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当前位置:文档库 › 江西省南昌市实验中学20172018学年高一英语下学期第一次月考试题




第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分7.5


听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. How much will you pay if you buy a pair

of dolls?

A. Sixteen dollars.

B. Thirty dollars .

C. Twelve dollars.

2. What does the woman think of

her job?

A. It’s interesting.

B. It’s difficult t.

C. It’s boring.

3. What does the woman think of her chances of getting

into that class?

A. It will be very difficult.

B. It will be very easy.


There’s no chance.

4. Where does this conversation

take place?

A. In a subway station.

B. In a library.

C. In a store.

5. What will the man do


A. Have group study.

B. Go back to school.

C. Get something to eat.

第二节(共15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分22.5


听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7


6. How many people will visit Mount Tai

with Amy?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four.

7. How will the speakers get


A. By bus.

B. By train.

C. By plane.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10

题。8. What does the man


A. A bottle of water.

B. A bag of chips.

C. A bottle of juice.

9. What is the woman’s mother

doing now?

A. She is cooking dinner.

B. She is buying some chips.

C. She

is having dinner.

10. How many pieces of cream cake does the

man want?

A. One.

B. Two.

C. Three.

听第8 段材料,回答第11 至13 题。

11. What’s the probable relationship between the

two speakers?

A. Manager and worker

B. Clerk and customer

C. Interviewer and interviewee.

12. Why did the man leave the Agricultural Bank

of China?

A. He didn’t like the job

B. His family moved to another city

C. His wife’s parents wanted him to leave.

13. What’s the man’s best


A. Being hard-working and responsible .

B. Being dependable and honest.

C. Being hard-working and honest.

听第9 段材料,回答第14 至16 题。

14. What is the boy’s favourite subject?

A. Reading.

B. Maths.

C. Writing.

15. Where does the boy eat lunch?

A. In the lunchroom.

B. In the cafeteria.

C. In the classroom.

16. When does the boy go back home from school?

A. At 3:30 pm or 4:00 pm.

B. At 2:30 pm or 4:00 pm.

C. At 2:00 pm or 3:00 pm.

听第10 段材料,回答第17 至20 题。

17. What is the climate of the rainforests in South and Central America like?

A. Hot and dry.

B. Cool but wet .

C. Hot and wet.

18. Which place has high rainfall during the wet season?

A. The northwest Pacific coast of America .

B. Northeastern

Australia .C. Central Africa.

19. Where is the world’s second largest rainforest?

A. In the Congo Basin.

B. In Brazil .

C. In Indonesia.

20. How many types of rainforest does the speaker mention?

A. Two.

B. Three.

C. Four. 第一节(共15 小题;每小

题2 分,满分30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和



Thanksgiving is a very special American holiday. Thanksgiving Day is celebrated every year on the fourth

Thursday in November. It’s a day for family and for giving thanks to God for all the blessings (保佑) in the past year. People use seasonal fruits to treat their relatives and friends. The food they eat on Thanksgiving Day

is full of traditional customs and the relatives will eat turkey together on that day. Besides this, people also eat sweet potatoes, pumpkin cakes and so on.

The Customs of Thanksgiving Day

Everyone follows the custom of family dinner and reunion religiously every year. Distances don’t really matter, as relatives drive down to be with their family. It is a time to enjoy their favorite roast turkey with the family.

As Thanksgiving is a celebration to share God’s blessing, many people go out to help people who are not

so fortunate whether they are strangers or people they are familiar with. They help by volunteering in soup kitchens (救济站) in the local neighbourhood to serve good healthy hot food to the needy at this time of year. This is one of the best possible ways to contribute to society.

The custom of watching football games on Thanksgiving Day also developed during the early decades of the 20th century. As football became increasingly popular in the 1920s and 1930s, many people began to enjoy the holiday at the football field. Teams in the National Football League finally established traditions of showing games nationally on television on Thanksgiving afternoon.

In addition to football games, Americans also watch the grand parade either on their television sets or by visiting New York City personally. Both natives and outsiders go downtown the day before the parade to see the beautiful giant balloons being set up. And on the day of Thanksgiving itself, they watch the marching

bands, as well as the dancing Rockettes and Santa, parading in the streets.

21. What do we know from the first paragraph?

A. Thanksgiving Day is specially celebrated in Britain.

B. Thanksgiving Day is mainly to express one’s thanks to strangers.

C. Relatives only eat turkey together on Thanksgiving Day.

D. Thanksgiving Day is held on the fourth Thursday in November.

22. What is considered a good way to contribute to society?

A. The soup

kitchens. B. The


C. The seasonal

fruits. D. The

pumpkin cakes.

23. What will everyone do on Thanksgiving?

A. Watch basketball games.

B. Decorate their homes

properly. C. Join the grand


D. Enjoy family dinner.

24. Why do people go downtown the day before the parade?

A. To offer a helping hand to people

in need. B. To watch people setting

up balloons.

C. To buy tickets for the street

parades. D. To visit New York

City personally.


Looking after hundreds of turkeys before Christmas is not an easy task. And with hungry foxes ready to attack under the cover of darkness, farmer John Wright would spend ages getting the birds safely inside each night. But his daily work before Christmas has been changed by his sheep dog Molly, who has shown her

herding (放牧) talents in dealing with 1,400 turkeys. The four-year-old dog runs around and takes just 20

minutes to round up the turkeys — a job that could take four people two hours to complete.

