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犀牛 rhino超详细实例教程

犀牛 rhino超详细实例教程
犀牛 rhino超详细实例教程

Here is one organic tutorial, helping you with some standard shapes and objects. Check this one!

Ok, first, sorry for delay, I’ve been meaning to write this one down for 4 days now.

I must say that I’m pretty happy with this one, it turned out very accurate and great. I really like it! And it is pretty

easy to model it. So check it out:

Ok, first things first, so lets start with tubular part. The part where the motor and heater is.

I’ve measured 120mm the length and make a line with Polyline or Line command (the length of our reference image is 190mm). We will make three circles two on the start and end of line, and one 30 or 40mm from the left circle.

You need to offset them by 2mm, or simply make another circle. I made another circle, so in the end I ended up with 6 circles. Far two right circles are in radius 26 and 28mm. The far left two are 34 and 36mm, and the inner two are 35 and 37mm.

Using InterpCrv command make a line connecting three outer circles. (use Quad option in Osnap for easier snapping). Next, do the same step for 3 inner circles.

Using Sweep2 for first and second rail select outer two circles, and for cross section curve select Curve we made earlier.

Make an ellipse and position it like on the image below:

and we need only the front one. Using it, we will trim the surface and make a hole:

Now, we’ll move onto handle. I like jumping from one part to another, I guess you already found that out

From top viewport using reference image, outline outer edges with InterpCrv. Just to make sure, I made a straight horizontal line

in Top viewport (using Ortho) and trimmed off the two curves. Now, we are sure those two curves has endings in the same cplane.

Create another ellipse, this time one radius 15mm and other 13mm. Using End and Quad options in Osnap, position the ellipse

between two curves, first move it to the end of one curve, and using PointsOn command, stretch the ellipse to fit the other curve’s end.

Copy that ellipse, and position it like on the image below. You also need to stretch it with moving control points so it touches both curves.

I have also made this ellipse 4 points higher. So, select upper three control points and move them 4 units up,

and then move lower three control points and move them by 4 units (mm) down.

Next, using that second bigger ellipsoid and two handle curves, we will make a sweep2.

Using DupBorder we will duplicate border of newly created surface. We will get two closed curves, and we need the little one only, as we already have the bigger one. So, now, delete the surface, and again create sweep2 rail between two rail curves,

and using now three closed curves:

And now, we have a handle! Next, we will blend the two surfaces, so use BlendSrf command. Note that we need to check the Same height shapes option:

Hopefully you got something like on the image below:

Now, lets cap the tubular part.

From the end of the first Line we created in this tutorial, create another line, and make it 10units (mm) long.

Now, using Quad option in Osnap create InterpCrv (Curve: Interpolated Points) between two Quad points as start and end, and in the middle top of the 10mm long line:

Trim one half of the newly created curve (arch) with 10mm long line, and that half arch needs to be revolved.

I used Sweep1 and followed outer circle. But before that, we need to offset that half arch,

and we need to move the inner circle by 2mm right from Top viewport

(2mm will be the thickness of our shell - yeah, we still need to do that manually ).

Now, we can use Sweep1 and make two surfaces:

Ok, now, we will make little holes on the rear. From Right viewport make an ellipse 5×2.5mm. Rotate it for 45 degrees, and position like on the image:

Using ArrayPolar make an array of 24 holes. Naturally the center would be the same center of circular surfaces.

Next, using Copy and Paste duplicate those 24 ellipses, and using Scale shrink them,

so you have 5 rows of 24 ellipses each row smaller than the previous.

I have grouped each row of ellipses, and will extrude them one group at the time so I have more control, and less mess. So, extrude the ellipses and trim with two circular surfaces:

Now, we will make just the same handle and tubular surface, but 2mm smaller.

Using all those smaller circles, and smaller curves, we will make inner side of our dryer.

You could use offset, but when using it curves are often made out of too much control points,

and therefore your surfaces end up with much more isoparms, and we want our models cleaner.

You could use Rebuild to make curves better, but then you might loose the original position of your curves. It is a bit tricky, and recreating all the curves, but 2mm smaller is a lot better way.

