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Part ⅠListening Comprehension

Section A(每题1分)1.A 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.A 7.B

Section B(每题1分)8.B 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.C 13.B 14.A

Section C(每题1分)15.D 16.B 17.C 18.B 19.D

Section D(每题1分)

20. common 21. usually 22. pay in cash 23. on the rise 24. taking the bus

Part ⅡVocabulary and Structure

Section A(每题1分)

25.B 26.D 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.C 31.D 32.A 33.B 34.D

Section B(每题1分)

35. to see 36. be delivered 37. sending 38. equipment 39. cheaper

Part ⅢReading Comprehension

Task 1(每题2分)40.C 41.D 42.A 43.B 44.A

Task 2(每题2分)45.B 46.D 47.A

Task 3(每题1分)

48. return 49. the/your packaging 50. easily seen 51. detailed information 52. photos Task 4(每题1分)53.CM 54.KP 55.JI 56.AO 57.QE

Task 5(每题1分)

58. insurance card

59. the policy number

60. insurance provider’s website

61. any changes

62. expensive

67. 参考译文(7分)


Part ⅤWriting(15分)


1.本题按综合方式评分,从格式、表达和语言三方面衡量,只给一个分数,即给总体印象分(global/impression marking)。














Part ⅠListening Comprehension

Section A

1. How are things going in your company?

【解析】A。考查对“How are things going…?”打招呼问句的回答。此句意为“你公司里的事情进展得怎么样?”可用Everything is fine/OK来回答,表示事情进展的很顺利,故选A。

2. Can I help you with your luggage?

【解析】C。考查对于对方主动提供帮助的回答。此句意为“我可以帮你提行李吗?”,对于别人主动提出帮忙,可以用Thank you或You are so nice/kind来回答,故选C。

3. Will you join us in the new project?

【解析】D。考查如何回应对方的邀请。此句意为“你愿意加入我们的新项目吗?”,可用I’d like to“我很乐意”来回答,故选D。

4. How is your work these days?

【解析】B。考查对“How is…?”特殊疑问句的回答,询问某人/事怎么样。肯定可以用It’s fine/fantastic“很好/好极了”回答,否定可用It’s awful“很糟糕”回答。此句意为“最近你的工作进展怎么样?”It’s fine“很好”为正确答案,故选B。

5. Do you mind if I ask you a question?

【解析】D。考查询问对方是否介意某事的回答。Do you mind if I…?意为“你介意我……吗?”如果介意,可用Sorry, I’m afraid you can’t…“抱歉,恐怕你不能……”回答,若不介意,可用Go ahead“你去做吧”回答,故选D。

6. Would you help me check my report?

【解析】A。考查对“Would you…?”请求问句的回答。肯定回答可用Sure/Of course/Certainly/My pleasure等表达。否定回答可用Sorry…表示委婉拒绝。此句意为“你能帮我查一下我的报告吗?”My pleasure“很乐意”正确,故选A。

7. May I say a few words about the new plan?

【解析】B。考查对“May I…?”请求问句的回答。肯定回答通常可以使用Yes./Certainly./Sure.等表达。否定回答用Sorry…表示拒绝。此句意为“关于新计划我可以说几句话吗?”B.Yes, please“可以,请讲吧”为正确答案,故选B。

Section B

8. M: Hello Linda, why are you so busy these days?

W: I am preparing for the New Year’s Party.

Q: What is Linda busy with?


9. W: Where did you learn about our job position?

M: From your website.

Q: Where did the man get the information of the job position?


10. W: Who’s going to give a lecture at tomorrow’s meeting?

M: Dr. Johnson, a professor from the community college.

Q: Who will give the lecture tomorrow?


2018年12月英语四级真题(第一套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of starting a career after graduation. You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words. PartⅡ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) 关注公众号“春秋大道”,无偿得到全部英语四六级历年真题(更新至2018年12月)+听力原频 Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and then questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.A) Land a space vehicle on the moon in 2019. B) Design a new generation of mobile phones. C) Set up a mobile phone network on the moon. D) Gather data from the noon with a tiny device. 2.A) It is stable. B) It is durable. C) It is inexpensive. D) It is sophisticated.


