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This is the readi ng sect ion of the test. There are two parts to this secti on.

Part IV

Directi ons: Questi on 51-80 are in complete senten ces. There are four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D), under each sentence. Choose the ONE word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then mark your answer on your an swer sheet.

Example: Please turn off your computer at the

________ of the day.

(A) ends (B) ending (C) end (D) ended

51. The man playing basketball over there is my colleague, and __c _____ name is

Ton y.

A. my

B. her

C. his

D. our

52. Jack is going to close the deal next week. I m going to send ___ c __ an e-mail later today.

A. her

B. he

C. him

D. his

53. Small compa nies must work very hard in the jun gle of intern ati onal bus in ess because they have ___ b__ capital tha n large compa ni es.

A. more

B. less

C. better

D. little

54. The problem is related to our firewall. Were going to ___ c __ the issues.

A. invent

B. inv est

C. inv estigate

D. inv erse

55. The hazy weather has ____ b___ for almost a week in North America, and the gover nment has tried to solve it.

A. fini shed

B. lasted


D. passed

56. People along the river did n 't allow themao a factory so as not to pollute the water.

A. set up

B. give up

C. take up

D. look up

57. In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money, ______ d __ during the Spring Festival.

A. fin ally

B. luckily

C. simply

D. especially

58. Drivers can ' t go when the ligyeilow. This is one of the a _________ rules.

A. traffic

B. food

C. medici ne

D. educati on

59. I will attend a meeting in this morning, but I ll probably be ___ c __ at noon.

A. avoida nee

B. avoidable

C. available

D. availability

60. Many ___ b ___ bus in ess people say,We must lear n the Ian guages and cultures

of our bus in ess part ners.

A. experie nee

B. experie need

C. experie ncing

D. expertise

61. My favorite TV _________ i s A Bite of China . My mother often cooks delicious food after watchi ng it.

A. i nstructio n

B. guidebook

C. host

D. program

_ an on li ne banking service at a meeti ng.


in troduci ng C. in troduced D. be in troduced an assistan'position in the Sales Division. 64. Which of the diagrams below shows the air temperature of Beijing in a year?

to the airport when you called me at nine this morning.

there are no first-class seats available when Steffi called the airline.

A. i nteresti ng

B. i ncreasi ng

C. i ncreased

D. i nterested

68. Large amounts of wheat __________ sent abroad in Can ada.

A. is

B. have

C. are

D. is being

69. Well, actually the rece nt problems are not _______ , but are related to ide ntity


A. tech nique

B. tech ni cal

C. tech no logy

D. tech no crat

70. Jimmy speaks many foreign Ianguages. For this ________ , he understands the import and export bus in ess well.

A. reas on

B. because

C. result

D. and so

71. The bank 's web server is _____ checked for security problems.

62. Max Klein is_ A. in troduce 63. Claire will

A. take

B. took

C. tak ing

D. be take n 40

知 1C

65. I

A. drive

B. am driv ing

C. was driv ing

D. will drive 66. A. Especially B. Luckily C. U nfortu nately D. Usually

67. Our bank must educate its con sumers, because the level of banking fraud is


A. regularity

B. regularize

C. regular

D. regularly

72. The best way to ____ this goal is to introduce new advanced technology.

A. access

B. perform

C. achieve

D. complete

73. Kelly has been admitted to Harvard University. His family will have a _____


A. anniversary

B. celebration

C. ceremony

D. congratulation

74. _____ at the clinic must fill out a form before they are treated by the doctor.

A.Passengers B. Shoppers C.Owners D.Patients

75. Paula has the ability to keep _____ in an emergency.

A. quiet

B. calm

C. still

D. silent

76. All business organizations have ______ , and there is a constant risk.

A. compete

B. competitors

C. competitive

D. competition

77. --Do you have ______ email address? ---Sorry, I only have a Wechat ID.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

78. ________ the Internet, we can get the information we need more easily and


A. Instead of

B. Thanks to

C. As if

D. Thanks for

79. Things made by hand are usually more expensive than ________ produced in factories.

A. these

B. this

C. that

D. those

80. Claire is going to London _____ the meeting ends.

A. in order that

B. so that

C. as soon as

D. even though

Part V


Questions 81-100 are based on reading materials such as notices, letters, forms, and advertisements. Choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D), to each question. Then mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Reading the following example.

