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Homework 作业

When the bell rings around 4:10 p.m. thousands of students spill into streets. Notebooks and textbooks remain stored in lockers for the next day. Because of a desades-long practice of promoting failing students, some teens know they will advance to the next grade even if they don’t do the homework.

Meanwhile, teachers say they are faced with the daily dilemma of whether to move ahead in a lesson when often only five or ten students out of around 30 have done the homework assignment. Very few kids do homework, and those who do it, cheat. Said a ninth English teacher, It is hard to base a lesson on homework if the work isn’t being done




《公共管理学》homework(1) 一、名词解释 1.公共管理: 公共管理是指公公组织为解决公共问题,追求公共利益,运用公共权力,通过制定公共政策、有效地实行与监督等,提供公共物品和公共服务,维护公共秩序,对公共事务进行管理的社会活动。 2.公共选择理论公共选择理论是一门介于经济学和政治学之间的新兴交叉学科,它是运用经济学的分析方法来研究政治决策机制如何运作的理论。 3. 公共管理协调指协商、调整公共组织系统与其外部环境之间和系统内部的各种关系,使之权责清晰,分工合作,相互配合,有效地实现公共管理目标和提高整体效能的行为。 4. 公共管理监督是指依法对政府和公共事业组织等公共组织及其工作人员的监察和督导活动。 二、单项选择 1.1926年在美国出版两本权威的行政学教科书《行政学研究导论》《公共行政学原理》的两位学者分别是( B ) 25 A.泰勒和法约尔 B.怀特和威洛比 C.威尔逊和古德诺 D.马克斯?韦伯和赫伯特?西蒙 2.公共选择理论理论对政府的本质和行为的基本假设是( B)

A.社会人 B.经济人 C.自动人 D.复杂人 3.大萧条以后,为资本主义的稳定和发展起到了积极的作用的经济理论是( A ) A.凯恩斯的政府干预理论 B.新自由主义取消政府干预理论 C.亚当?斯密的“小政府”理论 D.古典经济学派的限制政府干预理论 4. 最早建立了比较规范的文官制度的国家是( A ) A.英国 B.法国 C.德国 D.美国 5. 18世纪英国著名经济学家________,在他著名的经济学著作《国富论》中对政府财政的管理范围和职能进行了限定。( C ) A.威廉?配第 B.马歇尔


《计算机系统基础》Homework HW1:数据的表示 实验目的:熟悉数值数据在计算机内部的表示方式,掌握相关的处理语句。 实验报告要求: 1.说明你做实验的过程(重要步骤用屏幕截图表示)。 2.提交源程序。 3.分析或回答问题。 完成下列实验,提交实验报告: 1.下述两个结构所占存储空间多大?结构中各分量所在位置相对于结构起始位置的偏移 量是什么?要求编写程序以验证你的答案。若使用#pragma pack(2)语句,则结果又如何? struct test1 { char x2[3]; short x3[2]; int x1; long long x4; }; struct test2 { char x2[3]; short x3[2]; int x1; long long x4; }__attribute__((aligned(8))); 2.“-2 < 2”和“-2 < 2u”的结果一样吗?为什么? 3.运行下图中的程序代码,并对程序输出结果进行分析。

4.运行下列代码,并对输出结果进行分析。 #include void main() { union NUM { int a; char b[4]; } num; num.a = 0x12345678; printf("0x%X\n", num.b[2]); } 5.请说明下列赋值语句执行后,各个变量对应的机器数和真值各是多少?编写一段程序代 码并进行编译,观察默认情况下,编译器是否报warning。如果有warning信息的话,分析为何会出现这种warning信息。 int a = 2147483648; int b = -2147483648; int c = 2147483649; unsigned short d = 65539; short e = -32790; 6.完成书上第二章习题中第40题,提交代码,并在程序中以十六进制形式打印变量u的 机器数。 7.编译运行以下程序,并至少重复运行3次。 void main() { double x=23.001, y=24.001, z=1.0; for (int i=0; i<10; i++) { if ((y-x)==z) printf("equal\n"); else printf("not equal\n"); x += z; y += z; printf("%d, %f , %f\n”, i, x, y); } } 要求: (1)给出每次运行的结果截图。 (2)每次运行过程中,是否每一次循环中的判等结果都一致?为什么? (3)每次运行过程中,每一次循环输出的i、x和y的结果分别是什么?为什么?

