航空是最繁忙的国际航线之一。

More than 32 million passengers travel on British Airways planes every year,so British Airways is one of the busiest international airlines.

10. 它从伦敦飞往北京,其间8,000多公里的距离用9个半小时就可完成。

It goes from London to Beijing ,a distance of over 8,000 kilometres in 91/2hours.

11. 那车费不贵,你可以在公共汽车站买一张票。

The fairs aren’t expensive and you can buy a ticket at the bus stop.

12. 它是去旅游最安全最便宜的方式,所以每年数百万美国人坐公共汽车。

It’s the safest and cheapest way to travel, so every year millions of Americans go by bus.

Module 8

1.你出生于哪里?Where were you born?

2.出生在山西省的一个小乡村里。I was born in a small village in Shanxi Province.

3.那个乡村是什么名字?What was the name of the village?

4.你第一所学校的名字是什么?What was the name of your first school?

5.它是达尔文小学。It was Darwin Primary School.

6.谁是你第一个老师?Who was your first teacher?

7.她很严格但很友好。She was strict but very nice.

8谁是你最初的朋友?Who were your first friends?

9.他们怎么样?What were they like?

10.Betty在昆西的最后时刻是什么时候?When was the last time Betty was in Quincy?

11.我出生在昆西,一个在美国东海岸上的城镇。I was born in Quincy, a town on the east coast of America. 12.在昆西有大量的事情做。There were lots of things to do in Quincy.

13.我们正期待着来中国。We were looking forward to coming to China.


This was our last home in the USA, and the last time I was there was in 2003. Module 9


Goldilocks walked in the forest and picked some flowers.

2.她看看她的周围。She looked around her.

3.她匆忙走向那所房子要问她在哪里。She hurried to the house to ask where she was.

4.她敲在了门上。She knocked on the door.

5. Goldilocks看了进去和听。Goldilocks looked inside and listened.

6.没有人在那里,所以她进入了房子。There was no one there, so she entered the house.


On a table she counted three bowls with some nice food in them.

8. 她吃完了碗里的所有食物。She finished all the food in it.

9. Goldilocks 冲出了房子。Goldilocks rushed out of the house.

10.她走进了卧室。She walked into the bedroom.

11.很快她在床上睡着了。Very soon she was asleep in it.

12.没有东西在我碗里和我的椅子破碎了。There’s nothing in my bowl and my chair is in pieces!

13.然后熊宝宝指向在他床上的小女孩。Then Baby Bear pointed at the little girl in his bed.


Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.

15.她没有再返回那个森林。She didn’t return to the forest again.

Module 10


Did you ride a bike to school when you were a boy?

2.在夏天你做了什么?What did you do in the summer?


In July and August, my brother and I visited my aunt near the sea.


Some of his most famous plays are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.


He decided to be an actor when he finished school at the age of fourteen.


At twenty-eight he moved to London and joined a theatre company .

7.他成为一位成功的演员和开始写戏剧。He beame a successful actor and started writingplays.


You still see his plays in English and in many other language.

9.他是世界上最著名的作家之一。He is one of the most famous writers in the world.

Module 11


What did you think of the film about Zhan Tianyou on television last night?

2.他是一位著名的铁路工程师。He was the engineer of a famous railroad.

3.它在北京开始和在张家口结束。It started in Beijing and it finish in Zhangjiakou.

4.他什么时候进行那项工作?When did he work on it?

5.他想要一位中国工程师做中国铁路。They wanted a Chinese engineer for a Chinese railroad.

6.它很难建造因为它在山里面。It was very difficult to build because it was in the mountains.


The Chinese opened a museum about his life in Badaling.


Last Wednesday the Shenzhou 5 spacecraft orbited the Earth 14times

9.它达到了343千米的高度。It reached an altitude of 343 kilometres.

10.太空飞行持续了21个小时。The space flight lasted 21 hours

11.那位38岁的宇宙飞行员安全着陆。The 38-year-old astronaut landed safely .


11 years later, he joined the Chinese space programme with 13 other pilots.

13.在地球上的人们在电视上观看Yang Liwei的太空飞行。14.他向地球上的每个人挥手。

People on Earth watched Yang Liwei’s space flight on TV. He waved to everyone on Earth

15.他展示中华民族的国旗。He showed the Chinese national flag.

16.他也休息了三个小时。He also rested for three hours.