Now, we need to blend the inner and outer surface where the air blows out.

Next, on the part where the air is sucked in, using FilletEdge and 2mm as radius round that edge:

Lets get back to our first 120mm long line. On the other end (the end there the air blows out from the dryer) create another circle with radius of 6.5mm. The second one from the same center but with 8mm as radius, and another one with radius of 10mm, then one with 16, and one with 18mm radius.

Extrude those 5 circles by -15mm (minus is because we need it to go left when looking at it from Top viewport). Do not use Cap option.

Next, you will blendsrf paired circles.

The one in the middle, the smallest circle, using Arc command we will make an arc like on the image below:

Using sweep1 command make a cap:

Using Line or Polyline mimic the image below. I first created one line through the center,

and then copied it and rotated by 90 degrees, next, I copied those two and rotated by 45 degrees. Next, each line I offset by 1mm up and down, and deleted the middle line.

I have also offset the outer circle by 2mm, and aligned everything in the same cplane.

And for the end of this part we will extrude those curves by 5mm with Cap option set to yes

Now, lets make a little hole in the handle. For hanging the dryer on the wall or something. Create a closed curve like on the image below and trim what is inside:


附件一: 中华人民共和国 标准施工招标资格预审文件 ( 2007 年版)

使用说明 一、《标准施工招标资格预审文件》(以下简称《标准资格预审文件》)用相同序号标示的章、节、条、款、项、目,供招标人和投标人选择使用;《标准资格预审文件》以空格标示的由招标人填写的内容,招标人应根据招标项目具体特点和实际需要具体化,确实没有需要填写的,在空格中用“/”标示。 二、招标人按照《标准资格预审文件》第一章“资格预审公告”的格式发布资格预审公告后,将实际发布的资格预审公告编入出售的资格预审文件中,作为资格预审邀请。资格预审公告应同时注明发布所在的所有媒介名称。 三、《标准资格预审文件》第三章“资格审查办法”分别规定合格制和有限数量制两种资格审查方法,供招标人根据招标项目具体特点和实际需要选择适用。如无特殊情况,鼓励招标人采用合格制。第三章“资格审查办法”前附表应按试行规定要求列明全部审查因素和审查标准,并在本章(前附表及正文)标明申请人不满足其要求即不能通过资格预审的全部条款。 四、《标准资格预审文件》为2007 年版,将根据实际执行过程中出现的问题及时进行修改。各使用单位或个人对《标准资格预审文件》的修改意见和建议,可向编制工作小组反映。 联系电话:(010 ) 68502510

(项目名称)标段施工招标 资格预审文件 招标人:(盖单位章) 年月日

目录 第一章资格预审公告 (1) 第二章申请人须知 (3) 1、总则 (5) 2、资格预审文件 (6) 3、资格预审申请文件的编制 (7) 4、资格预审申请文件的递交 (8) 5.资格预审申请文件的审查 (9) 6.通知和确认 (9) 7.申请人的资格改变 (9) 8、纪律与监督 (9) 9.需要补充的其他内容 (10) 第三章资格审查办法(合格制) (11) 资格审查办法前附表 (11) 1.审查方法 (12) 2.审查标准 (12) 3.审查程序 (12) 4.审查结果 (12) 第三章资格审查办法(有限数量制) (14) 资格审查办法前附表 (14) 1 .审查方法 (15)

Rhino实例教程 手表的制作

Rhino实例教程手表的制作 图4-8 8.利用Trim命令在几个曲面见相互剪切,这时场景中应该有5个PolySurface个面,把它们全部JOIN 起来,最终得到的图形如4-9所示,,我们称呼它为表的底盘。 图4-9

9.在Top视图中作一个半径为15mm的圆,并向上垂直移动1mm,利用拉伸命令将圆向上拉伸成面,注意这一次采用单向拉伸,拉伸高度为1.5mm。 10.执行Trim命令,命令提示Select cutting objects,选择上一步拉伸得到的Surface,命令提示Select c utting objects.Press Enter when done,右键确定,命令提示Select object to trim,左键选择拉伸曲面中间所包围的部分,将其剪切掉,最终如4-10所示。 11.执行Curve>>Curve From Object>>Duplicate,命令提示Select edges to duplicate,选择如4-11所示的两条 边,命令提示Select edges to duplicate.Press Enter when done,右键确定把边分离出来。

