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Unit3 Welcome to our school!



( )l.A.welcome B.before C.well D.west

( )2.A.subject B.sun C.but D.cute

( )3.A.can B.bad C.ball D.carry

( )4.A.time B.tidy C.tiger D.big

( )5.A.wonder B.month C.conversation D.wonderful

( )6.A.shirt B.skirt C.girl D.their

( )7.A.modern B.over C.on D.of

( )8.A.see B.three C.meet D.deer

( )9. A. teacher B. worker C. farmer D. her

( )lO.A.get B.story C.light D.aunt



1.My new school looks____(漂亮的).

2.There are all kinds of books in our____(图书馆).

3. The teacher over there is our____(地理)teacher.

4. The____(科目)Millie likes best is Maths.

5. Our parents come and____ (参观)our school on our open day.


6. The parents'____ (meet) begins at two o'clock in the afternoon*

7. They are now in front of the classroom____ (build).

8. It____(take) her an hour to get to school on foot.

9. Sandy borrows some____ (interest) books from the library.

10. Do you want to know____ (much) about my new school?



( )1. Mr. Wu is____English teacher. We all like____.

A. our;he

B. us;him

C. our,him

D. us;he

( )2. ____new library is big and modern and we all like ____.





( )3.I have____new friends. ____are all very nice.

A. many; They

B. much; They

C. many ; The

D. much ; Them ( )4. Simon loves football. ____ is in the football team.

A. He

B. Him

C. Her

D. She

( )5. There____18 classrooms in our classroom building.





( )6. Let____ meet at the school gate at 9:00.

A. our

B. we

C. us

D. him

( )7. Lucy likes singing,so ____likes the____ lesson best.

A. she; music

B. her; music

C. she ; maths

D. her; maths

( )8.Our teachers____all very____.





( )9.lt____me an hour to get to school.





( )10.I____ Danieland this____Amy.





( )11. ____do you like best in your class?





( )12. Many boys are good at ____football.





( )13. My friend____ near our school.





( )14. We do not have a library,but we have a ____room.

A. read

B. reads

C. reading

D. to read

( )15.She____to school____bike.

A. go;on

B. goes;on

C. go,by

D. goes;by

( )16. Can you talk____your new school?

A. to

B. on

C. at

D. about

( )17. ____do you get to school?

A. What

B. How

C. Who

D. Which

( )18. It is a long way____my home to school.

A. from

B. for

C. between

D. behind

( )19. Her little son can read a lot of books when ____is only 5 years old.

A. him

B. he

C. she

D. her

( )20. Simon____a book from the library.

A. borrow

B. borrows

C. take

D. get



1.Simon is good at football.(改为同义句)

Simon plays football____ ____ .

2.Mr Wu wears a white shirt on the Open Day.(改为同义句)

Mr Wu____ ____ a white shirt on the Open Day.

3.Our classroom building has 18 classroom.(改为同义句)

____ ____ 18 classrooms in our classroom building.

4.They go to the library three times a week.(对划线部分提问)

____ ____ do they____ ____the library?

5.It takes Simon half an hour to get to school.(对划线部分提问)

____ ____does it ____Simon to get to school?

6.She goes to the library by bike.(对划线部分提问)

____ ____she____to the library?

7.Millie goes to school on foot every day.(改为一般疑问句)

____Millie ____to school on foot every day?

8.The reading room is clean and bright.(改为否定句)

The reading room____ ____ clean and bright.




Ming Ming and Lily are in the same(同一的)school, 1 they are not

in the same class. They go 2 school on weekdays(工作日 ,平时)._ 3

school,Ming Ming and Lily often play games with 4 friends.

Classes begin 5 eight in the morning. Now Ming Ming and Lily are in

their classrooms. They listen to their 6 .Ming Ming studies English in the

first class. His teacher talks 7 them in English.

Lily 8 a Chinese class. Her teacher talks 9 good articles(文

章). They study hard. They love their teachers and they like their l0 .

( )1. A. but B. or C. and D. then

( )2. A. at B. for C. to D. on

( )3. A. On B. From C. To D. At

( )4. A. his B. her C. your D. their

( )5. A. about B.in C. at D. on ( )6. A. friends B. father C. teacher D. teachers

( )7. A. with B. at C.in D. for

( )8. A. has B.listens C. gets D. sits

( )9. A. at B. about C. for D. with

( )10. A. home B. family C. school D. park



1. My new shirt____ (be) very nice.

2. Sandy____ (show) her mother around the new school.

3. Tim is in the football team and he is good at____ (play) football.

4. ____ (look) at the picture of my mother on the wall.

