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1.I am then never less alone than when alone.


2.Nobody will be the wiser.


3.The OED is the final court of appeal in all matters concerning English words. 有关英语词汇的所有问题,《牛津英语词典》算得上最高权威

4.Truth lies at the bottom of the decanter.


5.Don’t tell him home truths.


6.One or two of the jewels would never be missed.


7.I know he meant business.


8.This failure was the making of him.


9.He has never recovered her loss.


10.I could do with more leisure time.


11.She is now in a delicate condition.


12.The lecturer carried his audience with him.


13.General Smith and my father are on first name basis.


14.How much did you have to pay down on the car?


15.Rich and poor were sitting cheek by jowl in the audience.


16.Keep your chin up.


17.The wind blows south.


18.There was no living in the island.


19.A drowning man catches at a straw.


20.It was not that he had plenty of money.


21.The cavalry were well mounted.


22.He wanted to go to sea.

23.She is careless of her dress.


24.None is so deaf as those that won’t hear.


25.You must make good any loss.


26.Those apples are good and ripe.


27.The smoke betrayed where the dwelling lay.


28.Curses come home to roost.


29.He is brave like anything.


30.It is said that his days are numbered.


31.He was lost in admiration.

他不胜赞赏(其实就是人家赞赏时,他自己云里雾里的。╮(╯▽╰)╭)32.He was strong in his time.


33.He may be drowned for all I care.


34.There is no love lost between them.


35.He was laid up for a few days.


36.It is a wise man that never makes mistakes.


37.We parted the best friends.


38.Twenty failed, myself among the rest.


39.He is dead, as I live.


40.She will make you a good wife.


41.His picture does credit to a professional.


42.I am staying with a friend.


43.They made an example of the boy.


44.We found them at table.


45.I will make myself obeyed.


46.But for hope, life would be short.


47.He is ignorant to a proverb.


48.The man was generous to a fault.


49.I have no opinion of that sort of man.


50.I have a long letter in hand.


51.He thought all his own that she had.


52.He is equal to any task whatever.


53.He has to answer to me for the letter.


54.The officer was broken for neglect of duty. 那位军官因玩忽职守而受到降级处分

55.They were killed to a man.


56.He was at once a soldier and a writer.


57.She can play on the piano after a fashion. 她会弹钢琴,不过马马虎虎

58.He was worn out with company.



2012年第二十四届韩素音青年翻译奖规则及原文 2012-01-18 20:49:53| 分类:科研信息|字号订阅 中国译协《中国翻译》编辑部与江苏人文环境艺术设计研究院(中国译协江苏培训中心)联合举办第二十四届韩素音青年翻译奖竞赛。具体参赛规则如下: 一、本届竞赛分别设立英译汉和汉译英两个奖项,参赛者可任选一项或同时参加两项竞赛。 二、《中国翻译》2012年第1期以及中国翻译协会网站(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/579474204.html,)韩素音青年翻译奖专栏刊登竞赛规则、竞赛原文;参赛报名表请到中国翻译协会网站韩素音青年翻译奖专栏下载。 三、参赛者年龄:45岁以下(1967年1月1

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高级英语第三版第一册课后英译汉答案 Unit1Paraphrase: 1.We’re23feet above sea level. 2.The house has been here since1915,andno hurricane has ever caused any damag e to it. 3.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage. 4.Water got into the generator and put it out.It stopped producing electricity,so the lights also went out. 5.Everybody goes out through the back door and runs to the cars! 6.The electrical systems in the car(the battery for the starter)had been put out by w ater. 7.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps,he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee i nland. 8.Oh God,please help us to get through this storm safely 9.Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew di mmer and finally stopped. 10.Janis displayed the fear caused by the hurricanerather late. 1.每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。(check out) Each and every airplane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off. 2.居民坚决反对在附近建立垃圾焚烧厂,因为他们担心工厂排放的气体会污染周围的空气。(waste incineration plant,concerned about) The residents were firmly against the construction of a waste incineration plant in th eir neighborhood because they were deeply concerned about the air pollution emitt ed by the plant. 3.在这个地区,生态工程的投资额高达数十亿。(mount to) In this area,investment in ecological projects mounted up to billions of yuan. 4.干枯的河道里布满了大大小小的石块。(strewn with) The dry riverbed was strewn with rocks of all sizes. 5.虽然战争给这个国家造成巨大的损失,但当地的文化传统并没有消亡。(perish)Although war caused great losses to this country,its local cultural traditi ons did not perish. 6.为了建筑现代化的高楼大厦,许多古老的、具有民族特色的建筑都被拆毁了。(demolish) To make space for modern high rises,a lot of ancient buildings with ethnic cultural fe atures had to be demolished. 7.在地震中多数质量差的房子的主体结构都散架了。(disintegrate) The main structures of most of the poor-quality houses disintegrated in the earthqua ke. 8.他为实现自己的目标付出了最大的努力,但最后美好的梦想还是化为了泡影。


