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a bad apple, 金玉其外,败絮其中

a gay dog, 欢喜坨(我们那的方言)

a hard nut, 硬骨头

a hen-pecked husband, 妻管严

fat cat, 朱门大户

bosom friends, 心腹之交

con artist,,

fat chance, 绝佳机会

a storm in a teacup, 大惊小怪

the last straw, 救命稻草

under age,

rat race, 你死我活的竞争

keep somebody at arm’s length, 形影不离

be on one’s back, 卧病在床

make somebody’s blood boil, 热血沸腾

sad dog, 苦瓜脸

work addict, 工作狂

give it to somebody straight,

have head like a sieve, 健忘者

in one’s heart of hearts, 在内心深处

cool one’s heels, 空等

have a big nose,

have a sweet tooth, 爱吃甜食

twist one’s arm,

rude awakening, 幻灭

Die in one’s boots, 暴卒

Keep one’s shirt on, 忍辱负重

I am so flattered.

it slipped my mind. 使我一时想不起

butterflies in my stomach, 战抖

It gives me the creeps.

Shout something from the rooftops , 登高而呼Burn a hole in one’s pocket.,

Be all ears, 洗耳恭听

Foot the bill, 负担费用

Let one’s hair down;

Pull one’s leg, 拖后腿

A bread-and-butter letter,

Straight A 高材生,

Dry run, 排练

Penny pincher, 铁公鸡

Old money ,

a pain in the neck, 讨厌鬼

keep one’s finger crossed, 乞求好运

in hot water,

out of the blue, 猝不及防

at sixes and sevens,乱七八糟

爱屋及乌 Love me, love my dog.

百闻不如一见 Seeing is believing.

比上足,比下有余 "worse off than some, better off than many; to fall short of the best, but be better than the worst

笨鸟先飞 A slow sparrow should make an early start.

不眠之夜 white night

不以物喜,不以己悲 not pleased by external gains, not saddened by personnal losses 不遗余力 spare no effort; go all out; do one's best

不打不成交 "No discord, no concord.

拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul

辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new

大事化小,小事化了 try first to make their mistake sound less serious and then to reduce it to nothing at all

大开眼界 open one's eyes; broaden one's horizon; be an eye-opener

国泰民安 The country flourishes and people live in peace

过犹不及 going too far is as bad as not going far enough; beyond is as wrong as falling short; too much is as bad as too little

功夫不负有心人 Everything comes to him who waits.

好了伤疤忘了疼 once on shore, one prays no more

好事不出门,恶事传千里 Good news never goes beyond the gate, while bad news spread far and wide.

和气生财 Harmony brings wealth

活到老,学到老 One is never too old to learn.

既往不咎 let bygones be bygones

金无足赤,人无完人 Gold can't be pure and man can't be perfect.

金玉满堂 Treasures fill the home

脚踏实地 be down-to-earth

脚踩两只船 sit on the fence

君子之交淡如水 the friendship between gentlemen is as pure as crystal; a hedge between keeps friendship green

老生常谈,陈词滥调 cut and dried, cliché

礼尚往来 Courtesy calls for reciprocity.

留得青山在,不怕没柴烧 "Where there is life, there is hope."

马到成功 achieve immediate victory; win instant success

名利双收 gain in both fame and wealth

茅塞顿开 be suddenly enlightened

没有规矩不成方圆 Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards.

每逢佳节倍思亲 On festive occasions more than ever one thinks of one's dear ones

far away.

It is on the festival occasions when one misses his dear most. 谋事在人,成事在天 "The planning lies with man, the outcome with Heaven. / Man proposes, God disposes. "

弄巧成拙 be too smart by half; Cunning outwits itself.

拿手好戏 masterpiece

赔了夫人又折兵 throw good money after bad

抛砖引玉 a modest spur to induce others to come forward with valuable contributions; throw a sprat to catch a whale

破釜沉舟 cut off all means of retreat; burn one‘s own way of retreat and be determined to fight to the end

抢得先机 take the preemptive opportunities

巧妇难为无米之炊 If you have no hand you can't make a fist./ One can't make bricks without straw.

千里之行始于足下a thousand-li journey begins with the first step--the highest eminence is to be gained step by step

前事不忘,后事之师 Past experience, if not forgotten, is a guide for the future. 前人栽树,后人乘凉 One generation plants the trees in whose shade another generation rests.

One sows and another reaps.

前怕狼,后怕虎 fear the wolf in front and the tiger behind/ hesitate in doing something

强龙难压地头蛇 Even a dragon (from the outside) finds it hard to control a snake in its old haunt - Powerful outsiders can hardly afford to neglect local bullies. 强强联手 win-win co-operation

瑞雪兆丰年 A timely snow promises a good harvest.

人之初,性本善 Man's nature at birth is good.

人逢喜事精神爽 Joy puts heart into a man.

人海战术 huge-crowd strategy

世上无难事,只要肯攀登 "Where there is a will, there is a way. "

世外桃源 a fictitious land of peace away from the turmoil of the world;

死而后已 until my heart stops beating

岁岁平安 Peace all year round

上有天堂,下有苏杭 "Just as there is paradise in heaven, ther are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth."

塞翁失马,焉知非福 Misfortune may be an actual blessing.

三十而立 "A man should be independent at the age of thirty.

At thirty, a man should be able to think for himself."

升级换代 updating and upgrading (of products)

四十不惑 Life begins at forty.

谁言寸草心,报得三春晖 "Such kindness of warm sun, can't be repaid by grass. " 水涨船高 When the river rises, the boat floats high.

