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Expo Garden


I am very pleased to serve as your tour guide, today we will visit the famous and beautiful Kunming international Horti-Expo Garden. Before we get to the expo garden, I’d like to give you a brief introduction .

Firstly, I’d like to give you some information about world exposition. Generally speaking, world exposition is a very influential non-trading exposition with a long history, which is an exhibition of the latest scientific achievement hosted by a country. The purpose is to promote the communication and development of economic, cultural and science links between countries. So world exposition enjoys a fame of a “feast of Olympics”, which has 4 levels.A1 A2 B1 B2.

Perhaps you know Kunming international Horti-Expo is rates as highest level-A1. It just took only 3years to built up this biggest expo-garden. This is a miracle in the history of world exposition. The opening of the exposition took place on May 1 1999and the closure on October 31, 1999 altogether it lasted for 184 days. Over 9 million domestic and over seas tourists visited the exposition garden during only half a year.

The Expo Garden is situated in the northern suburbs of Kunming, and next to the golden temple scenic area. Expo Garden covers an area of 218 hectares, it is also the first garden with typical Chinese and Yunnan characteristics. As word classic horticultural garden, it offers a grand views of the both the natural landscapes and the horticulture of the home and abroad.

So now we know a little about it, let’s march into the garden.

Now we are at the gate of the expo garden, you can see the emblem of the exposition which looks like a palm holding a green life flower, expand your imagination you can get the image of a beautiful peacock with long tails, or resembles the movements of the stars, clouds, air, or wind in nature. The emblem reveals the theme of the exposition---man and nature march into the 21-century, which symbolizes a harmonious development of human beings and nature. Now please raise your head, you can see 7 eye-catching Chinese characters over the steel framed gate ,they read(shijie yuanyi bolanhui) which means “the world horti-expo”

This is the welcoming plaza, in the center of the square, you can see a huge statue of snub nose monkey with gold furs and thick lips, Which is the mascot of the exposition, and a rare animal in china, the name “lingling” carries the meaning of being smart nimble and flexible.

on the right side of us, flags of the 69 participant countries and 26 participant international organizations are waving in the breeze, could you pick out your countries’national flags immediately.

Ok, Coming into the garden, now we are walking in a sea of flowers consisting of fairy primroses, chrysanthemums and pansies. Now please pay more attention to the view in front of us. There is a huge flower clock, which is 19.99 meters in diameter, symbolizing the year when expo was held.

The flower clock is donated by Shanghai municipality. the name is flower clock of the century. It is the largest open- air flowers clock in the world,. Its hands are made of the light material of outer space flight. So it is the lightest clock , as the clock is controlled by the satellite of GPS of U.S.A, so it is the most accurate flower clock.

Behind the clock is a wide garden road, It is 850 meters long and 40 meters wide, which is decorated by 500000 pots of flowers and they form 4 flower streams, one giant flower ship, and 5 21-meter-high flower pillars, each creative designs has special meaning. The 4 flower steams and

5 flower pillars symbolize the 4 oceans and 5 continents, the ship is presented by Hong Kong. The ship resembles the one that Zhenhe –a famous navigator in Ming Dynasty, used to travel to the Western sea. The ship also Implies the whole world is prosperous and people from all countries march into the 21st century hand in hand.

Further on, we get to the century plaza, in the plaza, we can see a stainless steel statue. It is the theme statue, 19.99 meters tall and 30 ton heavy in a shape of an abstract image of calla lily, it is named “flowers blooming in the new century”. The opening ceremony of the 99 expo was held here.

Leaving the century plaza, we come to the intersection of the expo garden. Because the garden mainly consists of 3 out door exhibition areas , 4 squares , 5 indoor exhibition halls, 7 theme parks。It will take us 2 days to visit all the areas, so, today I will guide you to the most characteristic area---The green house, and performance plaza.

L&G: now we are in the grand greenhouse, it occupies 3630 square meters with the shape of three unfolding leaves growing in spirals. The construction materials are both highly transparent and thermal insulating. The grand green house is composed of three sections: first, the high mountain plant hall, the temperature here varies from 5 to 18 centigrade. The plant here are mostly living in 3000 meters in altitude, such as scrubs and colorful flowers; second, temperate flower hall, the temperature here varies from 13 to 26, you can see representative plants pf sub-tropical areas such as cactus plants primrose and lilies; last, tropical plant hall, the temperature here varies from 20 to 35,in this hall there are 700 kinds of plants in such areas as xishaungbanna, you can see dancing grass here, papal trees and banyan trees.

Now we are in the performance plaza, the scripture HAND IN HAND was presented by GUANGDONG, which symplizes g and y march forward hand in hand. during the 99 exposition it can hold 5000 people, various performances are staged here by artists both from home and abroad almost everyday,

behind the stage, there is a large music fountain, which adds a warm atmosphere and beautiful sight to the square, the water columns will change according to the rhythms of the music.

Behind the music fountain there is a huge rock of 63 meters high, called carved cliff. Which is said to be the largest manmade hill in china, The emblem of green life flower and the words in red “expo 99” are also carved there. You also can watch the water screen movie, absolutely, it is different from watching in the cinema.