Module 12

1. Tony ,在假期你打算做什么?What are you going to do on holiday,Tony?

2.到达那里花费多长时间?How long did it take to get there?


We left at 9 o’clock in the morning and it took about nine hours.

4.我们在同一天早上9点到达那里。We got there at 9 o’clock in the morning on the same day!

5.我们在那里花费了两天时间。We spent two days there.

6.我和我的朋友Jenny在伦敦度假。I’m on holiday in London with my friend Jenny.


We arrived by plane on Monday and took a taxi to our hotel. I went for a walk in Hyde Park.

9. Jenny 不跟我来因为她很累。Jenny didn’t come with me because she was tired.

10.最后今天我去了购物。Finally today I did some shopping

11.Jenny在公园听音乐会。Jenny listened to a concert in the park.

12.我回到了酒店和看报纸。I came back to the hotel and read the newspaper.

13. 我正在用电子邮件把它们发送给你!I’m sending them with this email to you!

14.我们打算明天坐飞机回家。Tomorrow we’re going to fly home.

15.对你的妈妈和爸爸问好。Say hello to your mum and dad.

Module 10

1. Did you ride__________ to school when you were a boy?

A. bike

B.a bike

C. by bike

2. What ________you do in the last summer? A.did B. do C.are

3. In July and August, my brother and my sister usually _________my aunt near the sea.

A. visit

B. visited

C. are visiting

4.----When were you born?------I was born ________December 1988.

A. on

B. in

C. at

5.Did you watch a football match? Yes, I____________. A. did B.didn’t C. do

6.They listened to ___________. A.the radio B.radio C.with radio

7.There _____________any boats in the river. A.weren’t B.was n’t C.were

8.___________there any food in the bowl? A.Were B.Was C.Did

9.I liked ____________. A.swimed B.swiming C.swimming

10.He likes the bird __________a cat. A.liking B.to like C.like

11.Tom_________a monkey two years ago. A.had B.have C.has

12.Did she have a house__________the beach? A.in B.under C.on

13.Did they travel__________?

A.take the plane

B.by plane

C.by a plane

14.He___________around the world last November, now I’m_________too.



C.travelled,going to travel

15.They _________have a house two months ago.


B. didn’t

C. don’t

16.He decided _____________an actor. A. to become B.be C.to is

17.Jim ______________in 1996.




18.Their company ________________a theatre. A.opened B.was C.did

19.I can _____________you. A.hear B.listen C.heared

20.He _____________one year ago.

A. dies




Some of ___________________________are Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet.


He finished school _________________________ fourteen.


At twenty-eight he ____________London and ___________a theatre company .


He ____________________actor and started writing plays.


You still see his plays in English and _____________________________.


He is one of the _____________________ in the world.

Module 11

( )1.What did you _______your brother? A.think of B.think C.think over ( )2.I liked the film_______Zhan Tianyou. A.in B.about C.with

( )3.-------_______was Betty?------She was my sister. A.What B.Where C.Who ( )4.-------What_______he do?------He was a doctor. A.did B.was C.is ( )5.The railroad started_______Beijing and it finished_______Zhangjiakou.

A.on, on

B.from , to

C.in , in

( )6.________January________February,he had ten piano lessons.

A.In, in


C.From, to

( )7.I wanted him________ in the factory. A.to work B.working C.works ( )8.________ didn’t he do his homework? A.Why B.What C.Who ( )9.He cooked some food_______his daughter. A.to B.for C.give ( )10.Yang Liwei was a pilot________a wife and a young son.




( )11.He _________earth ten hours ago. A.returned to B.returns to C.returned ( )12.He was_________“China’s first astronaut”. A.calling B.call C.called ( )13.I did the exercises two_________. A.time B.times C.some time ( )14.It reached _________ altitude of 220 kilometres. A.a B.an C.the ( )15.China was the third country to send a person_________space.




( )16.He trained _______four years. A.in B.for C.with

( )17.I wanted ________an astronaut. A.to be B.to became C.was

( )18.Yang Liwei _________everyone on Earth. A. waved B.waveed to C. waved to ( )19.He had a meal _________chicken. A.on B.of C.in

( )20.Liu Hulan and Huang Jiguang were_________. A.hero B.heroes C.heros

1.He was a _________(民族)hero.

2.They _____________(建造)a house in 1908.