5. She____ (get) up at 6:00 in the morning.

6. It____(take) him 2 hours in the reading room every day.

7. You can____ (borrow) the interesting book from me.

8. The little boy likes____ (sing) very much.

9. Grandpa can't____ (hear) me well on the phone.

10. Sometimes Amy____ (help) me with my English.




My parents____and____my new school today.


Sunshine Middle School____ ____.


The teacher____ ____is our English teacher.


Simon is____ and ____


I like to____ ____my new classmates after class.


Our library is open____ 8:00 a.m. ____5:30 p.m.


____ ____classrooms are there at your school?


Peter____ his pencils and pens____ the book.


I'm not good at____,but I love____.


1 want to____ ____to Grandma.




American Schools

American schools begin in September after a long summer holiday. There are two terms in a school year. The first term is from September to January, and the second is from February to June. Most American children begin to go to school when they are five years old. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they finish high school.

High school students take only four or five subjects each term: They usually

go to the same classes every day,and they have homework for every class. After

class they do many interesting things.

After high school, many students go to college(大学). They can go to a

small one or a large one. They 'usually have to give a lot of money. So many

college students work after class to get the money for their studies.

( )1. How long is each term?

A. Two months.

B. Three months.

C. Four months.

D. Five months.

( )2. How old are the students when they graduate(毕业)from high school?

A. Five years old.

B. Seven or eight years old.

C. Seventeen or eighteen years old.

D. Twenty years old.

( )3. How many subjects do the high school students have each term?

A. Three or four.

B. Five or six.

C. Six or seven.

D. Four or five.

( )4.What do many of the high school students do after they graduate

according to(根据)this passage?

A. Many of them stay at home.

B. Many of them go to work.

C. Many of them go to college.

D. We don't know.

( )5.What do many college students do after class in America?

A. Many of them read books after class.

B. Many of them go to work to get money for their studies.

C. Many of them go to parties.

D. Many of them go out with their friends.


Now there is a popular(流行的 ,受欢迎的) club in many schools. lt's

the homework club.In the afternoon many students are at these clubs.

Students need a quiet(安静的)place to study. But games,computers and

TV are all around(在---周围)them at home. So the homework club is for them to

do their homework. The club is quiet and it's good for students to study. Some teachers are there,too.They can answers students'questions and help them with

their homework. After doing their homework,students can go home. Then they can

play games and watch TV.

( ) 6. Now the popular club in many schools is____.

A. the sports club

B. the music club

C. the homework club

D. the English club

( )7. The homework club is____ .

A. at school

B. at home

C. near the school

D. in the library

( )8. Homework club is a good place for the students____ .

A. to play games

B. to watch TV

C. to do their homework

D. to chat with their friends on the computer ( )9. There is a homework club in many schools____ .

A. because games, computers and TV are all around students at home

B. because students'parents are not at home.

C. because students like to be at school.

D. because students can play games and watch TV there.

( )10. ____answer questions and help students do their homework at the home- work club.