图4-11 12.删除拉伸曲面,执行Offset Curve命令,选择分离出来的圆(如4-12所示),向内偏移1.5mm,删除分离出来的圆曲线,选择偏移出来的Curve和从底盘中偏移出来的Curve,执行Surface>>Loft操作,将L oft得到的曲面和底盘曲面JOIN起来(如4-13所示)。 图4-12

图4-13 13.执行Fillet Edge,选择如4-14所示的边,键入1mm,进行倒圆角,注意要将四条边全部选择。 图4-14 14.利用Straight命令,选择如4-15所示的Curve,垂直向下拉伸2mm.

犀牛 rhino超详细实例教程

Here is one organic tutorial, helping you with some standard shapes and objects. Check this one! Ok, first, sorry for delay, I’ve been meaning to write this one down for 4 days now. I must say that I’m pretty happy with this one, it turned out very accurate and great. I really like it! And it is pretty easy to model it. So check it out: Ok, first things first, so lets start with tubular part. The part where the motor and heater is. I’ve measured 120mm the length and make a line with Polyline or Line command (the length of our reference image is 190mm). We will make three circles two on the start and end of line, and one 30 or 40mm from the left circle. You need to offset them by 2mm, or simply make another circle. I made another circle, so in the end I ended up with 6 circles. Far two right circles are in radius 26 and 28mm. The far left two are 34 and 36mm, and the inner two are 35 and 37mm.


Rhino实例教程-螺丝帽效果制作 关键词:Rhino实例教程-螺丝帽效果制作 在俯视图绘制一个六边形:绘图之前打开状态栏的Snap 和Ortho,绘制多边形的形式很多,注意我们使用的是CR 方式(中心到内切圆半径),以坐标原点为中心绘制内切半径=10 的六边形。接着使用画圆工具绘制半径=5 圆。 将两者同时选中后,使用挤压命令,在Front 视图拉出一定高度=8,注意要用 C 键打开挤压的Cap(封盖)选项。 对螺丝帽进行外面的30 度导角:在Top 视图绘制一个R=9 的圆,并将它垂直向上复制一个到螺帽上表面稍偏上一点的位置(因为我们下一步要使用布尔运算的方式制作导角,对布尔运算来讲,两个严格重合的物体是使用布尔运算的大忌):

接下来要在Front 视图沿着圆的外侧绘制一条与之成30度夹角的线段,方法如下: 打开Ortho 锁定和Osnap 的Quad 锁定,使用工具首先在Front 视图捕捉到刚 绘制圆形的右侧并按下鼠标,平行向右画出一条任意长度的线段,按下鼠标后用键盘输入-30,这时线段就会沿指定角度伸展,到长度稍超出螺帽确认即可。 将斜线旋转成一个切割平面。首先打开Snap,使用Surface > Rail Revolve 命令,依次点击斜线和圆形,并在Front 视图沿坐标中心绘制一条垂直线作为旋转轴,旋转成型的面如下: 使用布尔减运算命令Solid > Difference 进行导角(操作:点击螺帽,后按鼠标右键,再点击斜面按鼠标右键)。如果出现如下图所示的计算错误,可先按Undo 取消操作:

使用Mesh 按钮组下的工具(用右键)将斜面的法线反转,然后再次执行布尔运算,正确的结果如下: 为螺帽的孔导角。首先选择所有的线段并将它们全部隐藏起来,使用导角工具,键盘制定导角尺寸为0.5,分别点击螺帽的上表面和孔的内表面,产生一个导角;对螺帽的背面作同样处理: 剩下就是稍微麻烦一点螺纹制作。使用螺旋线工具在Front 视图,使螺旋线以孔的高度和半径为基准,绘制一个5 圈的螺旋线。