L&G, now our sightseeing in Kunming expo garden is drawing to a close I am sure the theme the building and the plants impressed you: I hope you will visit here again, thank you.


关于对昆明世博园股份有限公司及相关当事人 给予通报批评处分的决定 当事人:昆明世博园股份有限公司(以下简称“世博股份”),住所:昆明市世博路10号; 彭少希,世博股份董事长; 游炜,世博股份董事、总经理; 王兢,世博股份董事; 花泽飞,世博股份董事; 金立,世博股份董事; 何建国,世博股份董事会秘书; 金桦林,世博股份副总经理。 经查明,世博股份及相关当事人存在以下违规行为: 1.世博股份未及时向本所报告和披露公司总经理游炜、副总经理金桦林无法履行职责的情况。自2006年9月起,游炜、金桦林在控股股东云南世博集团有限公司(以下简称“世博集团”)干预下,一直处于离职状态,无法正常履行职责,游炜2006年12月被世博集团任命为世博集团企业文化项目领导小组项目经理。 2.2006年12月26日,世博股份将公司园区园艺业务、人员及相关资产划给世博集团控股子公司云南世博园艺有限公司,并由 — 1 —

其负责园区景观养护工作。上述行为未履行相关程序和信息披露义务。 本所认为,世博股份的上述行为违反了本所《股票上市规则》第10.2.4条、第11.8.2条的规定,世博股份董事彭少希、游炜、王兢、花泽飞、金立以及高级管理人员金桦林、何建国未能恪尽职守、履行诚信勤勉义务,违反了本所《股票上市规则》第3.1.4条、第3.1.5条的规定,对世博股份上述违规行为负有重要责任,游炜任世博集团企业文化项目领导小组项目经理不符合《上市公司治理准则》第二十三条上市公司人员独立性的要求。 鉴于世博股份及有关当事人的上述违规事实和情节,依据本所《股票上市规则》第17.2条、第17.3条、第17.4条的规定,本所对世博股份及相关当事人作出如下处分: 一、对世博股份给予通报批评的处分。 二、对世博股份董事彭少希、游炜、王兢、花泽飞、金立以及高级管理人员金桦林、何建国给予通报批评的处分。 对于世博股份及相关当事人的上述违规行为和本所给予的上述处分,本所将记入上市公司诚信档案,并向社会公布。 深圳证券交易所 二○○七年四月二十六日 — 2 —


云南导游词集锦 云南丽江导游首次沿途导游 各位来宾朋友:大家好!首先我代表我所在旅行社,衷心的欢迎诸位来到丽江观光旅游。我姓和,和气的和,大家叫我小和就可以了;驾车的司机姓木,树木的木。在云南,凡是姓和、姓木的,绝大部分是丽江纳西族。 云南昆明世博园导游词 各位团友大家好,今天我将带大家游览的是享誉全国,闻名世界的世博园。世博园是昆明99世界园艺博览会的简称,说到这呢,我就把世博会的有关内容给大家介绍一下。 云南昆明大观公园导游词 大观公园位于昆明市西郊约3公里的滇池畔。它近吞波光浩渺的滇池,远与太华山遥遥相望。被赞为“万里云山一水楼”的大观楼耸立其间,园林也因之得名。 万种风情云南民族村 云南民族村,位于云南省昆明市南部的滇池之滨,距市区8公里,占地面积50亩,是云南省新兴旅游基地展示云南各民族文化风情的窗口。这里四季如春,气候宜人,鸟语花香,自然人文景观与民族风情和谐地融为一体。 云南保山市导游词 保山市古称永昌,是著名的“西南丝绸之路”的重要驿站,是“西

南丝绸之路”在中国境内的最后一段,有着频繁的商贸活动;而在抗战时期,这里又是滇西战役的主战场,著名的“滇缅公路”即由此通过。 德宏傣族景颇族自治州 德宏傣族景颇族自治州,位于云南省西部边陲,与缅甸——一衣带水,山水相连,是我国西南对外交往的一条重要陆路通道,边境贸易在全国发展最快、规模最大。 云南红河州 红河州因终年川流不息的红河此而得名,是云南省自然和人文旅游资源的富集区,云南省的最低海拔、最大文庙,最长古桥,最早的出境火车都分布在红河州境内。 昆明导游词 在云南中部,有一片波光浩渺的湖水,俨如高原上镶嵌的一颗璀璨晶莹的明珠,这就是古老的“滇南泽”,因距昆阳城最近,故又名“昆阳湖”,即人们熟悉的“五百里滇池”。 云南怒江导游词 怒江傈僳族自治州地处我国云南省西北部的青藏高原南延部分横断山脉纵谷地带,西与缅甸毗邻,北接西藏,东南和省内的迪庆、丽江、大理、保山相连;国境线长达449.67公里。总面积14703平方公里,总人口45.88万人。 云南幽谷神潭导游词 “季节轮回,难耐我们回归自然之心。”不知您在这里听了这句话

