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HND市场学outcome 1 考题及参考答案

HND市场学outcome 1 考题及参考答案
HND市场学outcome 1 考题及参考答案

1 please describe the purpose and importance of marketing research to organisations.(expected response:approximately 200 words) Answering this question you'll be asked to interpret the meaning of marketing research first, then explain the importance of marketing research.

An explaination of the importance of marketing research to include points such as:

Definition of marketing research

◆Marketing research is a method or instrument by gather(collect),

sort(process), analyse, interpret information and finally draw an

useful conclusion the company's marketing strategy will benefit from. Explain the importance of marketing research, you will be suggested as follows:

◆to meet the needs of its market where a company needs to understand

its customers.

◆Companies use marketing research to identify ther potential markets.

◆Marketing research helps organisation create satisfied customers

through the provision of the right goods(products), in the right place, at the right price, with the right information(promotion).


Marketing research is a systematic, objective collection and analysis of data about a particular target market, competition, and other

environment inluding internal and external environment. It always incorporates some form of data collection whether it be secondary research or primary research which is collected direct from a respondent.

The marketing research aims at meeting the needs of its market where a company needs to understand its customers. With the change or development internal and external environment of company, the product market will varies from many factors such as customers' wants or demands.

Since meeting consumers' needs is the basic commercial laws, and important for the company's survival and profits making, the company can do some efforts to create more customers' utilities (satisfaction) by marketing research. At the same time, customers' satisfaction will be maximized if they are provided the right prodcts, in the right place, at the right price and with the right promotion(abbreviated 4P in next text). The 4P's product mix is closely correlated with the marketing research.

With the coming of the products' market growing and mature, the quantity of competitors increases, there is no more space available of prodcts' profits making. In order to survive, to keep the existing profit, or to increase the profit, company have motions to explore the potential markets by marketing reseach.

2 expected response: approximately 300 words.

(a)describe and distinguish between primary and secondary data.

◆ a definition of primary data

◆ a definition of secondary data

A comparison of primary and secondary data such as:

◆Primary data is firt hand information, secodary data is the second

hand information.

◆Primary data is field research.

◆Secondary data is desk or library research.

◆Primary research can be gathered through questionnaires, focus

groups or obserbations, etc.

◆Secondary data can be gathered from within the company, or outside

the company.

Reference :

Primary data is the information collected for particular(specfic) purpose at hand. Secondary data exists somwhere, gathered for another purpose.

The difference between the primary data and the secondary data can be listed as follows:

Just as its name implies, primary data is the first hand information, while secondary data is the seond hand information. That is to say, primary data is field research which is gathered by an organisation for its own specific purpose. Seondary data is desk or library research which is

gathered from the library and internal organisation, etc. So we can conclude that secondary data is started first, the more expensive,

time-consuming primary research will be used only when missing information has to be collected by marketing research.

Secondary data comes from both the internal database and information publicly available(marketing intelligence). While primary data can gathered from outside the organisation.

There is the difference in the instrument of the two data. Primary data can gathered through survey . We can survey the targeting by mail, phone, or internet. It can collected through observation by ethnographic research, or sending its staff to observe. It also can gaghered information by focus group interivewing and by experimental research. While the secondary data can be sorted from public available information and internal information. the public available information may include government's report of industry, the news of competitors' website, the references form library, free industry research database, public limited company's information, etc.

(b)idetify the advantages and disadvantages of using secondary data. Advantages

Relatively cheap and easily accessible.

◆Vast quantities of information covering a wide range of subjects are


◆Data has already been analysed and processed.

◆Organisations have gathered information over many years and trends

and patterns can be identified.

◆Governments produce statistics about markets and consumer habits. Disadvantages

◆Not specific to a particular organisation.

◆Possibly out of date

◆Not exclusive to a particular company, so is also available to rivals.

◆Analysis to the data may be biased.


There are five main (key) advantages of secondary data. The fist, it is cheaper and can be obtained more quickly. The seond, Vast quantities of information covering a wide range of subjects are available. The third, since secondary data exists somewhere, it has already been analysed and processed. The fourth, organisations have gathered information over many years and trends and patterns can be identified so that the data is used because public receive it undoubtedly. The last, Governments produce statistics about markets and consumer habits, so if the change of environment can be neglected, the resources about markets can be used.

The disadvantages of secondary data includes as follows:it is provided to pulic, so it can not provide specific information for a particular organisation, that is to say , the rivals possibly have the same accesses to gain the similiar information. It ages easily , so it is possibly out of date. Secondary data is not specially prepared for the specific problem of marketing, so the outcome maybe be biased.

(c)identify different secondary soures which the organisation in the case study might use.

◆Government statistics about social trends from the Annual Abstact of


◆The financial accounts of rival company.

◆Sales records from within the company to identify growing/declining


◆Newspaper articles about the latest toy crazes in America.

◆Census figures which highlight population changes.

◆Government statistics about the state of the economy.