时不我待 Time and tide wait for no man.

杀鸡用牛刀 break a butterfly on the wheel

实事求是 seek truth from facts; be practical and realistic; be true to facts

说曹操,曹操到 Talk of the devil and he comes.

实话实说 speak the plain truth; call a spade a spade; tell it as it is

实践是检验真理的唯一标准 Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.

山不在高,有仙则名 "No matter how high the mountain is, its name will spread far and wide if there is a fairy; "

韬光养晦 hide one's capacities and bide one's time

糖衣炮弹 sugar-coated bullets

天有不测风云 Anything unexpected may happen. a bolt from the blue

团结就是力量 Unity is strength.

“跳进黄河洗不清” "eve if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean--there's nothing one can do to clear one's name "

歪风邪气 unhealthy practices and evil phenomena

物以类聚,人以群分 Birds of a feather flock together.

往事如风 "The past has vanished (from memory) like wind.; What in past, is past." 望子成龙 hold high hopes for one's child

屋漏又逢连阴雨 Misfortunes never come singly. When it rains it pours.

文韬武略 military expertise; military strategy

唯利是图 draw water to one's mill

无源之水,无本之木 water without a source, and a tree wiithout roots

无中生有 make/create something out of nothing

无风不起浪 There are no waves without wind. There's no smoke without fire.

徇私枉法 bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends

新官上任三把火 a new broom sweeps clean

虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind.

蓄势而发 accumulate strength for a take-off

心想事成 May all your wish come true

心照不宣 have a tacit understanding; give tacit consent; tacit understanding

先入为主 First impressions are firmly entrenched.

先下手为强 catch the ball before the bound

像热锅上的蚂蚁 like an ant on a hot pan

现身说法 warn people by taking oneself as an example

息事宁人 pour oil on troubled waters

喜忧参半 mingled hope and fear

循序渐进 step by step

一路平安,一路顺风 speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest

严以律己,宽以待人 be strict with oneself and lenient towards others

鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey

有情人终成眷属 "Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well."

有钱能使鬼推磨 Money makes the mare go. Money talks.

有识之士 people of vision

有勇无谋 use brawn rather than brain

有缘千里来相会 Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination.

与时俱进 advance with times

以人为本 people oriented; people foremost

因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude

欲穷千里目,更上一层楼 "to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight."

欲速则不达 Haste does not bring success.

优胜劣汰 survival of the fittest

英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike.

冤家宜解不宜结 Better make friends than make enemies.

冤假错案 "cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced; unjust, false or wrong cases"

一言既出,驷马难追 A real man never goes back on his words.

招财进宝 Money and treasures will be plentiful

债台高筑 become debt-ridden

致命要害 Achilles' heel

众矢之的 target of public criticism

知己知彼,百战不殆 Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of defeat.

纸上谈兵 be an armchair strategist

纸包不住火 Truth will come to light sooner or later.

左右为难between the devil and the deep blue sea; between the rock and the hard place

A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush.


Actions speak louder than words.


A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit.


A friend in need is a friend indeed.


A good beginning is half done.


A little pot is soon hot.


All roads lead to Rome.


All that glitters is not gold.


A man is known by his friends.


A miss is as good as a mile.


An apple a day keeps the doctor away.


A new broom sweeps clean.


An ounce of luck is better than a pound of wisdom. 聪明才智,不如运气。

A sound mind in a sound body.


Beauty lies in the love's eyes.


Birds of a feather flock together.


Blood is thicker than water.


Business is business.


Business is the salt of life.


Constant dripping wears away a stone.


Creep before you walk.


Cry for the moon.


Do as the Romans do.


Do nothing by halves.


Easy come, easy go.


Every advantage has its disadvantage.


Every man has his hobbyhorse.


Fact speak louder than words.


God helps those who help themselves.


Great minds think alike.


Learn and live.


Like father, like son.


Love me, love my dog.


Misfortunes never come alone.


Never say die.


No pains, no gains.


Out of sight, out of mind.


Practice makes perfect.


Still water run deep.


Strike the iron while it is hot.


1.burn the boat 自绝退路,破釜沉舟

2.one's hairs stands on end/set sb's hair on end 发根竖立, 毛骨悚然

3.show the cloven hoof 露出原形

4.hang by a hair 千钧一发

5.kill the goose that lays the golden eggs 杀鸡取卵

6.fish in troubled water 混水摸鱼

7.neither fish nor flesh 非驴非马

8.fish in the air 白费力气

9.a drop in the ocean 沧海一粟

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ba18346395.html,ugh off one's head 笑破肚皮

11.be out at elbows 捉襟见肘

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ba18346395.html,y heads together 集思广益

13.know sth like the back of one's hand 对某事了如指掌

14.have an axe to grind 别有用心


1.wake a sleeping dog 招惹是非

2.as easy as falling off a log 极容易

3.cast pearls before swine 对牛弹琴;白费好意

4.help a lame dog over a stile 雪中送炭

5.paint the lily 画蛇添足

6.as poor as Job 家贫如洗

7.a fly in the ointment 美中不足之处

8.reap what one has sown 自食其果

9.carry coals to Newcastle 多此一举;徒劳无功

10.be all thumbs笨手笨脚

A friend in need is a friend in indeed. 患难识知已

Second thoughts are best. 三思而后行

Better early than late. 宁早勿晚

Better late than never. 迟做总比不做好

Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌

Teach fish hou to swim

No news , good news

East , west ,home is the best

It's great to be great, but it's greater to be human.成为伟人是伟大的,成为真正的人就更伟大。

First things first.

