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期末英语复习资料 C.K.



Unit 5

There is a deep hurt that I feel as a mother. Some days it is a feeling of uselessness. I remember how carefully I ate when I was pregnant, how patiently I taught my daughter how to cross a street safely. For what, I sometimes wonder; so that she can struggle to breathe through most of her life feeling half her strength, and then die of self-poisoning, as her grandfather did?

There is a quotation from a battered women’s shelter that I especially like: “Peace on earth begins at home. ”I believe everything does. I think of a quotation for people trying to stop smoking : “Every home is a no-smoking zone. ”Smoking is a form of self-battering that also batters those who must sit by, occasionally joke or complain, and helplessly w atch. I realize now that as a child I sat by, through the years, and literally watched my father kill himself: Surely one such victory in my family, for the prosperous leaders who own the tobacco companies, is enough.

Unit 6

Naturally, the name change didn’t cause Debbie/Lynne’s professional achievement—but it surely helped if only by adding a bit of self-confidence to he talents. Social scientists say that what you’re called can affect your lie. Throughout history, names have not merely identified people but also described them. “As his name is, so is he. ”says the Bible, and Webster’s Dictionary includes the following definition of name: “a word or words expressing some quality considered characterist ic or disapproval”. Note well“approval or disapproval”. For better or worse, qualities such as friendliness or reserve, plainness or charm may be suggested by your name and conveyed to other people before they even meet you.

Names become attached to specific images, as anyone who’s been called“a plain Jane”or“just an average Joe”can show, The latter name particularly bothers me since my name is Joe, which some think makes me more qualified to be a baseball player than, say, an art critic. Y et, despite this disadvantage, I did manage to become an art critic for a time. Even so, one prominent magazine consistently refused to print“Joe”in my by-line, using my first initials, J.S., instead. I suspect that if I were a more refined Arthur or Adrian, the name would have appeared complete.

Unit 7

The main predictors of destructive levels of stress are the FUD factors—fear, uncertainty and doubt—together with perceived lack of control, he says.

For many people, the root of their stress is anger, and the trick is to find out where the anger is coming from. “Does the anger come from a feeling that everything must be perfect?”Eliot asks. “That’s very common in professional women. They feel they have to be all things to all people and do it all perfectly. They think,‘I should, I must, I have to.’Good enough is never good enough. Perfectionists can not delegate. They get angry that they have to carry it all, and they blow their

tops. Then they feel guilty and they start the whole cycle over again.”

Unit 8

If we cannot, then that is a conviction against our educational system—kindergarten, elementary, secondary and higher. In a time of increasing specialization, more than ever, we need to know what is truly important in life.

This is where age and maturity enter. Most people, somewhere between the age of 30 and 50, finally arrive at the inevitable conclusion that they were meant to do more than serve a corporation, a government agency, or whatever.

Most of us finally have the insight that quality of life is not entirely determined by a balance sheet. Sure, everyone wants to be financially comfortable, but we also want to feel we have a perspective on the world beyond the confines of our occupation; we want to be able to render service to our fellow men and to our God.

Unit 9

Her early identification of my own gift for words gave her purpose and from then on, her whole life started to revolve around helping me to develop my talents. Though very poor, she signed us up for a set of books for intermediate and advanced readers. One book arrived by mail each month for just 39 cents.

What I read with joy, though, were newspapers. I lapped up every word about monstrous crimes, awful accidents and terrible acts committed against people in faraway wars and the refugees who had to escape from their home countries. Accounts of police corruption and murderers dying in the electric chair fascinated me.


Unit 1

My brother, Jimmy, did not get enough oxygen during a difficult delivery, leaving him with brain damage, and two years later I was born. Since then, my life revolved around my brother’s. Accompanying my growing up was always“go out and play and take your brother with you”.I couldn’t go anywhere without him, so I urged the neighborhood kids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun.

My mother taught Jimmy practical things like how to brush his teeth or put on a belt. My father, a saint, simply held the house together with his patience and understanding. I was in charge outside where I administered justice by tracking down the parents of the kids who picked on my brother, and telling on them.

Unit 2

Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, respectively. But the radio is even greater among active women, affecting up to 80 percent of female endurance athletes. This means, Lyle says, that“too many women ignore the amount of iron take in”. Women of childbearing age are at greatest risk, since their monthly bleeding is a major source of iron loss. Plus, many health-conscious women increase their risk by rejecting red meat, which contains the most easily absorbed form of iron. And because women often restrict their diet in an effort to control weight, they may not consume enough iron-rich food, and are liable to experience a deficiency.

“The average woman takes in only two thirds of recommended daily allowance of iron,”notes another expect.“For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency,”notes the expert.

