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1. Vitamin D helps our bodies make a special chemical, and this special

chemical, ________,

affects our brains, making us feel happy.

A. in turn

B. in particular

C. in advance

D. in short

2. The traditional approach _________ with complex problems in our studies

is to break them

down into smaller, more easily managed problems.

A. to deal

B. having dealt

C. to dealing

D. being


3. I’m told that https://www.wendangku.net/doc/556013359.html, is a free website ______learners

can not just learn

various languages but also chat online.

A. where

B. which

C. that

D. what

4. Madonna _______ a straight–A student, but it was dancing that she was

really crazy about.

A. must be

B. could be

C. must have been

D. could have


5. Thanks to the application of new farming methods, output is now six times

_____ it was before 2000. A. that B. what C. which

D. how

6. Mr. White works with an import and export company, but he __ __ for this

industrial fair, since he is on leave.

A. has worked

B. works

C. has been working

D. is


7. ______ that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis,

people are

optimistic about the future of the country.

A. Convincing

B. Convinced

C. To convince

D. Having convinced

8. He tried to deal with the ever-increasing burden of his work, but finally ___ ____ and had to

take a complete rest.

A. broke away

B. broke up

C. broke down

D. broke out

9.—Now more and more Chinese senior students are applying for admission to

American universities through SAT.

—________. But taking an SAT may cost one more than 10,000 yuan.

A. I hope so

B. Not really

C. That’s t he case

D. That

sounds reasonable

10. Profits in his company went up by 25% last year, and ___ ___ so far this

year though the

financial situation is bad.

A. haven’t decreased

B. didn’t decrease

C. haven’t been decreased

D. weren’t decreased

11. Below the topsoil of the earth is the subsoil, _____ layer that contains

stones mixed with a small amount of _____ organic matter.

A. a; the

B. the; the

C. 不填; 不填

D. a; 不填

12. —Mike, have you ever heard of the latest water heater using solar energy? —Yes, of course, but I haven’t decided whether to buy _____.

A. it

B. one

C. this

D. that

13. —I counted sheep, I drank milk and I tried everything, but nothing helped.

—It seems you _____ too much recently. Try some sleeping pills.

A. worked

B. work

C. had worked

D. have been working

14. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/556013359.html, is a free site _____ visitors can not just learn languages

but also chat online.

A. that

B. which

C. where

D. what

15. —John is really expert at fighting cybercrime!

—Yes, but he _____ his potential if it had not been for his desire to meet the new challenge.

A. never realized

B. would never realize

C. would never have realized

D. had never realized

16. —Jimmy had a lot of parties recently.

—Yes, that might _____ why he didn’t do well in the test.

A. account for

B. push for

C. make for

D. compensate for

17. —How long will it be _____ the professor makes another visit to China? —It all depends.

A. until

B. before

C. since

D. when

18. Generally, _____ to a university in the USA, foreign students need to

prove their strong ability in using English.

A. admitting

B. admitted

C. to be admitted

D. being admitted

19. —Are you going to find a job back in your hometown?

—Well, I haven’t decided yet. I _____ find some other choices.

A. would

B. must

C. should

D. might

20. When electric cars become _____, we’ll need to build more charging


A. available

B. accessible

C. attractive

D. alternative

21. As he was getting onto the stage, Dan closed his eyes and took a deep

breath to rid himself _____ his fears.

A. by

B. of

C. from

D. to

22. —Peter’s injuries were severe and he bled too much.

—Yes. Ten minutes late _____ he would have died.

A. but

B. or

C. so

D. and

23. —When will the expert come and give the lecture on intellectual property?

—Not until our program _____ by the authorities.

A. approves

B. has been approved

C. is to approve

D. will be approved

24. _____ Chinese culture with overseas cultures is a challenging job, but

you will learn a lot from it. A. Comparing B. Compared C. Having compared D. Compare

25. Furniture and flooring usually come to mind when we think of ways to

use bamboo. Not many of us, _____, think of bamboo clothing.

