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一、名词练习。[要点提示:1. 可数名词与不可数名词 2. 可数名词的复数 3. 名词所有格]

1. We eat __________at the Dragon Boat Festival.

A. mooncakes

B. rice dumplings

C. chocolates

D. turkeys

2. --What is your favourite fruit? -- __________.

A. Lemons

B. Tomatoes

C. Carrots

D. Cabbages

3. All my classmates want to become __________with the exchange students.

A. friends

B. a friend

C. friend

D. the friends

4. American enjoy the night of October 31st, the time of __________.

A. Thanksgiving

B. Christmas

C. Halloween

D. Easter

5. When you arrive in__________, you must drive along the right side, or you will break the rules.

A. England

B. India

C. America

D. New Zealand

二、代词练习。[要点提示:1. 人称代词与物主代词 2. 指示代词 3. 不定代词]

1. They looked around carefully, but couldn’t see __________.

A. unusual something

B. something unusual

C. unusual anything

D. anything unusual

2. I pay a little money and they belong to __________.

A. me

B. my

C. mine

D. I

3. --Where is __________T-shirt?

--Is this your T-shirt?

--No, __________is a white one. Would you please help __________look for it?

A. my, mine, me

B. mine, my, me

C. me, mine, my

D. my, me, mine

三、介词练习。[要点提示:1. 常见介词 2. 介词短语]

1. --Good luck __________ your trip. –Thank you

A. to

B. for

C. on

D. with

2. You can see a bridge __________the small river.

A. between

B. on

C. over

D. above

3. A tall boy stands __________Kitty, and she can’t see the picture.

A. next to

B. beside

C. behind

D. in front of

四、数词练习。[要点提示:1. 基数词 2. 序数词]

Wendy lives on the seventh floor, and Wilson lives two floors above Wendy. He lives on the __________floor.

A. eighth

B. ninth

C. tenth

D. twelfth

五、形容词和副词练习。[要点提示:1. 形容词和副词的用法区别 2. 形容词和副词在句中的位置] --Le t’s go to the Great Wall this weekend. –That sounds__________.

A. greatly

B. great

C. like great

D. being great

六、动词练习。[要点提示:1. 一般现在时 2. 现在进行时 3. 一般将来时4. 一般过去时5. 动词的常见搭配]

1. The purple jumper__________ well with her white trousers.

A. looks

B. fits

C. matches

D. works

2. I am not sure who __________.

A. invents the bike

B. invents a bike

C. invented the bike

D. invented a bike

3. --Did dinosaurs __________eggs? –Yes, they did.

A. lie

B. lay

C. laid

D. lied

4. He __________his schoolbag for the English book.

A. found

B. saw

C. looked

D. searched

5. Andy __________the little cat into a box and went home.

A. put

B. puts

C. is putting

D. is going to put

6. The noise __________very strange and they are frightened.

A. listens

B. hears

C. listens to

D. sounds

7. How long will Paul __________here?

A. arrive

B. get

C. stay

D. come

8. Cross the bridge, and you __________a wooden house.

A. see

B. are going to see

C. are seeing

D. will see

9. It takes 20 minutes __________there. So you can go __________there.

A. to walk; to walk

B. walking; walking

C. to walk; walking

D. walking; to walk

10. The shopping mall there __________lots of souvenirs.

A. are

B. has

C. is

D. have

11.—Where is Lily? –I know where she is. She is __________ on her bed.

A. lies

B. lie

C. lying

D. laying

12. --What did you do in the evening? --I __________a poster about a fashion show.

A. make

B. read

C. buy

D. write

13. Millie __________be fourteen years old next year.

A. is going to

B. shall

C. are going to

D. will

14. --Are you going with us?

--Sorry, I’m busy now. Later, I will__________ a different route to the hotel.

A. walk

B. go

C. take

D. run

七、句式练习。[要点提示:1. 陈述句 2. 疑问句 3. 祈使句 4. 交际用语]

1. --How often does Daniel plan to go swimming? -- __________.

A. Last night

B. At eight p.m.

C. Twice a week

D. In April

2. -- __________is the capital of Russia? –Moscow.

A. Where

B. What

C. Which

D. How

3. --Who is calling, please? -- __________. I’m calling from Paris.

A. I am Simon

B. This is Sam

C. He is Simon

D. My name is Simon

4.-- __________? –Yes, please. I’d like half a kilo of meat.

A. Would you like some meat or fish

B. What about something to eat

C. Can I help you

D. What do you like

5. --It rains a lot in the city. –Oh, that means __________.

A. There is a lot of rain in the city

B. It seldom rains in the city

C. There is always a heavy rain in the city

D. It rains heavily in the city

6.-- __________? --Yes. Go along the road and turn left. You will see it on your right.

A. How far is the post office

B. Can I help you

C. Where is the bookshop

D. Is there a museum near here

7. -- __________is the price of the apples? –Seven yuan a kilo. It’s cheap.