3 explain how the organisation in the case study might use different types of marketing research. Provide realistic and relevant examples of types of marketing research which the organisation could use to improve its current business situation.(expected 400 words)

◆The company could carry out questionnaires in retail outlets, such as

retailers and other middlemen by telephone, personal talk or online.

◆the company could visit parent and toddler groups to observe how

children play with toys.

◆The company could invite pre-school children to play in the

observation room exlusively bulit for research, the marketing

managers could watch or observe the children's behavior by scanners or through the window outside the observation room.

◆The company hire an well trained person who was good at marketing

research to observe the parent and children's buying behaviors.

◆The company could organise focus groups to discuss new products

with groups of 10-12year olds. The company could create a flexbile and comfortable talk/chat environment, start from an interesting topic so as to calm down the groups, then induct them to speak their true views on the exploration of the new product.

◆The company could carry out the quesitonnaires to make sure the

customers' buying preference and their habbits of buying toys , by this process, the company can gain some resources about the development of the new products for added customer market which can be

described with 10-12year olds.

◆The company could send out questionnaires to the toy buyers for

exsiting products in different retail stores such as toy stores , super

markets, etc. The contact methods are available which are mail, phone, personal talk, and online. If the outlay for marketing research is

enough , the suggested method is personal talk. Because this method is easy to control the quality of research.

◆The company could organise focus groups to discuss exsiting

products with groups of pre-school year olds. Since the customers'

characteristic, the form of research maybe variable and flexible.

Maybe playing games with them is available while carrying out

research. By chatting with them, marketing managers or marketing

researchers can know their needs for the toys.

◆Since the industry is becoming even more competitive, gathering

more secondary data of rival company's marketing activities is a quite right choice. We can analyse the rival companys' sales figures to see how they had adapted their product ranges. We can go to library for basic reference of rival company, we can gain the free data from the government statistics of industry, we can also gain the information of rival company on the internet ,especially on the rival company's

website which includes formal information and informal information like BBS' news.

◆For gathering more information of rival company, we can use the

ethnographic research.we can hire a person specially trained for

marketing research. The person will observe the buying behavior of

their own consumers and rival companys' consumer, then analysis the difference between the two kinds of consumers. Finally give the

different marketing strategy .

◆The company could use secondary sources such as government

statistics to identify changes in the market place.

◆The company could gather information of book order of government

for the primary scholar or pre-school children through the report of government 's work which can be received freely and through

government authoritative website.


试验员习题集第一部分 (一)水泥一、单选题 1. 粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥的代号为( B )。 ·P ·F ·S ·C 2.普通硅酸盐水泥的代号为( B )。 ·P ·O ·S ·C 3. 粒化高炉矿渣掺加量大于50%且小于等于70%的矿渣硅酸盐水泥的代号为( D )。 ·P ·S·A ·S ·S·B 4.粒化高炉矿渣掺加量大于20%且小于等于50%的矿渣硅酸盐水泥的代号为( B )。 ·P ·S·A ·S ·S·B 5.火山灰质硅酸盐水泥的代号为( A )。 ·P ·F ·S ·C 6. 复合硅酸盐水泥的代号为( D )。 ·P ·F ·S ·C 7. 硅酸盐水泥是由硅酸盐水泥熟料、石灰石或粒化高炉矿渣、适量石膏磨细制成。硅酸盐水泥中不掺混合材料的代号为( C )。 ·S·A ·S·B ·Ⅰ·Ⅱ 8. 通用硅酸盐水泥中不包括( C )。 A粉煤灰水泥 B.火山灰水泥 C.高铝水泥 D.普通水泥 9.以下( A )不属于气硬性胶凝材料。 A.水泥 B.石灰 C.石膏 D.水玻璃 10.下列( B )不属于通用硅酸盐水泥的物理指标。 A.安定性 B.烧失量 C.强度 D.凝结时间 11.下列( C )不属于通用硅酸盐水泥的化学指标。 A.不溶物 B.氧化镁 C.细度 D.氯离子

12.国标规定:硅酸盐水泥的初凝时间( D ),终凝( )。 A.不大于45,不小于390 B.不大于45,不小于600 C.不小于45,不大于600 D.不小于45,不大于390 13.175-2007中强度规定:硅酸盐水泥中没有( A )等级。 A.32.5 B.42.5 C.52.5 D.62.5 14.175-2007中强度规定:普通硅酸盐水泥中没有( B )等级。 A.42.5 B.32.5 R C.42.5 R D.52.5R 15.下列( A )不属于早强型水泥。 A.32.5 B.42.5R C.52.5R D.62.5R 16.以下( C )属于水泥的选择性指标。 A.安定性 B.凝结时间 C.细度 D.强度 17.以下( B )的细度不用筛余表示。 A.复合水泥 B.普通水泥 C.粉煤灰水泥 D.火山灰水泥 18. 水泥取样充分混合后应通过( B )方孔筛,均分为试验样和封存样。 A.1.25 B.0.9 C.2.5 D.80 19. 水泥胶砂试体龄期是从( A )算起。 A.水泥加水搅拌时 B.胶砂搅拌结束时 C.装模并抹面结束时 D.试体放入湿气养护箱时 20. 水泥细度试验筛每使用( C )后,应进行标定。 A.200次 B.一个月后 C.100次 D.三个月后 21.当水泥跳桌在( A )内未使用,在用于试验前,应空跳一个周期。 A.24h B.48h C.24h D.48h 22. 水泥凝结时间的待测试件应放置的养护箱的温度和湿度要求为( C )。 A.20±2℃,≥90% B.20±1℃,≥95% C.20±1℃,≥90% D.20±2℃,≥95% 23. 水泥细度的筛余值小于或等于 5.0%,而两次筛余结果绝对误差大于( D )时,应再做一次试验。