云南英文导游词之:世博园The World Horti-Expo Garden

云南英文导游词之:世博园The World Horti-Expo Garden Welcome to Yunnan! Welcome to Kunming! And welcome to the World Horti-Expo Garden. It is the site of 1999 Kunming International Horticulture Exposition. It is a first class garden with typical Chinese and Yunnan characteristics. Here you can see a grand exhibition of horticulture from everywhere in the world. The World Horti-Expo Garden is situated in the northern suburbs of Kunming, 6 kilometers from downtown, next to the Golden Temple scenic spot. The whole World Horti-Expo Garden can be described as one, two, three, four, five and seven, which means: one theme, two symbols, three outdoor exhibitions, four big squares, five exhibition halls and seven theme gardens. One theme is” Human beings and the nature——walk into the 21st century”; two symbols includes emblem and the luck mascot named Lingling; three outdoor exhibitions are the Exhibition Area for Enterprises, the International Outdoor Exhibition Area and the Domestic Outdoor Exhibition Area; four big Squares refers to the Century Plaza, the Performance Plaza, the Huaxia plaza and the Greeting Plaza; five exhibition halls consists of the China Hall, the Man and Nature Hall, The Green House, the Science and Technology Hall and the International Hall; And seven theme gardens refers to the tree garden, the tea garden, the


昆明导游词范文介绍 昆明享“春城”之美誉,中国面向东南亚、南亚开放的门户城市,国家历史文化名城。是中国重要的旅游、商贸城市,西部地区重要的中心城市之一。以下是为大家整理的昆明导游词精选5篇,供大家参考学习。 昆明导游词1 各位朋友,大家好!我们今天游览的地方是圆通寺,它是昆明市内最大的佛教寺庙,也是云南省和昆明市佛教协会的所在地。早在唐代,云南地方割据政权南诏的统治者蒙氏在这里修建了“补陀罗寺”。“补陀罗”又译作“普陀”或“补陀落迦”,是梵语的译音。意思是“光明”。传说“补陀罗”是一座佛教圣山的名称,坐落在印度的南海,是观音菩萨的道场。大家知道,在中国还有一个著名的观音道场,那就是浙江的普陀山,是我国四大佛教名山之一。它建于五代时期,比补陀罗寺要晚100多年,可以说补陀罗寺是中国最早的观音寺。不过,补陀罗寺规模不大,建在盘坤岩上,又低又潮湿,没有多长时间就不复存在了。到元朝大德五年,也就是1320___年,在今天这个地方修建寺庙,一直到延祐六年,也就是1320___年才建成,前后共花了20___年的时间。

这座寺庙用“圆通”作名称,仍然是继承了观音道场的意思。因为“圆通”是观音的三十二个法号之一,意思就是”明白“、”开窍“。圆通寺历经明清两代和建国后多次大规模维修、改建,形成了今天这个规模,是国务院公布的全国重点佛寺之一。1956年曾在这里举行过迎奉佛牙的盛典。不同的寺庙有不同的风格,圆通寺就有3个与众不同的特点。第一个特点就是圆通寺的前身---补陀罗寺是中国最早的观音寺。另外两个特点是什么呢?待会儿到了圆通寺我会告诉大家。现在圆通寺到了,让我们进去看看吧。 这是圆通寺的山门,大家往上看,”圆通禅寺“这块匾额是我国当代著名书法家、北京师范大学教授启功先生题写的,启功先生是满族,而且还是清皇族,姓爱新觉罗。 前面是”圆通胜境”牌坊。这座牌坊是吴三桂在清朝康熙七年,也就是1668年命人修建的。原来,圆通寺的山门就在这牌坊处。吴三桂命人修这座牌坊时,将山门移到现在所在的地方。请看,牌坊上部的木雕与下部的石刻融为一体,群龙在彩云间翻滚,时隐时现,狮虎在高山深涧,或奔或卧,栩栩如生。 前面是天王殿。大家看,大肚弥勒佛慈眉善目,正冲着我们笑呢!北京潭柘寺弥勒殿前有一副对联:“大肚能容,容天下难容之事;开口便笑,笑世间可笑之人。”做人能有如此的豁达气度,又怎能不乐呢?这天王殿是圆通寺的第一重殿,有着驱邪显正的含义。殿内塑有威严峙立的四大天王,他们手持不同的法器,分