3.The Chinese opened a _________(博物馆)about him.

4.The bridge goes________(在……上面)the river.

5.Our government makes a lot of ____________(项目).

6.They were __________(工程师)of a famous railroad.

7.These are some __________(背景资料)about her.

8.The flight one year ago __________(持续)2 hours.

9.The man in the middle of the children is her__________(丈夫).

10.The spacecraft is _________(环绕)the earth now.


1.他什么时候进行那项工作?When did he_______________ it?

2.做饭很难。It was very ________________________.

3.Jim是一个11岁的男孩。Jim is a _________________________boy.

4.他休息了5个小时。He _____________________five hours.

5.飞机安全着陆。The plane____________________.


新人教版七年级英语下册单词表|人教版七年级英语单词 下 单词,扩大语汇量。 新人教版的七年级英语学习需要一些方法、技巧 ,才能有效地记牢 帮助。 有所 面是小编为大家精心推荐的新人教版七年级英语下册的单词表,希望能够 对您 新人教版七年级英语下册单词表:1-4 单元 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? guitar n.吉他 sing v.唱;唱歌 swim v.游泳 dance v.跳舞;舞蹈 draw v.画 chess n.国际象棋 play chess 下国际象棋 speak v.说;说话 speak English 说英语 join v.参加;加入 club n.俱乐部;社团 be good at ?擅长于?? tell v. n 讲述;告诉 story n 故事;小说 write v.写作,写字 show n.演出;表演v.展示; or conj.或者 talk v. n 说话;谈话 talk to ?跟??说 kungfu n. 功夫 drum n.鼓 play the drums 敲鼓 piano n.钢琴 play the piano 弹钢琴 violin n. 小提琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 also adv 也;而且 people n 人;人们 home n 家,活动本部.adv 到家;在家 be good with ?善于应付??的;对??有办法 make v.使成为 ;制造 make friends 结交朋友 today adv.在今天 help with sth 在某方面帮助 center n 中心,中央 weekend. n.周末 on the weekend. 周末 teach v 教,讲授


新目标英语七年级下册知识点总结 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 1,情态动词+V原 can do= be able to do 2,Play+ the+ 乐器 +球类,棋类 3,join 参加社团、组织、团体 4,4个说的区别:say+内容 Speak+语言 Talk 谈论 talk about sth talk with sb talk to sb Tell 告诉,讲述 tell sb (not)to do sth Tell stories/ jokes 5,want= would like +(sb)to do sth 6,4个也的区别:too 肯定句末(前面加逗号) Either否定句末(前面加逗号) Also 行前be 后 As well 口语中(前面不加逗号) 7,be good at+ V-ing=do well in 擅长于 be good for 对…有益(be bad for对…有害) be good to 对…友好(good 可用friendly,nice,kind替换) be good with和…相处好=get on/ along well with 8,特殊疑问句的构成:疑问词+一般疑问句 9,How/ what about+V-ing …怎么样?(表建议)

10,感官动词(look, sound, taste, smell, feel)+adj/ like 11,选择疑问句:回答不能直接用Yes或者No,要从中选择一个回答12,students wanted for school show(wanted表示招募,含有被动意义) 13,show sth to sb=show sb sth give sth to sb=give sb sth 14,help sb (to)do sth Help sb with sth With sb’s help= with the help of sb Help oneself to 随便享用 15,be busy doing sth/ be busy with sth 16,need to do sth 17,be free= have time 18,have friends= make friends 19,call sb at +电话号码 20,on the weekend= on weekends 21,English-speaking students 说英语的学生(带有连词符,有形容词性质) 22,do kung fu表演功夫 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 1,问时间用what time或者when At+钟点 at 7 o’clock at noon/ at night(during/ in the day)