A. therefore

B. thus

C. though

D. meanwhile

江苏省泰州市姜堰二中2017-2018学年高考数学四模试卷 Word版含解析

2017-2018学年江苏省泰州市姜堰二中高考数学四模试卷 一、填空题:本大题共14小题,每小题5分,共70分.请把答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上. 1.已知集合A={x|x2﹣x﹣2≤0},集合B={x|1<x≤3},则A∪B=_______. 2.已知i为虚数单位,复数z=2i+,则复数z的模为_______. 3.“?x≥0,使x(x+3)≥0”的否定是_______. 4.执行如图程序: 输出的结果S是_______. 5.在圆x2+y2=4所围成的区域内随机取一个点P(x,y),则|x|+y≤0的概率为_______.6.底面边长和高都为2的正四棱锥的表面积为_______. 7.函数f(x)=6cos2+sinωx﹣3(ω>0)在一个周期内的图象如图所示,A为图象 的最高点,B,C为图象与x轴的交点,且△ABC为正三角形,则ω=_______. 8.已知O为坐标原点,A,B两点的坐标均满足不等式组则tan∠AOB的最大值等于_______. 9.x≥0,y>0,x+y≤2,则+最小值_______. 10.已知sin(+α)+sinα=,则sin(α+)的值是_______. 11.设点P为双曲线﹣=1(a>0,b>0)上一点,F1,F2分别是左右焦点,I是△PF1F2 的内心,若△IPF1,△IPF2,△IF1F2的面积S1,S2,S3满足2(S1﹣S2)=S3,则双曲线的离心率为_______. 12.已知函数f(x)=x|x﹣a|,若对任意x1∈[2,3],x2∈[2,3],x1≠x2恒有 ,则实数a的取值范围为_______.

13.已知O为△ABC的垂心,且+2+3=,则A角的值为_______. 14.设各项均为正整数的无穷等差数列{a n},满足a54=4028,且存在正整数k,使a1,a54,a k成等比数列,则公差d的所有可能取值之和为_______. 二、解答题:本大题共6小题,共计90分,请在答题卡指定区域内作答,解答时应写出文字说明、证明或演算步骤. 15.如图,三棱柱ABC﹣A1B1C1为正三棱柱,BC=CC1=4,D是A1C1中点. (Ⅰ)求证:A1B∥平面B1CD; (Ⅱ)求点B到平面B1CD的距离. 16.已知△ABC中,,记. (1)求f(x)解析式及定义域; (2)设g(x)=6m?f(x)+1,,是否存在正实数m,使函数g(x)的值域 为?若存在,请求出m的值;若不存在,请说明理由. 17.如图,某广场为一半径为80米的半圆形区域,现准备在其一扇形区域OAB内建两个圆形花坛,该扇形的圆心角为变量2θ(0<2θ<π),其中半径较大的花坛⊙P内切于该扇形,半径较小的花坛⊙Q与⊙P外切,且与OA、OB相切. (1)求半径较大的花坛⊙P的半径(用θ表示); (2)求半径较小的花坛⊙Q的半径的最大值. 18.已知椭圆+=1(a>b>0)上顶点A(0,2),右焦点F(1,0),设椭圆上任一点 到点M(0,6)的距离为d. (1)求d的最大值; (2)过点F的直线交椭圆于点S,T两点,P为准线l上一动点. ①若PF⊥ST,求证:直线OP平分线段ST; ②设直线PS,PF,PT的斜率分别为k1,k2,k3,求证:k1,k2,k3成等差数列.


绝密★启用前 江苏省南通市普通高中 2020届高三毕业班下学期6月高考全真模拟密卷 英语试题 2020年6月第一部分听力 (共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. Where does the woman suggest the key might be? A. Under the mat. B. Above the door. C. Under the flower pot. 2. What makes the girl study harder? A. To get a toy B. To work as a designer. C. To earn money for a car. 3. What did the notice say about Tom? A. He has finished his research. B. He has been promoted to manager. C. He is going to work in the research center. 4. What will the speakers probably do next? A. Use a flashlight. B. Light a candle. C. Buy a book.