小学英语冀教版四年级上册《Lesson 7 Homework》同步练习

Lesson7 Homework 同步练习根据汉语意思写出单词 1. 晚上__________ 2. 作业__________ 3. 读__________ 4. 写__________ 5. 画__________ 6. 唱__________ 汉译英 1.你在晚上做什么? _______________________________ 2.我做作业。 _______________________________ 给下列句子选择合适的汉语意思 ( ) 1. I read a book. ( ) 2. I write a story. ( ) 3. I do my homework. ( ) 4. I sing a song. A.我唱歌。 B.我读书。 C.我做作业。 D.我写故事。 单选题 1. What do you ________ in the evening? A. do B. does C. did D. dos 2. What do you do________ the evening? A. on B. at C. from D.in 英译汉 1. I draw a picture for my story.

_______________________________________ 2. This is the way I wash my clothes. _____________________________________________ 参考答案 根据汉语意思写出单词 1.Evening 2.Homework 3.Read 4.Write 5.Draw 6.sing 汉译英 Miss 1. What do you do in the evening? 解析:在晚上in the evening 2. I do my homework. 解析:do one’s homework做作业给下列句子选择合适的汉语意思 1.B 解析:固定搭配 2.D 解析:固定搭配 3.C 解析:固定搭配 4.A 解析:固定搭配 单选题 1.A 解析:What do you do... 询问做什么 2.英译汉D 解析:in the evening在晚上固定搭配 1.Betty 去参加聚会穿什么?为什么? 1. 我为我的故事画一幅画。 2. 这是我洗衣服的方式。


Exercises Part one 1. What is acoustic phonetics? [人大2003研] 【答案】Acoustic phonetics is a technical area of linguistics. It is the study of sound waves made by the human vocal organs for communication. 2. Auditory phonetics studies how sounds are perceived by the speaker.[清华2001研] 【答案】F Part two: 一、术语解释 IPA [南开大学2004研] 【答案】IPA: the abbreviation of International Phonetic Alphabet, which is devised by the International Phonetic Association in 1888. IPA is a set of symbols which can be used to represent the phones and phonemes of natural languages. 二、简答题 What are the three parts of the vocal organs (3 points)? [清华2001研] 【答案】The pharynx, the mouth and the nose are the three parts of the vocal organs. 三、论述题


作业 4 1、输入一个正整数n,再输入n个学生的成绩,计算平均分,并统计不及格成绩的个数。#include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" main() { int Failed,i,n; float Mark,Sum; printf("Please input n:"); scanf("%d",&n); Failed=Sum=0; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("Please input Mark %d:",i); scanf("%f",&Mark); Sum=Sum+Mark; if(Mark<60) Failed++; } printf("aver=%f\n",Sum/n); printf("Failed=%d\n",Failed); getch(); } . 2、输入一个职工的月薪salary,输出应交的个人所得税tax(保留两位小数)。 计算方法:tax=rate(salary-850)/100 当salary≤850时,rate=0; 当850

main() { double money,rate,Tax; printf("Please input money:"); scanf("%lf",&money); if(money<=850) rate=0; else if(money<=1350) rate=5; else if(money<=2850) rate=10; else if(money<=5850) rate=15; else rate=20; Tax=rate*(money-850)/100 ; printf("Tax=%.2f",Tax); getch(); }