2016年国家司法考试真题卷三解析 1根据法律规定,下列哪一种社会关系应由民法调整? A甲请求税务机关退还其多缴的个人所得税 B乙手机丢失后发布寻物启事称:“拾得者送还手机,本人当面酬谢”C丙对女友书面承诺:“如我在上海找到工作,则陪你去欧洲旅游”D丁作为青年志愿者,定期去福利院做帮工 解析 我国《民法通则》第2条规定:“中华人民共和国民法调整平等主体的公民之间、法人之间、公民和法人之间的财产关系和人身关系。”B项:乙丢失手机后发布寻物启事属于悬赏广告,由民法调整。所以,B项正确。 A项:甲请求税务机关退还个人所得税,甲与税务机关不是平等主体,不由民法调整。所以,A项错误。 C项:丙与女友之间的承诺属于生活关系,不由民法调整。所以,C项错误。 D项:丁作为志愿者去福利院帮工,丁与福利院之间不是平等主体。所以,D项错误。 综上所述,本题正确答案为B 2甲企业是由自然人安琚与乙企业(个人独资)各出资50%设立的普通合伙企业,欠丙企业货款50万元,由于经营不善,甲企业全部资产仅剩20万元。现所欠货款到期,相关各方因货款清偿发生纠纷.

对此,下列哪一表述是正确的? A丙企业只能要求安琚与乙企业各自承担15万元的清偿责任 B丙企业只能要求甲企业承担清偿责任 C欠款应先以甲企业的财产偿还,不足部分由安琚与乙企业承担无限连带责任 D就乙企业对丙企业的应偿债务,乙企业投资人不承担责任 解析 我国《合伙企业法》第38条规定:“普通合伙企业对其债务,应先以其全部财产进行清偿。第39条规定:合伙企业不能偿还到期债务,合伙人承担无限连带责任。”所以,C项正确,ABD错误。 综上所述,本题正确答案为C。 3潘某去某地旅游,当地玉石资源丰富,且盛行“赌石”活动,买者购买原石后自行剖切,损益自负。潘某花5000元向某商家买了两块原石,切开后发现其中一块为极品玉石,市场估价上百万元。商家深觉不公,要求潘某退还该玉石或补交价款。对此,下列哪一选项是正确的? A商家无权要求潘某退货 B商家可基于公平原则要求潘某适当补偿 C商家可基于重大误解而主张撤销交易 D商家可基于显失公平而主张撤销交易 解析 A项:“赌石”活动在该地盛行,则潘某与商家明确知悉赌石的相关


Part I Writing(30 minutes) The Challenges of Living in a Big City 【1】With the development of economy and urbanization, the number of cities is constantly increasing in China.【2】While big cities are attracting more and more people, they also bring many challenges,such as traffic jam and pollution,just to name a few.【3】The first problem that really bothers me is the traffic congestion in the rush hour. I hate waiting for buses and being late.Therefore, I have to get up very early if I have an appointment in the morning.【4】Next is that the large population in a big city makes it【5】so crowded that you can't find a peaceful place unless staying at home. The supermarkets are always crowded, so are the cinemas and parks. parks.【6】Another consequence for such a large population is that it intensifies the inadequacy of quality medical and educational resources, thus decreasing residents' sense of happiness. 【7】As a result, although I am frequently asked whether I like to live in a big city or not, my answer is always no, definitely not, How about you? 话题词汇: unsatisfactory不满意的leisure娱乐opportunity机会 fast pace快节奏 pressure压力 lifestyle生活方式 environment环境 urban城市的 health健康 Part III Reading Comprehension Section A 【词性分析】: 名词: A) ability能力;才能; E) control控制;管制;F) damage伤害;损害; M) sources来源;根源;O) vehicles交通工具,车辆 动词:B) associated与…相关;联系;E) control管理;控制;克制;F) damage损害;对……有不良影响G) described描绘,描述; H equals相当于;比得上;) innovated创新,革新;L) relates相联系;把…系起来;M) sources来自……;找出…的来源;N) undermine逐渐削弱 形容词:D) constant持续不断的;始终如一的 副词:C) consciously有意识地,自觉地; 1) exclusively仅仅,唯独;K) regularly经常;定期地 Millions die early from air pollution each year. Air pollution costs the global economy more than $5 trillion annually in welfare costs, with the most serious 26-damage occurring in the developing world. The figures include a number of costs 27-associated with air pollution. Lost income alone amounts to $225 billion a year. 1.die v. 死亡,熄灭; 凋零n.骰子 2.trillion[?tr?lj?n]n. 万亿; 兆adj.万亿的 3.welfare [?welfe?(r)] n. 福利; 幸福; 繁荣; 安宁 4.alone [??l??n] adj. 单独的; 独一无二的; 独自的adv. 单独地; 独自地; 孤独地; 只,只有; The report includes both indoor and outdoor air pollution. Indoor pollution, which includes 28-sources like home heating and cooking, has remaine d 29-constant over the past several decades despite advances in the area. Levels of outdoor pollution have grown rapidly along with rapid growth in industry and transportation. 5.source [s?rs] n. 根源,本源; 源头,水源; 原因v. 来源; 起源; 寻求来源 6.remain [r??men]n.剩余物,残骸; 残余; 遗迹; 遗体v.留下; 保持;依然; 搁置; 剩余,剩下; 逗留 7.constant [?k?nst?nt] adj. 不断的,持续的; 永恒的,始终如一的; 坚定; 忠实的n.常量; 不变的事物