2019年CATTI二级笔译英译汉真题及参考答案 【第一篇】 So where there is financial connection, we see that rapid improvements in quality of life can quickly follow. In our modern context, there are several important channels to achieving this greater financial connectivity. I want to highlight two today: increased capital mobility and increased financial inclusion. First, enabling capital to flow more freely. Allowing capital to flow across borders can help support inclusive growth. Right now, foreign direct investment —FDI — is only 1.9 percent of GDP in developing countries. Before the global financial crisis, it was at 2.5 percent. Making progress on major infrastructure needs will require capital flows to rise again and to be managed safely. Greater openness to capital flows can also bring down the cost of finance, improve the efficiency of the financial sector, and allow capital to support productive investments and new jobs. Challenges that come with opening up capital markets. Thankfully, we know from experience the elements that are required for success. These include sound financial regulation, transparent rules for investment, and attention to fiscal sustainability. We also need increased financial inclusion. A few numbers: close to half of the adult population in low and middle-income Asia-Pacific economies do not have a bank account. Less than 10 percent have ever borrowed from a financial institution. And yet, we know that closing the finance gap is an “economic must-have” for nations to thrive in the 21st century. IMF analysis shows that if the least financially inclusive countries in Asia narrowed the finance gap to the level of Thailand — an emerging market economy — the poverty rate in those countries could be reduced by nearly 4 percent. How can we get there? In part, through policies that enable more women and rural citizens to access financial services. The financial gender gap for women in developing countries is about 9 percent and has remained largely unchanged since 2011. There is no silver bullet, but we know that fintech can play a catalyzing role. In Cambodia, for example, strong public-private partnerships in supporting mobile finance has led to a tripling in the number of micro-financial institutions since 2011. These institutions have now provided loans to over 2 million new borrowers, representing nearly 20 percent of the adult population. Many of these citizens had never had a bank account. Now they can save for the future and perhaps even start a business of their own. These are ideas that can work everywhere. But countries have to be willing to partner and learn from each other. That is one of the major reasons why last October, the IMF and World Bank launched the Bali Fintech Agenda. The agenda lays out key principles — from developing financial markets to safeguarding financial integrity — that can help each nation as it strives for greater financial inclusion. 【第一篇参考答案】