Mr Wright, 27, bought Molly after “falling in love with her big blue eyes”.He then found she had a natural ability to round up turkeys. He said: “I took her with me one day and started throwing apples to get the turkeys out. As I started throwing them left and right, she started rounding them up — so I started shouting a few commands and Molly just took to it.”

Now the two work as a team as they bring the turkeys back to their home every night at sunset. The farmer said: “We have about 12 foxes that regularly come out from a nearby city and when they attack, they don’t just take one —they take as many as they can get. But if they see Molly, they don’t come anywhere near. It was a big problem for us in the past, but we lose hardly any now.”

Mr Wright and his father, John senior, 73, run the 200-acre (about 0.8 km2) mixed farm in Wyton, East Yorkshire together. But no one works harder than Molly. Unfortunately, Molly does have one failing as a sheep dog. Mr Wright admitted: “Molly’s not interested in sheep at all. She is also good at rounding up our ducks —maybe she just likes bir ds.”

25. What can we learn from the first paragraph?

A. It used to be easy for John Wright to look

after his turkeys. B. The foxes used to hunt

turkeys in the daytime.

C. Four people are more efficient than Molly in hunting turkeys.

D. Molly has changed John Wright’s way of herding his turkeys.

26. Why did Mr Wright buy the dog Molly?

A. Because he heard about Molly’s

herding talent. B. Because he liked

Molly’s eyes very much.

C. Because Molly was good at rounding up his sheep.

D. Because dogs were needed to keep the farm running safely.

27. What do we know about Molly?

A. She was taught by Mr Wright to round up

turkeys. B. She once had a fight with about

12 foxes.

C. After buying her, Mr Wright has had

no losses. D. She can round up 1,400

turkeys in 20 minutes.

28. According to the last paragraph, _.

A. Molly is successful as a sheep dog

B. Molly is only good at rounding up turkeys

C. Molly works really hard on the farm

D. Molly likes to chase all kinds of birds


Climate change has caused a rise in sea levels. This has increased the amount of salt in fresh water used on coastal farms. As a result, farmers are increasingly unable to use fields close to the sea.

Scientists call this process “salinization”. The term comes from the word

“saline”, which means a

mixture of salt and water. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization says salinization is reducing the area of the world’s irrigated (灌溉的) lands by 1 to 2 percent every year. Irrigation is the process of

supplying land with fresh water from other areas.

But a farmer, named Van Rijsselberghe, in the Netherlands is now using a mixture of sea and fresh water to grow healthy and tasty vegetables. He has used saline water to kill some plants in order to find out which plants survive. He says, “We put a lot of plants in eight different fields, and then we used the saline water with eight levels of salinity to irrigate them.”

Mr. Van Rijsselberghe worked on the project with scientists from the Free University of Amsterdam. He divided a farm into eight irrigated areas. Separate pipes pumped (抽水) fresh water and sea water, and a

computer program created water with eight levels of salinity. And then the water

went to the fields and dripping irrigation started to work. Mr. Van Rijsselberghe says, “We thought we were going to kill all plant s.”

In fact he was able to harvest vegetables from most of the eight test areas. The farmer says the vegetables were smaller than those grown in fresh water. But he says they have more sugar and salt, so they taste better.

The farmer found that potatoes grew better than the other vegetables in the combination of sea water and fresh water. He says four kinds of these potatoes were recently sent to Pakistan, where a large area of land has been damaged by salinization. 29. What is the result of sea levels rising, according to the first two paragraphs?

A. Climate changes in coastal regions.

B. Farmers cannot live close to the sea

any more. C. The area of coastal farms

is being reduced.

D. The area of irrigated lands is increasing.

30. What solution did the farmer and scientists in the Netherlands use?

A. Pumping fresh water from other places to

irrigate plants. B. Moving plants to a place far

from saline water.

C. Developing a method to get fresh water from salt water.

D. Growing vegetables in mixtures of sea water and fresh water.

31. What were the vegetables grown in the research like?

A. They tasted sweeter.

B. They contained more

nutrients. C. They had a

better taste.

D. They were bigger.


Children who eat fish once a week sleep better and have a higher IQ, a new study


Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania in the US said parents should consider simply changing the diets of their children rather than forcing them to go to bed.

Other studies have shown that the omega-3 fatty acids (ω-3 脂肪酸) found in fish can improve

intelligence and sleep, and that better sleep improves IQ. But it is the first time

all three have been linked together.

The scientists believe it may be that the improved sleep produced by omega-3s is what is increasing IQ, rather than the fatty acids themselves.

For the study, the researchers asked 541 school children aged between nine and 11 to fill in surveys about how much fish they ate, and then measured their IQ. Their parents were then asked about their quality of sleep. The team found that children who reported eating fish every week got 4.8 points on the IQ exams, which is much higher than that of those who said they seldom or never ate fish. Those whose meals sometimes included fish got 3.3 points.

The researchers suggested starting children on fish by at least the age of two then gradually adding more fish into the diet over time.