第6周homework 答案

第6周homework 1答案 Have you ever felt lumps under the skin on the sides of your neck when you were sick? Those might be lymph nodes. 1.They can get swollen and painful but their job is to fight infection. Lymph nodes are part of the body's defenses known as the lymphatic system. 2.This complex system throughout the body makes and transports a protective fluid called lymph. 3.Lymph is made of white blood cells, proteins and fats. In a patient with breast cancer, the cancer can spread to the large number of lymph nodes under the arm. 4. Doctors have traditionally removed many of these lymph nodes in the hope of removing all the cancer. But the latest research finds nothing to gain by removing so many lymph nodes. Doctors have two choices when breast cancer starts to spread. They can do what is called a sentinel node biopsy. They remove the main growth and one or 2 lymph nodes nearest to it. 5.Or they can take more aggressive action and remove a lot of lymph notes. 6. But that can lead to shoulder pain and permanent swelling o f the arm. 第6周homework 2答案 Now the Earth Policy Institute in Washington has issued a bleak warning of the risk of environmental and economic 1. chaos. Its founder Lester Brown says a push towards sustainability could help. In fact, he says, it's essential. In this week's Global Business, Peter Day hears why. Lester Brown started life as a farmer in New Jersey, the Garden State in the USA. He got some hefty degrees, worked at home and abroad for the US Department of Agriculture, and then in 1974, he founded the World Watch Institute. It became well-known for its 2. annual state of the world reports on the global environment. Years ago when I had one of our 3. periodic chats at the World Watch Institute in Washington D.C., I remember a room decked with satellite maps of the world's watershed areas. Water is still an 4.abiding theme for Lester Brown in his newer role as founder and head of the Earth Policy Institute. It's another Washington D.C. think tank designed to provide a road map for building a 5.sustainable economy. But even after so many years on the environmental beach, there's a new urgency in what Lester Brown is saying in the book World on the Edge. As an agriculturist by training, he 6.focuses on food and the new threat of food scarcity caused by natural disasters,such as the Russian drought last summer, and 7.consequential flooding elsewhere, and increasing demand for many developing countries as well as the rich world. Lester Brown thinks 8.the world has to mobilize to embrace sustainability in the way

人教版必修四Unit 4Homework 及答案-精选文档

Unit 4Homework 1 一、单词拼写: 1.The policeman can _________ (保护,保卫)himself against knife and attacks. 2.The government made a______________(陈述,说明)asking the public to protect the animals. 3.The ______________(功能) of the machine is to help farmers do the farming work. 4.Are these sentences true or ______________(错误的)? 5. You’ve ____________________(误解) what I said. 6.It is said that the two sides haven’t reached an ______________. ( agree) 7. To tell you the truth, I can’t understand her ____________ expression. (face) 8.___________ is part of a child’s nature. (curious) 9. New Year’s Day is____________ . (approach) 10. To tell the ________, I don’t agree with you. (truly) 二、短文改错 After finished school, I began to look for a job. Now several months has passed, I haven’t found the job I was interesting in. Last Sunday morning, I received a phone call from a man calling Mr. Wang. He said on the phone, “I hear you do well on your studies. I may offer you a job.”I entered into his office with a beating heart. How I wished I will go through the job-hunting talk and he would take on me as a lab assistant. But to my surprise, what he said made me to feel disappointed. That he needed was only a model. Unit4 Homework 2