Unit 3

The Hyde School operates on the principle that if you teach the merit of such values as truth, courage, integrity,leadership, curiosity and concern, then academic achievement naturally follows. Hyde School founder Joseph Gauld claims success with the program at the $18,000-a-year high school in Bath, Maine, which has received considerable publicity for its work with troubled youngsters.

“We don’t see ourselves as a school for a type of kid,”says Malcolm Gauld, Joseph’s son, who graduated Hyde and is now headmaster. “We see ourselves as preparing kids for a way of life—by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles can affect all kids.”



Unit 5

1. 他说话很自信,给我留下了很深的印象。(Use“which”to refer back to an idea or situation)

He spoke confidently, which impressed me most.

2. 我父亲太爱忘事,总是在找钥匙。(Use“so…that…”to emphasize the degree of something)

My father is so forgetful that he is always looking for his keys.

3. 我十分感激你给我的帮助。(be grateful for)

I'm very grateful to you for all the help you have given me.

4. 光线不足,加上地面潮湿,使得驾驶十分困难。(coupled with)

The bad light, coupled with the wet ground, made driving very difficult.

5. 由于缺乏资金,他们不得不取消了创业计划。(starve of)

Being starved of funds, they had to cancel their plan to start a business.

6. 每当有了麻烦,他们总是依靠我们(lean to)

They always lean on us whenever they are in trouble.

Unit 6

1. 就像机器需要经常运转一样,身体也需要经常锻炼。(as…so…)

(Just) as a machine needs regular running, so does the body need regular exercise.

2. 在美国学习时,他学会了弹钢琴。(while+V-ing)

He learned to play the piano while studying in the United States.

3. 令我们失望的是,他拒绝了我们的邀请。(turn down)

T o our disappointment, he turned down our invitation.

4. 真实情况是,不管是好是坏,随着新科技的进步,世界发生了变化。(for better or worse)

The reality is that, for better or worse, the world has changed with advance of new technologies.

5. 我班里的大多数女生在被要求回答问题时都似乎感到不自在。(ill at ease)

Most of the female students in my class appear to be ill at ease when (they are) required to answer questions.

6. 当地政府负责运动会的安全。(take charge of)

The local government took charge of the security for the sports meeting.

Unit 7

1. 在会上,除了其他事情,他们还讨论了目前的经济形势。(among other things)

At the meeting they discussed, among other things, the present economic situation.

2. 我对大自然了解得越多,就越痴迷于大自然的奥秘。(the more…the more…)

The more I learned about the nature, the more absorbed I became in its mystery.

3. 医生建议说,有压力的人要学会做一些新鲜有趣、富有挑战性的事情,好让自己的负面情绪有发泄的渠道。(recommend that…should…)

The doctor recommends that those stressed people should try something new, interesting and challenging in order to give their negative feelings an outlet.

4. 那个学生的成绩差,但老师给他布置了更多的作业,而不是减少作业量。(instead of; cut


The teacher gives more homework to the student who has bad grades instead of cutting it own.

5. 相比之下,美国的父母更趋向于把孩子的成功归因于天赋。(attribute to)

By contrast, American parents are more likely to attribute their children's success to natural talent.

6. 教师首先要考虑的事情之一是唤起学生的兴趣,激发他们的创造性。(priority;stimulate)

One of a teacher's priorities is to stimulate students' interests and their creativity.

Unit 8

1. 她一点儿也不知道这幅画有一天居然会价值100多万美金。(Use“little”at the beginning

of the sentence)

Little did she know that this picture would one day be worth more than a million dollars.

2. 虽然我理解你说的话,但是我不同意你在这个问题上的看法。(Use“while”in the sense of


While I understand what you say, I don’t agree with you on the issue.

3. 我认为警察的职责就是保护人民。(be meant to do sth.)

I think the police are meant to protect people.

4. 昨天我去看他,却发现他已于几天前出国了。(only to do sth.)

I went to see him yesterday, only to find that he had gone abroad several days before.

5. 在每周例会上,每个人的发言都不能偏离会议议题。(confine to)

At the weekly meeting, everyone must confine their remarks to the subject.

6. 要是我没有说那些愚蠢的话该多好!那是我太年轻,不能明辨是非。(if only; distinguish

right from wrong)

If only I hadn’t said those silly words! I was too young then to distinguish righ t from wrong.

Unit 9

1. 我确信自己一定会有出息,即使至今我还没做出大的业绩。(make sth.of sb.; even though)

I am sure that I will make something of myself, even though I have not achieved any

major success so far.

2. 我这我么多年来如此努力,我觉得自己应该有个好的前途。(be entitled to)

I have been working hard for so many years; I feel I am entitled to a good future.

3. 当她丈夫离她而去,只留给她生活的残局去收拾时,他心智失常了。(pick up the pieces)

When her husband deserted her, leaving her with nothing but scattered pieces of life to pick up, she went insane.

