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AgriIshakPashaPalace ????Thoughnamedasa"palace,"theIshakPashapalaceismoreakulliye.Thepa laceisthemostfamousbuildingaftertheTopkapipalacebuiltinthe18thCent ury,duringtheLaleperiod,intheclassicalstyle.Thebuildingislocatedon theslopesofahill5km.FromtheDogubeyazittown.Besidesdisplayingoneoft hefinestexamplesoftheOttomanarchitecture,thepalaceisalsoknownforit sdiversehistory.AccordingtotheinscriptionontheTakkapigateintheHare mquarter,thepalaceisbuiltin1199Hicri(theMoslemcalendar),or1784A.D. Thebuildinghoversonfirm,stonygroundbecauseofitslocationonaslope.Al thoughthepalaceislocatedwithinthecentreoftheDoguBeyazitregion,thre esidesofthebuilding(thenorthern,western,andsouthernsides)aresurrou ndedbysteeprocks.Theonlyaccesstothepalaceisthroughaslightlyflatpas s.Themaingate,theCumlegate,ofthepalaceiserectedagainstthispass.Sin cethepalaceiserectedatatimewhenthecastleslosttheirgeographicaladva ntageandwhenfirearmsbegantobeusedinsteadofthesword,thepalace?ˉseas ternwingdefenseisweak.TheCumlegateismadeoftraditionallycarvedandsc ulpturedstone.NotmanypalacesbuiltintheclassicalTurkisharchitectura lstylearelefttoday.TheIshakPasaPalaceisoneofthem. ????TheCarainCave ????Thecaveislocated27km.FromAntalyaattheKatranMountains.Thecaveis anaturalformationandwasinhabitedduringtheprehistoricages(Paleolith ic,Mesolithic,Neolithic,chalcolithic).Thecaveyieldedskeletonsandob jects,likedressedstonetoolsandweapons,processedflintstones,thatshe dlightonlifeintheprehistoricages. ????TheBustofAlexandertheGreat ????ThebustofAlexandertheGreatwasdiscoveredduringtheexcavationofPe rgamum.ThebustfoundinPergamumispartofacopyoftheoriginalstatueofAle xander,aworkbyLysippos,thepersonalsculptorofAlexandertheGreat.Theb ustdatesfromthe3rdCenturyB.C.TheoriginalLysipposstatueofAlexanderh asneverbeenfound,instead,thereareseveralcopiesofthestatuemadeinGre ekandRomanperiods.ThePergamumbust,theonlypieceremainingfromthestat ue,isondisplayattheLouvreMuseuminParis. ????TheReliefonIvrizHill ????ThereliefcanbefoundatthespringoftheIvrizstream,12km.FromEregli -Konya.The6.08metreshighreliefwasareligioussanctuarywhichdatesback totheLateHittiteperiodinthe8thCenturyB.C.anddepictskingWarpalavasg ivingofferingstoSantaj,theHittitegodoffertility.Formoreinformation abouttheHittitespleaserefertotheYazilikayasectionofthissite. ????AnadoluhisariFortress ????AnadoluhisariontheAsianshoreoftheBosphorusistheoldestTurkishbu ildinginIstanbul.ItwasconstructedbytheOttomansultanBayezidIYildiri min1395,andlaterenlargedbyMehmetII(1451-1481)whobuilttheouterwalls .Atthecentreisa25mhighsquaretoweroffourstoreys,surroundedbya20mhig hwall1.5mthickintheformofanirregularpentagon.The2mthickouterwallme


●满城皆是世界遗产的伊斯坦布尔,意为“伊斯兰教的城市”。 ●http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/80114964.html土耳其历史 ●Bosphorus river, topkapi palace, diverse architecture, grand bazaar, blue mosque ●Amzing sights ●Is characterized not only by being one of the largest worship buildings in the world, but also by-in its 1500 years history- having served three purposes: as a church, as a mosque and as a museum. ●It’s a great monument. One of the best historical sites in the world with its fantastic history. ●For 1000 years, it was the largest church in the world. ●The main dome was unfortunately under construction= Renovating works everywhere = There are restoration works ongoing and scaffolding may be in certain places. ●Mosaics 马赛克(It's such a pity that many of them were disfigured because when the Ottomans turned the church into a mosque, they disfigured these mosaics.) ●The history of the building is fascinating and the impact it had on the architecture of Mosques was unexpected. Seeing both the influence of Christianity and Islam in one place is unusual. It has a cost associated with it but well worth the cost. It is usually busy but inside it is so massive that once you get inside the crowds don't really impact you. ●Despite becoming a museum, both the Islamic and the preexisting Christian aspects were preserved. It is truly a melting pot for two different religions. The ceiling is Majestic due to the nice drawings and the giant Chandeliers that are hanging from it. ●Impression of Istanbul (CCTV) We start in Istanbul, the only city in the world with a foot in two different continents. It's been an extremely significant city throughout history, and today. Heavy traffic, the continual bustle and movement of crowds, the beautiful seaside and an unchanging skyline of numerous domes and minarets for thousands of years, that is Istanbul. Standing between Asia and Europe, Istanbul is Turkey's largest city, and the hub of the country's business and cultural life. Situated on the shores of the Bosphorus Strait, and bordered to the north by the Black Sea, Istanbul's strategic position made it the capital of the Roman, Byzantine and Ottoman empires. And today, the precious relics of those past glorious days give this forward-moving and modern city a strong sense of historical significance. And it's also a mirror of Turkey. Mehmet Olcel, culture and Information Counselor of Turkish Embassy to China, said: "Istanbul is the place where you can observe all of Turkey." With a landscape dotted with more than 2,800 mosques within the city, some 98 percent of Turkey's people believe in Islam. And in this seaside city, the tolerant atmosphere allows people to go about their lives with ease... Religious beliefs are respected, as are individual rights. Tour Guide Umut Seferoglu said: "I pray everyday for five times, and after the praying, I get my T-shirt, and I swim... Islamic life and modern life mixed together..." This is a normal Friday. At this mosque built during the 18th-century, men from different corners of the city gather here to pray, facing in the direction of Mecca. For many Turkish Muslims, praying five times a day is a part of their standard routine. Twenty minutes later, prayers have ended. Everyone goes back to their normal lives, and the bustling market nearby breaks the silence. Reporter Feng Shu said: "Located at the meeting point of Asia and Europe, Istanbul has become an commercial center between the two continents. Originally built in 15th century
