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Lecture 1




Scientific writing is part of the research work.


Research is not completed until it is published.


Scientific writing demands exactly the same qualities of thought that are needed in the rest of science: logic clarity and precision.

科技写作需要同样准确的想法,这些想法是剩下的科学中需要的,清晰精确的逻辑。Apply the scientific principals to the writing


Planing, Design, Execution


Logically structured


Clearly expressed


Precisely worded


The way you write must follow from the way you work, not vice versa.


In your scientific work you should have


An observation


A question followed by an hypothesis


How are you going to test the hypothesis? (Better adapt the negative approach).


You can't PROVE it. What you want to do is find data that will support or object your working hypothesis.


Have the experimental design described in detail.


Remember: Scientific work is based on the assumption that it must be reproducible. You must thus provide the information to others what should be done in order to be able and repeat your experimental work.


Finish the writing with the discussion of your result. Include the next working hypothesis for further evaluating it.


When to write and were to start?


Only after you have the full structure of the material in your head will you know the best way (for example, the best order) to transmit the components of that structure to the reader.


Let the readers to understand the material by reconstructing the structure of the material for them, guided by the writer. You must therefore understand your readers as well as the material, and simulate your targeted reader (layman, peer, etc) in your own mind.


Moreover, it is only after you hold the full structure in your head that you can mould it successfully to the standardized structure of scientific documents.

此外,只有当你的头脑里有完整的结构后,你才能成功的用标准的科技文件的结构来模拟它。Follow the narrative path which best allows readers to reconstruct the structure of your scientific thinking / work

跟随叙事的途径,这个途径是能够允许读者重组你的科学思想/工作的结构的最好途径。Let the reader join you in a search after truth. In many cases the best way to do is by questions that are explicitly posed and answered. What you would like to achieve is to stimulate the readers to raise for themselves the point you tackle next.


The reconstruction needs to be explicitly guided by knowledge of what end you are working towards.


Readers are pulled along the path by the author, who is at every moment just ahead in the right direction.

通过作者,读者应该被沿着方法途径被拉进,作者是每时每刻都在前面指引正确的方向的人。Give readers the building blocks, tell them where these go, and above all why.


If you fail to do so readers will wonder why each step,


Readers need to be told in advance what the author is trying to do, to see how each step advances toward that goal.


Failure to do this means that readers will not see the point until very close to the end.


They will then have to go back and fill in the hierarchy of guiding purposes for themselves, and the writing will not be comprehensible in a single pass.

然后他们将会回过头去并且进入指导目的的假设中去,而且写作将不会是在单程中被理解。When to write? Once you hold the full structure of your work in your head


How to write? Allow the readers to reconstruct this structure.


Be teleological.


Lecture 2

The structure of a scientific paper:




? keywords


? author(s) and affiliation(s)


? submission information


2. Abstract or summary


3. Introduction


4. Experimental or Material and methods


5. Results


6. Discussion and conclusions




7 References / Literature cited


tables , figures and legends


1. Title


Describe the contents of the paper in few words,


Catch the attention of the people that you want to know about your work.


A good title, which fulfils these requirements, is therefore vital.


Remember there are many papers and you are given only one chances to attract the attention of the casual browsers.


If you fail to describe the contents accurately, most people will not read further


Even if you had given a title at the beginning of the writing the title should be finalized once the paper is finished. At the end of the writing you have gained the best perspective on the material. 即使在写作的开头你就有了一个标题,但是一旦你的报告结束,你的标题也应该被定下来了。在写作的结束时,你就已经在材料上获得了最好的观点。

Some practical tips in title composition are:


Try to increase the curiosity of the expert reader.


Emphasize the main novelty


Use keywords


Do not use unnecessary words. Try to avoid


A study of……


Various ……..




Ensure that the keywords which best specify your work appear in the title. Avoid terminology familiar only to specialists, especially acronyms and other abbreviations; y


You can consider writing the title as a question, or as an affirmation or negation. Question titles challenge the reader to continue further.


Phrasing the title as an assertion is dramatic; it implies and answers a question.


Keywords: are increasingly used in automated literature searching, you want to make sure that any one interested in your field will pick up the paper in his literature search.


Remember, though, that many journals and searching systems only use titles, so that use of the most important keywords in your title is still vital.


Author(s) and affiliation(s)


Provide the information that is required by the journal. Make sure that an Interested reader can contact you for further information


2. Abstract or summary


There are different kinds of abstracts


“informative” abstract, used in research pape rs


“indicative” abstract, used in tutorial and review papers.


The abstract or summary should be:


- balanced,


- self-contained


- outline of the paper,


- state what you did


- how you did it


- give your conclusions


Do not elaborate on the WHY for that you will have the introduction


It serves as an intermediate between the title and the full paper text.


The abstract of a research paper is designed to inform readers who persist beyond the title what the paper is about, without their having to read the whole work.


This purpose is mutually beneficial: there is insufficient information in a title for readers to decide reliably whether they wish to read the whole; writers will carry a larger audience beyond the title than without an abstract.


Abstracts are also published in Abstracts reference volumes as a service to browsers. 摘要同样会出版在摘要文献参考卷中作为浏览者的服务。

When to write the abstract?


Since the author’s perspective is clearest after the paper has been completed, that is when the abstract should be written.

当报告已经完成后,作者的观点是最清晰的,那就是摘要应该写的时候了。Imagine you are explaining your work verbally to a colleague over three minutes Write it after the rest of the paper has been completed


Length - 150-250 words


3. The Introduction


The Introduction is the start of the paper proper;


This is where you introduce the reader to the way you have approached the scientific problem. Not as in the abstract it is not self-contained: it leads the reader into the main working hypothesis.