Questions 81-82 refer to the following posting.



81. What should the reader not do?

A. Make no ise

B. In terview

C. Progress

82. What is happe ning?

A. A progressi on

C. A trade fair

D. Test B. An exam performa nee

Questio ns 83-85 refer to the followi ng schedule.

Joh n 'schedule

Mon day 10:3 0 ?11:00a.m. visit Uncle Peter in Gen eral


Tuesday 2:0 0 ?4:. swimmi ng class

83. _________ is ill in hospital.

A. Kate

B. Peter

C. John

D. Sam

84. Joh n does his part-time job for _______ hours a week.

A. five

B. six

C. ten

D. eleve n

85. Joh n meets Sam _________ .

A. at Dave ' s house

B. in the hospital

C. at the airport

D. Kate ' s home

Questio ns 86-87 refer to the followi ng directi on.

86. Helen is six years old, and she ' s got a bad cough. She should take _ day.

A. 0.5 teaspo onful

B. 2 teaspo on fuls

C. teaspo on fuls

D. 3 teaspo on fuls

87. The cough medicine can ' t be taken by .

A. a four-year-old child

B. a three-year-old child

C. a seve n-year-old child

D. an eight-year-old child

Questio ns 88-89 refer to the followi ng receipt.

88. The tax is ________ .

A. fifty dollars

B. less tha n a dollar

C. 10% of the total

D. more tha n the price of a no tebook

89. Which of these senten ces is true? ________ .

A. A pen costs more tha n a tape

B. These goods cost $10.50 in total.

C. The magaz ine is cheaper tha n the pencil case.

D. He spe nds $ buying pens. Questi ons 90-92 refer to the follow ing advertiseme nt.

A. Cooking for the child

B. Working at the child ' s house

C. Taking care of the child

D. Readi ng books to the child

91. The babysitter must _______ .

A. drive a car to work

B. go to the office to work

C. play with the child

D. work every Saturday and Sun day

92. Which of the followi ng is true? ______ .

A. The child is less than ten years old.

B. The babysitter must be a college stude nt .

C. The babysitter must work six days a week.

D. The babysitter can get more pay on weeke nds. Questi ons 93-95 refer to the follow ing advertiseme nt.

93. You will pay _______ if you want to stay in the En glish club for half a year.

A. 300 yuan

B. 600 yuan

C. 1200 yuan

D. 2400 yuan

94. One can get free exams in Health Centre if he is _______ .

A. 9

B. 17

C. 67

D. 73

95. If you are in terested in the life of fish, you should go to ______ .

A. Health Centre

B. Ocean Museum

C. Su nny En glish Club

D. 16 Yong Le Street

Questio ns 96-98 refer to the follow ing report.


托业桥考试模拟题 LISTENING COMPREHENSION This is the listening section of the test. There are three parts to this section. Part I Directions:You will see a picture in your test book and you will hear four short statements. Look at the picture in your test book and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then mark your answer on your answer sheet. Look at the sample below and listen to the four statements. Statement (B), “The boys are reading,”best describes what you see in the picture. Therefore, you should choose answer (B). Now let us begin Part I with question number one. 1. 2. 3. 4.

7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

15. Part II Directions: Now you will hear a question or statement followed by three responses. Choose the best response to each question or statement. Now listen to a sample question. The best response t o the question “How are you?”is choice (A), “I am fine, thank you.”Therefore, you should choose answer (A). Now let us begin Part II with question number 16. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Part III. Directions: Now you will hear fifteen short talks or conversations. In your test book, you will read a question followed by four answers. Choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer sheet. Now let us begin Part III with question number 36.