Unit 5 Topic 1 Section A Ⅰ. 1. invited 2. smells 3. excited 4. disappointed 5. films Ⅱ. 1. is 2. feels 3. sounds 4. get 5. tastes 6. smell 7. looks Ⅲ. 1. Guess what 2. a ticket to 3. looks; worried 4. preparing dinner for 5. going to the movies Ⅳ. 1. How are you doing 2. What a pity 3. Let’s spend the weekend together 4. What kind of movie are you going to see 5. say thanks to Section B Ⅰ. 1. boring 2. exciting 3. worried 4. interested 5. bored Ⅱ. 1-7 CCABC BB Ⅲ.1. look; beautiful 2. seemed unhappy 3. smells; fresh 4. tastes; delicious 5. felt; happy 6. sounds interesting 7. becomes more beautiful 8. is difficult Ⅳ.1. Why not go to the movies this weekend? 2. They feel sorry for Mike. He had an accident yesterday. 3. I don’t like the dress at all. 4. Wang Hong fell ill yesterday. However, she went to work on time. 5. What’s the matter with your left eye? It looks red. Section C Ⅰ. 1. cry 2. lively 3. mad 4. lonely 5. almost Ⅱ. 1. At first I was a little afraid, but I started to relax soon. 2. What should we do to cheer her up? 3. Don’t worry about your children. I’ll care for them well. 4. He went nowhere / didn’t go anywhere yesterday because of the bad weather. Ⅲ. 1. The chicken smells nice. 2. Jenny was sad because her brother broke her favorite doll. 3. Would you mind caring for my cat while I’m away? 4. Were you able to ride a bike at the age of five? 5. Mr. Green felt disappointed when he heard the news. Ⅳ. 1-7 CBCAC AA Section D Ⅰ. 1. role 2. upset 3. frightened 4. painting 5. culture Ⅱ. 1. come into being 2. is full of 3. is very popular with 4. In the end / At last 5. made peace with 6. has a history of Ⅲ. 1. When and where shall we meet 2. The film is boring and I don’t like it at all 3. That seems a good idea 4. does the song sound 5. make peace with 1


七年级下英语单元综合测试(M1---M6) 一.单项选择(25分) ( ) 1. —I am going to Hainan with my friends this summer vacation. —_____________! A. Have a nice time idea C. I'd love to D. Thank you ( ) 2. Let's _________ on Sunday morning! A .go to shopping B. going shopping C .do some shopping D. doing some shopping ( ) 3. He enjoys _____ , But he'd like _____ his homework now A. to swim , is doing B. swimminm, to do C. to swim, does D. swimming, doing ( ) 4. —Are these gloves _____ —No, _______are over there. A. your, mine B. your, my C. yours,mine D. mine,your ( ) does well in sports, _____we choose him as our PE monitor. A. Because ,so B. \ , so , but , because ( ) a football match in our school next week. A. is gonging to have B. is gonging to be C. is D. are ( ) am going to a plane to shanghai. A. by B. sit C. take D. have ( ) is looking forward to the Great Wall. A. visiting C. visits D. visited ( ) in our class swimming. A. like B. likes C. liking D. to like ( ) 10.


七年级英语复习资料(二) Uint One Where is your pen pal from? 一、重点句子 1. Where is your pen pal(=pen friend) from? He is from (comes from) Australia. 2. Where does he live? He lives in Pairs. 3. What language do you speak? I speak English. 4. Does she have any brothers or sisters? (注意:选择疑问句回答是不用yes或no) 5. What's her favorite subject? Her favorite subject is ………. 6. Is that you new pen pal? Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. 7. They have pen pals in the United Kingdom and Australia. 8. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. 9. Can you write to me soon? 10. Please write and tell me about yourself. 二、重点词组、短语及个别词的用法 1. be from=come from 13. France(法国)---French(法语.法国的) 2.Japanese for kids 儿童日语14. Japan (日本)----Japanese(日语日本人) 3. Chinese is fun 趣味汉语 4. Our world in English 英语世界1 5.China(中国)----Chinese(汉语.中国人) 5. French for today 今日法语 6. live in +地点住在…….. 16.Australia(澳大利亚)-Australian(澳大利亚人) 7. a little 一点儿(修饰不可数名词) Little 几乎没有 8. like to do sth / like doing sth 喜欢做某事 9. on weekends 在周末 10. Canada (加拿大)--------Canadian (加拿大人) 11. the United States=the USA=America(美国)-------American(美国人)12 the United Kingdom=the UK =England (英国)----English(英国人) 注意:Japanese 与Chinese 的复数形式与原形相同 city---cities country----countries Unit Two Is there a post office near hear? 一、重点句子 1. Is there a bank near here? Yes, there is.( 注意there be 句型) 2. Where is the …….? It's ………(注意某地有某物的表达) 3. Just go straight and turn left. 4. It's down Bridge Street on the right. 5. Thank you very much. You are welcome. 6. Turn left on first Avenue and enjoy the city's quiet streets and small parks. 7. Take a walk through the park on Center Avenue. 8. This is the beginning of the garden tour. 9. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden. 10. Bridge Street is a good place to have fun. 11.If you're hungry ,you can buy some food in the supermarket. 12. I know you are arriving next Sunday. 13. Let me tell the way to my house. 14. You pass a bank on your right and then go down Long Street. 15.Go down Bridge Street and turn left at New Park.