Introduces the reader to the concerns you have.


Introduce the logical structure of the work


Explain the overall purpose of the work and the motivation for it


Remember what we discussed in the first lecture about the scientific dogma


What was the question that made you curious, (THE OBSERVATION)


In the introduction you are drawing a map of your work.


The readers will then hold the whole map in their heads as they navigate through the separate components - which they must do in order to learn successfully.


The first step in constructing a map is to define its borders and set the context of the paper,


What is the knowledge that the reader has to have in order to follow your rational.


In doing this you will need to refer to other works; refer to as many as you need but not more


- A research paper is not a literature survey.


- In setting context it is helpful to quote review papers, or books.


A little history is often an effective way of telling your story. (There used to be too much of this; today there is too little.) If your work follows on from other published papers, quote them, but also outline what you need from them in order to make your paper readable by itself.


The Introduction should make clear what was the position before your paper, and how your work changes it. Be clear about what existing material is re-interpreted or explained in your own words to assist your purpose, and what is genuinely original in your work.


Since the Introduction is the start of the paper proper, that is where you should begin your writing. Having written the paper, you then tailor the Introduction more closely to what emerged. Think of this tailoring as the last stage in writing the first draft.


At this stage it is also best to start and construct you reference list


A good introduction should contain three parts


Begin writing the paper with the Introduction;


Revise it as soon as you reach the end of the paper


i - states the general field of interest.


ii - presents the main finding of others that will be further developed or challenged


iii - the question to which the present paper is addressed.


It may also include


-What were the means by which the question was examined


-State the main conclusion




Why ???

(Dobbing, J. 1963. “The Entry of Cholesterol into Rat Brain During Development.” J.

Neurochem. 10: 739. Reproduced by permission of the author and of Pergamon Press).

“Previous experiments have shown a remarkable persistence of cholesterol laid down at the time of myelination in the chick and rabbit brain. In these experiments cholesterol-4-14C was injected into the yolk sac of day-old chicks and intraperitoneally into 17-day-old rabbits (1, 2). It was recovered from the brain up to one year later, labeled in the same place in the molecule and at no other (3).

“An incidental finding was that the cholesterol molecule itself could enter the developing brain, although brain cholesterol has hitherto been considered to be entirely derived from synthesis within the organ. This new finding has recently been challenged in experiments with rats (4).

“In the present work rats have again been used in case there should be an unexpected species difference. The experiments were undertaken to determine (a) whether cholesterol as such could enter the brain; and if so (b) whether its rate of entry was as dependent on the timing of myelination as is the entry of other myelin-sheath constituents and their precursors.”

4. Material and Methods


Some consider this part as the easiest part of writing the paper.


There is a big deal of common sense as to what should be included and how detailed should it be. The general guideline that should be used is out come of the scientific dogma.


Provide sufficient information that will allow the reader to repeat the experiment.

The question is who is the reader.


How much details should be provided when using " old " methods


Lecture 4



In the "Results" section you are presenting evidence that you have generated to support your working hypothesis or to reject others’ hypothesis.

在结果部分你展示出已经产生的证据来支持你研究的假设或者反对别人的假设。If you have designed and prepared the material correctly, this section is relatively easy to write.


You are reaching the stage of writing the Results section after you already summarized and organized the data in tables and/or figures.

在你已经在表格或图中总结和组织好你的数据后,你就到达了写作结论的部分。Before you start the writing, make sure that you have put them in a logical order: Go from the simple to the most complicated.


You are now going to compose tables and figures that will show the results of your experimental work based on your experimental design.


This includes not only putting numbers or lines together; it should include composing the title and footnote (legend) names of axes and labels.


1- Tables have to be clearly designed including complete titles and informative footnotes.


Figures can be comprehended at a glance; The reader can get a great deal of information not only of the results but also part of the experimental design without reading the text.


2- The figures and tables will give you as well as the reader and extended synopsis of the paper. This will help you as the author to once more evaluate whether the idea you want to develop is indeed well presented. You may end up modifying it or the way/ order of presentation.

2-图表将会给你和读者延伸报告的大纲。这将帮助你作为作者再次评估是否这个想法你想发展的效果确实不错。你也许会结束修改它或者呈现的方式/顺序。Each set of data, be it a table or preferably a figure, should be a summary of an experiment. Together with its legend and title, it can be completely informative itself. 每一个数据的设置,作为表格或者更好的是图,应该是一个实验的总结。与它的图例和标题一起,它自己能够是一个完整的信息。

The data should be integrated within the text rather than appended to the composed text.


Design and re-design the tables or figures to be clear and informative. This will make the writing easy and the section will gain clarity.


Ask yourself “What is this table or figure supposed to do”?


If the answer is to “show data” – you are not clear enough, and the figure is purposeless.


Tables and figures are supposed to show meaningful data: reveal changes or show comparisons. Try to indicate why they are significant.


- Tables and Figures should tell a short story of how and why.


- Tables should also present accurate numbers that can be compared


- Figures should show trends and relationships


This will help you to decide how to present your data – a Table or a Figure.


What is it that you want to present?


absolute values




Use a Table


To summarize research findings.


To group together specific data sets to compare and relate.


To document an account of experimental procedure and results.


To enable the reader to make calculations from experimental data.


To enable the reader to produce the experiment.


Criteria for a Good Table


A table must be complete; i.e., it must be understandable without detailed reference to the text.


Use units that are complete and easily understood.


The data in a table must be not only accurate, but also pertinent and significant.


Select the important aspects of the information.


