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Regina-201106FN(760434662) 16:13:50



Part One 1.Work or study Do you study or work? Study: What subject are you studying/ what is your major? Why did you choose to study that subject/Why did you choose that major? Do you like your subject/major? Is your subject interesting/What do you find most interesting in your subject? Are you looking forward to working? Do you enjoy being a student? What is your ideal job? Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons? Work: What work do you do? Why did you choose to do that type of work/that job? Do you like your job? Is your job interesting? Do you miss being a student? Would you like to change your job in the future? 2.Accommodation What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in? Do you live in a house or a flat? Who do you live with? How long have you lived there? Do you plan to live there for a long time? (If you answer you haven’t lived there long) What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the past? Can you briefly describe the place where you live? Which room does you family spend most the time in? What do you usually do in your house/flat/room? Are the transport facilities to you home very good? Do you prefer to live in a house or a flat? Please describe the room you live in? What can you see through the window of your room? Which part of your home do you like the most? 3.Hometown Where are you from? Is that a big city or a small place? Please briefly describe your hometown How long have you been living there? Do you like your hometown?


1.Agree or disagree:technology devices distance people far more now than before. 2.Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the most important class can't be learned in the classroom? 3.People who live in small towns are nicer than those who live in big cities,agree with disagree 4.Do you agree with the statement:it is easier for people today to lead a healthy life than people of100years ago. 5.Your university plans to open a cafe inside the campus library.Do you think this is a good idea?Explain why or why not? 6.Some people like having a wide variety of friends and acquaintances they can spend time with.Others like to spend most of their free time with the same small group of close friends.Which do you prefer?Explain why. 7.Which of the following do you think is the most important quality for an employee: performance during the interview or education background? 8.Imagine you're provided with two job offers,one travels a lot with more money, one with less business trips and less money. 9.Which one do you agree?Children born with talent should be treated in a different way or they should be treated in the same way as average children. 10.Some schools decide to expel students from school,if they are caught cheating in the exam.Do you think this is a good idea or not? 11.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Employees shouldn’t send personal texts or emails during work hours. 12.Agree or disagree:if children do well in school,parents should give them money as rewards? 13.Some students prefer to go to universities or colleges in their hometown.Others prefer to go to universities or colleges in new cities or towns.Which do you prefer and why?Include details and examples in your explanation. 14.Your professor suddenly cancels the class for today.Would you prefer to go shopping with your friends or prepare for the exam? 15.Some people believe it is important for universities to provide funding for

托福口语机经第四批 答案

1.Describe one way of life in your country has been changed and why it is beneficial 2.Do you like to prepare for something in the beginning or wait just before the due date? Well, for me , I prefer to finish my work as quickly as possible for several reasons. First of all, I don’t like to be rushed. Starting as soon as possible allow me to make a schedule to follow. With my own plan, I can manage the task step by step, which won’t make me feel tense. Furthermore, it allows me to prepare enough to finish the task. With good preparation, I can just finished the work efficiently. Thus,I can save a lot of time to do other things. In some cases, a flood of works may overwhelm you at the same time, it is wise to cope with them as soon as you can. 3.One of your friends is going to study math as his major. What suggestions would you give to this friend? I think I will give three reasons to my friend if he is going to study math as his major. First, he need to be patient. Math is a basic subject of many fields. However, it is also very difficult. To be a good learner in math , he should calm down and concentrate on the math problem. Second, cooperation is also very important. He can found a math team. During the learning process, they can help each other to get better results. Third, he may learn some other subject as well if he get free time. Math is basic subject and it can be applied to many other areas. Put it into practice and he will learn much more. 4.Some people would borrow money to buy things they need. Others would save up money until they can afford it. Which would you do and why? For me, I think premature consumption, which means people can borrow money from other people or banks to buy things, is very fashionable and reasonable. As long as I have a steady job, I would choose to borrow money to buy things like a car ,a house and so on. It may be too expensive for me right now, for example, a house. But I really need it. It may take a long time for me to save money to buy it. If I buy it in advance, I can enjoy a comfortable life for a long time. And another reason is thatI will be pushed to work harder if I borrow money from others. Driven by some pressure, I may try my best to achieve myself. 5.Talk about two singers who are popular in your country. Explain why they are popular and how they are different