——参考范本—— 【资格考试】2019最新整理-托业考试词汇练习模拟试题(五) ______年______月______日 ____________________部门

31. The use of a calculator ----- only on sections A and D of the test. (A) is permitted (B) permitted (C) is permitting (D) will permit 32. We had a problem with ----- products twice, but in both cases, Hannibal Soft found a solution within 24 hours. (A) their (B) they (C) theirs (D) them 33. He has ----- the ability to work well under pressure but still has not shown he can function in a team-oriented environment. (A) demonstrated (B) approved (C) admitted (D) doubled

34. A backpack full of schoolbooks is ----- heavy for the average elementary school child to carry safely. (A) too much (B) much (C) more too (D) much too 35. If he is promoted to the management position, I will put ----- for a transfer to another office. (A) in (B) through (C) off (D) up 36. The subtlety of that water color will be lost unless you put it in a ----- delicate frame. (A) corresponding (B) corresponded (C) correspondingly (D) correspondent 37. Before we install a new phone system we should be sure we cannot make ----- use of the one we already have.


职业英语水平等级考试内容分析 1.考核知识点介绍 1)听力测试 第一部分:图片描述 ?动作描述:题量比重大,主要涉及对一般现在时和现在进行时的考察,以及相应的动词的考察; ?地点描述:地点名词的辨识,掌握主要的、常见的地点名词;如bank,airport,beach,supermarket,library等; ?位置描述:主要考察的是方位介词,如on,in front of,behind等;图片通常展示一个人物或一件物品的位置。考试是从考生的视觉观点出发。 ?状态描述:题量少,对事物当前的状态进行描述,主要是考察形容词及数词; 如事物呈现的状态或是数量,人物的装束等。 第二部分:问题与回答 ?特殊疑问句:考察各常见的特殊疑问句及其回答方式;这些问题通常询问:谁,什么事物,什么时间,什么地点,为什么,什么方式,哪一个以及谁的; 如who,what,when,where,why, how, which, whose等; ?一般疑问句:一般疑问句的回答方式,一般选择疑问句及其回答方式,反意疑问句及其回答方式以及反问疑问句的回答方式等;考生要仔细听清问题中的 人称,答案中的人称要相呼应; ?陈述:如果对话是由陈述句发起的话,他们并不是由问题开始的,就需要考生选择对应该陈述的最佳答复。 第三部分:简短对话与独白 ?这部分同时考察考生的听力能力及阅读能力;对话和独白的题量各占一半; ?问题主要还是集中在特殊疑问句上,包括对时间、地点、原因、方式、谁、说什么、想要什么等的提问; ?快速把握会话中说话人的身份及其所在的位置; ?关于独白,常涉及三种问题:a. 谁是说话者;b. 这则通知在那里被听到的? c. 说话者在哪里? ?考生要多总结表示环境、场所的词。 2)阅读测试 第四部分:完成句子 ?时态:主要通过选用合适的动词形式作为考点;常考的时态主要集中在一般现在时,现在进行时,一般过去时,过去进行时,一般将来时和现在完成时上; ?词类:主要包括形容词、副词、名词、介词,连词和代词,以及词义辨析; ?祈使句和被动语态:祈使句考点单一,主要考察直接使用动词原形;被动语态的结构; ?固定搭配:日常生活中常用的固定搭配和习语等,如动词短语,介词短语等。 第五部分:阅读理解