Dr Jennifer Pinto-Martin added: “It adds to the growing body of evidence showing

that eating fish has really positive health benefits and should be something more heavily

advertised and encouraged.

“Children should be introduced to it early on. Introducing the taste early makes it more acceptable. It really

has to be a big effort, especially in a culture where fish is not as commonly served or smelled. Children are

sensitive to smell. If they’r e not used to it, they may not want to try it.”

32. What can we learn about omega-3 fatty acids from the text?

A. They can be found in fish.

B. They can improve IQ directly.

C. They can help children go to bed earlier.

D. They can change children’s eating habits.

33. Which of the following can we conclude from the survey?

A. It is fatty acids in fish that increase children ’s IQ.

B. The parents were asked how long they slept every day.

C. Children who ate fish regularly got the highest points.

D. Eating fish is the best way to improve IQ.

34. What is Dr Pinto-Martin ’s suggestion?

A. Parents can feed more fish to children of two years of age.

B. The earlier children taste fish, the more acceptable it is.

C. If it is advertised, the people who hate fish will accept it.

D. If children dislike the smell of fish, don ’t force them to eat it.

35. What is the main idea of the text?

A. Eating fish once a week is good for your sleep and IQ.

B. Eating a lot of fish is good for your physical health.

C. We must make every effort to persuade people to eat fish.

D. Going to bed early is the best way to improve your intelligence. 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

Consumers spend billions of dollars each year travelling. That is why travel agencies (旅行社) are becoming more and more popular these days. In order to enjoy your travel, please read the following points you should pay attention to when choosing a travel agency. 36

A travel agency acts as a consumer ’s “lawyer ” in case something goes wrong. They

provide hotel and resort accommodation (住宿), along with air and road transportation. 37 They provide information

about travel insurance protection plans, passports, visa requirements and other foreign travel requirements. They can also guide you with regard to the most suitable route.

How to select a good travel agency?

Selecting a travel agency depends on your personal choices, including your

lifestyle, your desires and your financial situation. 38 Or you can visit several agencies to find the one that best suits your needs. Consider factors such as the appearance of the travel agent ’s office, and their patience and willingness in responding to your questions.

What are the benefits of using a travel agency?

39 Such information includes deals, discounts and the best accommodation. Travel agencies can provide all travel-related services, such as setting schedules and purchasing air tickets. Travel agencies help

you in every possible way, including taking care of specific needs or accidents. Their access (获得) to travel

information helps them satisfy your trip.


A. Travelling is fascinating.

B. What is a travel agency?

C. Where can you find a travel agency?

D. They look after car rental needs and tour packages.

E. Travel agencies can help you get the latest information.

53. A. touched B. afraid C. gentle D. curious 注意:1.词数 100 左右; 2.开头和结尾已经给出,但不计入总词数。 54. A. proudly B. C. D. clearly Dear friends,

55. A. received B. refused C. sent D. collected

56. A. agreeing B. C. helping D. accepting F. So using travel agencies can offer you the perfect tour in some way. G. You can take advice from friends about agencies they trust.

第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A 、B 、C 和 D )中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

My 18-year-old daughter was admitted to hospital after a serious car accident. Her head was badly


and she had to have an operation. The whole floor of the hospital was full of patients

with brain injuries or

42 problems. Some even had 43 recognising people.

I visited my daughter once a 44

. She was the only patient who had 45 visitors; some were

46 to have a

visitor once a week.

Christmas was coming, and one day when I visited her, I was asked by the patients

to 47 a Christmas basket for them to give to the nurses. I was given enough money to make a(n) 48 basket. My colleague Olive 49 my classroom when I was trying to make the basket while my students were 58. A. safety B. patience C. future D. importance

59. A. valued

B. considered

C. showed

D. needed

60. A. rare B. possible C. special D. different 第二

节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确

Halloween, one of the world ’s 61 . (old) festivals, is still celebrated today in

the world.

In Mexico, Latin America and Spain, All Soul s’ Day, which takes place on November 2, 62. (be) a three-day celebration. The celebration begins on the evening of October 31. And it is designed 63. (honor) the dead who, it is believed, return to their homes on Halloween.

In Ireland, where the 64. (celebrate) of Halloween originated (起源), the day is celebrated in

the same way as it is in the United States. Children get dressed up in costumes and spend the evening

“trick-or-treating ” in 65. (they) neighborhoods. After trick-or-treating, most people attend parties 66.

out. She could see I was not good at doing this as I 50

to put the materials together. Olive 51 neighbors and friends. The

Irish also play a card game

the task and made a great job of the basket and then carried it to my car.

When I brought the basket to the patients, they were absolutely 52 . I was there when they gave it

where cards are laid face down on a table with sweets or 67. (coin) under them. When a child chooses a card, he receives whatever prize is found under it.

to the nurses. They ’d never been given anything like this before and they were so 53 . It was a

A 68. (tradition) food eaten on Halloween is barnbrack , 69.

is a kind of fruit

cake. It wonderful moment, as those in hospital knew 54

who was caring for them.

A few days later, I 55 a thank you card and a box of chocolates from the patients for 56 them with their basket. How touching it was! Olive also bought me a beautiful Christmas gift, saying that she would always be there, 57

me and supporting me.