英译汉竞赛原文: The Concept of Intelligence in Cross-cultural Perspectives [1] One of the positive outcomes from so much research on the relationship between culture and intelligence is an expanded view of what intelligence may be, and how it may be conceptually related to culture. This issue is intricately intertwined with cross-cultural research on intelligence because one of the possible confounding factors in previous studies that documented cultural differences has been cultural differences in the very concept and meaning of intelligence. [2] Researchers in this area have discovered that many languages have no word that corresponds to our idea of intelligence. The closest Mandarin equivalent, for instance, is a Chinese character that means “good brain and talented”. Chinese people often associate this concept with traits such as imitation, effort, and social responsibility. Such traits do not constitute important elements of the concept of intelligence for most Americans. [3] African cultures provide a number of examples. The Baganda of East Africa use the word obugezi to refer to a combination of mental and social skills that make a person steady, cautious, and friendly. The Djerma-Songhai in West Africa use the term akkal, which has an even broader meaning – a combination of intelligence, know-how, and social skills. Still another society, the Baoule, uses the term n’glouele, which describes children who are not only mentally alert but also willing to volunteer their services without being asked. [4] Because of the enormous differences in the ways cultures define intelligence, it is difficult to make valid comparisons from one society to another. That is, different cultures value different traits (their definition of “intelligence”) and have divergent views concerning which traits are useful in predicting future important behaviors (also culturally defined). People in different cultures not only disagree about what constitutes intelligence but also about the proper way to demonstrate those abilities. In mainstream North American society, individuals are typically rewarded for displaying knowledge and skills. This same behavior may be considered improper, arrogant, or rude in societies that stress personal relationships, cooperation, and modesty. [5] These differences are important to cross-cultural studies of intelligence because successful performance on a task of intelligence may require behavior that is considered immodest and arrogant in Culture A (and therefore only reluctantly displayed by members of Culture A)but desirable in Culture B (and therefore readily displayed by members of Culture B). Clearly, such different attitudes toward the same behavior could lead researchers to draw inaccurate conclusions about differences in intelligence between Culture A and Culture B. [6] Another reason it is difficult to compare intelligence cross-culturally is that tests of intelligence often rely on knowledge that is specific to a particular culture; investigators based in that culture may not even know what to test for in a different culture. For example, one U.S. intelligence test contains the following question: “How does a violin resemble a piano?” Clearly, this question assumes prior knowledge about violins and pianos –quite a reasonable expectation for middle-class Americans, but not for people from cultures that use different musical instruments. [7] Our expanding knowledge about cultural differences in the concept of intelligence has had important ramifications for our theoretical understanding of intelligence in mainstream American psychology as well. Although traditional thinking and reasoning abilities have dominated views of intelligence in the past, in recent years psychologists have begun to turn their attention to other possible aspects of intelligence. Until very recently, for example, creativity was not considered a part of intelligence; now, however, psychologists are increasingly considering this important human ability as a type of intelligence. Other aspects of intelligence are also coming to the forefront. A psychologist has suggested that there are really seven different types of intelligence: logical mathematical, linguistic, musical, spatial, bodily kinesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. According to this scheme, not only do the core components of each of these seven types of intelligence differ, but so do some sample end-states (such as mathematician versus dancer). His theory of


英译汉 Book 2 1. 1) 这种态度造就了一个决心投身于研究、实验和探索的民族。 2) 他们会怀念那种喝着茶或咖啡招待客人的礼节性交往,而这种交往或许是他们自己国家的一种习俗。 3) 既然我们通常是以工作的方式而不是以交往的方式来评估和了解他人的,那我们就开门见山地谈生意了。 4) 就我们而言,电子交流的没有人情味跟我们手头上事情的重要性之间很少或完全没有关系。 5) 除非给予一定时间来处理,不然的话,在他们的眼中,手头的工作好像无足轻重,不值得给予适当的重视似的。 2. 1) 但近年来,随着环境的破坏日益严重,世界各地已经出现许多变化的迹象。 2) 但是人们制定了一系列新的环境保护法,还新建了占四分之一国土面积的公园和自然保护区,目的是要保护哥斯达黎加现存的森林。 3) 政府承诺将保护该地区的土著居民,但人们对这个承诺的真实性程度扔心存疑虑。 4) 这种人口激增已导致了该国许多地区森林的消失,及对现存农田的过度耕作。 5) 政府近几年来已发动了一场大规模广告宣传运动来鼓励控制生育,并提出了鼓励措施,如提供免费去沙特阿拉伯的麦加—伊斯兰教的诞生地—的旅游机会。 3. 1) 在一起相处的两年中,我们经历了一对情侣在学着相互了解、理解和尊重时常会出现的磕磕碰碰。 2) 下列事实强调了这样一点:已经结婚35年的盖尔父母正经历着一场充满怨恨、令人痛苦的婚变,这件事给了盖尔以毁灭性的打击,并一度给我们正出于萌芽状态的关系带来了负面的影响。 3) 当时这一切是多么新鲜、多么令人兴奋。而且我们两人都认为----至少在表面上是如此----我们的婚姻是理想婚姻,一切迹象都表明这婚姻是会天长地久的。 4) 当他得知我再公民身份部门遇到的问题时,他立即怀疑我是因为想留在美国而娶他女儿的。 5) 当我们讨论结婚的时候,他清楚了表面了这样一点:如果我对任何问题有怀疑,我应该毫不犹豫地取消我们的计划。 4. 1) 他们都是因为同样的原因赴美的---学会说流利英语、完成中学学业及尽可能了解美国的生活方式。 2) 对大多数学生来说,至少要经过6个月的精心策划才能做出到国外去学习的决定。 3) “对我来说,“17岁的格洛里亚·马卡托说:“学会讲英语及体验这种经历比从美国政府那里拿到一张证书更为重要。” 4) 甚至那些计划留在美国完成两个学期的中学课程的年轻学生也很难找到接待家庭。在到达美国时一切都已安排得妥妥帖帖的只是极少数。 5) 学生们在等待美国国内班机把他们带到美国的临时家庭时,越发感到紧张。从那时起一切都得靠自己了。 5. 1) 她做家庭作业时,脚搁在前面的长凳上,计算机嗒嗒地跳出几何题的答案。我看着那包已抽了一半,被随意扔在紧靠手边处的骆驼牌香烟。 2) 我还记得那鲜红的烟丝盒,上面有一张维多利亚女王的丈夫阿尔伯特亲王的图片,他身穿黑色燕尾服,手拿一根手杖。 3) 烟草业再加上好莱坞电影---片中的男女主角都是老烟鬼---把像我父亲那样的人完完全全争取了过去,他们无可救药地抽烟上了瘾。


