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当前位置:文档库 › 12.5很慢和系统配置


运行环境:windows2003 IBM X3650 7947
cpu 2.7 8核 内存4G
(一)、核算发行正常 收费时由于连接两个库出现停顿现象大概有7-8秒

# Configuration File for the Sybase SQL Server
# Please read the System Administration Guide (SAG)
# before changing any of the values in this file.

[Configuration Options]

[General Information]

recovery interval in minutes = DEFAULT
print recovery information = DEFAULT
tape retention in days = DEFAULT
max concurrently recovered db = DEFAULT
number of checkpoint tasks = DEFAULT

[Cache Manager]
number of oam trips = DEFAULT
number of index trips = DEFAULT
memory alignment boundary = DEFAULT
global async prefetch limit = DEFAULT
global cache partition number = DEFAULT

[Named Cache:default data cache]
cache size = 800m
cache status = default data cache
cache replacement policy = DEFAULT
local cache partition number = 8

[8K I/O Buffer Pool]
pool size = 128.0000m
wash size = DEFAULT
local async prefetch limit = DEFAULT

[16K I/O Buffer Pool]
pool size = 64.0000m
wash size = DEFAULT
local async prefetch limit = DEFAULT

[Named Cache:tempdb_cache]
cache size = 200m
cache status = mixed cache
cache replacement policy = DEFAULT
local cache partition number = DEFAULT

[Meta-Data Caches]
number of open databases = DEFAULT
number of open objects = 5000
open object spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
number of open indexes = 5000
open index hash spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
open index spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
partition groups = DEFAULT
partition spinlock ratio = DEFAULT

[Disk I/O]
disk i/o structures = DEFAULT
number of large i/o buffers = DEFAULT
page utilization percent = DEFAULT
number of devices = 20
disable disk mirroring = DEFAULT
allow sql server async i/o = DEFAULT

disable character set conversions = DEFAULT

enable unicode normalization = DEFAULT
enable surrogate processing = DEFAULT
enable unicode conversions = DEFAULT
size of unilib cache = DEFAULT

[Network Communication]
default network packet size = DEFAULT
max network packet size = 2048
remote server pre-read packets = DEFAULT
number of remote connections = DEFAULT
number of remote logins = DEFAULT
number of remote sites = DEFAULT
max number network listeners = DEFAULT
tcp no delay = DEFAULT
send doneinproc tokens = DEFAULT
allow sendmsg = DEFAULT
syb_sendmsg port number = DEFAULT
allow remote access = DEFAULT

[O/S Resources]
max async i/os per engine = DEFAULT
max async i/os per server = DEFAULT

[Parallel Query]
number of worker processes

= 8
memory per worker process = DEFAULT
max parallel degree = DEFAULT
max scan parallel degree = DEFAULT

[Physical Resources]

[Physical Memory]
max memory = 750000
additional network memory = DEFAULT
shared memory starting address = DEFAULT
allocate max shared memory = 1
dynamic allocation on demand = DEFAULT
lock shared memory = DEFAULT
heap memory per user = DEFAULT

max online engines = 8
number of engines at startup = 8
statement cache size = DEFAULT

[SQL Server Administration]
procedure cache size = 90000
default database size = DEFAULT
identity burning set factor = DEFAULT
allow nested triggers = DEFAULT
allow updates to system tables = DEFAULT
default fill factor percent = DEFAULT
default exp_row_size percent = DEFAULT
number of mailboxes = DEFAULT
number of messages = DEFAULT
number of alarms = DEFAULT
number of pre-allocated extents = DEFAULT
event buffers per engine = DEFAULT
cpu accounting flush interval = DEFAULT
i/o accounting flush interval = DEFAULT
sql server clock tick length = DEFAULT
runnable process search count = DEFAULT
i/o polling process count = DEFAULT
time slice = DEFAULT
cpu grace time = DEFAULT
number of sort buffers = DEFAULT
size of auto identity column = DEFAULT
identity grab size = DEFAULT
housekeeper free write percent = DEFAULT
enable housekeeper GC = DEFAULT
allow resource limits = DEFAULT
number of aux scan descriptors = DEFAULT
SQL Perfmon Integration = DEFAULT
allow backward scans = DEFAULT
license information = DEFAULT
enable sort-merge join and JTC = DEFAULT
abstract plan load = DEFAULT
abstract plan dump = DEFAULT
abstract plan replace = DEFAULT
abstract plan cache = DEFAULT
text prefetch size = DEFAULT
enable HA = DEFAULT
number of histogram steps = DEFAULT
sampling percent = DEFAULT
i/o batch size = DEFAULT
enable xml = DEFAULT
enable webservices = DEFAULT
enable job scheduler = DEFAULT
job scheduler tasks = DEFAULT
job scheduler interval = DEFAULT
percent database for history = DEFAULT
percent history free = DEFAULT
percent database for output = DEFAULT
percent output free = DEFAULT
maximum job output = DEFAULT