材料结构与性能作业题Homework and Solution-2012

Homework (Due Oct. 29, 2013) 1.Show that the minimum cation-to-anion radius ratio for a coordination number of 6 is 0.414 [Hint: use the NaCl crystal structure and assume that anions and cations are just touching along tube edges and across face diagonals. 2.In terms of bonding, explain why silicate materials have relatively low density. 3.If cupric oxide (CuO) is exposed to reducing atmospheres at elevated temperatures, some of the Cu2+ ions will become Cu+. a)name one crystalline defect that you would expect to form in order to maintain charge neutrality under these conditions, b)How many Cu+ ions are required for the creation of each defect? c)How would you express the chemical formula for this nonstoichiometric material?. 4.The modulus of elasticity for titanium carbide (TiC) having 5 vol% porosity is 310 GPa (6 45?psi). a) Calculate the modulus of elasticity for the nonporous 10 material. b) At what volume percent porosity will the modulus of elasticity be 240 GPa (6 10 35?psi)? 5.Calculate the room-temperature electrical conductivity of silicon that has been doped with 2×1024m?3 of boron atoms. 6.Explain why a brass lid ring on a glass canning jar will loosen when heated. Suppose the ring is made of tungsten instead of brass. What will be the effect of heating the lid and the jar? Why? 7.Zinc telluride has a band gap of 2.26 eV. Over what range of wavelengths of visible light is it transparent? What might be its color? 8.Selecting one of the advanced materials listed below(including, but not limited to), mak e a PPT with text and graphics to describe characteristics and applications of the materials, then present your PPT in class in 5 minites . TiNi-based Shape memory alloy,GaAs photonic crystal,LiNbO3 laser crystal,PZT pizeoelectrics,NiCuZn-ferrite,BiFeO3 multiferroics,ZnO Nanorods,graphene,Fullerene,cathode materials for Li-ion batteries,amorphous silicon thin film transistors,polycrystalline silicon thin films by vacuum evaporation,carbon nanotube membrane,Nonlinear Optical Crystals,etc. (List all your references. Answers without proper references will receive no credit.)

对作业的不同看法(Different Opinions on Homework)

对作业的不同看法(Different Opinions on Homework) theconflictoverwhatorhowmuchhomeworkshouldbecomespartlyfromthefa ctthatpeoplecan'tseemtoagreeonthepurposeofhomework.whatdoteachers think?someteachersthinkthathomeworkisnecessarytoreinforcewhatislearn edinschool.andsotheyasktheirstudentstomemorizewhatwasdiscussedinclas sthroughhomework.someteachersthinkthepointofhomeworkistocovermat erialthattheclassdidn'thavetimetogetto,sotheirhomeworkistoletstudentsle arnadditionalthings.otherteacherslikehomeworksimplybecausetheywantst udentstoformworkhabitsandstillothersbelievehomeworkisnecessarybecau seitisthebestwayforparentstolearnwhattheirchildrendoinschool.parent'sop inions?butmanyparentsseemtohavedifferentideas.elissacohen,whohastwin satlafayetteelementaryschool,doesn'tlikethefactthatthethird-gradestudentsinelementaryschoolsareaskedtowriteabout25booksummarie sayear."theydothesamethingoverandoverwithoutreallygettingintoaltertnat ewaysofthinkingaboutbooksandthinkingaboutreadingandwriting."experts' opinions?someeducationreformers,suchashowardgardner,aharvardunivers ityprofessor,well- knownforhistheoryonmultipleintelligence,thinkthatcohenisontherighttrack .butitisoftenhardtopersuadeoverworkedteacherstogivemuchthoughttoho meworktasks.对作业的不同看法关于应该留什么样的作业或者留多少


Homework1 1,show that U={(a,b,0)|a,b∈R}is a subspace of R3by proving it’s the span by vectors in R3.Find at least2sets of span-ning sets. Proof: Let V=span{(1,0,0),(0,1,0)}is a subspace.We want to prove U=V. Since(a,b,0)=a(1,0,0)+b(0,1,0)∈V,?U?V. And?x,y∈R,x(1,0,0)+y(0,1,0)=(x,y,0)∈U,?V?U. In all,U=V. {(1,1,0),(1,0,0)}is also a possible spanning set. 2,show that S={(a,b,1)|a,b∈R}cannot be a subspace. Proof: Take two vectors v1=(a1,b1,1),v2=(a2,b2,1),they are both in the set S. The addition of the two vectors:v1+v2=(a1+a2,b1+b2,2)∈S,?The set S is not closed under linear combination,so it’s not a subspace. 3,What is the dimension of Q={ax+ax2+bx3|a,b∈R}. Solution: The dimension of Q equals the size of a basis of Q(obviously Q is a vector space).Q can be written as span{x+x2,x3}.So the dim(Q) is2. 4,De?ne for p∈P n(a,b),the function N(p)=max a≤x≤b|p′(x)|, show that this is not a norm on P n(a,b). We just need to present an example of p. Let p(x)=1,then N(p)=max a≤x≤b|0|=0.If N(p)is a norm, p(x)=0,contradiction to the?rst property of norm. 5,show that x ∞is a norm. proof: 1.Let x=(x1,...,x n),Obviously, x ∞=max i|x i|≥0 if x ∞=0,|x i|≤0?x i=0,for i=1,...,n.So if x ∞=0,then x=0. 2.Letα∈C, 1