A. How

B. What

C. How much

D. How many

8. --__________, Madam? –I don’t know how to get to the hospital.

A. What are you doing

B. What is the matter

C. Do you know the way to the hospital

D. Can you help me

9. –Hello, may I speak to Mr. Smith?-- __________. I’ll go and get him.

A. Speaking

B. Wrong number

C. Who are you

D. Wait a minute

10.--I ride my bike to school. What about you, Simon? --__________.

A. I live two miles from school

B. I walk to school

C. It takes me 20 minutes to school

D. I get there very early



1. You can cook your breakfast in _________.

A. House A

B. House B

C. House C

D. All the above

2. Simon likes to live in a house with two bedrooms. Which house would he like to buy?

A. House A

B. House B

C. House C

D. Al the above

3. If you have ¥127,000, and you like to live nearest to the sea, you can choose_________.

A. House A

B. House B

C. House C

D. All the above


John likes to have his hair very long. Some of his friends think it looks a girl’s hair, but they never dare(敢) to make jokes(玩笑) about it, because John is a big strong man and he doesn’t like the jokes about the hair.

John goes to the barber’s shop twice a month to let the barber(理发师) cut and wash his hair, and if the barber says to him,“Now why don’t you let me cut most of your hair off and make your head clean? Nobody will know who you are if I do that, I am sure.”John will say nothing for a few seconds and then say,“Perhaps you are right, but I am sure that nobody will recognize(认出) you, either(也), if you do that to my hair.”

1. John’s friends never make jokes about his hair because___________.

A. his hair isn’t funny

B. he doesn’t like jokes about his hair and they are afraid of him

C. he is big and strong

D. he likes his hair very much

2. John’s answer is _________.

A. right

B. a great praise(称赞) to the barber

C. a joke

D. a threat(威胁) to the barber


healthy. I think I need lots of (2)___________ every day. Many people think that (3)__________ is the most (4)__________ meal of the day. Why? When you get up in the (5)___________, it is a (6)_________ time since your last meal. It may be 12 hours or more since you (7)__________ dinner yesterday.

(8)_________ a good breakfast, you will feel tired. A good breakfast will help you get (9)__________ for the day. (10)__________ my breakfast I always have some bread, fruit and fruit juice, maybe an egg two or three times a week.



1. Don't always (跟随) me.

2. That idea (听起来) great.

3. My favourite place is the (阳台).

4. Jack lives on the (第12) floor.

5. Let's take different (路线).


1. There're a lot of tall (build) in the city.

2. They stopped (walk) and had a rest.

3. It takes me one hour my homework. (do)

4. Eddie (not do) his homework yesterday.

5. Thank you for (help) me.


1. The c of China is Beijing.

2. My daughter w

3.6 kg when she was born.

3. You can go to the centre of the city by u .

4. Lucy is good at r . She can run fast.

5. The bike belongs to me. It's m .

6. The policemen s all the rooms but found nothing.

7. When I walked p the bus stop, I heard somebody calling for help.

8. If you're ill, you'd better go to h .

9. The mother walked q into the room because her baby was sleeping.

10. When he is a , he always feels lonely(孤独的).




1. B

2. B

3. A

4. C

5. C


1. D

2. A

3. A


1. D

2. C

3. D






1. C

2. C

3. B

4. D

5. A

6. D

7. C

8. D

9. C 10. B

11. C 12. B 13. D 14. C


1. C

2. B

3. B

4. C

5. A

6. D

7. B

8. B

9. A 10. B


(A) 1. D 2. A. 3. A

(B) 1. B 2. D


(1) F (2) J (3)G (4) H (5) A (6) C (7) I (8) E (9) B (10) D



1. follow

2. sounds

3. balcony

4. twelfth

5. routes


1. buildings

2. walking

3. to do

4. did n’t do

5. helping


1. capital

2. weighed

3. underground

4. running

5. mine

6. searched

7. past

8. hospital

9. quietly 10. alone


小学五六年级语文阅读专项训练 姓名班级等第 一、请仔细阅读上面的公交站牌,然后按要求完成题目。 1.比较一下,你就会发现这个公交站牌可能是麒麟路,或,或。 2.要在这个站点去太平洋,应该乘坐路车,大约(数字)站路。 3.从这个站点乘车,(选择“可以”或者“不可以”)直接去桃花岛,因为 。 二、阅读“84消毒液”产品说明书,完成下面各题。 “84消毒液”产品说明书 【主要功能】 本品主要成分为次氯酸钠,有效氯含量4.5%——7%。可杀灭肠道致病菌,化 脓性致病菌和致病性酵母菌,并能灭活病菌。 【适用范围】 运用于饭店、宾馆、医院和家庭中被一般细菌所污染的物品及肝炎病菌污染物 品的消毒,以及瓜果蔬菜、餐饮用具的消毒。 【注意事项】