4. 从我的立场看,母亲当时过于严厉,并没有顾及我的感受。(from one’s standpoint)

From my standpoint, Mother was too hard on me then, without taking my feelings into account.

5. 当我登上事业的顶峰时,常萦绕在我心头的是母亲说过的话:“面对生活,不放弃。”(in face


When I reached the summit of my professional career, mother's words "Never be a quitter in face of life" were constantly in my mind.

6. 你应该知道,不能在大街上踢足球。(know better)

Y ou should know better than to play football in the street.


Unit 1

1. 无论你是多么富有经验的演说家,无论你做了多么充分的准备,你都很难再这样嘈杂的

招待会上发表演讲。(no matter what)

No matter how experienced a speaker you are, and how well you have prepared your speech, you will have difficulty making a speech at such a noisy reception.

2. 就像吉米妹妹的朋友都关心吉米一样,吉米也关心他们。(just us)

Just as all his sister’s friends cared about him, Jimmy cared about them.

3. 汽车生产商在新车的几处都印有汽车识别号码,以便帮助找回被盗的车辆。(track down)

Car manufacturers stamp a vehicle identification number at several places on new cars to help track down stolen vehicles.

4. 老师回来时你敢告我的状的话,我就不再和你说话了。(tell on)

If you dare tell on me when the teacher gets back I won’t say a word to you any more.

5. 有些老年人愿意独自过日子,但大多数老人选择和儿女一起生活。(on one’s on)

Some elderly people prefer to live on their own while the great majority choose to live with their children.

6. 现在需要面对的事情是:如何筹划创建公司所需的资金。(reckon with)

Here is something that needs to be reckoned with: how to get the necessary finances to establish the company.

Unit 2

1. 被告是位年仅30岁的女子,他坚持称自己无罪。(Use an appositive)

The defendant, a woman of only 30, kept insisting on her own innocence.

2. 总体看来,枣、豆类以及一些多叶的绿色蔬菜是最好的铁质来源。(Use an absolute

structure )

All tings considered, dates, beans and some leafy green vegetables are the best sources of iron.

3. 正餐时不供应饮料,饮料会影响消化。(interfere with)

No beverages are served with meals because they interfere with digestion.

4. 考虑到那个地区受欢迎的程度,提前订旅馆是明智的。(advisable)

T aking the popularity of the region into consideration, it is advisable to book hotels in advance.

5. 服药后若有呕吐感,请立即停止并尽快咨询医生。(throw up)

If you have a feeling of wanting to throw up after taking this drug, stop taking it immediately and consult your doctors as soon as possible.

6. 总结这次讨论时,他说双方都要好好考虑怎样以最有效的方法来解决这一问题。(sum up)

Summing up the discussion, he said both parties should consider the most effective way to solve the problem.

Unit 3

1. 在思维方面,与他的行为一样,他是非常传统的。(Use“as”with the meaning of“in the way

that, in the manner that, like”.)

In his thinking, as in his behavior, he is very traditional.

2. 教师一旦同意接受新的教学计划,他们就得面对新计划所带给他们的压力。(Use“once”

as a conjunction with the meaning“from the moment that”.)

Once the teachers agree to accept the new teaching program, they have to face the strain it puts on them.

3. 从长远看,大学毕业后继续深造而不是直接参加工作是值得的。(in the long run,


In the long run, it is worthwhile to pursue one’s study after graduating from university instead of going to work directly.

4. 由于这所学校的办学宗旨是品德第一,所以道德观和学习成绩受到同样的重视。(operate


As the school operates on the Character First principle, moral values and academic achievements are stressed equally.

5. 据说,原定于这个月召开的会议将推迟到下个月召开。(be scheduled to, put off)

It is said that the meeting, which is scheduled to be held this month, will be put off till next month.

6. 这所学校把为学生做好人生准备当作其职责,办法是倡导一整套能使所有学生受益的道德标准。(see as)

The school sees its job as preparing its students for life by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles that can benefit all of them.