图片题 1、papa问fille la première journée au lycée,女孩说très bien, 1. 笔袋(trousse a carreux) 2.直尺(regle règle de 30 centimètre pour géographie) 3.计算器(calculatrice) 4.面包 pain de campagne(她爸让她顺路去boulangerie买面包) 1.问喜欢住在什么地方?山区,农村,小岛,大城市,城堡 城堡---小岛---大城市---山区农村不选 山区montagne、农村campagne、小岛?le、城市ville、城堡chateau 2. 计算机,领带,书,叉子和刀子,不许吸烟五个标志和图案 不许吸烟---领带---叉子刀子---一本打开的书 ;不选计算机 听 restaurant 选叉子( fourchette )和刀子 (couteau ) 听cravate选领带 听到guide touristique选书 Défense de fumer , 不许吸烟 3.一个女人拿回来几张照片,给男人看,介绍她的collègues。 顺序:在窗边(拿着电话)的女子----男子头盔----吸烟的男子----和拿花的老人 1)一个女的,blonde, porte des lunettes, 经常在打电话。 2)一个男的,blouson, casque,就是拿着头盔的那个男的 3)一个男的,fumeur, cravate ,打着领带的抽烟男 4)一个老人,cheveux blanc, 手上拿着bouquet de fleurs 4.女人发型 :A是一个短短的卷发;B是中长的,前面是很齐的刘海;C几乎跟B是一样的,就是刘海的感觉是往一边分的;D是一个中长的卷发; E是一个刺头 顺序E-A-C-B:刺头短发竖起来的-----短的卷发-----中长直发,刘海往一边 -----中长直发,刘海前面是平齐的( 类似现在很多女孩的,额头上平齐刘海) 情景介绍: 女的先说要做个发型,要那个男的介绍,男的先说 court(短的)很显jeune 什么的,(应该就是那个板寸一样的发型E) ;女的就说trop court 要moins court一点的,男的就介绍moins court frisé(卷发)的(应该就是A) ; 女的又说他还是喜欢mi- long的男的就说mi-long (中长)带raie .. c?te(偏分)的我估计是那个偏分(C)女的又说不喜欢这个frange(刘海) 男的就说换一个frange .最后决定就那个拉 (B ) 5. 五个男模特


选择agree or disagree, prefer or not 1.Q:“Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. 2.Q:Do you agree or disagree that people should always tell the truth? 3.Q:Some people gather a lot of information before traveling. Others prefer to go straight to the place they plan to. Which do you think is better and why? 4.Q:Some people plan every detail of their vacation in advance. Others prefer to leave most details flexible or open to chance. Which do you think is better and why? 5.Q:Which do you prefer to communicate with your family and friends by letter and e-mail or by telephone? 6.Q:you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should begin learning a foreign language as soon as they start school. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position. 7.Q:Some people think universities should spend money on academic programs. Other people disagree and think that universities should use their funds to provide more entertainment activities like building musical or camera center? Which of these two opinions do you agree with? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


2020年1月托福口语机经预测 Task 1 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to maintain relationship with family members than with friends. When handling with difficult situations in life, do you think it’s better to use humorous attitude or serious attitude? School shouldn‘t allow young students to use calculator during exam. Do you agree or disagree ? Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Kids should be allowed to keep pets. Some parents prefer to help their kids to solve the problems and troubles they meet, while some parents prefer to let their children deal with difficulties by themselves, which one do you think is more reasonable and why? Do you agree or disagree: students should watch teacher‘s lectures in video version instead of attending classes?



申明:本机经资料整理者Daisy。资料来源于互联网。不做任何盈利性用途。 Activities: 1.If your high school has after-school activities, which activity would you like to choose? 2.Describe an organization you would like to join. 3.Describe an activity you enjoy doing in your school recently. Explain why you enjoy doing this activity in your school. Include specific reasons and details to support your response. Experiences: 1.Which period of your life do you think the most difficult:Childhood, juvenile or adult? 2.What will you suggest your friend if he comes to your country to study aboard?