READING Thisisthereadingsectionofthetest.Therearetwopartstothissection. PartIV Directions:Question51-80areincompletesentences.Therearefourwordsorph rases,marked(A),(B),(C),and(D),undereachsentence.ChoosetheONEwordorp hrasethatbestcompletesthesentence.Thenmarkyouransweronyouranswershee t. Example:Pleaseturnoffyourcomputeratthe oftheday. (A)e nds(B)ending(C)end(D)ended 51.Themanplayingbasketballoverthereismycolleague,and__c_____nameisTon y. A.my B.her C.his D.our 52.Jackisgoingtoclosethedealnextweek.I’mgoingtosend___c____ane-maill atertoday. A.her B.he C.him D.his 53.Smallcompaniesmustworkveryhardinthejungleofinternationalbusinessbe causetheyhave____b__capitalthanlargecompanies. A.more B.less C.better D.little 54.Theproblemisrelatedtoourfirewall.We’regoingto____c___theissues. A.invent B.invest C.investigate D.inverse 55.Thehazyweatherhas____b____foralmostaweekinNorthAmerica,andthegover nmenthastriedtosolveit. A.finished https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ca587552.html,sted C.begun D.passed 56.Peoplealongtheriverdidn’tallowthemto_____a_afactorysoasnottopollu tethewater. A.setup B.giveup C.takeup D.lookup 57.InChinaitisacustomtogivekidsluckymoney,____d___duringtheSpringFest ival. A.finally B.luckily C.simply D.especially 58.Driverscan’tgowhenthelightisyellow.Thisisoneofthe a rules.


Statement (C), “They’re standing near the table,” is the best description of the picture, so you

1. 2.

You will hear: Where is the meeting room? 11.Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12.Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 13.Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 14.Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15.Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16.Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

41. What are the speakers discussing? Their homes (A) jobs Their (B) (C) Their travel plans (D) Their favorite cities 42.What does the man want to do? (A) Get a new job (B) Visit another city (C) Find a larger apartment (D) Move to the country 43.What can be inferred about the woman? (A) Her house is very small. (B) She thinks the city is exciting. (C) Her job is very difficult. (D) She lives outside the city. 44.Why did the man telephone the woman? (A) To check on his order (B) To arrange a delivery time (C) To cancel his order (D) To change his order 45.What is the man waiting to receive? (A) A computer desk A catalog (B) (C) Some recording equipment Some music (D) 46.What does the woman ask for? (A) The man's telephone number (B) The man's name (C) The reference number for the order (D) The date the order was placed


READING This is the reading section of the test. There are two parts to this section. Part IV Directions: Question 51-80 are incomplete sentences. There are four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D), under each sentence. Choose the ONE word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then mark your answer on your answer sheet. Example: Please turn off your computer at the of the day. (A) e nds (B) ending (C) end (D) ended 51. The man playing basketball over there is my colleague, and __c_____ name is Tony. A. my B. her C. his D. our 52. Jack is going to close the deal next week. I’m going to send ___c____ an e-mail later today. A. her B. he C. him D. his 53. Small companies must work very hard in the jungle of international business because they have ____b__ capital than large companies. A. more B. less C. better D. little 54. The problem is related to our firewall. We’re going to ____c___ the issues. A. invent B. invest C. investigate D. inverse 55. The hazy weather has ____b____ for almost a week in North America, and the government has tried to solve it. A. finished B. lasted C. begun D. passed 56. People along the river didn’t allow them to _____a_ a factory so as not to pollute the water. A. set up B. give up C. take up D. look up 57. In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money, ____d___ during the Spring Festival. A. finally B. luckily C. simply D. especially 58. Drivers can’t go when the light is yellow. This is one of the a rules. A. traffic B. food C. medicine D. education


2018年托业考试词汇语法选择模拟试题 1. Because of the generous new salary scheme, we find that part time staff do not need to be replaced----- as in the past. (A) as often (B) most often (C) more often (D) often 2. Our candidate realizes that his position on free trade is complicated and he would ----- the opportunity to explain it to your group. (A) assess (B) welcome (C) size (D) lend 3. Even when he is short of money he keeps $20 in the bottom of his shoe ----- there is an emergency.