A. Many parents

B. Some parents

C.Many teachers D.Some teachers




高二英语阅读理解专项训练及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 The noise of chattering mouths subsided(平息) as the teacher entered classroom. “ Good morning class. I am Riffat Monaf, and I will be your geography teacher. Riffat” Monaf, an interesting name and an even more interesting person. Her introduction took place about six years ago, and since then I have never met a more influential person in my life. Mrs Monaf not only conquered me with her vast knowledge of geography, but also won me over with her smile and warm eyes. It was in her class that I traveled to the highest mountains and to the deepest seas from the comfort of the classroom. I learned about the vast oceans, the erupting volcanoes, the snow-capped mountains and the green valleys. She would often relate her adventures about traveling to different parts of the world. Never can I forget the glory of her face when she talks about how truly beautiful this world is. If I search back my love for the environment and geography, I find her to be the source of my love for preserving nature. If one day I became an environmentalist, I know that I'll thank her for it. Apart from this, she has always greeted me with open arms and she calls her students “ my children ”Mrs. Monaf's morals and values rubbed off me deeply and I have always taken her advice into consideration. She has been one of the most consistently good things in my life. Currently, she is fighting a battle against breast cancer, and it pains me to know that after all she has done for me; I can do nothing for her except pray. Whenever I see her in school, she still keeps that kind smile and an expression so soft that it trembles my heart. Mrs Monaf still talks enthusiastically about geography, and I know that I can never see what a truly great person she has been in my life. . (1) What can we learn from the second paragraph? A. The writer traveled a lot. B. Mrs Monaf was a learned person. C. The writer did well at school. D. Mrs Monaf enjoyed telling stories. (2) The underlined word“rubbed off” means. A. moved B. shocked C. influenced D. defeated (3) What do we know from the last paragraph? A. Mrs. Monaf was an optimistic person. B. Breast cancer made Mrs. Monaf upset. C. Another great person may appear in my life. D. Praying for Mrs. Monaf made the writer tremble. (4) What would be the best title for the passage? A. My Interesting School Life B. The Teacher-student Friendship C. An Influential Person in My Life D. Brave Fight Against Breast Cancer 【答案】(1) B (2) C (3) A (4) C 【解析】【分析】本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲述了生命中有影响力的人。


部编人教版三年级下册语文试题-阅读理解选择题专项训练2全国通用(含答案) 四年级的一天,我们学习新课《西门豹》。一开始,我还津津有味地听着,等分析课文时,我烦了,于是掏出笔画起插图中的西门豹来。正画得起劲,忽然伸来一只手,我心里一惊,抬头一看,杨老师正站在我身边。她抽起我画的图,夹在书里,继续上课。 下课了,杨老师让我上办公室。我忐忑不安地跟了进去。这时,她拿出我画的那幅画,递给我说:“画得不错,以后多练习,会有发展的。”我原以为杨老师会批评我不务正业呢!可是,她却语重心长地开导我:“要好好学习,只要多学一些基础知识,将来才能在美术事业上做出成就。”()她一句也没提上课发生的事情,但是我决心痛改前非。 从那以后,我上课就努力控制自己。因为我喜欢杨老师,所以也喜欢语文课。 25.“痛改前非”中“痛”的意思是() A.疼 B.彻底地 C.悲伤 D. 尽情地 26.“津津有味地”不可以与下列词搭配() A .听 B. 吃 C. 谈论 D. 笑 27.文中不能反映“我”的心情的词是() A. 烦了 B.心里一惊 C. 语重心长 D.忐忑不安 28.第二自然段的段意是() A.杨老师让我上办公室。我忐忑不安地跟了进去。 B.我原以为杨老师会批评我不务正业呢。 C.杨老师语重心长地开导“我”,“我”决心痛改前非。 D.杨老师认为我很有美术天分。 29.第二自然段的括号里应填() A.虽然 B. 居然 C. 竟然 D. 仍然 30.这篇短文表现的是() A .我上课不听讲。 B.杨老师循循善诱,是位好老师。 C. 我喜欢语文课。 D. 我特别喜欢画画。 答案: B D C C A B (七)掩盖过失的猫 有一只猫,总是把自己吹嘘得不得了,对自己的过失却百般掩盖。 它捕捉老鼠,老鼠逃跑了。于是,它就说:“我是看它太瘦,才放它的,等以后养肥了再说。” 它到河边捉鱼,被鲤鱼的尾巴劈脸打了一下。它装出笑脸说:“我本来就不想捉它——


A “You can use me as a last resort(选择), and if nobody else volunteers,then I will do it.” This was an actual reply from a parent after I put out a request for volunteers for my kids lacrosse(长曲棍球)club. I guess that there's probably some demanding work schedule, or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport. She may just need a little persuading. So I try again and tug at the heartstrings. I mention the single parent with four kids running the show and I talk about the dad coaching a team that his kids aren’t even on … At this point the unwilling parent speaks up,“Alright. Yes, I’ll do it.” I’m secretly relieved because I know there’s real power in sharing volunteer responsibilities among many. The unwilling parent organizes the meal schedule, sends out emails, and collects money for end-of-season gifts. Somewhere along the way, the same parent ends up becoming an invaluable member of the team. The coach is able to focus on the kids while the other parents are relieved to be off the hook for another season. Handing out sliced oranges to bloodthirsty kids can be as exciting as watching your own kid score a goal. Still, most of us volunteers breathe a sigh of relief when the season comes to a close. That relief is coupled with a deep understanding of why the same people keep coming back for more: Connecting to the community(社区)as you freely give your time, money, skills, or services