Keep the format clear and simple. Do not waste space, and be consistent in style and terminology.


Make groupings logical.


Design the table to fit the format of a slide, page, or poster.


Most of those criteria will apply for a good figure; Most of the software available will help you to make good quality drawings.




The figure is going to be reduced by several folds


It is going to be in black and whites


Choose your fonts and symbols accordingly




The text is used to guide the reader between the sets of data.


See if you can sub-divide the results into sections put them in such an order that will make it:


easy to follow


understand the logic


support you next experimental step


Always state at the start of a section or sub-section what its aim is so as to guide the reader throughout it to its end. Make it so that the reader is ready to the next question just as you are ready to provide him with the answer.


Do not worry if you find you need to re-order the material; this is the first time that you are considering the reader’s point of view instead of your own.



You may include at the end of each section an obvious conclusion. Just the one that will help you to justify the next step.


Remember the in-depth discussion will come in the next part of the paper.


Graphic Software


The one you are most familiar with is the best for you to use. Most of the manufactures will be happy to provide you with specific information. Many will even send you a Demo program that will work like the real one but will not save or print. 一个你最熟悉的和最合适你用的。大部分的生产企业将乐于给你提供特殊的信息。许多甚至会送你一个演示程序,将像真的一样工作,但不会保存或打印。

The following is a list of the most commonly used one at the time of preparing this lecture notes.


CA Cricket Graph




Sigma Plot

Delta Graph Pro


Harvard Graphics


Lecture 5

Lecture notes; Scientific writing

The Discussion / Conclusion


The paper should end with a summing-up. Your purpose is to convey that your data supports the working hypothesis or suggests a new insight to a scientific problem. The title of this section varies throughout the literature; commonly you will find Conclusion,


Discussion, Conclusions, Concluding Remarks, Summary.


Whatever it is called, this last section is a summing up of the data you have generated and putting it in its wider context so as to give the reader an accurate perspective on it after the close-up view.


This section is the heart of the paper; it is the section in which the author is assessing the meaning of his results.


Nothing should be stated which has not already been covered in the paper itself. Emphasize the main points of the paper and how they alter the picture from before the paper was written.


Do they alter the wider field in which the material is located?


Do they propose a new hypothesis?


Do they modify an accepted hypothesis?


Do they verify or disprove a hypothesis, or imply large changes in its plausibility?


Explain to what extent the questions raised in the Introduction have been answered. 解释在前言中提出的延伸的问题已经被回答了。

Remember that not every detail of the work has the same importance.


Do not get carried away by the small details you may loose the reader before you get to the main conclusion. Try not to score over another investigator just in order to show-off.


Watch for symptoms of megalomania


Discuss controversial data fairly,


Point out results that that no obvious explanation can be provided.


Point out anomalies rather then trying to hide them


You may also state what points need following up, what lines now look promising or unpromising, and you may speculate concisely as to what lies along them. Try to come up with an hypothesis that will explain the results.


Don't be carried away by piling hypothesis upon hypothesis


Explain (if it is not obvious) why your paper stopped where it did.




? Stress the main theme –


? Do not provide new data


? Integrate between the results and the introduction


? How the paper has altered things.


? New questions raised and brief speculations


? If not obvious, state why you stopped where you did




Thank by name those people without whose personal intellectual influence the paper would have been significantly different. Explain briefly why you’re thanking each person or group.


It is a matter of professionalism and courtesy to offer your thanks, and to do it gracefully.


Thank founders if required or desired


Thank those having a direct intellectual influence on the paper


Simply thank




Keep a running list during writing


Then store full details of each


Then write them in the house style of the target journal at the very back of the preprint, beyond the figures


Lecture notes; Scientific writing

Revisions and polishing the paper


You have finished writing the first draft of your paper its time now for the REVISIONS.


Those are usually done in two stages;


Structural alterations


Style polishing.


Revisions and corrections are part of the work I have counted 14 drafts before sending out my last paper and I was not sure it could not be further improved. Read the first draft and ask your self.


Are major alterations necessary?


In order to be able and reach an answer check the following.


1- Look for logical flaws.


It will rarely happen that the author will reach at this stage a conclusion that all the hard thinking put into construction of the experimental work and writing is a total failure.


Yet there are many minor lines of reasoning that may need a more critical examination.


Read the statements made more carefully. Are they fully supported by evidence?


2 - Check quotations


Reread the papers or at least check the relevant passages that are cited in the draft.


Some may wish to do it even at an earlier stage of the writing, yet you have to be sure that the quotations you are using indeed reflect what you claim they are saying.


3 - Reexamine the order of presentation


Ask you self is the order serving the purpose of the paper


Does each section fit into the main stream / flow of logical presentation.


The more detailed reading of the Result and the Discussion section may reveal that rearrangement of sections may lead to better clarity or logical development of the all scientific hypothesis that the author want to present.


4 - Reevaluate the data presentation by tables and figures


Have a closer look on tables and figures.


Ask yourself if they can be combined or simplified.


After writing the discussion reexamine the data is it all relevant to the paper?


Style Polishing.


This may turn to be the most difficult job especially to those that English is not their mother language.


It is always good to get help from a professional English editor.


The problem is that there are not to many of them, they are not good enough and the good ones are very expensive.


If you are poor and want to do it by your self try to follow the following rules.

如果你资金不够,并且想你自己进行打磨的话,试着听从一下的一些建议吧。Be simple and concise


" Optimal reaction conditions are approximated when…….."