This is a great reminder of the 58 of love and support. Despite their own health problems, the patients 59 their love to the nurses and to me as well. We are all here to love and serve each other, and no matter what our personal situation is, loving and serving others is still 60 . 41. A. broken B. suffered C. affected D. injured 42. A. related B. familiar C. strange D. normal 43. A. chance B. difficulty C. fun D. danger 44. A. week

B. day

C. month

D. season 45. A. frequent t B. natural C. necessary D. strong

46. A. polite B. quiet C. lucky

D. light 47. A. borrow B. imagine C. choose D. prepare

48. A. heavy

B. huge

C. expensive

D. beautiful

49. A. came across B. came into C. came from D. came over 50. A. escaped B. expected C. struggled D . avoided 51. A. got over B. put away C. picked out D. took over

52. A. angry B. disappointed C. delighted D. anxious

can be bought in stores or 70. (bake) at home. A wrapped treat is baked inside the cake that, it is said,

can foretell the eater’s future.

第一节短文改错(共10 小题;每小题1 分,满分10 分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10 处语






1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。

When I was a high school student, I didn’t know what I will do in the future. All I knew was what I must work hardly. Therefore, I paid too many attention to the exam results. Gradually, I was tired of endless homework and eager to find a way out, but I turned to computer games. When I played computer games, he could forget the homework and exams. In the end, I dropped out school. Now each a time I recall my high school life, I regret play computer games. Now I realize that it is of great important to have a dream in our life.

第二节书面表达(满分25 分)


Student Union

江西省南昌市第二中学最新高一上学期期末考试试卷生物 解析版

第I卷(选择题) 一、单选题 1.科学家在利用无土栽培法培养一些名贵花卉时,培养液中添加了多种必需的化学元素,其配方如下表: 其中植物根细胞吸收量最少的离子是 A.Ca2+ B.H2PO3— C. SO42— D.Zn2+ 2.关于细胞中元素的叙述,错误的是 A.番茄和水稻根系吸Si元素的量有差异 B.在人体活细胞中氢原子的数目最多 C.地壳和活细胞中含量最多的元素都是氧元素,由此看出生物界和非生物界具有统一性 D.在人体细胞干重中C元素含量最多,是因为细胞中含有大量的有机化合物 3。用含32P的磷酸盐培养液培养动物细胞,一段时间后,细胞的结构以及化合物中具有放射性的是 ①脱氧核糖 ②细胞核 ③DNA ④核糖 ⑤RNA A.①③ B.①③⑤ C.②③⑤D.②③④⑤ 4.对下面柱形图的相关含义叙述中,不正确的是A.若Y表示细胞中有机物的含量,a、b、c、d表示四种不同的物质,则b最有可能是蛋白质 B.若Y表示组成活细胞的元素含量,则a、b、c、d依次是N、O、H、C C.若Y表示一段时间后不同离子在培养液中所占原来的比例,则该培养液中培养的植物,其根细胞膜上a离子的载体少于c离子的载体 D.若Y表示细胞液的浓度,a、b、c、d表示不同细胞,则在0。3g/mL蔗糖溶液中,发生质壁分离的可能性大小为b


高一英语考试试题 命题人:斗鸡中学王生龙白云梅 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:英语知识运用(共三节,满分85分) 第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 1. Don’t worry too much about making ____ mistakes. They are _____ natural part of learning. A. /; a B. the; / C. /; the D. the; the 2. Tom was very sick with a bad cough, ______ he could neither eat nor sleep. A. as a result B. after all C. anyway D. otherwise 3. Two thirds of the work ____ done by Jimmy, and ___ was done by Nancy. A. was; the rest B. was; the others C. were; the others D. were; the rest 4. I am his best friend, and I will always _______ him. A. look into B. watch over C. join in D. worry 5. With the great dam ___, we’ll have enough electricity f or everyday use. A. complete B. completed C. to be completed D. to complete 6. I advised that he_____ to the hospital at once, but he insisted that he _____ quite well then. A. was sent; felt B. be sent; feel C. be sent; was feeling D. was sent; felt 7. ---- Have you heard that Tom, as well as his parents, _____ moved to Beijing? ---- Really? No _____ I haven’t seen him for a long time. A. have; doubt B. has; wonder C. have; reason D. has; choice 8. The old man had one son and two daughters, ___ treated him well, ____ made him very sad. A. neither of whom; that B. neither of them; which C. none of whom; which D. none of them; that 9. ----Do you have anything to do this afternoon? ----What’s up? ----Let’s go shopping. It’s said that Yimin Shop ___and all the sweaters are sold at half price. ----Why not? A. has closed down B. was closing down C. closes down D. is closing down 10. -John admitted ____in the exam. -That’s why he was not admit ____the skating club. A. cheating…to B. to cheat…by C. cheating…by D. to cheat…to