惠州市二年级下册语文课外阅读专项训练试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 亲爱的同学,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定学到不少知识,今天就让我们大显身手吧! 一、基础知识 (共14题;共213分) 1. (6分)阅读 书法家王羲之 王羲之是我国晋代著名书法家。他的书法艺术已达到了极高的境界,被称为“书圣”。王羲之的书法是怎样造就的呢? 王羲之出身于晋代的名门贵族家庭里,自幼喜爱书法,对功名看得很淡薄。他曾经临摹过好些书法家的字帖,并对他们的书法特点进行仔细研究。他还专门学习过汉朝书法家张芝的草书,很有心得体会。 王羲之不但善于学习历代书法的长处,而且经过刻苦研究,还独创了自己的书法艺术风格。他苦心琢磨字体的间隔、结构、笔画和气势,一有空就在自己的衣服上写字。天长日久,把衣服都划破了。后来,他到永嘉去做官,总在池边苦心练字。每次练字后,就在池里洗砚刷笔,把一池水全染成了黑色,人们称之为“墨池”。就这样,他终于在书法艺术上取得了辉煌的成就。 (1) 写出文中的过渡句。________。从过渡句中,可以看出王羲之书法艺术获得成功的两点原因是________;________。 (2) 从王羲之成功的事例中,你想起了“________”这句名言。 (3) 下面哪种说法是正确的? 文中第一自然段与全文最后一句的关系是_____ A . 总起分述

B . 先概括后具体 C . 首尾照应 D . 因果关系 2. (26分)读读下面的短文,并完成相关练习。雪 ①飘飘洒洒,纷纷扬扬,蹁(pián)跹(xiān)起舞,像鸟一样jí,像烟一样qīnɡ,像银一样白。亲吻着久别的大地,拥抱着可爱的故土。啊,北国的第一场雪。 ②一别七个月,这二百多天的时间你到哪里去了呢?噢,你化作晨霜,化作雨滴,化作晨雾……牺牲了自己,zīrùn着大地。如今,你又穿上了洁白的羽shanɡ_______。娉(pīnɡ)娉婷(tínɡ)婷,袅(niǎo)袅娜(nuó)娜,来到了人间,来到了祖国的北方。 ③北方的亲人啊,哪一个不对你思之情深?“____________________”在冰封大地的_______中,在寒风刺骨的_______中,在数九lónɡ冬的_______中,只有你点zhuì了美丽的北国风光。 ④我欣赏这一望无垠的广袤(mào),洁白千里的冷峻,银光shǎn shuò的热烈。当太阳升起的时候,雪野中托起一片金辉,大地一片光明,晶莹如玉,洁白无瑕! ⑤然而我更喜爱山区的雪,在那里奇峰叠嶂(zhànɡ),xiānɡ银点翠,那山,那岭,那树,那林都着上了银装,分外妖娆(ráo)。于巍峨(é)中见清秀,于险峻中见超逸(yì),站在银峰之巅(diān),眺(tiào)望浩瀚(hàn)的雪海,你会马上被自然创造的奇迹迷住,为之táo zuì。 ⑥“__________________________”,当积雪覆盖着冬麦的苗娃儿们的时候,谁不看见那积雪蓦(mò)地变成了一片金黄?在第一次暖流漫过来的时候,你悄悄地隐去了,但随后涌起的却是无边的碧波。难怪人们盼你。 ⑦啊,雪! (1)在文中田字格里写上正确的汉字。 jíqīnɡzīrùn shanɡlónɡ ________________________________________ zhuìshǎn shuòxiānɡtáo zuì ________________________________ (2)文中出现很多生字,这些生字按音序排列先后顺序正确的一组是()

2019统编版【句子专项】(含答案)三年级下册语文专项练习试题 (2)