单词:(七下册u1) country, Canada, Japan, Australia, French, language, pal, live, United, Singapore 选择: ABDBBCAACD 句型: is from, Where from, What language(s), Where does, Does speak 翻译: Where is from is from, does live lives, language speak speaks, Chinese speaks Japanese

对话:EFBDA Section B 单词: write,favorite,difficult,world, wants, 介词:for, in ,to, from in, in, with, at, from in, to on 选择:CCAAC BCABC CBBDB翻译: speak speaks French, think interesting, a little,writes to his parents about, playing sports on u2A答案 1.library,restaurant,supermar

ket,bridge,post office, Avenue, neighborhood 2:CBCBCCDCCC 3Where are ,is a long bridge, Yes, there is, Are there any, There are two small restaurants in the neighborhood. SectionB答案 1:small, quiet,beginning, through,dirty,hungry,way,ga rden,visit,tour,supermarket,a irport,district,place,tour 2:BABBABCBAC 3:Go down/turn left,have a


2016新外研版七年级下英语全册课文 Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this? Ms Li: Welcome back to school everyone! First of all, come and look in the lost and found box! There are a lot of things in it. Whose bag is this? Lingling: Oh sorry! It’s mine. Are my crayons there too? Ms Li: Are these crayons yours? Lingling: Yes, they are and this eraser too. Thank you. Ms Li: Whose tapes are these? Daming: They’re mine. Ms Li: Here’s a purple wallet! Tony: It’s mine. Look! Here’s my name ―Tony‖! Thank you. Ms Li: You’re welcome! Look at this nice watch. Is it yours too, Daming? Daming: No, it isn’t. I think it’s Betty’s. Lingling: Yes, it’s hers. Ms Li: Everyone, please be careful with your things from now on. Daming: Here are some nice gloves. Whose gloves are they? Ms Li: Let me see... Oh, they’re mine! Thank you! Unit2 Are they yours? The Lost and Found Office in New York City Welcome to the New York City Lost and Found Office. People often lose things when they’re travelling or when they’re in a hurry. They leave things on planes, on trains, on buses and in taxis. That’s why there are lost and found offices at airports and stations. The New York City Lost and Found Office is very big. Hundreds of people come here every day. They are looking for their phones, cameras, watches,


