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Directions: In this section, there are 13 sentences each with one word or phrase m issing. Choose one of the four choices marked A, B, C, and D that best completes t he sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening

1. As far as we know, in this matter Jim seems .

A. to be in no way to blame

B. to be in no way to be blamed

C. to be to blame in no way

D. to be blamed in no way

2. , he might have retired before the end.

A. Didn't he enjoy the concert

B. Has he not enjoyed the concert

C. Were he not enjoy the concert

D. Had he not enjoyed the concert

3. I don't see how you can stop your daughter, she is lawfully old enough to get ma rried.

A. once

B. thus

C. yet

D. since

4. The developing countries are the richly mineralized districts in the world the d eveloped countries are the districts which are short of minerals.

A. anyway

B. nevertheless

C. while

D. instead

5. Jane rented novels from the circulating library yesterday afternoon. .

A. two interesting American

B. two American interesting

C. interesting two American

D. American two interesting

6. The manager his suitcase in which there is plenty of cash yet, for he is n ot sure where he left it behind.

A. had not found

B. has not found

C. did not find

D. cannot find

7. The minister didn't show any interest in the democratic reforms .

A. all in all

B. after all

C. not at all

D. at all .

8. I haven't seen her .

A. since long

B. long since

C. long ago

D. long before

9. Why this way? to meet him?

A. are you walking / Do you want

B. do you walk / Do you want

C. do you walk / Are you wanting

D. are you walking / Did you want

10. "Will a bus stop here soon?" "No, .”

A. ten minutes ago one just went by

B. one just went by ten minutes ago

C. ten minutes ago just one went by

D. just one went by ten minutes ago

11. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, all

practical value by the time they were finished.

A. could lose

B. would have lost

C. might lose

D. ought to have lost

12. The lady over there is

A. Jane and Mary mother

B. Jane and Mary’s mother

C. Jane's and Mary's mother

D. Jane's and Mary mother 人生中最幸福的就是身体健康

13. Not even a word concerning these important matters.

A. he mentioned

B. he mentions

C. did he mention

D. he does mention

















考研英语二翻译练习题 来源:文都教育 考研英语二中的翻译题为150词左右,难度总体来说并不大,但也需要同学们在平常勤加练习。下面小编给出一道翻译练习题,后附参考译文,供大家学习。 It was an adventurous, rewarding life but something was missing. “I remembered the plays I had written at school and that long buried ambition also to be a story teller. I began to write up my diaries of my desert excursions, attempting to publish a book on my camel expedition. That idea failed, but I had picked up a writing habit on weekends and public holidays and in 1997 I started my first novel, loosely based on my family heritage in China—which I finished in 2002.” In 2003 it was published by Hodder & Stoughton as …The Palace of Heavenly Pleasure?. While continuing to live in Beijing working for Jardines, he now spends several months of the year in Italy where he b ought a house for writing. Several more books followed. …The Palace of Heavenly Pleasure?, set in the Boxer Rebellion, became the first in a trilogy. 那是一种很有意义的冒险生活,但是总觉得缺少了点什么。“我记得自己在上学的时候写过戏剧,那个时候野心勃勃,励志要成为一个讲故事的人。我开始写我的沙漠旅行日记,试图出一本关于我的骆驼探险队的书,结果失败了。但我逐渐养成了在周末以及节假日进行写作的习惯。1997年,我开始写我的第一本小说,内容大致基于我们家族在中国的生活。这本小说于2002年完成。”2003年,该书由霍德&斯托顿出版公司出版,名为《天乐院》。 现在,威廉姆斯除了继续在北京为怡和集团工作之外,每年还会抽几个月到意大利一所他专门买来进行写作的房子里待几个月。于是便有了之后的几本书。以“义和团运动”为背景的《天乐院》,成为了三部曲中的第一部。