Put the cart before the horse. 本末倒置

Friendship should not be all on one side. 友谊靠双方

Eat no fish做忠实可靠的人(误:不吃鱼)

All roads lead to Rome. 条条道路通罗马

It is good to learn at another man's cost.前车可鉴。

A cat may look at a king. 猫也可以看国王(指小人物也应有些权利)

It is never too late to learn. 活到老,学到老

Great minds think alike.英雄所见略同。

Men learn while they reach. 教学相长

First think, and then speak.

bad workman quarrels with his tools.


A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.


A bird is known by its note, and a man by his talk.


A blind man who leans against a wall imagines that it's the boundary of the world. 坐井观天。

Absence sharpens love, presence strengthens it.


A burnt child dreads the fire.


Accidents will happen.


A clean hand wants no washing.


A clear conscience is a soft pillow.


A clear conscience is a sure card.


A clear conscience laughs at false accusations.


A clear fast is better than a dirty breakfast.


A close mouth catches no flies.


A cock is valiant on his own dunghill.


A common danger causes common action.


A contented mind is perpetual feast.


Actions speak louder than words.


Admonish your friends in private, praise them in public. 在私底下要忠告你的朋友,在公开场合又表扬你的朋友。

A fair face may hide a foul heart.


A faithful friend is hard to find.


A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.


After a storm comes a calm.


After black clouds, clear weather.


After death, the doctor.


A good appetite is a good sauce.


A good example is the best sermon.


A good face is a letter of recommendation.


A good fame is better than a good face.


A good friend is my nearest relation.


A good marksman may miss.


A good maxim is never out of season.


A good medicine tastes bitter.


A good winter brings a good summer.


A happy heart makes a blooming visage.


A hero is known in the time of misfortune.