Insufficient data are at present available to completely negate the possibility that the removal of abovementioned substances from the circulation is not a factor of importance


Make sure of the meaning of each word


Use verbs rather then Nouns and Abstracts


Brake up Nouns Clusters and Stacked Modifiers


The final touch


Re-read the instructions for authors of the journal. It may have information that was overlooked when you were busy with the detailed writing.

重新读期刊的作者说明。当你忙于详细的写作时,也许有些信息被你忽视了。Pay attention to technical instructions concerning drawing and illustrations.


This used to be the job of the illustration department. With the use of computers and graphical software were little is left for them to do and most of those departments are not available any more.


Check for:


Size, Format Kind of paper to be printed on, What level of reduction is going to be applied.


Title and Abstract may have special requirements for font, length


Check for typing instructions, Space, Margin etc.


Number of copies, To whom should it be send?


Don't forget the cover letter. Make sure it is clear who is the corresponding author.


Just before sending the paper out see if you can convince some one in your lab/ department to read the paper.


The reviewing system and corresponding with the editor


The system of reviewing and evaluating the paper


Reviewers are communicating with the editor and kept anonymous.


Final decision by the editor.


Remember: The revisions requested are recommendations.


Don't fight over small details


Don't give up if you think that your main concept is right and yet rejected.


Don't try and guess who are the reviewers. You are most likely going to be wrong.


Assume its coming form GOD.


Lecture notes; Scientific writing

Lecture 7

Writing your research proposal


Many reasons to write a research proposal


Ask your self:


Whom am I addressing?


What is it that I want to achieve?


Writing a good grant proposal is basically following the same steps of writing a good research paper.


1- When to write?


If in the case of a paper the answer was later then you first thought that you are ready, in the case of the proposal it is " sooner then you think "


2 - What questions are to be asked and what are the expected answers.


Write down the answers to these questions. You will use it later for the general statement of " Purpose and expected results ".


3 - Ask your self who is going to review your proposal


granting agency


fellowship supporting agency


departmental teaching committee.


4- Write the introduction and the project description.


Start by asking how is the project related to the existing body of information.


Impress the reader that you know what you are talking about. Not by an endless number of references do it by pointing out the important findings and the most relevant to you proposed work. A good introduction should be selective rather then exhaustive. Confine it to significant references.


Remember the introduction should lead directly to the project description.


5- Write the title and a short synopsis of the proposal


you may later update / modify it to better fit the full proposal.


6 - Methods, Expected results and Discussion section.


Most of the principals applied for the paper are relevant for the research project document.


Do not forget the purpose of the document.


For example the Material and methods section has a different purpose.


Rather then providing information to enable another scientist to repeat your work now you have to demonstrate that you are familiar with the different methodologies and you can choose between them smartly.


The results and discussion are also going to be different. Point out the expected contribution of your work. What answers is it going to provide.


Lecture notes; Scientific writing

Lecture 8

Preparing your oral presentation


Oral communication plays an important role in the way scientists exchange information,


Although preparation of an oral presentation for a scientific conference / meeting should follow the logical pathway used in preparation of your paper there are few differences that should be emphasized.


A most common mistake is that a speaker will deliver orally a well written and prepare scientific paper in front of a conference audience.


REMEMBER: Scientists came to your seminar lecture (some time after traveling thousand of miles) to hear your talk and not to hear you reading your paper.


So feel duty bound to justify this effort.


A good oral presentation will lead to an oral discussion between the participants. This will be achieved if your presentation is informative, interesting and concise.


What are the differences between an oral presentation and a scientific paper?


Detailed experimental information


Separation between "Results" and "Discussion"


Inability of the listener to go back and re-read a difficult / complicated statement. 听者无法回去重读一个困难/复杂的语句。

Limited attention span.


Most oral presentation are short and time limited


Some hints for preparation of a good oral presentation


Try to capture the attention of the listeners from the very beginning



translate的用法和短语例句 【篇一】translate的用法大全 translate的用法1:translate的基本意思是“翻译”,常指把一种语言译成另一种语言。引申可作“转化”“解释”解。 translate的用法2:translate也可作“调动”解,通常指某人调到另一地方。 translate的用法3:translate可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语,也可接以as短语充当补足语的复合宾语。translate用作不及物动词时,其主动形式可表示被动意义。 translate的用法4:translate后接介词into表示“把…翻译成…”“把…转化为…”; 后接介词短语from...into...表示“(把…)从…翻译成为…”; 后接介词to表示“调某人到…”。 【篇二】translate的常用短语 用作动词 (v.) translate for (v.+prep.) translate from (v.+prep.) translate into (v.+prep.) translate to (v.+prep.) 【篇三】translate的用法例句 1. It can translate data from maps or remote sensing instruments into images. 它能够把从地图或遥感设备中得到的数据转化成为图像。

2. The girls waited for Mr Esch to translate. 女孩们等待埃施先生作翻译。 3. I can read Spanish but can't translate into it. 我能阅读西班牙语,但不能翻译成西班牙语. 4. These jokes would be far too difficult to translate. 这些笑话也许极其难译. 5. We must make efforts to translate our ideal into reality. 我们必须努力把理想变为现实. 6. She was skilled enough in French to translate a novel. 她法语娴熟,足以翻译小说. 7. It's often difficult to translate poems. 翻译诗歌在很多情况下都是困难的. 8. Please translate this article from Chinese into English. 请把这篇文章从汉语译成英语. 9. We should translate this sentence in passive voice. 我们应该用被动语态翻译这个句子. 10. Can you translate this article for me? 你能替我翻译这篇文章吗 ? 11. Can you translate from French into English? 你能把法语译成英语吗 ?