[User Environment]
number of user connections = 100
stack size = DEFAULT
stack guard size = DEFAULT
permission cache entries = DEFAULT
user log cache size = DEFAULT
user log cache spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
enable ldap user auth = DEFAULT

[Lock Manager]
number of locks = 200000
deadlock checking period = DEFAULT
lock spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
lock address spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
lock table spinlock ratio = DEFAULT
lock hashtable size = DEFAULT
lock scheme = DEFAULT
lock wait period = DEFAULT
read committed with lock = DEFAULT
print deadlock information = DEFAULT
deadlock retries = DEFAULT
page lock promotion HWM = DEFAULT
page lock promotion LWM = DEFAULT
page lock promotion PCT = DEFAULT
row lock promo

row lock promotion LWM = DEFAULT
row lock promotion PCT = DEFAULT

[Security Related]
systemwide password expiration = DEFAULT
audit queue size = DEFAULT
curread change w/ open cursors = DEFAULT
allow procedure grouping = DEFAULT
select on syscomments.text = DEFAULT
auditing = DEFAULT
current audit table = DEFAULT
suspend audit when device full = DEFAULT
enable row level access = DEFAULT
check password for digit = DEFAULT
minimum password length = DEFAULT
maximum failed logins = DEFAULT
enable ssl = DEFAULT
unified login required = DEFAULT
use security services = DEFAULT
msg confidentiality reqd = DEFAULT
msg integrity reqd = DEFAULT
secure default login = DEFAULT

[Extended Stored Procedure]
esp unload dll = DEFAULT
esp execution priority = DEFAULT
esp execution stacksize = DEFAULT
xp_cmdshell context = DEFAULT
start mail session = DEFAULT

[Error Log]
event logging = DEFAULT
log audit logon success = DEFAULT
log audit logon failure = DEFAULT
event log computer name = DEFAULT

[Rep Agent Thread Administration]
enable rep agent threads = DEFAULT

[Component Integration Services]
enable cis = DEFAULT
cis connect timeout = DEFAULT
cis bulk insert batch size = DEFAULT
max cis remote connections = DEFAULT
cis packet size = DEFAULT
cis cursor rows = DEFAULT
enable snmp = DEFAULT
enable file access = DEFAULT
cis bulk insert array size = DEFAULT
enable full-text search = DEFAULT
cis rpc handling = DEFAULT

[Java Services]
enable java = DEFAULT
size of process object heap = DEFAULT
size of shared class heap = DEFAULT
size of global fixed heap = DEFAULT
number of java sockets = DEFAULT
enable enterprise java beans = DEFAULT

[DTM Administration]
enable DTM = DEFAULT
enable xact coordination = DEFAULT
xact coordination interval = DEFAULT
number of dtx participants = DEFAULT
strict dtm enforcement = DEFAULT
txn to pss ratio = DEFAULT
dtm lock timeout period = DEFAULT
dtm detach timeout period = DEFAULT

dump on conditions = DEFAULT
maximum dump conditions = DEFAULT
number of ccbs = DEFAULT
caps per ccb = DEFAULT
average cap size = DEFAULT

enable monitoring = DEFAULT
sql text pipe active = DEFAULT
sql text pipe max messages = DEFAULT
plan text pipe active = DEFAULT
plan text pipe max messages = DEFAULT
statement pipe active = DEFAULT
statement pipe max messages = DEFAULT
errorlog pipe active = DEFAULT
errorlog pipe max messages = DEFAULT
deadlock pipe active = DEFAULT
deadlock pipe max messages = DEFAULT
wait event timing = DEFAULT
process wait events = DEFAULT
object lockwait timing = DEFAULT
SQL batch capture = DEFAULT
statement statistics active = DEFAULT
per object statistics active = DEFAULT
max SQL text monitored = DEFAULT
performance monitoring option = DEFAULT