句子归类训练(部编版版三年级下册) 一、我会选一选。 1.下列各句是比喻句的是() A.老师的话仿佛一束温暖的阳光直射我的心田。 B.草地上盛开着各种各样的野花,红的、白的、黄的、紫的,真像个美丽的大花坛。 C.它不会像狗一样叫,不会像猫一样叫,也不会像牛那样哞哞叫,更不会像马那样嘶鸣。 2.下列句子,关联词使用正确的一项是() A.但我还是想,父亲会给我做一个,只要能透出亮就行。 B. 因为他近视,就没有发现漏刮了一根胡子。 C. 哪怕是一只夜莺,他们就会给打下来。 D.如果从前没干过这一行,但是我好像有剃头的天分。 3.下面各组句子中使用的修辞手法一致的是() A.我喜欢春雨,它在树林里演奏,在大地上播种。 蒲公英的叶子像一把锋利的刀。 B. 从树洞里探出一个两颊上有黑斑的小脑袋,尖叫道:“他在哪儿?”“在那边。” 我想:老师会说什么呢?以前,老师们总是说“天是蓝色的”,或是“你有没有一双新鞋”,等等。 C. 那雪,就如白玉,铺满了大地,让你感觉来到了天界。 这时候,窗外十分安静,好像都在听同学们读课文。 4.下面的名言警句与出处及作者对应错误的是() A.见善则迁。有过则改---《周易》 B.过而不改,是谓过矣。-----《论语》 C.人谁无过?过而能改,善莫大焉。——《孟子》 D.改过不吝,从善如流。——苏轼 5.下面句子中不是拟人句的是() A.所有的鼓都敲起来了,敲在小伞上,敲在地面上,好像地球就是一面鼓。 B.飞流直下三千尺,疑是银河落九天。 C.海浪仿佛是一个顽皮的孩子,在沙滩上乱蹦乱跳。 D.微笑是一朵永不凋零的花。 二、照样子写句子。 (一)例:小华拿出作业本。 小华开始做作业。 小华出作业本开始做作业。


五年英语上阅读专项训练2 1.阅读短文,根据短文内容回答下列问题。 Hello! My name is Tom . I like English very much . My favourite food are beef , eggplant and tofu . I’m very helpful . I can do the dishes , set the table and water the flowers . Today is Saturday . I often read books , do my homework and watch TV on weekend . My home is near a river . There are some mountains behind my house . There is a road in front of my house . You can see two bridges over it . Welcome to my home! 1.What is Tom’s favourite food ? 2.What can Tom do at home ? 3.What dose Tom do on weekend ? 4.Where is Tom’s home ? 5.What’s in front of Tom’s house ? 2.阅读理解 Hello , I’m Jim . This is my room . Near the window there is a desk . I often do my homework with it . You can see some books , some flowers in a vase , a ruler and a pen on the desk . On the wall near the desk there is a picture of a cat . There is a clock on the end table . I usually put my football under my bed . Of course , there is a chair in front of the desk . I sit there and I can see the trees and roads outside . ( ) 1. What can you see on Jim’s desk? A. Some books . B. Some flowers C. A ruler and a pen . D. A , B and C . ( ) 2. Where is the picture ? It’s . A. on the desk B. on the wall C. above the end of the bed D. under the bed ( ) 3. What’s under the bed ? A. A ruler B. A football C. A cat D. A clock ( ) 4. Are there any trees outside ? A. Yes , they are . B. Yes ,there are C. No , they aren’t D. No , there aren’t ( ) 5. Can you see some flowers in Jim’s room ? A. Yes , I can B. Yes , I am C. Yes , I can’t D. Yes , there are 3.阅读短文,判断下列句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的在括号里“√”,不相符的画“×”。Hello , my name is Deng Ming . I am an active boy . My favourite food are potatoes . They are healthy . I am helpful at home . I can cok the meals and clean the bedroom . I often sweep the floor on Saturdays . I play computer on Sunday . I have a big bedroom . There is a bed , an end table , a desk , a computer and a shelf in my room . There are many books on the shelf . There is a river and many trees near my house . I like my village very much . ( ) 1. Ding Ming is active . ( ) 2. Deng Ming likes potatoes very much . ( ) 3. Deng Ming can use a computer . ( ) 4. There are many trees near Deng Ming ‘s house .