高一英语12月月考试卷 注意:1-75题填涂在答题卡上,从76开始做在答题卷上。考试时间110分钟。 听力部分:(共20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. When is Betty leaving for Guangzhou? A. Next Thursday evening. B. This Thursday evening. C. Next Tuesday evening. 2. Which season was it when the conversation took place? A. Spring. B. Winter. C. Summer. 3. When was the fire put out? A. At 1:00. B. At 4:00. C. At 3:00. 4.When will the woman go to dinner? A. Next Saturday. B. Next Sunday. C. On the man’s birthday. 5. What does the man think of the exam? A. It wasn't too difficult. B. It was too easy. C. It was very difficult. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6~8题。 6. Where are Kate and Torn? A. In Kate's office. B. In Tom’s house. C. In a classroom. 7. Why did Tom come in? A. He worked there. B. He wanted to talk to Kate. C. He wanted to have a letter typed. 8. What was Jane doing at that time? A. She was taking a rest. B. She was preparing for an exam. C. She was taking an exam. 听下面一段对话,回答9~11题。 9.How much did the woman’s package post cost? A. $10.80. B. $5.90. C. $5.94. 10.Which way did the woman get to mail her package? A. First class. B. A cheaper way. C. An expensive way. 11. Where did they have a talk? A. At a post office. B. At a railway station. C. At New York airport. 听下面一段对话,回答第12~14题。 12.Where did they have a dinner that night?


江西省南昌二中2020届高三高考数学(文科)校测试题(一)一、单选题 (★★★) 1. 已知全集,集合,则() A.B.C.D. (★★★) 2. 若复数,为虚数单位,则 A.B.C.D. (★★★) 3. 已知实数,则“ ”是“ ”的 A.充分不必要条件B.必要不充分条件 C.充要条件D.既不充分也不必要条件 (★★★) 4. 若函数的图象的一条对称轴为,则的最小值为() A.B.C.D. (★★★) 5. 已知数列为等比数列,是它的前项和,若,且与的等差中项为,则(). A.B.C.D. (★) 6. 已知向量,,且,则() A.B.C.D.

(★★) 7. 我国明朝数学家程大位著的《算法统筹》里有一道闻名世界的题目:“一百馒头一百僧,大僧三个更无争,小僧三人分一个,大小和尚各几丁?”以下程序框图反映了对此题的一个求解算法,则输出的的值为() A.20B.25C.30D.75 (★★★) 8. 已知某样本的容量为50,平均数为70,方差为75.现发现在收集这些数据时,其中的两个数据记录有误,一个错将80记录为60,另一个错将70记录为90.在对错误的数据进行更正后,重新求得样本的平均数为,方差为,则() A.B. C.D. (★★★) 9. 下列图象可以作为函数的图象的有() A.1个B.2个C.3个D.4个 (★★★) 10. 已知 P, A, B, C是半径为2的球面上的点, O为球心,,,则三棱锥体积的最大值是( )

A.B.1C.D. (★★★)11. 已知,分别是双曲线的左,右焦点,动点在双曲线的左支上,点为圆上一动点,则的最小值为() A.7B.8C.D. (★★★) 12. 若函数有最大值,则实数的取值范围是() A.B. C.,D. 二、填空题 (★★) 13. 函数的图象在处的切线与直线互相垂直 ,则_____. (★★★) 14. 如图在平行四边形中,,,为边的中点,,若,则___________. (★★★)15. 如图,在一个底面边长为 cm的正六棱柱容器内有一个半径为 cm的铁球,现向容器内注水,使得铁球完全浸入水中,若将铁球从容器中取出,则水面下降 ______ cm. (★★★) 16. 在数列中,,,是数列的前 项和,则为___________. 三、解答题


高一英语考试试卷 本试卷分为第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分. 第一卷()分105共三部分,共计注意事项: 1.答第一卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。不能答在试卷上。 第一部分听力测试(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂在答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. How does the man usually go to school? A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot. 2. Where was the woman born? B. In the United States. A. In Japan. C. In China. 3. When will the man's meeting end? C. At 9: 30. B. At 9: 00. A. At 8: 30. 4. What does the man suggest doing this afternoon? A. Going swimming. B. Playing golf. C. Riding a bike. 5. How much does the man have to pay in total? A. 75 yuan. B. 100 yuan. C. 125 yuan. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. Why did the man go to Italy? A. To travel. B. To work. C. To shop. 7. What does the man think of his time in Italy? A. Busy but interesting. B. Happy and relaxing. C. Hard but enjoyable. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。 8. What does the man think of the yellow skirt? A. He thinks it suits the woman. B. He doesn't like the color. C. He thinks it's too long.


华胜实验2019—2020学年度第二学期月考 高一英语(满分100分) 姓名:_______班级:________ 一.根据句意及括号内的汉语提示,用单词的适当形式填空。(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 1.The Great Wall of China is one of the greatest man-made_____________(工程)in the world. 2.During the first three months,Li Mei certainly_____________(经历)cultural shock when she was in London. 3.My husband and I went to a store to buy some___________(家具)for our new house yesterday. 4.On my_____________(以前的)visits to China,I only visited three cities—Beijing,Chengdu and Xi’an. 5.She walked_________(穿过)the floor and lay down on the bed. 6.They believed_________(古代的)Greece and Rome were sources of learning. 7.It_________(发生)to me that I hadn’t seen her for months. 8.There are various kinds of natural__________(灾难)all over the world. 9.The most__________(暴力的)tornado have winds of more than400kilometers per hour. 10.The astonishing__________(相似)between my brother and my first-born son surprises me. 二.根据句意用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分) 11.The CN Tower,_____________(locate)in the city of Toronto,Canada,is famous in the world. 12.On that day,the President met some_____________(represent)and talked about many problems with them. 13.Born in_____________(poor),Andrew Jackson finally became a wealthy lawyer. 14.Don’t eat those_____________(pollute)fish,for they must be bad for our health. 15.We should slow down the__________(develop)of the company. 16.The kind old lady offered food to the poor__________(home)stranger. 17.It’s____________(fortune)that children in developing countries can’t get education. 18.A car accident happened yesterday.____________(Luck),no one was hurt. 19.The_________(terrify)hurricane lasted for two days.