大二下英语复习 课文翻译

传统上,中文里没有隐私这一概念。这是因为在中国,集体主义这一价值观受到高度赞扬。另一方面,中国人喜欢和家人住在一起,他们认为这样显示了和谐的人际关系。我们甚至看到在中国,不同的家庭住在一个大院子里。在这样的居住环境下是没有隐私可言的。因此,中国人觉得凡事不必隐藏。 Traditionally, there is no equivalent term for “privacy” in Chinese. This is because the value of collectivism is praised highly in China. On the other hand, Chinese people enjoy living together with their family members because it is a way to show harmonious human relationship. It is not strange for us to find that even people from different families share a big courtyard in China. With such arrangements, privacy would be hardly possible. So, Chinese people feel that nothing should be concealed. Unit 4 中国中小学生的想象力和创造力相当贫乏。经过对21个国家的调查,中国儿童计算能力排名第一,而想象力排在最后,创造力排名倒数第五。对此,专家们建议通过立法加强中国中小学生的“想象力教育”。儿童缺乏想象力是一个关乎中国科学界命运的问题。中国的考试制度严重制约了学生的想象力和创造力,中国的教育体制的改革应该从解放儿童的好奇心开始。 China's primary and middle school students' imagination and creative ability are quite poor. In a survey of 21 countries, the counting ability of Chinese children ranked No.1, while imagination ranked at the bottom and creative ability ranked fifth from the bottom. Regarding this, experts suggest strengthening imagination-oriented education for China's primary and middle school students through legislation. The lack of imagination among Chinese children is a matter of concern for the scientific world. The examination system in China has severely restricted students’ imagination and creativity, and the reform of China's education system should start with the liberation of children's curiosity.


Unit5 Ex. 5 Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. 1. I have to question the of forcing the injured to pay for the damage to the equipment. morality 2. Nothing will stop them in their for truth. quest 3. I think the way she’s been treated is a(n) disgrace. downright 4. He taking a more long-term view. advocated 5. This writer, as well as his ______, was interested in the same subjects. contemporaries 6. She says he’ll come back, but she’s herself. deceiving 7. Some people think that uncontrolled economic growth and environmental stability are mutually . exclusive 8. He got ten years in prison for withholding evidence and the course of justice. obstructing 9. Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were . captured 10. A guilty prevented her from sleeping at night. conscience EX7 1. After a few years as a doctor he left the profession and ______ journalism. took to


重点单词扩充讲解: 1. organizational: a 组织上的 由此我们可以联想到:organize: v 组织;organization: n 组织;organizer: n 组织者 请看下列习题,选择该组词里恰当的词填空: 1). Last week, our school __organized_____ a spring outing. 2). The task calls for the highest _organizational_ skill. 3). China has joined World Trade _organization_________. 4). He is the ____organizer______ of the speech contest. Answers: organized, organizational, Organization, organizer 2. objective: n 目标; a 客观的,反义词subjective: 主观的 3. predict: v 预言、预示; 由此我们可以联想到:prediction: n 预言;predictable: a 可预测的;predictor: n 预言家 4. simplify: v 简化 由此我们可以联想到:simple: a 简单的;simply: ad 简单地,仅仅地;simplification: n 简化;simplified: a 被简

Exercises for the above words: 1). The machine is simple_____ in operation but complex in structure. 2). Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet in the original is beyond our capacity while __simplified__ edition is quite easy. 3). There is no point in arguing about it, becau se it is __simply_____ a question of procedure. 4). The _simplification_____ of working process freed the workers fro heavy labor. Answers: simple; simplified; simply; simplification 5. tendency: n 趋势、倾向;tend : v 倾向于…,tend to do sth e.g. old people have the tendency of getting fatter. Or old people tend to get fatter. 6. managerial: a 经理的、经营上的; 由此我们可以联想到:manage: v管理、经营;management: n; manager: n 经营者,管理者;manageable: a 可管理的、可经营的。 7. argue: v 争辩、争论,常用固定搭配:argu with sb about/over sth由于某事而同某人争论;argue sb into doing sth说服某人做某事;argue sb out of doing sth说服某人不


自考英语二怎么学 自考英语二怎么学 1 英语(二)词汇记忆方法 英语二词汇要求达到3800词,词组750.有的同学问是不是就只要背下册书的词汇就行了,回答是不够的,肯定是不够的,因为词汇没有说只考下册,上册也要背。但是有人说我短期内怎么记住这些大量的词汇呢?大家词汇学习第一个应该是有一定的时间,因为有的同学说一个星期或者两个星期教给你方法能够记住几千,他这个方法有点儿像变魔术,不太现实,我觉得词汇是一个积累。因为从心理学角度来讲学词汇有两个方向,一个方向是要把词汇学习的时候印象深刻,一个词能够像串葡萄似的串出一串来,比如同义词、反义词、近义词,应该把有关联的词相互记忆。第二,词汇一定得重复,从心理学角度学词必须这样。 2 英语(二)学习重点 英语是一种语言,任何语言都是由词和句子构成的,所以光会了词,不会把这些词组成句子是不行的,因此怎么组成句子呢?得知道组成句子的规则,还有一些习惯用法,你必须要了解这种语言的文化,所以说学英语光学词是不行的,因此是除了学词以外还得学词的用法以及文化,习惯用法就是一种文化,死背根本记不住。为什么记不住?背的这个词应该是灵活的,怎么灵活呢?这个词首先要知道词性是什么,做个句子,学了一个词不会做句子造一个短语,还要大声的念,李阳疯狂英语为什么风靡全国,就是要把词大声地念出来,这样从耳朵里能够听进去的,对大脑的刺激比眼睛里看见的要强得多,所以学习词汇的一个技巧要大声念,要组一个词或者组一个短语,这样记忆比光看两遍、写几遍要好得多。