第一章概述 1、材料与工艺是设计的物质技术条件,是产品设计的前提,它与产品的功能、形态构成了产品设计的三大要素。 2、按材料的物质结构分类,材料可分为: 金属材料:黑色金属(铸铁、碳钢、合金钢)、有色金属(铜、铝及合金等) 无机非金属材料:石材、陶瓷、玻璃、石膏等 有机高分子材料:塑料、橡胶、纤维、木材、皮革等 复合材料:玻璃钢、碳纤维复合材料等 3、材料设计的方式:一、从产品的功能、用途出发;二、从原材料出发。 4、材料的固有特性:物理性能、化学性能。 材料的派生特性:材料的加工特性、材料的感觉特性、环境特性和材料的经济性。 第三章材料感觉特性的运用 1、产品造型设计的三大感觉要素:形态感色彩感材质感 2、材料感觉特性的概念及分类 概念:材料质感又称材料感觉特性,指人的感觉器官(触觉和视觉)对材料作出的综合印象,由人的知觉系统从材料表面特征得出的信息,是人对材料的生理和心理活动。 分类:、一、触觉质感和视觉质感;二、自然质感和人为质感(利用人为质感设计可以做到同材异质感、异材同质感,从而使设计更加灵活多样、变化无穷。) 3、质感设计的三大运用原则:合理、艺术性、创造性地使用材料 4、质感设计在产品造型设计中的作用。 1)、提高适用性—良好的触觉质感设计,可以提高整体设计的适用性。 2)、增加装饰性-——良好的视觉质感设计可以提高工业产品整体设计的装饰性,还能补充形态和色彩所难以替代的形式美。 3)、获得多样性和经济性———良好的人为质感设计可以替代自然质感或弥补自然质感的某些不足,可以节约大量珍贵的自然材料,达到工业产品设计的多样性和经济性。 4)、表现真实性和价值性——良好的整体设计的真实性和价值性。 第五章金属材料及其加工技术 1、金属材料的性能


试验员习题集 第一部分 (一)水泥 一、单选题 1. 粉煤灰硅酸盐水泥的代号为( B ) 。 ·P ·F ·S ·C 2. 普通硅酸盐水泥的代号为( B )。 ·P ·O ·S ·C 3. 粒化高炉矿渣掺加量大于50%且小于等于70%的矿渣硅酸盐水泥的代号为 ( D ) 。 ·P ·S·A ·S ·S·B 4. 粒化高炉矿渣掺加量大于20%且小于等于50%的矿渣硅酸盐水泥的代号为 ( B ) 。 ·P ·S·A ·S ·S·B 5. 火山灰质硅酸盐水泥的代号为( A ) 。 ·P ·F ·S ·C 复合硅酸盐水泥的代号为 ( D ) 。 ·P·F·S·C 硅酸盐水泥是由硅酸盐水泥熟料、石灰石或粒化高炉矿渣、适量石膏磨细制成。硅酸盐水泥中不掺混合材料 的代号为 ( C ) 。 ·S·A·S·B·Ⅰ·Ⅱ 8. 通用硅酸盐水泥中不包括( C )。 A 粉煤灰水泥 B. 火山灰水泥 C.高铝水泥 D.普通水泥 以下 ( A ) 不属于气硬性胶凝材料。 A. 水泥 B. 石灰 C.石膏 D.水玻璃 下列 ( B )不属于通用硅酸盐水泥的物理指标。 A. 安定性 B. 烧失量 C.强度 D.凝结时间 下列 ( C ) 不属于通用硅酸盐水泥的化学指标。 A. 不溶物 B. 氧化镁 C.细度 D.氯离子 12. 国标规定:硅酸盐水泥的初凝时间( D ) ,终凝 ( )。 A. 不大于 45min,不小于 390min B. 不大于45min,不小于 600min C. 不小于 45min,不大于 600min D.不小于45min ,不大于 390min 13. GB175-2007 中强度规定:硅酸盐水泥中没有( A ) 等级。 14. 中强度规定:普通硅酸盐水泥中没有( B ) 等


