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初一下册期中考试备考作文 七年级 外研版 优秀英语作文

Module One

Module Two

Hello, My name is Li Lui. I am 13 years old. I want to be English monitor.

I am very friendly. I do well in English at school. I am good at speaking English and reading English stories. I can sing English songs. I am always ready to help others. Choose me as your English monitor and I promise to help you with your English.

3. 现在各个学校都有很多社团俱乐部,请先简要介绍你的学校都有哪些俱乐部,再谈谈你的兴趣爱好或特长,你会参加那些俱乐部以及参加这些俱乐部的原因。

提示词语:different kinds of , such as , Music Club, like, can , would like, because

There are different kinds of clubs in our school, such as Music Club, Dancing Club, English club, football club and so on.

Every day after school, I would like to join some school clubs. I like dancing, so I would like to join the Dancing Club. I think the dance music can make me feel happy. I am good at sports, too. Sometimes I would like to join the Football Club because I think doing sports can make us fit and healthy.

Come on and join one of your school clubs. I’m sure you will enjoy yourself in the clubs.

Module 3


What will Daming going to do at weekend?

Daming is going to get up early on Saturday morning. He is going to go over lessons and check

his emails. In the afternoon, he is going to have a piano lesson. Then he is going to help with the housework. On Saturday evening, he is going to see a movie. On Sunday, he is going to watch a football match of his favorite team with his parents. They are going to meet other fans, and make some new friends. They’re going to cheer the players. On Sunday evening, he isn’t going to do his homework. He is going to take a walk in the park near his house.

It’s going to be a fantastic weekend for him.

Module 4

二十一世纪报科学专栏正在征集“My dream school”的征文,希望小作者能够充分发挥自己的想象力,描绘心目中的未来校园。提示词语仅供选用。

提示词语:be different , will, will not

Hello, everyone! I’m glad to talk about my dream school.

In the future schools will be different from now. All of the students will study at home, so they don’t have to go to school. They will use computers to learn. And they will ask teachers questions by Internet, telephone or email. Teachers will help them on the Internet as well. What’s more, teachers will talk to them and check their homework on the Internet. They won’t use chalks on the blackboard. Students and teachers will have a lot of free time and long holidays. They will be good friends and be happy all the time.

I hope school in the future will be nice and wonderful .

Module 5


提示词语:online shopping , the new ways, like, advantages, see the product, hope

Online shopping is one of the new ways of shopping. Many people like it because it has several advantages. First, you can choose something on the Internet and pay for it. Second, you don’t need to spend time on traffic. You can shop at home or at office. Finally, it helps us save money because we can compare the prices of the same product. But some people don’t like it because they can’t see the product or try the clothes on. Also paying over the Internet isn’t always safe.

Anyway, I hope I will be able to buy anything on the Internet and receive it anywhere in the world at any time.

Module 6


提示词语:how can I get to, can you tell me the way to…, could you tell me the way to…, go along / across, turn right/ left, opposite/ next to, take a bus, you will see…

W: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Foreign Language Bookstore?

M: Go along this road and turn right into Wangfujing Street. Then walk along the street, and

the Foreign Language Bookstore is opposite Sun Dong An Plaza.

W: How far is it?

M: It’s about 2 km away. You can take a bus or a taxi.

W: Which bus can I take?

M: The No. 814 bus.

W: Where is the bus stop?

M: It’s over there, on the right.

W: Where do I get off?

M: Get off at the second stop and you can walk there.

W: Thanks a lot.



67. 假如你是大明,“五一”假期(May Day)就快到了,你刚收到笔友约翰的来信,他打算在三天假期来北京游玩,请你给他回一封信,介绍一下你的假期计划,并向他表示你愿意带他参观北京的愿望。信的开头和结尾已给出。

提示词语:sports, read, homework, look forward to, take around, places of interest Dear John,

I am very glad that you will come to Beijing during the upcoming May Day.

I will spend 1day finishing my homework first. I like sports and reading. So I will do some sports in the park .Then I will go to the library to read some new books. I think I will have a wonderful holiday.

Of course, I’m looking forward to seeing you in Beijng. Beijing is a big and beautiful city with a long history. So I will take you around Beijing and visit some places of interest. I think you will like the city and have a good time here.


69、“五一”假期(May Day)就快到了,我们将会有三天的假。请以“My May Day holiday plan”

为题, 写一篇不少于50字的短文,介绍你和你的家人或朋友的假期活动安排。开头已给出。

下列词汇供参考:morning, afternoon, evening, stay in bed, do my homework,

get up early, revise for my test, play football, have a picnic…

May Day is coming soon. We will have a 3-day holiday. I am going to the park with my friends. We can take some food and drinks in my schoolbag. We will enjoy the blue sky with whit clouds. In the afternoon, we like playing football in the park. After that, we can tell stories and play games. In the evening, we will stay in bed and watch TV. On May 2nd, I will visit my grandfather because it is his birthday. I will eat lots of delicious food. On My 3rd, we will do our homework at home and revise for my test.

I hope I will have a fantastic May Day holiday.

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