英汉翻译 一、给下列的英译汉作出判断,正确在括号用T表示,错误用F表示。 1、I’d die first. 我宁愿先死。(F ) 2、Kill it please. 别干了,你!(T ) 3、I find it hard to get going in the morning. 我发现早上起来就懒得动。(T ) 4、The troops of the two countries are kept at arm’s length.两国军队相距很远。(T ) 5、He knew that Shanghai was the bastion of Far East imperialism. 他知道上海是远东帝国主义的堡垒。( F ) 6、The importance of electronic computers cannot be over-estimated.电子计算机的重要性不能过高地估计。(F) 7、The importance of electronic computers cannot be over-estimated.电子计算机的重要性不能过高地估计。(F) 8、I don’t care about going. 我愿意(可以)去。(F ) 9、That’s the door. 门在那儿。( F ) 10、Let the cat out of the bag. 露出马脚。(T) 11、If I want you I will ask for you .请不要插嘴。(T ) 12、If I want you I will ask for you .请不要插嘴。(T ) 13、I could not feel better. 我感觉很好。( T ) 14、I could not feel better. 我感觉很不好。( F ) 15、It leaves nothing to be desired. 这已完美无缺。(T ) 16、Mary is a girl of a boy.玛丽是个男孩式的女孩。(F ) 17、There is no smoke without fire. 无风不起浪。(T ) 18、Domestic shame should not be made public.家丑不可外扬。(T ) 19、That’s too much for me. 那对我来说太多了。( F ) 20、Keep it dark . 这事不可泄露出去。(T )


英译汉模拟试题30篇参考答案 Passage 1 1.参考译文:尽管世界上3350万艾滋病病毒携带者/患者中的大多数人都生活在非洲撒哈拉沙漠以南地区"~每年还有另外400万人感染艾滋病病毒,但上周召开的非洲统一组织首脑会议的主要议题却仍是解决沖突和发展经济。 2.参考译文:然而这一流行病对于经济发展,或者更确切地说对于经济发展目前所缺乏的因素产生的影响比许多政治家想像的更大。 3.参考译文:南非大都市人寿保险公司保险统计员迪恩莫尔认为,管理人员在工作场所如何对待艾滋病将决定他们的公司在21世纪的头几年能否继续存在。 4.参考译文:在南非,因种族隔离我们有过失落的一代,新的失落的一代将是因艾滋病而变为孤儿的一代。 5.参考译文:津巴布韦薄弱的国民经济在很大程度上依赖于非正式企业和小型商业,而随着艾滋病夺去雇主和雇员的生命,许多企业都自身难保。 Passage 2 1.参考译文:申请基因专利的最大问题就是当科学家们对于基因编码的特定股起什么作用至少有一个大体想法时,它常常就只是大体上的。 2.参考译文:这些所谓的已表达的序列标签可能携带有真正的基因信息,但确定这些小块在什么地方及它们的结构是什么样子需要更多的挖掘探究。 3.参考译文:比确定如何申请基因组专利更令人烦恼的是一个更大的问题,任何人到底该不该对人类DNA提出专利要求。 4.参考译文:专利申请者的支持者坚持说,他们可以提出同样有说服力的理由,即进行基因组绘诗作的大型团体需要专利保护以使他们的工作对他们来说是值得的。 5.参考译文:这种论点不是立足于法律,而是立足于对做人意味着什么的理解上——这是一个连联邦最高法院都不太可能解决的问题。 Passage 3 1.参考译文:重商主义学说与制度之所以重要是因为它们被具有影响力的商人和政府首脑们信奉,而正是这些人强有力地影响着国家公共政策与制度的变革。 2.参考译文:如果促进国内产业发展所需的物资难以获得,则最好是通过建立殖民地或友好的国外商栈来进口。 3.参考译文:重商主义者认为,这些增强国力的手段可以由通过并严格执行规范经济生活的法规来实现。 4.参考译文:几乎在弗吉尼亚的烟草刚开始大批运往英国时,英王詹姆士一世便对此征税,同时同意禁止在英国竞争性地种植烟草。 5.参考译文:凡殖民地的贸易,其所用船只必须是英国制造和拥有,船长和至少3/4的船员也必须是英国人。 Passage 4 1.参考译文:网上的东西目前正毫无管制地进入人们的家中,世界各国得找出一种办法,通过某种国际条约或联合国行动,对此加以控制。 1