云南玉龙雪山导游词 云南玉龙雪山导游词 各位游客: 大家好!欢迎到云南玉龙雪山游玩。我叫杨哲,大家叫我小杨导游好了!希望大家对我的服务满意! 首先,我给大家介绍一下玉龙雪山。玉龙雪山位于丽江西北,呈南北走向,东西宽约13公里,南北长约35公里,与哈巴雪山对峙,汹涌澎湃的金沙江奔腾相间。全山13峰,峰峰终年积雪不化,如一条矫健的玉龙横卧山巅,有一跃而入金沙江之势,故名玉龙雪山玉龙雪山不仅巍峨壮丽,而且随四时的更换,阴晴的变化,显示奇丽多姿,时而云雾缠裹,雪山乍隐乍现,似犹抱琵琶半遮面的美女神态;时而山顶云封,似乎深奥莫测;时而上下俱开,白云横腰一围,另具一番风姿;时而碧空万云,群峰如洗,闪烁着晶莹的银光。即使在一天之中,玉龙雪山也是变化无穷。凌晨,山村尚在酣睡,而雪山却已早迎曙光,峰顶染上晨曦,朝霞映着雪峰,霞光雪光相互辉印;傍晚,夕阳西下,余辉山顶,雪山像一位披着红纱巾的少女,亭亭玉立;月出,星光闪烁,月光柔溶,使雪山似躲进白纱帐中,渐入甜蜜的梦乡还有很多,我就不一一介绍了。 下面,我们将要去的地方是云杉坪。来,跟我走。现在我们要坐登山缆车上云杉坪。大家坐在缆车上向下看一看,是不是有好多大树。噢!大家准备好,我们已经到站了。慢一点,小朋友!这里是沿着林间铺设的木板栈道,大家走过栈道,就会到玉龙雪山的又一佳境云杉坪。各位向栈道两旁看看,会看到树大参天,枯枝倒挂,树上的树

胡子,林间随处横呈的腐木,枯枝败叶,长满青苔,好像千百年都没人来打扰过,就像一个天然的乐园。大家可以在这里拍拍照。 现在我们继续往前走。看,云杉已经在我们脚下了。在些游客可能会想,云杉只是一块草地?其实啊,云杉坪只是玉龙雪山东面的一块林间草地,约0.5平方公里,海拔3000米左右。雪山如玉屏,高耸入云;云杉坪环绕如黛城,郁郁葱葱。大家可以坐在草坪上休息一会儿,给半个小时时间,自由活动。 时间到!大家应该都转了转。我们现在要原路返回,大家可以边走边拍照。 我们已经到出口了,我在此祝各位游客身体健康,祝小朋友学习进步,再见! 附送: 云南著名景点导游词大全 云南著名景点导游词大全 云南著名景点导游词大全 昆明世博园导游词 昆明世界园艺博览园是 1999昆明世界园艺博览会会址,设在昆明东北郊的金殿风景名胜区,距昆明市区约4公里。博览园占地面积约218公顷,植被覆盖率达7 6.7%,其中有120公顷灌木丛茂密的缓坡,水面占10%~15%。园区整体规划依山就势,集全国各省、区、市地方特色和95个国家风格的园林园艺品,庭院建筑和科技成就于一园,体现了人与自然,和谐


辽宁世博园导游词5篇 沈阳世博园位于风景秀丽的沈阳棋盘山国际风景旅游开发区,占地246公顷,园内建有53个国内展园,23个国际展园和24个专类展园,是迄今世界历届园艺博览会中占地面积最大的一届。在沈阳世博园的建设中,许多设计方案、建设手法都是首次被使用。如三层夹胶玻璃建桥面、凤之翼建筑的斜塔,而百合塔则为中国最大的雕塑体建筑。下面是小编收集整理的辽宁世博园导游词5篇范文,欢迎借鉴参考。 游客朋友们好!欢迎游览沈阳世博园。 世博园位于沈阳市区东部,坐落在棋盘山国际风景旅游区内,是在沈阳植物园原址之上修建的。 这里风光秀美、丘陵起伏、临海波涛、景致宜人、水域丰富,山水、花木融为一体,宛如一幅浑然天成的山水巨画。 2006年世界园艺博览会就在这里举行。 世博园概况 2006年沈阳世界园艺博览会的主题是“我们与自然和谐共生”。 会标以玫瑰、地球、机床飞溅出的铁花为基本元素,整个造型就像一朵盛开的玫瑰花。 沈阳世博园有四大特色:一是森林里的世博园。它位于千顷林海之间,有丰富的天然植被。二十具有北方特色。以大尺度、大气势的林海、山水、花海,突出北方宏伟大气的景观特色。三是它以城市为

基本参展单元。四是环保生态型的“世园会”。 沈阳世博园有三大功能区;三大特色景观和四大建筑。现在就让我们一同进入这个色彩斑斓的山水、文化和世界之园。 主入口广场区 正门的主题是“凤之翼”,整个建筑造型独特,气势雄浑,仿佛是凤凰展翅,象征着沈阳和东北的振兴和腾飞。 在举行大型庆典时可以形成一个独特的背景。 夜幕降临之时,以“都市之光”为主题的综合照明系统,营造出一个美轮美奂的独特夜景。 这个广场叫迎宾广场。它以“生命之源”为主题,由鲜花、绿树和音乐喷泉等构成。 北区 世博园北区占地110公顷,地形以起伏多变的丘陵地带为主。 这里有丰富的天然植被,世博园的三大标志性建筑——玫瑰园、百合塔和综合馆均建在这里,世博园的大部分国际展园也都分布于此。 玫瑰园 是因沈阳的市花——玫瑰而建的。全园占地1万平方米,荟萃3000种玫瑰,是世界上品种最丰富的玫瑰园。 园内采用了地源热泵采暖技术,既节能又环保,即使室外是冰天雪地,园内依然温暖如春,一年四季都会盛开着玫瑰花。 百合塔 是目前国内外最大的雕塑体建筑,造型似绽放的百合花,蕴含着