第二章晶体结构与结晶 简答题 1、常见的金属晶格类型有哪几种?它们的晶格常数和原子排列有什么特点? 2.为什么单晶体具有各向异性,而多晶体在一般情况下不显示各向异性? 3.在实际金属中存在哪几种晶体缺陷?它们对金属的力学性能有何影响? 4.金属结晶的基本规律是什么?工业生产中采用哪些措施细化晶粒?举例说明。 第三章金属的塑性变形 简答题 7、多晶体的塑性变形与单晶体的塑性变形有何异同? 答:相同——塑性变形方式都以滑移或孪晶进行;都是在切应力作用下产生塑性变形的。 不同点——在外力作用下,各晶粒因位向不同,受到的外力不一致,分切应力相差大,各晶粒不能同时开始变形,接近45℃软位向先滑移,且变形要受到周围临近晶粒制约相互要协调;晶粒之间的晶界也影响晶粒的塑性变形。多晶体的塑性变形逐次逐批发生,由少数开始,最后到全部,从不均匀到均匀。 8.已知金属Pb、Fe、Cu的熔点分别为327℃、1534℃,1083℃、,试估算这些金属的再结晶温度范围?在室温下的变形属于冷加工还是热加工? 9.说明产生下列现象的原因: (1)滑移面和滑移方向是原子排列密度最大的晶面和晶向; (2)晶界处滑移阻力最大; (3)实际测得的晶体滑移所需的临界切应力比理论计算的数值小的多; (4)Zn、α-Fe和Cu的塑性不同。 作业: 1.解释下列名词:滑移、加工硬化 2.塑性变形的实质是什么?它对金属的组织与性能有何影响? 3.何为塑性变形?塑性变形的基本方式有那些? 4.为什么常温下晶粒越细小,不仅强度、硬度越高,而且塑性、韧性也越好? 第四章二元合金 1.解释下列名词:合金、组元、相、相图、组织、固溶体、金属间化合物、晶内偏析。2.指出下列名词的主要区别: (1)置换固溶体与间隙固溶体 (2)间隙相与间隙固溶体 (3)相组成物与组织组成物 答:相组成物:指构成显微组织的基本相,它有确定的成分与结构,但没有形态的概念。例:α和β 组织组成物:指在结晶过程中形成的,有清晰轮廓,在显微镜下能清楚区别开的组成部分。例:α、β、αⅡ、βⅡ、α+β。 (4)共晶反应与共析反应 3.为什么铸造合金常选用有共晶成分或接近共晶成分的合金?用于压力加工的合金选用何种成分的合金为好? 答:铸造性能:取决于结晶的成分间隔与温度间隔,间隔越大,铸造性能越差。 压力加工性能好的合金通常是固溶体,应强度较低,塑性好,变形均匀不易开裂。

HND 大综合 第一部分Planing

1.0 Planning―Action Plan 1.1 Introduction I'm working in Cadogan Bank plc which provide investment service.I will provide Alexander Flynn,his wife Janet Flynn and three children some personal financial products.As an Investment Services Manager,the main responsibility is to help people providing personal financial products.In whole of this financial service, my expectation is follow up the customer needs,at the same time help customer to achieve maximum profits.In England is including two kinds of Investment Services Manager which are Tied Adviser and Independent Financial Adviser.A Tied Adviser is only provide some products which is from their own bank.Independent Financial Advisers can provide products from the whole of the UK market. In England Alexand er’s family is a middle class.In England,the middle class annual income is £350.000.Therefore they are too busy to have no time to management of their property.At the same time they are also well-to-do.Therefore they can not worry about some product is too expensive to afford.So I can provide the best suitable provider.Cadogan Bank is a commercial bank,moreover is one of the institution by Financial Service Authority (FSA) regulation.In UK,FSA only supervise nineteen bank.If the bank's business is bad or default,FSA can undertake compensation.These are fully demonstrates that Cadogan Bank is reliable.A commercial bank provides savings,money market accounts,mortgage and so on.Because of this cause,I can help client to find some investment and financial product.In England,there have five kinds of provider.I will use three of these provider in whole of this report. The client needs saving,borrowing and personal insurance.Due to customer needs has variance,the provision of products are possible to satisfied customer.This is why we should find other provider in UK to satisfied customer needs.


试验检测员考试试题 建设工程材料见证取样检测 技术人员培训练习(一) 一、填空题 1、建设工程质量是指建设工程符合国家,省有关工程质量的法律法规和规范规程技术标准 以及设计文件和合同规定的对工程安全、耐久、适用、经济、美观的综要求。 2、建设工程质量检测业务的内容分为专项检测和见证取样。 3、《检测机构资质证书》有效期限为 3年。 4、水泥细度越细,水化的放热量越快,凝结硬化后早期的强度越高。 5、水泥标准稠度用水量试验中,当试杆沉至距底板6±1mm 时,此水泥净浆为标准稠度净浆。 6、砂的密度为2710Kg/m3,表观密度为2670Kgm3,堆积密度为1490Kgm3,则该砂的空隙率为 44.2 % 。 7、根据《用于水泥和混凝土中的粉煤灰》,需水量比试验中试验胶砂配合比为水泥(g):粉煤灰(g):标准砂(g)为 175 :75:750 。 8、外加剂匀质性试验中每项试验次数 2 次。 9、抗压强度等级 10、根据《混凝土质量控制标准》,泵送混凝土用的碎石最大粒径不应大于输送管内径的 1/3 ,卵石不应大于输送内径的 1/2.5 。 11、混凝土抗渗试验3#~6#试件,水压为0.5Ma时,发现1# 试件渗水:水压 0.6KPa时,共有1#和4#试件渗水;水压为0.7MPa 时,共有1#、4#试件渗水;不压为0.8MPa时,共有和6#试件渗水,则该混凝土抗渗等级达到 P6 要求。