3 英语(二)考前冲刺方法 最好的方法应该是做冲刺的题目,所谓冲刺的题目就是要做一些题目跟考试的真题一样的,每一部分都是给自己做测试,做模拟题,比如要设定时间是2个半小时,考试是2个半小时,你就要用2个 半小时做模拟卷然后做考试题,因为考试的真题都有答案,最后对 一下答案看得多少分。 4 英语(二)考试如何安排考场时间 考试时间安排,总有最后的翻译题来不及做的这种情况,所以我跟大家讲主观性题目,我刚才说了有30%,一定要留出足够的时间,至少三分之一的时间来做。有一部分比较难的,就像完形填空,那 个只有10分,但是有大部分同学在那儿花的时间太多了,完形填空 一段文章是比较难的,把10个空填进去,如果耗费了很多时间不值得。因为完形填空一般的同学语法知识比较差的话,做不好这道题。但是像第一个题目词汇结构题,如果有一定的语法知识这道题应该 是可以拿到分的。再有阅读理解题,也是30分,有的同学最后来不 及把文章仔细看,就随便乱选了很容易选错,所以把三分之一的时 间一定要留给阅读理解,还有三分之一的时间留给主观性题目就是 翻译题。 注意事项 备考英语(二)最大的资本就是课本,考生最少要留一个月时间,把课文从头到尾复习一遍,力求吃透课本知识。 重复学习法当感到知识已经掌握得的差不多的时候,再重复学一次。这一次也许会获得更深的印象和更多的体会。 换位思考法在自学中,不要老是把你自己当成是“学生”,处于被动地位,而要不断的把自己摆放到“先生”的位置上,采取主动,产生不同的想法来。


第四册unit1sectionA 艺术家追求成名,如同狗自逐其尾,一旦追到手,除了继续追逐不知还能做些什么。 成功之残酷正在于它常常让那些追逐成功者自寻毁灭。 对一名正努力追求成功并刚刚崭露头角的艺术家,其亲朋常常会建议“正经的饭碗不能丢!”他们的担心不无道理。 追求出人头地,最乐观地说也困难重重,许多人到最后即使不是穷困潦倒,也是几近精神崩溃。 尽管如此,希望赢得追星族追捧和同行赞扬之类的不太纯洁的动机却在激励着他 它让你失去自我。你必须是公众认可的那个你,而不是真实的你或是可能的你。艺人,就像政客一样,必须常常说些违心或连自己都不完全相信的话来取悦听众。 一滴名气之水有可能玷污人的心灵这一整口井,因此一个艺术家若能保持真我,会格外让人惊叹。 你可能答不上来哪些人没有妥协,却仍然在这场名利的游戏中获胜。 一个例子就是爱尔兰著名作家奥斯卡·王尔德,他在社交行为和性行为方面以我行我素而闻名于世。虽然他的行为遭到公众的反对,却依然故我,他也因此付出了惨痛的代价。

在一次宴会上,他一位密友的母亲当着他的朋友和崇拜者的面,指责他在性方面影响了她的儿子。 他听了她的话以后大为光火,起诉了这个年轻人的母亲,声称她毁了自己的“好”名声。 但是,他真该请一个更好的律师。 结果是,法官不仅不支持他提出的让这个女人赔偿他名声损失费的请求,反而对他本人进行了罚款。 他由于拒交罚款最终还被送进了监狱。更糟糕的是,他再也无法获得更多公众的宠爱。 在最糟糕的时候,他发现没有一个人愿意拿自己的名声冒险来替他说话。 可能在有生之年你默默无闻,但你可能创作了更好的艺术。 第四册unit2sectionA 他出生在伦敦南部的一个贫困地区。 他穿的短袜是从妈妈的红色长袜上剪下来的。 他的妈妈一度被诊断为精神失常。 狄更斯或许能创作出查理·卓别林的童年故事,


第 1 页 共 11 页 一、听力阅读 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1. A) Change her plan. B) Sell her old house. C) Go on vacation. D) Rent a house. 2. A) An advertisement. B) A part-time job. C) Working hours. D) A phone number. 3. A) No, he ’s too busy. B) The woman hasn ’t been able to ask him yet. C) Yes, even though he ’s busy. D) Richard hasn ’t decided yet. 4. A) He is an accountant. B) He works for the manager. C) He answers the phone. D) He is the manager. 5. A) He left in a hurry. B) He refused to see anyone at the moment. C) He went to the cinema. D) He was standing in front of the door. 6. A) He will get the letter. B) The letter shouldn ’t be in the box. C) He ’s got something important to do. D) The letter has been taken away already. 7. A) the man is not responsible for what happened. B) He should have stopped her. C) He should have been with her. D) He should blame the old lady for her leaving alone. 8. A) Some of us hesitated to go on a picnic. B) The bad weather bored most of us. C) Everybody was willing to go on a picnic. D) We decided to go out on a picnic later. 班级 学号 姓名 命题教师 教研室(系)主任审核(签字) ---------------------------------------------装-----------------------------------------订----------------------------------------线-------------------------------------------- 装 订 线 以 内 不 准 作 任 何 标 记 2010/2011学年第一学期期末试题(卷)