江西省南昌二中2014届高三高考模拟考试 文综试题 一、单项选择题 A.①浙江、②海南、③青海、④河南B.①青海、②浙江、③海南、④河南C.①海南、②浙江、③青海、④河南D.①浙江、②青海、③河南、④海南2.下列关于各省的说法不正确的 A.①省份人口年增长率大主要是外来人口迁入造成 B.②省份第三产业比重最高,说明经济发展水平最高 C.③省份目前经济发展水平最低 D.四个省份中①省份老龄化程度最重 下图是塔里木盆地南缘绿洲附近的约特干古城遗址某处地层剖面图,完成3—4题。 3.约特干古城遗址的文化层被埋藏在地下的原因有 ①板块张裂地层下陷②河流带来的泥沙沉积 ③周围风沙的沉积④冰川带来的冰碛物堆积 A.①② B.①③ C.②③D.③④ 4.据该地层剖面图,可推知约特干古城遗址自然环境变化的特点是 A.1000年以来气候稳定不变 B.2000年以来沉积速度加快 C.6000年以来湿润期大于干旱期D.距今8000年开始出现绿洲 浙江省山地丘陵广布,适宜茶树的生长,但春季易受霜冻天气影响。为此,当地茶园引进了“防霜冻风扇”(如图4)。当夜晚温度降到4℃时,风扇会自动打开,从而减轻霜冻对茶树的伤害。图5“为茶园某时气温垂直分布示意图”,据此回答5—6题。

5.“防霜冻风扇”最适宜的安装高度为 A.9-10米B.7-8米C.6-7米D.4米以下 6.关于风扇的作用原理正确的是 ①风扇可以把高处的暖空气往下吹到茶树上 ②风扇吹出的热风可以使茶树免受霜冻影响 ③风扇的转动可以增强近地面对流运动程度 ④风扇转动可带动空气流动,阻止上层冷空气下压 A.①③B.②④C.②③D.①④ 地表常流性河道频率指的是以一直线截取某一地区,求取被直线切割的河道数与该直线长度之比。下图表示我国年降水量、年径流曲线与河道频率的南北地带变化。读下图,回答7—9题。 7.图中三条曲线分别表示 A.①河道频率②径流量③年降水量B.①河道频率②年降水量③径流量 C.①径流量②河道频率③年降水量D.①年降水量②径流量③河道频率8.图中常年性河道频率最大的地区是 A.江南丘陵B.长江中下游地区C.东北平原D.内蒙古高原9.下列有关河道频率南北地带变化的叙述正确的是 A.水系密度的空间分异与径流量的变化趋势呈反相关 B.华北平原地表物质渗透性强,径流量偏小,故河道频率偏小 C.东北河道频率高于华北的主要原因是年降水量显著增多 D.湛江以北石灰岩地区大量地表水转为地下水,使地表常流性河道频率达到最大值图6中,圆O1、圆O2、圆O3分别为某日三个时刻的80°等太阳高度线(太阳直射点的纬度变化忽略不计),其中,n为纬线,此时北京昼长夜短。读图6,完成10—11题。


一、选择题(1-24题,每小题1分;25-30题,每小题2分,共36分。每题均只有一个正确选项) 1.若呼吸底物全为葡萄糖,下列关于人体呼吸作用的叙述,正确的是 A.800m慢跑过程中O2吸收量大约等于CO2释放量 B.马拉松比赛时消耗等量葡萄糖放出的能量比步行时多 C.环境温度从0℃升到37℃,人体呼吸作用相关酶的活性逐渐上升 D.包扎伤口应选用透气性好的“创可贴",主要目的是保证伤口处细胞的有氧呼吸 2.当酵母菌以葡萄糖为呼吸底物时,下列叙述正确的是 A.如果检测有CO2释放量,则说明酵母菌进行有氧呼吸 B.如果测得CO2释放量:O2吸收量等于1:1,则说明酵母菌只进行有氧呼吸 C.如果测得呼吸作用的过程中没有产生水,则产物中也不会有CO2 D.检测酒精可用重铬酸钾,溶液的颜色由灰绿色变为橙色 3.光合作用是生物界中重要的物质与能量代谢,下列有关叙述正确的是 A.给绿色植物提供含有H218O的水,含18O的物质只有释放出来的O2 B.根据光合作用释放的O2量,可以推算出光合作用中有机物的积累量 C.停止光照,暗反应很快会停止,而停止供应CO2则光反应不受影响 D.生产生活中,温室大棚普遍采用红色的塑料薄膜来提高作物产量 4.某科研小组为探究酵母菌的细胞呼吸方式,进行了如图所示实验(假设细胞呼吸产生的热量不会使瓶中的气压升高),开始时溴麝香草酚蓝水溶液的颜色基本不变,反应一段时间后溶液颜色由蓝变绿再逐渐变黄。下列有关分析正确的是 A.溴麝香草酚蓝水溶液颜色由蓝变绿再变黄说明酵母菌在不断地产生CO2 B.溴麝香草酚蓝水溶液的颜色一开始不变是因为酵母菌只进行了有氧呼吸