( 导游词范文) 姓名:____________________ 单位:____________________ 日期:____________________ 编号:YB-BH-027908 昆明西山英语导游词English tour guide for Xishan, Kunming

昆明西山英语导游词 西山位于昆明市西郊15公里,由华亭山、太华山、罗汉山等组成。下面是为大家带来的昆明西山英语导游词,希望可以帮助大家。 昆明西山英语导游词范文1: Xishan belongs to subtropical semi-humid monsoon climate, annual average temperature 14.9 ℃, extreme maximum temperature 31.5 ℃, extreme minimum temperature of 7.8 ℃. An average annual rainfall is about 1000.5 mm, the monthly rainfall 208.3 mm, daily maximum rainfall 153.3 mm, rainfall mainly concentrated in May to September. When sunshine 2327.5 hours, annual evaporation capacity of 1856.4 mm. Maximum wind speed 40 m/s, southwest winds. Relative humidity of 76%. The mountain west conference within the territory of mountains and rivers beautiful, scenic spots, temples, gardens, xishan, chessboard hill, kuanyinshan, lying yunshan, grand view pavilion, white fish mouth famous tourist attractions, such as the size of 17 park, more than 300 households farmhouse, kunming park is one of the most main, within the


实 习 报 告 实习内容:课程实习 年级专业: 学号姓名: 实习地点:昆明世博园 实习时间: 2012年**月**日 水利水电与建筑学院制 二O一二年十月

一、实习概况 1、实习目的 通过对昆明世博园的参观,了解全国各地乃至世界各地的建筑风格和园林设计,开阔我们的建筑景观和园林视野,建立正确的专业思想,树立正确的专业知识学习态度。了解景观各构成要素在实践中的运用,体会设计意图和思路,加强实物景观和图纸的对应关系,进一步训练景观空间观感,培养景观规划设计制图技能。 2、实习要求 1、了解城市公园规划设计的目标和功能; 2、对景观实物的尺寸进行目测或皮尺测量; 3、完成考察对象的局部平面图、透视图估测和绘制。 2、实习路线和内容 实习单位:昆明世博园 实习时间:2012年10月22日 行程和内容: 实习当日,早上8:30坐校车出发,约9:30到达昆明世博园。 主要内容有:早上跟随带团导游,沿路参观世博园中各个场馆和几个特色的园林,下午由我们自由分组,选择一个园林进行详细绘图及测量等工作。 二、实习内容 实习地点简介: 昆明世界园艺博览园(简称世博园)是 1999昆明世界园艺博览会会址,设在昆明东北郊的金殿风景名胜区,距昆明市区约4公里。博览园占地面积约218公顷,植被覆盖率达76.7%,其中有120公顷灌木丛茂密的缓坡,水面占10%~15%。园区整体规划依山就势、错落有致,气势恢弘,集全国各省、区、市地方特色和95个国家风格迥异的园林园艺精品,庭院建筑和科技成就于一园,体现了“人与自然,和谐发展”的时代主题,是一个具有“云南特色、中国气派、世界一流”的园林园艺精品大观园。 博览园主要有5个展馆、7个专题展园、34个国内展园和33个国际展园组成。五大场馆包括国际馆、中国馆、人与自然馆、科技馆和大温室;七大专题展园:树木园、竹园、盆景园、药草园、茶园、蔬菜瓜果园和会后新建的名花艺石园;三大室外展区:国际室外展区、中国室外展区和企业室外展区。共培育移栽了各种类植物2,551种,200多万株(丛),其中珍稀濒危植物112种,创历届A1级世界园艺博览会的最好水平。同时还创下了占地面积、建设速度、展示植物种类、园林精品、连体温室、竹类植物种类、柏科植物移栽、断崖塑石等8项“世界吉尼斯之最”。昆明世博园 特选园区:河南豫苑 河南豫苑面积1086平方米,是具有丰富历史文化内涵的北方园林。圆