2.job through which you can get a lot of money or to find a job through which you can get great personal satisfaction? Objects/things/situations: 1.Describe an important letter or poem or story or essay you have written. 2.Your university is planning to prevent students from bring their own computers into classroom. What is your opinion and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this program? 3.Is it beneficial for students to have computer? Describe both advantages & disadvantages. 4.Talk about a book you have not read but you want to read because it is important. 5.College students should not be allowed to keep


TEFAQ考试听力考前辅导 TEFAQ听力考试: 分为四个部分、七种题型、共60道题目、时间40分钟 A部分(二道看图题) 听两遍在五个图片中选出听到的四个图片并排序 B部分(三个题型) 1、录音(6个录音12道题目分二次听,第一次听关系、第二次 听主要容) 2、场景题(三到四段信息8道题听两遍明确信息发布的场所和 容) 3、新闻题(6个新闻报道6道题只能听一遍确定新闻的类型) C部分(二个题型) 1、观点题(6道听两遍针对一个问题有四种不同观点,分别听 出每个人的观点) 2、长听力(2-3篇短文、10道题目听两遍,听出短文的主要容 并回答问题) D部分(10道辩音题只能听一遍判断是否发音正确)

听力解题技巧 A部分(二道看图题) 听两遍在五个图片中选出听到的四个图片并排序 技巧:1、明确图片容和相关关键词汇 2、一遍找出四个正确图片(确定第一个和最后一个图片) 3、二遍确定正确图片和顺序 4、图片机经见后续。 B部分(三个题型) 1、录音(6个录音12道题目分二次听,第一次听关系、第二次听主要容) 题目关系分为四种: Familial(家人) 问候形式salut、直呼名字、或直接称呼家庭称谓 一般以tu称呼 标志性词汇 je t’aime、Je t'embrasse、ma petite、 ma chéri 家庭人员称谓 祖母grand-mère,祖父grand-père,叔叔 oncle,阿姨 tante,父亲père,母亲mère,堂/表兄弟cousin,兄弟frère,姐妹soeur,丈夫mari,妻子femme,媳妇la belle-fille,儿子fils,女儿fille,女婿gendre,子petit-fils,女petite fille,岳母belle-mère,岳父beau-père,兄(弟) beau-frère,妻姐(妹) belle-soeur,侄女,外甥女nièce,侄子,外甥neveu,亲戚 parents,祖父母grands-parents,父母parents,孩子enfants,子女petits-enfants,继父 beau-père,继母belle-mère,继女belle-fille,继子beua-fils配偶partenaire.


新托福口语T a s k3解析之题目中的“不变” -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN

学生信件主要包括以下两种: complaint letter / student proposal 二、不变之处:考点之话题场景 场景归纳 Task 3 主要内容出处为校园生活,下面笔者想通过归纳TPO真题给大家分享主要的校园场景话题分类。让大家能够对托福口语中的校园生活场景有进一步的认识。 主要归纳为: 1. 活动、计划或者课程的取消 TPO 2 — elimination of bus service TPO 3 — hot breakfast eliminated TPO 7 — sculpture course will be discontinued TPO 23 — no more international news 2. 地点或者人物等要素的改变 TPO 5 — university dining hall being transformed into the Campus Dining Club TPO 10 — art work being displayed at lobby TPO 12 — changes of college radio station TPO 17 — multi-person study tables being changed into personal cubicles TPO 18 — university choir entering off-campus singing competition TPO 21 — weekly newspaper being changed into daily e-mail TPO 22 — campus tour guides being changed 3. 校园扩建、改善、整修、关闭 TPO 11 — dormitory renovation TPO 13 — new athletic stadium being built TPO 15 — campus running tail being paved with cement TPO 16 — improvement of student health service TPO 24 — close of campus coffee house


雅思考试(IELTS)/备考辅导 2015年12月19日雅思口语机经预测Part1 Time management How do you usually organize time? 解题思路: 这道题可以从自身经历出发,分情况去谈。比如要完成一个比较复杂的任务时如制定旅*程或是学习计划,就会先制定好一个时间表,每天每个时段要做什么,更细节的还可以安排到当天这个地方的到达路线是怎样的,并且需要乘坐什么交通工具到达,还可以包括该地点的营业时间,这样安排旅*程一定事半功倍,心里也会比较踏实。 Why do some people find it hard to follow their plans? 解题思路: 如果在第一部分问这道题,可以尽量从自己的例子出发去谈。比如一开始也会比较难遵守制定的计划,但是过一段时间发现如果不按计划做事会很没效率,也会耽误自己的行程,到最后临时抱佛脚会有更大压力和责任。所以逐渐学习一步一步按计划来,行动才会妥当,脚步也会更