CSS3属性transform详解之(旋转rotate,缩放scale,倾斜skew,移动translate) 0101后花园

CSS3属性transform详解之(旋转rotate,缩放scale,倾斜skew,移动translate)0101后花园 在CSS3中,可以利用transform功能来实现文字或图像的旋转、缩放、倾斜、移动这四种类型的变形处理,本文将对此做详细介绍。 一.旋转rotate 用法:transform: rotate(45deg); 共一个参数“角度”,单位deg为度的意思,正数为顺时针旋转,负数为逆时针旋转,上述代码作用是顺时针旋转45度。 二.缩放scale 用法:transform: scale(0.5) 或者transform: scale(0.5, 2); 参数表示缩放倍数; 一个参数时:表示水平和垂直同时缩放该倍率 两个参数时:第一个参数指定水平方向的缩放倍率,第二个参数指定垂直方向的缩放倍率。 三.倾斜skew 用法:transform: skew(30deg) 或者transform: skew(30deg, 30deg);

参数表示倾斜角度,单位deg 一个参数时:表示水平方向的倾斜角度; 两个参数时:第一个参数表示水平方向的倾斜角度,第二个参数表示垂直方向的倾斜角度。 关于skew倾斜角度的计算方式表面上看并不是那么直观,这里借鉴某大拿绘制的图举例说明一下: 首先需要说明的是skew的默认原点transform-origin是这个物件的中心点 skewX(30deg) 如下图: skewY(10deg) 如下图: skew(30deg, 10deg) 如下图: 我当初就是看到此图瞬间理解的。 四.移动translate 用法:transform: translate(45px) 或者transform:


一、概述 Translation-rule用于增加、移除和替换VoIP中dial-peer拨号对等体inbound和outbound号码。它有以下几种应用: 1、应用于所有inbound call legs。 2、应用于特定voice-port的所有inbound call legs。 3、应用于特定dial-peer的所有outbound call legs。 二、命令格式 Translation-rule在全局模式侠有以下两种命令配置方式: 1、(config)translation-rule rule_tag (config-rule)rule <0-10> match pattern replacement pattern 应用translation-rule: 1) 所有inbound call legs (config) voip-incoming translation-rule rule_tag {called/calling} 2) 特定voice-port的所有inbound call legs (config)voice-port 0/0/0 (config-voiceport)translate {called/calling} rule_tag 3) 特定dial-peer的所有outbound call legs (config)dial-peer voice 10 pots (config-dial-peer)translate-outgoing {called/calling} rule_tag 2、(config)voice translation-rule rule_tag (config-rule)rule <1-15> /match pattern/ /replacement pattern/ 应用voice translation-rule: 1) 创建voice translation-profile (config) voice translation?profile profile_name (cfg-translation-profile) translate {called/calling} rule_tag 2) 特定的dial-peer所有incoming和outgoing call legs (config)dial-peer voice 10 pots (config-dial-peer)translation-profile {incoming/outgoing} profile_name 三、通配符 1、数字通配符 通配符号用途 .任意一个数字(0~9)。 [0-9] 区间范围内的一个数字,也可用[0,2-4,5,8-9]方式表示间断和连续数字。 * 0个或多个相同数字。 + 1个或多个相同数字。 ? 0个或1个相同数字。 .* 任意数字,可以为0个。 .+ 非0个任意数字。


contract translate SALE AND PURCHASE AGREEMENT A company incorporated in and under the laws of China with Registration office at *********,Herein represented by ****being duly authorized to do so. Referred in this contract as BUYER, this contract made to: WHEREAS the BUYER is an International Trader of ****and the BUYER is desirous of buying all such ZIRCON SAND from the SELLER. The BUYER confirmed the purchase of the contracted amount from the SELLER in this contract. And WHEREAS the BUYER, is desirous of purchasing all such ****offered by the SELLER. WHEREAS the SELLER, is a trader of the product subjected in this contract. The SELLER is willing to give all his productions and sales in this contract to the BUYER. And WHEREAS the SELLER is in the process of selling *****, which originates from mine site based in ***, at approximately ****MT or more per month. ----------THE SELLER AND THE BUYER HEREBY AGREE AS FOLLOWS: --------- 1. DEFINITION Unless specifically stated the following terms in this contract shall refer to and will have the following meaning : Goods shall mean----; DMT shall mean dry metric ton DMT ; WMT ; shall mean wet metric ton ; Ton or "Metric Ton" shall mean a ton of 1.000 kilograms or 2,204.62 pounds avoirdupois wet or dry basis as stated ; Inspectorate shall mean independent inspectorate as SGS( Société Générale de Surveillance S.A, Switzerland) and/or its correspondence, CCIC (China Commodity Inspection Co.,Ltd.) and/or its correspondence, or any independent inspectorate accepted by both parties ; T/T shall mean Telegraphic Transfer ; L/C shall mean Irrevocable Letter of Credit in accordance and subject to Uniform Customs and Practice for Doc. Credits Revision 1993 Publication N° 500 of ICC, Paris ; $ or dollar or cent shall mean dollars and cents of the United States of America official currency ; CIF shall mean cost , Insurance and freight as per Incoterms ICC 2000. 2. PRODUCT 3. PRICE