1 Let sleeping dog lie. 勿惹事生非,别打草惊蛇

2 Fine feathers make fine birds. 佛要金装,人要衣裳

3 One swallow dosen't make a summer. 一花独放不是春

4 Birds of feather flock together. 物以类聚,人以群分

5 Kill the goose that lays golden eggs. 杀鸡取卵

6 Put the cart before the horse. 本末倒置

7 Just like a rat crossing the street is chased by all passersby.老鼠过街,人人喊打

8 Fish in trouble water. 混水摸鱼

9 To rain cats and dogs. 倾盆大雨

10 Shed crocodile tears. 猫哭老鼠

11 Play the harp to a cow. 对牛弹琴

12 A wolf in sheep's clothing. 面善心恶

13 Lure the tiger out of the mountains. 调虎离山

14 as poor as church mouse. 一贫如洗

15 Kill two birds with one stone. 一箭双雕

16 Let the cat out of the bag. 泄露机密

17 Make a bee line for. 走投无路

18 as stubborn as a mule. 顽固不化

19 as proud as peacock. 洋洋自得

20 at a snail's pace. 慢条斯里

21 dog eat dog. 大鱼吃小鱼

22 neither fish nor flesh. 非驴非马

23 a cat's paw 帮凶

24 Every dog has his day. 凡人皆有得意日

25 a birds eye view 鸟瞰

26 a flea in one's ear 讽刺话

27 cold fish 冷酷的人

28 fish in the air 水中捞月

29 crazy like a box 装模作样

30 ant's in one's pants 坐立不安

31 like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁

32 pass fish eyes for pearls 鱼目混珠

33 make an ass of oneself 做傻事

34 snake in the grass 潜伏的敌人

35 Teach a fish to swim. 班门弄斧

36 like a trutle on its back 束手无策

37 You ran after two hares,you will catch neither.顾此失彼

38 Aim at a pigeon and shoot at a crow. 声东击西

39 Give a dog an ill name and hang him. 欲加之罪,何患无辞

40 Burn not in your house to rid of the mouse. 勿玩火自焚

41 A fox may grow grey but never good. 狗行千里改不了吃屎

42 In like a lion,out like a lamb. 虎头蛇尾

43 The fox borrow the tiger's terror.狐假虎威

44 as strong as a horse 强壮如牛

45 as busy as a bee 忙忙碌碌

46 as thicky as a monkey 诡计多端

47 as drunk as a fish 酩酊大醉

48 as stupid as a goose 蠢笨如猪

49 as open as the day 开诚布公

50 a lazy dog 懒汉

51 a literary lion 文学名士

52 a lucky dog 幸运儿

53 a poor snake 穷人

54 white coffee 牛奶咖啡

55 an early bird 早起者

56 red-hot news 最新消息

57 a green hand 新手

58 a yellow dog 卑鄙之人

59 dark plan 秘密计划

60 the chinese rose 月季花

61 French chalk 滑石粉

62 Spanish castle 空中楼阁

63 Dutch courage 酒后之勇

64 Russian boots 长筒靴

65 from China to Peru 天涯海角

66 high school 中学

67 rest room 洗手间

68 backseat driver 瞎指挥弄糟事情的人

69 familiar talk 内容庸俗的聊天

70 dry goods 纺织品

71 black tea 红茶

72 bar association 律师协会

73 best-seller 畅销书

74 to bring down the house 获得满堂掌声

75 girl of the old school 守旧的女性

76 to call somebody names 辱骂某人

77 to have a sweet tooth 爱吃甜食

78 to have a bite 吃点东西

79 I'm not a good sailor. 我晕船

80 to face the music 接受惩罚

81 in a blue mood 情绪低落

82 black sheep 败家子

83 give somebody a black eye 把某人的眼眶打青

84 to go fly a kite 滚开

85 Stop pulling my leg. 别开玩笑了

86 The child is father to the man. 从小看大

87 He cut his father dead in the street. 他路见其父佯装不见

88 There is no question of his coming today. 他今天根本不会来

89 He is the last person I will see.他是我最不想见的人

90 I can't praise you to highly.我怎么表扬你都不过分

91 He had no opinion of her. 他对她没有好感

92 I won't buy your story. 我不会相信你说的话

93 This soup is good and hot. 这汤很热

94 You don't say so.不可能吧

95 Achilles' heel 致命的弱点

1.The Chinese people is a great people


2.Life is short and time is swift


3.Money could not buy happiness


4.Don't be a little chicken


5.Tom is a man of his word


6.More ding,less speaking


7.What's eating on you


8.His opinion is all my eye


9.Best wishes to your friend


10.Please come over any time


11.East or west,home is the best


12.Moer laughter,less angry


13.What do you do in your spare time 你空闲时做什么?

14.Be my guest


15.To wore like a tiger


16.That's sweets of you


17.You're really cool,I admire you 你们真酷,我佩服你们

18.I'm sorry for what I said


19.He lookes black and blue.


20.You're a lucky dog


趣味英语习语 (英美文化内涵类)

趣味英语习语(英美文化内涵类) 1. Pandora’s box潘多拉的盒子灾祸之源 2.Cast sheep’s eyes to someone向某人投羊眼向某人递秋波 3.On the carpet在地毯上在考虑中,受训斥 4.Bury one’s head in the sand把某人的头埋在沙子里采取逃避态度 5.Heads will roll头要滚了有人要倒霉了 6.feather in cap炫耀 7.get up from the wrong side of the bed心情不好 8.meet one’s waterloo遭遇惨败,败走麦城 9.all at sea茫然若失 10.to strike while the iron is hot趁热打铁 11.be/feel under the weather感觉不舒服/生病 12.kill two birds with one stone一石两鸟 13.beat generation迷惘的一代 14.pour cats and dogs倾盆大雨 15.play cards close to one’s chest保守秘密 16.the lion’s share最大的份额 17.man Friday忠仆,得力助手 18.pond of flesh合情但悖于情理的要求莎士比亚 19.Judas’s kiss犹大之吻(比喻出卖朋友) 20.much cry and little wool雷声大,雨点小

21.naked truth原原本本的事实,赤裸裸的事实(真理与谎言一起洗澡,谎言穿上真理的衣离开,真理宁愿裸着身体也不愿穿谎言的衣服) 22 .kill the goose that laid the golden eggs杀鸡取卵、涸泽而鱼 23.sour grapes聊以自慰的话(狐狸吃不到葡萄就说葡萄是酸的有点类似于中国的阿Q精神) 24.bell the cat替别人冒风险(老鼠要给猫、带上铃铛的寓言故事) 25.cat’paw被别人利用的人(猴子想吃火中的栗子,骗猫为其火中取栗的故事) 26.man for all seasons博学多才适应性强的人(英国政治家、作家托马斯莫尔博学多才适应性强) 27.Mickey mouse米老鼠(无关紧要的人物) 28.skeleton at the feast居安思危(扫兴的家伙或事物。埃及古代习俗凡重大宴会都要在席上显眼处访放一具骷髅,借以提醒到会宾客居安思危,不忘苦难和死亡) 29.as wise as owls聪明(西方人认为猫头鹰是聪明智慧的象征) 30.as quite as mouse安静如鼠非常安静 31.as timid as rabbit胆小如鼠 32. no spring chicken已不再年轻的女人 33.reap what one has sowed种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆 bed of roses舒适的生活 34.as cool as cucumber泰然自若,冷静 the last straw使人忍无可忍的情况,导火索


1. Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌 2 Seeing is believing..百闻不如一见(眼见为实) 3. worse off than some, better off than many比上不足比下有余 4. A slow sparrow should make an early start. 笨鸟先飞 5. white night不眠之夜 6. Everything comes to him who waits. 功夫不负有心人 7. spare no effort; go all out to do; do one's best 不遗余力 8. No discord, no concord.不打不成交 9. rob Peter to pay Paul拆东墙补西墙 10. on a gravy train 轻松赚大钱,美差 11. jump on the bandwagon 赶时髦 12. come to a head 到了最关键的时候 13. decline to do/ turn down to do 拒绝做某事 14.phase out 逐渐淘汰 16. make an about-face 有一个大转变17. keep a lid on sb 限制某人 18. domino effect 多米诺骨牌效应 19. have a common thread 具有共同特点 20. let bygones be bygones 既往不咎21. have cold feet 打退堂鼓 22. come into line with 同意。。


六年级英语第一单元测试题 班级_______姓名_______等级_____ I、火眼金睛找一找,看看谁的发音不同。 ( ) 1. A. where B. there C. here ( )2. book B. school C. good ( )3. A. hard B. card C. shirt ( )4. A. morning B. your C. rode ( )5. A. door B. about C. how Ⅱ我有火眼金睛。找出不同类的单词,将其序号填入题前括号中) ()1. A. better B. big C. light D. heavy ()2. A. mine B. yours C. ours D. them ()3. A. ate B. hoped C. find D. learnt ()4. A. Maths B. English C. science D. television ()5. A. hamburger B. sandwich C. traditional D. sausage Ⅲ、你记住下列动词的过去式了吗? 1.ride_______ 2.eat________ 3.make_______ 4.wear________ 5.study_______ 6.bring________ 7.buy_________ 8.climb_________ 9.give_________10.learn Ⅳ、单项选择。 ()https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ba18346395.html,st night we ______ to a ______ theatre . A. go ; child’s B. went ; children C. went ; children’s ()2.The message will go to Dad’s computer ______ work . A. on B .in C. At ()3.Where did you go ______ your holidays ? A. in B. on C. for ()4.Thank you _______ your help . A. to B. for C. from ()5.We ______ you in three weeks .