1.爸爸有一件纯棉的黑色T恤,想用84消毒液来消毒,被妈妈制止了,原因是2.小明跑步时摔伤了腿,能用84消毒液来对伤口进行消毒吗?为什么? 3.今年12月,妈妈想用84消毒液对厨房的餐具进行消毒,拿出来一看,生产日期是2016年8月,就没有使用。这是因为 4.夏天到了,爸爸把一瓶刚买来的84消毒液放在阳台向阳的窗台上保存。小明劝爸爸说:“,所以最好别放在这里。” 三、伤科药王”——三七 三七是多年生草本植物,属五加科。除野生外,也有人工栽培的。三七株高30-60厘米,宜.生长于气候温暖的地方,以稍.阴湿的黑沙质土或腐殖质土最为理想。 三七主要以根入药,叶与花也有一定的治疗作用。取三七的根制药,以生长三年以上者为好。根据挖取时间的不同,又可分“春七”与“冬七”。“春七”是在夏秋时挖取的,其根充实饱满,药效好;“冬七”是冬季挖取的,根较瘦,药力差。 三七既可内服,又可外用。李时珍“止血、散血、止痛”六个字概括了它的功效。它能治创伤、跌打损伤、虫兽咬伤、吐血、鼻出血、便血等一切血痛。用三七汁医治赤眼也有效。口服三七粉,还有解酒的作用。对治疗心绞痛、血栓闭塞性脉管炎,以及喉


牛津英语7B 期末复习单词拼写专项练习 1. Some (科学家) found something (奇怪的). 2. What (发生) to you just now? 3. How (勤勉的) you are! 4. It takes about three days (旅行) from (地球) to the moon by spaceship. 5. David spends much time (练习) playing the piano. 6. He gets up (早) and is never late for school. 7. He (重) 199 kg when he (去世). 8. People have different (能力). 9. (大象) walk on tiptoe. 10. He likes eating (三明治). 11. Do you know who (发明) the first TV set? 12. Don’t be (粗鲁的) to the old. 13. Mum (叫醒) him up just now but he is still lying in bed now. 14. What a (勇敢的) young man he is! 15. Zhang Hua was at home (独自). 16. He likes (收集) things for Project Hope. 17. Many (探望者) help to clean up the rooms for the elderly. 18. How (可怕的) the ghost story is! 19. It is (危险的) to play with fire. 20. The members at the Helping Hands Club think that David should get an (奖). 21. Mrs Lu (跌下,倒下) down when she crossed the street. 22. He doesn’t just chase and (接住) a ball. 23. She looked at me with her eyes open (张大地). 24. She likes (躲藏) herself in the cupboard. 25. He (丢,忘) his homework at home this morning. 26. Suzy has good g in Chiese, English and Maths. 27. My parrot’s blue-and-green f look beautiful in the sun. 28. Suzy has a goof m and she can remember many things.


秋天的香山公园 秋天的香山公园,以它独特的美迎接着众多的游人。 走进公园大门,放眼望去,峰峦重叠,挺拔壮观。山上长满了各种树木,枝叶浓密,人走进去,便淹没在其中了。 最引人注目的是那漫山遍野的红叶。近看红叶的形状不一,有长圆扁圆、扇形,还有三角形的。远看,山坡上树树交错,叶叶相连,层层叠叠相互辉映,映红了半边天空。在大片大片的鲜红中央杂着深黄色、褐色……就像千万只彩蝶上下飞舞,真是姿态万千,绚丽多彩。一阵爽人的秋风吹过,传来柔和的“沙沙”声,枝摇叶摆,像是在向游人频频招手。 人们不由赞叹:“多美呀!香山的红叶。” 香山公园里潺潺的流水也很动人。小路旁,石缝里,溪水愉快地流淌着。阳光洒在水面上,闪着耀眼的光芒。有时,溪水聚在几块碎石中间,静静地躺着,小鱼儿在你追我赶地嬉戏。 再看,路旁的花坛里,花儿展开笑脸,争芳斗艳。一串连成片,鸡冠顶起了花冠。那品种繁多的

菊花,伸开了卷曲的花瓣;没有开放的花瓣紧缩着,像一个个彩球。不管是什么花,都散发出淡淡的清香。 美丽的香山公园,使游人流连忘返。 1.查字典。 “爽”用音序查字法应查音序,再查;用部首查字法应查部首,再查画。字典中的解释有:(1)明朗,清亮;(2)率直,痛快;(3)舒服;(4)违背。“爽人的秋风”中“爽”应取第种解释。 2.用“——”分别画出概括第3、4、5自然段意思的中心句。 3.读第3自然段,作者是从、、三方面描写红叶的。 4.第5自然段,写了、、三种花,是从、、三方面介绍的。 5这篇短文中,作者主要写了哪几种景物:,表现了作者。 6、用“﹏﹏”划出首尾照应的句子。