How to Translate Well

How to Translate Well After a few month of English translation,I have gained a new skill.Now I know how to translate a article beautifully.Translation is a discipline based on comprehensive ability , it covers the comprehensive knowledge and the differences between Chinese and western culture.It has higher requirements to the personal ability and daily accumulation.Before I start this work, I always have a misunderstanding: If I master a large vocabulary, I will translate well. Translation is just put a lot of vocabulary spliced together.But when I really come into contact with this work, I find that my original thinking is pretty narrow.When I translate a sentence, I don't know how to mix the words up.If We simple put the words together,it will be Chinese-English. The essence of translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that author intended the text.At this time,I must stress that“in the way that author intended the text”。We should pay attention to the Writing skills ,intention and style of author.Modern translator Fu Yan?s translation standard "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance" is highly expressed in the concept."Faithfulness" means making the translation correct. It should be loyal to the original, and the translations should strike to the facts ."Expressiveness" means the repression is smooth .We should make the translation conform to the modern Chinese grammar and language habits. In the translation,there should not be too many error. "Elegant" refers that the translation is beautiful and nature, and we should make the translation vivid, image.In the follows,I will tell you how to translate a article well. 1.Translation steps The first step is reading article.We should know the content of the article, and then analyze the article from the perspective of a translator. Understanding the cultural background of the article ,the author's writing intention, writing technique, can help us translate more smoothly .Taking Evaluation of Second Language Acquisition Research for example, I am an engineering senior, I do not know too much knowledge of linguistics.Before translating,I have read some article about linguistics,such as Foreign Language Teaching Research Under the Perspective of Contrastive Linguistics written by Ligang Yang. In the process of translation, the practice of the modified should account for a big proportion, as the teacher said, we should read the translated articles again and again until it is read as fluently as yours writing.The intention of course should be taken into consideration when we translate.General speaking,there are three kinds of readers——experts, the highly educated and the man without highly education. When we choose the appropriate translation

How to translate Chinese address into English

How to translate Chinese address into English :) 进口国际信件,收件人地址的书写顺序是:门牌号码、街道名称、寄达城市、我国国名,同汉语的书写顺序正相反。为便于投递员投递,应按照汉语书写顺序,即我国国名、寄达城市、街道名称、门牌号码译成中文。下面谈谈批译方法: 一、寄达城市名的批译 我国城市有用英文等书写的,也有用汉语拼音书写的。例如“北京”英文写为“Peking”,汉语拼音写为“Beijing”二者虽然都是用拉丁字母,但拼读方法不同,前者是以音标相拼,而后者则是用声母和韵母相拼的,批译时要注意识别,以免错译。 二、街道地址及单位名称的批译 常见有英文书写、汉语拼音书写、英文和汉语拼音混合书写三种。1、英文书写的,例如Address:6 East Changan Avenue PeKing译为北京市东长安街6号;2、汉语拼音书写的,例如:105 niujie Beijing译为北京市牛街105号;3、英文、汉语拼音混合书写的,例如:NO.70 dong feng dong Rd.Guangzhou译为广州东风东路70号。 三、机关、企业等单位的批译 收件人为机关、企业等单位的,应先译收件人地址,再译单位名称。批译方法为: 1、按中文语序书写的要顺译。例如:SHANGHAI FOODSTUFFS IMP AND EXP CO.译为上海食品进出口公司; 2、以英文介词短语充当定语,一般位于被修饰的名词之后,译在该名词之前。例如:Civil Aviation Administration Of China译为中国民航局; 3、机关、企业单位的分支机构一般用英文“branch”(分部、分公司等)表示。例如:Beijing Electron Co. Ltd Xian branch译为北京电子有限公司西安分公司。(者明中) 教你如何更好填写英文地址 轻松的考完了cisco认证,该让它给咱们寄证书了,但是我们家的地址很长也很坳口,要是这最后一步出了差子那可就。。。。。。 1、地址翻译 我们在翻译地址的时候应先小后大,如:**号**路**市,而且中间一般加逗号分隔。 例如:中国广东省深圳市华中路120号5栋301房,你就要从房开始写起,Room 301, Buliding 5, No.120,HuaZhong Road, ShenZhen, GuangDong Prov., China(逗号后面有空格)。 注意其中路名、公司名、村名等均不用翻译成同义的英文,只要照写拼音就行了。因为你的证书是中国的邮递员送过来,关键是要他们明白。技术大厦你写成Technology Building,他们可能就会迷糊! 重要: 你的邮政编码一定要写正确,因为外国信件中间的几道邮政环节都是靠邮政编码区域投递的。


Unit 1 1. 等我赶到顶楼会议室时,他们已经离开了。(by the time) (By the time I got to the meeting room on the top floor, they had already left.) 2.这一节目迎合大众的许多不同的兴趣和品味。(cater) (This programme caters for many different types of interest and taste among the public.) 3.这首老歌使人想起了过去那些美好的日子。(bring back) (The old song has brought back memories of those good old days.) 4.他们比预期提前一个星期完成了这项工程。(expect) (They finished the project one week earlier than they had expected to.) 5.最后陪审团终于确信,这个中年男子与这件谋杀案无关。(convincing) (At last the jury was convinced that the middle-aged man had nothing to do with the murder.) 6.这是我第三次到上海来,我发现了上海已呈现出一副新的面貌。(…the third time…) (This is the third time I have been in Shanghai, and I’ve noticed that Shanghai has taken on a new look.) unit 2 7. 你知道哪个队赢了那场足球比赛吗?(use a nominal clause) ——Do you know which team won the football match? 我一点都不知道。你可以去问问小李。他是球队队员。(idea) —I have no idea. You may ask Xiao Li. He is a member of the team./ He is on the team.) 8. 说这部电影样样都好或是一无是处,都是不太合适的。(either…or…) (It is not proper to regard this film either as totally good or as completely bad.) 9. 我在想是否应该把这次考试不及格的事告诉父母。(wonder) (I wonder if I should tell my parents that I failed in the examination.) 10. 当然,他是表现得很差,但毕竟他只有六岁。(after all) (Of course, he behaved dreadfully, but after all, he is only six years old.) 11. 一看见老板,他就全身发抖,好象见到了鬼一样。(as if) (The moment he saw his boss, he trembled as if he had seen a ghost.) 12.我认为即使我们每一分钱都节省下来,我们也买不起这幢房子。(afford) (I don’t think we can afford the house, even if we save every penny we have.) unit 3 13. 有没有可能说服他戒烟呢?(possible) ( Is it possible to persuade him to give up smoking?) 14.如果你来电话时我不在,请给我的秘书留个口信。(available) (If I am not available when you call me, please leave a message with my secretary.) 15.这本书几乎涉及了关于语言教学的所有重要论题。(cover) (This book covers nearly all the important topics on language teaching.)