2019年12月大学英语六级考试真题(第1套) PartI Writing (30minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestowriteanessay onhappinessbyreferr ingtothesaying“Happinessisnottheabsenceofproblems,buttheabilitytodealwiththem.”Youcanciteexamplestoillustrateyourpointandthen explainhowyoucandevelopyourabil itytodealwithproblemsandbehappy.Youshouldwriteatleast150wordsbutnomorethan200w ords. PartII ListeningComprehension (30minutes) SectionA Directions:Inthissection,youwillhear8shortconversationsand2longconversations.At theendofeachconversation,oneormorequestionswillbeaskedaboutwhatwassaid.Boththec onversationandthequestionswillbespokenonlyonce.Aftereachquestiontherewillbeapau se.Duringthepause,youmustreadthefourchoicesmarkedA),B),C)andD),anddecidewhichis thebestanswer.Thenmarkthecorrespondingletteron AnswerSheet1withasinglelinethroug hthecentre. 注意:此部分试题请在答题卡1上作答。 1.A)Therockbandneedsmorehoursofpractice. B)Therockbandisgoingtoplayhereforamonth. C)Theirhardworkhasresultedinabigsuccess. D)Heappreciatesthewoman’shelpwiththeband. 2.A)GoonadivingtourinEurope. C)Traveloverseasonhisown. B)Add300dollarstohisbudget. D)JoinapackagetourtoMexico. 3.A)Incasesomeproblemshouldoccur. C)Toavoidmoreworklateron. B)Somethingunexpectedhashappened. D)Tomakebetterpreparations. 4.A)Thewomanaskedforafreepasstotryoutthefacilities. B)Themanisgoingtorenewhismembershipinafitnesscenter. C)Thewomancangivethemanadiscountifhejoinstheclubnow. D)Themancantryoutthefacilitiesbeforehebecomesamember. 5.A)Heisnotafraidofchallenge. B)Heisnotfittostudyscience. C)Heisworriedaboutthetest. D)Heisgoingtodropthephysicscourse 6.A)Payforpartofthepicnicfood. C)BuysomethingspecialforGary. B)InviteGary’sfamilytodinner. D)Takesomefoodtothepicnic. 7.A)Busdrivers’workingconditions. C)Publictransportation. B)Alabordisputeatabuscompany. D)Acorporatetakeover. 8.A)Thebankstatement. C)Thepaymentforanorder. B)Theirsalesoverseas. D)Thecheckjustdeposited. Questions9to11arebasedontheconversationyouhavejustheard. 9.A)Ahotelreceptionist. C)Ashopassistant. B)Aprivatesecretary. D)Asalesmanager. 10.A)Voice. C)Appearance. B)Intelligence. D)Manners. 11.A)Arrangeonemoreinterview. C)Reportthemattertotheirboss.