12、慢冻法混凝土抗冻性能试验中,抗冻等级以同时满足强度损失率不超过25% 重量损失率不超过5%的最大循环次数表示。 13、砖切体砌筑砂浆制作试件时,作底模的砖吸水率不大于10% ,含水率不小于20% 。 14、混凝土多孔砖根据抗压强度平均值和抗压强度单块最小值确定强度等级。 15、钢及钢产品取这样的时应防止过热、加工硬化而影响力学性能,用烧割法和冷剪法取样应留加工余量。 16、钢管脚手架扣件分为直角扣件、旋转扣件和对接扣件。 17、沥青防水卷材在拉力试验前应置于25±2℃的干燥处不少于 1 h。 18、混凝土不现浇构件截面尺寸的允许偏差为 +8 、-5 ㎜。层高的许偏差为 10 ㎜。 19、对于一般粘性土宜采用蜡封法环刀法进行天然密度试验,对于易破裂土和形状不规则的坚硬土宜采用,灌砂法对原状砂和砾质土宜采用灌水法进行天然密度试验。 二、选择题 1、检测机构承接检测业务应当与(D )签订书面合同。 A)建设单位; B)施工单位; C)材料供应商; D)委托方 2、检测技术人员不得同时受聘于( B )个及以上检测机构。 A)1; B)2; C)3 ; D)4 。 3、检测报告应(D ) A)公正; B)科学; C)规范; D)公正、科学、规范。 4、含水率为%6的湿砂100%,其中含水量为( C )。 A)水质量=100×%6=6g; B)水质量=(100-6)×6%=5.6g; C)水质量=100- =5.7 D) 水质量=(100+6)×6%=6.36g。 1+0.06


《建筑材料》期末考试题库 简答题 1.材料的密度、体积密度和堆积密度分别指的是什么? 答: (1)密度是指材料在绝对密实状态下,单位体积的质量。 (2)体积密度是材料在自然状态下,单位体积的质量。 (3)材料的堆积密度是指粉状、颗粒状或纤维状材料在堆积状态下单位体积的质量。 1.什么是材料的弹性? 答:材料的弹性是指材料在外力作用下发生变形,当外力解除后,能完全恢复到变形前形状的性质。这种变形称为弹性变形或可恢复变形。 2.材料与水有关的性质主要有哪些? 答:材料与水有关的性质主要有:材料的亲水性和憎水性以及材料的吸水性、吸湿性、耐水性、抗冻性、抗渗性等。 3.什么是材料的吸水性,影响材料吸水性的主要因素有哪些? 答:材料的吸水性是指材料在水中吸收水分达饱和的能力。 影响材料的吸水性的主要因素有材料本身的化学组成、结构和构造状况,尤其是孔隙状况。一般来说,材料的亲水性越强,孔隙率越大,连通的毛细孔隙越多,其极水率越大。 4.亲水材料与憎水材料各指什么? 答:若润湿角θ≤90°,说明材料与水之间的作用力要大于水分子之间的作用力,故材料可被水浸润,称该种材料是亲水的。反之,当润湿角。>90°,说明材料与水之间的作用力要小于水分子之间的作用力,则材料不可被水浸润,称该种材料是憎水的。 5.影响材料强度测量值的因素有哪些? 答:影响材料强度测量值的因素有:试件的形状和大小;加荷速度;温度;含水状态;表面状况。 6.石灰主要有哪些用途? 答:石灰的用途主要有: ①粉刷墙壁和配制石灰砂浆或水泥混合砂浆。 ②配制灰土和三合土。 ③生产无熟料水泥、硅酸盐制品和碳化石灰板。 7.什么是过火石灰?什么是欠火石灰?它们各有何危害? 答:当人窑石灰石块度较大,锻烧温度较高时,石灰石块的中心部位达到分解温度时,其表面已超过分解温度,得到的石灰称其为过石灰。若缎烧温度较低,大块石灰石的中心部位不能完全分解,此时称其为欠火石灰。 过火石灰熟化十分缓慢,其可能在石灰应用之后熟化,其体积膨胀,造成起鼓开裂,影响工程质量。欠火石灰则降低了石灰的质量,也影响了石灰石的产灰量。 8.什么是石灰的陈伏?陈伏期间石灰浆表面为什么要敷盖一层水? 答:为了消除过火石灰在使用中造成的危害,石灰膏(乳)应在储灰坑中存放半个月以上,然后方可使用。这一过程叫作“陈伏”。 陈伏期间,石灰浆表面应敷盖一层水,以隔绝空气,防止石灰浆表面碳化。 9.什么是石灰的熟化?石灰熟化的特点如何? 答:石灰的熟化是指生石灰(CaO)加水之后水化为熟石灰[Ca(OH)2]的过程。