常见趣味英语词汇大全 你曾经因为一字之差而闹笑话吗?有哪些字是你刻骨铭心的惨痛经验?你觉得有哪些关键字汇让你顿足捶胸,或茅塞顿开? 当考路考的考官说pull over时,你是否会不知所措?有人邀请你叁加Potluck Party时,你会不会空手赴宴?速食店里,店员问「for here or to go?」你是否会丈二金刚摸不着头脑,莫名其妙?Give me a ring! 可不是用来求婚的。Drop me a line.更非要你排队站好。老美说「Hi! What\'s up!」你可别说「I am fine!」你曾经闹过这些笑话吗?让我们来看看,这些字,「你怎麽说?」 ▲Potluck Party :一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,叁加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料,最好事先问问主人的意思。 ▲Pull over!把车子开到旁边。 ▲Drop me a line!写封信给我。 ▲Give me a ring. = Call me!来个电话吧! ▲For here or to go?堂食或外卖。 ▲cool; That\'s cool! 等於台湾年轻人常用的囗语「酷!」,表示不赖嘛!用於人或事均可。 ▲What\'s up? = What\'s happening? = What\'s new? 见面时随囗问候的话「最近在忙什麽?有什麽新鲜事吗?一般的回答是「Nothing much!」或「Nothing new!」 ▲Cut it out! = Knock it out!= Stop it! 少来这一套!同学之间开玩笑的话。 ▲Don\'t give me a hard time! 别跟我过不去好不好! ▲Get yourself together! 振作点行不行! ▲D o you have \"the\" time? 现在几点钟?可别误以为人家要约你出去。 ▲Hang in there. = Don\'t give up. = Keep trying. 再撑一下。 ▲Give me a break ! 你饶了我吧!(开玩笑的话) ▲Hang on. 请稍候。 ▲Blow it. = Screw up. 搞砸了。 ▲What a big hassle. 真是个麻烦事。 ▲What a crummy day. 多倒霉的一天。 ▲Go for it. 加油 ▲You bet. = Of course. 当然;看我的! ▲Wishful thinking. 一厢情愿的想法。 ▲Don\'t be so fussy! 别那麽挑剔好不好。 ▲It\'s a long story. 唉!说来话长。 ▲How have you been? = How are you doing? 你过得如何?近来可好? ▲Take things for granted. 自以为理所当然。 ▲Don\'t put on airs. 别摆架子。 ▲Wishful thinking. 一厢情愿的想法。 ▲Don\'t be so fussy! 别那麽挑剔好不好! ▲Give me a lift! = Give me a ride! 送我一程吧! ▲Have a crush on someone. 迷恋某人。 ▲What\'s the catch? 有什麽内幕?


英语常用翻译十二式 英语翻译十二式(一) 同义反译法 例子: 1. Only three customers remained in the bar. 酒吧间只有三个顾客还没有走。(不译:「还留着」或「还呆在那里」) 2. I'll be here for good this time. 这一次我再也不走了。(不译:「永远在此呆下去」) 3. Please keep the fire burning when I'm out. 我不在家的时候,请别让炉子灭了。(不译:「我外出时,请让炉子继续烧着」) 4. "Wait, he is serious." 「等等,他不是说着玩儿的。」(不译:「等等,他是认真的。」) 5. "Now, Clara, be firm with the boy!" 「听我说,克拉拉,对这孩子可不能心软。」(不译:「……对这孩子要坚定」) (二) 删减解释词 例子: The traveller in the south must often have remarked that peculiar air of refinement, that softness of voice and manner, which seems in many cases to be a particular gift to the quotation and mulatto women. 到南方去的人看见那些黑白混血的女郎,准定会注意到她们十之八九都赋有那种独特的优雅风度、那种柔和的声调和文静的举止。 (三) 短句拆译 例子: " ...on one sunshiny morning in June , ..." 「在六月里的一天早上,天气晴朗,……」 (四) 译词推陈出新 例子:


Proverb He is a jinx. 他是个扫把星 They hold a bean feast. 他们举行了一场庆功会 I bombed in the exam. 我考砸了 My husband and I led a cat and dog life.我和我丈夫过着争争吵吵的日子He is eating humble pie. 他在忏悔 She is a fox in a lamb’s skin. 她是个口蜜腹剑的人 Her brother was a high binder.她哥哥是个骗子。 Betty is the midwife of Jim. 贝蒂是吉姆的接生婆。 Vivi made sheep’s eyes at Tom. 薇薇含情脉脉地看着汤姆。 She had some mad money.她有一笔应急的钱。 Mike is now sitting pretty. 麦克现在吃喝不愁。 He is a walking skeleton. 他瘦骨如柴。 The bank is open around the clock. 那家银行24小时营业。 He likes to watch blue film. 他喜欢看黄色电影。 I like to collect nick-nacks. 我喜欢手收集小饰品。 I am out of the woods. 我走出困境了。 My mom is a Sunday driver. 我妈妈开车很慢。 Here is a Smoke Free Zone. 此处是禁烟区。 Bess ate all of six fruit cakes. 贝思足足吃了六块水果蛋糕。 It’s an aid to hearing. 这是助听器。 They are Darby and Joan. 他们是对恩爱的老夫妻。 I have a red news for you. 我有最新消息要告诉你。 It’s free at the high sea. 在公海是自由的。 Her speech was a double Dutch. 她的演说不易听懂。 He’s such a freeloader. 他是个吃白食的人。 You must hold your horses. 你一定要镇静。 Lily is so wishy-washy. 莉莉优柔寡断。 Can we get around this issue? 我们能避开这个话题吗? She stepped off the carpet last week. 她上周结婚了。 Money is not everything. 钱不是万能的。 The film is in the black for 3 years. 这家公司三年来一直赢利。 He is a man of pleasure. 他是个浪荡子。 He is a jack-leg lawyer. 他是一个不称职的律师。 I hate to see those fat cats. 我讨厌看到那些有钱人。 Let’s talk turkey.让我们开诚布公的谈一下。 Jim did a Dutch act last night. 吉姆昨晚自杀了。 The boss hit the ceiling. 老板大发雷霆。 It’s a juicy tidbit. 这是令人津津乐道的趣闻。 I am his young woman.我是他的情人。 Mary is a real hip. 玛丽真是见多识广。


What is the highest mountain in the world? Mount Qomolangma. Which animal can live the longest in the world? Whales. Which animal is the fastest in the water? Sailfish What is the longest river in China? The Changjiang River. Which animal is the fastest on land? Cheetahs. What is the longest river in the world? The Nile River. Which animal can live for about 70 years? Elephants. If there is a fire, you should call ____ in America. 911. If there is a fire, you should call ____ in China. 119 If someone gets hurt, you should call ____ in China. 120 If there is a fire , you should call _____ in Canada. 911 How fast can cheetahs run? 76km/h How long do turtles and people live? 100 years. How long can whales live? More than 200 years. If someone is very busy, you can say “ He is _______.” As busy as a bee.


英语习语知多少:十个最常用的英语习语 某天,朋友跟一个老外说起自己刚分手的女友,对方看他难过,拍了拍他的肩膀对他说:“Don't worry about it man, girls like that are a dime a dozen!” 后来朋友跟我说起这件事仍然愤愤不平,说老外把她女友说成只值一块二毛钱! 其实,“dime a dozen”跟“一块二毛钱”没有半毛钱关系。它是一句常见的英语习语,指的是something that is common and easy to obtain(天涯何处无芳草)。 和中文的成语一样,英文中也有数量众多的idioms,如果望文生义,可能就会产生交流中的误会。 话不多说,下面我们就一起来看看英文中最常用、最有趣的十个习语: 1. Piece of cake 例句:The assignment I just finished was a piece of cake. 这个例句说的并不是我刚完成的作业是烤一块蛋糕,而是指作业非常简单,a piece of cake就是指轻而易举的事。 2. Cost an arm and a leg 例句:That Louis Vuitton bag costs me an arm and a leg. 如果在LV买个包包要砍下自己的胳膊和腿,那这个社会就太可怕了! 其实,在英语中,如果说到某个东西要cost an arm and a leg,它表达的是某个东西非常expensive。 3. Break a leg 在你即将要走进考场对付讨厌的微积分考试前,你们班上成绩最好的那个同学突然走过来对你说了句“Break a leg!” “这个傲娇鬼”,你忍不住在心里暗暗抱怨,“成绩好就可以这样诅咒别人吗?” 但其实那个学习好的傲娇鬼却并不是在诅咒你,因为在英文中,break a leg 其实是good luck的意思! 4. Hit the books 例句:The final exam is coming, I might need to go to the library and hit the books.


六年级英语趣味练习(一) 一、趣味阅读 The lion and the mouse When a lion was asleep,a little mouse began running up and down beside him. This soon wakened the lion. He was very angry, and caught the mouse in his paws.“Forgive me, please.” Cried the little mouse.“I may be able to help you someday.” The lion was tickled at the words. He thought,“How could this little mouse help me?” However he lifted up his paws and let him go. A few days after, the lion was caught in a trap. The hunters wanted to take him alive to the king, so they tied him to a tree, and went away to look for a wagon. Just then the little mouse passed by, and saw the sad lion. He went up to him, and soon cut down the ropes.“Was I not right?” asked the little mouse. New words: Waken:醒来;paw:爪子;someday:改天;tickle:使高兴;trap:陷阱;hunter:猎人;tie:系;wagon:四轮运货马车 (1)、根据短文内容,选择正确答案 1.He was very angry and caught the mouse___ his paws. A.in B. with C. of D. to 2.“I may be able to help you_________”


IDIOMS 1. a bi g sho t = an important person 大腕儿,大亨 2. a breath of fresh air 使人耳目一新的人 3. Achille s’ h eel 致命弱点;个性的瑕疵 4. be all ears 洗耳恭听 5. be all eyes 目不转睛 6. a we t blanke t讨人嫌的人 7. chip in = contribute money捐献,集资 8. sell li k e ho t cakes = sell very well or very quickly 畅销 9. ge t butterflies i n one’s stomach = get nervous 紧张不安 10. two thumbs up 举双手赞成 11. be the apple o f one’s eye = be very precious to sb. 非常珍贵 12. pull one’s leg = tease someone 开某人玩笑 13. break one’s back 辛勤工作 14. twenty-four seven = 24 hours a day, 7 days a week = all the time 永远, 一直 15. go for a song = be sold very cheaply 贱卖 16. bucke t down = rain very heavily 瓢泼大雨 17. bac k room boys 幕后英雄 18. below the mark = not measure up 不够水平,不合格 19. beyon d compare 绝佳的,最棒的 20. break even 不赔不赚 21. by the book 照章办事 22. cast a cloud over 泼冷水,是蒙上阴影 23. castles in the sky / air 空中楼阁 24. as clear as a bell 非常清楚 25. clear the air 消除误会 26. come to terms 达成协议