鲁山二高2018-2019学年上学期第一次周考试题 高一英语 命题: 李惠珂校对:刘远东 2018年9月1日 注意事项: 1. 考试时间:100分钟试卷满分:150分(含卷面分10分) 2. 本试卷由四个部分组成。回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。 第一部分基础词汇默写(每小题2分,共20分)(初高中衔接) 1.先锋 6 language 2.囚犯 7 practice 3.游客 8 summary 4.工程师 9 topic 5.领导者 10 influence 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Friendships can be difficult — because often people aren't as honest and open as they should be. Sometimes, people finally get hurt. Most problems with friendships come up because people are just too selfish to care about the things that their friends need. They care about their own needs much more, which makes it hard for friendships to work. However, being selfish is part of human nature. A person is put together in order to take care of themselves and their own needs, not necessarily those needs of other people. Even though being selfish is something that all humans are born with, it is something that everyone should be against. The best thing to remember when you are a friend to anyone is that you need to treat your friends the same way that you'd like to be treated(对待). This is wonderful advice for a friendship, because it is really the only way to make sure that you are giving your friends everything you would want to be given in a friendship. Whenever you have a question about how you should treat a friend, it is easy to find an answer simply by asking yourself what you would like your friend to do for you, if he or she was in your shoes. Even if you're always thinking about how you'd like to be treated, and your friends are too, there are problems that come up from time to time in each friendship, and it is important to understand how to deal with these problems so that you can build stronger and healthier friendships. Problems like friends getting boyfriends or girlfriends and not spending enough time with their friends, or even friends finding new friends and leaving old friends behind are problems that will probably come up with one or more of your friendships. It is important to know how to deal with these friend problems so that you can keep your friends and make new ones. No one wants to have a broken friendship. 21:This passage mainly talks about ________. A.the importance of friendship B.the advantages(益处) of friendship C.the problems of friendship D.the disadvantages(劣势) of friendship 22:According to the writer, problems with friendship may appear when ________. A.one is honest B.one is selfish C.one is open D.one is kind 23. According to the passage, the first and most important thing to be other people's friend is ________. A.to treat your friend as you like to be B.to give your friends whatever you have C.not to hurt your friends' feelings D.not to think of your own need any more B Two strangers were sitting together in a plane. They were on a long journey. One of the man was a teacher, the other was a farmer. They sat without talking for a while, then the farmer said, "Let's do something to pass the time." "What do you want to do?" the teacher asked. "We can ask each other riddles," the farmer said. "You start." " Let's make the rules first," the teacher said. "And to make the game more interesting, let's play it for money. If we don't know the answer to a riddle, we have to pay a dollar." The farmer


高一英语上第一次月考试卷(带答案) 高一月考英语试题 (满分120,时间100分钟) 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分:听力理解(略) 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节20小题,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 As the father of a student, I have experienced first hand what a great teacher is. My son was in the 4th grade last year, and he had a teacher called Miss Green. I believe that when he is an adult he will surely look back on her as the best teacher he has ever had. My son has attention deficit disorder(注意力缺损症) that makes it a little more difficult for him to learn. She was able to change her teaching methods for him so that he could keep up with the rest of the class. As a result, he got straight As on many subjects. She regarded her class as a family and they even had their own class song. She would often have them sing it to encourage them and develop a team spirit for them. When she saw that they were no longer listening carefully to what she was teaching, she would have them close their textbooks, stand up all around the room and throw around a small football. This helped them clear their minds and then focus on the lesson again. Besides, she was


2020届江西省南昌二中高三高考校测(一)数学(文)试题 一、单选题 1.已知全集U =R ,集合{|01},{1,0,1}A x R x B =∈<=-,则( )U A B =( ) A .{}1- B .{1} C .{1,0}- D .{0,1} 【答案】C 【解析】根据补集的运算,求得{|0U x A x =≤或1}x >,再结合交集的运算,即可求 解. 【详解】 由题意,全集U =R ,集合{|01}A x R x =∈<≤, 可得 {|0U x A x =≤或1}x >, 又由集合{1,0,1}B =-,所以( ){1,0}U A B ?=-. 故选:C. 【点睛】 本题考查集合的补集与交集概念及运算,其中解答中熟记集合的交集、补集的概念和运算方法是解答的关键,着重考查了运算与求解能力. 2.若复数2i z =-,i 为虚数单位,则(1)(1)z z +-= A .24i + B .24i -+ C .24i -- D .4- 【答案】B 【解析】()()11z z +-=2 2 11(2)1(34)24z i i i -=--=--=-+ ,选B. , 3.已知实数.a b ,则“2ab ≥”是“224a b +≥”的 A .充分不必要条件 B .必要不充分条件 C .充要条件 D .既不充分也不必要条件 【答案】A 【解析】本题考查充分必要条件的判断、不等式等知识. 充分性:由均值不等式 ;必要性:取 ,显然得不到 2ab ≥.故“2ab ≥”是“224a b +≥”的充分不必要条件,选A .