Sectio n1 Questio n 1: Part A Give n the competitive n ature of the mobile telecom muni cati ons market an alyse the likely advantages and disadvantages to Opal of establishing a partnership agreeme nt with ano ther compa ny .12 Adva ntages: Firstly, the part nership agreeme ntsca n provide Opal with tech no logy assista nce」t allows Opal for the joint developme nt of new products and the shari ng of tech no logy. Secon dly, a Chin ese part nership not only gives Opal access to local kno wledge but also provides an air of acceptability that is importa nt whe n con duct ing bus in ess in China. Thirdly, local firms 'ell-reputation and wealth of experience will also help Opal to en sure that product developme nt and customer service is specifically targeted at meet ing the local n eeds and dema nds of the local market. Fourthly, compa nies in part nership can share the costs and reduce the risk. Disadva ntages: As for the disadva ntages, firstly, the own tech no logy of Opal might be leaked because of the shari ng of tech no logy which may result in the loss of Opal' competitive adva ntages. Secon dly, in a part nership with others, the con trol power of Opal compa ny might be distributed because of the con siderati on of other part ners Thirdly, firms need to share the profits and there might be conflicts since those companies are profitable organizations. PART B s be i


公路工程试验检测员考试试题( 练习题 ) (如有类同,纯属巧合) 公路工程试验检测员考试试题 钢筋类习题 一、填空题 1.写出下列钢筋弯曲试验的弯心直径: HRB335¢32- (128)Q235¢ 10-(10)2.公路工程用钢筋一般应检测项目有屈服强度、极限强度、冷弯和塑性性能。3.帮条焊接头或搭接焊接头的焊缝厚度不小于主筋直径的0.3倍,焊缝宽度 b 不应小于主筋直径的0.8倍。 4.某钢筋拉伸试验结果屈服强度为412.2MPa、抗拉强度为587.5MPa,则其测定结果的修约值分别为410 MPa、585 MPa。 二、判断题 1.钢筋牌号 HRB335中 335 指钢筋的极限 ( 屈服 ) 强度。(×)2.焊接钢筋力学性能试验应每批成品中切取6(三)个试件。(×)4.材料在进行强度试验时,加荷速度快者的实验结果值偏小(大)。(×) 5.当用钢筋牌号是HRB335的材料进行帮条焊和搭接焊,可用E4303焊条进行焊接。 (√) 三、选择题 1.钢筋拉伸试验一般应为(D)温度条件下进行。 A、23±5℃ B、0- 35℃ C 、5- 40℃D、10- 35℃ 2.钢筋经冷拉后,其屈服点、塑性和韧性(A) A.升高、降低B、降低、降低C、升高、升高 D 、降低、升高3.钢结构构件焊接质量检验分为(ABD) A、焊接前检验 B、焊后成品检验 C、焊缝无损伤 D、焊接过程中检 测 4.在进行钢筋拉伸试验时,所用万能试验机测力计示值误差不大于极限荷载的±1% (C) A.± 5%B、±2% C ±1% 5.钢材焊接拉伸试验,一组试件有 2 根发生脆断,应再取(C)根进行复验。 A.2 B.4 C . 6 6.当牌号为HRB335钢筋接头进行弯曲试验时,弯曲直径应取(B)。 A、 2d B 、 4 d C、 5 d 7、预应力混凝土配筋用钢绞线是由(C)根圆形截面钢丝绞捻而成的。 A、 5 B 、6C、 7D、 8


第一章 材料的基本性质 一、填空题 1、材料的吸水性用 吸水率 表示,吸湿性用 含水率 表示。 2、材料耐水性的强弱可以用 软化系数 表示。材料耐水性愈好,该值愈 大 。 3、同种材料的孔隙率愈 小 ,材料的强度愈高;当材料的孔隙率一定时,闭孔孔隙率大的,材料的绝热性愈好。 4、当材料的孔隙率增大时,则其密度 不变 ,松散密度 减小 ,强度 减小 ,吸水率 增大 ,抗渗性 降低 ,抗冻性 降低 。 5、材料作抗压强度试验时,大试件侧得的强度值偏低,而小试件相反,其原因是和 大试件中间部位受摩擦阻力的影响小,且降低材料强度的缺陷出现的机率大,所以试件的强度要偏低而小试件相反。 6、材料的密度是指材料在 绝对密实 状态下单位体积的质量;材料的表观密度是指材料在 相对密实 状态下单位体积的质量。 7、材料的耐水性是指材料在长期 水 作用下,强度不显著降低的性质。 二、单选题 1、材料的抗渗性指材料抵抗( C )渗透的性质 A. 水 ; B. 潮气; C. 压力水; D. 饱和水 2、有一块砖重2625g ,其含水率为5% ,该湿砖所含水量为( D )。 A . 131.25g ; B . 129.76g ; C. 130.34g ; D. 125g 3、材料的耐水性指材料( D ) 而不破坏,其强度也不显著降低的性质。 A. 长期在湿气作用下 ; B. 在压力水作用下; C. 长期在饱和水作用下; D. 在水作用下 4、颗粒材料的密度为ρ,表观密度为 0ρ,堆积密度0ρ',则存在下列关系( A )。 A. ρ>0ρ>0ρ' ; B. ρ>0ρ'>0ρ; C. 0ρ>ρ>0ρ'; D. 0ρ>0ρ'>ρ 。 5、材料吸水后,将使材料的( D )提高。 A. 耐久性 ; B. 强度及导热系数 C. 密度 ; D. 表观密度和导热系数 6、通常材料的软化系数为( B )时。可以认为是耐水的材料。 A . > 0.95; B. > 0.85; C. > 0.75 ;D. 0.65 7、含水率为5 %的砂220kg ,则其干燥后的重量是( B )kg 。 A. 209; B. 209.52 ; C. 210; D. 210.52 8、材质相同的A ,B 两种材料,已知表观密度ρ0A >ρ0B ,则A 材料的保温性能比B 材料( B )。 A. 好; B. 差 ; C. 差不多; D. 一样 9、当某一建筑材料的孔隙率增大时,其吸水率( A )。 ; A. 增大 ; B. 减小; C. 不变化 D. 不一定增大,也不一定减小 10、当材料的润湿边角θ为( A )时,称为憎水性材料。 A 、>90° B 、≤90° C 、0°