翻译中常见的句型 1.否定句型 1)部分否定。其否定意义只局限于整体中的一部分。其形式:“概括词all, every等+not+谓语动词”。常用于该句型词:all, both, everybody, everywhere, always, altogether, entirely, wholly等。 All is not gold that glitters. I do not wholly agree. 2) 完全否定。其形式:no, none 等否定词+肯定式谓语。常用于该句型词:no, none, nobody, nothing, nowhere, never, neither, nowhere, nowise, 等。还有一种句型:all等概括词+肯定式谓语+否定意义的词。 No words can describe the scene. 任何言词均不能描绘那景色。 All his plan came to nothing. 3)双重否定 a.主语+cannot+ help/refrain/keep + from + v-ing He could not help showing his pleasure.他不由得喜形于色。 b.主语+cannot+ but/choose but/ help but +do They can not choose but admit that they are wrong. c.(there be) not +主语+but+谓语 (There is )Nobody but has his faults. 人人都有缺点。 2.判断句型 1)强调判断句 a.主语+be+ no/none +other than/but +表语(强调内容) The tall figure that I saw was none other than our commander. b.主语+be+ nothing+(else)but/ else than/ less than+ 表语 Genius is nothing but labor and diligence.天才只不过是劳动加勤奋而已。 c.it is/was +强调部分+that/ who +从句 It is I who am to blame. 2) 正反判断句 a.主语+be +not+表语a, but +表语b What I admire in Columbus is not his discovered a world, but his having gone to search for it on the faith of an opinion. b.(it is) not… that(who) …, but…that (who) Not that we are afraid of them, but that they are afraid of us. 3)比较判断句: a.主语+be less+表语a +than表语b / more+表语b+表语a Experience shows that success is due less to abilities than to zeal. b.主语+be+表语b+ rather than+表语a He is an artist rather than a philosopher. c.主语+be+ not so much +表语a+ as+表语b It is so much advice as approval that he seeks. 他寻求的与其说是忠告,不如说是忠告。3.倍数表示句型: a.主语+be+倍数+that of 被比较对象/ as +形容词+as+被比较对象


一.下列单词拼写均不完整,请从四个选项中选择适当的字母或者字母组合使之完整601. s_ _ence a. si b. ci c. cn d. sn 602. plan _ a. a b. y c. e d. n 603. att_ _tion a. an b. en c. in d. on 604. _ _opsticks a. sh b. th c. co d. ch 二.亲爱的同学们,你能圈出几个跟美食有关系的单词(横向纵向) 605. D S E G G B Q M P L A T E A N O O D L E S F O R K J F O W N R I C E U X K N I F E P 三.根据情景选出最佳答案。 you cross the road at a red light, you should__________.

A. go quickly B. stop and wait C. slow down and pay attention to the car. we want a glass of water in a restaurant,we should tell the waiter,“___” me a glass of water! want a glass of water. I have a glass of water,please your friend gives you a birthday present,you should say “_______” ’re you are a lot. you are late for school,you should say “_______” got up late this morning. ’m sorry,I’m late. ,no! you are in the library,you shouldn’t ________. loudly quiet for your turn


英语常用习语 In The Nick Of Time Meaning: At the last moment, just before something bad happens 意思:在最后一刻,来的正是时候。 例句: 1. The accident victim was near death, but the ambulance arrived in the nick of time and the paramedic saved her. 这个伤者已经奄奄一息了,但是救护车在最后一刻赶到了!护理人员把他从死亡边缘拉了回来。 2. We ran as fast as we could toward the bus stop and got there just as the bus was pulling to a stop. We got there in the nick of time. 我们以最快速度朝汽车站跑去,当我们到了车站时,汽车正好停了下来,我们到的正是时候。 3.He got to the railway station in the nick of time. 他在最后一刻赶到了火车站。 Tips: ①这个俚语常用在情况非常紧急的时候。 ②“nick”还有一个很常见的词组“nick name”,意思是昵称。 Jack Of All Trades Full expression: Jack of all trades and master of none. 万事皆通,洋洋稀松 Meaning:a person who knows a little about a lot of different subjects or activities, but not a lot about any one of them 意思:杂而不精的人,万事通。


“最开心的不是得了什么牌子什么名次,而是和你并肩站在了最后的领奖台上!” 1 Birds of a feather flock together. 1 物以类聚,人以群分 2 give sb. an inch and he'll take a mile 2 得寸进尺 3 raise one's eyebrows 3 吃惊 4 from the bottom of one's heart 4 由衷地 5 Love is blind 5 爱情是盲目的 6 Where there's smoke, there's fire 6 无风不起浪事;事出有因 7 Bad news travels fast 7 坏事传千里 8 eat one's heart out 8 沮丧;伤心 9 stand the last of time 9 接受时间的考验 10 go the distance 10 坚持到底;完成全部 11 the bottom line is that... 11 基本底线;最终结果 12 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder 12 情人眼里出西施 13 Absence makes the heart grow fonder 13 距离产生美;小别胜新婚 14 Forgive and forget 14 不念旧恶 15 If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is 15 如果听起来好像不是真的,也许就不是真的 16 water under the bridge 16 过去式;无法挽回的过去;过去的事了 17 Monkey see, monkey do 17 有样学样 18 You can't win them all 18 人不可能一直走运;人不可能一帆风顺