江苏省姜堰市第二中学 2010—2011学年度高三学情调查(三) 生物试题 一、单选题(每题2分,共40分) 1.下列物质或结构在元素组成上最相似的一组是()A.ATP、DNA、细胞膜B.甲状腺激素、生长激素、性激素 C.核糖、核糖核酸、核糖体D.淀粉、淀粉酶、控制淀粉酶合成的基因 2.右图为核苷酸的模式图,下列相关说法正确的是()A.DNA与RNA在核苷酸上的不同点只在②方面 B.如果要构成ATP,只要在①位置上加上两个磷酸基团 C.③在生物体中共有8种 D.人体内的③有5种,②有2种 3.下列关于DNA分子结构的叙述,正确的是 A.每个碱基分子上均连接一个磷酸和一个脱氧核糖() B.DNA分子两条链的碱基之间是通过氢键相连的 C.不同DNA分子中(A+T)/(C+G)比例是不变的 D.DNA分子是以磷酸和含氮碱基交替排列为基本骨架 4.在生物膜上进行的生理活动是()A.DNA复制B.光合作用的暗反应 C.[H]和氧气结合生成水D.氨基酸脱水缩合 5.科学家利用酵母菌突变体(下图中A型~E型)研究分泌蛋白的分泌过程以及与分泌相关的基因,揭示了囊泡运输的过程。野生型酵母菌能正常进行分泌蛋白的分泌,突变体由于基因突变,内膜结构不正常,导致分泌过程出现障碍。下图中,能表示内质网膜结构不正常导致分泌过程出现障碍的是() A.A型、C型B.A型、B型 C.B型、E型D.D型、E型 6 液流动的方向。下列说法正确的是() A.④是人体内新陈代谢的主要场所 B.毛细血管管壁细胞生活的具体内环境是②④⑤ C.③④中的蛋白质可以通过毛细淋巴管壁相互交换 D.若②为肝脏细胞,则①处的氧气浓度高于⑤处 7.下列有关生态学原理或规律的叙述中,错误 ..的是()A.在果园中适当增加食物链,能提高该生态系统的稳定性 B.低碳生活方式有助于维持生物圈中碳循环的平衡 C.信息传递能够调节生物的种间关系,维持生态系统的稳定 D.森林生态系统调节气候的作用体现了生物多样性的直接价值 8.下列关于哺乳动物胚胎发育和胚胎工程的叙述,错误 ..的是()A.胚胎分割时需将原肠胚的内细胞团均等分割 B.移植胚胎的遗传特性在孕育过程中不受影响 C.胚胎干细胞具有体积小、细胞核大、核仁明显等特点 ① ③ ④ ⑤ ②


江苏省姜堰第二中学高二年级第一学期期末检测 物理试题(必修) 命题人:钱宏春 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.满分100分,考试时间75分钟. 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共69分) 一、选择题:在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的(本大题共23小题,每小题3分,共69分). 1.下列器材中,哪个不是测量力学基本物理量的工具() 2.古代小说《镜花缘》第79回中宝云问奶公家乡有什么趣闻,奶公说:“前几天刮了一阵大风, 把咱家的水井吹到篱笆墙外去了”.关于水井的运动,下列描述正确的是: A.以大地为参照物,水井是运动的 B.以篱笆墙为参照物,水井是运动的 C.以篱笆墙为参照物,水井是静止的 D.无论以哪个为参照物,水井都是静止的 3.《周礼·考工记·辀人》中记载:“劝登马力,马力即竭,辀尤能一取焉。”意思是说,马拉车的时候,马已停止用力了,但车还能前进一段路程,这句话所蕴含的物理意义是下面哪个物理概念A.惯性 B.速度 C.位移 D.相互作用力 4.摩擦是我们生活中司空见惯的现象,我们每时每刻都在 和摩擦力打交道。下列关于摩擦力的书法正确的是() A.静止的物体不可能受到滑动摩擦力作用 B.物体受到摩擦力作用时,在接触面上一定有弹力 C.运动的物体一定受到滑动摩擦力作用 D.两个相互挤压的物体,在接触面上一定有摩擦力