H N D大综合G U答案 文件排版存档编号:[UYTR-OUPT28-KBNTL98-UYNN208]

S e c t i o n 1 Question 1: Part A Given the competitive nature of the mobile telecommunications market analyse the likely advantages and disadvantages to Opal of establishing a partnership agreement with another Advantages: Firstly, the partnership agreements can provide Opal with technology assistance. It allows Opal for the joint development of new products and the sharing of technology. Secondly, a Chinese partnership not only gives Opal access to local knowledge but also provides an air of acceptability that is important when conducting business in China. Thirdly, local firms’ well-reputation and wealth of experience will also help Opal to ensure that product development and customer service is specifically targeted at meeting the local needs and demands of the local market. Fourthly, companies in partnership can share the costs and reduce the risk. Disadvantages:



《土工试验检测》试题(第01卷) 一、填空题 1、一般情况下,土是由()所组成的三相分散体。 2、天然密度的定义是()。 3、水量的定义是()。 4、孔隙比的定义是()。 5、影响土的工程性质的三个主要因素是()、()和()。 6、粗粒土的工程性质在很大程度上取决于()可按()再细分成若干种类。 7、细粒土的工程性质取决于(),多用()作为分类指标。 8、工程上常用土的界限含水量是指(),前者指(),后者指()。 9、击实试验的目的是求()而测试的是()。 10、直剪试验中剪切方法有()、()、()。 11、压缩试验中常用的压缩试验指标包括()、()()。 二、单项选择 1、土粒比重G S 的定义式为() A、m s /V S ρ ω B、m/VρωC、m s /Vρ D、m s /V S ρ 2、干密度ρ d 的定义式为() A、m s /V S B、m/V C、m s / V S D、m s /V a 3、相对密度Dr的定义为() A、e max -e/ e max -e min B、e–e min / e max –e min

C、e max –e mi / e max –e D、e min -e/e max - e min 4、砾石成分的代号为() A、B B、C C、G D、S 5、含石膏的土含水量测试时,烘干温度为() A 、75℃~80℃ B、 65℃~70℃C、105℃~110℃ D、110℃~120℃ 6、含石膏的土含水量测试时,烘干时间一般为() A、 4小时 B、6小时 C、8小时 D、8小时以上 7、水泥稳定土的含水量测试时,烘箱起始温度应为() A、室温 B、 65℃~70℃ C、8小时 D、8小时以上 8、含水量低于塑限时,水分蒸发时土的体积为() A、不再缩小 B、缩小 C、增大 D、不详 9、液塑限联合测定仪测试数据表示在()图形上。 A、h~ω B、lgh~ω C、lgh~lgω D、h~ lgω 10、直剪试验的目的是测定() A、τ,σ B、∮ ,C C、T , N D、τ,ρ 11、击实试验的目的是测定() A、ωρ dmax B、ωρ C、ωρ d D、ωρ d 12、直剪试验得到的库仑公式是() A、F=fN +C B、F=fN C、τ f =c+ σlg∮ D、τ=Gγ 13、压缩试验中在什么曲线上确定先期固结压力pc ( ) A、e~p B、e~lgp 曲线 C、lge~lgp曲线 D、h~lgω 14、EDTA二钠名称()