1. The use of atomic energy will _____ the lives of coming generations. A) revolve B) revolutionize C) resolve D) reserve 2. The doctor _____ me to the dangers of smoking. A) informed B) alerted C) warned D) cautioned 3. All work and no play makes Jack a _____ boy. A) monotonous B) boring C) tedious D) dull 4. The _____ domestic product of this year is two times as high as that of last year. A) coarse B) crude C) gross D) raw 5. I may sense the enthusiasm from his youthful _____ voice. A) vibrant

B) shivering C) shaking D) vicious 6. Features such as height, weight, and skin color _____ from individual to individual and from face to face. A) change B) vary C) alter D) convert 7. The engineer explained the plane’s technical _____. A) capacity B) capability C) ability D) competence 8. The _____ of new scientific discoveries to industrial production methods increases efficiency. A) application B) applause C) applicant D) appliance 9. The army was poised _____ a major attack. A) to B) for C) with D) on 10. Parents ____ some of their characteristics to their children.


第一章: 第五题(10页) 1.She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford. 她一家商店一家商店的看,最后以她能付出的价格买了她所需要的东西. 2.He never speaks to me other than ask for something. 除了向我要东西,他从不跟我说话。 3.You should always aim at doing your job well. 你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。 4.She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her sick father. 几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。 5.The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion. 修建这条路是为了缓解交通拥挤。 6.Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between. 社会是由形形色色的人组成的。有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介于两者之间。第六题(11页) 1.The son was watching DVD at home while the parents were working in the fields. 儿子在家看DVD而父母却在田里辛勤劳作。 You like sports, while I prefer music. 你喜欢体育,而我更喜欢音乐。 2.The following are three ways a taxpayer may choose from to calculate the tax based on his/her spouse's salary. 在配偶的收入基础上纳税者可以选择下列三种方式计算应付的税额。 There are so many different CD versions to choose from and I have no idea which one is the best. 可供选择的CD版本太多了,我不知道哪一个版本更好。 3.The old man would sit on a bench in the quiet park and look at others for hours without doing anything or talking to anybody. 老人过去常常坐在宁静的公园里的一条长椅上,看着其他的人,一坐就是数个小时,什么也不干,也不和任何人交谈。 The researchers have concluded that drinking tea does good to the health of people without examining any other factors. 研究者在没有检验任何其他因素的情况下得出结论,认为喝茶有益健康。 4.In such an urgent situation, the focus of our investment should be on new machinery rather than building. 在这样紧急的情况下,投资的重点应该是机器而不是建筑。 I always prefer starting early, rather than leaving everything to the last minute. 我做事总喜欢赶早而不愿意把事情拖到最后。 5.There's nothing on TV tonight, other than rubbish. 今晚的电视没什么看的,都是些垃圾节目。 Because the bridge collapsed last month, you can't get across other than by swimming. I know him? 因为桥上个月坍塌了,你只能游泳过河了。 第九题(15页)


Unit 11 Cyber World I. New words and expressions New words 1. chatline n. (消遣性的)热线电话交谈服务 2. variety n. (同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样 vary vary from…to… 比较:range / shift from…to… various 3. romance n. 恋爱;爱情 romantic 4. bizarre adj. 极其怪诞的;异乎寻常的 5. potential adj. 潜在的;可能的 6. script n. 剧本;广播(或讲话等)稿 7. intimacy n . 亲密;关系密切 intimate 8. initial adj. 最初的;开始的 9. perceive v. 将…视为;认为 10. avalanche n. 雪崩;山崩 11. literary adj. 文学的;文学上的 literature literal literary

literate liberal 12. verse n. 诗;韵文 13. animated adj. 栩栩如生的;(似)能活动的 14. inclination n. 倾向;意愿 incline inclined 15. sweaty adj. 满是汗的;汗津津的 16. palm n. 手掌;手心 17. vary v. 相异;不同 18. convey v. 表达,传递(思想、感情等) 19. polish v. 修改;润饰;润色 20. intellect n. (尤稻高等的)智力,思维逻辑领悟力 21. personality n. 性格;个性;人格 22. sequence n. 顺序;次序 23. reverse v. 颠倒;彻底转变;使完全相反 24. veil v. 掩饰;掩盖 unveil 揭露,揭开 25. intellectual adj. 智力的;脑力的;理智的 26. familiarity n. 熟悉;通晓 familiar familiarize