小学六年级英语综合趣味测试题 一、听音、选择。 1、从听到的每组字母中选出含有相同元音或辅音读音的两个字母。 1) A. TO B. TE C. UT D. VU 2) A. SC B. YS C. CY D. XS 3) A. WH B. HJ C. MV D. RT 4) A. AI B. AR C. YR D. IY 5) A. YW B. YR C. QW D. JQ 2、选出你所听到的句子或词组。 1) A. It’s a plane. B. It’s green. C. It’s a pen. 2) A. my teacher B. my T-shirt C. my shirt 3) A. I’m fine. B. I’m ten. C. I’m nine. 4) A. How are you B. How old are you C. And you 5) A. a new map B. a new stamp C. a new cup 二、听音、判断。 1、There are three planes in the sky. 2、Li Lei is at home now. 3、Mary’s father is a doctor.

4、Today is Monday. 5、The students are in the car. 三、听音,写单词,把故事补全。 My name _____ Lily. I’m a _____ girl. I’m _____Beijing. I’m in Changjiang Primary ______. I’m in ______1,Grade 6. I like singing and ______. I like ______,too. I ______hard at my lessons. 四、阅读理解。 It’s a sunny day. The sun is smiling. The bird and butterflies are dancing now. My grandma has a book under her arm. She is wearing glasses today. Her shoes are under the bed. There is a photo over her bed. There are T-shirt on her bed, too. The clock is new. But the vase is old. My cat is sleeping now. The telephone is ringing. Oh, look at, my bag and ruler are on the floor! 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 1、Today is Sunday. 2、My grandma is dancing now. 3、The shirts are on her bed. 4、The clock is new and the vase is old. 5、My ruler is on the floor. 五、智力题。


翻译各章例句英文部分 1.The storm being over, we drove on. 2.Given better attention, the young trees could have grown stronger. 3.Now English is taught in every middle school in China. 4.He is a man above vulgar interests. 5.Lincoln wanted to establish a government of the people, by the people and for the people. 6.You should check your answers again and again before you hand in your paper. 7.I haven’t checked my luggage yet. 8.Mr. Porter did not check in until yesterday. 9.The guest must check out of the room before midnight. 10.I had to challenge my own conclusion after the investigation. 11.Recent discoveries have challenged their old notions. 12.Can he produce evidence in proof to challenge the fact? 13.Yesterday he challenged me to a tennis match and I rose to it 14.A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. 15.The matter was never brought to the knowledge of the manager. 16.They got married without the knowledge of their parents. 17.To my best knowledge, there is no book that deals with this little-known author. 18.She deserves the honor for the great help she offered to the local people. 19.She deserves the punishment for the crime she has committed. 20.As luck would have it, no one was in the building when the explosion occurred. 21.As luck would have it, there was rain on the day of the picnic. 22.Change of information, if any, concerning the contents of this section, will be found in the appendix at the end of the book. 23.When a rat is seen to run across the street, everyone calls to “kill it” . 24.Even if you go there, things won’t be any better. 25.Whatever you like to eat , just tell me. 26.The isolation of the rural world because of the distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media. 27.The last few years have witnessed an economic and industrial depression in western Europe. 28.There was a sudden fall in p rice. 29.There came shouts for help from the direction of the river. 30.Deng Xiaoping is a better balancer and compromiser than any of his contemporaries, and for the most part has avoided serious convulsions. 31.It is dangerous to drive through this area! 32.work like a horse 33.(as strong as a horse 34.drowned rat 35.love me, love my dog 36.like a duck to water 37.black sheep 38.spring up like mushroom 39.They lead a cat and dog life. 40.They would make cow eyes at one another. 41.Wealthy areas


这里汇聚了中西医学行业的大部分英语词汇和详细解说,如果要查询相关词汇,你可以点此word 文档工具栏的“编辑”,找到“查找”,然后点开输入你要查询的词汇就可以查询了。 西医篇: 1、医院部门及科室名称 2、医务人员名称 3、诊断和治疗常用词汇 4、常见疾病名称 5、常见手术名称 6、常用药物名称 7、常用护理术语 8、常用临床医学术语 9、医疗器材 10、医学英语快速记忆-后缀 11、主要人体系统名称 12、医院类型名称 13、医学词汇 14、医学常用字首与字根 1.医院部门及科室名称 out-patient department 门诊部 In-patient department 住院部 Nursing department 护理部 Admission office 住院处 Discharge office 出院处 Registration office 挂号处 Reception room, waiting room 侯诊室 Consultation room 诊察室 Isolation room 隔离室 Delivery room 分娩室 Emergency room 急诊室 Ward 病房室 Department of internal medicine 内科 Department of surgery 外科 Department of pediatrics 儿科 Department of obstetrics and gynecology 妇科 Department of neurology 神经科 Department of ophtalmology 眼科 E.N.T.department 耳鼻喉科 Department of stomatology 口腔科 Department of urology 泌尿科 Department of orthopedic 骨科 Department of traumatology 创伤科 Department of endocrinology 内分泌科