二、计算题: 1.梁结构尺寸、受力如图所示,不计梁重,已知q=10kN/m,M=10kN·m,求A、B、C处的约束力。 2.铸铁T梁的载荷及横截面尺寸如图所示,C为截面形心。已知I z=60125000mm4,y C=157.5mm,材料许用压应力[σc]=160MPa,许用拉应力[σt]=40MPa。试求:①画梁的剪力图、弯矩图。②按正应力强度条件校核梁的强度。 3.传动轴如图所示。已知F r=2KN,F t=5KN,M=1KN·m,l=600mm,齿轮直径D=400mm,轴的[σ]=100MPa。试求: ①力偶M的大小;②作AB轴各基本变形的内力图。③用第三强度理论设计轴AB的直径d。 4.图示外伸梁由铸铁制成,截面形状如图示。已知I z=4500cm4,y1=7.14cm,y2=12.86cm,材料许用压应力[σc]=120MPa,许用拉应力[σt]=35MPa,a=1m。试求:①画梁的剪力图、弯矩图。②按正应力强度条件确定梁截荷P。 5.如图6所示,钢制直角拐轴,已知铅垂力F1,水平力F2,实心轴AB的直径d,长度l,拐臂的长度a。试求:①作AB轴各基本变形的内力图。②计算AB轴危险点的第三强度理论相当应力。

6.图所示结构,载荷P=50KkN,AB杆的直径d=40mm,长度l=1000mm,两端铰支。已知材料E=200GPa,σp=200MPa,σs=235MPa,a=304MPa,b=1.12MPa,稳定安全系数n st=2.0,[σ]=140MPa。试校核AB杆是否安全。 7.铸铁梁如图5,单位为mm,已知I z=10180cm4,材料许用压应力[σc]=160MPa,许用拉应力[σt]=40MPa,试求:①画梁的剪力图、弯矩图。②按正应力强度条件确定梁截荷P。 8.图所示直径d=100mm的圆轴受轴向力F=700kN与力偶M=6kN·m的作用。已知M=200GPa,μ=0.3,[σ]=140MPa。 试求:①作图示圆轴表面点的应力状态图。②求圆轴表面点图示方向的正应变。③按第四强度理论校核圆轴强度。 9.图所示结构中,q=20kN/m,柱的截面为圆形d=80mm,材料为Q235钢。已知材料E=200GPa,σp=200MPa,σs=235MPa,a=304MPa,b=1.12MPa,稳定安全系数n st=3.0,[σ]=140MPa。试校核柱BC是否安全。


1.有关的知识: product line; product items; product positioning; product life cycle; 可能的优势:coherent连贯grouping of products within one market (drinks)---can help to gain economies of scale in promotion and operations, build managerial expertise etc; Targeted at a number of different markets(eg orangina, Tizer); range of different product lines and items—some have a very clear identity (eg Irn-Bru) 缺点:many are at the mature stage of the product life cycle; soft drinks is a rapidly changing market and new brands may be important (Barr’s may be finding it hard to develop new brands—its own brands are well-established and its franchises are in a static market(Orangina), or not well-know in the UK(Lipton Ice Tea). Part(b) 有关的知识:Price elasticity of demand; promotional methods; product life cycle; market research. Price elasticity may influence Barr’s in that it can lead to attempts to enhance brand loyalty so that price elasticity is reduced which, in turn, curtail the impact on sales of a change in price. There are many examples in the case study of attempts to develop brand loyalty, eg Irn-Bru, Tizer 2. Relevant concepts: systems approach; stakeholders; government economic policy; users of financial information. Answers should use examples to show how Barr’s has reacted to feedback from its environment and how it has tried to influence it. Answers should analyse the process by which Barr’s interacts in each case. Possible example include: use of government. Assistance when entering the Russian market(and discussion of market failure); threats to or angina franchise; changing promotional methods to make use of the internet; currency fluctuations and the knock-on effects; ASA and possible public reaction to Barr’s . Answers which consist of a series of examples with no analysis should get a maximum of seven marks. 3. (a)Relevant concepts: stakeholder; purpose of financial information; management control; organizational goals; objectives and policy; demand. Fidelity buys shares so that the dividends from them can be distributed to holders of its units. The information which it needs will depend on its organizational goals, eg: the degree of risk it is willing to take. These are not given so it is not easy to say which information will be valuable. Howeven, it may include: franchise agreements (eg when they start and end as this may influence Barr’s earnings); ASA adjudications which may affect the demand for Barr’s products; investments in new machinery(influence extent to which Barr’s is competitive); promotional campaigns(influence demand for product); dividends(because this will influence earning that it gets and how much it can pay its unit holders). Provide a reasoned argument which explains the link between the information and its value to Fidelity. (b)Relevant concepts: Stakeholder; strategies of control; organizational goals, objectives and policy; formal organization; users of financial information; purposes of information ; sources of relevant information. Answers should make it clear which item of information has been chosen, eg profit after tax. For fidelity, this could be used to monitor whether it has invested in terms of its objectives(eg these may relate to companies which have stable earnings), whether it has a suitable share profile across several companies; whether previous share purchasing decisions should be reviewed. Barr’s could use it to monitor the year on year progress of the company, to monitor the effectiveness of its profit sharing scheme. A reasoned argument which explains the link between the item information and control in the two companies. 4.Relevant concepts: market demand; internal and external environment; goals; purpose and analysis of financial statements; sources of finance; product mix marketing mix; product life cycle;