世博会简介 世博园是中国’99昆明世界园艺博览会的会址。 世博会是一项由主办国政府组织或政府委托有关部门举办的全球性科学技术成就展览活动,是一项历史悠久、影响较大的非交易性博览会。被誉为世界经济与科学技术的“奥林匹克”盛会。 世界园艺博览会属于专业性世博会,按级别分为A。、A:、B。、B:四个等级(A,和B,类属大型国际博览会,A:、B:类则为区域性博览会),’99昆明世界园艺博览会是最高级别A,类专业世博会。自1851年,第一届世博会在伦敦举办以来的150多年间,至今已举行了50多届。 历史上多届世博会都因其独特的建筑而被人记住,法国埃菲尔铁塔就是1889年世博会留下的永久纪念,同样,我们的’99昆明世博会也留下了一座永久的主题公园——昆明世博园。”99昆明世博会会期从1999年5月1日至lO月31日,共184天,共有95个国家(地区)和国际组织参展,半年内,接待海内外游客达943万人,在园区面积、筹展时间、参展单位及参观人数等方面创造了8项吉尼斯纪录。 世博园简介 世博园位于昆明市北郊,靠近金殿风景区,占地面积218公顷。 纵观世博园,可以用以下一、二、三、四、五、六、七给予概括: 一个主题:即“人与自然迈向二十一世纪”; 两个标志:一个是会徽,另一个是吉祥物“灵灵”; 三大展区:国际室外展区、国内室外展区及企业展区; 四大广场:迎宾广场,世纪广场,华夏广场,艺术广场; 五大展馆:中国馆,人与自然馆,大温室,科技馆和国际馆; 七大专题园:竹园,茶园,盆景园,药草园,树木园、蔬菜瓜果园及名花艺石园。 世博园游路总长十多公里,步行游览约需6~8小时。 会徽 它的造型有如一只手掌,轻轻托起一朵绿色生命之花;又似大自然中星、云、气、风的运转;还像一只翩翩起舞的孔雀,象征人与自然和谐相处,体现了本次世博会的主题。 由中央工艺美术学院王世文创作。 吉祥物灵灵 这就是本届世博会的吉祥物——滇金丝猴灵灵。滇金丝猴是国家一级重点保护动物,目前仅生存在滇西的白马雪山国家级自然保护区内。 吉祥物取名灵灵,喻指集天下万物之灵气,也指云南风光秀美、人杰地灵。 花钟 这个“世纪花坛”其实是一座花钟,钟面上覆盖着五颜六色的鲜花,有云南八大名花之一的报春花。 花钟直径19.99米,象征’99世博会,由上海市人民政府赠送。 创下三个纪录,一是时、分、秒针齐全;二是时针、分针、秒针都由航天材料制成,重量最轻;三是采用卫星定时,误差仅为百万分之一秒。 花园大道 花园大道长800米、宽60米,共摆放45万盆鲜花,包括40多个品种。 花园大道内,以“花钟”为序曲,乘“花船”经“花溪”汇人“花海”,最后以“花开新世纪”雕塑和大型喷泉为高潮,像一条彩色的迎宾地毯,以最隆重的礼仪迎接四方宾客的到来。花船花柱


介绍昆明导游词范文3篇 介绍昆明导游词篇一: 在云南中部,有一片波光浩渺的湖水,俨如高原上镶嵌的一颗璀璨晶莹的明珠,这就是古老的滇南泽,因距昆阳城最近,故又名昆阳湖,即人们熟悉的五百里滇池。以往诗人对她描写是:昆池千顷浩溟漾,浴日滔天气量洪,倒映群峰来镜里,雄吞六河入胸中。坐落在这美丽高原湖畔的城市,就是春城昆明。昆明是云南省的省会,位于云贵高原中部,四面环山,南临滇池,六河纵横,中间一马平川,形成了膏腴沃壤的昆明坝子。 昆明地处云贵高原中部,市中心海拔1,891米。南濒滇池,三面环山。属于低纬度高原山地季风气候,由于受印度洋西南暖湿气流的影响,日照长、霜期短、年平均气温15摄氏度。气候温和,夏无酷暑,冬不严寒,四季如春,气侯宜人,是极负盛名的春城。为此前人有诗描写它的特点是:昆明腊月可无裘,三伏轻棉汗不流,梅绽隆冬香放满,柳舒新岁叶将稠。每年的12月到来年的3月,一群群躲避北方海域寒风的红嘴鸥,万里迢迢地从远方飞来,落栖在昆明城中。 西山龙门 各位朋友,西山景区历史文化悠久,有近千年的开拓史,素以雄、奇、险、秀的瑰丽景色享誉滇中,有云南第一风景名山的称号。西山山峦起伏,形似卧佛,故也称卧佛山。隔水相望,西山宛如一丰盈女子躺卧滇池岸边,又有“睡美人”

之美称。西山有国家、省、市级文物9处,集自然山色、佛寺道观、庭院别墅、佛像石雕、古树名木为一园。悠久的历史和独特的自然景观,使西山景区名列全国的奇观胜景。现在我们已经到了西山冷门游览区,昆明有句俗话:“一登龙门,身价百倍。”现在我们将一起去探寻这种“身价百倍”的感觉。龙门概况 各位朋友,绕过一个小山嘴,展现在我们面前的这座山崖名叫罗汉崖,西山龙门风景区就位于其上。现在迎面而来的就是见到山崖陡峻、峭壁千仞,掩映在古树林荫中的金色屋顶是三清阁建筑群。西山龙门风景区是由“三清阁”和“龙门石窟”两部分组成。 “三清阁”是一组九层十一阁的建筑群,包括有三清阁、灵官殿、真武殿等殿阁;“龙门石窟”则是由揽海处、慈云洞、云华洞、达天阁等部分组成,是云南最大、最精美的道教石窟。三清阁原是元代梁王的避暑行宫,后因战乱废弃,明正德、嘉靖年间,在镇守云南的黔国公沐氏家族的支持下,由无边阐释经手重建。到清朝末年,悬崖上的寺庵,已如蜂房燕窝,层层累累。三清阁经过几百年的开拓整修,以及仍存,新景倍增,古松重叠,殿阁飞檐,上有彩云蓝天,下有白帆碧水,景、色、情、趣四美俱全。 三清境 三清阁牌坊上书四个大字“苍崖万丈”,这写的就是罗汉崖的景色。我们走到牌坊下,抬头可见道教的太极图,表明从这里开始进入道家之地。牌坊后就是陡峭的石台阶,在