用TranslateCoordinates方法可以将一个点或一段位移由一个坐标系统转换到另一个坐标系统。一个点变量,称为OriginalPoint,可以被视为一个三维点或一个三维位移矢量。这个变量由Boolean变量- Disp 来区分。如果Disp变量被设为TRUE的话,OriginalPoint变量就被视为一个位移矢量;反之,则被视为一个点。两个以上的变量可以决定这个OriginalPoint来自哪个坐标系统,也可以决定这个OriginalPoint要被转换到哪个坐标系统。以下的AutoCAD坐标系统可以被指定为From和To变量。 WCS 世界坐标系统即参照坐标系统。其它所有的坐标系统都是相对WCS 定义的,WCS是永远不改变的。相对于WCS测量的值可以忽略其它坐标系统的变化。除了特殊说明,所有传进或传出ActiveX方法和属性的点都用WCS表示。 UCS 用户坐标系统即工作中的坐标系统。用户指定一个UCS以便绘图更容易。所有传到AutoCAD命令的点,包括那些从AutoLISP程序和外部功能返回的,都是当前UCS的点(除了在命令提示符后用户在前面加了个*的点)。如果你想用程序将WCS、OCS或DCS坐标传到AutoCAD命令,你必须首先通过调用TranslateCoordinates方法将它们转换成UCS。

OCS 对象坐标系统-由多义线和细多义线对象的某些方法和属性指定的点的值由这种坐标系统表达,与对象有关。这些点通常根据对象的用途被转换成WCS、当前的UCS或当前的DCS。相反的,在WCS、UCS 或DCS中的点依靠相同的属性写进数据库之前,必须被转换成OCS。要了解使用该坐标系统的方法和属性,请参看AutoCAD中的"ActiveX 和VBA 参考"。 当从OCS转换坐标或转换坐标到OCS时,你必须输入TranslateCoordinates方法中的最后一个参数OCS法线。 DCS 显示坐标系统即对象在显示前被转换的坐标系统。DCS的原点是被存在AutoCAD系统变量TARGET中的点,它的Z轴就是视图方向。换句话说,一个视口始终是它的DCS平面图。这些坐标可用于决定物体是从哪里显示给AutoCAD用户的。 PSDCS 图纸空间DCS-该坐标系统只能从当前活动的模型空间视口的DCS转入或转出。这本来是一个二维的转换,如果Disp变量为FALSE,X 和Y坐标总是按比例来偏移的。Z坐标也是按比例的但是从不转换。因此,可以用Z坐标来找到两个坐标系统之间的比例因子。PSDCS

Qt中translate、tr关系 与中文问题

Qt中translate、tr关系与中文问题 题外话:何时使用tr ? 在论坛中,经常遇到有人遇到tr相关的问题。用tr的有两类人: (1)因为发现中文老出问题,然后搜索,发现很多人用tr,于是他也开始用tr (2)另一类人,确实是出于国际化的需要,将需要在界面上显示的文件都用tr包起来,这有分两种: (2a) 用tr包住英文(最最推荐的用法,源码英文,然后提供英文到其他语言的翻译包) (2b) 用tr包住中文(源码用中文,然后提供中文到其他语言的翻译包) 注意哦,如果你正在用tr包裹中文字符,却不属于(2b),那么,这是个信号: 你在误用tr 你需要的是QString,而不是tr 如果你确实属于(2b),请做好心理准备,你可能还会遇到很多困难,请考虑Qt国际化(源码含中文时)的点滴分析 tr 是做什么的?下面二者的区别是什么? QString text1 = QObject::tr("hello"); QString text2 = QString("hello"); tr是用来实现国际化,如果你为这个程序提供了中文翻译包(其中hello被翻译成中文"你好"),那么text1的内容将是中文"你好";如果你为程序提供且使用日文翻译包,那么text1的内容将是日文。 tr是经过多级函数调用才实现了翻译操作,是有代价的,所以不该用的时候最好不要用。 关注的对象 本文关注的是tr或translate中包含中文字符串的情况: QObject::tr() QCoreApplication::translate() QTextCodec::setCodecForTr 这个问题本多少可说的。因为涉及到的编码问题和QString 与中文问题中是完全一样的,只不过一个是用的setCodecForCStrings一个用的是setCodecForTr。 简单回顾QString的中文问题 QString 采用的unicode,在中文支持上不存在任何问题 "我是中文"这是传统的const char *的窄字符串 当将窄字符串赋值到QString时,我们需要告诉它我们的窄串采用的何种编码(gbk?、utf-8?) 究竟何种编码主要取决于我们的源代码文件的编码(windows上一般是gbk,其他平台一般utf-8) 例子: QString s1 = "我是中文"; QString s2("我是中文"); QString s3; s3 = "我是中文" s1、s2 用的是QString的构造函数QString ( const char * str ) s3 用的是QString的赋值操作符QString & operator= ( const char * str)