公务员考试行测真题答案解析(全) 1.【答案】D。寒冷天气户外锻炼时,应搓擦暴露在外的身体部位,以促进血液循环 2.【答案】B。《铡美案》—京剧—北京 中公解析:昆曲主要流传地是苏州昆山(属太仓州)一带;越剧主要流传地区是浙江;《花木兰》是豫剧,主要流传在河南。故本题答案选B。 3.【答案】A。平流层温度随高度增加而升高,对流层温度随高度增加而降低 4.【答案】C。(3)建立了经典力学体系 中公解析:图(1)、(2)、(3)、(4)中的人物分别是居里夫人、爱因斯坦、牛顿、达尔文。(1)居里夫人发现了放射性元素镭;(2)爱因斯坦提出了量子力学理论;(3)牛顿建立了经典力学体系;(4)达尔文提出了生物进化论理论。故本题答案选C。 5.【答案】C。用泡沫灭火器扑灭钠、镁等活泼金属火灾 6.【答案】C。上世纪50年代,在党政机关工作人员中开展“三反”运动:反贪污、反浪费、反盗骗国家财产 7.【答案】D。根据金属的耐腐蚀性,金属分重金属和轻金属 8.【答案】A。《史记》:李斯主张郡县制 中公解析:“孔融讨伐黄巾军”记载于《三国演义》,B项错误;“梁武帝舍身佛寺”记载于《梁书映帝纪》,C项错误;“王羲之泛舟东海”记载于《墨池记》,D项错误。故本题答案选A。 9.【答案】B。汽车引擎功率——马力 10.【答案】C。印刷在纸制品上的二维码是无效的 11.【答案】A。梅子金黄杏子肥,麦花雪白菜花稀 12.【答案】D。洞中方一日,世上已千年——运动的相对性

中公解析:“洞中方一日,世上已千年”包含的物理学知识是相对论中关于时空和引力的基本原理。根据爱因斯坦的相对论,在接近光速的宇宙飞船中航行,时间的流逝会比地球上慢得多,在这个“洞中”生活几天,则地球上已渡过了几年,几十年,甚至上千年。故本题答案选D。 13.【答案】A。清代——粉彩 14.【答案】B。某出租车公司通过兼并重组使其拥有的出租车数量达到原来的3倍 中公解析:A、C、D三项属于风险管理手段中的预防手段,损失预防是指在风险事故发生前,为了消除或减少可能引起损失的各种因素而采取的处理风险的具体措施,其目的在于通过消除或减少风险因素而降低损失发生的频率。B项不属于。故本题答案选B。 15.【答案】B。志深而笔长,梗概而多气——《左传》 16.【答案】B。天一阁 中公解析:天一阁是中国现存最早的私家藏书楼,也是亚洲现有最古老的图书馆和世界最早的三大家族图书馆之一。故本题答案选B。 17.【答案】C。冉阿让——视财如命的吝啬鬼 18.【答案】B。专心投水浒,回首望天朝——《单刀会》 中公解析:唱词“专心投水浒,回首望天朝”出自传奇剧本——《宝剑记》。故本题答案选B。 19.【答案】A。甲认为行政机关没有依法发给其抚恤金,起诉至法院 20.【答案】D。明清律中的“秋审”制度,反映了“人间司法应符合宇宙秩序”的观念 21.【答案】B。望尘莫及 中公解析:通读文段,文段的意思是说北宋工笔院体画水平很高,此前的工


2016年国家司法考试真题卷四答案及解析 一、(本题20分) 材料一:平等是社会主义法律的基本属性。任何组织和个人都必须尊重宪法法律权威,都必须在宪法法律范围内活动,都必须依照宪法法律行使权力或权利、履行职责或义务,都不得有超越宪法法律的特权。必须维护国家法制统一、尊严、权威,切实保证宪法法律有效实施,绝不允许任何人以任何借口任何形式以言代法、以权压法、徇私枉法。必须以规范和约束公权力为重点,加大监督力度,做到有权必有责、用权受监督、违法必追究,坚决纠正有法不依、执法不严、违法不究行为。(摘自《中共中央关于全面推进依法治国若干重大问题的决定》)材料二:全面推进依法治国,必须坚持公正司法。公正司法是维护社会公平正义的最后一道防线。所谓公正司法,就是受到侵害的权利一定会得到保护和救济,违法犯罪活动一定要受到制裁和惩罚。如果人民群众通过司法程序不能保证自己的合法权利,那司法就没有公信力,人民群众也不会相信司法。法律本来应该具有定分止争的功能,司法审判本来应该具有终局性的作用,如果司法不公、人心不服,这些功能就难以实现。 问题: 根据以上材料,结合依宪治国、依宪执政的总体要求,谈谈法律面前人人平等的原则对于推进严格司法的意义。 答题要求: 1.无观点或论述、照搬材料原文的不得分; 2.观点正确,表述完整、准确; 3.总字数不得少于400字。 【参考答案(要点)】 (一)坚持依法治国首先要坚持依宪治国,坚持依法执政首先要坚持依宪执政。宪法是国家的根本大法,是党和人民意志的集中体现,全国各族人民、一切国家机关和武装力量、各政党和各社会团体、各企业事业组织,都必须以宪法为根本活动准则。依宪治国、依宪执政必须贯彻法律面前人人平等的原则:一方面,宪法法律对所有公民和组织的合法权利予以平等保护,对受侵害的权利予以平等