Expo Garden L&G: I am very pleased to serve as your tour guide, today we will visit the famous and beautiful Kunming international Horti-Expo Garden. Before we get to the expo garden, I’d like to give you a brief introduction . Firstly, I’d like to give you some information about world exposition. Generally speaking, world exposition is a very influential non-trading exposition with a long history, which is an exhibition of the latest scientific achievement hosted by a country. The purpose is to promote the communication and development of economic, cultural and science links between countries. So world exposition enjoys a fame of a “feast of Olympics”, which has 4 levels.A1 A2 B1 B2. Perhaps you know Kunming international Horti-Expo is rates as highest level-A1. It just took only 3years to built up this biggest expo-garden. This is a miracle in the history of world exposition. The opening of the exposition took place on May 1 1999and the closure on October 31, 1999 altogether it lasted for 184 days. Over 9 million domestic and over seas tourists visited the exposition garden during only half a year. The Expo Garden is situated in the northern suburbs of Kunming, and next to the golden temple scenic area. Expo Garden covers an area of 218 hectares, it is also the first garden with typical Chinese and Yunnan characteristics. As word classic horticultural garden, it offers a grand views of the both the natural landscapes and the horticulture of the home and abroad. So now we know a little about it, let’s march into the garden. Now we are at the gate of the expo garden, you can see the emblem of the exposition which looks like a palm holding a green life flower, expand your imagination you can get the image of a beautiful peacock with long tails, or resembles the movements of the stars, clouds, air, or wind in nature. The emblem reveals the theme of the exposition---man and nature march into the 21-century, which symbolizes a harmonious development of human beings and nature. Now please raise your head, you can see 7 eye-catching Chinese characters over the steel framed gate ,they read(shijie yuanyi bolanhui) which means “the world horti-expo” This is the welcoming plaza, in the center of the square, you can see a huge statue of snub nose monkey with gold furs and thick lips, Which is the mascot of the exposition, and a rare animal in china, the name “lingling” carries the meaning of being smart nimble and flexible. on the right side of us, flags of the 69 participant countries and 26 participant international organizations are waving in the breeze, could you pick out your countries’national flags immediately. Ok, Coming into the garden, now we are walking in a sea of flowers consisting of fairy primroses, chrysanthemums and pansies. Now please pay more attention to the view in front of us. There is a huge flower clock, which is 19.99 meters in diameter, symbolizing the year when expo was held. The flower clock is donated by Shanghai municipality. the name is flower clock of the century. It is the largest open- air flowers clock in the world,. Its hands are made of the light material of outer space flight. So it is the lightest clock , as the clock is controlled by the satellite of GPS of U.S.A, so it is the most accurate flower clock. Behind the clock is a wide garden road, It is 850 meters long and 40 meters wide, which is decorated by 500000 pots of flowers and they form 4 flower streams, one giant flower ship, and 5 21-meter-high flower pillars, each creative designs has special meaning. The 4 flower steams and


云南昆明世博园导游词 云南昆明世博园导游词 各位团友大家好,今天我将带大家游览的是享誉全国,闻名世界的世博园。世博园是昆明99世界园艺博览会的简称,说到这呢,我就把世博会的有关内容给大家介绍一下。世博会是一项由主办国政府主办或由政府委托有关部门举办的科学技术成就展览活动,是一项历史悠久、影响较大的非交易性博览会。世博会的宗旨就在于促进各国经济、文化、科学技术的交流与发展,使各国都能利用这个机会宣传自已,向全世界展示自已在各个领域所取得的成就,扩大国际间交往,提高地位与声望,所以呢又被誉为世界经济与科学技术的奥林匹克盛会。世界园艺博览会属于专业性世博会,又可分为A 1、A 2、B 1、B2四个等级(其中A1和B1指的是大型国际博览会;A2和B2指的是区域性的博览会)。我们的99昆明世界园艺博览会是最高级A1类的专业世博会。自1851年第一届世博会在英国伦敦举办以来的150多年间,至今呢已举办了50多届了。历史上多届世博会都会因其独特的建筑而被人们所记住,就像法国的埃菲尔铁塔就是1889年的世博会留下的永久经念。同样,我们的 99昆明世博会呢也留下了一座永久性的主题公园: 昆明世博园。好了,世博园到了,请大家随我下车,现在呢我们来到了大门口的迎宾广场。前方就是世博园,它靠近北郊的金殿风景区,占地面积216公顷,会期从99年5月1日至12月31日,共184