浙江省湖州市二年级下册语文课外阅读专项训练试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 亲爱的同学,经过一段时间的学习,你们一定学到不少知识,今天就让我们大显身手吧! 一、基础知识 (共14题;共187分) 1. (16分) (2017三上·未央期末) 阅读下文,回答问题 找珍珠 荷花妹妹有三颗晶莹的珍珠,它可喜欢啦!轻风一吹,荷叶一摆,“叮咚”一声,一颗珍珠滑下河,溅起了一朵小水花。 小河见了,掀着细细的浪花,帮着荷花妹妹找珍珠。小河没找着,便请小鱼帮忙。小鱼潜到水底找呀找,还是没找着。太阳出来了,荷花妹妹请太阳公公帮忙找,太阳公公眯着眼说:“先让我瞧瞧珍珠是啥模样!”荷花妹妹把另外两颗珍珠给太阳公公瞧瞧,奇怪,冒了一阵气儿,珍珠不见了,荷花妹妹哭了。太阳公公不知道怎么回事,觉得很对不起荷花妹妹,就让月亮帮着找。月亮笑着说“不用找,珍珠会回来的:,”天黑黑,夜凉凉。珍珠回来了,荷花妹妹笑了。荷花妹妹高兴地说__谢谢月亮__您把我的珍珠送回来了__我一定不让珍珠再丢失__月亮笑着说:“你的话不对!其实,珍珠实际上是露珠,白天太阳一晒就变成水汽,蒸发不见了;晚上,月亮出来,气温较低,水汽凝结又变成了露珠。” (1)在方框内填上合适的标点。 荷花妹妹高兴地说________谢谢月亮________您把我的珍珠送回来了________我一定不让珍珠再丢失________ (2)荷花妹妹分别请了________、________、________、________来帮忙找珍珠,结果________找到了。 (3)荷花妹妹的珍珠是________。 (4)太阳找不着珍珠是因为________。 (5)露珠是怎样形成的呢?


高考英语阅读理解训练二 Passage 1 Anyone who cares about what schools and colleges teach and how their students learn will be interested in the memoir (回忆录)of Ralph W. Tyler, who is one of the most famous men in American education. Born in Chicago in 1902, brought up and schooled in Nebraska, the 19-year-old college graduate Ralph Tyler became hooked on teaching while teaching as a science teacher in South Dakota and changed his major from medicine to education. Graduate work at the University of Chicago found him connected with honorable educators Charles Judd and W. W. Charters, whose ideas of teaching and testing had an effect on his later work. In 1927, he became a teacher of Ohio State University where he further developed a new method of testing. Tyler became well-known nationally in 1938, when he carried his work with the Eight-Year Study from Ohio State University to the University of Chicago at the invitation of Robert Hutchins. Tyler was the first director of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, a position he held for fourteen years. There, he firmly believed that researchers should be free to seek an independent (独立的)spirit in their work. Although Tyler officially retired in 1967, he never actually retired. He served on a long list of educational organizations in the United States and abroad. Even in his 80s he traveled across the country to advise teachers and management people on how to set objectives (目标)that develop the best teaching and learning within their schools. 1. Who are most probably interested in Ralph W. Tyler's memoir? A. Top managers. B. Language learners. C. Serious educators. D. Science organizations. 2. The words “hooked on teaching” underlined in paragraph 2 probably mean ______. A. attracted to teaching B. tired of teaching C. satisfied with teaching D. unhappy about teaching 3. Where did Tyler work as the leader of a research center for over 10 years? A. The University of Chicago. B. Stanford University. C. Ohio State University. D. Nebraska University. 4. Tyler is said to have never actually retired because ______. A. he developed a new method of testing B. he called for free spirit in research C. he was still active in giving advice D. he still led the Eight-Year Study Passage 2 Money with no strings attached. It's not something you see every day. But at Union Station in Los Angeles last month, a board went up with dollar bills attached to it with