第二十六届“韩素音”青年翻译大赛 竞赛原文 来源:中国译协网 英译汉竞赛原文: How the News Got Less Mean nip slips and no inflammatory ranting will restore your faith in humanity,” which has pulled in nearly 14 million visits so far. too, hope is the major draw. “This kid just died. What he left behind is post about a terminally ill teen singer, earned 15 million views this summer and has raised more than $300,000 for cancer research. The recipe for attracting visitors to stories online is changing. Bloggers have traditionally turned to sarcasm and snark to draw attention. But the success of sites like BuzzFeed and Upworthy, whose philosophies embrace the viral nature of upbeat stories, hints that the Web craves positivity. The reason: social media. Researchers are discovering that people want to create positive images of themselves online by sharing upbeat stories. And with more people turning to Facebook and Twitter to find out what’s happening in the world, news stories may need to cheer up in order to court an audience. If social is the future of media, then optimistic stories might be media’s future. “When we started, the prevailing wisdom was that snark ruled the Internet,” says Eli Pariser, a co-founder of Upworthy. “And we just had a really different sense of what works.” “You don’t want to be that guy at the party who’s crazy and angry and ranting in the corner —it’s the same for Twitter or Facebook,” he says. “Part of what we’re trying to do with Upworthy is give people the tools to express a conscientious, thoughtful and positive id entity in social media.” And the science appears to support Pariser’s philosophy. In a recent study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, researchers found that “up votes,” showing that a visitor liked a comment or story, begat more up votes on comments on the site, but “down votes” did not do the same. In fact, a single up vote increased the