稳健。 Part2 Describe a special festival in your culture/country You should say: when this festival is who you celebrate it with what people do during this event and explain why this festival is special. 解题思路: 这道题尽量从比较新颖的角度出发,可以谈光棍节或 是购物节,这都是最近新出现的节日,也是年轻人比较熟 悉并且有不一样意义的节日。比如光棍节就是给单身男女 过的节日,因为已经有情人节和七夕,所以在光棍节时单 身男女能够一起出去聚会,发泄心中的不满,聊聊天吃吃饭,说不定还可以促成一段姻缘。还可以解释光棍节选择 的日期的含义,也比较形象。 2015年12月19日雅思口语机经预测.doc [全文共666字] 编号:6275420


新托福口语考试试题小范例 (发布时间:2007-8-7 15:31:00 来自:模考网 实例: Narrator: “Public transportation should be encouraged instead of private cars.” Do you agree with this statement? Please give reasons for your answer. You may begin to prepare your response after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Preparation time: 15 seconds Response time: 45 seconds Narrator: Please begin speaking after the beep. [2 seconds beep] Suggested Answer: With the improvement of living standards, some people can afford to buy their own cars. They drive to work or drive to the suburbs, enjoying the happy holidays. Yet, private cars can’t replace public transportation, such as buses or subways. Compared with private cars, buses and subways have several advantages. First, they are very cheap. A


1.5 Do you agree or disagree,一个聪明的朋友比一个幽默的朋友重要 1.12 Should the government focus more on preserving natural environment and less on economic development? 1.13 It is better for students at university or in college to choose difficult classes even if they cannot get top grades. 1.18 agree or disagree 做富有挑战性的工作比作简单工作更让人觉得快乐。 1.19 Nowadays each group member get same grade(mark), Is it a good method to evaluate students? To give the same grade to all the members who do the same project together. what do you think of the way of evaluation. 2.15 同意否 it is important for families to regularly eat their meals together 2.16 Grades encourage students to learn 2.23 Do you agree or disagree, technology make people's lives simpler in turn to make people's lives more complicated. 2.24 Renewable resources of energy (Sun, wind, water) will soon replace fossils fuels such as gases, oil, and coal. Do you agree or disagree? 3.1 to solve the problems present and future, is it necessary to understand the past? 3.2 Agree or disagree : the best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide . 3.7 people spend more time on personal enjoyment rather than what they should do 3.8 Do you agree with the following statement: nowadays people spend too much time on personal enjoyment--things they like to do-- rather than the things they should do. 3.14 因为环境问题是复杂的,所以个人没有什么可以做。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6a7868155.html,

新托福口语Task 3解析之题目中的“不变”

新托福口语Task 3解析之题目中的“不变” 朗阁海外考试研究中心吴微微 新托福口语中的Task 3,这是很多同学既喜欢又害怕做的一个题。经过2个独立题,大家终于不用再纠结15秒钟要快速想话题的环节了。在Task 3 中,大家不需要构思自己的观点,只需根据阅读和听力材料进行话题的概述。但又让大家害怕的是,Task 3 是一个综合题,需要大家结合阅读和听力进行作答。这就涉及到大家的综合听力、阅读和口语能力。阅读材料仅有45秒钟的时间进行阅读。读完很容易出现的情况是忘记阅读内容,或者就是45秒钟的时间内很多同学根本抓不住阅读重点。此外,对于听力内容有些同学也会很紧张。 阅读和听力的内容一直在变,应该如何备考第三题,去抓住那些变化的点呢?带着这些疑问,笔者将通过归纳Task 3 的场景,让大家能够提高一个高度,从更本质的方面去看待问题,了解第三题中的不变之处。 一、不变之处:考点之话题形式 话题介绍 首先给大家介绍一下整个话题涉及几个主要部分以及内容,如下表: Task 3话题介绍 阅读听力准备回答 时间:45s 时间:60s 时间:30s 时间:60s 形式: 1.校园通知 2.学生信件形式: 1.男女学生对话: 反对或者同意阅读内 容 整合阅读和听力笔记 1.总结阅读部分 2.概括主要说话人观 点 注: 校园通知通常有以下形式:announcement / policy / notice / decision / plan 学生信件主要包括以下两种: complaint letter / student proposal 二、不变之处:考点之话题场景