新目标七年级英语下册重点知识点复习 Unit 1 Where is your pal from? 1.(p1)be from =come from 来自Linda is from Japan.= Linda comes.from Japan.那么Where's your pen pal from?= ? 2.(p2)live住,居住(后跟地点是常用live in) 。例如: I live in China. Do you live in China? Yes,Ido./No,Idon't. I don'tlive in China. Where do you live? (where 是副词,和动词live搭配时,动词后不能加 介词in) 3.(p3)说某种语言用speak, speak Chinese/ English/ Japanese /French说汉语/英语/日语/法语 问某人说某种语言用句型What language do/does sb speak? What language do you speak?I speak Chinese. What language does Mary speak?She speaks English. 4.(p5,3a)14 years old 14岁解释:数字+ year(s) old …岁当数字大于1时,year用复 数years。I am 30 years old. Her son is 1 year old. 5.(p5,3a)can为情态动词,“能,能够,会”。后面跟动词时必须用动词原形。 肯定句变成一般疑问句需把can提到句首。肯定句变成否定句只需把can变成can't 既可。例如: She can speak English. Can she speak English? Yes,she can./No,she can't . She can't speak English. 6(p5,3a)“Like+动词ing”表示“喜欢做某事”I like playing basketball. Tom likes listening to music. 注意:“Like+to+动词”也表示“喜欢做某事”,仅仅“Like+动词ing”表示习惯性动作(也能够说是爱好),而“Like+to+动词”表示一次性或短暂性的。Our PEteacher likes swimming.( 表示爱好) He likes playing basketball,but today he doesn't like to play basketball.他爱好打篮球(爱好),但是今天他没去打篮球(短暂性的)。 7.(p5,3a)Write to 人:写信给某人He often Writes to his mother. Do you often Write to your pen pal? 8.(p5,3b) favorite形容词“最喜爱的”,名词“最喜爱的人或物”。 My favorite sport is soccer.我最喜爱的运动是足球。Hammbu g e r s a r e my favorite.是我最喜爱的食物。 9.(p5,3b)t e l lsb.a b o u t s t h告诉某人某事Mym o t h e r o f t e n t e l l smea b o u tmyg r a n d f a t h e r.我的妈妈经常告诉我关 于我爷爷的事。 Unit 2 Where’s the post office? 1.(p7-8)“There be结构的一般现在时基本句型如下: (1)肯定句:①There is(There's) a big supermarket near my home.(可数名词单数)在我家附近有一 个大超市。②There is(There's) some water in the glass.(不可数名词)在玻璃杯里有一些水。③There are 30 students in the classroom.(可数名词复数)在教室里有30个学生。 (2)否定句There be结构的否定句只需在肯定句中be的后面加not即可。(is not =isn't,are not=aren't)。所以以上三句的否定句依次为:①There isn't a big supermarket near my home.名词单在我家附近没有大超市。②There isn't any water in the glass.在玻璃杯里没有水。(肯定句中的some,在疑问句和否定句中需要变成any)③There aren't 30 students in the classroom.在教室里没有30个学生。 (3)疑问式和简略答语 一般疑问句:只需把肯定句中的be提到句首即可。所以以上三句的一般疑问句依次为: ①Is there a big supermarket near your home?Yes,there is. No,there isn't.在我家附近有一个 大超市吗?②Is there any water in the glass?Yes,there is. No,there isn't.在玻璃杯里有一些水吗?③Are there 30 students in the classroom?在教室里有30名学生吗?Yes,there are. No,there aren't. 特殊疑问句:How many days are there in a week?一个星期有多少天?There are seven.有七天。 注:在There be结构的一般现在时基本句型中,若“某物/某人”为好几个并列,往往根据第一个人/物的单复数来确定be 的形式。比较以下两句的差异:


新课标人教版初中英语七年级下册英语精品试题及答案本试卷满分95分考试时间90分钟 第一卷(选择题共40分) 一.单项选择(每小题1分共 15分) 21.Bob couldn’t buy the dictionary becuase he had___money with him. A.a few B.few C.a little D.little 22.The old teacher is a friend_____. A my brother’s B my brother C of my brother’s D of a brother 23.----Did you see the football match last night? -----Yes,I have never seen____. A such a B so a C such an D so an 24.----Is that red bike Miss Gao’s? -----Yes,it is____. Bautiful,is’t it? A his B our’s C hers Dshe’s 25.If you want to book a round-trip ticket,you will have to pay___200yuan. A more B other C the other D another 26.That’s the only thing_____can’t be forgotten in my life. A that B which C who D \ 27.Since you are______trouble, why not ask_____help. A in,for B in,to C with,for D with,to 28.It’s raining so____that we can____go out. A hard,hard B hardly,hardly C hard,hardly D hardly,hard 29.She prefers_____rather than_____. A write,read B to write,read C to write,to write D write,to read 30.----Do you know_____man on TV? -----Yes,he is_____active person. A the,the B a,an C the,an Da,the 31.Personal computers_____in1976,It has changed the whole world. A invented B are invented C have been invented D were invented 32._____he is only 8 years old,he knows more about science than his father. A but B though C so D because 33.-----Did you arrive late? ------No,I just managed______. A to make B to get it C to make it D to make them 34.His parents were worried that he____too much time chatting on line. A spend B cost C paid D had


英语(人教版)七年级下册 (注:以下单词中不包括每章节的人名;单词表可以打印下来用于复习背诵,折叠以下,方便检查自己的背诵情况,方便易携带;下载后可自行调整字体大小等) Unit 1 guitar n.吉他 sing v.唱;唱歌 swim v. & n.游泳 dance v.跳舞n.舞蹈 draw v.画 chess n.国际象棋 play chess 下国际象棋 speak v.说(某种语言);说话 speak English 说英语 join v. 参加;加入 club n. 俱乐部;社团 be good at…擅长于…… tell v.讲述;告诉 story n.故事;小说 write v.写作;写字 show n.演出;节目v. 给……看;展示;or conj. 或者;也不(用于否定句) talk v. & n. 说话;交谈 talk to…跟……说 kung fu n.(中国)功夫 drum n.鼓 play the drums 敲鼓 piano n.钢琴 play the piano 弹钢琴 violin n. 小提琴 play the violin 拉小提琴 also adv. 也;而且 people n. 人;人们 home n. 家;活动本部adv. 到家;在家be good with…善于应付……的;对……有办法make v. 使成为;制造 make friends 结交朋友 today adv. 在今天 help (sb) with sth 在某方面帮助(某人) center n.(=centre)中心;中央 weekend n. 周末 on the weekend (在)周末 teach v教;讲授