部编版二年级下语文期末阅读专项训练(一) 一、阅读短文,完成练习。 小猴比本领 动物运动会上,小猴荣获爬杆冠(guàn)军。小猴一会儿拍拍小松鼠的肩膀,一会儿向小白兔眨(zhǎ)眨眼睛,意思是:瞧,我的本领多大呀! 这时,路边有一位姑娘喊道:“小猴,你说你的本领大,这里有根竹竿,你来爬爬看!”小猴子这才注意到,在那位姑娘的旁边,有根像筷子一样细的竹竿。小猴皱(zhòu)皱眉头说:“这么细的竹竿,我可不行。” 那姑娘笑着说:“看我的吧!”只见她慢慢地绕在竹竿上往上爬,越爬越高。小猴觉得这位姑娘好厉害。 小白兔向小猴子介绍说:“这位姑娘叫牵牛花。” 小猴红着脸说:“_________________” 1.短文有( )个自然段。第( )自然段写路边的一位姑娘让小猴爬细细的( ),小猴说自己做不到。 2.短文中的“姑娘”是____。 3.选择正确答案。 (1)小猴为什么一会儿拍小松鼠的肩膀,一会儿向小白兔眨眼睛?( ) ①小猴很淘气。②小猴心里很得意:瞧,我的本领多大! (2)为什么小猴认为这个姑娘很厉害呢?( ) ①她会跳舞。②她能在筷子一样细的竹竿上表演爬杆。 4.小猴红着脸说了什么?请你展开想象,写在文中的横线上。 二、阅读短文,完成练习。 有一种生活在海洋里的动物,它是一种不能骑的“马”,叫海马。 海马的名字源于它酷似马的头部。有趣的是,它同我国古代传说中的龙十分相像,不过它确实属于鱼类。它的背鳍(qí)长在身体下部,胸鳍位于鳃(sāi)旁边的头部,同鲑(guī)鱼、金枪鱼一样,属于鱼类中硬骨鱼一族。海马喜欢待在海草铺成的绿床和珊瑚礁中,因为它们能使海马轻松藏匿(nì)在植被之中不被捕食者发觉。海马没有牙齿,也没有胃,但它却是一种贪吃的肉食动物。另外,海马在搜寻猎物时,两只眼睛可以独立活动,互不干扰。海马的游泳姿势也很有


2015-2016年度高二英语阅读限时训练(30分钟) (一) 完形填空 Allow me to introduce myself: I am the last man in America who has time. If you should come 1 me on the street, I would have time to chat with you. If you invited me to dinner, I would be on time and do my bit as a(n) 2 conversationalist at your table. But the problem of having time, when 3 else seems to, is that I have become a sort of island, or isolated planet, with little 4 to my surroundings. When did people become so busy? Sometimes I 5 it on the computer, or ―smart‖  phones, for it has been creating desires that can never be 6 , no matter how continuously we hit the keyboard or the screen. They have become a time sink, absorbing our moments 7 a black hole absorbs light. The 8 to fill every moment with activity has been called the ―American sickness‖. For example, I met a friend and asked, ―Ho Checking his watch, he just gave the inevitable(必然的) answer you?‖  he yelled 9 his shoulders. ―Busy‖. ―I should have time in June‖, ―But this is still March.‖ I sighed. Maybe my problem, then, is that I am looking back on too good a 10 . I came of an age when walking was just walking, with no 11 destination in mind. I am also missing evenings lying on the sofa, reading. All of these relaxations gave me the 12 of time to stop for a while if I met a friend. I find that I 13 what Socrates once said: ―Be aware of the barrenness (uselessness) of life‖ and I am even willing to take part in the so-called Slow Movement, which advocates(提倡) a cultural 14 15 that it would take me to slowing down life‘s pace. But I hesitate, too much time. 1. A. across B. after C. over D. for 2. A. persuasive B. quiet C. cheerful D. innocent 3. A. somebody B. anybody C. nobody D. everybody 4. A. importance B. connection C. advantage D. escape 5. A. blame B. put C. depend D. set 6. A. hidden B. expressed C. understood D. satisfied 7. A. as if B. just as C. even if D. such as 8. A. urge B. effort C. ability D. behavior

二年级下册语文试题-期末阅读专项训练二(含答案)人教部编版 (1)

部编版二年级下语文期末阅读专项训练(二) 一、阅读短文,完成练习。 一根羽毛也不能动(节选) 一只蜜蜂飞来了,鹅一动不动地站着,鸭子也是。 这时候,又来了一只狐狸。鸭子从眼角瞄(miáo)了鹅一眼,鹅还是没有动。鸭子想,那我也不动。 狐狸把鸭子和鹅()进他的大麻袋里。回到家后,狐狸将鸭子和鹅从袋子里取出来,并排放在地上。他开始()一大锅水。 鹅一动也没动,也没发出声音,就连一根羽毛都没有动一下。鸭子也一样。 狐狸把鹅拎(līn)到锅边。鸭子想,现在鹅该动了吧。但是鹅没有。狐狸把鹅高高()起来:“进去吧!”“嘎(gā)——不要煮我的朋友!”鸭子咬住狐狸的尾巴,接着又紧咬狐狸的鼻(bí)子。 狐狸急忙()下鹅,跑到树林里去了。鸭子叹了一口气,说:“好吧,鹅,我想你赢(yíng)了‘木头人’的比赛了。” “也许吧,”鹅说,“但是你,鸭子,你才是真正的冠(guàn)军。” 1.文中的括号里填哪个词合适?选一选。(每个词只能用一次) ①丢②装③烧④举 2.选文中写了鹅在哪些情况下一动不动?在括号里画“√”。 ①蜜蜂飞来时()②一阵大风吹过时() ③被狐狸放进麻袋时()④一群兔子跑过来玩耍时() ⑤被狐狸拎到锅边时()⑥被狐狸扔进锅里时() 3.鹅和鸭子站着一动不动,是因为他们在进行“”的比赛,最后是_

