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古美索不达米亚大事年表(Ancient Mesopotamian Timeline)


00 BC The first evidence of domesticated grains (wheat and barley) and animals (sheep, goat, pig, and cattle) are found

at Jarmo. Baked clay female figures occur at Mureybit


5500-5000 BC Hassunah period: earliest pottery making culture


5500-4500 BC Halaf period: pottery culture with knowledge of metal


BC Ubaid period: first well-known culture from southern Mesopotamia; painted pottery and simple agriculture; the Ubaids give the first evidence of temple and other sophisticated architecture Al Ubaid period:

followed by the Uruk period of


BC Uruk period: first civilization after the Ubaid in southern Mesopotamia; copper and writing;the Uruk period marks the beginning of the Protoliterate period in Mesopotamia


merians control city-states between the lower Euphrates and Tigris rivers: Eridu, Ur, Uruk, Lagash, Umma


wra and Ninevite periods: Northern Mesopotamia


merians of Uruk invent pictographic writing on clay tablets


3250 BC Sumerians invent the wheel



C Legendary period: Eridu, Badtibira, Lalak, Sippar, Shurrupak


C Sumerians of Uruk invent cuneiform writing

前2371年早王朝时代:南部美索不达米亚由争霸的城邦组成。出现了诸如乌鲁克这样的较大的独立城市。建筑物增多,艺术品质量提高。文字用于行政管理,一些泥板上写了许多文学作品,包括赞美诗。BC Southern Mesopotamia was divided between competing city-states. The emergence of large independent cities such as Uruk. An increase in building and an improvement in the quality of artistic products. The

earliest writing is largely administrative, but inscribed clay tablets contain many literary texts,

including poetic hymns.


Sumerian king Gilgamesh rules the city of Uruk


2600 BC Queen Shudu-ad is buried in royal graves of Ur



of Lagsh (3080 - 2890) One of the first empires known to history was that of Eannatum of Lagash, and reduced to tribute the city-state of Umma, arch-rival of Lagas


sanepada establishes the first dynasty of Ur


C Uru-inim-gina of Lagash established “freedom” (amargi)


gal-zagesi becomes king of Umma, conquers most Sumerian cities and destroys the city-state of Lagash, and takes the title King of Uruk and King of Lands







mpire (2371-2191) Sargon brought the rival Sumerian cities under his control by conquest and then united much of Mesopotamia and northern Syria through conquest. The Akkadian empire reached its apogee

under Naram-Sin. Akkadian becomes the lingua franca of the new administrative apparatus that

maintains the world's first empire. The arts of this period acquire a new naturalistic dynamism.

Seals and relief carvings include novel mythological and narrative scenes.

-前2316 萨尔贡原是基什王乌尔扎巴巴的持杯官。萨尔贡突袭了卢旮尔扎格西的首都乌鲁克,摧毁了乌鲁的的城墙。萨尔贡一直征伐到波斯湾。一旦征服了城邦,萨尔贡就拆除城墙,免除日后反抗的隐患。




BC Sargon began his career a cupbearer (similar to treasurer) to a Sumerian king of Kish called Ur-Zababa. Sargon launched a surprise attack against Lugalzagesi′s capital Uruk and destroyed its walls. Sargon

continued his conquests on the way to the Persian Gulf. When Sargon conquered city-states, he

destroyed their walls so that potential rebels were deprived of strongholds. If the Ensi was willing

to shift his allegiance to Sargon, Sargon kept the old administration in office; otherwise, he filled

governorships with his own citizens. In this way, he encouraged the collapse of the old city-state

system and moved toward centralized government. Sargon installed military garrisons at key

positions to manage his vast empire and ensure the uninterrupted flow of tribute. He was the first

king to have a standing army. Sargon built the capital city of Akkad.

-前2255年那拉穆辛武功卓著。为了宣扬他的胜利,他增加了“天下四方之王”的王衔,神化自身为“阿卡德的神”。BC Naram-Sin’s military victories were numerous. To proclaim his conquests, Naram-Sim added “king of the four quarters” to his list of titles and even deified himself as the “god of Akkad”


kdian Empire’s collapse was prompted by the invasion of a people, Gutians, from the Zagros mountains





an Age 2191-2112 BC The Akkadian empire disintegrates and local kings in southern Mesopotamia reassert their independence. In the city-state of Lagash, Gudea rebuilds many temples and installs finely carved

diorite statues of himself (59.2) to demonstrate his piety before the gods.

-前2113 乌图赫加尔将库提人逐出南部两河流域,建立了乌鲁克第五王朝。

C Utu-khegal drives out the Gutians from southern Mesopotamia, and establishes the fifth dynasty of Uurk.





ty of Ur The last important Sumerian Dynasty establishes by Ur-Namu. During this period, an effective centralized administrative system appears. The Sumerian is encouraged by government throughout all the

country. One salient feature of Ur III is its establishment of one of the earliest known law-codes,

the Code of Ur-Nammu.


Nammu led a revolt against Utu-hengal, deposed him, and gained control of the region through force. He initiates Third Dynasty of Ur.


e Sumerian King List is written, recording all the kings and dynasties ruling Sumer from the earliest times


BC Many significant changes occurred in the empire under Shulgi's reign. He took steps to centralize and standardize the procedures of the empire. He is credited with standardizing administrative processes, archival

documentation, the tax system, and the national calendar. He established a standing army of Ur.

Shulgi was deified during his lifetime, an honor


usually reserved for dead kings.