七年级英语(下)复习提纲 Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from? 一.短语: 1 .be from = come from 来自于---- 2.live in 居住在--- 3.on weekends 在周末 4 .write to sb = write a letter to sb 给某人写信;写信给某人 5 .in the world 在世界上 6.in China 在中国7.pen pal 笔友 8. 14 years old 14岁9.favorite subject 最喜欢的科目10.the United States 美国 the United Kingdom 英国New Y ork 纽11.speak English 讲英语like and dislike 爱憎9.go to the movies 去看电影play sports 做运动 二.重点句式: 1 Where’s your pen pal from? = Where does your pen pal from/ 2 Where does he live? 3 What language(s) does he speak? 4 I want a pen pal in China. 5 I can speak English and a little French. 6 Please write and tell me about yourself. 7 Can you write to me soon? 8 I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. 三.本单元的国家,人民、语言对应。 1 Canada---- Canadian---- English / French 2 France------ French------French 3 Japan------Japanese----Japanese 4 Australia----Australian----- English 5 the United States------ American---- English 6 the United Kingdom---British----- Enghish Unit 2 Where’s the post office? 一.A sking ways: (问路) 1.Where is (the nearest) ……?(最近的)……在哪里? 2.Can you tell me the way to ……?你能告诉我去……的路吗? 3.How can I get to ……?我怎样到达……呢? 4.Is there ……near here / in the neighborhood? 附近有……吗? 5.Which is the way to ……?哪条是去……的路? 二.Showing the ways: (指路) 1. Go straight down / along this street. 沿着这条街一直走。 2. Turn left at the second turning. 在第二个路口向左转。 3. Y ou will find it on your right. 你会在你右手边发现它。 4. It is about one hundred metres from here. 离这里大约一百米远。 5. Y ou’d better take a bus. 你最好坐公交车去。(Y ou’d better+动词原形)三.词组 1. across from ……在……的对面across from the bank 在银行的对面 2. next to……紧靠……next to the supermarket 紧靠超市 3. between……and……在……和……之间 between the park and the zoo 在公园和动物园之间 among 表示位于三者或三者以上之间 4. in front of……在……前面There is a tree in front of the classroom. 课室前面有棵树。in the front of……在……(内)的前部There is a desk in the front of the classroom. 课室内的前部有张桌子。 5. behind……在……后面behind my house 在我家后面 6. turn left/ right 向左/右拐 on the left/right of……在某物的左/右边on the left of our school在我们学校的左边on one’s left/right 在某人的左/右边on my left在我左边


人教版七年级下册英语试题及答案 七年级下册英语期末综合测试题卷 I 选择题(共 85 分) I. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分) ( )1. A. cold B. cute C. clean ( )2. A. No. 44 bus B. No. 24 bus C. No. 42 bus ( )3. A. write a story B. ride a bike C. ride a horse ( )4. A. She didn’t like the movie. B. She liked the movie very much. C. The movie was very interesting. ( )5. A. There isn’t a bank in our neighborhood. B. The bank is far from the supermarket. C. The supermarket is across from the bank. II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语。 (共 5 小题,每小题 1 分,计 5 分) ( )6. A. No, thanks. B. Yes, I’d love to. C. Yes, I do. ( )7. A. She is a good girl. B. She has a round face. C. She is from Canada. ( )8. A. By bike. B. Five kilometers. C. Five minutes. ( )9. A. At seven every morning. B. From Monday to Friday. C. Under the table. ( )10. A. It’s 7:20. B. It’s cloudy. C. It’s Tuesday. III. 听对话和问题,选择正确答案。