先动了。鸭子咬狐狸的尾巴、鼻子是为了。 4.“冠军”是什么意思?鹅为什么说鸭子才是真正的冠军呢? 二、阅读短文,完成练习。 三个和尚(shàng) 传说古时候,一个小和尚来到山上的一座庙(miào)里。开始,小和尚勤快地挑水,不但自己够喝,他还给寺庙中的花草浇水。不久,来了一个瘦和尚。他与小和尚因为挑水的问题发生了争执(zhí),他们谁也不愿意吃亏(kuī),于是,两人商量一起抬水。后来,又来了一个胖和尚。三个和尚都要喝水,但谁都不愿意多挑水。没过几天水缸就见底了。寺庙中的花草也因为没水,开始枯萎(wěi)了。 一天夜里,三个和尚都在打盹(dǔn)儿的时候,一根正在燃烧的蜡烛掉在了香案上,寺庙起火了。危机之中,三个和尚争先恐后地挑水救火,大火很快就被扑灭了。 大火过后,三个和尚似乎明白了什么。从此,水缸里的水常常是满的,寺庙中的花草也恢复了生机。 1.短文共有()个自然段,第()自然段写和尚之间发生了争吵。 2.第一自然段是按______顺序写的。文中表示这个顺序的词语 是、、。 3.朗读短文的最后一个自然段中的最后一句话,最适合的语气是() A.难过B.赞扬C.平静D.骄傲 4.判断下面句子的说法是否正确,正确的打“√”,错误的打“×”。


41. I guess Professor Wang hasn't finished grading the papers yet. If he had, he would not keep us in ___A___. A) suspense B) trouble C) doubt D) wonder 42. John remarked after the meeting that the speaker was a woman of ___D___ wit. A) emotional B) accurate C) excellent D) exceptional 43. "Are you worried about your son being alone in a strange country?" " ___C___. I'm sure he'll manage fine." A) By all means B) Of course C) Not in the least D) No wonder 44. The plot of the novel ___A___ the economic development of the village. A) evolves with B) emerges from C) blends with D) attaches to 45. The decision to quit school at that young age is, ___C___, the most stupid thing I have ever done. A) at times B) at first sight C) in retrospect D) by comparison 46. At the conference yesterday, our differences were further ___A___. The next step is to work out a solution acceptable to both sides. A) narrowed down B) cooled down C) driven home D) brought about 47. Brian cheated in the last math exam, so he thought he could ___B___ it again this time, but he was wrong. A) get rid of B) get away with C) avoid being caught D) mess around with 48. This child is a born mathematician. He loves mathematics ___C___ he will spend a whole day solving mathematical problems without remembering to have meals. A) and so B) to the extent that C) so much so that D) so much that 49. As a cleaning woman, her ___B___ duties include cleaning the desks and mopping the floor. A) continuous B) routine C) initial D) constant 50. Even ___B___what you said about his personal life is true, it is irrelevant to his qualifications as a software engineer. A) knowing B) assuming C) recognizing D) acknowledging 51. Bonuses are meant to ___D___ hard work and outstanding performance. This means that not all workers are entitled to them. A) restore B) grab C) push D) reward 52. As a senior student, you are supposed to know better than just ___B___until the examination time. A) fooled around B) to fool around C) having fooled around D) to have fooled around 53. The president of the automobile company said that short-term profit is not at the top of the company's ___B___list. Their major concern at present is developing a more competitive model. A) interest B) priority C) assignment D) job 54. In the ten years Jack has been with us, I think he has proved that he ___D___ respect from everyone of us. A) qualifies B) expects C) reserves D) deserves 55. He has been ___D___ since he was appointed as president of the university last year.

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