产品渲染场景实例及说明【原创教程】 论坛里有很多朋友对于渲染已经有了基本的知识,能够做出自己的效果图来了 但是在效果上总不能使自己满意,比如出现“颜色太均匀”“没有层次感”“曝光”等问题 想要说的是,一张好的成品效果图是材质,灯光和环境的综合表现,材质只是渲染技术的一部分~ 这也就就是为什么有的朋友下载了现成的材质,而自己渲染却没有效果的原因 斗胆把自己以前做的一个小玩意拿出来当作例子,结合灯光和环境,希望能给大家些帮助~ 如有任何疏漏和错误,欢迎大家提出和讨论!转帖请注名出处! 场景布置~如图所示 大家注意到,效果图中的高光亮斑。这种效果正是由两个区域灯光形成的。 一般来说我习惯在场景中放置两个灯光(基本满足简单产品的表现),分为主灯和辅助灯(自己命名的~) 主灯往往比辅助灯“强”一些,这个“强”体现在亮度,与产品之间的距离,灯的大小和颜色等几个方面 之所以这丫那个做目的是模拟真实的场景: 试想一下,白天的一间屋子里,可以认为存在两个光源,一个是窗户直接透进来的天光, 另一个就是室内墙壁天花板等的漫反射,这二者一强一弱,正好对应我们渲染场景中的主灯和辅助灯。

另外强调一些小细节: 1 关于地面,用这种弯曲面代替“面积巨大”的平面既省时也更有效果~ 2 关于灯光参数,如图所示。建议去掉no dacay和Ignore light normals , 想知道其原理的话,请参阅论坛一些讲解渲染参数理论知识的帖子~ 3 灯光属性面板的sampling选项卡下的三个关于subdivs(细分值)的参数, 均符合值越高,效果越好,事件越长的规律,自己取舍 4 想要获得良好的光照效果,最好将模型倒角


一,Rhino概述 Rhino是一套工业产品设计师所钟爱的概念设计与造型的强大工具,广泛地应用于三维动画设计,工业制造,科学研究以及机械设计等领域。它能轻易整合3ds Max, Softmage的模型功能,对要求精细,弹性与复杂的3D NURBS模型,有点石成金的效能。 Rhino是第一套将NURBS造型技术的强大功能引入到Windows操作系统中的软件。从诞生之日起,它就受到很多人的喜爱,最重要的原因就是作为一款小巧而强大的NURBS建模软件,它的应用领域十分广泛,主要的应用领域包括工业产品设计,CG动漫游戏开发领域,建筑设计领域,珠宝设计领域,目前Rhino应用的最主要方面还是工业设计领域。 二,与Rhino相关的设计网站: 1,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a214184498.html,。此网站是Rhino3D软件开发公司Rovert McNeel Associates 的官方网站,其中有与Rhino3D相关的庞大资料,是一个全球性的网站 2,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a214184498.html,。此网站汇聚了视频使用指南及各种视频学习资料 3,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a214184498.html,。此网站是Rhino3D渲染插件V-Ray的官网 4,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/a214184498.html,。此网站是T-Splines插件的官方网站 三,打开Rhino软件,它的界面可以分为如下所示的几大部分,有的部分功能相同,但也有各自不同的地方(由上到下依次为1-4)。第一个框就是菜单栏, 其中红色框内有包括文件,编辑在内的一些命令,可以对模型进行保存等;蓝色框内就是我们进行建模要用到的基本命令,其中“点”可以在曲线命令里找到;紫色框内就是对模型进行加工,分析的一些命令。第二个框为工具栏,里面有我们建模需要用到的各类命令, 其中蓝色框内与工作平面的设定有关,还有如变动可对模型进行扭转,平移,旋转等变化;红色框内就是进行立体建模的主要工具部分;紫色框内的出图命令可以对模型进行尺寸标注,也可以对模型添加剖面线。第三个为侧工具栏,以图标的形式展现,它与第二个框内选择的命令有关,当我们点击第二个框内不同的命令时,它也会随之而改变,但是需要注意,只有点击第二个框内红色区域它才会变化,而其余两个区域不会使其发生变化。该侧工具栏主要方便我们进行操作,很多建模命令都以图标的形式给出,形象生动且利于寻找 ;

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