5.用电火花计时器探究匀变速直线运动速度随时间变化规律实验中,下列说法正确的是 A.纸带穿过电火花打点计时器的限位孔时,应位于复写纸的下方() B.应使用10V以下的交流电源 C.打点过程中只要交流电的频率不变,即使电压变化也不会影响打点的时间间隔 D.从节约用电的角度,应先拖动纸带,再接通电源 6.如图所示,用两个弹簧秤成一定夹角提着一物体静止不动,两弹簧秤的示数分别为 3 N和4 N,则该物体受到的重力大小可能是() A.9 N B.7 N C.6 N D.1 N 7.图甲是某研究者在地面上“用打点计时器研究自由落体运动”时打出的一条纸带,假设使用相同的设备在月球表面做同样的实验,打出的纸带可能是图乙中的(已知纸带的上端与重物相连,月球表面的重力加速度大约为地球表面的1/6) () 8.“探究加速度与力、质量的关系”的实验装置如图所示,下列说法正确的是()A.打点计时器可以使用直流电源 B.应将木板右端适当垫高使小车不受摩擦力 C.小车应该靠近滑轮一端释放 D.应尽量保证小车的总质量远大于沙和桶的总质量 9.—个物体静止地放在台式弹簧秤上时,弹簧秤的示数为20 N.现将它们放在减速下降的电梯中时,弹簧秤的示数可能是() 10.如图所示,一个在水平桌面上向右做直线运动的钢球,如果在它运动路线的旁边放一块磁铁, 则钢球可能的运动轨迹是()


高三英语练习七十三 命题人:校欣梓审核人:严书萍 一、单项填空 1. Is college, which is supposed to be a place for academic interests and independent thinking being ______into a factory only for producing professionals for a certain trade? A. transported B. transformed C. transferred D. transplanted 2. ______ with homesickness after separation from her family for months for the first time, the girl contacted her mum almost every day recently. A. Contented B. Supplied C. Covered D. Overcome 3. ---Do you t hink I really________ the wrong points in your speech at yesterday‘s meeting? ---Sure. Why________ you always pick holes in everything I say? A. shouldn‘t have mentioned; must B. couldn‘t mention; would C. wouldn‘t have mentioned; can D. mustn‘t mention; s hould 4. ---What do you think of Flying Swords of Dragon Gate(《龙门飞甲》)? ---Fantastic. Director Xu Ke________ each character in the movie impressive through lively dialogues and fascination plots. A.makes B. would make C. will make D. had made 5. One example of cybercrime is hacking, ________ users‘ computers are illegally accessed. A. that B. which C. where D. as 6. In today‘s competitive economy, ________ everyone is trying to do more with less, you‘ve got to figure out a way to profit from the very beginning. A. which B. that C. how D. where 7. It was not until last month ________ critics found ________ was shown on the screen, Love is Not Blind was surprisingly well-received by young people. A. that; that B. that; what C. when; what D. when; that 8. It was announced that only when the fire was put out ________ to return to their domitories. A. the students would be permitted B. had the students been permitted C. would the students been permitted D. the students had been permitted 9. It feels like________ adequate time for both doing exercises and listening to music is just not practical, but my good friend, Jack does manage it very well. A. accompanying B. allocating C. accomplishing D. advocating 10. Li Na‘s success has aroused new interest in tennis in Ch ina, which has also ________ a debate among fans, tennis players and experts. A. brought up B. brought about C. brought in D. brought out 二、完形填空: In a spirit of gratitude(感恩) and giving back to the parents who raised them, Bill and Jackie Merz‘s daughters have offered a generous invitation. ―They both live in Chicago now,‖ said Bill Merz, 75, a retired Sacramento State psychology professor. ―One was willing to put an extra floor on her house and __11__ an elevator for us so we could live there. __12__ wante d to change her basement for us. I told them we‘d have somebody shoot us __13__ we did that.‖ The Merzes, who live in their own home at Eskaton Village Roseville, enjoy their big, close-knit __14__, which also includes two sons in California and 11 grandchildren. But the idea of living with the kids in their older age leaves them __15__. ―My first reaction was, ?I don‘t want you to tell me __16__ to do,‘‖ said Jackie Merz, who is also 75 and a retired teacher and counselor. Most older adults __17__ to be a bit more euphemistic (委婉的) about it: Typically, they say that they don‘t want to be a __18__ to their kids, or that they don‘t want to bother them. __19__, statistics show a plainer truth. In huge numbers, seniors __20__ their freedom, and they want to live on their own__21__ they can. In the Sacramento region, US census figures (人口普查数据) __22__ that almost three-fourths of people 65 and older live in same-generation (as opposed to multigenerational) households. National figures are even __23__, with nearly 80 percent of older adults living in their own households – more than three times the __24__ of the 1940s. A recent survey from the research firm Gallup & Robinson highlights(凸显,突出)that sense