Translate English into Chinese and Chinese into English

Translate English into Chinese and Chinese into English 形合与意合 1.There is no more difference, but there is just the same kind of difference, between the mental operations of a man of science and those of an ordinary person as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher who weighs out his goods in common scales and the operations of a chemist who performs a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graduated weights. 2.这时已是将近六旬的人,一表人才,高个儿,眉清目秀,头发又多又黑,略带花白,恰好衬出他那堂堂的仪表。 3.顷刻之间,滚滚的浊水像堵墙一般压了下来,一股脑儿连人带车都给冲走了。这情景,直到现在还印在我的脑海里。 4.玩火自焚 物称与人称 1.The forty years, 1948-80,brought almost ten million migrants to America. 2.My good fortune has sent you to me, and we will never part. 3.他们欣喜若狂。(elation) 4.星期五那天,中国乒乓球队一早就到有两万两千名学生的密执安大学的现代化校园去了。 主动与被动 1.这件事做得好。 2.昨晚我盖了两条被子。


Lecture 1 讲座一: HOW AND WHEN TO WRITE 怎样写和何时写 Scientific writing is part of the research work. 科技写作时研究工作的一部分。 Research is not completed until it is published. 直到写作完成,研究才算完整。 Scientific writing demands exactly the same qualities of thought that are needed in the rest of science: logic clarity and precision. 科技写作需要同样准确的想法,这些想法是剩下的科学中需要的,清晰精确的逻辑。Apply the scientific principals to the writing 应用这写主要的科学的方法来写作。 Planing, Design, Execution 计划,设计,实施 Logically structured 逻辑结构 Clearly expressed 清晰的表述 Precisely worded 准确的用词 The way you write must follow from the way you work, not vice versa. 你所写的必须与你的研究相对应,而不是反之。 In your scientific work you should have 在你的科学工作中你应该有 An observation 观察 A question followed by an hypothesis 假设并提出问题 How are you going to test the hypothesis? (Better adapt the negative approach). 你怎样验证你的假设(最好适应相反的方法) You can't PROVE it. What you want to do is find data that will support or object your working hypothesis. 你不能证明它。你要做的是找到支持或反对你的假设的数据。 Have the experimental design described in detail. 将实验设计详细的描述。 Remember: Scientific work is based on the assumption that it must be reproducible. You must thus provide the information to others what should be done in order to be able and repeat your experimental work. 记住:科学工作是基于可重复的设想。因此,你应该为其他人提供什么需要被做的信息才能重复你的实验。 Finish the writing with the discussion of your result. Include the next working hypothesis for further evaluating it. 用你结果的讨论来结束你的写作。包括为了将来评估它的接下来的工作的设想。

How to translate Chinese idioms

How to translate Chinese idioms Idioms form an important part of Chinese language,and their translation techniques can not be ignored.A good translation of idiom can be a significant link of the communication between China and foreign countries.As far as I am concerned,the translation techniques of Chinese idioms could be roughly divided into three kinds: literal translation, using English equivalent,and translation of the thought. The first technique is literal translation.It is known to us all that the original intention of translation is to convey the meaning of original text,which requires the translation should be faithful and keep the style consist to the original text.The literal translation can fully reflect Chinese culture and tradition,which makes it the most appropriate technique to translate Chinese idioms.For example,“三街六巷,凭他是谁,若得罪了我醉金刚倪二的街坊,管叫他人离家散!”(曹雪芹:《红楼梦》,第24 回)This sentence should be translated as"If anyone in the three streets or six lanes near by, no matter who he is, offends a neighbor of the Drunken Diamond, I’ll see to it that his relatives are scattered and his home destroyed."In this sentence,we can translate the idiom“三街六巷”as the neighborhood, but if we literally translate it as"the three streets or six lanes near by"would be better.Likewise,the idiom “人离家散”can be translated as"his relatives are scattered and his home destroyed". The second technique is using equivalents to translate.Some English idioms not only have similar metaphor as Chinese idioms,but also have similar meanings.We can use these equivalents to translate.For instance,“只有大胆地、破釜沉舟地跟他们拼,还许有翻身的那一天!”(曹禺:《日出》,第2 幕)can be translated as "All you can do is to burn your boats and fight them in the hope that one day you’ll come out on top."In this sentence,we used the English idiom"to burn your boats"to express the meaning of “破釜沉舟”,it is not only faithful to the original text,but also keep the style consist to the original text.Similarly,the Chinese idioms as “火上加油”,“趁热打铁”,“得寸进尺” and “滴水穿石”,we can also uses the equivalents in English language to translate.We can translate these words as"To add fuel to the flames/fire","Strike while the iron is hot","Give him an inch and he’ll take an ell /a mile","Constant dropping wears/hollow out the stone". The last technique is liberal translation.There is always some words can not be literally translated.Many Chinese idioms are concerned with Chinese history stories or Chinese traditions,these idioms cannot be translated literally,otherwise the foreign readers cannot understand their meanings.To exemplify what I mean,let's see this sentence.“真是个朝秦暮楚的家伙!”(李六如:《六十年的变迁》,第一卷,第六章)We can not translate the Chinese idiom literally,because the foreign readers don't know the history story of the idiom,and it is unnecessary to explain the history of the idiom.We can just translate this sentence as “Isn't he a cheap turnout!”In the same way,“杞人忧天”can be translated as "Unnecessary anxiety freely",“四面楚歌”can be translated as "Under fire from all quarters". A good translation of Chinese idiom can make the text more vivid,and can be a vital bridge to disseminate traditional culture. 英语0905班 钱超 200909300513

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