公园一角 最引人注目的是公园的一角。这里有一个圆形的喷水池,池中有一座别致的假山。池里的水清润(rùn)得宛如一块天然的翡(fěi)翠,平滑无暇,清澈见底。当微风拂过水面时,水面上就泛起层层鱼鳞般的波纹。池中的假山是由好几块奇石巧妙地堆成,很精巧。假山顶端喷出一股又细又高的水柱。那水柱喷出后,又斜落下来,成了一串银白的水珠,晶莹耀眼。微风吹过,犹如点点白梅撒在水面上,荡漾起一圈圈小小的涟漪(yī),飘散在空中,仿佛给假山披上一层轻纱,格外美丽。 池中有许多色彩斑(bān)斓(lán)的金鱼,它们互相嬉(xī)戏,好不自在。瞧,一条花尾金鱼刚浮到水面上,嗖的一下,转头又钻入水底下去了。看,又来一条,眼睛大大的,鼓鼓的,穿着黑色的晚礼服,好像是要去参加隆重的盛会。它昂着头,不停地摆动着尾巴,像是在炫耀自己:“瞧,我多漂亮!” 喷水池的周围,摆着一盆盆绽蕾吐艳的菊花。


七年级(下)英语7B期末练习卷一 姓名 一、Choose the best answer ( )1. It too cold to have a barbecue weather. A. in frozen B. at freezing C. in freezing D. on frozen ( )2. The computer in my office does not work the one in yours. A. quicker than B. more quickly C. as quickly as D. as quick as ( )3. His idea sounds . A.well B. wonderful C. greatly D. nicely ( )4. The Airport Railway station are the underground station.. A. the same B. different C. different from D. slower than ( )5.-Which do you prefer, an MP3 player or a walkman? - . I prefer the new kind of MP4 player. A . Both B. None C. Neither D. all ( )6. The heavy smoke from the factory made us sick. A. felt B. feel C. feeling D. to feel ( )7. What __ happen in the future? A. you think B. you will C.do you D.do you think will ( )8. Daisy is good at language learning. She can 3 languages including Chinese. A. talk B. say C. tell D. speak ( )9. You should the paper before you hand it in. A. write B. sign C. writing D. signature ( )10. I was in such a hurry this morning that I my English book at home. A. forgot B. put C. left D. found ( )11. they are listening to the teacher! A. How careful B. What careful C. How carefully D. What carefully ( )12.The landlord make the poor farmer for 18 hours every day. A. working B. to work C. work D. worked ( )13. The students in our school are busy our school Art Festival. A. to prepare B. to prepare for C. prepared for D. preparing for ( )14. The ice started . A. melt B. melting C. melts D. to melt ( )15. Finally the big moment came. The underlined part means . A. At first B. At last C. At once D. At weekends ( )16. –I like playing golf. -- . A. So does my brother B. Neither is my brother C. So is my brother D. Neither does my brother ( )17. –Have a good time. -- . A. That’s all right B. That’s a good idea C. Thank you. The same to you D. That’s OK. 二、Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms 18. Barack Obama became the (one) black president in the U.S.. 三、Rewrite the following sentences as required 19. This sign tells us not to jump into the water. (划线提问) this sign tell us? 20. I found nothing inside the box (改为同义句) I find inside the box 21. The CEO is busy signing files.( 改为同义句) The CEO is busy files? 22. People from all over the world will be able to speak the same language. (划线提问) people from all over the world ? 23. He could drive when he was 18 years old.( 改为同义句) He drive when he was 18 years old. 24. Jane thinks that English is the easiest language to learn in the world.(改为否定句) . 25.Lily’s mother looks small and thin. (划线提问) does Lily’s mother ? 26. Kitty likes the green skirt, but she likes the blue one better. (改为同义句) Kitty the blue skirt the green one. 27. The animals will wake up when spring come. (改为同义句) The animals will wake up spring come. 28.Jim will return in two weeks.( 划线提问) will Jim return? 四、Read the passage and fill in blanks with proper words Autumn come and the ant worked h 29 . He 30 Food and took it i 31 his house. “Why do you w 32 so hard?” asked the grasshopper. “Winter is coming s 33 It’ll be very cold and it’ll s 34 , too. It’ll be d 35 to any food,” said the ant. “Don’t be s 36 my friend,”l 37 the grasshopper. There will be p 38 of food in the forest in winter. Let’s sing and p 39 .” 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39.


xx 英语第二学期单 词表 Module 1 Natural element Unit 1 自然的;天然的natural 要素element 控制control 伤害injure 香烟cigarette 终点;末端end 研究)项目;专题研究project 问题question 信息information 发生happen 小心的careful 种;类kind 什么样的what kind of 引起cause xxhill 屏幕screen 页page 答案answer