江苏姜堰溱潼二中18-19学度初二下开学考试-英语 【一】单项选择从以下每题所给的选项中,选择一个最正确答案。〔20分〕 〔〕1.—Whatmakesyouso________today,Jack?Itisyourfirstdayofschool. —BecausemyteachersaysIam________honestboy. A.happily;an B.happily;a C.happy;a D.happy;an 〔〕2.—Itwasluckythatthelittlegirlstayed________afterthesnowstorm. —It’ssoamazing. A.alive B.live C.living D.lively 〔)3.Inthesportsmeeting,Amyran_________________. A.Asfastascan B.Assoonerasshecan C.Asfastasshecould D.Assoonasshecould 〔)4.—Didyouwatchthefootballmatchyesterday? —Yes,Idid.Youknow,mybrother_________inthematch. A.isplaying B.wasplaying C.hasplayed D.willplay ()5.Myunclegavemeamodelplaneyesterday.It’sastructureof__________. A.S+V+P B.S+V+IO+DO C.S+V+DO+OC D.S+V+DO ()6.Thenumberofstudentsinourschool_________4000andanumberofthem_______ goodatplayingpingpong. A.is,is Bare,are C.is,are D.are,is ()7._______goodnewsyouhave! A.Whata B.Howa C.What D.How ()8.Thiskindoffruit____________. A.tastesweetly B.lookswell C.soundsbeautiful D.tastesdelicious ()9.Heknowsalittleaboutmathsandhisbrotherknowseven_______. A.less B.fewer C.much D.more ()10.Heneedn’ttokeepfit,________he? A.need B.isn’t C.doesn’t D.needn’t ()11.Youshouldstudyhard.Noonecan_______you________agoodfuture. A.provide,for B.provide,with C.keep,/ D.protect,tohave ()12.—Wherewereyoubothatthistimelastnight? —Tomwaswritingane-mail__________IwaswatchingTVathome. A.assoonas B.after C.until D.while ()13.Theradioisbroken.Idon’tknow________next. AwhattodoBhowtodoCwhattodoitD.whytodoit ()14.Healwaysmoreofhimselfthan___________,sonobodylikeshim. A.theothers B.others C.other D.theother 〔〕15.Theteacheralways______asmileonherface,sothestudentsneverfeel_______. A.putson;frightened B.wears;frightened C.putson;frightening D.wears;frightening 〔〕16.—What’syourbestfriendlike?—. A.Heisfine.Thankyou. B.Heisadoctor. C.HelikeswatchingTV. D.Heishelpfulandgenerous. ()17.Thiskindofcakelooks_________andsells________intheshop. A.nice,well B.good,good C.nicely,well D.good,nice ()18.Look!Somewomenarechatting______overthereandtherest_____lookingatthe pictures.