场景归纳 Task 3 主要内容出处为校园生活,下面笔者想通过归纳TPO真题给大家分享主要的校园场景话题分类。让大家能够对托福口语中的校园生活场景有进一步的认识。 主要归纳为: 1. 活动、计划或者课程的取消 TPO 2 — elimination of bus service TPO 3 —hot breakfast eliminated TPO 7 —sculpture course will be discontinued TPO 23 — no more international news 2. 地点或者人物等要素的改变 TPO 5 — university dining hall being transformed into the Campus Dining Club TPO 10 — art work being displayed at lobby TPO 12 — changes of college radio station TPO 17 — multi-person study tables being changed into personal cubicles TPO 18 — university choir entering off-campus singing competition TPO 21 — weekly newspaper being changed into daily e-mail TPO 22 — campus tour guides being changed 3. 校园扩建、改善、整修、关闭 TPO 11 — dormitory renovation TPO 13 — new athletic stadium being built TPO 15 — campus running tail being paved with cement TPO 16 — improvement of student health service TPO 24 — close of campus coffee house 4. 时间、费用的增加或减少 TPO 4 — evening computer classes being added TPO 6 — history seminar should be shorter TPO 19 — fee increase for recreation center use 5. 学习或校园生活环境的改善 TPO 8 — music coming into cafeterias


2019年8月21日托福口语机经(完整版) T1.If you were to do a project, which of the following would you choose? 1、 A recycle program 2、 Teaching children about vegetable growing 3、 3、Teaching children about healthy eating T2.Some people believe that it is better for small children to grow up in a small town. Others, however, believe that it’s better for them to grow up in a big city. Which do you think is better? T3.学生建议学校决定取消poetry reading 因为上课的学生太少了这样既能够节省钱学生如果要读的话能够去图书馆或者自己听CD对话 中女生说这样不好第一很多学生不知道有reading这回事,所以学校能够增强海报网页等宣传第二如果去图书馆的话,学生就缺少了live performance 不能表达感情之类的。 校刊上注销来一封信,托福机经阅读的内容就是这封信,大概是说一 个女孩觉得既然学校最近在想办法减少开支,那么她认为取消诗歌会 是个好办法。诗歌会很少有人去,学校完全能够把诗歌朗诵录成CD放在图书馆,如果有人想听就去图书馆听CD。接下来的托福机经听力对话内容是一男一女谈论这封信,女孩是逗哏,她认为不应该取消诗歌会。诗歌会人少的原因是学校没有好好宣传,所以学校应该多贴海报 通知,她相信只要宣传到了人会很多的。而且听CD并不能看到朗诵者的眼睛和其他肢体语言,也不能和身边的人一起分享你的感受。

2018年9月8日和9日托福考试口语机经预测 雷哥托福

2018年9月8日和9日托福考试口语机经预测|雷哥托福 在托福考试前夕,同学们的心情都会比较紧张。为了帮助大家缓解紧张的氛围,雷哥托福小托君为大家带来了考前机经,希望通过这些内容的整理和学习,能够帮助大家做好考前冲刺!2018年9月8日和9月9日托福口语考试机经,希望考生在得到很好的命中率之余,能够多掌握托福考试口语真题的答题方法。 Task 1 1. Describe a common mistake that experienced teacher often make. 2. Which of the following classes would you like to take? 1) history of science 2) art history 3) science of the 20th century? 3. When do you think is a good time for a person to learn a second language? 4. Your university will sponsor one of the following activities for students, an outdoor camping night, a music festival for students to experience the local culture or a computer game competition in the dormitory. Which one do you think it's the best to establish new friendship and solidarity among students and why? 5. Describe an occasion in your country where people give gifts to each other and a kind of gift that’s common. 6. Which of the following three would you choose to do in summer vacation? Working as a librarian, painter in an art center, or life guard in the natatorium?