英语专业考研基础英语改错高分特训500句+100篇 第1章改错题技巧指南 对于绝大多数报考英语专业的考生而言,“基础英语”是全国各院校英语专业研究生入学考试必考的科目。一般来说,报考英语专业研究生的考核科目为:政治(分值100分)、第二外语(分值100分)、基础英语(分值150分)以及专业课(包括英美文学、语言学与应用语言学、翻译理论及实践等)(分值150分)。 需要说明的是,有些院校对此科目的考试名称有所不同:例如北京大学称之为“专业能力”,上海外国语大学称之为“英语综合”,北京外国语大学称之为“英语基础测试(技能)”,上海交通大学、广东外语外贸大学等称之为“英语水平考试”,四川大学称之为“英语专业基础”,山东大学称之为“实践英语”。上述院校的科目名称和大多数院校所用的“基础英语”名称虽有差别,但实质是一样的,都是由各学校自主命题、考核英语专业考生基本功底的考试科目。 1.1出题形式 “基础英语”的改错题主要考查考生运用语法、词汇、修辞等语言知识,识别所给短文或句子的语病并改正的能力。 出题形式主要有以下几种: ①给出一篇250词左右的短文,共10处标记,可能有错误也可能完全正确,要求考生根据“增添”、“删除”或“改变其中的某一单词或短语”三种方法中的一种改正语误。

②给出一篇短文,没有标记,要求考生删除10处多余的词,不一定每行文字都有错误,也不一定1行文字只有1处错误。 ③给出一篇短文,没有标记,要求考生根据“增添”、“删除”或“改变其中的某一单词或短语”三种方法中的一种改正语误。不一定每行文字都有错误,也不一定1行文字只有1处错误。 ④给出的为一个单句,句子中有四处标有下划线,要求考生选出有错误的一项。如: Tokyo Bay shook as if huge rug had been pulled from under it. A B C D ⑤给出的为一个单句,要求考生在错误处加下划线,并根据“增添”、“删除”或“改变其中的某一单词或短语”三种方法中的一种改正语误。 1.2常考错误类型 一、词法错误 词法错误主要包括了名词、动词、代词、冠词、介词、形容词副词的使用错误等,主要考察考生对常用词汇的词性、含义、用法的掌握。 (一)名词 改错中涉及到名词的错误主要有以下几类:名词“近义词”(形近或意近)、名词的单复数、可数名词与不可数名词、名词与动词、与形容词等词类的转换等。 1.名词近义词 英语中有许多拼写或读音相似甚至相同的词语,考生在平日学习时应注意这类词语的区分。


2011年考研英语二小作文真题: suppose your cousin LI MING has just been admited to a university write him/her a letter to: (1)Congratulate him/her,and (2)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life you should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. DO not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use "zhangwe 2011年考研英语二小作文范文: Dear friend, I am writing to congratulate you on your being successfully admitted to Harvard University, which enjoys an international reputation for its academic excellence and give you some suggestions as to how to make preparation for the coming college life. In order for you to adapt yourself to the university life, you are advised to get prepared physically and intellectually. First and foremost, you need to build a strong body for the future academic pursuit, so you can take some exercises during the breaks. Secondly, since the study in university is more demanding than in your secondary school, you are highly suggested to find some introductory books from the library so as to have a good idea of the specialty you are going to take in your college life. Given your sound ability, you are sure to have a successful college life. Congratulate you again and wish you a fruitful college life. Sincerely yours, Zhang Wei


考研英语翻译模拟试题及答案(一) Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation must be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points) 一、经济学史 Economics, as we know it, is the social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services. Economists focus on the way in which individuals, groups, business enterprises, and governments seek to achieve efficiently any economic objective they select. (46) Other fields of study also contribute to this knowledge: Psychology and ethics try to explain how objectives are formed, history records changes in human objectives, and sociology interprets human behavior in social contexts. Standard economics can be divided into two major fields. (47) The first, price theory or microeconomics, explains how the interplay of supply and demand in competitive markets creates a multitude of individual prices, wage rates, profit margins, and rental changes. Microeconomics assumes that people behave rationally. Consumers try to spend their income in ways that give them as much pleasure as possible. As economists say, they maximize utility. For their part, entrepreneurs seek as much profit as they can extract from their operations.