2018年12月大学英语四级真题完整版(第3套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of studying abroad.You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words. PartⅡListening Comprehension (25 minutes) Part ⅢReading Comprehension ( 40 minutes) Section A Directions:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. R ead the passage t hrough carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Questions 26 to 35 are based on the following passage. Have you ever used email to apologize to a colleague?D elivered a 26to a subordinate (下属) with a voice-mail message? Flown by plane across the country just to deliver important news in person? The various communication options at our fingertips today can be good for 27and productivity---and at the same time very troublesome. With so many ways to communicate, how should a manager choose the 28when the message to be delivered is bad or unwelcome news one that’s best --- 29business communication consultants and etiquette for the recipient? We’ve (礼仪) experts to come up with the following guidelines for 30using the alterative ways of delivering difficult messages. First of all, choose how personal you want to be. A face-to-face communication is the most 31 .Other choices, in descending order of personalization, are: a real-time phone call, a voice-mail message, a handwritten note, a typewritten letter, and the most 32is email. Some of these may change order according to the 33 situation or your own preferences; for example, a handwritten note might seem more personal than voice mail. How do you decide on the best choice for the difficult message you’ve got to deliver? “My 34concern is: How can I soften or civilize this says etiquette expert Dana Casperson. “So when I apologize, I usually message?”  choose in-person first, or a phone conversation as my top alternative, and maybe a


2018年12月六级考试真题(第三套)为了让大家更好地模拟真实考场,文都网校四六级完全按照真题卷面顺序排版了本套真题, Part I写作部分被放在了试卷的最后一页,与听力部分完全隔开,请大家在备考过程中提早适应卷面顺序! Part II Listening Comprehension(30minutes) Part III Reading Comprehension(40minutes) Section A Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet2with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Surfing the Internet during class doesn’t just steal focus from the educator;it also hurts students who’re already struggling to26the material.A new study from Michigan State University,though,argues that all students—including high achievers—see a decline in performance when they browse the Internet during class for non-academic purposes.


云南省公务员考试历年真题及解析 2015年云南公务员考试公告、报名注意事项、职位表等最新资讯及免费备考资料请点击: 《申论》试卷 满分100分时限150分钟 一、注意事项 1.本卷科目代码为“2”,请在答题卡相应位置准确填涂。 2.本题本由给定资料与作答要求两部分构成。考试时限为150分钟。其中,阅读给定资料参考时限为40分钟,作答参考时限为110分钟。 3.请在题本、答题卡指定位置上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自己的姓名和准考证号,并用2B铅笔在准考证号对应的数字上填涂。 4.请用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔在答题卡上指定的区域内作答,超出答题区域的作答无效! 5.待监考人员宣布考试开始后,你才可以开始答题。 6.所有题目一律使用现代汉语作答,未按要求作答的,不得分。 7.监考人员宣布考试结束时,考生应立即停止作答,将题本、答题卡和草稿纸都翻过来留在桌上,待监考人员确认数量无误、允许离开后,方可离开。 严禁折叠答题卡! 二、给定资料 1.大批赴美志愿者汉语教师在美国校园和社区内担当着文化使者的角色,来自四川的高中教师小琼就是其中之一。为期一年的赴美教学经历给她、她的美国学生乃至美国“街坊邻居”都留下珍贵记忆。