在上面above 有用的useful 有害的harmful 发现discover 野生的;野的wild 煮沸boil 使融化melt 金属metal 形状shape 为了,以便so as to 玻璃glass 花瓶vase 放;安置put 数量amount 破坏;毁坏destroy 每样东西;一切everything 丧失;失去lose 严重的seriously 粗心的careless 欠考虑的;轻率的thoughtless 熄灭;扑灭put out 丢,扔drop 到处everywhere 测验quiz 卡片card 填写fill in 携带;背着carry 呼吸breathe 设备equipment 我自己myself 水龙带hose pipe 梯子ladder 斧头axe 消防演习fire 规则rule

收拾(行李);装(箱)pack 排队queue up 往楼下;顺楼梯而下downstairs 关掉(电灯,收音机等)switch off 风扇fan 楼梯taircase 标题title 句子sentence 别的;其他的else 灭火器extinguisher 警报alarm xxbell 警铃;警钟alarm bell 消防水龙带fire hose 消防firefighting 地面ground 一楼ground floor 走廊corridor 楼梯stairs 主要的main 工艺美术art and craft 音乐music 卫生间;盥洗室toilet 职员;员工staff 有顶的covered 有顶的操场covered playground Unit 2 有风的windy


小学语文阅读理解专项练习题、种辣椒1常识课上,老师对植物的讲解,把我带到植物世界里。听完课,我动了心,决心种点什么,仔细观察 它的生长过程。回到家,我找到了两个花盆,满心欢喜地种下了辣椒籽。下种后,我每天都要给它浇些水,盼望种子 早些发芽。一天中午,弟弟告诉我花盆里出小苗了,我飞一样地跑到窗台前,只见一棵小嫩芽拱出土,又过了两天,好几棵小芽出来了。小芽越来越多,我给小辣椒间苗,把太密的小苗小心翼翼地拔掉了一些。一朵朵雪白的小花,几天后,每株辣椒已有半尺多高了,它们的茎上都缀满了欲放的花苞,到了盛夏,先后开放了。大约又过了四五天,辣椒就开始结果了,出现了青绿的椭圆形的小辣椒,一个个缀在茎上,真惹人喜爱。秋风吹进窗来,带进一股香气,辣椒开始由青变红,看上去更让人喜爱。一个个两寸多长的小辣椒挂 我满怀欣喜地把成熟的辣椒一个一个摘下,收获的时节到了,在枝头对我微笑,感谢我对它们的辛勤培育。竟收了小半筐。我看着筐里的辣椒,心想:这多有意思呀!知识来源于实践,而实践又必须付出辛勤的劳动,这难道 不是真理吗?.找出文章中点明中心的句子,在下面画横线。1 2.把文章分成三段,在段尾用“‖”表示,并写出段意。 3.读下面句子,在括号里写出各运用了什么修辞手法。 )①小辣椒挂在枝头对我微笑,感谢我对它们的辛勤培育。( )我飞一样地跑到窗台前。(② 、蒙蒙的小雨2蒙蒙的小雨正落着,陈红骑着自行车悠然于柏油路上。她没有穿雨衣,因为她觉得在这样细雨中骑车 很浪漫。她望着路两边来去匆匆的行人,心想:这些人真是的,干嘛要东躲西藏的。一个没事吧小妹妹她摔倒了飞驰而来忽然迎面一辆的士她猛地拐向路边但车把挂在树干上 陈红白了他一眼,没有理他。心想:谁是你的小妹妹?她一翻身想站起来,可左小伙子站在她身边问道 腿的剧痛却使她不得不重新坐在地上,她接连两次试图站起来,都没成功。最后,只好放弃了努力。小伙”接着,拉起陈红的车子,又扶陈红坐到车架上,推起车子向医子一笑,“别逞强了,还是送你上医院吧。院走去。温柔如丝的春雨淅淅沥沥地落着。陈红已不再潇洒,只感到沉重。她坐在车上,望着前面推车的小伙子,不知该说些什么。她发现小伙子走路不太自然,仔细观察,只见小伙子左腿的袜端与裤腿之间不时地露出一段刺目的棕 色。那是什么?啊,他装着一只假腿。陈红想问问他的腿,却不愿张嘴。这时,只听到小伙子自言自语地“三年前,我也喜欢在细雨中骑车,那的确很潇洒,可是我却重重地跌倒了,像你一样。不,还不如说:”听了这话,“就在那次跌倒时被后面的汽车轧断了。你。”“噢,你的左腿——?”停了一会儿,小伙子说:?? 陈红陷入了沉思“我去通知你父母,你知道他们的电话吗?”陈红把号码告医院到了,小伙子搀着陈红进了急诊室。 诉了他。不一会儿,陈红的父母风风火火地赶来了。见到女儿腿上雪白的绷带,忙问这问那。陈红把经过“那这时,只听护土小姐说:“要不是那位大哥哥,我真不知该怎么办好,哎,他呢?”告诉了他们,又说,”个小伙子,看见你爸妈来后,他就离开医院了。”陈红怔住了:“我还不知他叫什么呢!父亲背起陈红,母亲在旁边扶着,一家人走出医院的时候,他们多么希望在人流中再次寻到那小伙子