考研英语翻译练习题及答案 Unit 1 According to the new school of scientists,technology is an overlooked force in expanding the horizons of scientific knowledge.(71)Science moves forward,they say,not so much through the insights of great men of genius as because of more ordinary things like improved techniques and tools.(72)“In short”,a leader of the new school contends,“the scientific revolution,as we call it,was largely the improvement and invention and use of a series of instruments that expanded the reach of scien ce in innumerable directions.” (73)Over the years,tools and technology themselves as a source of fundamental innovation have largely been ignored by historians and philosophers of science. The modern school that hails technology argues that such masters as Galileo,Newton,Maxwell,Einstein,and inventors such as Edison attached great importance to,and derived great benefit from,craft information and technological devices of different kinds that were usable in scientific experiments. The centerpiece of the argument of a technologies,genius no advocate was an analysis of Galileo’s role at the start of the scientific revolution. The wisdom of the day was derived from Ptolemy,an astronomer of the second century,whose elaborate system of the sky put Earth at the center of all heavenly motions.(74)Galileo’s greatest glory


suppose your cousin LI MING has just been admited to a university write him/her a letter to:(1)Congratulate him/her,and(2)give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life you should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. DO not sign your own name at the end of the letter,Use "zhangwe 考研教育网考研英语二小作文范文: Dear friend, I am writing to congratulate you on your being successfully admitted to Harvard University,which enjoys an international reputation for its academic excellence and give you some suggestions as to how to make preparation for the coming college life. In order for you to adapt yourself to the university life,you are advised to get prepared physically and intellectually. First and foremost,you need to build a strong body for the future academic pursuit,so you can take some exercises during the breaks. Secondly,since the study in university is more demanding than in your secondary school,you are highly suggested to find some introductory books from the library so as to have a good idea of the specialty you are going to take in your college life. Given your sound ability,you are sure to have a successful college life. Congratulate you again and wish you a fruitful college life. Sincerely yours, Zhang Wei


凯程考研集训营,为学生引路,为学员服务! 第 1 页 共 1 页 2017考研英语翻译模拟练习题(2) There is no question that science-fiction writers have become more ambitious, stylistically and thematically, in recent years. (1) (But this may have less to do with the luring call of academic surroundings than with changing market conditions —a factor that academic critics rarely take into account.) Robert Silverberg, a former president of The Science Fiction Writers of America, is one of the most prolific professionals in a field dominated by people who actually write for a living. (Unlike mystery or Western writers, most science-fiction writers cannot expect to cash in on fat movie sales or TV tie-ins.) (2) (Still in his late thirties, Silverberg has published more than a hundred books, and he is disarmingly frank about the relationship between the quality of genuine prose and the quality of available outlet. )By his own account, he was “an annoyingly verbal young man ” from Brooklyn who picked up his first science-fiction book at the age of ten, started writing seriously at the age of thirteen, and at seventeen nearly gave up in despair over his inability to break into the pulp magazines. (3)( At his parents ’ urging, he enrolled in Columbia University, so that, if worst came to worst, he could always go to the School of Journalism and “get a nice steady job somewhere ”.) During his sophomore year, he sold his first science-fiction story to a Scottish magazine named Nebula. By the end of his junior year, he had sold a novel and twenty more stories. (4) (By the end of his senior year, he was earning two hundred dollars a week writing science fiction, and his parents were reconciled to his pursuit of the literary life. )“I became very cynical very quickly,” he says. First I couldn ’t sell anything, then I could sell everything. The market played to my worst characteristics. An editor of a schlock magazine would call up to tell me he had a ten-thousand-word hole to fill in his next issue. I ’d fill it overnight for a hundred and fifty dollars. I found that rewriting made no difference. (5)( I knew I could not possibly write the kinds of things I admired as a reader —Joyce, Kafka, Mann —so I detached myself from my work.) I was a phenomenon among my friends in college, a published, selling author. But they always asked, “When are you going to do something serious?” —meaning something that wasn ’t science fiction —and I kept telling them, “ When I ’m financially secure.” 答案 1.但是这一点与其说是与学术环境具有诱惑力的召唤有关,还不如说是与变化的市场状况有关——一这是一个学术评论家很少考虑的因素。 2.还不到四十岁,西尔弗伯格就已出版了一百多本书籍,而他对真正散文的质量与应时之作的质量之间的关系十分坦诚,毫无掩饰。 3.在他双亲的敦促下,他报考了哥伦比亚大学,所以即便最糟他也能进入新闻学校,“将来总可以有一份稳定的好工作。” 4.到大四结束的时候,他每星期写科幻小说已经可以赚两百美元了,而他的双亲也接受了他对于文学生涯的追求。 5.我知道我写不出作为读者的我所喜欢的东西,就像乔伊斯、卡夫卡、曼恩的作品,所以我不再那么关注我所写的东西。 总体分析 本文介绍了科幻小说家罗伯特·西尔弗伯格。文章先指出科幻小说的繁荣与市场需求关系紧密,接着通过介绍多产的科幻小说家西尔弗伯格的创作经历予以说明。 本文考查的知识点:后置定语、插入语、比较结构、同位语、上下文中词义的选择,等。