2014年4月自考英语二00015试题及答案 第一部分:阅读判断(10*1分) Running: sport or way of life? You go through the channels several times and find that once again there’s nothing on TV that interests you. Not a problem! Just put on some running shoes and comfortabl e clothes and go for a run. One of the best things about the sport of running is that you d on’t need expensive equipment. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and a safe environment. But d on’t be fool ed into thinking the sport of running is easy. It requires discipline and concentration. Running is good for you both physically and mentally. It strengthens your heart, lungs, and muscl es. It makes you more aware of your body. Running also improves your body so that you d on’t get sick as easily. It can even help you to stay more focused in school because exercise helps you to think more cl early. How d o you get engaged in the sport if you d on’t know much about it? Most schools offer running programs. A simpl e Internet search can help you find some in your area. The programs show you how running can offer competition or just be for fun. They also teach runners to set practical goals and take care of their bodies. Runners have great respect for each other because they know how difficult the sport can be. If you go to a race, you’ll see peopl e cheering for all the runners. Running isn’t always about how fast you are running or how far you’re going. It’s about getting out there and d oing it. Participation is more important than competition, and effort is recognized over talent. It you’re looking for more than just a sport, running may be the perfect choice for you. 1.You may find it interesting to go for a run. A.True B. False C. Not Given 2.The sport of running is easy. A.True B. False C. Not Given 3.It’s hard to find a safe environment for running.

大二下学期英语课后标准翻译 (根据教师参考书整理 仅供参考)

大二下学期英语课后标准翻译(根据教师参考书整理仅供参考) Unit 1 1.随着职务的提升,他担负的责任也更大了。 With his promotion,he has taken on greater responsibilities. 2.他感到他没有必要再一次对约翰承担这样的责任了。 He felt he did not have to make such a commitment to John any more. 3.闲暇时玛丽喜欢外出购物,与他相反,露西却喜欢待在家里看书。Mary likes to go shopping in her spare time,as opposed to Lucy,who prefers to stay at home reading. 4.说好听一点,可以说他有抱负,用最糟糕的话来说他是一个没有良心或没有资格的权利追求者。 At best he's ambitious, and at worst a power—seeker without conscience or qualifications. 5.我们已经全力说服他,但是却毫无进展。 We have striven to the full to convince him , but we have made no headway. Unit 2 1.他要是适合当校长,那么哪个学生都可以当。 He is no more fit to be a headmaster than any schoolboy would be. 2.至于他的父亲,他不敢肯定他是否会接受她和她的小孩。 As for her father ,she is not sure whether he will accept her and her baby. 3.晚睡会损害健康而早睡早起有益于健康。 Staying up late will undermine one's health while going to bed early and getting up early will benefit it.


选择题 1.If you love plants, the chances are you buy them on impulse and then wonder where to put them. 如果你喜欢植物,机会是你买的冲动,然后不知道放在哪里。 1. If you have to go through a smoke-filled area, you’d better crawl with your head low. 如果你必须去通过一个烟雾缭绕的区域,你会更好地抓取你的头低。 2. Mother motioned my brother to keep his voice down but he ignored her. 母亲示意我的兄弟降低他的声音,但他忽略了她。 3. If doing one thing gives you an unpleasant feeling, the normal reaction would be to stop doing it. 如果做一件事,给你一种不愉快的感觉,正常的反应是停止做它。 4. Among these articles, which do you think are most likely to interest our students? 在这些文章中,你认为哪一篇是最有可能吸引我们的学生 5. Long after even the latest apple tree had broken into leaf, the mulberry’s branches remained stubbornly bare.很久以后,甚至最后种的的苹果树都长了叶子,桑树枝仍然光秃秃的。 6. These schools come under the supervision of locally appointed committees. 这些学校在当地任命的委员会的监督下。 7. We should see ourselves as part of nature rather in conflict with it. 我们应该把自己作为自然的一部分,而不是与它相冲突。 8. These rows of small trees grate owing close together create living walls for shelter and privacy in the garden. 这些排小树相互依靠形成一堵墙保护了房屋和隐私。 9. Don’t hesitate to let me know if there is anything I can do for you. 不要犹豫,让我知道,如果有什么我可以为你做什么。 10.During the nine months before her baby is born, her face is one perpetual smile. 她的宝宝出生前九个月期间,她的脸是一个永恒的微笑。 11.Traditional Chinese food is far superior to McDonald’s and KFC or any other fast foods I know. 传统的中国食品是远远优于麦当劳和肯德基或任何其他快餐食品,我知道的。 12.Under this law, consumers have the right to reject faulty goods and demand a refund. 根据这项法律,消费者有权拒绝劣质商品,并要求退款。 13.I was shocked by the conditions in the factory, which constituted definite health and safety hazards. 我感到震惊的是在工厂的条件,构成一定的健康和安全隐患。 14.His bedroom consists of a single bed with a small television at its foot. 他的卧室包括一张单人床,一个小电视在它的脚下。 15.Linda is 35years old and, after two close relationships, the prospect of staying single depresses her. 琳达35 岁,结束两段感情后,单身的现状使她很沮丧。 16.Lucy, who did not even go to grade school, had no prospect of a job at the time. 露西,那时候没有去读书,当时也没有有前途的工作。 17.The workers in the factory stopped working in protest against their foreman using bad language. 在工厂的工人停止工作,抗议他们的工头使用脏话。 18.This technique is traditionally thought to be of Chinese origin.传统上,这种技术被认为是