7B第二学期期末复习卷 一、单项选择 1. They are from Britain. They speak _________. A. Japanese B. Chinese C. English D. French 2. I live ____my family ____a flat ____a busy street. A. with; in; on B. with; on; on C. in; in; in D. in; on; in 3. Tom has two friends. One is from Australia and _____is from the USA. A. another B. other C. the other D. others 4. Which pen is _______, this one or the one on the desk? A. the better B. the best C. better D. good 5. Which of them isn’t a capital city? A. Paris B. New York C. London D. Moscow 6. Sally sits between _______. A. you and me B. his and me C. he and me D. me and him 7. ______people died in the Wenchuan earthquake. A. Two thousands B. Thousands of C. Two thousand of D. Thousands of 8. Now turn to Page____and look at _____picture in Lesson Two. A. twentieth; the one B. twenty; one C. twentieth; the first B. twenty; the first 9. I share my room ____a friend of _____ A. from; mine B. with; mine C. with; me D. to; me 10. ---When did the train ____? ----Five minutes ago. A. get to B. reach C. arrive at D. arrive 11. He doesn’t look like an old man in his _____. A. eighty years old B. eighty C. eightieth D. eighties 12. Tom can’t see the blackboard clearly, so he sits ____the classroom. A. in front of B. in the front of C. before D. behind 13. I was listening to the radio _____my brother was playing computer games last night. A. when B. while C. but D. or 14. This is ____trip to Beijing. I hope we’ll enjoy the trip. A. the our first B. our the first C. our first D. first our 15.----I’m going on a trip to Xi’an next week. ---______ A. Thank you. B. Good idea. C. It’s good D. Have a good time. 16. Let’s take ____to the shopping centre. A. them B. themselves C. theirs D. their 17.---Do you have any books? ---No, I have ___books. A. no B. none C. nothing D. not 18. He is ____in hospital, so he is a _____person. A. ill; ill B. ill; sick C. sick; ill D. \; ill 19. The boy got up late, so he ____the early bus. A. caught B. missed C. got D. lost


七年级英语下册知识点总结 Module 1 Garden City and its neighbors Unit 1 Writing a travel guide Unit 2 Going to see a film Unit 3 A visit to Garden City Unit 4 Let’s go shopping 1. How are you getting on with your travel guide? get on with “进展”; “与……相处 (融洽)” I’m getting on well with the preparation. How are you getting on with your new classmates? 2. be famous for… (以 /由于……出名) be (well) known as…(以 / 作为….被人知晓) Shanghai is famous for its night views. Shanghai is also known as a “Shopping Paradise” because there are a lot of department stores and huge shopping centres.上海被誉为“购物天堂”,因为上海有很多百货商店和大型购物中心。 Qingpu is famous for its fish and rice. 3. It is + adj. + that (主语从句), 表示“……太……了” It is wonderful that we can have dinner on the 91st floor in Shanghai World Financial Centre. It is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop. It is + adj. + to do sth. It is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi. =To travel between Pudong and Puxi is convenient. It is terrible to have dinner in this restaurant. The food tastes awful. =To have dinner in this restaurant is terrible. 4. If you go there, you will see a huge open area with green grass, trees, fountains and pigeons. 主句用一般将来(或can, may, must),从句用一般现在时。 Firemen will have no water to put out fires if there is no rain. We’ll go on an outing if it doesn’t rain tomorrow. If you go there, you can find a famous church. 5. The Maglev takes you to the international airport in about eight minutes. 磁悬浮列车可以在八分钟之内将你带到国际机场。 take sb. to … “带某人去某地” in + 时间段, 表示 1.“在......之内”;2. “在……之后” My father used to take me to the park nearly every weekend. It takes you about eight minutes to travel to the international airport by Maglev.