USTB Operations Management Homework Assignments By Dr. Zhu,xiaoning Student Name: 黄诗蕴 Take-Home Problem Solving and Essay Questions Problem #1-Decision Science (Module 10 Decision Analysis used) ABC is planning to publish 2CD titles: Discos in 70’s and Romantic 60’s. It is expected that payoff from 70’s will be $100K if demand is low and $600K if demand is high. It is also expected that payoff from 60’s will be $200K if demand is low and $400K if demand is high. a)Which title should ABC goes first based on Maximin(中间), Maximax(第一个), Minimax Regret and Laplace(最后)? b)Give your final recommendation. (a) Maximin如下图 分析:保守型方案,认为两种CD需求都low,但是推荐价格高的商品(60s的CD) Maximax如下图 分析:乐观方案,认为两种商品需求都高。并且推荐价格更高的商品(60s的CD)。 Minimax regret and laplace如下图 分析:悲观的方案,认为两种CD需求都小,使用Minimax,得出解决方案为70s定价为$100K,60s 定价为$200K。并且推荐价格低的商品(70s) (b)综合分析 Maxmin策划的分析:保守型方案,认为两种CD需求都low,因此得出解决方案为70s定价为$100K,60s定价为$200K。但是推荐价格高的商品(60s的CD)。 Maximax分析:乐观方案,认为两种商品需求都高。因此得出解决方案为70s定价为$600K,60s定价为$400K,并且推荐价格更高的商品(70s的CD)。 Minmax策划的分析:悲观的方案,认为两种CD需求都小。得出解决方案为70s定价为$100K,60s定


《物理教学论》课堂作业(2011.11.12) Why is homework important? 09级应电(1)班李宏/40906282 子曰:温故而知新。这里的巩固知识应该就是前者“温故”的含义。遵照人的记忆与遗忘的规律,老师通过布置家庭作业让学生巩固已学的知识,对于学生掌握知识很重要。 因为课外作业是对课堂教学的有效延伸,是知识的巩固和深化,是学生课外学习的重要手段。 对学生来说,首先,通过家庭作业可以增强学习技巧和巩固所学的知识,及时了解自己的学习情况,在作业中遇到不懂的地方,可以及时请教老师,从而纠正错误,端正学习态度,改进学习方法,争取更好的成绩。 其次,通过家庭作业可以发现学生弱点,孩子的家庭作业要靠自己完成,一些学习上的薄弱环节,在课堂上没能融会理解的知识点可以在写作业中自己发现和弥补,从而提高学习效率。 再次,通过家庭作业可以从小培养学生自主学习和完善学习方法。通过举一反三,学习新知识,掌握新方法尽心尽力完成老师留的作业,加强对知识点的理解,思考完善学生思维。改善自己的学习方法。 对于教师来说,布置家庭作业是教学的一个重要组成部分,是获取教学反馈信息的重要手段。布置课后作业,老师可以通过一个班学生的作业完成情况,了解到“教”的整体效果;通过一个孩子的作业完成情况,老师可以了解到这个孩子对"学"的掌握程度; 批改学生的作业,通过多次作业的累积完成情况,老师可以了解学生之间的性格智力差异及特性, 发现学生学习的难点和弱点,及时调整教学方法和教学重点,教师可以及时获得教学的反馈信息,以便于更好的服务教学。 最后,我很赞同教育心理学家话:“兴趣是最好的老师。”因此,我们布家庭作业要起到激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习积极性的作用。如:要求学生写生字生的作业,一般不超过三遍的。对学生来说,每学一个生字,刚开始感到新鲜有趣,但如果每次作业总是机械的重复抄写,就会使学生感到枯燥无味,从而会分散注意力得不到好的教学效果。 Homewok is important!