基础英语练习题(二) I. GRAMMAR, Directions: In this section, there are 13 sentences each with one word or phrase m issing. Choose one of the four choices marked A, B, C, and D that best completes t he sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET by blackening 1. As far as we know, in this matter Jim seems . A. to be in no way to blame B. to be in no way to be blamed C. to be to blame in no way D. to be blamed in no way 2. , he might have retired before the end. A. Didn't he enjoy the concert B. Has he not enjoyed the concert C. Were he not enjoy the concert D. Had he not enjoyed the concert 3. I don't see how you can stop your daughter, she is lawfully old enough to get ma rried. A. once B. thus C. yet D. since 4. The developing countries are the richly mineralized districts in the world the d eveloped countries are the districts which are short of minerals. A. anyway B. nevertheless C. while D. instead 5. Jane rented novels from the circulating library yesterday afternoon. . A. two interesting American B. two American interesting C. interesting two American D. American two interesting 6. The manager his suitcase in which there is plenty of cash yet, for he is n ot sure where he left it behind. A. had not found B. has not found C. did not find D. cannot find 7. The minister didn't show any interest in the democratic reforms . A. all in all B. after all C. not at all D. at all . 8. I haven't seen her . A. since long B. long since C. long ago D. long before 9. Why this way? to meet him? A. are you walking / Do you want B. do you walk / Do you want C. do you walk / Are you wanting D. are you walking / Did you want 10. "Will a bus stop here soon?" "No, .” A. ten minutes ago one just went by B. one just went by ten minutes ago C. ten minutes ago just one went by D. just one went by ten minutes ago 11. The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, all practical value by the time they were finished. A. could lose B. would have lost


2018 年考研英语(二)大作文万能高分模板(图表类) 第一部分,模板与说明 图表类作文分为两大类: 1.动态类,即描述事物变化趋势,比如2010、2011、2014、2017年真题。 2.静态类,即描述某一事物各部分比例,比如2012、2013、2015、2016年真题。 无论2018大作文考研出什么情况和话题,都是用这个模板套用,大家背诵熟练,拿每一年的真题练手试验即可。具体方法,参见第二部分真题实战演练。 二者区别: 1.动态类描述一种或多种事物在不同时间点的状态或性质。(图标中通常出现有关时间的信息) 2.静态类描述一种或多种事物在同一时间点的状态或性质。(图表中通常不出现有关时间的信息) 图表作文写作思路: 第一段:描述图表内容。 第二段:分析原因,解释现象。 第三段:预测趋势,建议措施。 说明,我们的模板在170字左右,再加上自己写的主题词和图表描述句,这样字数就更多了。建议大家根据自己的情况删减一些句子,把总的字数控制在160~180。 [模板#1(动态类图表)]: What is clearly presented in the above 图表类型 is that dramatic changes have taken place in 主题词1from年份1to年份2.During the period, there was a marked jump from数字1to数字2in 事物1,while that of 事物2 declined significantly/climbed slightly from 数字3 to 数字4(.若 有第三个事物,则再简单介绍第三个事物的情况) The 图表类型 informs us of the phenomenon that people in mounting numbers 图表所示的内容(and i believe there are several fundamental factors to account for the above-mentioned changes).Primarily ,with the rapid development of modern society which led by economy,快速发展的事物has turned out to be a trend that anyone cannot evade. Moreover ,with the quickening pace of modern life and the fierce competition of society,(1)(suffering from the reduplicated pressure from work and living,)(2)people's values have changed gradually ,more and more people chose to do something in order to do something. Finally,快速发展的事物 is closely related to the reforming policy of our country.