小琼在俄克拉荷马州一座小城执教,借住在一对老夫妇家中。小城只有一家沃尔玛超市。用男主人加里的话说,“全镇人几乎互相都认识”。这个四川姑娘每次出门都会被当地人认出来,很多人都会友善地同她打招呼。 文化交流归根结底是人的交流、感情的交融。小琼说,自己在2008年汶川大地震中不幸失去双亲,很长时间难以从悲伤中走出来,但这对美国老夫妇的悉心照顾、小镇居民的热情让她真切感受到人间真情。 和其他汉语教师一样,小琼也配备了介绍中国文化的“资源包”,内容从神话故事、历史名人到古典名着不一而足。不过,在和孩子们的接触中,她本身就是当地人了解中国的一个“资源包”。“你们也有手机么?”“家中有电视吗?”一个个问题背后是美国孩子对中国的不了解。当然,在打开“资源包”的同时也不可避免引发价值观碰撞。“美国老师不加班、中国老师爱加班”“中国人爱储蓄”,甚至小琼想起万里之外家人时充盈的泪水,都让孩子们乃至大人们真切地感知着“中国人”的家庭观念,碰撞后带来的是了解和欣赏。 “我们觉得她是最好的‘中国制造’。”加里对记者幽默道,“如果你们国家要派出中国文化大使,选我们的琼准没错。” 当记者在世界各地问起:“提起中国文化,您会想到什么?”在赤道边春城内罗毕,中非关系专业在读研究生瑟库拉这样告诉记者:“孔子,我会想到他。我上过不少有关中国外交、非中关系的课,每次遇到理解不了的思想时,我们就开玩笑说‘这是孔子的思想’,每次辩论课上找论据时,我们最后总会找到‘孔子曰……’。西方也有很多先贤,但中国先贤似乎我只了解孔子。” 在内罗毕CBD地区一家大排档餐厅,28岁的顾客贝利对记者说:“我通过在内罗毕工作的中国人了解中国文化。我觉得要想让肯尼亚人了解中国文化,最重要的是生活在本地的中国人的


1、高某利用职务便利多次收受贿赂,还雇凶将举报他的下属王某打成重伤。关于本案庭前会议,下列哪些选项是正确的? A.高某可就案件管辖提出异议 B.王某提起附带民事诉讼的,可调解 C.高某提出其口供系刑讯所得,法官可在审查讯问时同步录像的基础上决定是否排除口供 D.庭前会议上出示过的证据,庭审时举证、质证可简化 2、下列哪一行为应以危险驾驶罪论处? A.醉酒驾驶机动车,误将红灯看成绿灯,撞死2名行人 B.吸毒后驾驶机动车,未造成人员伤亡,但危及交通安全 C.在驾驶汽车前吃了大量荔枝,被交警以呼气式酒精检测仪测试到酒精含量达到醉酒程度 D.将汽车误停在大型商场地下固定卸货车位,后在醉酒时将汽车从地下三层开到地下一层的停车位 3、关于证人证言与鉴定意见,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.证人证言只能由自然人提供,鉴定意见可由单位出具 B.生理上、精神上有缺陷的人有时可以提供证人证言,但不能出具鉴定意见 C.如控辩双方对证人证言和鉴定意见有异议的,相应证人和鉴定人均应出庭 D.证人应出庭而不出庭的,其庭前证言仍可能作为证据;鉴定人应出庭而不出庭的,鉴定意见不得作为定案根据 4、关于单位犯罪,下列哪些选项是正确的? A.就同一犯罪而言,单位犯罪与自然人犯罪的既遂标准完全相同 B.《刑法》第一百七十条未将单位规定为伪造货币罪的主体,故单位伪造货币的,相关自然人不构成犯罪 C.经理赵某为维护公司利益,召集单位员工殴打法院执行工作人员,拒不执行生效判决的,成立单位犯罪 D.公司被吊销营业执照后,发现其曾销售伪劣产品20万元。对此,应追究相关自然人销售伪劣产品罪的刑事责任