自考“英语(二)”复习资料 第一单元 1.常考单词: goal,objective,accomplish,predict,accompany,implement,tendency,achievement,argue,budget,define,entity 2. 常考词组: in the way,in part,point of view,contribute to,to apply for,in hand,to turn down 3. 常考句子: 1)A decision is a choice made from among alternative courses of action that are available. 2)Often managers must make a best guess at what the future will be and try to leave as little as possible to chance. 3)If there is no choice,there is no decision to be made. 4)For managers every decision has constraints based on politics,procedures,laws,precedents and the like. 5)For example,managers sometimes treat problems in an either/or fashion. 6)Decision makers must have some way of determining which of several alternatives is best - that is,which contributes the most to the achievement of organizational goals. 7)In the larger scheme of things,however,increased funding for research to improve the products might be more beneficial to the organization. 8)Some of these objectives are more important than others,but the order and degree of importance often vary form person to person and from department to department. 第二单元 1.常考单词: escape,explode,collapse,shrink,gravity,measurement,basis,launch,convincing,companion,speculation,swallow,operate,to make use of,a great many,above all 2. 常考句子: 1)Astronomers and scientists think that a black hole is a region of space into which matter has fallen and from which nothing can escape. 2)The theory is that some stars explode when their density increases to a particular point. 3)Some people think that the Start of Bethlehem could have been a supernova. 4)If a man fell into a black hole,he would think that he reached the center of it very quickly. 5)It is only recently that astronomers have begun specific research into black holes. 6)On the other hand,scientists have suggested that every advanced technology could one day make use of the energy of black holes for mankind. 第三单元 1.常考单词: weaken deteriorate debate legal request criterion ensure oppose tradition consideration disabled burden vulnerable prohibition sensitive 2. 常考词组: to debate on to make request for be opposed to to take … into account 3. 常考句子: 1)Affected with a serious disease,van Wendal was no longer able to speak clearly and he knew there was no hope of recovery and that his condition was rapidly deteriorating. 2)Van Wendel's last three months of life before being given a final,lethal injection by his doctor were filmed and first shown on television last year in the Netherlands. 3)The programme has since been bought by 20 countries and each time it is shown,it starts a nationwide debate on the subject. 4)What those people who oppose euthanasia are telling me is that dying people haven't the right. 第四单元 1.常考单词: demestic statistics diplomat exploit campaign execute convict despite de serving shelf minimum status deport 2. 常考句子: 1)There are estimated to be more than 20,000 overseas domestic servants working in Britain. 2)Of these 20,000,just under 2,000 are being exploited and abused by their employers. 3)The sad condition of women working as domestics around the world received much media attention earlier this year in several highly publicized cases. 4)A Filipino maid was executed in Singapore after being convicted of murder,despite protests form various quarters that her guilt had not been adequately established. 5)She used to work for a very low wage at a tea factory in Sri Lanka. 6)Because she found it difficult to feed her four children,she accepted a job working as a domestic in London. 7)So if they do complain,they risk being deported. 第五单元 1.常考单词: Musician,rhythmic,distinct, consciousness,originate,readily, instrument,electronic,thereby, passive,participant 2. 常考词组: to take place to take over to take on in a sense at a stretch to serve as in advance for the sake of 3. 常考句子: 1)The new music was built out of materials already in existence. 2)Folk music,old and modern, was popular among college students. 3)They freely took over elements form jazz,from American country music. 4)With records at home, listeners imitated these lighting effects as best they could. 第六单元 1.常考单词: efficiency increasingly inst all personnel expose reduc tion completion specific s witch critical intensity s cale defective 2. 常考词组: in that in question plenty of 3. 常考句子: 1)Most of today's robots are employed in the automotive industry,where they are programmed to take over such jobs as welding and spray painting automobile and truck bodies. 2)Robots,already taking over human tasks in the automotive field are beginning to be seen,although

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