2020考研英语:翻译模拟题答案(四) 考研英语有许多题目组成,方便大家及时了解,下面由出国留学网小编为你精心准备了“2020考研英语:翻译模拟题答案(四)”,持续关注本站将可以持续获取更多的考试资讯! 2020考研英语:翻译模拟题答案(四) Relativity theory has had a profound influence on our picture of matter by forcing us to modify our concept of a particle in an essential way. (1)(In classical physics, the mass of an object had always been associated with an indestructible material substance, with some “stuff” of which all things were thought to be made.)Relativity theory showed that mass has nothing to do with any substance, but is a form energy. Energy, however, is a dynamic quantity associated with activity, or with processes.(2)(The fact that the mass of a particle is equivalent to a certain of energy means that the particle can no longer be seen as a static object, but has to be conceived as a dynamic pattern, a process involving the energy which manifest itself as the particle’s mass.) (3)(This new view of particles was initiated by Dirac when he formulated a relativistic equation describing the behavior of electrons.) Dirac’s theory was not only extremely successful in accounting for the fine details of atomic structure, but also revealed a fundamental symmetry between matter and anti-matter. It predicted the existence of an anti-matter with the same mass as the electron but with an opposite charge. This positively charged particle, now called the positron, was indeed discovered two years after Dirac had predicted it. The symmetry between matter and anti-matter implies that for every particle there exists an antiparticles with equal mass and opposite charge. Pairs of particles and antiparticles can be created if enough energy is available and can be made to turn into pure energy in the reverse process of destruction.(4)(These processes of particle creation and destruction had been predicted from Dirac’s theory before they were actually discovered in nature, and since then they have been observed millions of times.) The creation of material particles from pure energy is certainly the most spectacular effect of relativity theory, and it can only be understood in terms of the view of particles outlined above.(5)(Before relativistic particle physics, the constituents of matter had always been considered as being either elementary units which were indestructible and unchangeable, or as composite objects which could be broken up into their constituent parts)and the basic question was whether one could divide matter again and again, or whether one would finally arrive at some smallest indivisible units. 答案 1.在古典物理中,某一物体的质量总是与一种不可毁灭的物质相关联。这是一种构成一切物质的“东西”。 2.某一粒子的质量相当于一定的能量,这一事实意味着该粒子不再被看作是一个静态的物体,而应该被看成是一种动态的形式,一种与能量表现为粒子质量相关的过程。 3.这一新的粒子观是由迪拉克首创的,他列出了描述电子运动行为的相对论方程。 4.粒子生成和毁灭的过程在真正被发现之前,迪拉克的理论已经对它们作出了?,从那时起人们对此做过数百万次的观测。 5.在相对论粒子物理学诞生之前,人们一直以为物质的构成成分要么是不可毁灭和不可改变的基本单位,要么是可以分解为其构成部分的合成物。 总体分析 本文是一篇关于粒子物理理论的文章。 第一段:指出相对论改变了我们的粒子概念,从而影响了我们对物质的理解。 第二段:指出这一粒子观点是由迪拉克首创的,他的理论揭示了物质和反物质的基本对称。该理论已经得到了证实。 第三段:纯能量创造物质粒子是相对论最惊人的影响。相对论观点的粒子物理学改变了人们对于物质的看法和理解。 本文是一篇科普性说明文,属于正式文体。考生首要的任务是清楚地分析句子结构,并结合自己的物理常识准确把握生疏词汇,在此基础上完成翻译。本题考核的知识点:(一)被动语态。(二)定语,包括定语从句,分词作定语。(三)状语从句。 试题精解 1.[精解] 本题考核的知识点是:被动语态、定语从句的译法。


2002 Almost all our major problems involve human behavior,and they cannot be solved by physical and biological technology alone.What is needed is a technology of behavior,but we have been slow to develop the science from which such a technology might be drawn.(61)One difficulty is that almost all of what is called behavioral science continues to trace behavior to states of mind,feelings,traits of character,human nature,and so on. Physics and biology once followed similar practices and advanced only when they discarded them.(62)The behavioral sciences have been slow to change partly because the explanatory items often seem to be directly observed and partly because other kinds of explanations have been hard to find. The environment is obviously important,but its role has remained obscure.It does not push or pull,it selects,and this function is difficult to discover and analyze.(63)The role of natural selection in evolution was formulated only a little more than a hundred years ago,and the selective role of the environment in shaping and maintaining the behavior of the individual is only beginning to be recognized and studied. As the interaction between organism and environment has come to be understood,however,effects once assigned to states of mind,feelings,and traits are beginning to be traced to accessible conditions,and a technology of behavior may therefore become available.It will not solve our problems,however,until it replaces traditional pre_scientific views,and these are strongly entrenched.Freedom and dignity illustrate the difficulty.(64)They are the possessions of the autonomous(self_governing)man of traditional theory,and they are essential to practices in which a person is held responsible for his conduct and given credit for his achievements.

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