小学四年级阅读专项训练及答案 最贵的项链 店主站在柜台后面,百无聊赖地望着窗外。一个小女孩走过来,整张脸都贴在了橱窗上,出神地盯着那条蓝宝石项链看。她说:“我想买给我姐姐。你能包装得漂亮一点吗?”店主狐疑地打量着小女孩,说:“你有多少钱?” 小女孩从口袋里掏出一个手帕,小心翼翼地解开所有的结,然后摊在柜台上,兴奋地说:“这些可以吗?”她拿出来的不过是几枚硬币而已。她说:“今天是姐姐的生日,我想把它当做礼物送给她。自从妈妈去世后,她就像妈妈一样照顾我们,我相信她一定会喜欢这条项链的,因为项链的颜色就像她的眼睛一样。” 店主拿出了那条项链,装在一个小盒子里,再用一张漂亮的红色包装纸包好,还在上面系了一条绿色的丝带。对小女孩说:“拿去吧,小心点。”小女孩满心欢喜,连蹦带跳地回家了。在这一天的工作快要结束的时候,店里来了一位美丽的姑娘,她有一双蓝色的眼睛。她把已经打开的礼品盒放在柜台上,问到:“这条项链是在这里买的吗?多少钱?” “本店商品的价格是卖主和顾客之间的秘密。” 姑娘说:“我妹妹只有几枚硬币,这条蓝宝石项链却货真价实。她买不起的。” 店主接过盒子,精心将包装重新包好,系上丝带,又递给了姑娘说:“她给出了比任何人都高的价格,她付出了她所拥有的一切。” 1、把下面的词语补充完整。_______聊赖_______翼翼货___价____ 2、写出下面词语的近义词。精心--()出神--()狐疑--()3、缩句。(1) 店主站在柜台后面,百无聊赖地望着窗外。_______________________________________________________________ __ (2) 她把已经打开的礼品盒放在柜台上。_______________________________________________________________ __ 4、小女孩买项链的钱不够,但是店主为什么却把项链卖给了她?_______________________________________________________________ __ 5、“她给出了比任何人都高的价格,她付出了她所拥有的一切。”这句话中“所拥有的一切”是指______________________________________________ 1、百无聊赖小心翼翼货真价实 2、用心发呆怀疑3、(1)店主望着窗外。(2)她把盒放在柜台上。 4、店主被小女孩纯真的爱心打动了。5、小女孩全部的钱和全部的爱心。 母爱无言 听说过两个有关母亲的故事。一个发生在一位游子与母亲之间。游子探亲期满离开故乡,母亲送他去车站。在车站,儿子旅行包的拎带突然被挤断。眼看就要到发车时间,母亲急忙从身上解下裤腰带,把儿子的旅行包扎好。解裤腰带时,由于心急又用力,她把脸都涨红了。儿子问母亲怎么回家呢?母亲说,不要紧,慢慢走。多少年来,儿子一直把母亲这根裤腰带珍藏在身边。多少年来,儿子一直在想,他母亲没有裤腰带是怎样走回几里地外的家的。另一个故事则发生在一个犯人同母亲之间。探监的日子,一位来自贫困山区的老母亲,经过乘坐驴车、汽车和火车的辗转,探望服刑的儿子。在探监人带来的五光十色的物品中,老母亲给儿子掏出用白布包着的葵花子。葵花子已经炒熟,老母亲全嗑好了。没有皮,白花花的像密密麻麻的雀舌头。服刑的儿子接过这堆葵花子肉,手开始抖。母亲亦无言语,撩起衣襟拭眼。她千里迢迢探望儿子,卖掉了鸡蛋和小猪崽,还要节省许多开支才凑足路费。来前,在白天的劳碌后,晚上在煤油灯


Module 1 Garden City and its neighbours Unit 1 Writing a travel guide 【知识点梳理】 1. guide n. 指南;手册 You’d better buy a travel guide when you are travelling in a foreign country. 当你在外国旅行时,你最好买一本旅游指南。 Design a travel guide. 设计一份旅游指南。 【提示】guide 还可以表示“导游”。如:The guide showed them around Paris. 导游带领他们参观了巴黎。 【拓展】guide 作动词时,可以表示“为……领路,带领”。如:Jack guided the old man to the information desk. 杰克把老人领到问讯处。 2. tour n. 旅行;旅游 Can you give us some tour suggestions? 你能给我们一些旅行建议吗? 【联想】tourist n. 游客,旅游者 3. take part in 参加(活动) 如:We’ll take part in the sports meeting this Friday. 本周五我们要参加运动会。 They have decided to take part in a competition. 他们决定参加一个竞赛。 【比较】take part in与join 都有“参加”的意思。take part in 表示参加某项活动;join表示参加或加入某个团体或组织。 如:He joined the Party ten years ago.他十年前入党。 I’ll join the Youth League next month. 下个月我要入团。 【提示】take part in = join in 4. sightseeing n. 观光;游览 Tourists usually go there for sightseeing and fun.游客们通常会去那儿观光游玩。 【记忆】go sightseeing去观光 【联想】go shopping去购物;go swimming去游泳;go fishing去钓鱼;go travelling去旅游; go camping去野营;go cycling去骑车;go boating去划船;go hiking去徒步旅行 go skating去溜冰;go windsurfing去风帆冲浪;go hunting去打猎 【拓展】a sightseeing bus观光旅游车 a sightseeing tour观光旅游 5. in the centre of 位于……的中部 【比较】in the centre of 强调与四周距离相等的中心位置,常用来指空间;in the middle of 强调两端之间的位置,并不强调中心,既可用于指空间,也可用于指时间。 如:There is a beautiful fountain in the centre of People’s Square. 人民广场中央有一个美丽的喷泉。(指中心位置) They usually have noodles in the middle of the day. 他们通常在中午吃面。(指时间) She saw a big dog running in the middle of the street. 她看见有只狗在街道中间跑。(指空间) 6. in the south of 位于……的南部 【联想】类似的表达:in the north of位于……的北部, in the west of位于……的西部, in the east of位于……的东部 【注意】用英语表达方位时,north和south 通常放在east和west之前。 如:northeast东北,northwest西北,southeast东南,southwest西南 【拓展】in the south of 位于……的南部,强调在某一个范围之内;如两地接壤用on the south of;两地不相邻用(to the) south of,如:


Unit 1 1.皇宫;宫殿n. 2.紧邻;在.........旁边prep. 3.镇,城镇n. 4.加拿大n. 5.法国n. 6.日本n. 7.俄罗斯n. 8.英国n. 9.伦敦n. 10.国家n. 11.首都n. 12.英里n. 13.花园;果园n. 14.公寓,套房n. 15.《英》中心n. 16.《美》中心n. 17.起居室,客厅n. 18.合用;分享vt. 19.与某人合用/分享某物(词组) 20.卧室n. 21.自己的a. 22.浴室,盥洗室n. 23.阳台n. 24.海滩n. 25.海n. 26.餐厅n. 27.零n. 28.百num. 29.千num. 30.百万num. 31.英尺n. 32.平方的a. 33.《英》米,公尺n. 34.《美》公尺,米n. 35.面积n. 36.超过prep. 37.叉,餐叉n. 38.冰箱n. 39.刀n. 40.灯,台灯n. 41.淋浴器,淋浴n. 42.沙发n. 43.录像;视频n. 44.满是(词组) 45.属于某人自己的(词组)46.将来有一天,总有一天(词组) 47.可以;也许,可能modal v. 48.消息,音信n. 49.传个话,捎个口信(词组) 50.回电话(词组) 51.双的,双倍的a. 52.书房n. 53.机器n. 54.洗衣机n. 55.在......脚下(词组) 56.地,田n. 57.足球场(词组) 58.邀请vt. 59.停留,逗留vi. Unit 2 1.邻居(英)n. 2.邻居(美)n. 3.哇,呀excl. 4.将,将会modal v. 5.访问者,参观者n. 6.像,类似;.........怎么样prep. 7.(餐馆等的)服务员n. 8.(英)街区,居民区n. 9.(美街区)居民区n. 10.愿意帮忙的,有用的a. 11.志愿者,医务工作者n. 12.社区n. 13.技能,技巧n. 14.帮助某人解决某种困难(词组) 15.问题,难题n. 16.某事,某物pron. 17.工程师;技师n. 18.检查vt. 19.损坏了的,破碎的a. 20.某人pron. 21.修理vt. 22.任何人pron. 23.学院n. 24.买东西(词组) 25.幸运的a. 26.将,将会(用于第一人称)modal v. 27.后天(词组) 28.火n. 29.生火(词组) 30.经理n.

牛津译林版英语七下7B 期末复习 Unit6

7B 期末复习 Unit6 一、请根据句意及汉语提示和首字母写出所缺单词。 1. This is a very important ________ (时期). 2. I ________ (注意) him playing computer games in the room at that time. 3. That book is too high. I can’t ________ (伸手够到) it. 4. The chair is made of ________ (木头). 5. I raise two ________ (兔子) at home. They are very lovely. 6. She didn’t study hard, so she f________ the exam again. 7. You’d better knock on the door before e________ a room. 8. One hundred years is a c________. 9. She looks e________ because she will spend a holiday in Sydney with her parents. 10. —I often take a bus to school. What about Lily?—She often r________ a bike to school. 二、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. There are three ________ (key) here. 2. When the girl woke up, she found ________ (she) under a big tree. 3. Jack was careless. His bike ________ (hit) a big tree just now. 4. When I looked out, I saw some children ________ (fly) kites. 5. The door is (lock). Nobody can get into the room. 6. —How (be) your weekend, Tan Mei?—It wasn’t very good. 7. It’s raining outside. He has to (stay) at home. 8. Let’s go (camp),_________ we? 9. Alice found (her) alone in a long, low hall. 10. Mary wants (visit) her grandparents this week. 11. —What about (play) basketball on Sunday? —It sounds good. 12.Remember (bring) your camera here tomorrow. 13.Where (be) they last Sunday? 14. They (leave) at 8 o’clock and it took about two hours. 15. It is (sun) today. Let’s take a walk in the park. 16. Mum decided ________ (buy) me an iPad. 17. What do you think of ________ (cycle)? 18. The door is ____ (lock). We can’t go out now. 19. A falling tree ________ (hit) a car just now. 20. I opened the bottle and ________ (drink) a lot of water. 三、选择填空

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