4.若函数()()sin 0x f x x ωωω=>的图象的一条对称轴为3 x π =,则ω的 最小值为( ) A . 32 B .2 C . 52 D .3 【答案】C 【解析】由对称轴为3x π =可知3f π?? ??? 为最大值或最小值,即可求解. 【详解】 ∵()12sin 2sin 23f x x x x πωωω??? ?==- ? ? ????? , 且函数()f x 的图象的一条对称轴为3 x π =, ∴当3 x π = 时,()2sin 333f x f ππ πω????==- ? ????? 取最大值或最小值, ∴ ,3 3 2 k k π π π ωπ- = +∈Z , ∴5 3,2 k k ω= +∈Z , ∵0>ω, ∴ω的最小值为52 . 故选:C. 【点睛】 本题主要考查了正弦型函数的图象与性质,属于中档题. 5.已知数列}{ n a 为等比数列,n S 是它的前n 项和,若2312a a a ?=,且4a 与72a 的等差中项为5 4 ,则5S =( ). A .35 B .33 C .31 D .29 【答案】C 【解析】试题分析:由题意得,设等比数列的公比为q ,则2 231112a a a q a q a =?=,所 以42a =, 又3 474452224a a a a q +=+=?,解得11,162 q a ==,所以


江西省南昌市第二中学2014-2015学年高一上学期期中考试化学试题 1.“纳米材料”是粒子直径为1~100nm的材料,纳米碳就是其中一种,若将纳米碳均匀地分散到蒸馏水中,所形成的物质() ①是溶液②是胶体③能产生丁达尔效应④能透过滤纸⑤不能透过滤纸 ⑥静置后会析出黑色沉淀 A.①④⑤ B.②③④ C.②③⑤ D.①③④⑥ 2.在体积相同的两个密闭容器中分别充满NO2、N2O4气体,当这两个容器内温度和气体密度相等时,下列说法正确的是() A.两种气体的压强相等 B.两种气体N原子为12 C.两种气体的分子数目相等 D.两种气体的氧原子数目相等 3.设阿伏加德常数为N A,则下列说法正确的是() A.常温常压下,11.2 LCH4中含有的氢原子数为2N A B.2.7 g铝与足量的盐酸反应,失去的电子数为0.3N A C.含有N A个氦原子的氦气在标准状况下的体积约为11.2L D.1 L 0.1 mol/L MgCl2溶液中含Cl-数为0.1N A 4.在25℃时,在一刚性容器内部有一个不漏气且可滑动的活塞将容器分隔成左右两室。 左室充入氮气,右室充入氢气与氧气的混和气体,活塞恰好停留在离左端的1/5处(图1),然后引燃氢、氧混和气体,反应完毕后恢复至原温度,活塞恰好停在中间(图2),如果忽 略水蒸气体积,则反应前氢气与氧气的体积比可能是 5.下列说法正确的是() A.还原剂失去电子变成还原产物 B.氧化剂被氧化成还原产物 C.氧化剂是得到电子,发生还原反应的物质 D.还原剂是化合价下降得到电子被氧化的物质 6.能用H++OH-=H2O表示的化学反应是( ) A.氢氧化镁和稀盐酸反应 B.Ba(OH)2溶液滴入稀硫酸中 C.澄清石灰水和稀硝酸反应 D.二氧化碳通入澄清石灰水中 7.下列反应的离子方程式错误的是() A.碳酸钙和稀盐酸反应: CaCO3+2H+===Ca2++CO2↑+H2O


第一学期期末考试 高一英语试题 本试卷分四部分,共10页,满分150分。考试时间120分钟 第一卷(120分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分15分) 第一节听力理解(4段共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分) 每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 听下面一段对话,回答第1~2题。 1. Where does the talk probably take place A. In a bank. B. In a classroom. C. In an office. 2. How will the man pay his fees A. By cash. B. By credit card. C. By cheque. 听下面一段对话,回答第3~4题。 3. How does the girl say she is feeling A. Tired. B. Hungry. C. Feverish. 4. What is the doctor’s opinion A. He believes she’s serious ly ill. B. He has not seen an illness like this before. C. He thinks she is nervous about the exams. 听下面一段独白,回答第5~7题。 5. What is the talk mainly about A. Moving to a new city. B. Making friends with others. C. Asking for advice. 6. Who suggests that the speaker should smile a lot A. Julie. B. Her brother. C. Her parents. 7. What does the speaker plan to do A. Introduce herself to others. B. Be warm and friendly. C. Be kind and helpful. 听下面一段对话,回答第8~10题。 8. What is the relationship between the two speakers A. Workmates. B. Classmates. C. Relatives. 9. What will they do after their bike ride A. Go swimming. B. Have lunch. C. Return home. 10. How will they reach their destination (目的地) A. Ride on the highway then turn left. B. Turn left at the lake then right on the dirt road. C. Turn left at the lake then left again at the end of the forest. 第二节听取信息(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面一段独白,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号

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