2017 BC Ishbi-Erra, establishes his own dynasty with capital at Isin


Elamite invasion in 2004 BC makes the end of Ur III Dynasty


ngunum becomes king of the Amorites with capital at Larsa, builds the E-Babbar temple and conquers Ur and Elam







C The city of Babylon obtains hegemony over Mesopotamia under their sixth ruler, Hammurabi. Hammurabi's Code

gives the region stability after turbulent times, thereby transforms it into the central power of

Mesopotamia. Babylonian beliefs held the king as an agent of Marduk, and the city of Babylon as

a "holy city" where any legitimate ruler of Mesopotamia had to be crowned. A natural

development was the establishment of a bureaucracy, with taxation and centralized government, to

allow the king to exert his control. The Babylonians engaged in regular trade with city-states to

the west; with Babylonian officials or troops sometimes passing to Syria and Canaan, and Amorite

merchants operating throughout Mesopotamia. The armies of Babylonia were well-disciplined,

and they conquered the city-states of Isin, Eshnunna, Uruk, and the kingdom of Mari. But

Mesopotamia had no natural, defensible boundaries, making it vulnerabl


city-state of Babylon is established by an Amorites.



mmurabi, sixth king of the Amorite dynasty, is crowned king of Babylon


mmurabi creates the first code of laws using the Baylonian language


C Under Samsuiluna the Babylonian empire greatly shrank in size. About 1741 Samsuiluna mentions the Kassites for

the first time; about 1726 he constructed a stronghold, “Fort Samsuiluna,” as a bulwark against

them on the Diyala near its confluence with the Tigris.


ites, under King Mursilis I, sack Babylon. The Kassite enter Babylon and begin the Kassite Dynasty.




BC The Kassite dynasty was founded by Kandis or Gandash. The Kassites renamed Babylon "Kar-Duniash", and their rule lasted for 576 years. With this foreign dominion, Babylonia lost its empire over western. 1125

BC, Babylon was conquered by Shutruk-Nahhunte of Elam, and re-conquered a few years later by

Nebuchadrezzar I. The Kassite upper class, always a small minority, had been largely

“Babylonianized.” The new feudal character of the social structure showed the influence of the

Kassites. The Kassitic nobility, however, maintained the upper hand in the rural areas, their

wealthiest representatives holding very large landed e


1460 BC Conquest of Sea Land by KassiteEgypt



1200 BC Gigamesh Epic is written


Ashur-dan II succeeded in suppressing the Aramaeans and the mountain people, in this way stabilizing the Assyrian boundaries. He reintroduced the use of the Assyrian dialect in his written records.





C The campaigns of Ashurnasirpal II led him mainly to southern Armenia and Mesopotamia. After a series of heavy wars,

he incorporated Mesopotamia as far as the Euphrates River. A campaign to Syria encountered

little resistance. There was no great war against Babylonia. Ashurnasirpal II was the first to use

cavalry units to any large extent in addition to infantry and war-chariot troops. He also was the

first to employ heavy, mobile battering rams and wall breakers in his sieges. Ashurnasirpal, so

brutal in his wars, was able to inspire architects, structural engineers, and artists and sculptors to

heights never before achieved. He built and enlarged temples and palaces in several cities. His

most impressive monument was his own palace in Kalakh, covering a space of 269,000 square



decline of Assyrian power after 780 was notable; Syria and considerable lands in the north were lost.


Tiglath-pileser III brought the empire to its greatest expanse. He reduced the size of the provinces in order to break the partial independence of the governors. He also invalidated the


tax privileges of cities such as Ashur and Harran in order to

distribute the tax load more evenly over the entire realm.

Military equipment was improved substantially.


Sargon assured himself of the support of the priesthood and the merchant class by restoring privileges they had lost, particularly the tax exemptions of the great temples. In 720 Sargon squelched a rebellion in Syria

that had been supported by Egypt.

前669年阿萨尔哈东重建了巴比伦城。公元前679年,在埃及边界上建立要塞,公元前671年攻陷埃及首都孟菲斯。Esarhaddon soon ordered the reconstruction of the city. In 679 he stationed a garrison at the Egyptian border, and in 671 BC, however, his forces took Memphis, the Egyptian capital.





C Ashurbanipal may have been the only king in Assyria with a scholarly background. In 668 he put down a rebellion in

Egypt and drove out King Taharqa, but in 664 the nephew of Taharqa, Tanutamon, gathered

forces for a new rebellion. In 653, Ashurbanipal sent a large army that decisively defeated the

Elamites. Their king was killed. Elam was no longer strong enough to assume an active part on the

international scene. One of his most remarkable accomplishments was the founding of the great

palace library in Nineveh (modern Kuyunjik), which is today one of the most important sources

for the study of ancient Mesopotamia.


Chaldean Nabopolassar (Nabu-apal-usur) revolted from Uruk and occupied Babylon.


Medes became united under Cyaxares and began to

8 9

conquer the Iranian provinces of Assyria.


xares and Nabopolassar made an alliance for the purpose of dividing Assyria


kh and Nineveh succumbed to the superior strength of the allies. Assyrian Empire collapsed.




D In 626 Nabopolassar forced the Assyrians out of Uruk and crowned himself king of Babylonia. He took part in the

wars aimed at the destruction of Assyria. At the same time, he began to restore the dilapidated

network of canals in the cities of Babylonia, particularly those in Babylon itself.





In 601Nebuchadrezzar tried to push forward into Egypt but was forced to pull back after a bloody, undecided battle and to regroup his army in Babylonia. After smaller incursions against the Arabs of Syria, he attacked

Palestine at the end of 598. Judah rebelled again in 589, and Jerusalem was placed under siege.

The city fell in 587/586 and was completely destroyed. Many thousands of Jews were forced into

“Babylonian exile,” In 568/567 he attacked Egypt, again without much success Nebuchadrezzar's

building activities surpassed those of most of the Assyrian kings. He fortified the old double walls

of Babylon, adding another triple wall outside the old wall


539 BC Conquest of Neo-Babylon Kingdom by Cyrus.

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