5、甲因琐事与乙发生口角进而厮打,推搡之间,不慎致乙死亡。检察院以甲涉嫌过失致人死亡提起公诉,乙母丙向法院提起附带民事诉讼。关于本案处理,下列哪些选项是正确的? A.法院可对附带民事部分进行调解 B.如甲与丙经法院调解达成协议,调解协议中约定的赔偿损失内容可分期履行 C.如甲提出申请,法院可组织甲与丙协商以达成和解 D.如甲与丙达成刑事和解,其约定的赔偿损失内容可分期履行 6、关于结果加重犯,下列哪一选项是正确的? A.故意杀人包含了故意伤害,故意杀人罪实际上是故意伤害罪的结果加重犯 B.****罪、强制猥亵妇女罪的犯罪客体相同,****、强制猥亵行为致妇女重伤的,均成立结果加重犯 C.甲将乙拘禁在宾馆20楼,声称只要乙还债就放人。乙无力还债,深夜跳楼身亡。甲的行为不成立非法拘禁罪的结果加重犯 D.甲以胁迫手段抢劫乙时,发现仇人丙路过,于是立即杀害丙。甲在抢劫过程中杀害他人,因抢劫致人死亡包括故意致人死亡,故甲成立抢劫致人死亡的结果加重犯 7、高某利用职务便利多次收受贿赂,还雇凶将举报他的下属王某打成重伤。关于本案庭前会议,下列哪些选项是正确的? A.高某可就案件管辖提出异议 B.王某提起附带民事诉讼的,可调解 C.高某提出其口供系刑讯所得,法官可在审查讯问时同步录像的基础上决定是否排除口供 D.庭前会议上出示过的证据,庭审时举证、质证可简化 8、关于李某脱逃后的诉讼程序,下列选项正确的是: A.李某脱逃后,法院可中止审理 B.在通缉李某一年不到案后,甲市检察院可向甲市中级法院提出没收李某违法所得的申请 C.李某的近亲属只能在6个月的公告期内申请参加诉讼 D.在审理没收违法所得的案件过程中,李某被抓捕归案的,法院应裁定终止审理 9、3万元


2018年12月大学英语四级真题完整版(第1套) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the challenges of starting a career after graduation.You should write at least 120 words but no more than180 words. PartⅡ Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and then questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B), C) and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. A) A man was pulled to safety after a building collapse. B) A beam about ten feet long collapsed to the ground C) A rescue worker got trapped in the basement D) A deserted 100-year-old building caught fire 2. A)He suffered a fatal injury in an accident. B) He once served in a fire department. C) He was collecting building materials. D) He moved into his neighbor's old house. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3. A) Improve the maths skills of high school teachers. B) Change British people’s negative view of maths C) Help British people understand their paychecks. D) Launch a campaign to promote maths teaching. 4. A) Children take maths courses at an earlier age. B) The public sees the value of maths in their life. C) British people know how to do elementary calculations D) Primary school teachers understand basic maths concepts. Questions 5 and 6 are based on the news report you have just heard. 5. A) He owns a fleet of aircraft. B) He is learning to be a pilot.


2018年12月大学英语六级真题(第二套) (总分:710.00,做题时间:150分钟) 一、Part Ⅰ Writing(总题数:1,分数:106.50) Directions : For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay on how to balance job responsibilities and personal interests. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.(分数:106.50) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:( Work is a means of livelihood for most people, while personal interests often add spice to one's life. Both are beyond dispute indispensable for leading a fulfilling life. But it is far from easy to achieve a trade-off between them. It requires, above all, full and proper use of work time. More exactly, people should follow their work plans and make a concentrated effort to complete their assignments. Being productive at work, in fact, not only benefits your career development, but also saves you plenty of time and energy to explore private interests. Once you find your favorite pastimes, try to make them part of your life, lest you idle such hard-won free time away. Movie fans, for example, can spend one hour or more watching films each weeknight and share their comments via social media on weekends. A better approach, of course, is to seek a job or start a business closely related to one's hobbies, though it is less practical for most people. But at any rate, it is inadvisable to be distracted by personal interests at work or to be a workaholic. ) 解析: 二、Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension(总题数:0,分数:0.00) Section A(总题数:2,分数:56.80) Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:28.4) Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.(分数:28.4) (1). (分数:7.1) A.Stop worrying about him. B.Keep away from the statue. C.Take a picture of him. √ D.Put on a smile for the photo. 解析: 听力原文:

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