淮安市开明中学 初中数学七年级上册 (苏科版) 4.3用方程解决问题(1) 有某种三色冰淇淋45g,咖啡色、红色和白色配料的比为1:2:6,这种三色冰淇淋中咖啡色、红色和白色配料分别是多少? 如果在三色冰淇淋中,咖啡色、红色配料的比为2:3,红色和白色配料的比为1:2那么如何设未知数呢?相关的代数式是什么呢?方程怎么列呢?方程的解为多少?如何作答呢? 归纳: 用一元一次方程解决实际问题的一般步骤 审 找 设 列 解 答 分析题中已知什么,求什么.有哪些事物在什么方面产生关系 一个相等关系.(和/倍/不同方案间不变量的相等) 设未知数(直接设,间接设),包括单位名称. 把相等关系中各个量转化成代数式,从而列出方程. 解方程,求出未知数的值(x=a).代入方程检验 检验所求解是否符合题意,写出答案 例1:一张桌子有一张桌面和四条桌腿,做一张桌面需要0.03m3的木材 ,做一条桌腿需要木材0.002m3。现做一批这样的桌子恰好用去木材3.8m3,共做了多少张桌子? 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 如图 ,请说出这样的几个数之间的关系? 5 6 12 13 2 9 16 8 9 10 1、在某月的日历上,用正方形圈出22个数,其和是100,求这四个数。 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 2、日历上,日历上有五个星期二,日期的和为80,你能说出这个月一号是星期几? 有一些分别标有4、8、12、16、20、……的卡片,后一张卡片上的数比前一张卡片上的数大4,小李拿了相邻3张卡片,且这些卡片上的数之和为348 (1)猜猜小李拿到哪3张卡片? (2)小李能否拿到相邻的3张卡片,使得这三张卡片上的数之和等于93?如果能拿到,请求出这三张卡片上的数各是多少?如果不能拿到请说明理由。 (1)一个两位数,个位上的数是a,十位上的数是b,则这个两位数可表示为__________。 练习 (2)一个两位数,个位数字是十位数字的4倍,如果把个位数字与十位数字对调,那么得到的新数比原数大54,求原数。 (3)三个连续偶数之和比最大的偶数的2倍多30,求这三个偶数 一个三位数满足以下条件: (1)三个数位上的数的和12, (2)百位上的数比十位上的数大6, (3)个位上的数是十位上的数的4倍, 求这个三位数 鸡兔同笼,共有头12个,脚36只,问笼中鸡兔各有多少只?


江苏省南通市2020届高三第一次模拟考试英语试卷 第一部分(共20小题每,小题1.5分,满分30分) 1.The Small Goose Pagoda in Xi’an, one of the 22 Silk Road relics located in China, _______ back in 707 during the Tang Dynasty. A.dated B.was dated C.dates D.is dating 2.Have you read the book Life and Death Are Wearing Me Out by Mo Yan, _____ that won him the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature? A.the one B.one C.those D.ones 3.He works very hard in order to get himself ______ into a key university. A.accepted B.received C.announced D.admitted 4.An exhibition with 885 cultural relics to be displayed ________ at the Meridian Gate Gallery. A.was held B.would hold C.has hold D.will be held 5.I ordered a drink while I______ for my friends to come. A.will wait B.am waiting C.would wait D.was waiting 6.She is stubborn in resisting his enquiries about the Moonstone _____ the degree that she makes it seem as if she does not want the mystery ______. A.on; to solve B.with; solving C.for; being solved D.to; to be solved 7.It _____ a Saturday afternoon in May ____ Margaret could arrange for me to meet her elder ,sister. A.was until; when B.was until;that C.was not until; when D.was not until; that 8.the key to the car when my boss came towards me.Finally I could drive him home as usual. A.Never had I found B.Seldom did I find C.Hardly had I found D.No sooner did I find 9.—Linda hasn’t shown up yet. —It’s strange. She ____. A.could B.might C.must have D.should have 10.The guidance teacher was their adviser, offering them suggestions and solutions when they ______ difficulties. A.arose B.encountered C.emerged D.evaluated 11.When they first came to the city, my parents often went to neighbors for a talk, just as they ________ in the countryside.