(A) although (B) in spite of (C) since (D) in case 4. We should promote the fact that our return and refund policy is much better than ----- of any of our competitors. (A) that (B) this (C) those (D) these 5. The downward trend in technology stocks started three months ago ----- is expected to continue until the European economy improves. (A) then (B) however (C) and (D) thus 6. If you had told us that your guest was interested in Native


2016年托业考试词汇模拟试题及答案 一、托业常识: 托业考试共分两个部分,听力和阅读共两个小时,其中听力占_____分钟,阅读占_____分钟。 二、托业词汇: duplicate punctuality monitor directory overtime work force appointment strike staff partition 1.If I'm supposed to be there by 2:00 P.M.,I'm going to need you to postpone all of my afternoon_______ until tomorrow. 2.I think that the_____at this branch are the most enthusiastic and competent of all around the state. 3.Only her strict _____and her attention to detail rivaled Susan's professional courtesy. 4.There is such a saturated _______here that it's easy to find people to fill all of the temporary positions. 5.Several years ago, a nation-wide _____of UPS drivers crippled the company's ability to ship freight across the country. 答案: 一、托业常识:45 75


1、A.he’s receiving a facsimile B.he’s listening to an announcement C.he’s using a public telephone D.he’s carrying his luggage 2、A.they’re standing in a line B. they’re studying a map C. they’re buying some magazines D. they’re looking at th e same book 3、A.she’s watching a video B. she’s typing on a keyboard C. she’s sdjusting her chair D. she’s printing some files 4、A.they’re washing their cars B. they’re watering the garden C.they’re cleaning the parking lot D. they’re p arking their vehicles 5、A.he’s opening the window B. he’sremoving the lid C.he’s closing the trunk D. he’s riding in the back seat 6、A.people are entering a restaurant B. people are eating at an outdoor café C. people are preparing some food D.the waiter is taking a coffee break 7、A.he’s placing the folders on top of the cabinet B. he’s opening the cupboard doors C. he’s stacking the boxes on top of each other D. he’s leaning over the cabinet drawer 8、A.she’s writing a postcard B. she’s looking for some clothes C. she’s placing an order D. she’s working in a store 9、A.the apartments overlook the ocean B.the boat is docked in the harbor C.the plane is ahead of the boat D.the passengers are boarding the plane 10、A.there is a calendar on the shelf B.there are some posters on the wall C there are notices on the bulletin board D.there is a closet next to the board


This is the listening section of the test. There are three parts to this section.
Part I Directions: You will see a picture in your test book and you will hear four short statements. Look at the
picture in your test book and choose the statement that best describes what you see in the picture. Then mark
your answer on your answer sheet.
Look at the sample below and listen to the four statements.
Statement (B), “The boys are reading,” best describes what you see in the picture. Therefore, you should choose
answer (B).
Now let us begin Part I with question number one.
Part II Directions: Now you will hear a question or statement followed by three responses. Choose the best
response to each question or statement. Now listen to a sample question. The best response to the question “How are you?” is choice (A), “I am fine, thank you.” Therefore, you should choose answer (A). Now let
us begin Part II with question number 16.
16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
18. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 19. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 21. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
22. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
32. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 33. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
34. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 35. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
Part III. Directions: Now you will hear fifteen short talks or conversations. In your test book, you will
read a question followed by four answers. Choose the best answer to each question and mark it on your answer
sheet. Now let us begin Part III with question number 36.
36. Who are the speakers?
(A) Travelers.
(B) Patients. (C) Twins.
(D) Lovers.
37. Where is David going tomorrow?
(A) To the United States. (B) To an auto show.
(C) To the state of California.(D) To Paris.
38. Which performance does the man prefer?
(A) 5 p.m. performance.
(B) 6 p.m. performance.
(C) 9 p.m. performance.
(D) 2 p.m. performance.