(一)英译汉练习 1. The winds of November were like summer breezes to him, and his face glowed with the pleasant cold. His cheeks were flushed and his eyes glistened; his vitality was intense, shining out upon others with almost a material warmth. 十一月的寒风,对他就像夏天吹拂的凉风一样。舒适的冷空气使他容光焕发,两颊通红,两眼闪光。他生气勃勃,叫别人感到是一团炙手的火。(英语material warmth 字面意思是"物质的温暖",这里具体译作"一团炙手的火"言明意清,让人一看就懂。) 2. It was morning, and the new sun sparkled gold across the ripples of gentle sea. The sea was wonderfully calm and now it was rich with all the color of the setting sun. In the sky already a solitary star twinkled. 清晨,初升的太阳照着平静的海面,微波荡漾,闪耀着金色的光芒。(英语the ripples of the gentle sea 译成汉语时在结构上作了调整,这样译文念起来意思清楚,行文漂亮。) 3. To appease their thirst its readers drank deeper than before, until they were seized with a kind of delirium. 为了解渴,读者比以前越饮越深,直到陷入了昏迷状态。这个句子的译文死抠原文形式,死抠字典释义,翻译腔严重,让人难以明白其意思,可改译为:读者为了满足自己的渴望,越读越想读,直到进入了如痴如醉的状态。所谓过分表达,就是指译文画蛇添足,增加了原文没有的东西;而欠表达则是省略或删节原文的内容。翻译时均应避免这类错误。 4. Early Reagan was a mirror image of early Carter. 里根上台时在做法上跟执政初期的卡特毫无二致。 (a mirror image 如直译为"镜子里的形象",就让人感到非常别扭,远不如"毫无二致"自然。) 5. Up Broadway he turned, and halted at a glittering café, where are gathered together nightly the choicest products of the grapes, the silkworm and the protoplasm. 他拐到百老汇路上,在一家灯火辉煌的饭店前停下来,那里每晚汇集上好的美酒、华丽的衣服和有地位的人物。 6. Words are not themselves a reality but only representation of it, and the King's English, like the Anglo-French of the Normans, is a class representation of reality. 单词本身并不是客观物体,只不过是代表客观体而已;像日尔曼人的盎格鲁法语一样,标准英语也是一种代表客观体的语言。 (King's English 不能直译为"国王英语",它是指标准英语,相当于汉语中的"普通话"。) 7. At 19 he had commenced one of those careers attractive and inexplicable to ordinary mortals for whom a single bankruptcy is good as a feast. 他19 岁时就已经走上了一条在普通人看来是极富吸引力而又不可理解的道路,普通人认为,只是一次破产就叫人够呛了。 (good as a feast 如直译为"像丰盛的宴席一样好",意思正好反了.直接释明其意"叫人够呛",地道通顺.) 8. Mr. Kingsley and his Red Brick boys will have to look to their laurels. 金斯利先生和他那些二流大学的学生们必须小心翼翼地保持已经取得的荣誉。 (Red Brick 又称Red Brick Universities,指英国除牛津、剑桥大学以外的其他地方性二流大学。因其建筑主要是红砖砌成,不象牛津、剑桥的建筑均为古色古香的石块所建成,故得此名。 9. I was extremely worried about her, but this was neither the place nor the time for a lecture or an argument. 我真替他万分担忧,但此时此地既不宜教训她一番,也不宜与她争论一通。英语中没有量词,汉译时就得根据汉语的表达习惯增加合适的量词 10. An individual human existence should be like a river-small at first, narrowly contained within its banks, and rushing passionately past boulders and over waterfalls.

GET 02-10 英译汉真题及答案

02-10英译汉真题及答案 1.The reason for not classifying carbon dioxide as a pollutant is that it is a natural component of the atmosphere and needed by plants to carry out biological synthesis. No one would argue that carbon dioxide is a necessary component of the atmosphere any more than one would argue the fact that Vitamin D is necessary in the human diet. However, excess intake of Vitamin D can be extremely toxic. Living systems, be they an ecosystem or an organism, require that a delicate balance be maintained between certain compounds in order for the system to function normally. When the excess presence of one substance threatens the wellbeing of an ecosystem, it becomes toxic despite the fact that it is required in small quantities. (GET Jun 10, 124 words) 2.Human progress is greatly accelerated by the use of language in cultural transmission; the knowledge and experience acquired by a particular person can be passed on to another in language, so that no amount of demonstration can replace the role of language. In this connection the importance of the invention of printing can never be exaggerated. At the present time the achievements of anyone in any part of the world can be made available and accessible to anyone else able to read and capable of understanding what is involved. From these uses of language, spoken or written, the most developed animal communication system, though given the courtesy title of language, is worlds away. (GET Jan 10, 114 words) 3.Changes and developments in a science are determined by numerous causes. Every science grows from its past, and the state reached in a previous generation provides the starting point for the next. But no science is carried on in a vacuum, without reference to or contact with other sciences and the general atmosphere for learning. Scientists and men of learning are also men of their age and country, and they can’t live independent of the culture. Besides its own past, the course of science is also affected by the social context of its contemporary world and the intellectual premises in it. Applications of the science and the expectations that others have of it may be a very important determinant of the direction of its growth and changes. (GET Jun 09, 128 words) 4.When dominant innovators in a science respond to the challenge of a situation that demands some change in its practice, this may take a number of forms, and rival schools may grow up around different leaders responding differently to a particular situation. These rivalries

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