附件 2014年江苏省中小学正高级教师任职资格 评审通过人员名单 (共计226人) 一、南京市(21人) 序号学校名称姓名拟评职务资格1南京航空航天大学附属高级中学鞠党生正高级教师2南京市金陵中学张松年正高级教师3南京市秦淮区教学研究室渠东剑正高级教师4南京市教学研究室曹荣苏正高级教师5江苏省六合高级中学蒋天林正高级教师6南京市金陵中学江敏正高级教师7南京市教学研究室刘江田正高级教师8南京师范大学附属中学姚玉琴正高级教师9江苏省六合高级中学蒋小润正高级教师10南京师范大学附属小学闫勤正高级教师11南京市第二十九中学侯正永正高级教师12南京市夫子庙小学冯爱东正高级教师13南京市江宁高级中学张发新正高级教师14南京市中华中学姜玉华正高级教师15南京市拉萨路小学分校宝船小学江和平正高级教师16南京市太平巷幼儿园汪丽正高级教师17南京市第十三中学高学林正高级教师18南京市雨花台中学周茜正高级教师

19南京外国语学校李鸿彬正高级教师20南京师范大学附属中学张士民正高级教师21南京市百家湖中学王洪贵正高级教师 二、无锡市(14人) 序号学校名称姓名拟评职务资格1江苏省天一中学张春华正高级教师2无锡市锡山区教育局教研室储建明正高级教师3江苏省锡山高级中学夏雷震正高级教师4无锡市教育科学研究院赵宪宇正高级教师5江苏省宜兴中学戴顺良正高级教师6江苏省江阴高级中学俞静娟正高级教师7江苏省锡东高级中学陈平正高级教师8无锡市滨湖区教育研究发展中心王华民正高级教师9无锡市第一中学张祖寅正高级教师10江苏省天一中学许芹正高级教师11江苏省锡山高级中学实验学校许帮正正高级教师12江苏省江阴长泾中学陆敏刚正高级教师13无锡市教育科学研究院龚雷雨正高级教师14无锡市南湖小学武凤霞正高级教师 三、徐州市(13人) 序号学校名称姓名拟评职务资格1江苏省睢宁高级中学李本松正高级教师2徐州市中小学教学研究室李秋颖正高级教师3徐州市中小学教学研究室戴申卫正高级教师4徐州高级中学杜宪刚正高级教师


江苏省姜堰中学高三综合练习三 英语 第Ⅰ卷 (三部分,共85分) 第一部分基础知识(满分 1. He loves the song in p_______, for his mother used to sing it. 2. Look at the river! The water is as s_______ as glass. 3. In the film, the use of light and dark always s_______ good and evil. 4. Well done, Lucy! You are a________ right. 5. The secretary said reading letters o________ much of her time every day. 6. A large p________ of the population live in big cities. (百分比) 7. Recovery from the disease is very _______. (逐步的) Just have a little patience! 8. The thing that _______ me is that I made her sad. (使烦恼) 9. Our farm, __________ (配备) with modern machinery, has attracted lots of tourists.. 10. As is known, 90% of the engines in our country are __________ (出口) to Europe. 11. 直到深夜_____________________ 12. 考虑到相对少的人口_______________ 13. 就我而言_____________________ 14. 某物的优缺点_____________________ 15. 对……有很大的冲击力_______________ 16. 夺取对……的控制权_______________ 17. 对……负责___________________ 18. 被公认为_________________________ 19. 以有序的方式_________________ 冠名为……_______________________ 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C及D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21.---A trip to outer space must be fun and exciting. ---_______. That’s why so much people are looking forward to such a trip. A. That’s all right B. I prefer to C. I suppose so D. It depends 22. They have been stopped from leaving their homes since King Gyanendra seized ________ control of ________ government three months ago. A. the; the B. the; / C. /; the D. /; / 23. Despite the ______ progress of building work, the campaign against it is still going strong.