2015年托业考试翻译模拟试题及答案 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 进入21世纪,世界形势继续发生深刻变化,多极化与经济全球化在曲折中深入发展,科技进步突飞猛进,人类社会前进的步伐加快,新情况、新矛盾层出不穷。维护世界和平、促进共同发展是各国人民的共同使命。国际社会在探索与实践中,更加深刻地认识到,应该站在时代发展和人类进步的高度,以合作谋和平,以合作促发展,努力扩大各国利益的汇合点,寻求互利共赢。中国的和平发展道路是一条在维护世界和平中发展自己,又以自身发展促进世界和平的道路;就是要以科学发展观为指导,实现全面,协调和可持续发展,努力构建社会主义和谐社会。 参考答案: Since entering the 21st century the world has continued to undergo profound changes.World multipolarization and

economic globalization are developing in greater depth amid twists and turns.Science and technology are making rapid progress as human society advances at accelerated pace.New situations and new contraditions keep cropping up without letup.Maintaining world peace and promoting common development remain the mission of all countries in the world.Thanks to its exploration and practice,the international community has arrived at a deeper understanding that it must secure peace and promote development through cooperation in the interest of progressing times and human advancement and seek mutual benefits and win-win results by earnestly expanding the convergence of interests of all countries.China's peaceful development is a path of developing itself while maintaining world peace and promoting world peace with its own development.With the guideline of the concept of scientific development,China will achieve a comprehensive,coordinated and sustainbale development and build a harmonious socialist society.


托业桥模拟考试试题 Document serial number【KKGB-LBS98YT-BS8CB-BSUT-BST108】

READING This is the reading section of the test. There are two parts to this section. Part IV Directions: Question 51-80 are incomplete sentences. There are four words or phrases, marked (A), (B), (C), and (D), under each sentence. Choose the ONE word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then mark your answer on your answer sheet. Example: Please turn off your computer at the of the day. (A) e nds (B) ending (C) end (D) ended 51. The man playing basketball over there is my colleague, and __c_____ name is Tony. A. my B. her C. his D. our 52. Jack is going to close the deal next week. I’m going to send ___c____ an e-mail later today. A. her B. he C. him D. his 53. Small companies must work very hard in the jungle of international business because they have ____b__ capital than large companies. A. more B. less C. better D. little 54. The problem is related to our firewall. We’re going to ____c___ the issues. A. invent B. invest C. investigate D. inverse 55. The hazy weather has ____b____ for almost a week in North America, and the government has tried to solve it. A. finished B. lasted C. begun D. passed 56. People along the river didn’t allow them to _____a_ a factory so as not to pollute the water.


2020年托业考前模拟试题:词汇语法 21. Why are you so ________ about that old coat? Althoughit is a gift from you grandfather, it is almost worn out. A) self-evident B) seldom C) sentimental D) sensitive 22. My mother tells me to keep meat ________ from otherfood in the refrigerator. A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 23. These two brothers had been ________ for 40 yearsbefore they met again last week. A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 24. She is absent from school today because she issuffering from a ________ toothache. A) separated B) separate

C) significant D) severe 25. Albert Einstein, the author of the Theory ofRelativity, made a ________ contribution to physics in thetwentieth century. . A) separated B) separate C) significant D) severe 26. She seldom plays basketball, so she isn“t ________ atplaying it. A) sociable B) skillfull C) specializing D) social 27.Jane just moved here, and she tried to be ________ toeveryone, being friendly ; and willing to talk to others. A) sociable B) skillfull C) specializing D) social 28.Because of his poor ______ skills, Nick has very fewfriends. A) sociable B) skillfull


2019年托业考试语法选择模拟试题 41. Many visitors were ________ to the sufferings of early Chinese miners in San Francisco. A) sweltering B) suspicious C) sympathetic D) swollen 42.In the past, there seemed no reason to ban children from watching TV. In _______ times, however, there has been an increase in the amount of violence on TV. A) rough B) recent C) scenic D) royal https://www.wendangku.net/doc/ca587552.html,puters have taken the place of manpower in _______ years. A) rough B) recent C) scenic D) royal 44.Some teen-aged boys are _______ , always looking for a fight to solve problems.

B) recent C) scenic D) royal 45.Without substantial power in hand, the _______1 members of Britain still enjoy a lot of prestige as well as privileges. A) scenic B) royal C) sheer D) sharp 46. Renting National Park is noted for its ________ beauty. A) sharp B) scenic C) sore D) sheer 47. The clock strikes three, so it is three o'clock ________ now. A) sharp B) scenic C) sore