新目标人教版七年级下册英语单词表 Unit 1 Can you play the guitar? 1. guitar [ɡ? 'tɑ?r] n.吉他2. join [d???n] v.参加;加入 3. dance [dɑ?ns][d?ns] v.跳舞;舞蹈 4. swim [sw?m] v.游泳 5. sing [s??]v.唱;唱歌 6. chess [t?es] n.国际象棋 7. paint [peint][pent] v.画画 8. speak [spi:k][spik] v.说;说话 9. piano ['pjɑ? n??] n.钢琴 10. drum [dr?m] n.喇叭 11. violin [?va??'l?n] n.小提琴12. or [??r] conj.或者 13. musician [mju'z??n] n.音乐家 14. show [???] n.演出;表演v.展示;给..看 15.draw [dr??]v.画 16.story ['st??ri] 故事、事迹、小说 17.tell [tel] v.告诉;讲述 18.write [rait] v.书写 19.talk [t??k] 谈话、谈论 20.also ['??ls??] 也;亦;而且adv. 21.people ['pi?pl]人;人民n. 22.center ['s?nt?]中央、中心 23.home [h??m] adv.家 24.today [t?'de?] n.& adv.今天;今日

25.make [meik] 使、促使、迫使 26.weekend ['wi?kend]n.周末;星期六和星期日 27teach [ti?t?] 教、讲授28 club [kl?b] 社团;俱乐部n. 29 show [???] n.演出;表演v.展示;给..看 Unit 2 What time do you go to school? 1up [?p] prep.向上 2dressed [drest] adj.打扮好的;穿着衣服的 动词dress的过去式和过去分词. 3brush [br??] v.刷 4showe['?a??(r)]v.淋浴;淋浴器 5usually ['ju??u?li] adv.通常 6forty ['f??rti] num.四十7never ['nev?(r)] adv.永不;绝不;从不;未曾 8early ['??li] adv.早adj.早 9fifty ['f?fti] num.五十 10job [d?ɑ?b]n.工作;零工;任务;职位 13o'clock(=of the clock) adv.…点钟(只用于正点) 14.station ['ste??n] n.电视台;车站 15.funny ['f?ni] adj奇怪的滑稽好笑的 16.exercise ['eks?rsa?z] v.n 锻炼;练习 17.group [ɡru?p] n.组群 18.take a shower淋浴;洗澡 19.work [w??rk] n.& v.工作


初一年级英语试卷 第二部分知识应用(共两节,记25分) 第一节语法填空(15小题,记15分) 21、There is ______“f”in the word “food”、 A、a B、an C、/ 22、--- Can Lily speak English? ---__________, it’s easy for her、 A、No, she can’t、、 B、Yes, she can、 C、Yes, she does、 23、 It is very difficult for many students in the small village ______to school、 A、get B、 gets C、to get 24、We have to _______school uniforms on weekdays、 A 、wear B、dress C、put on 25、 Rose often helps me _________my English、 A、to B、on C、with 26、Listen! Mary _______aloud in her room now、 A、 reading B、reads C、is reading 27、One of my friends ____from the USA、 A、 is B、am C、are 28、There are some boats ________paper on the water、 A、made of B、made from C、made in 29、Mr Smith is _____with us, but we all like him、 A、good B、 strict C、happy 30、Work hard and your dream can ______、 A、e true B、turn on C、look after 31、---______do you e to school? ---I usually ride my bike、 A、When B、Why C、How 32、---Linda, your new skirt is so beautiful! ----________________、 A、Thank you B、Oh no, your skirt is more beautiful C、Yes, I’d love to 33、 ---Jim usually goes to school on foot, _______you, Tim? ---Me, too、 A、Where are B、What about C、Who are 34、 ---Let’s go out to play basketball! ---__________! A、Sounds great B、Not at all C、You are wele 35、 ---What do you think of the movie? ---_______、 I don’t like it、 A、Great B、Very good C、Terrible 第二节词语填空(10小题,记10分) 通读下面得短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给得A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 Sadie and Besie are sisters、 They are Americans、 They live in the mountain village、 Sadie is 104 years old and Besie is 102 years old、 They __36___their story in a book、 Here is some of these advice(忠告) for living a long, healthy life、 In another word, these are the life rules、 1、 Get up __37___、 They get up at 7:00 in the morning、 2、 Have a ___38___ breakfast、 3、 ___39___every day、 The sisters like to do yoga(瑜伽)、 They also walk every day、

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