Exercise 2 Question 2. Computer Purchase Let us assume that you are purchasing a new computer for a specific usage. You need to choose a computer from various available configurations. Listed below are four different usage cases of a computer (a-d). For each usage case, identify components of the computer configuration that are most important to consider. Explain your answers. Components to be considered include (but are not limited to): ?Monitor size/resolution ?Graphics card/video card ?Storage devices (for example, DVD-ROM) ?Memory (RAM, cache, and hard disk) ?Disk controller interfaces (ATA, EIDE) For example, if a computer were to be used for viewing movies, a DVD-ROM drive is needed since movies are available as CDs and now increasingly as DVDs. A l arge monitor (about 19”) that supports high resolutions and a video card will also be necessary to enjoy the movie. a. Simultaneously running a number of programs Large capacity memory (at least 1G ) is needed to stores data and instructions needed to execute programs when a number of programs run. In order to resolve this question, we should select the appropriate processor.T he Intel? Core? Duo processor with its two execution cores is optimized for multi-threaded applications and multitasking. You can simultaneously run multiple demanding applications, such as 3-D games or serious scientific research programs, while downloading files or running virus-scanning security programs in the background. b. Running a speed-critical application Considering system running speed: AMD processor is typically with less cost, sometimes even faster than Intel's products. So the AMD Opteron? processor is needed. The AMD Opteron processors with Direct Connect Architecture and HyperTransport? Technology deliver leading-edge 32-bit performance today and enable you to transition to 64-bit computing at your own pace, without sacrificing your x86 technology investment. A mother board with high speed front side bus is needed

高二英语Homework Exercise课后作业和答案

Homework Exercise Ⅰ.单词拼写 1.The room was filled with _________as students waited for the test to begin. 2.She is ___________with her money.She must lend some money to you. 3.The palace is full of priceless _________________(古董). 4.The need to communicate is a key _____________(特征) of human society. 5.We were disappointed that they insisted on such a(n) _______(死板的) explanation of the rules.Ⅰ.选词填空 be bent on,would rather...than...,on the run,be set in,at a time 1.Work while you work,play while you play.One thing_____________ works better. 2.She’s always _______________. 3.The film _______________ the old village. 4.She __________________ making life difficult for me. 5.Most people _________________stay at home ___________go out. Ⅲ.完成句子 1.真奇怪这位母亲竟然虐待自己的孩子。 ____________________________________________________ 2.这所学校的一些地方急需维修。 ____________________________________________________ 3.这条路蜿蜒穿过山间。 ____________________________________________________ 4.他们试图保护这个镇不受攻击,结果没有成功。 ____________________________________________________ 5.我有很多事要做,每天都忙忙碌碌。 ____________________________________________________ Ⅳ.单项填空 1.The website just offered a brief introduction the whole book for us to read. A.rather than B.more than C.other than D.less than 2.Can you and touch your toes without ? A.bend down;bending your knees B.bend over;bending your knees C.bend down;bend your knees D.bend over;bend your knees 3.Armed with the information you have gathered, you can______ preparing your business plan. A.set out B.set about C.set off D.set up 4. Traditionally,college students hold a graduation ceremony to encourage themselves before they on their life journey. A.give up B.settle down C.get through D.set off

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