天;共有95个国家(地区)和国际组织参展,半年内共接待海内外游客达943万人,在园区面积、筹展时间、参展单位、参观人数等方面创造了8项吉尼斯记录。纵观世博园,可以用以下几点来概括:一个主题: 人与自然迈向二十一世纪二个标志: 会徽和吉祥物灵灵三大展区: 国际、国内、企业展区四大广场: 迎宾广场、世纪广场、华夏广场、艺术广场五大展馆: 中国馆、人与自然馆、大温室、科技馆、国际馆七大专题园:竹园、茶园、盆景园、药草园、树木园、蔬菜瓜果园、外花艺石园世博园游览路程共十多公里,大约需要6-8小时左右的时间。这呢就是本届世博会的会徽,它是由中央工艺美术学院的王世文创作的。它的造形有如一只手掌轻轻托起一朵绿色生命之花,又似大自然的星、云、气、风的运转,还像一只偏偏起舞的孔雀,象征了人与自然的和谐相处,体现了本次世博会的主题。大家看,这只手持鲜花,正朝着我们微笑的小猴就是本届世博会的吉祥物滇金丝猴灵灵。滇金丝猴是国家一类重点保护动物,目前仅存于滇西的白马雪山自然保护区当中,取名为灵灵呢,喻指了集天下万物之灵气,也指云南的风光秀美、人洁地灵。进入大门,我们首先看到的是这座世纪花坛。这个花坛其是一座花钟,钟面上覆盖着五颜六色的鲜花,共中呢有云南八大名花之一的报春花,花钟直径1 9.99米,象征了99世博会,由上海市人民政府赠送的。花钟也创下了三个纪录: 第一:

Expo 沈阳世博园 英文导游词

Expo The world expo park is in the eastern city of shenyang, located in an area of 203 square km of landscape in shenyang qipan mountain international tourism zone. Here, the scenery is beautiful and pleasant, just like a giant painting of the landscape. In 2006, the world expo was hold here. In that expo, 23 countries and 52 cities took part in it. The theme of that expo is “we live in harmony with the nature ”, here , the “we” means shenyang, China and the world, and it also means the city, the earth, and our human beings. The symbol of the expo is made up of rose, earth, machine tool. Rose is the city flower of shenyang, the machine tool means that shenyang is an important equipment industry base of China. the earth means the world. The color change from red to green, means that shenyang has changed from a polluted city to be a environmental city. The mascot is a magpie named “yangyang”, symbolize shenyang’s vigorous and enthusiasm, it also show the wish that shenyang give the fortune to the world. It has 4 characteristics, the first is that this is the only expo hold in the forests, the second is it has the specialty of northern China, the third is that it shows the culture with the city as the unit, the forth is that it take advantage of the solar and wind energy, which is quite environmental. This park was built on the site of shenyang botanical garden, there are 246 hectares of core area and 500 hectares of background area. As there are more than 2000 kinds of rare plants here, the well-known world horticulture expo design master Nick Innocent once said it is the only expo in the world that is hold in the forests. Expo divided into the main entrance plaza area, southern and northern district, here has 3 kind of landscape, the natural ecological landscape, artificial landscape and waterfront wetland landscape. There are 4 famous buildings, the wind wings, rose garden, lily tower and the comprehensive museum. More than 100 exhibitions, including 23 international exhibition garden park, 53 national parks and 24 special exhibition show garden category. What we see now is the wings of the wind. The construction area is 4168 square meters, the main tower is 72 meters in height, the whole building is unique, forceful, just like the phoenix wings, symbolize the revitalization of shenyang. When the night fall, with city nights as the theme, the expo bright transparent tower as the center, using an integrated lighting system, it crest an lamplight, unique night. Now, this is the welcome plaza, the theme is the source of life, it is 40m in width, it is made up of flowers, trees and music fountain. It just like a passionate people, welcome you with open arms. Compared with the enthusiasm here , the sheds which are embellished with flowers, formed a comfortable demure leisure culture there, filled there with a sense of leisure and comfortable. The north district covers an area of 110 hectares, it is 1560m from north to south and 1260m from west to east. the highest elevation is about 109m, the lowest point is about 70m. here is rich in natural vegetation, and the main buildings are all located here. Such as the rose garden, the lily tower, the comprehensive museum and some exhibition parks. Now, we go to the rose garden, as the city flower of shenyang is rose, so this garden was build here. It covers an area of 10,000 square m, more than 3000 kinds of roses are planted here, it is the world’s richest rose garden. It use a ground-source heat pump heating technology, both energy-saving and environment-friendly, even if the outside is ice and snow, the rose garden is still warm as in spring, so the rose garden will bloom with roses throughout the year. As the rose is a symbol of love, it will be available for weddings. Out of the rose garden, what we see now is the lily tower, it is the largest sculpture building at home and abroad. This tower symbolize the theme of the expo, means that everything grow and develop vigorously as the lily. It covers an area of 500 square meters, 125m in height, equivalent to a35-story high-rise. It is the highest building in the park, there is a 2-tier viewing platform for visitors at the height about 95 to 100m. the tourism floor covers an area of 400square meters, it can hold 200people at most. The closed-end high-speed elevators runs 2.5m per second, so it only take visitors 40seconds to reach the top. Lily tower, just as the Eiffel tower in Paris, they are the great buildings left by expo. Now, we come to the last main building-comprehensive museum, the construction area is 12,000 square meters, this is the largest indoor flower exhibition hall in our country, what we see now is the dove of peace, this is a mosaic mural. Here, through a variety of exhibitions and event, it shows the scientific, informative, interesting and interactive.