江苏省姜堰二中物理 静电场及其应用专题试卷

江苏省姜堰二中物理 静电场及其应用专题试卷 一、第九章 静电场及其应用选择题易错题培优(难) 1.如图,真空中x 轴上关于O 点对称的M 、N 两点分别固定两异种点电荷,其电荷量分别为1Q +、2Q -,且12Q Q >。取无穷远处电势为零,则( ) A .只有MN 区间的电场方向向右 B .在N 点右侧附近存在电场强度为零的点 C .在ON 之间存在电势为零的点 D .MO 之间的电势差小于ON 之间的电势差 【答案】BC 【解析】 【分析】 【详解】 AB .1Q +在N 点右侧产生的场强水平向右,2Q -在N 点右侧产生的场强水平向左,又因为 12Q Q >,根据2Q E k r =在N 点右侧附近存在电场强度为零的点,该点左右两侧场强方向相反,所以不仅只有MN 区间的电场方向向右,选项A 错误,B 正确; C .1Q +、2Q -为两异种点电荷,在ON 之间存在电势为零的点,选项C 正确; D .因为12Q Q >,MO 之间的电场强度大,所以MO 之间的电势差大于ON 之间的电势差,选项D 错误。 故选BC 。 2.如图所示,竖直平面内有半径为R 的半圆形光滑绝缘轨道ABC ,A 、C 两点为轨道的最高点,B 点为最低点,圆心处固定一电荷量为+q 1的点电荷.将另一质量为m 、电荷量为+q 2的带电小球从轨道A 处无初速度释放,已知重力加速度为g ,则() A .小球运动到 B 2gR B .小球运动到B 点时的加速度大小为3g C .小球从A 点运动到B 点过程中电势能减少mgR D .小球运动到B 点时对轨道的压力大小为3mg +k 12 2 q q R 【答案】AD 【解析】


江苏省姜堰二中2020学年高一英语下学期期初考试试题(无答案) 时间:90分钟总分:100分 一、单项填空(共10小题,每小题1分, 满分10分) 1. People can unlock the shared bikes, _____ are equipped with GPS and can be left anywhere in public, by simply _____ their smart phones. A. which; use B. which; using C. of which; use D. of which; using 2. A healthy friendship is one ______ you share your true feelings without fearing the end of the relationship. A. that B. who C. where D. when 3. Optimism has a positive effect _____ people’s physical and m ental health, _____ which I’m very convinced. A. on; of B. to; of C. at; at D. on; at 4. ---How beautiful the school is, Captain. --- So it is. I ______ here for three years and my daughter is studying here, too. A.studied B. have been studying C. have studied D. had studied. 5. However, at times this balance in nature is _______, resulting in a number of unforeseen effects. A. dismissed B. disturbed C. discouraged D. disabled 6. With the widespread of fog and haze in central and eastern China, our government is supposed to _____ their efforts to prevent further pollution.


高三英语练习 一、单项选择 1. China has officially set Sept 3 as "Victory Day" to mark China’s victory over Japan in World War II. The establishment of "Victory Day" highlights Beijing's ______ to peaceful development and the importance of ______ the past. A. commitment; acknowledging B. application; admitting C. acknowledging; committing D. admission; applying 2. Chinese officials hope that trade will ______ when the two countries ______ to hard currency. A. turn up; scratch B. pick up; switch C. catch on; squeeze D. hold on; status 3. "Chinese D ama”, a group mainly ______ of married women between 40 and 60, ______ the attention of the public for the first time in 2013. A. consisted; grabbing B. consisting; grabbing C. consisting; grabbed D. consisted; grabbed 4. Facebook has recently _____ a string of Facebook groups committed to illegally sharing copyrighted music. A. cracked down on B. fallen back on C. kept up with D. got away with 5. _____ making decisions, the human brain cannot be compared with the computer because in the long process of evolution, the slow pace of life didn't require such an ability of the human brain. A. On behalf of B. In contrast to C. In salute to D. In terms of 6. Housing prices _____ since a few years ago. Therefore, it’s time the central government _____ 1

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